EMPEREUR CHARLES V 1500/1558 Héritier des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne, Héritier de 17 couronnes

info@la-melanine-une-benediction.com In Englishwww.melanin-a-blessing.com
The purpose of this site is to bring black people to self-awareness, to realize that with Africa cradle of humanity,(Africa)they are at the origin of all inventions: inventions -in all fields ofknowledge, as far back as one can trace- monopolized, copied and improved by the leucodermas who usurped them and declared themselves their inventors. Since High Antiquity, blacks have been the inventors of culture: arts, sciences, maths, philosophy, music, religion, engineering, medicine, surgery, astronomy, navigation etc... before whites stripped them of them and falsified them at their advantage. All science is related to Egypt which was a country populated by blacks.It is thanks to this black pigment present in abundance in their brain: neuromelanin,that black had and has this high capacity for creation, invention at all levels.
This site reveals the horrors and monstrosities put in place by the whites in order to degrade and reduce the blacks to the lowest level to justify their stripping, because the deficiency of the whites in this neuromelanin pigment did not allow them to equal the blacks. But neverthelessfor blacks, the purpose of this site is to be informed about them and their opponents: whites in order to be able get up and react, feel proud of themselves, grateful for their neuromelaninand their melanin, no longer allowing themselves to be reduced, degrading but having a win-win relationship in their relations with white people, no longer having this win-lose relationship which has always prevailed and continues to prevail ; the eternal winning the white, the eternal losing the black.Fueling resentment and anger towards them puts us in a losing position and has harmful effects on our health. We blacks must be diplomatic and lucidly seek our true interests in win-win relationships with leucodermas without bringing out resentment.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Watch out, the wheel is turning, the West is in decline, the world is heading towards multipolarity. I'Africacontinent holding all the wealth of the planet, continent that does not know natural disasters,has its major role to play.Besides that our economic relations must be win-win with all our partners including Russia, China; before signing any partnership with any Western country (especially France), we must demand from them a written and signed commitment to reparations for all crimes (blood, looting, etc.) committed against us , because they have the blood of millions of Africans on their hands. We must also set up our own International Criminal Court to try all those Western criminals who abused us without mercy.We will be globally respected the day we command and inspire respect.
Dear visitors,see for yourself! : my videos are often deactivated, although very active on you tube, my visit counter had been removed (I put it back), as well as certain images. Would revealed truths bother?Recommend this site to those around you

