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  • Les cathédrales - les châteaux

    CATHEDRALS, CASTLES, UNTIL THE 17TH CENTURY WERE BUILT BY THE BLACK ELITE BEFORE IT WAS EXTERMINATED AND DEPORTED IN SLAVERY TO THE AMERICAS by the whites The Achievements of the Black Man in Europe. The blacks have a very developed spirituality, they are very believers, are not the multiple constructions of cathedrals and churches one of the proofs of the existence of the black population in Europe? One can wonder how the barbaric, non-believing, non-spiritual leucoderma would have built with so much patience, hard work, Love for decades, even centuries, monuments to the glory of a God on which he does not would not wonder. In addition, speed is a characteristic feature of leucoderms, which bet a lot on quick work, a sign of impatience (again the lack of neuromelanin!). Can you imagine that those cathedrals that required decades of labor in the smallest details of their construction with Love could have been erected quickly? This is totally impossible. Moreover, how to believe that the innate impatience of leucodermas would make them agree to build monuments that they would never see in their lifetime but that only their great great grandchildren would know. On the other hand, leucodermas explain their low attendance at cathedrals and churches by saying that people who used to believe had lost their spirituality. We cannot lose an innate quality that we carry within ourselves, with which we are born, I am talking about spirituality, and which is due to this neuromelamine which is abundant in blacks and produced by the pineal gland, which is much more developed in them. This false explanation of low attendance is not an admission of the elimination of black creators and builders of these cathedrals. Cathedrals were magnificent religious buildings erected to the glory of God and which showed the strong spirituality and creativity of their creators. The creative, inventive spirit of the blacks is due to the abundant presence of melanin in their brain and their nerve centers thanks to their more developed pineal gland than in leucodermas, because the melanin of the brain and nerve centers is produced by the pineal gland present in the brain. -The cathedrals were erected by the black elite: Kings, Nobility who ruled the countries of Europe. The black elite was represented by royalty, nobility and clergy. “The cathedrals About the works of the black man in Europe, let's talk about the cathedrals which are great masterpieces, testimonies of his presence, his creativity, his know-how, his sensitivity, his strong spirituality and his work. scientifically, architecturally. Due to the revolutionary techniques used, the cathedrals were and remain until today, a great source of pride and prestige for the cities. They were magnificent religious buildings erected to the glory of God and which showed the strong spirituality of their creators. I was moved by the (voluntary) fire of Notre Dame de Paris on April 15, 2019. You should know that this flag cathedral of France's artistic heritage was built from 1162 AD (for 200 years) by this black elite that reigned in Europe before it was eliminated and enslaved in the Americas by albinos; therefore this work and all the others up to the 17th century are living memories, symbols of his creative, inventive, emotional, sensitive spirit, of his spirituality, of his know-how. The cathedrals have their origins in the initiatory schools of ancient Egypt which was black. The medieval era, and particularly the 12th and 13th centuries, was therefore marked by a considerable boom in religious construction. The vast movement of building cathedrals extended from 1050 to 1350 and the century when the most were built, “the century of cathedrals”, was the 13th century. Nevertheless, it remains that these immense architectural treasures, indisputable testimonies of the faith and the know-how of the men of the time, played a more than important role. They made it possible to develop new construction techniques. The rise of Gothic art was rapid. The great Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages are examples of revolutionary architecture. At this time more than 80 cathedrals were built: Let us quote among others the cathedrals of: Notre Dame de Paris, Chartres, Reims, Amiens, Beauvais, Bourges, the Sainte-Chapelle etc.... The builders of cathedrals were organized in brotherhood, companionship of architects, engineers, technicians, stonemasons, sculptors, glassmakers, masons etc... The techniques used prove to us that the builders of the cathedrals actively participated in the first industrial revolution of Europe. The architects (the architect is the one who designs the plans) have developed new solutions to simplify and consolidate the structures: the introduction of the warhead and the buttresses or buttresses to be able to distribute the weight of the dome on the pillars of massive stone. The new techniques of construction (Gothic style) made it possible to build immense luminous cathedrals, high windows, often decorated with sumptuous stained glass windows, and very high arrows. Decorated with paintings, sculptures and stained glass windows, the cathedrals were a great source of pride and prestige for the cities. The three main energy resources exploited during the ascendant period of the Middle Ages were: hydraulic energy, wind energy and horse energy. Without hydropower, life in the Middle Ages would have been unthinkable. It was in the 10th century that water mills multiplied considerably, given the dense network of rivers and torrents with a regular annual flow. From the 12th century, countless windmills were built to take advantage of the inexhaustible wind energy. Cathedral builders, working in a society where progress was accepted, were able to innovate, and the cathedral of the end of the 13th century was the result of hundreds of more or less important innovations and improvements, due to the spirit search for builders. An art of "professionals" The balance sheet of the Gothic builders is impressive: dozens of cathedrals, hundreds of churches were erected. The construction of a cathedral recalls the great fervor of the builders, their enthusiasm and the affirmation of the power of the church in the heart of the city. From the Egyptian temple to the cathedral The cathedral is indeed the spiritual daughter of the Egyptian temple . You should know that the Egyptians at these times were mostly black and also mixed race. Many themes, appearing as specifically Christian, are inexplicable without knowledge of Egyptian symbolism. Indeed, the Egyptian symbolism makes it possible to better perceive the meaning of many iconographic or literary themes of the Middle Ages. Medieval authors have shown that they were aware of their filiation. The foundation of the first great Western monasteries was done on the Egyptian model, the monks of the land of the pharaohs inspired by the functioning of the ancient communities of priests in Egypt. The medieval Christ of the Masters of Work is a successor of the Egyptian God-Kings, in their function as in their mission, in spite of the historical distortions. The Virgin who was black is an extension of Isis, ensuring the presence of feminine symbolism in a Catholic religion that has tried everything to reject her but has not succeeded in expelling the immense figure of the black Egyptian goddess. which, at the time of the formation of Christianity, reigned throughout the Mediterranean basin and in a good part of Europe. This symbolic base, of an extraordinary richness, was not however enough to trigger the epic of the golden centuries of the Middle Ages. It also required a certain state of mind that did not dissociate the art of a certain science from life. So the medievals could say that a life without art is meaningless. The most modest of properly constructed chapels like the most imposing of cathedrals are erected according to the rules of divine proportion (the golden ratio), like the human body. It is precisely this sacred geometry that the Masters taught to the companions through a science called "the line" and which the companions of today still know. The line, the divine proportion, the golden ratio are all tangible elements of a practice that becomes wisdom. If the cathedrals were built on the basis of sacred numbers, it is because only the latter give the key to the proportions which ensure the extraordinary stability that we still observe today. Science is art and art is science. Of course, there is the perfection of the curves, the vaults, the enchantment of the sculptures, the serenity of the walls, the play of light where the pilgrim naturally finds his place. Medieval churches are comparable to atomic crushers where beneficial powers are concentrated, the permanence of which is maintained by religious rites. The same analysis has been made by Egyptologists about pharaonic temples. The cathedral reflects the harmony of the cosmos where everything is carefully ordered. One of the essential forms of the cathedral is the cross, meeting of the vertical and the horizontal, of time and space, of heaven and earth. The cathedral is the place where energies circulate: cosmic, solar and telluric. Gigantic construction sites, arrows that rise up to 100m high, and a generally spectacular and daring result. But it was not only the construction of cathedrals, this black elite also built various constructions such as castles ..... but cathedrals remain the most prestigious. » (7) This period was followed by the Renaissance period (1300 to 1600). There rebirth is both a period of history and an artistic movement. It gradually saw the light of day in Italy, in the 14th and 15th centuries, then throughout Europe. Europe . It ends towards the end of the 16th century. The Renaissance in architecture was expressed by new forms drawn from ancient art. The construction programs of the Renaissance hardly differed from those of the Middle Ages: it was above all a question of building churches and palaces.. Gothic art: Amiens Cathedral Chartres Cathedral Gothic Style _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Art Gothique Notre Dame de Paris _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cathédrale de Chartres :Intérieur_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Palace of Westminster London 11th century _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Gothic art: Beauvais Cathedral _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- La Ste Chapelle: Paris _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Palace of Versailles: Gardens _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Palace of Versailles Gothic art: Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris Palace of Westminster London 11th century _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Buckingham Palace et jardins: Londres _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Renaissance Italie _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Château de Chambord: Renaissance Renaissance: Gardens _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Palace of Versailles: Hall of mirrors Chateau d'Azay le Rideau How to explain the development of the Africans who came to Europe, Asia and the Americas, to have given rise to the prestigious civilizations that we know and that we have just described? The stresses associated with a cold climatic environment, where food was scarce, where it was vital to find shelter in order to shelter from bad weather and from wild animals, have been stimulants over millennia and centuries. This enabled them to make use of their creative spirit, inventing means and methods to improve their lives and their environment and gradually improving and perfecting them over the centuries. Sources :-Books :Why darkness matters, the power of melanin in the brain (several authors)-Melanin a key to freedom by Richard King -Melanin by Llaika Afrika – Omotunde: The African roots of European civilization -Cheick Anta Diop: Negro nations and cultures Internet,, ; www. ; ;; I thank these sources and their authors without whom I could not have written these lines and especially for the awareness that they will trigger, I hope, in the black people still prisoners of the false principles and myths imposed on them. by violence and intimidation the dominant white minority. SOURCE REFERENCES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) realhistoryww,com (7) (8) (9)) (10)/ (11) (12) (13) (14) (16) m(17) / (18) 18) (19) (20)./ (21) www guideddeschakras,com (22)Melanin de Llaika Africa(23),realhistoryww,com (25) (26-27-28-29) (30) (31) (32 -33-34) (35) (36 -37-38) Omotunde: The African Roots of European Civilization (39) (40-41) Les vierges noires

  • Accueil Les noirs venus d'Afrique étaient les 1ers habitants de toute l'Europe

    La mélanine une bénédiction ​ ​ Je dédie cet écrit à mes sœurs africaines qui se blanchissent la peau parce qu'elles ignorent l'immense importance de ce pigment noir :la mélanine présente dans leur peau et leur cerveau, et que leur a donné le Créateur( La peau blanche serait un défaut génétique : gènes SLC24A5 et SLC45A2). Cet écrit est aussi dédié à mes frères noirs qui souvent, par complexe d'infériorité, rejettent leurs sœurs noires pour adopter et mettre sur un piédestal la femme blanche : surtout blonde aux yeux bleus. C'est grâce à ce pigment, la mélanine, pour lequel les Noirs devraient éprouver de la gratitude et de la fierté qu'ils sont des êtres civilisés. C'est ce pigment qui fait de la race noire le berceau de la civilisation humaine, car c'est lui le noir venu d'Afrique en Europe 45.000 ans av JC, qui est à l'origine des créations artistiques, culturelles, scientifiques, effectuées à travers les réalisations dans le monde par les différentes civilisations tant en Asie, dans les Amériques, qu'en Europe (Noblesse no ire, Rois noirs dans tous les pays européens et asiatiq ues, Tsars noirs de Russie, Papes noirs, Saint(e)s noirs - Jésus et Marie étaient noirs- Bouddha, Confucius étaient noirs etc... ; c'est lui qui est à l’origine des réalisations artistiques dans tous ces pays et continents : monuments historiques, ex: cathédrales......) Ces civilisations sont toutes des cultures originellement Noires ; jusqu'à ce que le leucoderme (le blanc) originaire du Caucase, arrivé en Europe à partir de 370 ap JC sous forme d'invasions barbares, et dont la peau et le cerveau sont carencés en ce pigment ; vienne par l'utilisation de la violence, faire main basse sur ces œuvres, les usurper, dépouiller le noir, l'éliminer physiquement, l'envoyer dans les Amériques comme esclave et le radier de l'histoire en le présentant comme un être primitif, non civilisé, qui n'a rien inventé, sans culture et ignorant ; faire de lui un être servile et méprisé (ces agissements ne s'expliquent ils pas par la déficience en neuromélanine dans le cerveau du blanc? Déficience due à la calcification de leur glande pinéale). Il a ensuite mis à son crédit ces œuvres en utilisant la falsification, la fabrication de faux (faux tableaux, blanchiment au 18è siècle des portraits de cette noblesse, de cette royauté, de ce clergé, de ces personnages célèbres : compositeurs de musique qui étaient noirs pour les remplacer par eux, de faux documents...),Il a aussi utilisé les mensonges, l'intimidation, la main mise jusqu'à aujourd’hui sur tous les moyens d'information (télé, radio, journaux) pour que le noir ne connaisse jamais la vérité ; et toujours l'utilisation de la violence, sa première et habituelle tactique. Le blanc a été créé blond aux yeux bleus. Les couleurs de cheveux et d'yeux allant du brun le plus clair au noir le plus foncé sont les signes indélébiles et tangibles du métissage avec nos ancêtres noirs d'Europe qui ont été éliminés (assassinés pour les dépouiller de leurs arts, de leur culture et envoyés en esclavage dans les Amériques) C'EST LE DOMINANT NOIR AVEC LEQUEL TOUS LES BLANCS NAISSENT : SIGNE FLAGRANT, FORMEL, INDELEBILE, TANGIBLE DE L’EXISTENCE PASSEE DES NOIRS EN EUROPE, ANCETRES DES BLANCS EUROPEENS ACTUELS.- -Je vous recommande la recherche des mots clés suivants Mots-clés : noirs premiers européens, Premiers habitants d'Europe, création de l'homme blanc, albinisme dans la race blanche, Rois noirs en Europe Si le noir veut sortir de ce marasme mental, social, économique, culturel dans lequel le leucoderme l'a plongé depuis des siècles pour mieux le dépouiller et l'avilir, il doit prendre conscience de sa mélanine, c'est grâce à ce pigment qu' il a fabriqué toutes les cultures et civilisations mondiales dont l'empreinte visuelle est marquée dans les monuments qui subsistent : vestiges solides et témoins oculaires de son travail et son existence passée en Europe, Asie, Amériques. A l'exemple de Ghandi en Inde et Nelson Mendela en Afrique du Sud, il doit s'organiser pour résister et se faire respecter. C'est grâce à cette mélanine que le noir a les qualités suivantes innées en lui : créativité, empathie, spiritualité, amour, affection, partage, gaîté, qualités artistiques, physiques et sportives qui font de lui un être humain et civilisé. Il doit donc en raison de ces richesses que lui apporte cette mélanine, la considérer comme une réelle bénédiction divine. Cathédrale de Beauvais _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cathédrale de Chartres _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cathédrale de Chartres Intérieur_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Westminster Abbey London 12th century _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Chateau de Versailles Galerie des glaces THE FIRST EUROPEAN BLACKS Renaissance Italy _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris 12è siècle_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Versailles and Gardens Chateau de Versailles et jardins _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Château de Chambord Abbaye de Westminster Londres :12è siècle Château de Chambord African proverb" Better to walk without knowing where to go than to sit and do nothing". think that this race of black men today our slave and the object of our contempt is that same to which we owe our arts, our sciences and even the use of the word; to imagine that it is in the midst of peoples who call themselves the most friends of freedom and humanity, that the most barbaric of slaveries has been sanctioned, and questioned whether black men have an intelligence of the species of white men! (Comte de Volney: travels in Egypt and Syria 1783)


    Thomas Jennings Inventeur du nettoyage à sec en 1821. Il fut le 1er noir à obtenir un brevet d'invention Van Beethoven was the greatest composer, The whites claim he was 1/16th black blood; Obviously impossible Le Guadeloupéen Raoul-Georges Nicolo est l’inventeur du bloc de commutation pour la télévision multi-canal (télécommande). Ce bloc permet la réception de plusieurs chaînes sur un même poste de télévision; système de réception utilisé chaque jour par des centaines de millions de personnes dans le monde. Pourtant son inventeur Georges NICOLO, noir, est totalement méconnu. Joseph Bologne Chevalier de Saint George - Concertos pour violons Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de St Georges (1739-1799) était un grand musicien (compositeur, violoniste, chef d'orchestre ) et escrimeur français, virtuose du fleuret ; Né en Guadeloupe (à Baillif) enfant naturel d'une esclave et de Georges de Bologne de Saint-Georges, riche planteur blanc. Mozart le jalouse mais s’est inspiré de St Georges dans ses compositions musicales. Il a été dénommé le Mozart Noir, insulte pour celui que Mozart a copié (Mozart est mort à 35ans, De St Georges à 53 ans) En 1802, au rétablissement de l’esclavage, ses pièces sont simplement chassées du répertoire musical. Jusqu’à ce jour ce grand musicien noir est totalement méconnu du public. Norbert Rillieux, né le 17 mars 1806 à La Nouvelle-Orléans - 8 octobre 1894. Le Noir qui révolutionne l'industrie du sucre. Le procédé de Norbert Rillieux améliore la transformation du jus de canne en sucre 2019-Roy Allela Un innovateur kenyan a créé de toutes pièces un système qui permet de traduire la langue des signes en audio, via un téléphone. Une innovation qui pourrait bien révolutionner les méthodes de communication. Introduction "Every effect has a cause, chance does not exist" , The inventiveness of blacks is not due to chance, but comes from a black substance which they have in abundance in their brains and nerve centers and which is called neuromelanin, (see Chap Being black, melanin a blessing ) it is a type of melanin present in the deep parts of the human brain, called black substance (substantia negra). This pigment is produced by the pineal gland located between the 2 hemispheres of the brain. This gland can reach the size of the thumb in blacks. Since the pineal gland is often calcified in the majority of leucodermas (whites), melanin is weakly produced there. According to studies by Dr. Carol Barnes, pineal calcification affects 5 to 15% of Africans, 15 to 25% of Asians, and 60 to 80% of Westerners. The more a person is tinted, the more he has the capacity to produce this pigment in abundance. In the brain of blacks, neuromelanin would be present in 12 places, while in the brain of whites it would be found in 2 places. It plays a major role in the functions of the nervous system. The qualities of blacks: artistic talents, sciences, physical, moral, spiritual qualities, etc. reside in this substance that we have in our skin and our brain: melanin.By causing superconductivity, melanin allows messages to pass quickly, without anything standing in their way, it allows the brain to store more information and function at a high level (inventions). In addition to their deficiency in neuromelanin due to the calcification of their pineal gland, the whites would function at 80% with the left brain, the blacks would function with the 2 left and right brains. The left brain is the brain of reason: no creativity (inventiveness) It is logical, Cartesian, sequential (it only processes one piece of data at a time) and specific. For the left brain, a question = an answer. It works in binary, which means there's only one way to do things. The major downside is that a dominant left brain stifles creativity. On the other hand, the right brain is the seat of intuition, creativity, imagination, emotions and dazzling thought. It works much more powerfully than its left-wing colleague. The emotions of the dominant right brains are also more intense, they have greater sensitivity. the right hemisphere allows great creativity and sensitivity. ​ Melanin theorist Carol Barnes writes in her book Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness: "Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice. " (the MAAT in Egypt) Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave in a barbaric way. Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL because he absorbs all energy frequencies. Whites have the leastneuro melanin, they are seen by people of color as generally rigid, callous (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and “unspiritual” (Neuro)melanin is responsible forsensitivity which is expressed by: empathy, creativity (inventions), spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it (leucodermas) we denote theInsensitivity which is expressed by: egocentrism, lack of creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, the predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. ​ About the creativity created by neuromelanin, I relate the following fact : A hospital center nurse pointed out to me that her service organized separate groups of black and white children, they were given nothing to occupy them; it was found that the groups of white children were complaining, shouting '' we are bored, we have nothing to do '' while the groups of black children were busy, creating with each other games using their hands, feet. Could neuromelamine deficiency in small leucodermas be the cause of this lack of creative spirit? The absence of melanin (neuromelanin) is directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of melanin is directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system. White people know all about melanin and the greatness it can produce. They feel like it's a danger to them. Leucodermas stole everything from us, copied and improved. And it continues. (See video of the African inventor Maxwell Chikumbutso recently murdered in the USA to steal his inventions). They have no history of their own apart from invasion, murder, looting, theft, lies. Melanin is a blessing: glorify, gratify ourmelanin because it is thanks to it that the black race is the cradle of Humanity and of all civilizations and Earth sciences e ; because all the 1st civilizations of the Earth were black. « Encore un noir assassiné par les leucodermes pour lui voler son génie » . Preuve flagrante de la carence chez le leucoderme de ce pigment neuromélanine, génie créateur chez le noir, moteur des découvertes de l’humanité que le blanc envie et revendique. Il n’hésite pas à aller jusqu’à tuer le noir pour lui voler les découvertes réalisées grâce à ce pigment, puis à les revendiquer comme étant les siennes. C’est terrible ! Pourquoi mettent ils tout en œuvre pour nous barrer la route, nous empêcher de faire valoir nos compétences, de nous faire remarquer sur le plan professionnel ? c’est parce qu’ils nous redoutent, ont peur de nous et savent que sur le plan inventif, scientifique, notre intelligence, nos compétences dépassent largement les leurs et de ce fait ils redoutent la compétition qui les ferait paraitre inférieurs. C’est aussi cette peur des capacités supérieures du noir qui amène le blanc à tout faire pour le faire paraitre comme un être inférieur, et à présenter l’Afrique avec les noirs comme un continent arriéré qu’il leur appartient de civiliser . En outre, le blanc (l’élite intellectuelle) à travers ses médias entretient une omerta, un silence hermétique, total sur les capacités des noirs, les soulignant uniquement dans le domaine de la musique et du sport, car ce dernier doit toujours paraitre comme étant plus bas que lui. Il conserve aussi un silence total sur le mot mélanine qu’il n’évoque strictement jamais. Sachant parfaitement que les connaissances de l’humanité viennent des noirs, il met mondialement tout en œuvre pour faire le noir apparaitre comme un être inférieur, animal, servile, au qi bas, n’ayant rien inventé. C’est bien pourquoi ils ont mis mondialement en place un plan pour que nous les noirs soyons méprisés, pourchassés, haïs, rejetés, nous berceau de l’humanité et auteurs de toute civilisation et culture qui étaient toutes originellement noire s en Europe, Amériques, Asie. La plus vieille prothèse découverte sur une momie Lonnie George Johnson (né le 6 octobre 1949) est un inventeur, ingénieur aérospatial et entrepreneur américain. Cet homme est un génie méconnu. il détient pas moins de 133 brevets – qui sont au cœur de notre système économique global (notamment la conversion de l’énergie en électricité) mais aussi de l’un des jouets les plus vendus au siècle dernier: le pistolet à eau Super Soaker. L’afro-américain Henry Sampson est l’inventeur du téléphone cellulaire, car c’est à partir de son invention « la cellule Gamma électrique » (brevet déposé le 6 juillet 1971) qui permet d’envoyer et de recevoir des signaux audio au moyen d’ondes radio sans fil, que le célèbre « téléphone portable » a pu faire son apparition dans le monde entier. il n’est pas l’inventeur du téléphone portable. Sa technologie est utilisée dans les téléphones modernes Inventeur noir Jerry Lawson , pionnier des jeux vidéo modernes ! Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986) est né au Sénégal. Il étudie en France en 1946, Diplômé en chimie et en physique nucléaire , il a créé dès 1966 le premier laboratoire africain de datation au carbone 14. Lors de la publication de son livre Nations nègres et culture (1954), Il a dû faire face à un grand scepticisme et aux préjugés racistes hérités du colonialisme. Ce n'est qu'en 1974, au colloque international du Caire, que les plus grands égyptologues ont salué ses théories « visionnaires ». : Elles ont depuis été acceptées en tant que vérités scientifiques : Il a prouvé que les anciens Egyptiens étaient des noirs ainsi que toute la prestigieuse culture égyptienne. Dr Lonnie George Johnson (né le 6 octobre 1949) est un inventeur, ingénieur aérospatial cet homme est un génie méconnu. Il a travaillé à la NASA, et a fait de nombreuses inventions – il détient pas moins de 133 brevets – qui sont au cœur de notre système économique global (notamment la conversion de l’énergie en électricité) Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986) est né au Sénégal. Il étudie en France en 1946, choisit d'abord la physique et la chimie, avant de se tourner vers la philosophie et l'histoire. Diplômé en chimie et en physique nucléaire, il a créé dès 1966 le premier laboratoire africain de datation au carbone 14. Lors de la publication de son livre Nations nègres et culture (1954), Il a dû faire face à un grand scepticisme et aux préjugés racistes hérités du colonialisme. Ce n'est qu'en 1974, au colloque international du Caire, que les plus grands égyptologues ont salué ses théories « visionnaires ». : Elles ont depuis été acceptées en tant que vérités scientifiques : Il a prouvé que les anciens Egyptiens étaient des noirs ainsi que toute la prestigieuse civilisation égyptienne. L’afro-américain Henry Sampson est l’inventeur du téléphone cellulaire, car c’est à partir de son invention « la cellule Gamma électrique » (brevet déposé le 6 juillet 1971) qui permet d’envoyer et de recevoir des signaux audio au moyen d’ondes radio sans fil, que le célèbre « téléphone portable » a pu faire son apparition dans le monde entier . il n’est pas l’inventeur du téléphone portable. Sa technologie est utilisée dans les téléphones modernes Inventeur noir Jerry Lawson, pionnier des jeux vidéo modernes ! L’Afro-américain Jerry Lawson a contribué au développement des jeux vidéo modernes. Il est affectueusement appelé le « père de la cartouche de jeu vidéo » aux États-Unis. Lawson invente la console Fairchild Channel F en 1976 ​ Patricia Bath 1942/2019 est l’ inventrice du laser pour le traitement de la cataracte. Elle a inventé une nouvelle technique pour la chirurgie de la cataracte appelée le laserphaco. Elle est la première Afro-Américaine à obtenir un brevet pour une invention dans le domaine médical Le stéthoscope a été découvert par les Egyptiens, non par le français Laennec en 1816 Encore un noir assassiné pour lui voler son génie Maxwell Chikumbutso est un super-génie africain qui n'a pratiquement jamais été à l’école du Blanc. Né en 1980 au Zimbabwe il est un ingénieur autodidacte qui a abandonné l’école à 14 ans. Il est connu pour avoir développé une technologie d’énergie verte qui est révolutionnaire car elle convertit directement les fréquences radio en énergie propre et renouvelable. Après avoir fait les inventions suivantes : 1) une voiture électrique sans branchement à autonomie illimitée : sa voiture électrique n’a pas de système de recharge en raison du « mouvement perpétuel » ou plutôt d’un système de conversion de fréquences en puissance électrique ; Seulement de l’énergie pure, donc zéro émission. 2) un hélicoptère sans carburant à 5 voies d'alimentation (essence, diesel, gaz, électricité, eau). Normalement, cela nécessiterait de modifier le moteur, cependant, ce n’est pas le cas concernant l’invention de Maxwell. 3) une télévision sans branchement. Maxwell se rend aux États Unis pour demander un brevet afin d'homologuer ses recherches. Il n’a pas pu faire breveter son travail car la commission en charge de l’attribution et de l’examen du brevet lui a signifié que sa découverte « violait les lois de la physique » ! Néanmoins on lui offre une hospitalité aux États Unis . Pendant son séjour, il va partager le fruit de ses recherches avec les américains. Le téléviseur sans fil développé par Chikumbutso fonctionne grâce à un générateur d’énergie qui utilise l’énergie des radiofréquences ; son alimentation est assurée par un module à énergie libre qui permet la transformation des fréquences électromagnétiques en électricité. Le téléviseur est alimenté par RadioFréquences grâce à un dispositif appelé MSED. Il est autoalimenté et utilise de l’énergie verte captée à partir des RF grâce à un dispositif électronique qu’il a développé : le MSED, dispositif d'énergie micro-sonique ; aucun câble n’est connecté, il est auto-alimenté. Chikumbutso a dit : « Nous avons réussi à développer une solution qui alimente des téléviseurs, des smartphones, des ordinateurs portables, des réfrigérateurs, pour n’en citer que quelques-uns. » Malheureusement Il est victime de 3 tentatives d’empoisonnement et depuis il a disparu jusqu’à aujourd’hui janvier 2023. Ce téléviseur sans fil est actuellement commercialisé aux Etats Unis par une société américaine. Autant comprendre qu’on l’a fait disparaitre pour lui voler ses découvertes. Il est temps maintenant que les États AFRICAINS se réunissent et créent leur organisation d'attribution de brevets planétaires. Les inventeurs africains qui meurent empoisonnés, tués sont nombreux, parce que les états africains ne sont pas solidaires. L’Afrique devrait organiser des salons made in Africa pour valoriser tous ces talents, mais hélas ! ​ Les talents, l’Afrique en regorge, sauf qu’ils ne sont pas protégés et leurs inventions ne sont pas reconnues par ceux-là qui sont en manque d’inspiration. Courant 1er semestre 2023 un autre africain a été assassiné pour lui voler son invention. IL avait découvert un procédé révolutionnaire de système de dépollution de l'air. ​ Nous Noirs, Restons vigilants et DENONCONS la commercialisation de ce téléviseur alimenté par radio fréquences et inventé par Maxwell Chikumbutso. RECLAMONS JUSTICE POUR MAXWELL ​ L’histoire vous raconte que l’inventeur blanc Thomas Edison dépose un brevet pour une ampoule électrique le 22 octobre 1879 : il réussit l’exploit de produire de l’électricité : Il met dans un globe de verre, un filament en bambou qu‘il fait chauffer par deux bornes électriques. C’est une première mondiale. Mais en 1882 l’inventeur noir Latimer remplace ce filament de bambou par un filament de carbone donnant une lumière incandescente et une électricité durable. Mais regardez bien l’image ci-dessus d’une ampoule inventée par les Egyptiens anciens il y a plusieurs millénaires ? Thomas Edison aurait il copié cette invention Inventions faites par les Egyptiens copiées par les leucodermes Dr Hadiyah-Nicole Green, vient par ses travaux de révolutionner le traitement du cancer pour les années à venir, notamment en développant une méthode d'utilisation des nanoparticules activées par laser pour améliorer le ciblage et l'élimination des cellules cancéreuses chez les patients. Alan Emtage, né le 27 novembre 1964 à Barbade, est un informaticien connu pour avoir conçu et mis en œuvre la première version de Archie , le premier moteur de recherche sur internet. Alan Emtage est l'inventeur des 10 premiers moteurs de recherche tels que : Google, Bing, Yahoo,,, Baidu, Wolfram, Alpha, DuckDuckGo, Archive I nternet, Mae Carol Jemison , née le 17 octobre 1956 à Decatur en Alabama est une ingénieure, médecin, professeure et une astronaute américaine de la National Aeronautics. En 1992, à bord de la navette spatiale Endeavour, elle est la première femme noire à aller dans l’espace. Inventeur noir Percy Julian (1899-1975) était un chimiste et un inventeur qui a découvert comment synthétiser chimiquement la cortisone pour le traitement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde. Il détenait plus de 100 brevets dans le domaine de la chimie. Dr Mark Dean , né le 2 mars 1957 inventeur noir-américain du PC d’ IBM Méconnu parce que noir Obtention de six des neuf premiers brevets d'IBM: les neuf premiers brevets de PC, il détient plus de 40 brevets. Inventeur noir Daniel Hale Williams (1856-1931) est le 1er chirurgien au monde à avoir réalisé une opération à cœur ouvert, en outre sans que le patient meurt d’infection . Afro-américain d'une famille de 7 enfants, il commence à travailler dès l'âge de 10 ans. Pendant ses études de médecine, il se fait remarquer par l’utilisation de nouveaux antiseptiques et de procédures de stérilisation lors de ses opérations. En 1893 il opère à cœur ouvert un jeune afro américain blessé d’un coup de couteau à la poitrine. Ce dernier sort de l’hôpital, complètement guéri, et vivra 50 ans de plus. James Edward Maceo West February 10, 1931 (Age: 91)Did you know that 90% of the microphones used in the world are the results of the genius of James Edward West, an African American inventor, born in Virginia.He holds more than 250 patents foreign and American for the production and design of microphones and techniques for creating polymer sheet electrets. Sandrine Ngalula Mubenga , de la République du Congo, inventrice d’une voiture hybride en y intégrant une pile à combustible à hydrogène. Avant que Sandrine Ngalula ne rende le prototype hybride, cette voiture roulait à une vitesse maximale de 67 km/h. Grace au système hybride qu’elle a mis au point, le prototype est passé à une vitesse de 191 km/h. Une autre caractéristique de cette voiture est qu’elle est silencieuse et qu’elle ne produit que de l’eau comme déchet. Gladys Wes t née en 1930 aujourd'hui âgée de 91 ans. L'invention du GPS doit beaucoup à cette mathématicienne afro-américaine. Si vous utilisez un système de positionnement par satellite, plus connu sous le nom de GPS, pour trouver votre chemin sur des routes inconnues, vous pouvez remercier Gladys West. L’US Navy, son ancien employeur, estime qu’elle a joué un rôle charnière dans la mise au point de la technologie GPS. La reconnaissance tardive de ses travaux menés au sein de l'armée révèle aussi une vie sous le joug du racisme aux Etats Unis ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Otis Boykin est un Inventeur noir du pacemaker (régulateur pour stimulateur cardiaque) Peu d'inventeurs ont eu l'impact durable d'Otis Boykin. Regardez autour de vous à la maison aujourd'hui et vous verrez une variété d'appareils qui utilisent des composants fabriqués par Boykin. Il est aussi l'inventeur d'un filtre à air, d'une résistance (brevetée le 21 février 1965) qui a rendu les appareils électroniques courants, tels que la télévision et les ordinateurs, plus efficaces . Boykin a breveté 28 appareils électroniques. Dr. Charles Richard Drew Inventeur de la banque du sang . A la fin des années 30, on était déjà parvenu à transfuser du sang. Mais on ne savait pas comment conserver ce liquide qui, en dehors du corps, se détériore rapidement. C’est un médecin Afro-Américain, le Dr. Charles Richard Drew (1904-1950) qui va trouver la solution. Il a découvert que le plasma se prêtait bien mieux au stockage. Son travail eut une importance capitale dans la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, puisque ce chercheur a été chargé d’organiser l’expédition de plasma pour les blessés vers la Grande-Bretagne Granville Tailer Woods 1856-1910 était un inventeur afro-américain, détenteur de plus de 50 brevets. L’antenne parabolique que tout le monde utilise aujourd'hui a été inventé par un noir. Très présent sur le toit de nombreuses maisons en Afrique de nos jours, l’antenne parabolique a été inventée le 7 juin 1887 par Granville Tailer Woods un noir américain. Du plus loin que l’on peut remonter dans l’histoire (Antiquité en Egypte : les Egyptiens étaient des noirs) les blancs ont copié, adapté à leurs besoins nos inventions puis s’en sont déclarés les inventeurs. Je remonte à l’antiquité et cite diverses inventions faites par les Egyptiens et que les blancs ont mises à leur crédit en tant qu’inventeurs, ce qui est de l’usurpation. Il est à noter que les noirs sont les inventeurs de la culture : arts, écriture, sciences, maths, philosophie, musique, religion, ingénierie, médecine, chirurgie, astronomie… avant que les blancs ne les en dépouillent et les falsifient à leur avantage. Toute la science est liée à l’Egypte. les éléments premiers des mathématiques, médecine, astronomie, navigation, architecture, écriture...... venaient d’Égypte. Les occidentaux admirent beaucoup le génie grec :'' le miracle grec ''disent ils , en les personnes des philosophes comme : Démocrite, Diogène, Epictete, Epicure, Leuccipe, Platon, Pythagore, Socrate, Aristote, Thalès, Eudoxe, Solon, Euclide, Jamblique, le géographe Strabon, le médecin Hippocrate etc....mais les prêtres noirs égyptiens qui ont été les professeurs en Égypte de ces personnes méritent encore plus cette admiration, car les grecs se déplaçaient de leur pays pour venir en Égypte étudier dans les temples des villes comme Memphis, Thèbes, Héliopolis où les prêtres leur dispensaient leur savoir. Ils y séjournaient souvent en études entre 10 à 20 ans et plus. Les théorèmes de Pythagore et de Thalès existaient plusieurs millénaires avant la naissance des dits Pythagore et Thalès qui ne les ont pas inventé comme veulent le faire croire les européens ; d’ailleurs ces théorèmes figurent sur les papyrus (ex : papyrus Rhind conservé au British Museum de Londres qui est le papyrus du scribe Ahmès rebaptisé Rhind). Le déchiffrement des hiéroglyphes par JF Champollion a confirmé les origines africaines de ce savoir philosophique et scientifique. Dans tous les domaines : mathématiques, philosophie, géométrie, médecine etc.... les grecs ont recopié mot à mot (plagiat)les textes anciens égyptiens des papyrus. « Le géographe grec Strabon dit que les grecs ignoraient tout des sciences et de l'astronomie, jusqu'à leurs contacts avec les Égyptiens qu'il décrit comme étant des noirs. Selon JP Vernant ''les grecs ont utilisé des observations, des techniques, des instruments que d'autres ont mis au point''. Champollion : '' l’Égypte devint une école où allèrent s'instruire les législateurs de la Grèce, les réformateurs de son culte, et surtout les hellènes d'Europe et d'Asie qui hâtèrent le développement de la société grecque en propageant l'étude des sciences, de l'histoire et de la philosophie''.Les savants grecs n'ont jamais nié qu'ils devaient les fondations de leur civilisation aux Nègres d’Égypte, car à l'époque le racisme envers les Noirs n'existait pas. ​ La ville de Tombouctou au Mali a connu un passé religieux et intellectuel faste aux 15è et 16è siècle : l'astronomie, la musique, la botanique, les sciences, le droit ou encore l'histoire et la religion étaient enseignés dans ses écoles et son université qui comptait 25,000 étudiants venus de différents pays pour étudier. Les grandes villes africaines avant la période coloniale étaient des centres de savoir et d'éc hanges entre érudits arabes et africains. » Je cite quelques inventions que les leucodermes ont mises à leur crédit en s’en prétendant les inventeurs : l’asepsie dont Pasteur s’est attribué l’invention ; le stéthoscope redécouvert par Laennec ; l’aphasie (perte de la parole) décrite dans le papyrus de Smith a été reprise par Broca et Wernicke à leur compte etc…. ​ Les métiers à tisser Le tissage, à proprement parlé n'apparut qu'à l'âge du cuivre, typiquement la période 10 000 – 3 000 ans avant notre ère Les premiers métiers à tisser sont représentés sur des poteries égyptiennes de la période pré-dynastique, vers 4400 av. J.