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The BLACK DOMINANT that whites are born with

Le DOMINANT NOIR : signe d'ancêtres noirs avec lequel les leucodermes naissent et qui donne à leurs cheveux et leurs yeux une couleur allant du brun le plus clair au noir tout en conservant une peau blanche
Le DOMINANT NOIR : signe d'ancêtres noirs avec lequel les leucodermes naissent et qui donne à leurs cheveux et leurs yeux une couleur allant du brun le plus clair au noir tout en conservant une peau blanche

The DOMINANT BLACK: sign of ancestors noirs with which leucodermas are born and which gives their hair and their eyes a color ranging from the lightest brown to black while maintaining a white skin

Traces of the past existence of blacks in Europe remain in the DOMINANT BLACK with which leucodermas are bornand which gives their hair and their eyes a color ranging from the lightest brown to black while maintaining a white skin which acquires more and more capacities to tan in the sun. This dominant black is due to the presence of melanin in the hair and eyes: the melanin pigment is the first characteristic feature of the black race. This dominant black is present in almost all current European leucodermas in all European countries and is the irrefutable, tangible proof, the flagrant imprint of the past presence of blacks in all European countries.

Also, If you ask the dictionary the question ''Why do we have brown or black hair and eyes?You will have the following answer (which concerns leucodermas): we are all born with a black dominant; But ask the question ''Where does this dominant black come from?'' You will have no answer to your question but indirect answers which have no relation to your question. Obviously there is an embarrassment and a concealment of the truth. This hidden truth manifested in these eye and hair colors is visible and tangible proof of the past existence of our black ancestors in Europe, hair and eye colors coming from interbreeding with our black ancestors, ancestors also of whites . ; I recall that they were exterminated and sent to slavery in America by the whites.

The 1st white people who came from the Caucasus to Europe were blond or red-haired with blue eyes (Goth tribes, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles, Saxons, Vandals…..) who, by mixing with the 1st European blacks, gave half-breeds with tinted skin and hair and eyes ranging from light brown to black. Following the elimination of the blacks of Europe by the leucodermas: wars (of Religion, of 30 years, English civil wars) summary executions, sending in slavery in North America; and due to the fact that black is dominant and white recessive,this dominant black which is due to the presence of melanin in the hair and eyessurvives to this day and is increasingly common; it is part of the phenotype of current Europeans, but formerly tinted skins have become white with the elimination of blacks. The term having black blood is absurd, because this black dominant is a formal sign of black blood and therefore of black ancestors.By this dominant black, you have one of the proofs of the past existence of your ancestors in Europe, ancestors also of the whites.

This dominant black flagrant proof of melanin in the hair and eyes of white people and therefore of black ancestors is probably the most taboo subject and bathed in prohibitions that is.Leucodermas never raise this subject, which would betray them immediately and without appeal. It is not treated anywhere, neither in the press, nor on TV, nor on the radio, because they have taken absolute control of the media so that it is never mentioned. It is covered with a true Omerta,neither the scientists, the politicians, the journalists have the right to speak about it because that would bring to light all these heinous crimes (spoliations, exterminations, sending in slavery) committed against the blacks of Europe,their parents at the origin of their hair and eye colors.They are terribly afraid that the blacks will learn these truths about their extermination which they want to continue to keep hidden although their number in population is rapidly decreasing, that they are aging peoples and on the verge of extinction while the blacks in Africa constitute a population at least 50% young and are the future population of the planet. (says UN). The average age of Africans is 18 years old, in Europe the average age is 43 years old in 2019.

Noticed: Europe before seems very different from the Europe we know today. What do you think happened to all those swarthy Germans, Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes? The whites killed them of course, and those they didn't kill were absorbed into miscegenation ( This explains the presence in whites of the dominant black which gives them hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black because the first whites were blond or red with blue eyes.

As soon as the Leucoderma invaders violently imposed themselves on Europe, European black kings were forced to marry Leucoderma women to buy peace, which increased miscegenation.

Like the dominant word black, the word melanin seems to be covered in veritable Omerta by leucoderma. Yet this pigment, which is the first characteristic trait of the black race, is constantly visible and present in them through the color of their eyes and their light brown to black hair; he isa blatant, formal sign of the past presence in Europe of their 1st European black ancestorswhom they exterminated and sent into slavery in North America in order to rob them. Their media: magazines, TV, radio never mention melanin in any of their programs, whether biological or medical; it is a taboo subject just like the black dominant, they never allude to it although it is present in a synthesized form in some of their medicinal and cosmetic components for its recognized healing qualities; their researchers prefer to give it another devious designation. Leucodermas know perfectly well the advantages and qualities of this pigment, if only by its performance observed in blacks for endurance and resistance against diseases. Here again is an obvious sign of devaluation, of degradation of the black race on the part of the leucoderma. In addition they say that the pineal gland produces melatonin without ever mentioning neuromelanin (melanin of the brain and nerve centers) while in reality the pineal gland produces neuromelanin which it transforms into melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin depends entirely for its production on neuromelanin, on which it is dependent. They obviously fear that the blacks will discover all the diabolical schemes implemented by them in order to keep them under their yoke. This fear certainly engendered by the deficiency in them in neuromelanin, would it not be at the origin of this rejection?

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