Read the book ''Les Noirs 1ers Européens''
Sold by theTamery bookstorein Paris. General Library Guadeloupe The true history of blacks in Europe. 5th edition
" The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims. Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to SimobornWeil pp53
-There are two Histories: the official, lying history that is taught; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history "(Honoré de Balzac, writer)
We Blacks MUST KNOW that we have been victims since the 18th century by the leucodermas (the whites) of the most vast and monstrous impersonation of our kings, queens and famous people of Europe, that history has ever known. We are also victims of the greatest and diabolical falsification of history ever carried out. The leucodermas have done this diabolical work of make-up and crime with the help of their globally present secret societies.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Albinism is a genetic disease characterized by insufficient production of the pigment that colors the skin, eyes, body hair and hair. The term albinism derives from the Latin word “albus” which means white.
Anteriority of the black race over the white race
Leucodermas carefully hide their origins. When they talk about the origin of man they say that Homo sapiens came from Africa and was black, all their archaeological research proves that the first inhabitants of the planet were black, but they give no explanation of their presence on this planet, how did they come and when. Termsdominating black(hair and eye color ranging from the lightest brown to black, a sign of the presence of melanin in their hair and their eyes, therefore signs of black ancestors because melanin is a pigment that belongs to the black race),melaninare covered with a veritable omerta by them; these subjects are carefully avoided because they are the flagrant, formal, indelible proof of black ancestors in them and therefore of the past presence of blacks in Europe. Blacks, let's not forget that they exterminated and sent them into slavery in North America after having totally stripped them of their lands and titles of nobility, to then proceed to impersonate this black nobility and falsify radical and deep in the history of France and Europe. All this was done thanks to their globally present secret societies and their total and absolute control over all the media so that the truth never gets out and that black people are rejected, despised and totally annihilated following the work of total denigration black that they undertook and continue to this day. This hermetic silence on their origins is more than suspect and is indeed the proof of origins that would not do them honor and on which they want to keep a total, absolute silence.
Black people arrived from East Africa in Europe at the end of the melting ice 45,000 BC after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar south of Spain; the white race did not yet exist. Indeed, according to the excavations carried out by the leucodermas (the whites), the oldest leucoderma skeleton dates from 2800 years BC and was found in Central Asia. No ancient leucoderma skeleton has been found in Europe, all the ancient bones recovered in Europe, according to archaeological excavations, had Negroid characters according to the leucoderma authors of these excavations.
The white race would have 2 origins:The first in Africawhere she is the offspring of 2 blacks giving an albino child (white); Rejected by their black parents who did not understand the defect of their offspring, they formed communities of albinos which by reproducing among themselves formed in Africa colonies of albinos which rose in the Caucasus in Central Asia in order to escape the fiery equatorial sun. (Cress Welsing: Isis papers).
-White-skinned people appeared thousands of years ago as the offspring of mutant albinos from black-skinned mothers and fathers in Africa. A considerable number of these black parents produced, rejected and then chased their genetically defective albino offspring from the community to make them disappear from the normal black-pigmented population. There were colonies of albinos formed which eventually migrated north into Europe, to escape the intensity of the equatorial sun in the southern hemisphere (Isis papers: Welsing). Albinos have preserved an ancestral hatred towards blacks, certainly due to this rejection and expressed in their songs.
The ostracization of albinos during biblical times is the only logical explanation for the birth of the white race. The colonies of albinos produced more and more albinos until the race of albinos called white race.
The 2nd origin(white skin, blond or red hair and blue eyes: signs of total absence of melanin) is recent, it would date from less than 8000 years and according to ancient Egyptian writings (papyrus), it would result from a very long process of reproductions transplants called transplants done by a black biologist named Yakub (Jacob). He would have deactivated the gene of the black race (the gene which produces the melanin pigment) in order to obtain, through this long process of transplants, an individual totally devoid of melanin, with white, blond or red skin, blue eyes, Caucasian or albino origin and with aggressive leadership behavior; he would have predicted that this race would die out after 6000 years; Indeed, the blonde with blue eyes is very seriously on the way to extinction. According to the UN, the world population in 2100 will be mainly brown to black and Africans will represent 40%.
What is albinism?
Albinism is an inherited genetic disease that reduces the amount of melanin pigment formed in the skin, hair and/or eyes. Albinism occurs in all racial and ethnic groups around the world;
The origin of the appearance of the "albino gene"
The character “albinism” corresponds to a gene having undergone the process of mutation and, which is therefore different from the ancestral gene.A mutation is most often linked to errors in DNA replication. The others are "typographical" errors: one letter in place of another, an omitted word, an inverted word. These are gene mutations that is to say affecting the nucleotide sequence of the gene.This type of mutation is responsible for hereditary diseases and therefore would be at the origin of the appearance of “the albino gene”.
Deficient gene from the father
healthy gene from the father
Deficient gene from the mother
albino child
Child carrying the gene but not sick
healthy gene from the mother
Child carrying the gene but not sick
healthy child
"Scientifically speaking, leucoderma biologists say that white skin results from climate adaptation, but let's pay close attention to this for a minute. When we think of an adaptation to something, we think of acquiring physical characteristics and advantages that would allow us to survive the environment. Let's understand what white skin means biologically and genetically. White skin does not meet the criteria for climatic adaptations (a major disadvantage is that it reflects the sun and therefore does not allow the vitamin D and calcium essential for bone comfort and immune resistance to constitute).
Scientists also write that white skin is an adaptation to cold northern climates. Populations with brown skin, broad and flat noses such as the Inuit in northern Canada, the Eskimos in the North Pole, Mongol populations in Siberia have suffered since their existence in these regions (more than 70,000 years),_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ polar temperatures without this having any effect on whitening their melanin skin.
Lack of melanin has been shown to be non-beneficial and detrimental in cold climates, technically melanin has thermoregulatory properties in that it absorbs all forms of heat and energy and can allow a person to warm up faster after getting out of the cold and staying longer in a cold environment, white skin does not because it has no melanin and reflects the sun. In the wild, the polar bear's skin (white) is black to absorb as much heat and light as possible to keep the arctic animal warm in its environment.

Mongolian: Black The cold did not whiten him

Nenet woman living in the polar region with her white child. The cold did not whiten her

Inhabitants of Tibet: very cold country, not bleached by the cold

In the wild, the polar bear's skin (white) is black to absorb as much heat and light as possible to keep the arctic animal warm in its environment.