-C. je rappelle que la population égyptienne était originellement noire. Les métiers à tisser étaient utilisés en Afrique sub-saharienne. Le métier à tisser mécanique mis au point en 1801 par Joseph-Marie Jacquart s’est inspiré des métiers à tisser existants. Le s blancs aiment penser qu'ils ont inventé tout ce que nous tenons pour acquis à notre époqu e. (Ref ) La vérité est que les Caucasiens n’ont fait que redécouvrir les nombreuses inventions de nos ancêtres NOIRS au plus profond de l’antiquité. Il est rapidement devenu de notoriété publique que les anciens Égyptiens étaient des Africains noirs. Le Pharaon Menés, qui est considéré comme le fondateur de l’Égypte Pharaonique et de l'unification de l’Égypte inférieure(nord) et supérieure (sud), est précédé de milliers d'années de rois qui ne sont pas pris en compte dans l'histoire ancienne. L’Égypte n’a pas une histoire progressive linéaire où elle a commencé par un stade primitif et a progressé vers son état avancé. Les Égyptiens ont commencé AVANCES. L’Égypte ancienne est la colonie de continuation ou de satellite d'une super civilisation encore plus ancienne et fabuleuse : l'Atlantide. Il y a beaucoup de ruines et de preuves de l'Atlantide. Non seulement le récit de Platon, mais des ruines mégalithiques trouvées aux États-Unis ; celles-ci doivent être les restes d'une ancienne civilisation NOIRE. Bien que la bibliothèque d’Alexandrie ait été détruite par le feu ainsi que des centres de connaissances à d’autres endroits, les anciens textes indiens de l’empire Ramayana existent toujours et confirment que les vimanas (anciennes machines volantes indiennes) sont une réalité et non un produit de l’imagination. Les habitants de l’ancien Empire Ramayana sont les ancêtres des Dravidiens noirs ou « intouchables » (Dalits) de l’Inde d’aujourd’hui. Écrit dans l'ancienne langue du sanskrit, le texte donne des contes merveilleux sur les guerres fantastiques qui se sont déroulées ici aussi sur cette planète et dans l'espace extra-atmosphérique par ces anciennes machines volantes utilisant la propulsion à vortex au mercure. C'est aussi un secret soigneusement gardé que beaucoup d'OVNIS d'aujourd'hui sont en réalité les anciennes vimanas de la grande antiquité ; elles sont dissimulées par les États-Unis et d'autres gouvernements mondiaux, ces ovnis sont des reconstitutions de ces avions anciens. Comme je l’ai dit plus tôt, ce sont des inventions que les Blancs n’ont que REDÉCOUVERTES et qui ne peuvent pas être mises à leur crédit. ​ Les dogons du Mali avaient localisé sans l'aide de télescopes, l'étoile compagne naine de l'ét oile Sirius (livre why darkness matter, the power of melanin in the brain par les auteurs :Brown, King, Moore) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Les dogons du Mali, qui retracent leur lignée historique et génétique jusqu’à l'Égypte pré-dynastique en utilisant une méthodologie très ancienne ont pu localiser, sans l' aide de télescopes, l'étoile compagne naine de l'étoile Sirius. Les Dogons ont décrit sa forme orbitale et sa durée de rotation avec précision. Ils décrivirent son orbite, son axe et recon nurent aussi ses uniques caractéristiques gravitationnelles d’étoile très petite mais dense. Cette étoile appelée Sirius B a une magnitude de 8 et est invisible à l’œil nu. Elle fait une révolution autour de Sirius tous les 50 ans. Elle a été vue par télescope pour la 1ère fois par le monde scientifique moderne par 2 astronomes américains en 1862 et a été photographiée en 1970. Les Dogons ont aussi décrit avec exactitude d’autres objets clignotants près de Sirius B. Toute la cosmogonie des Dogons est commandée par Sirius B appelée aussi Digitaria. Or, cette étoile n’a été découverte qu’en 1836 et identifiée comme une naine blanche qu’en 1915. Peu après, les anthropologues Marcel Griaule et Germaine Dieterlen (1986) découvrirent que les Dogons avaient bien d’autres connaissances en astronomie. Ils savaient, par exemple, que Jupiter a quatre satellites principaux, que les planètes tournent autour du soleil. Ils savaient que Saturne a des anneaux, que la Terre tourne autour du Soleil et que les étoiles sont des corps en mouvement perpétuel. Ils savaient également que la Lune est une planète morte. Depuis des générations, les prêtres enseignent que la Voie lactée est animée d’un mouvement en spirale, auquel participe notre système solaire. Un autre fait étrange, ils affirment que Sirius serait accompagnée, non pas d’une étoile, mais de deux étoiles. Nous savons que Sirius B existe, mais, à ce jour, aucune Sirius C n’a été détectée. Il est intéressant de constater selon notre point de vue que le monde tourne comme sur une spirale. Les orbites de Sirius et Digitaria ont une forme elliptique, en spirale, les foyers de neuromélanine du cerveau reflètent cette forme en spirale du 1er au dernier foyer. En d’autres mots il apparait qu’il y a une similarité configurationnelle dans les orbites du monde externe et du monde interne. Le monde moderne a redécouvert ou réinventé une technologie qui avait été inventée à l'origine par nos ancêtres africains noirs . Dans les cercles secrets, cette « réinvention ou redécouverte est couramment appelée ingénierie inverse. Au plus profond de l'Antiquité, il existait une super-civilisation préhistorique beaucoup plus avancée sur le plan technologique qu'aujourd'hui. L’engin spatial / avion, qui existait à l’époque s’est écrasée au cours d’une reconnaissance ou d’une guerre ancienne, a été récupérée par les pouvoirs en place et ceux-ci procédèrent au désossage de diverses parties de cet ancien engin. Les leucodermes ont procédé à une ingénierie inverse de tout, du système de propulsion aux capacités électroniques d'autres pièces et composants de l'engin. Il est de notoriété publique dans certains milieux que les laboratoires AT & T Bell ont été reconnus inventeurs du transistor, mais en réalité, ils ont procédé à l’ingénierie inverse de la technologie d’un ancien aéronef vaisseau spatial écrasé. Ils aiment parler de ces engins comme étant des « engins spatiaux Extra-Terrestre écrasés ». Cependant, cela implique que des non-humains ont créé et fabriqué ces objets, alors qu'en réalité ce sont des objets créés et fabriqués par l'homme mais au plus profond de l'Antiquité avant même que les Blancs n'existent dans le contexte que nous comprenons aujourd'hui. Cela va sans dire que bon nombre des aménagements dits modernes que les Blancs se vantent de développer et d’inventer n’ont vraiment pas été inventés par eux. Il s'agit en fait du désossement d'artéfacts ou de machines très anciennes dont ils se sont attribués l'invention. L'un des principaux mensonges est que les frères Wright ont développé le concept de vol. Ils l'ont pris à leur profit. Ils ont vraiment eu le secret du vol grâce à l’ingénierie inverse de l’un des anciens aéronefs / vaisseaux spatiaux tombés. Ce qu’ils ne veulent pas non plus vous dire, c’est que lorsqu’ils récupèrent ces avions antiques écrasés, souvent après des fouilles archéologiques, ils y retrouvent les restes de Noirs, selon l'ADN, qui en étaient les pilotes, et non des « gris » ou d’autres extraterrestres qu’ils veulent vous conduire à croire. Les preuves médico-légales le confirment ! Nicolas Tesla est un autre nom que vous ne connaissez peut-être pas. Il est connu pour la redécouverte de nombreuses technologies anciennes qui commencent tout juste à refaire surface. (Ref ). Technologies copiées auprès des Egyptiens anciens telles que l'électricité: les pyramides étaient des générateurs d'électricité. ​ En outre, des inventions comme l'intelligence artificielle, le 4G, la 5G auraient été apportées aux blancs par des extra terrestres inamicaux. A u Etats Unis il existe dans le Nevada: la zone 51 qui serait un lieu de rencontre et de travail avec des scientifiques américains en contacts avec des extraterrestres beaucoup plus évolués que les terr iens, et avec une technologie très avancée. Par leur refus de dévoiler une existence extraterrestre et leur silence total sur l’existence de planètes et d’autres vies extra-terrestres, ils veulent nous faire croire que nous sommes la seule planète habi tée dans un univers qui compte des milliards d’autres planètes et d ’autres vies en dehors de la Terre. En conclusion. Que l’on remonte le plus loin possible dans l’antiquité, que l’on examine les découvertes des siècles passés ou des temps actuels, les inventeurs en sont les noirs. Les leucodermes se sont emparées de nos connaissances qu’ils ont copiés, a daptés à leurs besoins, puis s’en sont déclarés les inventeurs. Nous supprimer physiquement pour les accaparer est un moyen qu’ils n’hésitent pas à utiliser pour toujours se mettre au devant de la scène, encore un cas tout récent est celui du jeune zimbabwéen Maxwell Chikumbutsco. Voilà une nouvelle preuve flagrante de la déficience en eux de ce précieux pigment neuromélanine, créateur de la pensée fulgurante génératrice d’idées, d’innovations chez le noir et qui fait défaut chez le blanc. ​ Vous comprenez tout naturellement pourquoi le leucoderme s’est battu à travers ses sociétés secrètes , et , sa main mise absolue et totale sur les médias pour avilir et dégrader le noir au degré le plus bas après l’avoir spolié; et a tout mis en œuvre pour nous éliminer par tous moyens. " L’Afrique sans les afric ains " est leur leitmotiv . ​ ​ ​ ​ Observatoire dogon Les inventeurs et savants noirs qui ont modernisé le monde « Les noirs, savants ou inventeurs ne figurent nulle part dans le livre mondial de l'invention dont l'auteur est Valérie Anne Giscard d'Estaing fille de l'ancien président français Valéry Giscard d'Estaing et recensant ceux qui ont permis les progrès de l'humanité. Ces scientifiques noirs sont « volontairement et soigneusement » oubliés par le monde bien que leurs inventions soient d'un usage divers, quotidien ; La propriété intellectuelle de beaucoup de ces inventions a été bafouée. Contrairement à une certaine image véhiculée , il existe beaucoup d'africains sur le continent et dans la diaspora(États Unis) qui s'inscrivent dans cette longue tradition d'inventions, et cela dans presque tous les domaines de l'antiquité à nos jours... » Afrique et diaspora de Mezepo En outre, bien des inventions faites par des esclaves pendant l'esclavage ont été concédées à leurs maîtres esclavagistes. L’esclave n’étant pas considéré comme citoyen Américain ne pouvait déposer de brevet d'invention. Je rends hommage à tous ces noirs. « " Aucune race ne possède le monopole de la beauté et de l'intelligence ". De grands savants comme Aristote, qui avait souligné, formellement, que l'Égypte est le berceau des Mathématiques, lui, spécialiste de la métaphysique, avait précisé que les égyptiens étaient très noirs de peau, en parlant de leur physionomie.? Tout le monde occidental venait s'instruire en Égypte ancienne. Le savant grec Hérodote, témoin oculaire, atteste que " les anciens Égyptiens ont la peau noire et crépus les cheveux. ". Le monde anglophone l'a compris mais, c'est dans le monde francophone que ces vérités sont encore occultées aujourd'hui. L'Histoire moderne doit rétablir certaines vérités. Savez-vous que le plus grand musicien de tous les temps, selon l'Occident, est Beethoven ? Or, ce dernier est un descendant d'Afrique noire. Mais, ce même Occident a voulu par tous les moyens le blanchir. Pourquoi ? La contribution du monde noir à la science et aux techniques modernes mérite d'être soulignée. » « Voici une liste non-exhaustive des inventions réalisées par des hommes et des femmes de la diaspora noire, qui ont changé le monde et resteront incontournables ad vitam æternam. ​ 1. LA LAMPE ÉLECTRIQUE : inventée le 13.09.1881 par Joseph V. Nichols et Lewis H. Latimer. 2. L’ANTENNE PARABOLIQUE : inventée le 07 juin 1887 par Granville T. Woods 3. LA PRODUCTION SUCRIÈRE AMÉLIORÉE : inventée le 10 décembre par Norbert Rilleux 4. L’AIGUILLAGE DES TRAINS : inventé le 31 octobre 1899 par William F. Burr 5. L’EXCAVATRICE DES POMMES DE TERRE : inventée le 23 avril 1895 par F.J. Wood 6. CAPSULES DES BOUTEILLES ET JARRES : inventée le 13.9.1898 7. BIDON (JERRICAN) : inventé le 17 février 1891 par Albert C. Richardson 8. PANNEAU DE PROTECTION DES LITS : inventé le 13 août 1895 par Lewis A. Russel 9. MOTEUR A COMBUSTION : inventé le 05 juillet 1892 par Andrew J. Beard 10. MASQUE A GAZ : inventé le 13 octobre 1914 par Garett A. Morgan 11. BOUCHE DE SECOURS INCENDIE : inventée le 07 mai 1878 par Joseph R. Winters 12. LA CHAISE BALANÇOIRE : inventée le 15 novembre 1881 par Payton Johnson 13. CHARPENTE MÉTALLIQUE (DE VOITURE) : inventée le 02 février 1892 par Carter William 14. TABLE DE CUISSON A VAPEUR : inventée le 26 octobre 1897 par Carter William 15. LENTILLES DE PROTECTION DES YEUX : inventée le 02 novembre 1880 par Powell Johnson 16. L’ASCENSEUR : inventé le 11 octobre 1867 par Alexander Miles 17. LE TAILLE CRAYON : inventé le 11 octobre 1867 par John L. Loove 18. DISPOSITIF DE COUPLAGES DES VOITURES DE TRAIN : inventé le 10.10.1899 par Andrew J. Beard 19. LES MANÈGES POUR DIVERTISSEMENT : inventés le 19 décembre 1899 par Granville T. Woods 20. LA CHEMINÉE DE LOCOMOTIVE : améliorée le 23 mai 1871 par Landron Bell 21. LA LANTERNE ou LA LAMPE TEMPÊTE : inventée le 19 août 1884 par Michael C. Hamey 22. LE PIANO MÉCANIQUE : inventé le 11 juin 1912 par Joseph H. Dickinson 23. L’AMÉNAGEMENT DES WAGONS-LITS : inventé le 08 octobre 1870 par John W. West 24. LA BALANCE PORTABLE : inventée le 03 novembre 1896 par John W. Hunter 25. LES W.C ( TOILETTES ) : inventés le 19 décembre 1889 par Jérome B. Rhodes 26. LE CACHET ET LE TAMPON : inventés le 27 février 1883 par William B. Purvis 27. LE RÉFRIGÉRATEUR ( FRIGO ) : inventé le 14 juillet 1891 par John Stenard 28. L’INTERRUPTEUR ( LE COMMUTATEUR ) : inventé le 1er janvier 1889 par Granville T. Woods 29. LE RÉVÉLATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIQUE : inventé le 23 avril 1895 par Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus 30. LA GALOCHE ( COUVRE CHAUSSURE ) :inventée le 08 février 1898 par Alvin L. Rickman 31. LA MACHINE A COMPOSTER : inventée le 22 juin 1897 par William Barry 32. LA FONDEUSE-MOULEUSE : inventée le 14 mars 1876 par David A.Fisher 33. LE BALAI-LAVEUR : inventé le 13 juin 1893 par Thomas W.Steward 34. LA MACHINE A ÉCRIRE : inventée le 07 avril 1885 par Lee S. Burridge et Newman R. Mashman 35. LE PROTEGE-DOCUMENT ( papiers ) : inventé le 02 novembre 1886 par Henry Brown 36. LE MANCHE D’ENREGISTREUR : inventé le 08 janvier 1918 par Joseph Hunter Dickinson 37. LE SYSTÈME D’ALARME DES TRAINS : inventé le 15 juin 1897 par Richard A. Butler 38. LA TERRINE ou LA MOULE A GLACES : inventée le 02 février 1897 par Alfred L. Cralle 39. LE SÈCHE-LINGE : inventé le 07 juin 1892 par George T. Sampson 40. LA PEINTURE ET LES COLORANTS : inventés le 14 juin 1927 par George Washington Carver 41. LES FREINS DE VOITURE : inventés le 06 août 1872 par John V. Smith 42. LA MACHINE A PÉTRIR : inventée le 07 août par Joseph H.Dickinson 43. LA MACHINE DE CORDONNERIE : inventée le 20 mars 1884 par Jan E. Matzeliger 44. LE STYLO PLUME A RÉSERVOIR : inventé le 07 janvier 1890 par William B. Purvis 45. LE TUNNEL POUR TRAIN ÉLECTRIQUE : inventé le 17 juillet 1888 par Granville T. Woods 46. LE FEU DE SIGNALISATION (feu rouge) : inventé le 20 novembre 1923 par Garett A. Morgan 47. LA GUITARE : inventée le 30 mars 1886 par Robert F. Flemmings Jr 48. LA BOITE AUX LETTRES : inventée le 27 octobre 1891 par Philip B. Downing 49. LE PEIGNE A CHEVEUX : inventé le 21 décembre 1920 par Walter H. Sammons 50. LE TROLLEY ÉLECTRIQUE SUR RAIL : inventé le 19 septembre 1893 par Elbert R. Robinson 51. LES COUPES-BISCUITS MÉCANIQUES : inventés le 30 novembre par Alexander Ashbourne 52. LE FOUET BATTEUR D’ŒUFS : inventé le 05 février 1884 par Willis Johnson 53. LA TABLE DE REPASSAGE : inventée en 1892 par Sarah Boone 54. LES ROTATIVES DE PRESSE (imprimerie) : inventées le 17 septembre 1878 par W.A Lavalette 55. LE SYSTÈME DE SÉCURITÉ DES ASCENSEURS : inventé le 02 avril 1895 par James Cooper 56. LA BALAYEUSE DES RUES : inventée le 17 mars 1890 par Charles B. Brooks 57. LE PORTE-BAGAGES DU VÉLO : inventé le 26 décembre 1899 par Jerry M. Certain 58. LES SYSTÈMES ET LES APPAREILS TÉLÉPHONIQUES : inventés le 11.10.1887 par Granville T. Woods 59. LA TONDEUSE A GAZON : inventée le 09 mai 1899 par John Albert Burr VITESSES AUTOMATIQUES (des véhicules) : inventées le 06 décembre 1932 par Richard B. Spikes 61. LES POUBELLES (bac à ordures) : inventées le 03 août 1897 par Lloyd P. Ray 62. LA PRESSE A AGRUME : inventée le 08 décembre 1896 par John T. White 63. LES PORTES DE SÉCURITÉ (pour ponts à bascules) : inventées le 07 octobre 1890 par Humphrey Reynolds 64. LE THERMOSTAT : inventé le 06 mars 1928 par David N. Crosthwait Jr 65. LE CADRE DU VÉLO : inventé le 10 octobre 1899 par Isaac R. Johnson 66. LE FER A CHEVAL : inventé le 23 août 1892 par Oscar E. Brown 67. LE LANDAU (poussette) : inventé le 18 juin 1889 par William H. Richardson 68. LE PIÈGE A RAT AUTOMATIQUE : inventé le 31 août 1881 par Williaù S. Campbell 69. LA MOISSONNEUSE-BATTEUSE : inventée le 07 août par Robert P. Scott 70. LA SELLE DE CHEVAL : inventée par William D. Davis 71. LE MORS DE CHEVAL : inventé le 25 octobre 1892 par Lincoln F. Brown 72. LE COUVRE SABOT (pour chevaux) : inventé le 19 avril 1892 par Robert Coates 73. LA CROSSE DE GOLF : inventée le 12 décembre par George F. Grant 74. LE CONDITIONNEMENT D’AIR (split) : inventé le 12 juillet 1949 par Frederck M. Jones 75. LA GÂCHETTE DE FUSIL (le détonateur) : inventée le 03 mai 1897 par Edward R. Lewis 76. APPAREILS AUTOMATIQUES DE PÊCHE : inventés le 30 mai par George Cook 77. L’ARROSOIR DE GAZON : inventé le 4 mai 1897 par Joseph H. Smith 78. LE TÉLÉGRAPHE DES CHEMINS DE FER : inventé le 28 août 1888 par Granville T. Woods 79. LES APPAREILS de TRANSMISSION de messages via l’électricité : inventés le 7 avril 1885 par Granville T. Woods 80. LE DISPOSITIF DE TRANSFERT des courriers postaux : inventé le 24 mai 1917 par J.C. Jones 81. EXTINCTEUR DE FEU : inventé le 26 mars 1872 par Thomas J. Martain 82. LE DISPOSITIF DE TRANSPORT DES FRETS : inventé le 10 octobre 1899 par John W. Butts 83. LE LIT PLIANT : inventé le 18 juillet 1899 par L.C. Bailey 84. LES TRINGLES DES RIDEAUX : inventés le 04 août 1896 par W.S Grant 85. LE CANAPÉ-LIT CONVERTIBLE : inventé le 05 octobre 1897 par J.H. Evans 86. LAVE-VITRES ÉLECTRIQUES : inventé le 27 septembre 1882 par A.L. Lewis 87. LA MOISSONNEUSE : inventée le 03 juin 1890 par H.L. Jones 88. LE DIRIGEABLE : inventé le 20 février 1900 par J.F. Pickering 89. LA RAMASSEUSE DE COTON : inventée le 05 juin 1894 par Georges W. Murray 90. LES LUBRIFIANTS DE MOTEUR : inventés le 15 novembre 1898 par Elijah Mc Coy 91. LA MACHINE DE GRAISSAGE A VAPEUR : inventée le 04 juillet 1876 par Elijah Mc Coy 92. BANDE MAGNÉTIQUE D’ORDINATEURS : inventée le 24 août 1971 par Larry T. Preston 93. LA PÉDALE DE COMMANDE : inventée le 05 octobre 1886 par Minnis Hadden 94. ANTENNE DE DÉTECTION PAR RADARS : inventée le 11 juin 1968 par James E. Lewis 95. SUPER CHARGEUR POUR MOTEUR A COMBUSTION : inventé le 03 février 1976 par Joseph A. Gamell 96. Automatisation chargement et déchargement du courrier postal : inventée le 13.02.1945 par Gus Burton 97. ENGINS DE LEVAGE et MONTE-CHARGE : inventé le 02 mai par Mary Jane Reynolds 98. LA CELLULE ÉLECTRIQUE GAMMA : inventée le 06 juin 1971 par Henry T. Sampson 99. LE SYSTÈME DE REFRIGERATION (FRIGO et CONGÉLATEUR) : inventé le 04 novembre 1879 par Thomas Elkins 100. LA SIGNALISATION (balises d’aéroport, grues, immeubles,...) : inventée le 30 mars 1937 par Lewis WW. Chubb 101. DOSAGE DE LA MÉLANINE : à partir de la peau, inventé par Cheikh Anta Diop 102. LE SHAMPOING : à partir de l’arachide, inventé par George Washington Carver 103. LE VINAIGRE : à partir de l’arachide, inventé par George Washington Carver 104. LE SAVON : à partir de l’arachide, inventé par George Washington Carver 105. LA POUDRE DE TOILETTE : à partir de l’arachide, inventée par George Washington Carver 106. LA FARINE : à partir de la pomme de terre, inventée par George Washington Carver 107. L’ENCRE : à partir de la pomme de terre, inventé par George Washington Carver 108. LE TAPIOCA : à partir de la pomme de terre, inventé par George Washington Carver 109. L’AMIDON : à partir de la pomme de terre, inventé par George Washington Carver 110. LE CAOUTCHOUC SYNTHÉTIQUE : à partir de la pomme de terre, inventé par George Washington Carver 111. LA CONSERVATION DES ALIMENTS : inventée par Lloyd A. Hall 112. LA STÉRILISATION DES ALIMENTS : inventée le 8 février 1938 par Lloyd A. Hall 113. MOUSSE IGNIFUGE CONTRE LE FEU : utilisée pendant la 2nd guerre mondiale, inventée par Percy L. Julian 114. SYNTHÈSE DE LA PHYSOSTIGMINE : pour le traitement du glaucome , inventée par Percy L. Julian 115. SYNTHÈSE DE LA PROGESTÉRONE : inventée par Percy L. Julian 116. SYNTHÈSE DE LA CORTISONE : inventée le 10 août 1954 par Percy L. Julian 117. SYNTHÈSE ORGANIQUE DE LA PHÉROMONE : inventée par Bertram Oliver Fraser-Reid 118. SYNTHÈSE DE L’OLIGOSACCHARIDE : inventée par Bertram Oliver Fraser-Reid 119. FILAMENT DE CARBONE : pour la lampe à incandescence : inventé le 17 juin 1882 par Lewis Howard Latimer 120. APPAREIL DE REFROIDISSEMENT et DE DÉSINFECTION : inventé le 12 janvier 1886 par Lewis Howard Latimer 121. RHÉOSTAT FIABLE : inventé par Granville T. Woods le 13 octobre 1896 122. TROISIÈME RAIL : pour le métro, inventé par Granville T. Woods le 29 janvier 1901 123. UN FREIN AUTOMATIQUE à AIR COMPRIME : inventé par Granville T. Woods en 1905 124. UN FREIN ÉLECTROMÉCANIQUE : inventé par Granville T. Woods en 1887 125. UN INTERRUPTEUR AUTOMATIQUE de circuits électriques : inventé par Granville T. Woods en 1889 126. UNE COUVEUSE ARTIFICIELLE : inventé par Granville T. Woods en 1890 127. PACEMAKER (régulateur pour stimulateur cardiaque) : inventé par Otis Boykin 128. OPÉRATION A CŒUR OUVERT : inventé par Daniel Hale Williams le 9 juillet 1893 129. TEST DE DÉPISTAGE DE LA SYPHILIS : inventé par William A. Hinton en 1936 130. COLLET pour les fractures cervicales : inventé par Louis Tompkins Wright 131. TRAITEMENT des MALADIES VÉNÉRIENNES (avec l’auréomycine) : inventé par Louis Tompkins Wrigh 132. CONSERVATION DU SANG (suite à la transfusion sanguine): inventé par Charles Richard Drew 133. LA POLYTHERAPIE (utilisation de la chimiothérapie contre le CANCER) : inventée parJane Cooke Wright 134. TRANSPLANTATION du REIN (2ieme au monde) : par Samuel L. KOUNTZ 135. CONSERVATION du REIN (durant plus de 50 heures) : par Samuel L. KOUNTZ 136. ANTIDOTE contre les SURDOSES de BARBITURIQUE : inventé par Arnold Hamilton Maloney 137. MACHINE A MONTER LES EMPEIGNES (soulier) : inventé par Jan Earnst Matzeliger 138. FIXATEUR POUR CHEVEUX : inventé par Garrett A. Morgan 139. ANÉMOMÈTRE : inventé par Philip G. Hubbard 140. CAMERA-SPECTROGRAPHE (transporté par Apollo 16) : inventé par George R. Carruthers » 141 INVENTION DU GPS PAR L AMÉRICAINE Gladys WEST ​ Titulaire d’un doctorat en physique (qu’il a soutenu le 14 mai 1962 à Paris) et ingénieur au Commissariat à l’énergie atomique, le Guadeloupéen Raoul-Georges Nicolo est l’inventeur du bloc de commutation pour la télévision multi-canal. Ce bloc permet la réception de plusieurs chaînes sur un même poste de télévision; système de réception utilisé chaque jour par des centaines de millions de personnes dans le monde. Pourtant son inventeur Georges NICOLO, noir, est totalement méconnu. Il est également l’inventeur des dispositifs de contrôle de la réactivité des piles atomiques en régime sous-critique. Mr. Nicolo est aussi l’initiateur de l’introduction de l’électronique dans les appareils de contrôle nucléaires et a rédigé de nombreux ouvrages de contribution. -Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de