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BLACK WHITE PSYCHOLOGY,NEUROMELANIN, TOTALLY OPPOSITE MODES OF THOUGHT. Blacks and whites have opposite thought patterns due to the presence of neuromelanin in the brain and nerve centers, which is more abundant in blacks(see chapter Being black, melanin a blessing)


BLACK: Melanin

Selenium-centered melanin

Higher molecular weight


- High content in the body

- Increases color absorption in the eyes

-Increased sound absorption

through the ears

- Acts as a polymer

-Transform energy

- Acts like a computer

- Controls the cyclic rhythms of all organs

- Controls sleep

- Controls growth

- Reacts to gravity (electromagnetic forces)

- Highest storage of information

- Processes the greatest amount of information in the midbrain

- Process left-sided thoughts in both hemispheres of the brain

- Processes right-sided thoughts in both hemispheres of the brain

- Can taste the full range of food flavor due to the presence of melanin in the cells

- Can smell true aromas, at the widest

odor identification range

- Highest psychic ability

- Electromagnetic energy

-- Highest civilizing ability

- Great power of absorption of electromagnetic energy

due to high melanin content

- Increases memory transfer memory of stored information

- Processes most of the information in the corpus callosum of the brain

- Develops the highest spirituality due to the high content of melanin (neuromelamine


Sulfur-centered melanin

- Lower molecular weight

pheomelanin (pseudomelanin)

- Lower amount of melanin: cause of albinism

- Lesser abilities

 pheomelanin (pseudomelanin)


African Thought

- Uses the right and left hemisphere equally

brain and midbrain.

Uses the right side of the brain which gives it spirituality, love, affection, sharing

-Average brain characterized by equal use

rational thinking and creative thinking

-Time exists in the "Now" and is

eternal. Fusion of the Future, Past and Present

- Time is based on the start and end of a

event and consists of the seen and the unseen:invisible, which are the causes of an event (Spiritual

manifestation of God that cause an event.)

The time is fixed by the event. For example, the seasons: spring, summer, winter and autumn, begin

according to nature's clock (not seen)

- Thoughts are directed towards the conception of things.

The meaning of thoughts and words is based on

the situations in which they are used.

For example, the word "bad" can mean

good, modern intellectual, excellent or bad.

As a result, it gives rise to statements like "it's a bad car"

- Culture is based on Maat (Justice, Truth, Equity, Peace), extended family, marriage, ancestors

harmony with nature, children not yet

born, spirituality.

- Community, family and child centered

- The property belongs to the company; and is shared

- Marriages: mainly polygamous, numerous

styles and types of polygamous and monogamous marriages

- Sex is reproductive, regenerative and spiritually used to serve the Maat.

- The value of the individual in society is based

on his contribution to this society

"you are according to what you do"

- Very broad sharing of goods, work

child education and knowledge

ancestors with society.

- Science is holistic and controlled by MAAT

- Religion is monotheism: belief in one God.

don't fear god

- A person is born to achieve their highest level of humanism

- Life is based on meaning (seen) and

nonsense (the unseen) and is beyond the

power of the mind.

-Men belong to God (no slavery).

- Psychology is based on emotions

-People can be sick spiritually or


- Emotions adapt to each other.


European Thought

- Very pronounced ego, not holistic,

illogical use of the left mind, lack of spirituality,

individualism, rationalism, uncreative

- Rationality is based on the conflict between subconscious evil and conscious good. Militaristic and naturally predatory logic

- No sense of life in the present. This translates over time into conflicts. Place no value in the present

- Time has a fixed, abstract and measurable duration.

The seasons begin on a date set by

the calendar and not by nature

- Thoughts are linear. the meaning of words is fixed and based on a static and rational logic.

Therefore, a "bad car" means a

unacceptable car instead of the anti-centric sense of an excellent car

-Culture is based on creating evil to control good and good to control evil

-Proud of his family (similar to animals)

-Control of Nature

- Religions are political systems used for manipulate those who do not hold power: the people


- Ownership belongs to individuals. No sharing of resources

- Monogamous marriages and the practice of polygamy as an activity recreational sex (illegal)

- Sex is a physical, recreational and reproductive activity

- You are according to what you have

- The economy is based on scarcity, consumerism or the creation of shortages. Thus, only an elite can have access to goods, talents and knowledge

- Science is rational and abstract

Based on a group (the elite) that controls the system

- Belief in many Gods God created evil. fear of god

- A person is born in sin

Life based on the seen, or measured, objective or abstract knowledge

- Man can belong to man (total slavery)

-Psychology is based on the Greek myth of the Oedipus complex

-People can be sick (rationally)

-Good emotions are constantly at war with bad ones

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