Black Mongolian, not bleached by the cold

Habitant du Népal, pays très cold: not cold bleached

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Inhabitant of a very cold country: not bleached by the cold

Tibetan: Black
The human adaptation which consists in saying that the black skins of Africans who migrated about 45,000 years ago to Europe have become white under the effects of the cold and not very sunny climate of European countries remains an insufficiently studied part of climate and climate change. . Caucasian scientists tried unsuccessfully for years to prove that the environment was responsible for modifying heredity.
Scientific studies done by Caucasians have reported that people are dark because they live near the equator -. So what about the brown skin of humanity that lives furthest from the equator – the Arctic? Also, the nose shape of Eskimos does not work to explain temperature dependencies. Wide, flat noses would be more beneficial in hot environments according to these studies.
Other scientific claims claim white skin to aid in the metabolization of vitamin D, however, melanin has been determined to be necessary for the efficient metabolism of vitamin D and calcium. Since white skin reflects sunlight, the main source of vitamin D, failure to absorb sufficient amounts of sunlight in turn leads to loss of calcium from bones; consequent depletion of bone density which makes Caucasians susceptible to osteoporosis.
This defect in metabolizing vitamin D and calcium makes whites more susceptible to kidney stones than any other breed. The depletion of bone mass is responsible for their low bone density.It is widely believed that black people have the strongest bones of all people, from infancy to old age.Whites are also the most susceptible to kidney stones composed of calcium oxylate. It's a well-known fact that the sun causes skin cancer in white people more than any other people on this Earth, but many people don't realize that the sun also sterilizes white people. The lack of melanin or pigment makes white people vulnerable to photolysis: photolysis is a breakdown of chemical bonds due to the radiant energy of light (so also the sun). This is the real reason behind the low Caucasian birth rates.
The breakdown of folate or folic acid in the blood is essential for cell replication and reproduction. The fertility problems experienced are not behavioral but biological and do not seem to be able to be controlled. Folate levels drop by up to 50% when whites are exposed to sunlight, and even those from tanning salons. -Vitamin B9 orfolic acid(also called folate)Eastessential for cell renewal as well as for the development of the fetus in the event of pregnancy.
Genetically deficient genes provide ABSOLUTELY NO benefit in the wild, in tropical climates, temperate climates OR cold northern climates.
Black people, as the original genetic template, are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet. Whites are albinos (recessive genetic abnormalities) and other ethnicities are just mixtures(23).
The other thesis which is solid and rests on foundations which cannot be contradicted is that the white skin comes from a genetic mutation.
“''I am convinced that awhite skin is not natural for menand that by nature he has black or brown skin like our ancestors, the Hindus, and that the white man was never created by nature and therefore there is no race of white...''.METAPHYSICS OF SEXUAL LOVE by Arthur Schopenhauer. » white german philosopher(1788 1860)(24)
"Orthodox history is a lie and must be put in its proper perspective. The veil of white supremacy has caused us to lose sight of the truths of world history and who we are as black people in relation to everyone else on the planet. Many white people believe that they are not only the ancestors of civilization, but also the ancestors of humanity. Our ancient heroes and saviors have been whitewashed. The world believes that everyone on Earth who is not white is primitive and uncivilized.
First, we need to understand what white skin really means and who white people really are. In short White people are mutated inbred albinos. Science and everyday observation tell us that white people have a very low tolerance for the sun. Too much sun and they get “sunburn”. If it goes on too long, they develop skin cancer. But the Sun is the source of energy not only for the Earth, but for the whole solar system, all the galaxies in the Universe need sun. Plants need the sun to grow, humans need the sun to be healthy, even the weather depends on the sun. So how could a naturally evolved human on planet Earth not “tolerate” the sun well? In fact, “naturally evolved humans” tolerate the sun very well. They do this with the “melanin” that their bodies produce in their skin to protect them from the Sun's harmful rays – They are the black and brown people of the Earth. People without melanin, or with small amounts of melanin are albinos. » (25)
This makes us understand that this lack of melanin in the leucoderma is not natural, therefore this breed was not made naturally and does not fall within the framework of nature. All this explains his aggressiveness, his lack of sensitivity, spirituality, respect, consideration towards a nature which provides him with all the essential elements for his subsistence but towards which he shows the greatest ingratitude and the deepest contempt. because he destroys it every day without scruples in order to serve his material interests.
Albinos cannot endure either the sun or thirst.
How could he work in the fields - except in the northern regions without being scorched by the sun?
Only one way: to force a “pigmented” person to do it for them! Here is the reason for slavery!