St Georges (1739-1799) était un compositeur, chef d'orchestre, violoniste émérite. Joseph Bologne de Saint-Georges, plus connu sous le nom de « chevalier de Saint-Georges » ou, plus simplement, « Saint-Georges », est né à Baillif, près de Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe) le 25 décembre 1739 ; enfant naturel d'une esclave et de Georges de Bologne de Saint-Georges, riche planteur. Il est mort à Paris le 10 juin 1799. Il a un peu moins de dix ans lorsque son père rentre en France avec ce jeune métis et sa mère, et décide de lui accorder l’éducation traditionnellement réservée aux enfants de la haute aristocratie. c’était un grand musicien (compositeur, violoniste, chef d'orchestre) et escrimeur français, Virtuose du fleuret. Mozart le jalouse mais, s’est inspiré de St Georges dans ses compositions musicales, aussi il est très offensant que St Georges ait été surnommé ‘ »le Mozart noir’ » alors que c’est Mozart qui aurait du être surnommé le « Saint Georges blanc ».Mozart est mort à 35 ans, St Georges à 54 ans. Saint-George s’impose très vite comme l’escrimeur le plus célèbre de Paris. Mais il est surtout un violoniste prodigieux et un chef d’orchestre admiré qui hisse sa formation au rang de meilleur orchestre européen. Le chevalier de St Georges était un athlète « On le voyait souvent traverser la Seine en nageant d'un seul bras ; et au patinage son adresse surpassait celle de tous les autres. En tirant au pistolet, il était rare qu'il manquât son but. », écrit Emil F. Smidak, auteur d'une biographie intitulée «Joseph Boulogne nommé Chevalier de Saint-Georges ». En outre, Saint-Georges est aussi un habile danseur et il est remarquable à la course. Saint-Georges a toujours été une personnalité hors du commun dans le monde de la musique classique. C'est un musicien et compositeur talentueux mais c'est aussi l'un des meilleurs escrimeurs d'Europe et un colonel héroïque de la Révolution Française. Il s'engage dans la Garde nationale et obtient le grade de capitaine en 1790. Il est le premier colonel de l’armée française à la peau noire, où il crée un régiment de Noirs et Métis, rapidement surnommé la « Légion de Saint-George ». Son lieutenant n’y est autre que le futur Général Dumas, père de l'écrivain Alexandre Dumas. Il est fauché par la maladie en pleine gloire en juin 1799. Une deuxième mort frappe son œuvre en 1802. Au rétablissement de l’esclavage, ses pièces sont simplement chassées du répertoire musical. Saint-Georges a certainement eu au moins une relation amoureuse sérieuse, mais le climat raciste qui règne alors en France lui interdit tout mariage à son niveau social. - Savez-vous que le plus grand musicien de tous les temps, selon l'Occident, est Beethoven ? Or, ce dernier est un descendant d'Afrique noire. Mais, ce même Occident a voulu par tous les moyens le blanchir. ​ Savez vous que le multimilliardaire américain Bill Gates n'est l'auteur d'aucune des inventions pour lesquelles il a déposé des brevets . Ces inventions sont le résultat de recherches faites par des chercheurs indiens (L'Inde est le 1er pays dans le domaine informatique pour la recherche), recherches qu'il a acheté à ces chercheurs et pour les quelles il s'est fait attribuer des brevets d'invention. ​ Concernant les inventions il y a lieu de désigner en 1er lieu l’Egypte antique. Les historiens leucodermes honnêtes ont attribué à l’Egypte l’invention des disciplines de l’astronomie, l’architecture, la physique, la philosophie, l’ingénierie, les mathématiques, la géométrie (Les théorèmes de Pythagore et de Thalès existaient plusieurs millénaires avant la naissance des dits Pythagore et Thalès qui ne les ont pas inventé comme veulent le faire croire les européens ; d’ailleurs ces théorèmes figurent sur le papyrus Rhind conservé au British Museum de Londres), la médecine, la chirurgie, la religion, l’art, la musique, la navigation, l’écriture. Toute la science revient à l’Egypte qui s’appelait Kemet. La médecine jouissait d’une place très importante, la médecine africaine décrite dans les Papyrus de Smith, papyrus d’Ebers, papyrus de Kahun, de Hearst, de Berlin etc….. était réputée jusqu’en Orient- Les papyrus écrits par des scribes égyptiens portent les noms des occidentaux qui le s auraient achetés , souvent aux mains de pilleurs - . Il existait des médecins généralistes, des médecins spécialistes de toutes les disciplines (cardiologie, pneumatologie, ophtalmologie, neurologie ( l’AVC, l’hémiplégie, les aphasies motrices dont les descriptions sont attribuées au français Broca et au polonais Wernicke sont antérieurement décrites dans le papyrus de Smith), la rhumatologie, l’ORL, l’Oncologie, l’Anesthésie, la gastro-entérologie, la psychiatrie, la pédiatrie, la gynécologie-obstétrique, la stomatologie, les soins dentaire (prothèses), la dermatologie, l’infectiologie, les urgences médicales et chirurgicales) ; et des chirurgiens. La médecine quantique, énergétique (les méridiens, l’acupuncture, les 7 chakras étaient connus : d’ailleurs le mot chakra vient de l’égyptien ancien kara). Cette médecine énergétique a été bêtement étiquetée comme de la magie par l’Occident matérialiste qui ignore totalement l’aspect invisible des choses et ne croie qu’en ce qu’il voit et touche qui n’est que la petite partie émergée de l’iceberg. Les méridiens qui sont des canaux de circulation de l’énergie dans le corps sont contenus dans le papyrus de Hearst et ont été repris par la médecine traditionnelle chinoise. Comme tous les autres peuples, les chinois sont issus des migrations africaines (Confucius et Bouddha étaient noirs). En Egypte, le traitement de la plupart des maladies passe par la régulation, l’équilibre la restauration des fonctions des méridiens (acupuncture). Les instruments médicaux et chirurgicaux ont été copiés par les occidentaux (bistouris, crochets, ciseaux…) Le 1er stéthoscope est égyptien et n’a pas été inventé par le français Laennec en 1816. L’asepsie n’a pas été découverte par Pasteur mais existait déjà en Egypte. Je cite la Biologie avec l’existence de laboratoires où les médicaments étaient préparés et stockés. La pharmacologie était très structurée (naissance des 1ères pharmacies en Egypte).Les antibiotiques dont la pénicilline, étaient utilisés ; Ils avaient pour but de traiter les infections en faisant moisir du pain ou des céréales. La pénicilline dont la découverte a été prêtée au britannique Fleming était déjà utilisée en Egypte. Concernant la chirurgie (Papyrus médical de Smith, papyrus d’Ebers…) je cite la chirurgie générale et vasculaire, la dissection, la neurochirurgie, la chirurgie obstétricale, la chirurgie plastique, la chirurgie osseuse orthopédique, l’urologie, la stomatologie, les soins dentaires, les soins et extractions dentaires, l’asepsie qui était de règle, l’hygiène, la diététique et la prévention. Les connaissances des Egyptiens en Anatomie étaient très précises (Papyrus de Smith). Dans la pensée kémite les mondes visibles et invisibles coexistent et sont totalement imbriqués. De nombreux malades venaient d’Orient pour se faire soigner, des étudiants étrangers migraient pour recevoir l’enseignement et se perfectionner auprès des patriciens kémites .Il y avait des facultés de médecine dénommées ‘’ maison de vie, Per Ankh’’ ; elles se situaient dans les villes de Abydos, Saïs…. Les médecins kémites ont été les précurseurs de la médecine occidentale. Partout dans le pays le système de soins était public, gratuit et accessible à tous ; l’assurance maladie, les congés maladie et la retraite étaient institués (papyrus d’Anasthasie IV) Le médecin grec Hippocrate né en 460 avjc et appelé par les occidentaux le Père de la médecine a été initié à la médecine égyptienne à l’école d’Alexandrie en 500 avjc. C’est Imhotep (2700 à 2625 avjc) qui fut le vrai père de la médecine, il était architecte, reconnu éminent médecin-chirurgien. L’espérance de vie était était de 36 ans vers 3000 avjc, alors qu’ elle était de 34 ans en Europe au 18è siècle. Les savants leucodermes en copiant les papyrus ont repris à leur compte les découvertes médicales faites par les Egyptiens. A la lecture de ce qui précède, vous comprenez pourquoi les égyptologues leucodermes se sont battus par tous moyens mais en vain pour démontrer que les égyptiens : des kamites à peau noire et aux cheveux crépus étaient des blancs qui portaient des perruques crépues. Heureusement que leurs théories mensongères ont toutes été démontées par le savant sénégalais Cheik-Anta-Diop ( Je vous invite à la lecture du livre vendu à Anyjart « l’Afrique noire berceau de la médecine et de la chirurgie » de Kwado Fernand DOBAT- CHAULEAU) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Ci -dessus inventions d' Egypte copiées par les leucodermes ​ ​ L es cathédrales : le style gothique, les châteaux (voir chap : les cathédrales) Les cathédrales, les châteaux ont été construites par l’élite noire (rois, nobles) qui régnait en Europe, Ils sont de grands chefs d’œuvre, témoignages de la présence de l’homme noir, de sa créativité, de sa forte spiritualité et de son savoir-faire sur le plan scientifique, architectural. On peut se demander comment le leucoderme barbare, très peu croyant, très peu spirituel aurait bâti avec tant de patience, de labeur, d’Amour pendant des dizaines d’années voire des siècles ( la construction de la cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris a duré 200ans, la cathédrale de Beauvais plus de 300 ans), des monuments à la gloire d’un Dieu et de divinités sur lesquels il ne s’interrogerait pas. Les architectes ont développé de nouvelles solutions révolutionnaires pour simplifier et consolider les structures des cathédrales : l'introduction de l'ogive et des arcs-boutants ou contreforts pour pouvoir répartir le poids du dôme sur les piliers de pierre massifs. Les nouvelles techniques de construction (style gothique) ont permis d'édifier d'immenses cathédrales lumineuses, de hautes fenêtres, souvent ornées de vitraux somptueux, et des flèches très élevées. Décorées de peintures, de sculptures et de vitraux en verre coloré, les cathédrales furent une grande source de fierté et de prestige pour les villes. Je rappelle que les noirs sont venus d’Afrique en Europe 45.000 ans avjc, les blancs sont venus du Caucase à partir de 370 apjc. sous forme d'invasions barbares. Au 18è siècle les blancs les ont éliminés et envoyés en servitude en Amérique du Nord, mais ils demeurent à tout jamais dans le phénotype des blancs européens actuels par le dominant noir (cheveux et yeux allant du brun clair au noir) signe de présence de mélanine dans les cheveux et les yeux, la mélanine étant un pigment relevant de la race noire. Je vous invite vivement à visiter le chapitre : le dominant noir avec lequel les blancs naissent. ​ Le cubisme Le cubisme est désigné par les européens comme l'un des grands mouvements modernes du premier quart du XXe siècle. Élaboré, sous l'influence de Cézanne, par Pablo Picasso et Georges Braque en première ligne. Cependant , le cubisme a été emprunté à l’art nègre de tribus de pays d’Afrique comme la Tanzanie, Le Cameroun par les peintres Braque et Picasso. Picasso disait « l’art nègre connais pas « mais dans son atelier il avait des statues d’Afrique. Ses tableaux comme :Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, la femme qui pleure , reflètent cet art copié auprès de ces tribus. Voilà encore un accaparement de nos arts par les leucodermes En outre la science sur l’inconscient : la psyché, a été découverte en ancienne Egypte et était appelée «eaux primitives de Nun « ; D’ailleurs les psychiatres allemands dont Carl Jung, Freud s’en sont inspirés pour leur pratique de la psychanalyse; en outre le mot grec Psyche est dérivé du vocabulaire de l’ancienne Egypte Khe Su : l’âme. En réalité cette science médicale africaine est ou carrément ignorée ou grandement déformée, ridiculisée, ou considérée comme de la superstition primitive ou même de la magie noire par les occidentaux, mais ils s’en sont inspirés malgré tout pour la pratique de leur psychanalyse. De surcroît, beaucoup de techniques de bien être et de santé vieilles de plusieurs millénaires sont de plus en plus copiées par les leucodermes parce qu'ils ont non seulement remarqué leurs bienfaits mais elles sont aussi un moyen pour eux toujours à la recherche de profits, de se faire de l'argent : Ces techniques sont connues et pratiquées, souvent par de grands maîtres en Inde. Les leucodermes se déplacent en Inde prennent contact avec ces maîtres qui les enseignent, et de retour en Occident, les adaptent aux problèmes qu'ils veulent traiter et s'en posent les inventeurs en leur donnant un nom. Avec ces techniques apprises auprès de maîtres en Inde ils font des livres qu'ils interdisent de copier, publier, exploiter sous peine de poursuites judiciaires. Ils créent des droits d'auteur, « tous droits réservés », des marques qu'ils protègent judiciairement: Convention de Berne etc.... Nous savons que des techniques dénommées Ostéopathie, kinésiologie, Thêtahealing etc...... ont leurs sources en Asie. Ils n'hésitent pas à diffuser ces thérapies dans ces mêmes pays d'où ils les ont apprises. ​ Même la création de la restauration Fast food vient d’une femme noire cuisinière chez un restaurateur blanc dont l’enseigne était KFC ( Kentucky Fried Chicken) dans l’Etat du Utah aux usa en 1952. C’est elle qui lui donna cette idée de restauration rapide. Le blanc s’enrichit avec ce procédé et la pauvre servante ne reçut qu’une misérable rémunération financière. Inventions des armes, autres inventions La montée de l'Europe leucoderme était avant tout financée par la traite négrière transatlantique, qui à son tour finançait la révolution industrielle européenne . Avant la révolution industrielle en Europe, tous les progrès technologiques découlaient du croissant de la connaissance: l'Égypte, le Moyen-Orient, l'Asie du Sud-Est (principalement l'Inde) et la Chine. Ce sont les inventions et les technologies issues de ces anciennes cultures noires et anciennement noires, que les blancs d'Europe ont été en mesure de copier, d'adapter à leurs besoins et d'utiliser pour poursuivre leur expansion. Les plus importantes de ces inventions et technologies pour les Européens blancs étaient: Le moteur à vapeur (La locomotive à vapeur alimentait les usines et les transports de l'Europe). Vers 60 apr. J.-C., le "héron d'Alexandrie" égyptien a inventé le premier "moteur à vapeur", son appareil à vapeur s'appelait "l'éolipile". Il a également inventé le Windwheel (roue à vent)ou Windmill (moulin à vent), qui était également très important pour l'économie européenne. Le moteur à vapeur a été copié et réinventé en 1827 par Jacob Perkins. Le moulin à vent : Inventé par l'égyptien le "héron d'Alexandrie". Les machines des éoliennes ont été adaptées pour fournir de l’énergie à de nombreux besoins industriels et agricoles autres que la moulure du grain. La majorité des éoliennes modernes se présentent sous la forme d'éoliennes utilisées pour produire de l'électricité, ou de pompes à vent pour pomper de l'eau, que ce soit pour le drainage des terres ou pour l'extraction des eaux souterraines. Le fusil : (L’arme à feu confère aux albinos (les blancs) de l’Europe un avantage en matière d’armes qui provoquent chez la partie adverse de lourdes pertes) Le premier "fusil" a été inventé par un Égyptien et utilisé par leurs occupants turcophones, les Mamelouks, contre les Moguls lors de la bataille de 1260 d'Ain Jalute. Ces canons ont par la suite été décrits dans des manuels chimiques et militaires arabes au début des années 1300. Les leucodermes se sont emparés de ces manuels qu'ils ont copié et adapté à leurs besoins afin de poursuivre leur expansion dans le monde en utilisant la violence. Poudre à canon : La Chine et l'Inde avaient tous deux de la poudre à canon au 9ème. siècle. Concernant son invention. Elle proviendrait d’Égypte. Les prêtres égyptiens utilisaient le salpêtre lors de rituels dans leurs temples, Ils le brûlaient et en se consumant il pétait . Lors de l'invasion de l’Égypte vers -525 avt JC par les Perses avec le Roi Cambyse , les prêtres sont partis avec leur savoir pour le porter en Inde (vallée de l'Indus), et c'est de là qu'elle s'est répandu en Chine. Les Européens lorsqu'ils sont venus en Chine avec Marco Polo ont découvert cette poudre à canon que les chinois utilisaient pour faire des feux d'artifice. Ils s'en sont emparés pour faire des armes mortelles afin d'éliminer les autres peuples. Grâce aux revenus tirés du commerce des esclaves et de la révolution industrielle (de 1760 à 1840 environ), les Européens ont été en mesure de lancer une "course à l'armement" qui a permis de développer et de fabriquer des armes encore plus perfectionnées. Avec ces nouvelles et meilleures armes qu'ils ont développées, les leucodermes d'Europe ont été en mesure de conquérir la plus grande partie du monde, puis d'absorber et de concentrer toutes les connaissances du monde entre leurs mains. ​ L’architecture Depuis la haute antiquité, l'architecture était connue et utilisée dans la construction de structures : édifices, pyramides Je cite : Imhotep inventeur de la pyramide à degrés de Saqqarah 2800 avjc, Sénémout 1500 avjc architecte et constructeur de divers édifices à Louxor, Hermonthis, Karnak, temple de Deir El Bahari en hommageà la reine Hatshepsout et bien d’autres constructions architecturales. Les danses anciennes comme les modernes : leurs auteurs étaient ces populations noires qui étaient les habitants des pays où elles étaient exécutées -je rappelle que les 1ers habitants des Amériques et d’Europe étaient les noirs jusqu’à leur extermination et leur envoi en esclavage par les blancs en Amérique du Nord au 18è siècle- (voir chap : Les noirs 1ers européens) ). Le tango danse adoptée au 19è siècle par les européens a son origine dans les communautés africaines du Rio de la Plata en Argentine. D'ailleurs le mot tango désigne un lieu habité par des noirs. La musique classique a été inventée par les noirs européens dans la personne des grands compositeurs principalement d’Autriche et d’Allemagne (Prusse) que beaucoup d’entre nous connaissent à travers les compositeurs célèbres: Van Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Bach, Schubert, Debussy (France) etc… qui étaient des noirs et des mulâtres dont les portraits ont été blanchis au 18è siècle après l’extermination et l’envoi en esclavage en Amérique du Nord des noirs d’Europe dans le cadre de campagnes d’éradication et d’annihilation des noirs en Europe (voir Chap :les noirs 1ers européens ) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ D e gauche à droite: Compositeurs Van Beethoven, Chopin, Schubert, Bach , Debussy . Obs ervez leur type et le teint de certains . Concernan t la ch anso n l es blancs ont copié nos rythmes, nos airs et se sont décernés des récompenses prestigieuses alors que les vrais auteurs les noirs étaient, mouraient dans l’ombre, (Chubby Checker, Chuck Berry etc….). Vous connaissez ces chanteurs tels que Elvis Presley, les Beatles etc…, Johnny Halliday n’a pas inventé un seul de ses tubes qui sont tous des copies de chanteurs noirs : ils se sont tous inspiré, ou ont plagié les chanteurs afro-américains. ​ Les lois, les textes juridiques, la Constitution de 1948 Ont été empruntés aux principes de notre .M.A.A.T d’Egypte qui veut dire Vérité, Equité, Justice, Paix. Vous devez savoir que les prétendus créateurs des droits de l’Homme se sont inspirés de la charte du Manden (Mali en Afrique) issue de la tradition orale, et qui est la 1ère constitution du monde mise par écrit en 1222 (elle était orale). Cette charte est appelée 1ère déclaration de l’Homme, bien avant celle de 1948 qui s’est inspirée d’elle. Elle est basée sur l’entente et la concorde, l’amour, la liberté et la fraternité. C’est en Afrique, dans l’empire du Mali au 12e siècle que ces mots sacrés retentirent. Dans la dite Charte, des points tels que l’inviolabilité de la personne humaine, la paix sociale dans la diversité, l’éducation, la solidarité, l’intégrité de la patrie, la sécurité alimentaire, l’abolition de l’esclavage, la liberté d’expression et d’entreprise, y occupaient une place primordiale. Les pays européens se sont inspirés de cette charte pour créer la Charte de l’Onu en 1945 et les diverses règles qui régissent leurs pays.