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The Blacks were the first men in the world to have proclaimed the existence of a single God and to have based their spirituality on Eternal Life. Many people of African descent do not think so because of the centuries of atrocities suffered (slavery, colonization, assimilation), which are the causes of the degradation of our historical memory.

Blacks expressed this spirituality through writing. In chronological order, literary writing appeared in black Africa around -3400, in Mesopotamia around -2600, Hebrew writing in Palestine at -600, Arabic writing she in +500.

Black Africa through its eldest daughter: Egypt is the origin of most of the philosophical, theological and political ideas that are expressed until today.

Through the discovery of the Egyptian-Nubian Sacred Texts, the neighboring peoples of the black continent have discovered the notions of what they present with extraordinary cynicism as being the fruit of their “Revelation”.Their plagiarism is of the highest flagrancy. Christianity was very strongly inspired by our ancestral Sacred Texts found in theBible.Itthe same is true for Judaism, Islamism

1) Plagiarism of our African Sacred Texts

I quote you some extracts of Texts and their plagiarisms:

-Texts from the Pyramids(-3000 years BC): This is my son, my first born....., This is my son Osiris .. my beloved with whom I am happy.


-Bible: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am very happy.

-Hymn to Aten(-1400) O unique God who has no other above him


-Torah(-300) O Eternal God of Israel, there is no God like you

-Bible Mark12.32 (+200) God is unique.. there is no other like him

-KoranSura 2.163 (+900) Your God is the only God; there is no other but him

-Leyden Papyrus: What comes out of the opening of his mouth comes true. What he said in his heart, we saw it come into existence

-Plagiarism: Biblepsalm 33,6,9: For God says and the thing happens. He orders and she exists

2) Plagiarism of our African Divinities

The characters presented as divine on Christian and Orthodox iconography are identical in many respects to African Divinities assimilated to Christian Angels and Archangels. Since before -450 the Greek historian Herodotus says “Greece received from Egypt almost all the names of its divinities. Horus divine being son of Osiris is designated in Greece by Apollo; Osiris by Dionysos.etc.... »

I present to you some Divinities below

Annonciation de l'Ange Gabriel à la vierge Marie copie à gche   ooriginal à drte

Left Drawing Plagiarism, Right Drawing: Original


The Blacks were the first men in the world to have proclaimed the existence of a single God and to have based their spirituality on Eternal Life. Many people of African descent do not think so because of the centuries of atrocities suffered (slavery, colonization, assimilation), which are the causes of the degradation of our historical memory.

Blacks expressed this spirituality through writing. In chronological order, literary writing appeared in black Africa around -3400, in Mesopotamia around -2600, Hebrew writing in Palestine at -600, Arabic writing she in +500.

Black Africa through its eldest daughter: Egypt is the origin of most of the philosophical, theological and political ideas that are expressed until today.

Through the discovery of the Egyptian-Nubian Sacred Texts, the neighboring peoples of the black continent have discovered the notions of what they present with extraordinary cynicism as being the fruit of their “Revelation”. Their plagiarism is of the highest flagrancy. Christianity was very strongly inspired by our ancestral Sacred Texts found in theBible.Itthe same is true for Judaism, Islamism

1) Plagiarism of our African Sacred Texts

I quote you some extracts of Texts and their plagiarisms:

-Texts of the Pyramids (-3000 years BC): This is my son, my first born....., This is my son Osiris beloved with whom I am happy.


-Bible: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am very happy.

-Hymn to Aten (-1400) O unique God who has no other above him


-Torah (-300) O Eternal God of Israel, there is no God like you

-Bible Mark 12,32 (+200) God is unique.. there is no other like him

-Quran Sura 2,163 (+900) Your God is the only God; there is no other but him

-Leiden Papyrus: What comes out of the opening of his mouth comes true. What he said in his heart, we saw it come into existence

-Plagiarism: Bible psalm 33,6,9: For God says and the thing happens. He orders and she exists

2) Plagiarism of our African Divinities

The characters presented as divine on Christian and Orthodox iconography are identical in many respects to African Divinities assimilated to Christian Angels and Archangels. Since before -450 the Greek historian Herodotus says “Greece received from Egypt almost all the names of its divinities. Horus divine being son of Osiris is designated in Greece by Apollo; Osiris by Dionysos.etc.... »

I present to you some

  • They both had a son by immaculate conception
  • The name Marie derives from Meryl/Mery/Mary used for Aséta
  • Mary stretches out a hand to her bosom just like Aseta before her
  • Marie had to flee when her son was born, just like Aséta before her.
  • Mary is called "Mother of God" just like Aseta before her
  • Marie shows her breast just like Aséta before her
  • The two divine sons have their feast day on Dec 25 (connection with the winter solstice)
Saint Michel terrassant le Mal : copie à gche, original à drte

Left: Plagiarism, Right: Original. Hérou or Horus son of the God Osiris or Usire

Elévation céleste de Jésus après sa résurrection : copie à gche, Original à drte


Original: Osiris or Usire

Jésus assis sur le trone de Dieu : Copie à gche, Original à drte

Left: Plagiarism, Right Original

jésus crucifié : Copie à gche, Original à drte

Left Plagiarism; Right: original

procession rituelle : Copie à gche, Original à drte

Left: plagiarism, Right original

Coiffe rituelle : copie à gche, original à drte

Ritual headdresses: On the left Plagiarism, On the right Original

Trone royal avec félins Copie à gche, Original à drte

Left: Plagiarism, Right: Original

sacré coeur de jésus : copie à gche, original avec Ousiré à drte

Left: Plagiarism, Right: original (Ousiré or Osiris)

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