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Sunburn

Skin cancer following prolonged exposure to the sun

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Slavery
Genetic proof that Europeans are albinos
White skin has been clearly shown to be a sign of albinism. Scientifically, albinism is a genetic defect.
Recessive genes (ALLELE) cannot reproduce anything other than another recessive gene! In the presence of a recessive gene, the dominant gene dominates the recessive because the recessive gene produces a protein which, in turn, yields little or no end product. Through powerful propaganda and indoctrination, we have completely forgotten what it means to have white skin. We have been cleverly tricked into believing that white skin is the anthropological model of humanity. However, research paints a picture of white skin that is just the antithesis of what we have been brainwashed to believe.
Recently, in 2005, a major molecular cause of this skin color change was discovered in Europeans. Specifically, the SLC24A5 gene appears to be critical for the production of melanin, the predominant dark pigment in skin and hair. ...100 percent of Europeans have a mutation in the SLC24A5 gene that impairs protein function..-.The SLC 24A5 gene was identified in 2005 by Dr. Keith Cheng, a geneticist from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, USA-. Asians share the fully functional version of SLC24A5, but have acquired mutations in other genes that result in lighter skin while retaining black hair [Francis Collins, The Language of Life (NY: Harper, 2010), p 150 ]. "
Just as SLC24A5 is a gene denoting albinism, so is SLC45A2, an albino gene that causes skin cancer in whites following prolonged exposure to the sun.

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The white man believes he created mankind

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Albino children

Albino man (south india) looks like white people

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Dravidian Albinos (South India)

Seriously sunburned albino child (South India)

Dravidian Indian (South Indian)
The subject of albinism has demanded much attention because the Europeans are largely the Albino descendants of the native Dravidians (Black Indians of southern India) who separated from India and went to Central Asia in the Caucasus several thousand years ago in search of a milder climate. But the Europeans staunchly refuse to admit it, even if this obvious conclusion is supported by a simple observation - They look exactly alike - except for the color of the skin. And modern "Dravidian albinos" are indistinguishable from Europeans. Combine that with the genetic data, and there's no question they're the same people. Furthermore, according to DNA analyzes made by the Italian geneticist Cavalli-Sforza, a specialist in population genetics, it was discovered that they are identical (like 2 peas in the same pod); in the human family they find themselves alone: The only difference is that one group is pigmented and the other is not! One group is Albino, the other is not!
Confirmation that the white (Caucasian) race is derived from Dravidian albinos, is documented in the results of genetic analysis ofthe haplogroupY-DNA"R".
Haplogroup R is common throughout Europe, western Asia, and the Indian subcontinent, and among those whose ancestry comes from these regions. It also occurs in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.
Europeans are not solely derived from Dravidian albinos or "R" haplogroups:European albinos are also partly albinos of Africans carrying haplogroups I, E and J, among others.»26
What is a haplogroup?
Why is knowing them important for tracing over generations? Your HAPLOGROUP reveals your ORIGINAL PEOPLE, 10, 20, 30 or 40,000 years ago!
It's a genetic marker. present in DNA; haplogoups retain their origin and characteristics over generations. They make it possible to find the common origins of populations even if they live several thousand kilometers from each other. Indeed, the same haplogroup present in the DNA of different individuals (and sometimes living several thousand kilometers from each other) indicates that they have a common ancestor. Your HAPLOGROUP reveals your ORIGINAL PEOPLE, it 10, 20, 30 or 40,000 years ago! Identifying haplogroups among all populations helps to find common origins.
“There is a modern white European Y-DNA chart that clearly shows that there are no unique 'white' haplogroups; rather, all white DNA is derived from black haplogroups.
As the evidence clearly indicates, ALL human beings are African, which is why all human genetics (DNA) is African. Logically, ALL human haplogroups MUST be found in Africa! And they are, despite the obscurations caused by the Albinos, in order to support their false view of themselves and their fictional history. “(27)

Haplogroup R. Europeans mostly belong to haplogroup R (South Indian origin)

Dravidian Indian (South Indian) resembles whites except for skin color. Caucasian phenotype