(chap Les noirs étaient les 1ers européens : 12 indices ) Les leucodermes se sont aussi inspirés du Livre des morts égyptien qui comprend 42 commandements, ils ont emprunté 10 de ces commandements qui incitent l’Homme à un comportement civique ex : Tu ne tueras point, Tu ne voleras pas, tu honoreras tes parents…… Tous ces emprunts de nos Textes étaient faits par les blancs dans le seul but de s’imposer par la violence psychologique et physique à la majorité en lui imposant des textes juridiques qui permettaient de la diriger en gardant la main sur elle. Les religions Les noirs sont les premiers bâtisseurs des religions judéo chrétiennes à travers Moïse et Jésus qui étaient des hébreux, donc noirs avant d’avoir été blanchis par les leucodermes. Les hébreux étaient noirs, les juifs qui appartiennent au peuple hébreu étaient noirs. La Bible pour sa création s’est inspirée et a plagié les Textes et divinités du peuple noir d’Egypte (voir Chap Plagiat des Textes et divinités ). Elle a repris 10 commandements puisés parmi les 42 commandements du Livre des morts égyptien. Le Coran mis par écrit en 632 est une émanation du prophète Mahomet, Ses sourates (versets) reflètent bien des versets de la Bible. . SANS NOIRS ? On raconte une histoire très amusante et très révélatrice à propos d'un groupe de Blancs qui en avaient marre des Noirs. Ces Blancs avaient décidé, d'un commun accord, de s'évader vers un monde meilleur. Ils étaient donc passés par un tunnel très sombre pour ressortir dans une sorte de zone nébuleuse au cœur d'une Amérique sans Noirs, où toute trace de leur passage avait disparue. Au début, ces Blancs poussèrent un soupir de soulagement. Enfin, se dirent-ils, finis les crimes, la drogue, la violence et le malaise social. Tous les Noirs ont disparu. Mais soudainement, ils furent confrontés à une toute autre réalité, la nouvelle Amérique n'était plus qu'une grande terre aride et stérile. Les bonnes récoltes étaient rares car le pays s'était jusque-là nourri grâce au travail des esclaves noirs dans les champs. Il n'y avait pas de villes avec d'immenses gratte-ciel, car Alexander Mills, un Noir, avait inventé l'ascenseur et, sans cette invention, on trouvait trop difficile de se rendre aux étages supérieurs. Il n'y avait pratiquement pas d'automobiles, car c'était Richard Spikes, un Noir, qui avait inventé la transmission automatique. Joseph Gammel, un autre Noir, avait inventé le système de suralimentation pour les moteurs à combustion interne, et Garret A.Morgan, les feux de circulation. En outre, on ne trouvait plus de réseau urbain express, car son précurseur, le tramway, avait été inventé par un autre Noir, Elbert R. Robinson. Même s'il y avait des rues où pouvaient circuler automobiles et autres rames ferroviaires express, elles étaient jonchées de papier et de déchets, car Charles Brooks, un Noir, avait inventé la balayeuse motorisée. Il y avait très peu de magasines et de livres car John Love avait inventé le taille-crayon, William Purvis, la plume à réservoir, et Lee Burridge, la machine à écrire, sans compter W.A. Lovette avec sa nouvelle presse à imprimer. Vous l'avez deviné ? Ils étaient tous des Noirs. Même si les Américains avaient pu écrire des lettres, des articles et des livres, ils n'auraient pu les livrer par la poste, car William Barry avait inventé le tampon manuel et Phillip Downing, la boite aux lettres. Le gazon était jaunâtre et sec, car Joseph Smith avait inventé l'arrosoir mécanique, et John Burr, la tondeuse à gazon. Lorsque les blancs entrèrent dans leurs maisons, ils trouvèrent que celles-ci étaient sombres, pas étonnant, Lewis Latimer avait inventé la lampe électrique, Michael Harvey, la lanterne, Grantville T. Woods, l'interrupteur régulateur automatique. Enfin leurs maisons étaient toutes sales car Thomas W. Steward qui avait inventé la vadrouille (balai), et Lloyds P. Ray, le porte poussière. Leurs enfants les accueillirent à la porte pieds nus, débraillés et les cheveux en broussaille, à quoi fallait-il s'attendre ? Jan E. Matzelinger avait inventé La machine à formes de chaussures, Walter Sammons, le peigne, Sarah Boone, la planche à repasser, et George T.Samon, la sécheuse à linge. Les Blancs se résignèrent finalement à prendre, une bouchée, dans tout ce chambardement, mais pas de chance, la nourriture était devenue pourrie car c'était un autre Noir, John Standard, qui avait inventé le réfrigérateur. N'est-ce pas étonnant? Que serait le monde moderne sans contribution des Noirs? Martin Luther King Jr. a dit un jour "Quand vous êtes prêts à partir pour le travail, sachez que la moitié de toutes les choses et de tous les appareils dont vous vous êtes servis avant de quitter votre maison a été inventée par des Noirs". Tout ça pour vous dire, chers frères et soeurs, que l'histoire des Noirs ne se résume pas seulement à l'esclavage. Quand nous pensons à Fréderik Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey et Du Bois. Diffusez ceci à tout le monde afin que tous sachent la vérité, c'est le minimum que nous puissions faire pour leur rendre hommage. Comme disait Bob Marley "Time will tell" (le temps le dira). Je ne peux m'empêcher de publier ce texte qui en dit long sur le complexe d'infériorité que nourrissent certains NOIRS, quand il s'agit de domestication des nouvelles technologies. NOIR ET FIER ! ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ L'une des inventions les plus omniprésentes de l'histoire moderne dont presque TOUTES les installations électriques / électroniques dépendent est celle de l'inventeur noir; OTIS BOYKIN. M. Boykin est l'inventeur de la RÉSISTANCE, un composant électrique de base qui peut être trouvé utilisé dans les équipements électriques comme les fours à micro-ondes, les horloges, les ordinateurs, les radios, les téléviseurs. Aucun de ces produits ne pourrait fonctionner sans l'utilisation de la résistance d'Otis Boykin. Peu d'inventeurs ont eu l'impact durable d'Otis Boykin. Regardez autour de vous aujourd'hui et vous verrez une variété d'appareils qui utilisent des composants fabriqués par Boykin - y compris des ordinateurs, des radios et des téléviseurs. Les inventions de Boykin sont d'autant plus impressionnantes que l'on considère qu'il était un Afro-Américain à une époque de ségrégation et que le domaine de l'électronique n'était pas aussi bien établi qu'aujourd'hui. - Alan Emtage: selon Wikipédia Alan Emtage (né le 27 novembre 1964 à l’ile de Barbade) a conçu et mis en œuvre la première version de "Archie" un moteur de recherche Internet pré-Web pour localiser les documents dans les archives FTP publiques. , Alan Emtage est l'inventeur des 10 premiers moteurs de recherche tels que : Google, Bing, Yahoo,,, Baidu, Wolfram, Alpha, DuckDuckGo, Archive I nternet, ​ Inventeurs et savants noirs, un devoir de mémoire ( Il suffit juste d’un infime effort de recherche pour découvrir qu’à l’instar des autres races, les Noirs ont aussi participé à l’aventure de l’esprit humain. Savants ou inventeurs, ils ne figurent nulle part dans le livre mondial de l’invention recensant ceux qui ont permis les progrès de l’humanité, se désole Yves Antoine, un Haïtien qui a écrit un livre sur le sujet. A l’image des braves « tirailleurs Sénégalais », ces scientifiques noirs sont soigneusement « oubliés » par le monde bien que leurs inventions sont d’un usage quotidien. En effet, combien parmi les millions d’automobilistes, qui s’arrêtent chaque jour au feu rouge à travers le monde, savent que cet outil indispensable à la gestion de la circulation urbaine a été inventé par un Noir ? C’est en 1923 pourtant que l’Afro-Américain autodidacte, né en 1875 dans le Tennessee, Garrett Augustus Morgan a mis au point les feux tricolores. Pour 40.000 dollars de l’époque, il céda son invention à la General Electric Company. Très ingénieux, ce dernier va également utiliser ses compétences en Chimie pour inventer le masque à gaz, dont le brevet fut déposé en 1914 aux Etats-Unis. Il contribuera ainsi à sauver des milliers de vies humaines, surtout pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale (1914-1918) où le gaz de combat fut utilisé pour la première fois comme une arme de destruction massive. Né à la Nouvelle-Orléans en 1806, son compatriote d’infortune, Norbert Rillieux a révolutionné la fabrication industrielle du sucre. Il est aussi l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur les machines à vapeur. Lewis H. Latimer , quant à lui, a su grâce au filament de carbone apporter les améliorations nécessaires à la lampe à incandescence (l’ampoule électrique) inventée en 1879 par Edison. Ces améliorations ont également permis sa fabrication industrielle et son utilisation à grande échelle dans la vie de tous les jours. Andrew J. Beard, un autre Afro-Américain, mettra au point le moteur à combustion tandis que l’imagination de John V. Smith donna naissance aux freins de voiture le 23 avril 1872. Le 2 février 1892, Carter William inventa la charpente métallique de la voiture. Toujours dans le domaine du transport, le 19 septembre 1893, Elbert R. Robinson va mettre au point le trolley électrique sur rail et Grandville T. Woods le système d’électrification des voies ferrées. L’Afro-Américain Mc Koy inventa le système de lubrification des moteurs en marche. Même s’il ne s’agit pas de faire le recensement exhaustif des découvertes et innovations faites par des Noirs, continuons ce tour d’horizon en mentionnant que John Stenard inventa le réfrigérateur le 14 juillet 1891. On ne saurait oublier Lee S. Burridge et Newman R. Mashman qui inventèrent la machine à écrire le 7 avril 1885, année même où les puissances européennes se partagèrent l’Afrique à Berlin. Granville T. Woods cité plus haut inventa l’antenne parabolique, le 7 juin 1889. Le 11 octobre de la même année, il mit au point les systèmes et les appareils téléphoniques. Deux ans plus tard, le 1er janvier 1891, il inventa l’interrupteur électrique. Le 23 avril 1895, Clatonia Joaquim Dorticus apporta aussi sa modeste contribution à l’œuvre humaine en inventant le révélateur photographique. Imprimer un journal ou un livre, un geste banal pour nous. Mais bon nombre de gens ignorent que la rotative de presse a été inventée le 17 septembre 1878 par W. A. Lavalette . Dans le domaine militaire, le Brésilien Andreas Rebouças (1838-1898) mit au point la torpille, l’arme anti-navire très connue par les armées du monde entier, lors de la guerre contre le Paraguay en 1864. ​ Victimes De L’injustice Aux États-Unis, l’inventivité des Noirs n’a jamais été niée. Voyant la prolixité de leur créativité, un Avocat général des États-Unis, Jeremiah S. Black fera passer en 1858 une loi contre le dépôt de brevets d’invention par les esclaves. A cette époque, un brevet Américain était un contrat entre le gouvernement des États-Unis et l’inventeur. L’esclave n’étant pas considéré comme citoyen Américain, il ne pouvait donc pas selon la loi votée par Mr. Black signer un contrat avec le gouvernement américain mais céder son invention à son maître. il est certain qu’un certain nombre d’inventions faites par des Africains-Américains étaient souvent reconnues à leurs maîtres esclavagistes. Heureusement, on ne peut cacher le soleil avec ses mains. Dans le domaine nucléaire, d’autres Américains Noirs se sont illustrés. C’est le cas de sept d’entre qui ont participé entre 1942 et 1945 au fameux projet Manhattan, qui mobilisa les plus brillants esprits scientifiques de l’époque et dont les recherches aboutirent à la bombe atomique. Ces sept physiciens et ingénieurs Noirs sont Lloyd Albert Quaterman, Ralph Gardner, Edward A. Russel, Moddie Taylor, Harold Delaney,Benjamin Scott, J. Ernest Wilkins et Jaspar Jeffries . Titulaire d’un doctorat en physique (qu’il a soutenu le 14 mai 1962 à Paris) et ingénieur au Commissariat à l’énergie atomique, le Guadeloupéen Raoul-Georges Nicolo est l’inventeur du bloc de commutation pour la télévision multi-canal. Ce bloc permet la réception de plusieurs chaînes sur un même poste de télévision. Il est également l’inventeur des dispositifs de contrôle de la réactivité des piles atomiques en régime sous-critique. Mr. Nicolo est aussi l’initiateur de l’introduction de l’électronique dans les appareils de contrôle nucléaires et a rédigé de nombreux ouvrages de contribution. Toujours dans les sciences exactes, l’Afro-Américain David Blackwell s’est vu décerner le prix John Von Newman, récompensant le meilleur mathématicien au monde. Né en 1954, un Nigérian émigré aux États-Unis, Philip Emeagwali a été récompensé par la plus haute distinction scientifique (le prix Gordon Bill) pour l’invention en 1989 de l’ordinateur de calcul le plus rapide au monde. D’autres inventions dans le domaine informatique sont à mettre au compte de celui que l’on qualifie de génie. En Chimie, on peut citer le prolifique savant Afro-Américain George Washington Carver (1864-1943). Ses travaux les plus célèbres concernent l’arachide et la pomme de terre, dont il a tiré des produits aussi différents que le shampoing, le vinaigre, le savon ou la poudre de toilette. Ses découvertes portent aussi sur la transformation du coton pour faire des planches d’isolation, du papier, du cordage, la fabrication de pièces automobiles en plastique à base de soja ou la mise au point d’engrais. Dans le domaine Médecine, les Afro-Américains se sont particulièrement illustrés. En effet, la première opération à cœur ouvert fut effectuée avec succès en 1893 par le Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (1856-1931) à une époque où la chirurgie n’en était qu’à ses balbutiements. Atteint d’une balle à la poitrine, son jeune patient a ensuite vécu jusqu’à 50 ans passés. A la fin des années 30, on était déjà parvenu à transfuser du sang. Mais on ne savait pas comment conserver ce liquide qui, en dehors du corps, se détériore rapidement. C’est un médecin Afro-Américain, le Dr. Charles Richard Drew (1904-1950) qui va trouver la solution. Il a découvert que le plasma se prêtait bien mieux au stockage. Son travail eut une importance capitale dans la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, puisque ce chercheur a été chargé d’organiser l’expédition de plasma pour les blessés vers la Grande-Bretagne. Dans le domaine de la recherche, le spécialiste en bactériologie, William Augustus Hinton (1883-1959) fit des recherches, notamment sur l’élaboration d’un test de dépistage de la syphilis qui permirent d’avancer dans lutte contre une maladie qui, il n’y a pas si longtemps, terrorisait autant que le Sida. D’autres inventions comme le peigne à cheveux, la guitare, la balayeuse des rues, la tondeuse à gazon sont à mettre à l’actif des Afro-Américains. Sur notre continent, on ne saurait parler de ces savants noirs sans rendre hommage au Sénégalais Cheikh Anta Diop , Physicien et Égyptologue de renom, mort en avril 1986. Par ses recherches, il a prouvé le caractère nègre de l’Égypte antique au cours d’une rencontre épique au Caire en 1974 ruinant définitivement les thèses des occidentaux qui déniaient à la civilisation bâtie dans la patrie des pharaons, sa négritude. Nous ne terminerons pas sans citer un chercheur de la diaspora, dont le nom est mondialement connu : Mr. Cheick Modibo Diarra, navigateur interplanétaire à la NASA et d’origine malienne. Il guida les sondes Magellan vers Vénus en 1989, Galiléo vers Jupiter, Ulysse vers le Soleil, Observer et Pathfinder vers Mars. Aujourd’hui, il est le Directeur Microsoft Afrique de l’Ouest. Afin que les efforts de ces savants et inventeurs noirs ne soient pas vain, il nous incombe la responsabilité de ne pas laisser leurs œuvres dans l’oubli. Nous devons essayer de suivre leurs traces et en faire des modèles pour à les générations futures afin de bâtir notre continent. Notre fierté d’être noir et notre rigueur dans l’élaboration de nos projets de développement serait la meilleure récompense que nous pourrions leur offrir. » ( ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Aujourd’hui imprimer un journal ou un livre est devenu un acte banal, mais beaucoup de gens ne savent pas que la rotative de presse a été inventée le 17 septembre 1878 par W. A. Lavalette. Forward this chapter to those you know IN WINNERS AND BLACK SCIENTISTS Je suis un paragraphe. Cliquez ici pour ajouter votre propre texte et me modifier. C'est facile. Lewis Latimer Inventeur de l'ampoule électrique à lumière incandescente et durable Jesse Eugene Russell, le père du téléphone portable Russell, le père du WIFI. Ingénieur en électricité et technologie digitale, Jesse Eugene Russell Sr est l'inventeur afro-américain qui a mis au point les systèmes de communication sans fil. Jesse Eugene Russell, le père du téléphone portable , le père du WIFI. Ingénieur en électricité et technologie digitale, Jesse Eugene Russell Sr est l'inventeur afro-américain qui a mis au point les systèmes de communication sans fil. Garrett Morgan inventeur des feux tricolores de signalisation et du masque à gaz Sarah Boone 1832-1904 : Table à repasser moderne Bertin Nahum est un entrepreneur franco-béninois, né le 14 novembre 1969 à Dakar. ​Sa société Medtech S.A conçoit, développe et commercialise des robots d’assistance à la chirurgie mini-invasive du système nerveux central. Bertin Nahum est un entrepreneur franco-béninois, né le 14 novembre 1969 à Dakar. ​Sa société Medtech S.A conçoit, développe et commercialise des robots d’assistance à la chirurgie mini-invasive du système nerveux central. George Washington Carver, né au début des années 1860 dans la condition d'esclave, dans une plantation proche de Diamond Grove, Missouri, et mort le 5 janvier 1943 à Tuskegee, Alabama, est un botaniste, agronome et inventeur américain. il a développé plus de 300 produits alimentaires, industriels et commerciaux à base d'arachides, Inventeur noir John Stenard : le réfrigérateur en 1891 Thomas Jennings Inventeur du nettoyage à sec en 1821 . Premier noir à obtenir un brevet d'invention Mr. Cheick Modibo Diarra, navigateur interplanétaire à la NASA et d’origine malienne. Il guida les sondes Magellan vers Vénus en 1989, Galiléo vers Jupiter, Ulysse vers le Soleil, Observer et Pathfinder vers Mars. Aujourd’hui, il est le Directeur Microsoft Afrique de l’Ouest Mr. Cheick Modibo Diarra, navigateur interplanétaire à la NASA et d’origine malienne. Il guida les sondes Magellan vers Vénus en 1989, Galiléo vers Jupiter, Ulysse vers le Soleil, Observer et Pathfinder vers Mars. Aujourd’hui, il est le Directeur Microsoft Afrique de l’Ouest

  • Plagiat de nos textes, divinités, rituels africains

    PLAGIARISM OF OUR TEXTS, DIVINITIES, AFRICAN RITUALS (NK Omotunde: Cosmogenesis kamite) The Blacks were the first men in the world to have proclaimed the existence of a single God and to have based their spirituality on Eternal Life. Many people of African descent do not think so because of the centuries of atrocities suffered (slavery, colonization, assimilation), which are the causes of the degradation of our historical memory. Blacks expressed this spirituality through writing. In chronological order, literary writing appeared in black Africa around -3400, in Mesopotamia around -2600, Hebrew writing in Palestine at -600, Arabic writing she in +500. Black Africa through its eldest daughter: Egypt is the origin of most of the philosophical, theological and political ideas that are expressed until today. Through the discovery of the Egyptian-Nubian Sacred Texts, the neighboring peoples of the black continent have discovered the notions of what they present with extraordinary cynicism as being the fruit of their “Revelation”. Their plagiarism is of the highest flagrancy. Christianity was very strongly inspired by our ancestral Sacred Texts found in the Bible.It the same is true for Judaism, Islamism 1) Plagiarism of our African Sacred Texts I quote you some extracts of Texts and their plagiarisms: - Texts from the Pyramids (-3000 years BC): This is my son, my first born....., This is my son Osiris .. my beloved with whom I am happy. Plagiarism: -Bible: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am very happy. - Hymn to Aten (-1400) O unique God who has no other above him Plagiarism : - Torah (-300) O Eternal God of Israel, there is no God like you - Bible Mark 12.32 (+200) God is unique.. there is no other like him - Koran Sura 2.163 (+900) Your God is the only God; there is no other but him - Leyden Papyrus : What comes out of the opening of his mouth comes true. What he said in his heart, we saw it come into existence - Plagiarism: Bible psalm 33,6,9: For God says and the thing happens. He orders and she exists 2) Plagiarism of our African Divinities The characters presented as divine on Christian and Orthodox iconography are identical in many respects to African Divinities assimilated to Christian Angels and Archangels. Since before -450 the Greek historian Herodotus says “Greece received from Egypt almost all the names of its divinities. Horus divine being son of Osiris is designated in Greece by Apollo; Osiris by Dionysos.etc.... » I present to you some Divinities below Left Drawing Plagiarism, Right Drawing: Original P THE GIAT OF OUR TEXTS, DIVINITIES, AFRICAN RITUALS (NK Omotunde: Cosmogenesis kamite) The Blacks were the first men in the world to have proclaimed the existence of a single God and to have based their spirituality on Eternal Life. Many people of African descent do not think so because of the centuries of atrocities suffered (slavery, colonization, assimilation), which are the causes of the degradation of our historical memory. Blacks expressed this spirituality through writing. In chronological order, literary writing appeared in black Africa around -3400, in Mesopotamia around -2600, Hebrew writing in Palestine at -600, Arabic writing she in +500. Black Africa through its eldest daughter: Egypt is the origin of most of the philosophical, theological and political ideas that are expressed until today. Through the discovery of the Egyptian-Nubian Sacred Texts, the neighboring peoples of the black continent have discovered the notions of what they present with extraordinary cynicism as being the fruit of their “Revelation”. Their plagiarism is of the highest flagrancy. Christianity was very strongly inspired by our ancestral Sacred Texts found in the Bible.It the same is true for Judaism, Islamism 1) Plagiarism of our African Sacred Texts I quote you some extracts of Texts and their plagiarisms: -Texts of the Pyramids (-3000 years BC): This is my son, my first born....., This is my son Osiris beloved with whom I am happy. Plagiarism: -Bible: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am very happy. -Hymn to Aten (-1400) O unique God who has no other above him Plagiarism: -Torah (-300) O Eternal God of Israel, there is no God like you -Bible Mark 12,32 (+200) God is unique.. there is no other like him -Quran Sura 2,163 (+900) Your God is the only God; there is no other but him -Leiden Papyrus: What comes out of the opening of his mouth comes true. What he said in his heart, we saw it come into existence -Plagiarism: Bible psalm 33,6,9: For God says and the thing happens. He orders and she exists 2) Plagiarism of our African Divinities The characters presented as divine on Christian and Orthodox iconography are identical in many respects to African Divinities assimilated to Christian Angels and Archangels. Since before -450 the Greek historian Herodotus says “Greece received from Egypt almost all the names of its divinities. Horus divine being son of Osiris is designated in Greece by Apollo; Osiris by Dionysos.etc.... » I present to you some They both had a son by immaculate conception The name Marie derives from Meryl/Mery/Mary used for Aséta Mary stretches out a hand to her bosom just like Aseta before her Marie had to flee when her son was born, just like Aséta before her. Mary is called "Mother of God" just like Aseta before her Marie shows her breast just like Aséta before her The two divine sons have their feast day on Dec 25 (connection with the winter solstice) Left: Plagiarism, Right: Original. Hérou or Horus son of the God Osiris or Usire Plagiarism Original: Osiris or Usire Left: Plagiarism, Right Original Left Plagiarism; Right: original Left: plagiarism, Right original Ritual headdresses: On the left Plagiarism, On the right Original Left: Plagiarism, Right: Original Left: Plagiarism, Right: original (Ousiré or Osiris)

  • Albinisme, création du blanc. L’Albinisme est une maladie génétique caractérisée par une production insuffisante du pigment qui colore la peau, les yeux, les poils et les cheveux.

