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Roi de France Louis 14 allant en guerre en perruque. Comment un souverain peut il aller faire la guerre en perruque. Interrogez vous ?

King of France Louis 14 going to war in a wig. How can a sovereign go to war in a wig? Are you questioning?

Marie Médicis Cheveux crépus, peau blanchie

Marie Médicis Frizzy hair, bleached skin

I invite you to a personal reflection on the hairstyles of the men and women of these times: years 1500 to 1800. Observe the hair of the people on the images, you note that the hair is by no means smooth but rather frizzy or downright frizzy (Marie Antoinette , Marie de Medici). The whites made millions of forgeries, I said above that after having eliminated the blacks by assassinations (religious wars, 30 years war, summary executions…) and deportation into slavery in the Americas, they contrived to replace the blacks by themselves by presenting themselves as the authors of European civilization and culture, they supported their exactions by absolute control over the media so that the black never knew the truth. So they whitewashed the black characters, but apparently wouldn't have changed the look of the hair they say is wigs. Think: Have you seen white people wearing wigs representing the hair of blacks, mulattoes, for centuries, in all weathers and especially during the heat of summer?, because you are aware that wearing a wig is strains and harms healthy hair; they would have submitted to this constraint for centuries to hide a natural and probably healthy hair? What would be the reasons? Come on, use your common sense.

Looking at these characters, we can clearly see that they are fakes, that the faces have been bleached, but the appearance of the hair has been preserved (crimped or frizzy). The whites never made false portraits of the blacks, but only of them in order to replace the blacks with themselves: Observe the image of the real James Francis Stuart (black): it would be his real mulatto hair, no a wig; observe the fake James Francis Stuart white, you see the same hairstyle of mulatto hair on a portrait of white; albinos say they are wigs, isn't there obviously cheating? Maybe they had trouble depicting the hair in their fakes? (how to transform frizzy or curly hair into straight hair! it would be long and complicated) so they preferred to leave the originals saying that they are wigs! And since they firmly control the media, voila.

Strangely, once the blacks were eliminated from Europe, these headdresses on the portraits disappeared at the same time. The whites tell the same thing about the Egyptians by passing them off as whites who would wear African headdresses in wigs. You have to be really naive to believe these lies.

Portrait du Roi de France Louis 14 cousin germain du Roi d'Angleterre James Francis Stuart (roi noir) à côté. Observez ces cheveux noirs crêpés que l'on veut vous faire passer pour des perruques saupoudrés de poudre

Portrait of the King of France Louis 14 first cousin of the King of England James Francis Stuart (black king)next to. Take a look at those frizzy black hair that they want you to pass off as wigs sprinkled with powder to give them fullness. If Louis 14 was a white man, why would he wear a wig representing black or mulatto hair?

Louis 14 was very fond of music and dancing, women: trends among blacks

Vrai Roi d'Angleterre James Francis Stuart (noir) cousin germain du roi de France Louis 14;Les blancs n'ont jamais fait de Fake des noirs mais d'eux mêmes

True King of England James Francis Stuart(black)first cousin of King Louis 14 of France;Whites have never faked blacks but themselves

Louis 13 son of Henry 4 and father of Louis 14 and Henriette of France daughter of Henry 4 and mother of the King of England James Francis Stuart are brother and sister, therefore Louis 14 and James Francis Stuart are first cousins. If I am black, my first cousin (Louis 14) is necessarily black or mixed black. 

Faux James Francis Stuart : blanchi

Fake James Francis Stuart: Bleached

Reine Marie Antoinette Epouse du roi de France Louis 16. Visiblement fake d'après la peau blanche, Observez ces cheveux très crépus qu'on vous fait passer pour une perruque.

RQueen Marie AntoinetteWife of the king of France Louis 16. Visibly fake according to the white skin, Observe this very frizzy hair that you are made to pass for a wig.

Duc de Kingston blanchi

Duke of Kingston bleached

Duc de Noailles Visiblement fake d'après la peau blanche, les cheveux sont crêpés

DUC de NoaillesVisibly fake from the white skin, the hair is crimped

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