Tsar Nicholas 2 of Russia. DNA tests identifying his body revealed that he belonged to haplogroup R1 b1.
Most people with albinism have white skin and blue eyes (type OCA2) and some have hazel or brown eyes. There are different types of albinism and the amount of pigment in the eyes varies. It is the more or less great transparency of the iris to which is added the presence of the blood vessels of the eye which will determine the color of the eyes.Blue eyes are due to the absence of melanin in the iris, this eye color is sensitive to light.
There are two main types of OCA albinisms,depending on the origin of the anomaly: OCA stands for Oculous Cutaneous Albinism: Albinism that affects the eyes and the skin
-Albinism OCA1: It is due to the absence or defect of tyrosine, an enzyme containing copper and involved in the production of melanin: mutation in the tyrosine gene. The OCA1 type is caused by an alteration in the tyrosine gene and can occur in two variations. The first is OCA1a and means that the organism cannot develop pigment at all. The hair is generally white (often translucent) and the skin very pale. Vision usually ranges from 20/200 to 20/400. The 2nd is OCA1b
-Albinism OCA2: tyrosine has normal activity, and the pigmentation anomaly is therefore due to another origin (mutation in a gene other than that of tyrosine: mutation in the OCA2 gene coding for the P protein). This type of albinism is the most common and the most variable. It is less severe than OCA1 albinism, and skin hypopigmentation can vary depending on the individual's ethnicity and heterozygosity. Individuals with this albinism have lightly pigmented hair at birth, white skin, blue eyes, pale to golden blonde, or red or even brown hair People with OCA2 usually have more pigment and better vision than those with OCA1, but cannot tan, Some pigment may develop in freckles.
There are OCA Variants:OCA 3,4,5 with darker hair and hazel or brown eyes and skin that can tan
The blond blue-eyed phenotype: recessive, is endangered,according to scientists within 200 years it would have completely disappeared. It is increasingly being replaced by brown, black hair and brown, black eye phenotypes. The existence of these last phenotypes comes from the interbreeding between blacks and whites in Europe over the centuries, whites being in excess of blacks due to the elimination of the latter (see above). This interbreeding gave different tones going up to a white population with hair and eyes of these brown to dark shades.
About this phenotype brown eyes and hair, dark to black, the leucodermas are silent about their origin although they know it. When you research the origin of these hair and eye colors you get a very vague answer that only tells you that they are due to a dominant black gene (the dictionaries explain by saying: we are all born with a black dominant), but you have no information on this gene: Why, how did it come?. From what you have read above you naturally understand that it comes from these black ancestors who came from Africa 45,000 years BC, who built Europe (cathedrals, castles ...), were murdered and sent into slavery in the Americas by albinos who arrived from 370 AD, in order to steal their lands, their titles of nobility, their artistic constructions, their knowledge to call them theirs. You have also read that there was in Europe an interbreeding between whites and blacks which gave these variants of color of hair and eyes with a more or less swarthy skin that became white with the elimination of blacks. But this dominant black gene has remained and is perpetuated through the generations of whites by the brown to dark colors of the eyes and hair, and also a skin that acquires the ability to tan in the sun.
The recessive blonde with blue eyes is on the way out, while the dominant black is very much alive and is more and more prevalent in European countries. This dominant black that produces brown to black hair and eyes is a very visible and indelible sad sign of the fate that has been reserved for our ancestors. The whites eliminated us, but we left our marks on them visible from generation to generation.

AlbinismOCA1 typeamong whites: white skin, hair is translucent
White skin is the 1st characteristic sign of albinism in races

AlbinismOCA2 typeamong whites:white skin, blond hair, blue eyes

VariantAlbinismOCA 3,4,5 type:among whites:white skin, hair, brown to dark eyes, black
The brown to black hair and eyes would be the visible signs representing this dominant black that the whites of these types carry within them: visual and indelible imprint of the presence of the blacks in Europe who were eliminated by them and which they transmit to through the generations

AlbinismOCA1 typeamong the yellows:: white skin, hair is translucent

Albinism among the yellows:white skin, black hair and eyes

Albinism in blacks:White skin, blond hair

Partial albinism in black people: blue eyes

Partial albinism in blacks: light eyes

Partial albinism in blacks: blond hair

Vieillard chinois et sa petite fille métisse

Les premiers chinois étaient noirs

Grand -mère et sa petite fille : tribu San du désert de Kalahari : Afrique du Sud