    ALBINISM - CREATION OF WHITE Albinism is a genetic disease characterized by insufficient production of the pigment that colors the skin, eyes, body hair and hair. The term albinism derives from the Latin word “albus” which means white. ​ Anteriority of the black race over the white race​ Leucodermas carefully hide their origins. When they talk about the origin of man they say that Homo sapiens came from Africa and was black, all their archaeological research proves that the first inhabitants of the planet were black, but they give no explanation of their presence on this planet, how did they come and when. Termsdominating black (hair and eye color ranging from the lightest brown to black, a sign of the presence of melanin in their hair and their eyes, therefore signs of black ancestors because melanin is a pigment that belongs to the black race),melanin are covered with a veritable omerta by them; these subjects are carefully avoided because they are the flagrant, formal, indelible proof of black ancestors in them and therefore of the past presence of blacks in Europe. Blacks, let's not forget that they exterminated and sent them into slavery in North America after having totally stripped them of their lands and titles of nobility, to then proceed to impersonate this black nobility and falsify radical and deep in the history of France and Europe. All this was done thanks to their globally present secret societies and their total and absolute control over all the media so that the truth never gets out and that black people are rejected, despised and totally annihilated following the work of total denigration black that they undertook and continue to this day. This hermetic silence on their origins is more than suspect and is indeed the proof of origins that would not do them honor and on which they want to keep a total, absolute silence. Black people arrived from East Africa in Europe at the end of the melting ice 45,000 BC after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar south of Spain; the white race did not yet exist. Indeed, according to the excavations carried out by the leucodermas (the whites), the oldest leucoderma skeleton dates from 2800 years BC and was found in Central Asia. No ancient leucoderma skeleton has been found in Europe, all the ancient bones recovered in Europe, according to archaeological excavations, had Negroid characters according to the leucoderma authors of these excavations. The white race would have 2 origins :The first in Africa where she is the offspring of 2 blacks giving an albino child (white); Rejected by their black parents who did not understand the defect of their offspring, they formed communities of albinos which by reproducing among themselves formed in Africa colonies of albinos which rose in the Caucasus in Central Asia in order to escape the fiery equatorial sun. (Cress Welsing: Isis papers). -White-skinned people appeared thousands of years ago as the offspring of mutant albinos from black-skinned mothers and fathers in Africa. A considerable number of these black parents produced, rejected and then chased their genetically defective albino offspring from the community to make them disappear from the normal black-pigmented population. There were colonies of albinos formed which eventually migrated north into Europe, to escape the intensity of the equatorial sun in the southern hemisphere (Isis papers: Welsing). Albinos have preserved an ancestral hatred towards blacks, certainly due to this rejection and expressed in their songs. The ostracization of albinos during biblical times is the only logical explanation for the birth of the white race. The colonies of albinos produced more and more albinos until the race of albinos called white race. The 2nd origin (white skin, blond or red hair and blue eyes: signs of total absence of melanin) is recent, it would date from less than 8000 years and according to ancient Egyptian writings (papyrus), it would result from a very long process of reproductions transplants called transplants done by a black biologist named Yakub (Jacob). He would have deactivated the gene of the black race (the gene which produces the melanin pigment) in order to obtain, through this long process of transplants, an individual totally devoid of melanin, with white, blond or red skin, blue eyes, Caucasian or albino origin and with aggressive leadership behavior; he would have predicted that this race would die out after 6000 years; Indeed, the blonde with blue eyes is very seriously on the way to extinction. According to the UN, the world population in 2100 will be mainly brown to black and Africans will represent 40%. ALBINISM What is albinism? Albinism is an inherited genetic disease that reduces the amount of melanin pigment formed in the skin, hair and/or eyes. Albinism occurs in all racial and ethnic groups around the world; The origin of the appearance of the "albino gene" The character “albinism” corresponds to a gene having undergone the process of mutation and, which is therefore different from the ancestral gene. A mutation is most often linked to errors in DNA replication. The others are "typographical" errors: one letter in place of another, an omitted word, an inverted word. These are gene mutations that is to say affecting the nucleotide sequence of the gene. This type of mutation is responsible for hereditary diseases and therefore would be at the origin of the appearance of “the albino gene”. ALBINISM Deficient gene from the father healthy gene from the father Deficient gene from the mother albino child Child carrying the gene but not sick healthy gene from the mother Child carrying the gene but not sick healthy child WHITE SKIN: ADAPTATION TO COLD CLIMATES OR ALBINISM? (1st thesis) "Scientifically speaking, leucoderma biologists say that white skin results from climate adaptation, but let's pay close attention to this for a minute. When we think of an adaptation to something, we think of acquiring physical characteristics and advantages that would allow us to survive the environment. Let's understand what white skin means biologically and genetically. White skin does not meet the criteria for climatic adaptations (a major disadvantage is that it reflects the sun and therefore does not allow the vitamin D and calcium essential for bone comfort and immune resistance to constitute). Scientists also write that white skin is an adaptation to cold northern climates. Populations with brown skin, broad and flat noses such as the Inuit in northern Canada, the Eskimos in the North Pole, Mongol populations in Siberia have suffered since their existence in these regions (more than 70,000 years),_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ polar temperatures without this having any effect on whitening their melanin skin. Lack of melanin has been shown to be non-beneficial and detrimental in cold climates, technically melanin has thermoregulatory properties in that it absorbs all forms of heat and energy and can allow a person to warm up faster after getting out of the cold and staying longer in a cold environment, white skin does not because it has no melanin and reflects the sun. In the wild, the polar bear's skin (white) is black to absorb as much heat and light as possible to keep the arctic animal warm in its environment. Mongolian: Black The cold did not whiten him Nenet woman living in the polar region with her white child. The cold did not whiten her Inhabitants of Tibet: very cold country, not bleached by the cold In the wild, the polar bear's skin (white) is black to absorb as much heat and light as possible to keep the arctic animal warm in its environment. Black Mongolian, not bleached by the cold Habitant du Népal, pays très cold: not cold bleached _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Inhabitant of a very cold country: not bleached by the cold Tibetan: Black The human adaptation which consists in saying that the black skins of Africans who migrated about 45,000 years ago to Europe have become white under the effects of the cold and not very sunny climate of European countries remains an insufficiently studied part of climate and climate change. . Caucasian scientists tried unsuccessfully for years to prove that the environment was responsible for modifying heredity. Scientific studies done by Caucasians have reported that people are dark because they live near the equator -. So what about the brown skin of humanity that lives furthest from the equator – the Arctic? Also, the nose shape of Eskimos does not work to explain temperature dependencies. Wide, flat noses would be more beneficial in hot environments according to these studies. Other scientific claims claim white skin to aid in the metabolization of vitamin D, however, melanin has been determined to be necessary for the efficient metabolism of vitamin D and calcium. Since white skin reflects sunlight, the main source of vitamin D, failure to absorb sufficient amounts of sunlight in turn leads to loss of calcium from bones; consequent depletion of bone density which makes Caucasians susceptible to osteoporosis. This defect in metabolizing vitamin D and calcium makes whites more susceptible to kidney stones than any other breed. The depletion of bone mass is responsible for their low bone density.It is widely believed that black people have the strongest bones of all people, from infancy to old age. Whites are also the most susceptible to kidney stones composed of calcium oxylate. It's a well-known fact that the sun causes skin cancer in white people more than any other people on this Earth, but many people don't realize that the sun also sterilizes white people. The lack of melanin or pigment makes white people vulnerable to photolysis: photolysis is a breakdown of chemical bonds due to the radiant energy of light (so also the sun). This is the real reason behind the low Caucasian birth rates. The breakdown of folate or folic acid in the blood is essential for cell replication and reproduction. The fertility problems experienced are not behavioral but biological and do not seem to be able to be controlled. Folate levels drop by up to 50% when whites are exposed to sunlight, and even those from tanning salons. -Vitamin B9 or folic acid (also called folate) East essential for cell renewal as well as for the development of the fetus in the event of pregnancy. Genetically deficient genes provide ABSOLUTELY NO benefit in the wild, in tropical climates, temperate climates OR cold northern climates. Black people, as the original genetic template, are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet. Whites are albinos (recessive genetic abnormalities) and other ethnicities are just mixtures (23). The other thesis which is solid and rests on foundations which cannot be contradicted is that the white skin comes from a genetic mutation. “''I am convinced that a white skin is not natural for men and that by nature he has black or brown skin like our ancestors, the Hindus, and that the white man was never created by nature and therefore there is no race of white...''. METAPHYSICS OF SEXUAL LOVE by Arthur Schopenhauer. » white german philosopher (1788 1860)(24) " Orthodox history is a lie and must be put in its proper perspective . The veil of white supremacy has caused us to lose sight of the truths of world history and who we are as black people in relation to everyone else on the planet. Many white people believe that they are not only the ancestors of civilization, but also the ancestors of humanity. Our ancient heroes and saviors have been whitewashed. The world believes that everyone on Earth who is not white is primitive and uncivilized. First, we need to understand what white skin really means and who white people really are. In short White people are mutated inbred albinos. Science and everyday observation tell us that white people have a very low tolerance for the sun. Too much sun and they get “sunburn”. If it goes on too long, they develop skin cancer. But the Sun is the source of energy not only for the Earth, but for the whole solar system, all the galaxies in the Universe need sun. Plants need the sun to grow, humans need the sun to be healthy, even the weather depends on the sun. So how could a naturally evolved human on planet Earth not “tolerate” the sun well? In fact, “naturally evolved humans” tolerate the sun very well. They do this with the “melanin” that their bodies produce in their skin to protect them from the Sun's harmful rays – They are the black and brown people of the Earth. People without melanin, or with small amounts of melanin are albinos. » (25) This makes us understand that this lack of melanin in the leucoderma is not natural, therefore this breed was not made naturally and does not fall within the framework of nature. All this explains his aggressiveness, his lack of sensitivity, spirituality, respect, consideration towards a nature which provides him with all the essential elements for his subsistence but towards which he shows the greatest ingratitude and the deepest contempt. because he destroys it every day without scruples in order to serve his material interests. Albinos cannot endure either the sun or thirst. How could he work in the fields - except in the northern regions without being scorched by the sun? Only one way: to force a “pigmented” person to do it for them! Here is the reason for slavery! _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Sunburn Skin cancer following prolonged exposure to the sun _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Slavery Genetic proof that Europeans are albinos White skin has been clearly shown to be a sign of albinism. Scientifically, albinism is a genetic defect. Recessive genes (ALLELE) cannot reproduce anything other than another recessive gene! In the presence of a recessive gene, the dominant gene dominates the recessive because the recessive gene produces a protein which, in turn, yields little or no end product. Through powerful propaganda and indoctrination, we have completely forgotten what it means to have white skin. We have been cleverly tricked into believing that white skin is the anthropological model of humanity. However, research paints a picture of white skin that is just the antithesis of what we have been brainwashed to believe. Recently, in 2005, a major molecular cause of this skin color change was discovered in Europeans. Specifically, the SLC24A5 gene appears to be critical for the production of melanin, the predominant dark pigment in skin and hair. ... 100 percent of Europeans have a mutation in the SLC24A5 gene that impairs protein function ..-.The SLC 24A5 gene was identified in 2005 by Dr. Keith Cheng, a geneticist from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, USA-. Asians share the fully functional version of SLC24A5, but have acquired mutations in other genes that result in lighter skin while retaining black hair [Francis Collins, The Language of Life (NY: Harper, 2010), p 150 ]. " Just as SLC24A5 is a gene denoting albinism, so is SLC45A2, an albino gene that causes skin cancer in whites following prolonged exposure to the sun. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The white man believes he created mankind _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Albino children Albino man (south india) looks like white people _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Dravidian Albinos (South India) Seriously sunburned albino child (South India) Dravidian Indian (South Indian) The subject of albinism has demanded much attention because the Europeans are largely the Albino descendants of the native Dravidians (Black Indians of southern India) who separated from India and went to Central Asia in the Caucasus several thousand years ago in search of a milder climate . But the Europeans staunchly refuse to admit it, even if this obvious conclusion is supported by a simple observation - They look exactly alike - except for the color of the skin. And modern "Dravidian albinos" are indistinguishable from Europeans. Combine that with the genetic data, and there's no question they're the same people. Furthermore, according to DNA analyzes made by the Italian geneticist Cavalli-Sforza, a specialist in population genetics, it was discovered that they are identical (like 2 peas in the same pod); in the human family they find themselves alone: The only difference is that one group is pigmented and the other is not! One group is Albino, the other is not! Confirmation that the white (Caucasian) race is derived from Dravidian albinos, is documented in the results of genetic analysis of the haplogroup Y-DNA "R" . Haplogroup R is common throughout Europe, western Asia, and the Indian subcontinent, and among those whose ancestry comes from these regions. It also occurs in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Europeans are not solely derived from Dravidian albinos or "R" haplogroups :European albinos are also partly albinos of Africans carrying haplogroups I, E and J, among others. »26 What is a haplogroup? Why is knowing them important for tracing over generations? Your HAPLOGROUP reveals your ORIGINAL PEOPLE, 10, 20, 30 or 40,000 years ago! It's a genetic marker. present in DNA; haplogoups retain their origin and characteristics over generations. They make it possible to find the common origins of populations even if they live several thousand kilometers from each other. Indeed, the same haplogroup present in the DNA of different individuals (and sometimes living several thousand kilometers from each other) indicates that they have a common ancestor. Your HAPLOGROUP reveals your ORIGINAL PEOPLE, it 10, 20, 30 or 40,000 years ago! Identifying haplogroups among all populations helps to find common origins. “There is a modern white European Y-DNA chart that clearly shows that there are no unique 'white' haplogroups; rather, all white DNA is derived from black haplogroups. As the evidence clearly indicates, ALL human beings are African, which is why all human genetics (DNA) is African. Logically, ALL human haplogroups MUST be found in Africa! And they are, despite the obscurations caused by the Albinos, in order to support their false view of themselves and their fictional history. “(27) Haplogroup R. Europeans mostly belong to haplogroup R (South Indian origin) Dravidian Indian (South Indian) resembles whites except for skin color. Caucasian phenotype Tsar Nicholas 2 of Russia. DNA tests identifying his body revealed that he belonged to haplogroup R1 b1. DIFFERENT TYPES OF ALBINISM E Most people with albinism have white skin and blue eyes (type OCA2) and some have hazel or brown eyes. There are different types of albinism and the amount of pigment in the eyes varies. It is the more or less great transparency of the iris to which is added the presence of the blood vessels of the eye which will determine the color of the eyes. Blue eyes are due to the absence of melanin in the iris, this eye color is sensitive to light . There are two main types of OCA albinisms , depending on the origin of the anomaly: OCA stands for Oculous Cutaneous Albinism: Albinism that affects the eyes and the skin - Albinism OCA1 : It is due to the absence or defect of tyrosine, an enzyme containing copper and involved in the production of melanin: mutation in the tyrosine gene. The OCA1 type is caused by an alteration in the tyrosine gene and can occur in two variations. The first is OCA1a and means that the organism cannot develop pigment at all. The hair is generally white (often translucent) and the skin very pale. Vision usually ranges from 20/200 to 20/400. The 2nd is OCA1b - Albinism OCA2 : tyrosine has normal activity, and the pigmentation anomaly is therefore due to another origin (mutation in a gene other than that of tyrosine: mutation in the OCA2 gene coding for the P protein). This type of albinism is the most common and the most variable. It is less severe than OCA1 albinism, and skin hypopigmentation can vary depending on the individual's ethnicity and heterozygosity. Individuals with this albinism have lightly pigmented hair at birth, white skin, blue eyes, pale to golden blonde, or red or even brown hair People with OCA2 usually have more pigment and better vision than those with OCA1, but cannot tan, Some pigment may develop in freckles. There are OCA Variants:OCA 3,4,5 with darker hair and hazel or brown eyes and skin that can tan The blond blue-eyed phenotype: recessive, is endangered , according to scientists within 200 years it would have completely disappeared. It is increasingly being replaced by brown, black hair and brown, black eye phenotypes. The existence of these last phenotypes comes from the interbreeding between blacks and whites in Europe over the centuries, whites being in excess of blacks due to the elimination of the latter (see above). This interbreeding gave different tones going up to a white population with hair and eyes of these brown to dark shades. About this phenotype brown eyes and hair, dark to black, the leucodermas are silent about their origin although they know it. When you research the origin of these hair and eye colors you get a very vague answer that only tells you that they are due to a dominant black gene (the dictionaries explain by saying: we are all born with a black dominant), but you have no information on this gene: Why, how did it come?. From what you have read above you naturally understand that it comes from these black ancestors who came from Africa 45,000 years BC, who built Europe (cathedrals, castles ...), were murdered and sent into slavery in the Americas by albinos who arrived from 370 AD, in order to steal their lands, their titles of nobility, their artistic constructions, their knowledge to call them theirs. You have also read that there was in Europe an interbreeding between whites and blacks which gave these variants of color of hair and eyes with a more or less swarthy skin that became white with the elimination of blacks. But this dominant black gene has remained and is perpetuated through the generations of whites by the brown to dark colors of the eyes and hair, and also a skin that acquires the ability to tan in the sun. The recessive blonde with blue eyes is on the way out, while the dominant black is very much alive and is more and more prevalent in European countries. This dominant black that produces brown to black hair and eyes is a very visible and indelible sad sign of the fate that has been reserved for our ancestors. The whites eliminated us, but we left our marks on them visible from generation to generation. Albinism OCA1 type among whites : white skin, hair is translucent White skin is the 1st characteristic sign of albinism in races Albinism OCA2 type among whites: white skin, blond hair, blue eyes Variant Albinism OCA 3,4,5 type: among whites :white skin, hair, brown to dark eyes, black The brown to black hair and eyes would be the visible signs representing this dominant black that the whites of these types carry within them: visual and indelible imprint of the presence of the blacks in Europe who were eliminated by them and which they transmit to through the generations Albinism OCA1 type among the yellows :: white skin, hair is translucent Albinism among the yellows :white skin, black hair and eyes Albinism in blacks :White skin, blond hair Partial albinism in black people: blue eyes Partial albinism in blacks: light eyes Partial albinism in blacks: blond hair Vieillard chinois et sa petite fille métisse Les premiers chinois étaient noirs Grand -mère et sa petite fille : tribu San du désert de Kalahari : Afrique du Sud Description of Yakub, inventor of the white man. Yakub would have deactivated the OCA2 gene (gene P) to create albinism Keith Cheng, a geneticist at the Pennsylvania School of Medicine, identified the albinism gene OCA2 in 2005 L'albinisme existe aussi chez les animaux, il peut être partiel ou total « Un mythe courant est que les personnes atteintes d'albinisme ont les yeux rouges : les conditions d'éclairage peuvent permettre de voir les vaisseaux sanguins à l'arrière de l'œil, ce qui peut donner un aspect rougeâtre ou violet aux yeux. Il existe différents types d'albinisme et la quantité de pigment dans les yeux varie. Cependant, les problèmes de vision peuvent être associés à l'albinisme. Les personnes à la peau blanche sont apparues il y a des milliers d'années en tant que progéniture d'albinos mutants de mères et de pères à la peau noire en Afrique. Un nombre considérable de ces parents noirs ont produit, rejeté puis chassé de la communauté leur progéniture albinos génétiquement défectueuse pour la faire disparaître de la population normale pigmentée par la peau noire. Il y avait des colonies d'albinos formées qui ont finalement migré vers le nord en Europe, pour échapper à l'intensité du soleil équatorial de l'hémisphère sud (Isis papers :Welsing). Les albinos ont conservé envers les noirs une haine ancestrale certainement due à ce rejet et exprimée dans leurs chants. L'ostracisation des albinos pendant les temps bibliques est la seule explication logique de la naissance de la race blanche. Les colonies d'albinos ont produit de plus en plus d'albinos jusqu'à la race d'albinos appelée race blanche. » (28) Petite incursion chez les jaunes. Pourquoi les jaunes sont ils eux aussi des albinos ? Vous vous êtes très probablement posé cette question et je vais tacher d'y répondre. « Les Européens et les