Description of Yakub, inventor of the white man.
Yakub would have deactivated the OCA2 gene (gene P) to create albinism

Keith Cheng, a geneticist at the Pennsylvania School of Medicine, identified the albinism gene OCA2 in 2005
L'albinisme existe aussi chez les animaux, il peut être partiel ou total

« Un mythe courant est que les personnes atteintes d'albinisme ont les yeux rouges : les conditions d'éclairage peuvent permettre de voir les vaisseaux sanguins à l'arrière de l'œil, ce qui peut donner un aspect rougeâtre ou violet aux yeux. Il existe différents types d'albinisme et la quantité de pigment dans les yeux varie. Cependant, les problèmes de vision peuvent être associés à l'albinisme.
Les personnes à la peau blanche sont apparues il y a des milliers d'années en tant que progéniture d'albinos mutants de mères et de pères à la peau noire en Afrique. Un nombre considérable de ces parents noirs ont produit, rejeté puis chassé de la communauté leur progéniture albinos génétiquement défectueuse pour la faire disparaître de la population normale pigmentée par la peau noire. Il y avait des colonies d'albinos formées qui ont finalement migré vers le nord en Europe, pour échapper à l'intensité du soleil équatorial de l'hémisphère sud (Isis papers :Welsing). Les albinos ont conservé envers les noirs une haine ancestrale certainement due à ce rejet et exprimée dans leurs chants.
L'ostracisation des albinos pendant les temps bibliques est la seule explication logique de la naissance de la race blanche. Les colonies d'albinos ont produit de plus en plus d'albinos jusqu'à la race d'albinos appelée race blanche. » (28)
Petite incursion chez les jaunes. Pourquoi les jaunes sont ils eux aussi des albinos ?
Vous vous êtes très probablement posé cette question et je vais tacher d'y répondre. « Les Européens et les Mongols ou jaunes sont tous deux dérivés d'un seul type d'humain noir (pour la plupart). Les Européens sont principalement les Albinos des Dravidiens de l'Inde ; et les Chinois ou jaunes sont une race mulâtre composée du phénotype des Noirs de l’Afrique orientale mongole (tribus San, Himba, aux yeux bridés), de leurs Albinos et des Albinos d' Asie centrale (qui sont ensuite devenus des Européens) » (29)
Les Chinois d'origine étaient 100% Africains noirs purs aux yeux bridés, sans aucun adjuvant extérieur.
Les amérindiens et les habitants des îles du pacifique (ex : Polynésie) sont aussi des métis d'albinos et d’amérindiens originaux qui étaient noirs. Il en est de même pour les indiens américains actuels.
Il n'existe qu'une seule espèce humaine : la race noire. Les albinos blancs et les albinos jaunes sont des sous espèces dérivés de cette espèce.
Origine probable du gène de l'albinisme OCA2. Création de l'homme blanc par Yakub
Les égyptiens anciens s'inquiétaient du comportement agressif de peuples blancs immigrés, aux yeux bleus, avec des cheveux blonds ou roux et vivant à la frontière du désert. Ils causaient des troubles en Égypte ;les égyptiens les appelaient Tamahu, ce qui se traduit littéralement par "peuple blanc créé".
La race blanche aurait été crée par un scientifique noir du nom de Yakub (Jacob) qui aurait découvert dans la constitution génétique du Noir, qu'il pourrait faire sortir un nouveau peuple, l'opposé de l'original noir. Il aurait prédit que cette race régnerait environ 6000 ans, et ensuite elle était vouée à disparaître. L''homme blanc, donc serait apparu pour la première fois il y a environ 6 000 ans sur l'île de Patmos où il aurait été «fabriqué» par un processus de reproduction sélective appelé «greffe», qui dura 600 ans. " après ces 600 ans de processus de greffes, la population est devenue très pâle, avec des yeux bleus et des cheveux blonds ou roux-. De cette tribu d'albinos à la peau blanche, issue de cette île, est venue une race de dirigeants au comportement agressif.
« - Le professeur Alan Cooper, directeur du Centre australien pour l'ADN ancien à l'Université d'Adélaïde, a analysé l'ADN d'anciens squelettes leucodermes et a découvert que la constitution génétique de l'Europe moderne avait été établie il y a à peine 6 500 ans. Il a déclaré: «La génétique montre que quelque chose autour de cette date a entraîné la disparition des signatures génétiques de populations antérieures. Cependant, nous ne savons pas ce qui s'est passé ni pourquoi ».
-Le Dr Jonathan Pritchard professeur en génétique à l'université de Stanford aux Etats Unis, estime que le moment où les gènes des populations asiatiques et européennes ont été modifiés était il y a environ 6 600 ans : le moment exact où le scientifique noir Yakub (Jacob)avait commencé sur l'île de Patmos dans la mer Égée,son processus de greffes pour la création de l'homme blanc.
- Le Dr Keith Cheng, généticien du Collège de médecine de la Pennsylvania State University, a dirigé une étude qui montre l'évolution d'un gène de la couleur de la peau et suggère que les Européens se sont éclaircis récemment, il y a peut-être entre 6 000 et 12 000 ans».