Mongols ou jaunes sont tous deux dérivés d'un seul type d'humain noir (pour la plupart). Les Européens sont principalement les Albinos des Dravidiens de l'Inde ; et les Chinois ou jaunes sont une race mulâtre composée du phénotype des Noirs de l’Afrique orientale mongole (tribus San, Himba, aux yeux bridés), de leurs Albinos et des Albinos d' Asie centrale (qui sont ensuite devenus des Européens) » (29) Les Chinois d'origine étaient 100% Africains noirs purs aux yeux bridés, sans aucun adjuvant extérieur. Les amérindiens et les habitants des îles du pacifique (ex : Polynésie) sont aussi des métis d'albinos et d’amérindiens originaux qui étaient noirs. Il en est de même pour les indiens américains actuels. Il n'existe qu'une seule espèce humaine : la race noire. Les albinos blancs et les albinos jaunes sont des sous espèces dérivés de cette espèce. Origine probable du gène de l'albinisme OCA2. Cr éation de l'homme blanc par Yakub Les égyptiens anciens s'inquiétaient du comportement agressif de peuples blancs immigrés, aux yeux bleus, avec des cheveux blonds ou roux et vivant à la frontière du désert. Ils causaient des troubles en Égypte ;les égyptiens les appelaient Tamahu, ce qui se traduit littéralement par "peuple blanc créé". La race blanche aurait été crée par un scientifique noir du nom de Yakub (Jacob) qui aurait découvert dans la constitution génétique du Noir, qu'il pourrait faire sortir un nouveau peuple, l'opposé de l'original noir. Il aurait prédit que cette race régnerait environ 6000 ans, et ensuite elle était vouée à disparaître. L''homme blanc, donc serait apparu pour la première fois il y a environ 6 000 ans sur l'île de Patmos où il aurait été «fabriqué» par un processus de reproduction sélective appelé «greffe», qui dura 600 ans. " après ces 600 ans de processus de greffes, la population est devenue très pâle, avec des yeux bleus et des cheveux blonds ou roux-. De cette tribu d'albinos à la peau blanche, issue de cette île, est venue une race de dirigeants au comportement agressif. ​ « - Le professeur Alan Cooper, directeur du Centre australien pour l'ADN ancien à l'Université d'Adélaïde, a analysé l'ADN d'anciens squelettes leucodermes et a découvert que la constitution génétique de l'Europe moderne avait été établie il y a à peine 6 500 ans. Il a déclaré: «La génétique montre que quelque chose autour de cette date a entraîné la disparition des signatures génétiques de populations antérieures. Cependant, nous ne savons pas ce qui s'est passé ni pourquoi ». -Le Dr Jonathan Pritchard professeur en génétique à l'université de Stanford aux Etats Unis, estime que le moment où les gènes des populations asiatiques et européennes ont été modifiés était il y a environ 6 600 ans : le moment exact où le scientifique noir Yakub (Jacob)avait commencé sur l'île de Patmos dans la mer Égée,son processus de greffes pour la création de l'homme blanc. - Le Dr Keith Cheng, généticien du Collège de médecine de la Pennsylvania State University, a dirigé une étude qui montre l'évolution d'un gène de la couleur de la peau et suggère que les Européens se sont éclaircis récemment, il y a peut-être entre 6 000 et 12 000 ans». - Le médecin anglais James Cowles Prichard a également conclu que les différences physiques entre les races humaines ne pouvaient résulter que d'une méthode comparable au "processus de sélection artificielle pratiqué par les éleveurs et les sélectionneurs d'animaux et de plantes". Il ajouta que les races les plus belles de Blancs d’Europe, descendent de… Nègres. ” D'autre part, Le Dr. Hans Eiberg de l'Université de Copenhague a confirmé que tous les humains aux yeux bleus proviennent d' une «mutation génétique» qui, selon lui, s'est produite il y a 6000 à 10 000 ans. Son équipe a découvert un gène spécifique, connu sous le nom de gène OCA2, qui, si on le modifiait, aurait pour résultat que les êtres humains n'ont pas de mélanine dans les cheveux, les yeux ou la couleur de la peau - un état connu comme l'albinisme. Ainsi, ce gène OCA2 semble avoir été ciblé et manipulé par une force ou un événement il y a environ 6 000 ans. Mais les scientifiques sont encore incapables d'expliquer la raison de cette convulsion génétique dramatique dans la famille humaine. Prof. Cooper a déclaré: "Cette population se situe entre 4 000 et 5 000 av JC mais son origine reste un mystère.. ». (30) Les observations de ces scientifiques situent toutes l'origine de l'homme blanc dans une fourchette de 4000 à 10,000 ans. Or le plus ancien squelette de leucoderme date de 2800 ans avJc soit 4800 ans. Ces calculs semblent coïncider avec cette découverte. ​ Les noirs et les blancs ont des comportements radicalement opposés : voir chap Psychologie noirs blancs . Ces différences de comportement seraient dues à la présence ou la déficience en un pigment de couleur foncé trouvé dans le cerveau et les centres nerveux appelé neuromélanine. Ce pigment est fabriqué par une glande située dans le cerveau : la glande pinéale. Les noirs ont cette glande développée. Par contre en raison de l’albinisme, les blancs naissent avec la pinéale calcifié. Selon les recherches de la biochimiste afro américaine Dr Carol Barnes la calcification pinéale touche 5 à 15% des africains, 15 à 25% des asiatiques, et 60 à 80% des occidentaux. Leur glande pinéale n'est pas fonctionnelle. Voir chap être noir, la mélanine une bénédiction. Outre le fait qu'elle peut prévenir les dommages cellulaires en tant qu'anti-oxydant, la neuromélanine produit un développement psychomoteur plus avancé chez les personnes mélaninées, elle est responsable de la sensibilité, l'empathie, la créativité, la spiritualité, la gaieté, le partage, l’Amour, l’affection, l'intuition, les émotions. Par contre chez les individus qui en sont carencés : les blancs, on dénote : égocentrisme, manque de sensibilité, de créativité, de spiritualité, d’affection, d’amour, de partage, barbarie, prédation de la nature et des autres peuples par massacres, génocides. La mélanine est ce qui rend les gens humains, elle les relie aux forces créatrices de l'univers. Cette déficience en neuromélanine due à une glande pinéale calcifiée chez les blancs serait responsable de situations de peurs chez eux qui leur donneraient des comportements destructeurs et agressifs envers la nature et les autres races. Il ont la peur de manquer : plus ils ont, plus ils veulent, peur de vieillir, peur de mourir etc. Ces peurs induiraient des états anxiogènes amenant à des addictions ex :cigarette. et des comportements égocentriques et destructeurs. L'absence de mélanine (neuromélanine) est directement liée au dysfonctionnement du système nerveux central alors que la présence de mélanine est directement associée au bon fonctionnement du système nerveux central. Carol Barnes, théoricienne de Melanin, écrit dans son livre Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness: La mélanine est responsable de l'existence de la civilisation, de la philosophie, de la religion, de la vérité, et de la justice. Les individus (blancs) possédant de faibles niveaux de mélanine dans le cerveau se comporteront de manière barbare. La mélanine donne à l'homme la capacité de SENTIR car il absorbe toutes les fréquences d'énergie. Comme les Blancs en raison de l’albinisme ont le moins de mélanine, ils sont perçus par les personnes de couleur comme étant généralement rigides, insensibles (sans cœur), froids, calculateurs, mentaux et «non spirituels». ​ Aujourd’hui, l’Albinos moyen pense qu’il (les Albinos) constitue la majorité des humains sur la terre (au lieu d’une petite minorité). Ils pensent qu'ils ont commencé les civilisations du monde (alors qu'en réalité ils n'en ont commencé aucune). Ils pensent même à tort qu'ils sont les personnes décrites dans les statues et les peintures de tombes égyptiennes. ​ Et ils pensent qu'ils sont en bonne santé, normaux et chez eux dans le monde, alors que le Soleil est leur ennemi à cause de leur manque de pigmentation ; le cancer de la peau est la punition de l'insouciance. Ne serait ce pas la carence en neuromélanine qui en les privant d'empathie, de sensibilité, en faisant d'eux des êtres agressifs, les a poussé à asservir les races brunes et noires ? voir chap :être noir, la mélanine une béné ​ Le contrôle de l'information et des médias par l'Albinos a été absolu, total. L'Albinos moyen n'a aucune idée de toutes ces vérités développées ci-dessus. Et en ce qui concerne la vérité sur les Rois noirs au pouvoir en Europe, il vous regarde comme si vous êtes fou! Current Native American: mixed Indian white _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Black Chinese: Monk Black Chinese and his mixed-race granddaughter _cc781905-5cde-3194 Current Arabic _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Arabe ancien _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_True Native Americans: black _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ True Native Americans; black Chinese being afraid of blackening by the action of the sun _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Real black native americans Arizona usa 1875 Chinese terracotta soldiers: Blacks 206 BC: Blacks with slanted eyes and flat noses J HISTOIRE DE YAKUB L INVENTEUR DE L HOMME BLANC Selon les anciens écrits égyptiens, l'homme blanc : blond aux yeux bleus, aurait été créé par un scientifique noir du nom de Yakub. Qui était Yakub ? Yakub était un très brillant scientifique. Il avait perdu ses parents très jeune et avait été élevé par son oncle;Il avait un double crane pourvu de 2 cerveaux, ce qui lui donnait une grosse tête et une très grande intelligence. En raison de l' exceptionnelle grosseur de sa tête et de son arrogance il était l'objet de moqueries de la part de ses camarades.C'était un garçon très perturbé, probablement par la mort de ses parents, Il jura donc de se venger d'eux et de créer une tribu pour gouverner les noirs. À l'âge de six ans, il découvre la loi de l'attraction et de la répulsion en jouant avec des aimants en acier. Cette idée le mena à un plan pour créer de nouvelles personnes. Il vit un être humain différent :faible, méchant et qui pourrait avec la connaissance de moyens pernicieux et de mensonges, gouverner l'homme noir originel. Très doué pour les études, dès l'âge de 18 ans, il avait épuisé toutes ses connaissances dans les universités de la Mecque où il avait étudié la biologie et la génétique. Il découvrit ensuite que "l'homme noir d'origine" contenait à la fois un "germe noir" et un "germe brun". Avec 59 999 partisans, il se rendit sur l'ile de Patmos dans la mer Égée. Mis au point un processus de greffes qui devait aboutir après 600 ans d'essais à la création de l'homme blanc. Il établit un régime despotique et s’efforçat de cerner les traits noirs, tua tous les bébés plus sombres qui venait au monde et créa une race brune après 200 ans. Yakub est mort à l'âge de 152 ans, mais ses disciples ont continué son travail. Après 600 ans de cet eugénisme délibéré, la race blanche a été créée avec des yeux bleus et des cheveux roux. Selon les écrits les conditions brutales de sa création ont déterminé la nature de cette nouvelle race: Yakub avait prédit que cette race existerait pendant 6000 ans,puis après elle était vouée à disparaître. ​

  • Les noirs premiers européens, invasions barbares de l Europe noire par les caucasiens. les guerres de religion: moyens utilisés par les blancs pour exterminer les Noirs et les envoyer en servitude

    I FIRST BLACK EUROPEANS, BARBARIAN INVASIONS OF BLACK EUROPE BY CAUCASIANS ARRIVAL OF WHITES IN EUROPE, ELIMINATION OF BLACKS by whites : The religious wars, means used by whites to exterminate blacks and send them into servitude in North America _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Migrations of blacks from Africa around the world AMERINDIAN POPULATIONS PRE-COLUMBIAN (Incas, Aztecs, Mayas) were exterminated at 90/95% (130 million at least) by Europeans to loot their temples and steal their gold (approximately 16 tons). It is thanks to this gold that they began their civilization pre-capitalist. One tactic used by the Europeans to exterminate them was to offer them blankets which had been used to wrap smallpox patients in Europe. You can imagine the ravages made by this disease on these populations. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- Amerindian Civilizations: Black s _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Native American Civilizations: Black Olmec head: Amerindian civilization pre-Columbian Black, negroid features Amerindian civilizations: Black Observe the finesse, the richness of the work _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Amerindian Civilizations: Black M​ asque d'or Amerindian civilizations: Black _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Native American Civilizations: Black _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Amerindian Civilizations: Black THE FIRST CHINESE CIVILIZATIONS WERE NOIRES Chinese clay soldiers: 206 BC: Black, Negroid features, slanted eyes Chinese the 1st Chinese were black Chin​ois black with his mixed-race granddaughter Chinese ancient architecture Chinese ancient architecture Chinese ancient architecture Japan The two oldest civilizations in Japan were those of the Jomons and the Ainu. The Jomon black population left Africa to arrive in Japan around 40,000 years BC after having followed the coasts of southern Asia. They lived from hunting, fishing, gathering, they were stonemasons (see illustrations page ….) they constituted the Neolithic period of Japan. This civilization lasted a very long time from 10,500 to 300 BC. Around 350 BC it was invaded, conquered and destroyed by a group of yellow Mongols from China: the Yayoi ancestors of the current Japanese. The Jomon people no longer exist, however due to interbreeding with the newcomers, 10 to 20% of their genes remain among today's Japanese. The Ainous, people of northern Japan, originally hunter, fisherman, gatherer, are among the minorities that make up the Japanese population. They are mainly found on the island of Hokkaido in northern Japan, where they would have migrated around 13,000 BC. They would be more than 150,000 today. They suffered discrimination from the Japanese and had to fight for their rights and recognition. They are still victims of racism. The origins of the Ainu are uncertain, they are probably a branch of the proto-Japanese Jomon stock (the first inhabitants of Japan). In 1904 they were described thus by the writer Marshall Everett “: The Ainu have dark skin, large mouths and firm, thick lips. Their nose is slightly curved, flat and wide, their hair wavy, often curly” (see illustrations). The Ainu underwent interbreeding with the current population of Japan Jomon civilization in Japan: Black Jomon civilization in Japan: Black Ainu with his family _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Aïnou de l'île de Hokkaido au Japon Arrival of the black man in Europe: a bit of history "About 45,000 BCE the great glaciers that covered most of Europe began to melt and a group or groups of people from Africa, of the Khoisan type (now called Grimaldi) crossed the strait of Gibraltar and entered Europe. This is the first time in human history that modern humans have crossed the wilderness of Europe. Once in Europe, Grimaldi's man continued his migrations and eventually inhabited all of Europe and northern Asia. The easternmost limit of its range appears to have been the settlement known as Mal'ta in Siberia (Russia), just north of Mongolia. The definitive analysis of the Grimaldi skeletons discovered in Monaco was carried out by Marcellin Boule (1861-1942), a French paleontologist, it revealed that they had Negroid characters. The previous exits from Africa of blacks would have been made around 130,000 years BC by crossing the Atlantic to the Americas, the Africans gave the Amerindian civilizations (Incas, Aztecs, Mayas), then_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 65,000 to 70,000 years before our era they would have followed a route leading them to Australia and the Pacific islands after having skirted the coasts of the Asian countries where they settled and produced the Hindu, Chinese and Japanese, Asian civilizations; they crossed the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia to go to North and South America. These civilizations and cultures subsist through the constructions (temples) which are part of the history of these countries. These Africans were of different types: Caucasoids with flat hair (Indians of South India) Mongoloids in China, Japan, Laos, Cambodia, Americas... Another migratory wave then took them to Europe 45,000 years BC , their installation produced European civilization and culture, the remains of which can be seen in the monuments built until their extermination in the 17th century by the whites who arrived from 370 AD (cathedrals, castles, etc.) and their dispatch by the latter in servitude to the Americas. The first Blacks in Europe were busy putting their "human" imprint on Europe with their art and its structures, e.g. Sonehenge in England, Altamira caves in Spain, Chauvet in France etc..., Those- These represent the apogee of Palaeolithic rock art developed in Europe between 35,000 and 11,000 BC. Noticed :Before the colonial era, black Africa experienced prestigious civilizations with Kings, Emperors who reigned over very large empires, and a well-structured administrative, legal and military organization; universities: Timbuktu which had 25,000 students, Djenné. The invasion by albinos and the slavery that made Africa regress were more than detrimental to these well-organized civilizations. (see Chap precolonial Africa) Cheddar Man the 1st English: Black, Died 10,000 years ago Head of a Celtic God in England 100 BC: Negroid features Reconstruction of bones found in Romania dating from 34,000 to 36,000 years ago Negroid traits s Stonehenge in England _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cave of Altamira Spain _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Chauvet Cave: France _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Grotte de Lascaux : France Description of the 1st men: the small, black Welsh, the Scots and the black Celts west of the River Shannon in Ireland, as well as the same category of men in Brittany, Aquitaine in France European culture, civilization were established by the black elite who reigned throughout Europe Until the 1700s royalty and nobility were black throughout Europe including Russia. The cathedrals, the castles, (ex: Palace of Versailles, Castles of the countries of the Loire) the historical monuments were built until the 17th century by the black elite before it was exterminated and deported in slavery in Americas by the whites arrived from 370 AD. The Achievements of the Black Man in Europe. The blacks have a developed spirituality, they are very believers, are not the multiple constructions of cathedrals and churches one of the proofs of the existence of the black population in Europe? Leucoderma is unspiritual. The cathedrals About the works of the black man in Europe, let's talk about the cathedrals which are great masterpieces, testimonies of his presence, his creativity, his know-how, his sensitivity, his strong spirituality and his scientific and architectural work. Due to the revolutionary techniques used, the cathedrals were and remain until today, a great source of pride and prestige for the cities. They were magnificent religious buildings erected to the glory of God and which showed the strong spirituality of their creators. (see Chap The cathedrals) I warn my black brothers and sisters against the false nonsense conveyed by albinos and in their books claiming that Africans sold their brothers to white people to be enslaved through the slave trade ; absurdities repeated by certain black authors and personalities acting as lackeys of white people or for lack of information on this subject. Let us reflect together on this question: the whites came to Africa armed to the teeth to look for blacks, they came in warships heavily armed with cannons: galleons, whereas they knew that the blacks had arrows, spears and spears, very light weapons compared to their heavy armaments. For what ? it's because there was fierce resistance, black not letting it go. Indeed, there were battles which were not always to the advantage of the whites despite their artillery. I recently heard the well-known economic journalist P. Jovanovic, a man of color, repeat this nonsense. Why do albinos like to convey this message? In order to rehabilitate themselves from these heinous crimes committed against the blacks, they want to show that they were not so bad and that it was the blacks who offered them their brothers. Words of this kind were created by albinos towards the Arawak Indians of the West Indies who were exterminated by them. These remarks claimed that the Arawaks had exterminated the Amerindians first inhabitants of these islands in order to take their lands. Another way of saying that they weren't the worst and that the Native Americans had been punished anyway, so they deserved to have been exterminated in turn. I also do not believe the statements made by the whites to say that the Amerindian peoples Incas Aztecs practiced human sacrifices to honor their deities. All these Amerindian peoples were black peoples: the black, in essence, thanks to this melanin which impregnates his brain and his nervous centers, and which makes him a sensitive being, respects human and animal life, nature, because he considers that everything is animated by the spirit of God to whom he devotes the deepest respect and the greatest consideration and who for him is everywhere. The black asks forgiveness from the animal before killing it only to feed itself, it does the same to the tree before picking its fruits to feed itself. I recall that the Amerindian populations Incas Aztecs, Mayas were exterminated at 90/95% by the whites: that is to say approximately 130 million, I remember an article written by a white journalist saying that it was totally false, that they were all dead of Legionnaire's disease and that there have never been any genocides of Native Americans. Comments made once again to clear their conscience. I take this opportunity to recall an article written by a Western journalist on the peoples of Melanesia who are black; He said that when their parents were old, they got rid of them in the following way: They made them climb a tree, shook the tree, rushed on those who had fallen and finished them off with sticks. When we know the respect and deep consideration for elders among blacks, we immediately understand that it is slander aimed at discrediting them. On the other hand in the leucoderma we do not note a great consideration, love for their parents and the elders in general. The 2007 heat wave caused many deaths in France, the victims were mainly elderly people; it was noted that a significant number of the bodies of their elderly parents were not even claimed by them and that it was the municipalities that had to bear the costs of the burials. This attitude denotes in the leucoderma a lack of sensitivity, consideration, love, empathy, a frenzied egocentrism. If the whites do not hesitate to make Satanist sacrifices of children in their diabolical sects in order to obtain material advantages, among the blacks respect for life, empathy and a certain sensitivity prevent them from indulging in these practices. So we have to be very careful about what white people say about us black people, above all never repeat their lies, their goal has always been to devalue us in order to make us inferior. I quote some of the innumerable flagrant injustices, exploitations, thefts, plunders of which the blacks are victims on the part of the whites. -The alternative press ( network) of June 2020 reveals the existence of a farm in Libya in which men, women, children, babies, all black, were found locked in small cages, these human beings had undergone samples organs, performed without anesthesia, they were crippled, some blind. It would have been found 2 billion euros in cash in this place. We are aware of the very profitable trade in organs that takes place from countries in the South to Western countries with the complicity of the latter, always in search of profits and who do not investigate the provenance of the organs they buy. The Western press did not report this fact but spoke of mass graves. -I will also mention an organization created in 2013 supposedly for the defense of the civil rights of blacks in the USA and which is "Black Lives Matter “: Black lives matter. This organization would be financed by personalities, very influential members of the New World Order created by the leucodermas. The New World Order would be born from the "Illuminati" and would aim for world domination by carrying out its plans gradually through history. The events of the world would thus be orchestrated by a group of individuals acting in the shadows, bearers of a long-standing totalitarian project; their first objective is to reduce the world's population and blacks are in the front line in their sights. Black Lives Matter is said to be funded by leading figures of the New World Order and has received, among other things, $100 million from the Ford Foundation and $33 million from the Soros Foundation. The unacknowledged purpose of this New World Order is to unleash racial hatred between