- Le médecin anglais James Cowles Prichard a également conclu que les différences physiques entre les races humaines ne pouvaient résulter que d'une méthode comparable au "processus de sélection artificielle pratiqué par les éleveurs et les sélectionneurs d'animaux et de plantes". Il ajouta que les races les plus belles de Blancs d’Europe, descendent de… Nègres. ”
D'autre part, Le Dr. Hans Eiberg de l'Université de Copenhague a confirmé que tous les humains aux yeux bleus proviennent d' une «mutation génétique» qui, selon lui, s'est produite il y a 6000 à 10 000 ans. Son équipe a découvert un gène spécifique, connu sous le nom de gène OCA2, qui, si on le modifiait, aurait pour résultat que les êtres humains n'ont pas de mélanine dans les cheveux, les yeux ou la couleur de la peau - un état connu comme l'albinisme. Ainsi, ce gène OCA2 semble avoir été ciblé et manipulé par une force ou un événement il y a environ 6 000 ans.
Mais les scientifiques sont encore incapables d'expliquer la raison de cette convulsion génétique dramatique dans la famille humaine. Prof. Cooper a déclaré: "Cette population se situe entre 4 000 et 5 000 av JC mais son origine reste un mystère.. ». (30)
Les observations de ces scientifiques situent toutes l'origine de l'homme blanc dans une fourchette de 4000 à 10,000 ans. Or le plus ancien squelette de leucoderme date de 2800 ans avJc soit 4800 ans. Ces calculs semblent coïncider avec cette découverte.
Les noirs et les blancs ont des comportements radicalement opposés : voir chap Psychologie noirs blancs . Ces différences de comportement seraient dues à la présence ou la déficience en un pigment de couleur foncé trouvé dans le cerveau et les centres nerveux appelé neuromélanine. Ce pigment est fabriqué par une glande située dans le cerveau : la glande pinéale. Les noirs ont cette glande développée. Par contre en raison de l’albinisme, les blancs naissent avec la pinéale calcifié. Selon les recherches de la biochimiste afro américaine Dr Carol Barnes la calcification pinéale touche 5 à 15% des africains, 15 à 25% des asiatiques, et 60 à 80% des occidentaux. Leur glande pinéale n'est pas fonctionnelle. Voir chap être noir, la mélanine une bénédiction.
Outre le fait qu'elle peut prévenir les dommages cellulaires en tant qu'anti-oxydant, la neuromélanine produit un développement psychomoteur plus avancé chez les personnes mélaninées, elle est responsable de la sensibilité, l'empathie, la créativité, la spiritualité, la gaieté, le partage, l’Amour, l’affection, l'intuition, les émotions. Par contre chez les individus qui en sont carencés : les blancs, on dénote : égocentrisme, manque de sensibilité, de créativité, de spiritualité, d’affection, d’amour, de partage, barbarie, prédation de la nature et des autres peuples par massacres, génocides. La mélanine est ce qui rend les gens humains, elle les relie aux forces créatrices de l'univers. Cette déficience en neuromélanine due à une glande pinéale calcifiée chez les blancs serait responsable de situations de peurs chez eux qui leur donneraient des comportements destructeurs et agressifs envers la nature et les autres races. Il ont la peur de manquer : plus ils ont, plus ils veulent, peur de vieillir, peur de mourir etc. Ces peurs induiraient des états anxiogènes amenant à des addictions ex :cigarette. et des comportements égocentriques et destructeurs.
L'absence de mélanine (neuromélanine) est directement liée au dysfonctionnement du système nerveux central alors que la présence de mélanine est directement associée au bon fonctionnement du système nerveux central.
Carol Barnes, théoricienne de Melanin, écrit dans son livre Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness: La mélanine est responsable de l'existence de la civilisation, de la philosophie, de la religion, de la vérité, et de la justice. Les individus (blancs) possédant de faibles niveaux de mélanine dans le cerveau se comporteront de manière barbare. La mélanine donne à l'homme la capacité de SENTIR car il absorbe toutes les fréquences d'énergie. Comme les Blancs en raison de l’albinisme ont le moins de mélanine, ils sont perçus par les personnes de couleur comme étant généralement rigides, insensibles (sans cœur), froids, calculateurs, mentaux et «non spirituels».
Aujourd’hui, l’Albinos moyen pense qu’il (les Albinos) constitue la majorité des humains sur la terre (au lieu d’une petite minorité). Ils pensent qu'ils ont commencé les civilisations du monde (alors qu'en réalité ils n'en ont commencé aucune). Ils pensent même à tort qu'ils sont les personnes décrites dans les statues et les peintures de tombes égyptiennes.
Et ils pensent qu'ils sont en bonne santé, normaux et chez eux dans le monde, alors que le Soleil est leur ennemi à cause de leur manque de pigmentation ; le cancer de la peau est la punition de l'insouciance. Ne serait ce pas la carence en neuromélanine qui en les privant d'empathie, de sensibilité, en faisant d'eux des êtres agressifs, les a poussé à asservir les races brunes et noires ? voir chap :être noir, la mélanine une bénédiction.com)
Le contrôle de l'information et des médias par l'Albinos a été absolu, total. L'Albinos moyen n'a aucune idée de toutes ces vérités développées ci-dessus. Et en ce qui concerne la vérité sur les Rois noirs au pouvoir en Europe, il vous regarde comme si vous êtes fou!

Current Native American: mixed Indian white

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Black Chinese: Monk

Black Chinese and his mixed-race granddaughter

_cc781905-5cde-3194 Current Arabic

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Arabe ancien

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_True Native Americans: black

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ True Native Americans; black

Chinese being afraid of blackening by the action of the sun

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Real black native americans Arizona usa 1875

Chinese terracotta soldiers: Blacks 206 BC: Blacks with slanted eyes and flat noses
Selon les anciens écrits égyptiens, l'homme blanc : blond aux yeux bleus, aurait été créé par un scientifique noir du nom de Yakub. Qui était Yakub ? Yakub était un très brillant scientifique. Il avait perdu ses parents très jeune et avait été élevé par son oncle;Il avait un double crane pourvu de 2 cerveaux, ce qui lui donnait une grosse tête et une très grande intelligence. En raison de l' exceptionnelle grosseur de sa tête et de son arrogance il était l'objet de moqueries de la part de ses camarades.C'était un garçon très perturbé, probablement par la mort de ses parents, Il jura donc de se venger d'eux et de créer une tribu pour gouverner les noirs.
À l'âge de six ans, il découvre la loi de l'attraction et de la répulsion en jouant avec des aimants en acier. Cette idée le mena à un plan pour créer de nouvelles personnes. Il vit un être humain différent :faible, méchant et qui pourrait avec la connaissance de moyens pernicieux et de mensonges, gouverner l'homme noir originel. Très doué pour les études, dès l'âge de 18 ans, il avait épuisé toutes ses connaissances dans les universités de la Mecque où il avait étudié la biologie et la génétique. Il découvrit ensuite que "l'homme noir d'origine" contenait à la fois un "germe noir" et un "germe brun". Avec 59 999 partisans, il se rendit sur l'ile de Patmos dans la mer Égée. Mis au point un processus de greffes qui devait aboutir après 600 ans d'essais à la création de l'homme blanc. Il établit un régime despotique et s’efforçat de cerner les traits noirs, tua tous les bébés plus sombres qui venait au monde et créa une race brune après 200 ans. Yakub est mort à l'âge de 152 ans, mais ses disciples ont continué son travail. Après 600 ans de cet eugénisme délibéré, la race blanche a été créée avec des yeux bleus et des cheveux roux. Selon les écrits les conditions brutales de sa création ont déterminé la nature de cette nouvelle race: Yakub avait prédit que cette race existerait pendant 6000 ans,puis après elle était vouée à disparaître.