whites and blacks in the USA; You understand that blacks would be the big losers of these racist hate movements because numerically they are less numerous than whites and above all they do not have the weapons that whites can afford. So before engaging in any movement of a philanthropic nature, blacks should find out about the organizers and the origin of the funds for these movements. -Blacks have made many inventions, and that since under slavery; the whites, their masters appropriated these inventions which they put in their name by attributing the discovery to themselves. The blacks, scholars or inventors do not appear anywhere in the world book of invention whose author is Valérie Anne Giscard d'Estaing daughter of the former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and listing those who have enabled the progress of humanity. These black scientists are “voluntarily and carefully” forgotten by the world although their inventions are of various, daily use; The intellectual property of many of these inventions has been violated. Can't this voluntary and calculated concealment of these black inventors be considered a cultural and intellectual genocide? Any discovery made until today by the blacks is deliberately concealed; in the eyes of the whites the black must appear ignorant, uneducated, servile, inferior, of low IQ. -In European museums : British Museum in London, Musée du quai Branly in Paris, to name a few, thousands of artifacts are on display: statues, figurines that were stolen in Africa, Egypt, Asian countries, Americas by Europeans; An Egyptian president had ordered to repatriate those who came from Egypt, until today this order has never been executed, the albinos have kept them. The blacks should organize themselves to recover their works of art stolen and exhibited in museums whose entry is paid to admire them. -I will also talk about the International Criminal Court e It is a permanent international criminal court created in 2002 by Westerners, with a universal vocation, responsible for judging people accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and war crimes. I invite you to go to the site . By consulting the names of the people suspected since the creation of the ICC, you will see for yourself that this court seems to have been created for blacks and Arabs because all the people who have been worried by this body are black and Arab. The latest is the former president of Côte d'Ivoire Laurent Bagbo, whose crime would have been to have said that he wanted his country to work with everyone, this statement more than displeased France (the Côte d'Ivoire is part of France Afrique) which rushed to send armed forces which overthrew Mr Bagbo and replaced Ouattara as the straw man of the French government. France had him arrested, tried by the ICC on the charge of crimes against humanity, he was imprisoned for several years and has just been acquitted, no charge having been brought against him. Ironically, the judges and prosecutors chosen by this Court are very often black. On the other hand many Europeans, among other Heads of State have never been worried by the ICC for crimes of genocide committed in the countries of the South, they have not accepted that any investigation be made on this subject. The latest is the 2011 invasion of Libya and the assassination of Gaddafi under Sarkozy. Let me go back before the creation of the ICC: the genocide in Rwanda under François Mitterrand remains a gaping wound without explanation, the genocide in Cameroon of the Bamileke people and many others. -I will also mention a very formidable tool created by the Americans: the HAARP project In addition to its many highly evolved skills in the military field, this device would be able to mentally manipulate populations without their knowledge, to control the climate: to create tornadoes, cyclones, drought, earthquakes, floods in certain countries targeted by Westerners . Among the Africans who left Africa, there were Indians of the Dravidian type (dark skin, Caucasoid features, straight hair) and their albinos who probably sought less sunny lands, because the Sun burned their white skin. They settled in the Caucasus lands in Central Asia where the climate was more favorable to them. The first Albinos arrived in Europe around 1200 BC. They were easily integrated into the black Greek and Roman cultures of those countries where they had migrated (Greece, Italy). In 300 BC, mulattoes were commonplace there. Today's albino Europeans have nothing to do with those early albinos except for a common point of origin: Central Asia. Today's albino Europeans were part of what is called the "great period of migration" - the Albinos call it that - which took place in 2 phases; The first phase, which is between 300 and 500 AD. J.-C., The second phase took place between 500 and 700: they were Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles, Saxons, Elans 1etc. referred to as ''barbarians''. In reality, it was not a migration at all, these albino tribes of Central Asia, collectively called the Germanics and the Slavs, were driven out of Asia by the Huns of Attila. Later, the last tribe of Albinos in Asia - the Turks, were driven out of Asia by the Mongols of Genghis Khan. The invasions of the Roman Empire by albinos, meanwhile, took place between 100 and 500 AD. The first civilization built by blacks in Italy was that of the Etruscans. Subsequently, the Etruscans were conquered and absorbed by the Romans/Latins who created their own empire. The leucoderma or white, originally from the Caucasus, came in the form of barbarian invasions, massively in Western Europe (all, blond peoples with blue eyes: Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Angles, Saxons, Elans, Vandals etc...). From 370 AD he therefore returned, driven out by the Mongols. He lived in Central Asia. “The oldest leucoderma skeletons have been found in Central Asia and date back to 2800 BC, no ancient leucoderma skeletons have been found in Europe. It would therefore be a relatively recent race compared to the black race which would have been the first to populate the planet. Excavations made in Africa: Ethiopia from 1992 to 1994 revealed the oldest hominid skeleton named Ardi at 4.4 million years old. The blacks would have arrived in Europe from Africa 45,000 years before our era. They would have arrived in the Americas 130,000 years BC and created the Amerindian civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas that we present to you below. They are the creators of Asian civilizations: China, Japan, Cambodia, Laos etc..... (Blacks with slanted eyes) where they would have settled around 70,000 years BC; the traces of their passage can be found in the prestigious architecture of the temples. According to ancient Egyptian writings, the white race was created around 6600 years ago by a black biologist named Yakub; he would have "made" it with his team by a process of selective reproduction called "grafts" which lasted 600 years. After these 600 years of transplant process, a very pale individual was born, with blue eyes and blond or red hair. To create the white race, Yakub would have manipulated the OCA2 gene: formerly known as the P gene, which characterizes the color black and whose deactivation ends in albinism. The determining ancestral gene of the black color is the P gene (renamed in 2005 OCA2 gene), its mutation produced 2 albino genes characteristic of white skin: the SLC24A5 and SLC 45A2 genes. From this tribe of white-skinned albinos, a race of leaders with aggressive behavior was born. Yakub had predicted that this race would exist for about 6000 years, then after that it was doomed to extinction. The blond with blue eyes gradually disappears and is replaced by the leucoderma with eyes and hair ranging from the lightest brown to black. Asians share with whites the fully functional version of the SLC24A5 gene, but have acquired mutations in other genes that result in lighter skin while retaining black hair and eyes [Francis Collins, The Language of Life (NY: Harper, 2010), p 150]. " (see chapter Albinism, creation of white). The Albinos - white, leucoderms or Caucasians - have no history except invasion, murder, looting, their rise is relatively recent, no doubt accelerated by the 'so-called wars': Thirty Years' War (1618 to 1648), British civil wars (1642-1651) which were in reality "race wars",; all culminating in the slaughter of most black European royalty and the expulsion of black people into servitude and slavery in the Americas (Caribbean and North American colonies). »(4) About sending blacks to North America. During the slavery period, according to statistics there would be approximately 308,005 blacks who would come directly from the African continent, all the others, so millions came from Europe, expelled by the albinos who stole their lands, their titles of nobility and their artistic achievements to call them their own. White people tell us that the black population of the United States is only 12.5% (37 million) – . The real number would rather be 85-90 million. (Do you really think white people would tell you the truth about your numerical strength?). As you can see from the Emory University voyages database table which gives an account of slaves imported from Africa during the slave trade (about 400 years ago) only 308,005 African slaves were landed in North America (United States, Mexico, Canada). How can you get 85-90 million from 308,005 (especially since the average life of a slave was 6 years)? It's not believable. Most black North Americans descended from black Europeans expelled from Europe to be sent into slavery. According to these statistics, France, England and the Netherlands bought a total of 456 African slaves (see table) during the period of the slave trade which lasted almost 400 years. Where would the others come from, if not the black Europeans? In addition to the United States, five European countries: France, England, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain engaged in the slave trade; how to explain this presence of black nobility and kings in other European countries which did not engage in this trade: Russia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Norway, Denmark, Poland etc. … if not that this black nobility was indeed native of these countries and was eliminated by albinos. This defeat of the blacks is not explained by this difference in mentality between the blacks and the albinos. The white has a relentlessness to destroy and kill which makes him seek all weapons conducive to satisfying this excessive need, unlike the black who is much more moderate, he has a moral compass which prevents him from falling into excess. Wouldn't it be this lack of neuromelanin in the brains of white people that makes them so cruel?. Subsequently, aware of their physical and numerical weakness, they embarked on an arms race in order to impose their domination on the world. What is neuromelanin? It is this black pigment present in the brain and the nervous system and which plays a key role in human behavior depending on its abundance or scarcity. Its strong presence gives the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in melanin people, it is responsible for sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it, we note: egocentrism, lack of sensitivity, creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing, barbarism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. The absence of neuromelanin would be directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system whereas the presence of neuromelanin would be directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system. "The Albinos, in their neurotic fear of those who are not like them, and particularly the blacks, invented for themselves a "fantastic" past (especially in Europe) in which they were the native Europeans (in fact they come from the center of Asia: the Caucasus). They imagined that the world was only populated (especially in Europe) by albinos like them (by far, whites are the least numerous on earth). In their minds, Albinos were the creators of all the great civilizations in Europe and all the great heroes in history were Albinos. As a result, they created an official "revision" of the story reflecting their neurotic "fantasy". This revision is simply called "History" by Albinos and "Fantastic History" for those who know the truth. Another tactic used by Albinos to falsify the true meaning of the black work is to give it false and often pejorative titles. - As far as possible, in-depth research is done by the researchers to discover the original title of the paintings presented to you. When this fails, the contents of the painting are analyzed to try to understand the original meaning. This analysis is annotated at the bottom of the image-. »(4) The Albinos had a two-pronged tactic of conquest - murder and miscegenation: which was used first, depended on the situation. When the Albinos first arrived in Western Europe (now Europe), they were too weak to use violence as their first tactic. They therefore used access to their wives as a first gesture, violence as a second gesture. With the addition of Central Asian Albinos, Europe became a mixed environment. » (5) These albino barbarians were all white-skinned peoples with blond or red hair and blue eyes. It is the interbreeding with the first European blacks on the spot which gave the shades of hair and eyes going from brown to black with a tinted skin become white by the elimination of blacks. But the dark shades of hair and eyes that remain are the dominant black with which whites are born and which are irrefutable proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe. On the other hand in Great Britain and Germany, the population was mainly composed for centuries after the barbarian invasions of Europe, by 2 barbarian tribes: the Angles and the Saxons who gave the Anglo-Saxons: people with white skin, blue eyes, red or blond hair. In these 2 countries the blacks were almost completely eliminated by the wars of religion and the 30 years war (wars, pretext to eliminate the blacks). Which explains this blond, blue-eyed phenotype in these 2 countries. This phenotype is recessive, therefore endangered and is increasingly replaced by that of brown to black hair and eyes and white skin that acquires the ability to tan in the sun. Furthermore, as soon as the albino invaders violently imposed themselves on Europe, black European kings were forced to marry albino women to buy peace, which increased miscegenation. "Once the Huns left Europe, the Albinos were unleashed throughout Europe and North Africa, culminating in the destruction of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476. In the 4th century , the Roman Empire had split into Eastern and Western divisions. The eastern empire was the Greek-speaking Byzantine Empire, which ruled from Constantinople (Turkey). The Eastern Roman Empire remained intact. Having had enough of the atrocities of the Albinos called the Barbarians, the Black Franks (who were probably Germans) who ruled France rose up under the leadership of Charlemagne (means Charles the Great) around the year 800 and drove them back as far as possible to the east. « (6) Europeans seeing these surges of albinos committing the worst crimes, panicked believed that they were dealing with white demons as they called them. "Persia being controlled by the Albinos as well as the territories of the Eastern Roman Empire, it was only a matter of time before the weight of all these Albinos was too heavy for the Black Empires._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ False description of Attila the Hun The Etruscans 1st inhabitants of Italy: Blacks Description of Attila the Hun as given by the Greek historian Priscus. The Huns were slant-eyed blacks BARBARIAN INVASIONS of Europe: 2 phases 370 to 500 AD and 500 to 700 AD​ Attila's Hun Empire _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ True Charlemagne: Black False Charlemagne: bleached. If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes False King James Francis Edward Stuart: White. If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes Portrait of the King of France Louis 14 (the Sun King)first cousin of the King of England James Francis Edward Stuart (black king) next door. Take a look at those frizzy black hair that they want you to pass off as wigs sprinkled with powder to give them fullness. If albinos were white why would they wear wigs representing black hair? Observe the details that make the clothes so rich. What creativity? Louis 14 was very fond of dance and music. Louis 13 son of Henry 4, father of Louis 14, and Henriette of France daughter of Henry 4 and mother of the King of England James Francis Edward Stuart are brother and sister, therefore Louis 14 and James Francis Stuart are first cousins. If I am black, my first cousin (Louis 14) is necessarily black or mixed black. True Emperor Charles V: Heir to 17 crowns, Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy 1500-1558 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Stephen 1er King of Hungary Duke of Noailles. Visibly fake, crimped hair Charles V of France gives Duguesclin the sword of High Constable 1369: Blacks True King of England James Francis Edward Stuart; Mulatto . The Stuarts were the last black kings of England, until the whites seized power by overthrowing them. James Francis Edward Stuart - CONFIRMED! James Francis Edward, Prince of Wales (the Knight of St. George, "The Water King", "The Old Pretender" or "The Old Knight"; (1688-1766) was the son of the deposed James II of England and Ireland (James VII of Scotland) As such he claimed the English, Scottish and Irish thrones (James III of England and Ireland and James VIII of Scotland) upon the death of his father in 1701 , when he is recognized as king by his cousin Louis XIV of France . Died in 1766, his son Charles Edward Stuart succeeded him in the Jacobite succession. Two wars to restore the Stuart dynasty failed. James and his sons remained the last Stuarts _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ King of England Edward III False Charles V Quint: bleached Queen Marie Antoinette of Austria, wife of King Louis 16 of France, beheaded in 1793. Observe this very frizzy hair presented to you for a wig. This portrait seems visibly fake, bleached! Would she have been the victim of a summary execution because she was black? Marie de Médicis 1605 Observe this very frizzy hair that is presented to you for a wig.Portrait visibly bleached EMPEROR CHARLES V (Ghent 1500-Yuste, Extremadura, 1558), Holy Roman Emperor (1519-1556), Prince of the Netherlands (1506-1555), King of Spain (Charles I) [1516-1556], King of Sicily (Charles IV ) [1516-1556]. 1.1. Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy CHRONOLOGY 1516 Charles of Habsburg (the future Charles V) inherits the crowns of Castile, Aragon and Sicily. 1519 Charles V succeeds Maximilian I at the head of the Holy Empire. 1525 Defeat of Pavia. The King of France François I prisoner in Spain. He will be released the following year. 1527 Coronation of Rome by Emperor Charles V. circa 1528-1560 Cathedral of Granada, by D. de Siloé. 1529 Treaty of Cambrai or Peace of the Ladies between Louise of Savoy, in the name of François I, and Marguerite of Austria, for the Emperor Charles V. 1534-1535 Tunis, occupied by Khayr al-Din Barbarossa, is taken over by Charles V. 1555 Peace of Augsburg, which consecrates the division of Germany between Catholic and Protestant principalities. 1556 Abdication of the Germanic Emperor Charles V, who transmits the imperial title to his brother Ferdinand. The story of Charles V is first and foremost the story of a legacy. His ancestry perhaps explains the quirks and contradictions of his character. The victor of the battle of Mühlberg proudly encamped on his battle horse as fixed for eternity by Titian's brush, he is the great-grandson of the terrible Charles the Bold , the Duke of Burgundy. The melancholic prince haunted by the afterlife who renounces before his death "the empire on which the sun does not set" to retire to a convent in Extremadura, he is the son of Joan the Mad, the youngest daughter of the Catholic Kings Ferdinant II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile . A strong piety tinged with humanism If his youth and his education took place in a Flemish environment, it should be noted that it had already been strongly marked by the Spanish and Austrian spirit. his aunt Margaret of Austria , daughter of Emperor Maximilian I, had been his first teacher. If his natural language was French and if he always had difficulty speaking correct German, he was by no means a Burgundian prince. He had inherited from the Dukes of Burgundy neither their physical exuberance nor their taste for a sumptuous life. His tutors were Guillaume de Croy, lord of Chièvres , who will remain a trusted adviser, Charles de La Chaux and the dean of Louvain Adriaan Floriszoon, the future pope Adrian VI . The latter, a follower of Devotio moderna , instilled in him a very lively faith, tinged with simplicity and a certain humanism. Many studies insist on Charles' religiosity, on his “providentialism” which made him see the direct action of God in all events, a characteristic mental trait of this period. Another remarkable trait, his strong will, which asserted itself from his marriage in 1526 to Isabella of Portugal (1503-1539). 1.2. The heir to seventeen crowns The legacy of Charles V, prepared by the skilful matrimonial policy of his paternal grandfather, Maximilian of Austria , these are also the possessions which, united, will form one of the greatest empires of modern times. Maximilian, having married Mary of Burgundy , has, in fact, prepared the transmission to Charles V of the dual Burgundian and Austrian heritage. From 1506, Charles, on the premature death of his father Philippe le Beau, became master of the Netherlands (from Flanders to Groningen) and of Franche-Comté (fiefdom of the Empire). In 1519, when Maximilian died, he incorporated into his domains the Austrian territories of the Habsburgs (archduchies of Upper and Lower Austria, duchies of Styria, Carniola and Carinthia, county of Tyrol, landgraviate of Upper Alsace). In the meantime, he was put in possession, on the death of his maternal grandfather Ferdinand II of Aragon (1516), and to the detriment of his mother Joan the Mad , kingdoms of Castile , of Aragon , Naples, Sicily, as well as the immense Spanish colonies in America. In addition, falls to him the New World, recently discovered by Christopher Colombus which gives it the name of "Western Indies", and soon entirely conquered. Vrai Tsar Pierre le Grand de Russie 1700 : Noir Wife of Tsar Alexis of Russia 1650, mother of 2 Tsars Feodor III and Ivan V _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Fake Tsar Peter the Great:laundered _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Noble Knights of the Germanic Empire Emperor Constantine the Great, Patriarch of Moscow 1656 Inca Emperors and Charles V on the right: Blacks In Britain and Germany, Albinos have taken an innovative new approach to seizing power . To separate the people and segment the black and white populations, they created new religions to compete with the official religion of Catholicism which was that of the black elite and the people (the popes of this time were black). In Britain, they created the Anglican religion; in Germany, they created the Protestant religions whose leaders were John Calvin and Martin Luther. Protestantism is one of the major divisions of "modern" Christianity. It has been defined as "one of many religious denominations denying the universal authority of the pope and affirming the reforming principles of justification by faith alone, the priesthood of all believers, and the primacy of the Bible as the sole source of revealed truth". Of course, Catholicism regained prominence, but it remained firmly under Albino control. During the medieval period, hundreds of racial and religious wars took place, the "Thirty Years' War" being the only one that the Albinos recognize was not a political war. In Germany, although blacks and mulattoes continued to rule the Holy Roman Empire for some time, true black power was shattered by defeat in the Thirty Years' War. Black survivors and prisoners of these wars were rounded up and turned over to the British. White history being what it is (lies), it is very difficult to determine when black rule was broken in Britain, because, as in Germany, blacks and mulattoes continued to rule , presumably as figureheads. In England the last black kings were the Stuarts, the albinos overthrew them and seized power. According to the test of benjamin franklin (American writer 1706 to 1790) wrote in 1751 Blacks and mulattoes still ruled some countries of Europe until 1751. Therefore, the rise of white rule in Europe dates back about 200 years. Benjamin Franklin Quote: 'And in Europe the Spaniards, Italians, Frenchmen, Russians, and Swedes are generally of what we call a swarthy complexion, as are also the Germans, excepting the Saxons, who form with the English the principal body of the white people on the surface of the Earth. I could wish their numbers would be increased......'' These words were repeated by Hitler in his book ''Mein Kampf'' Nevertheless, the English Civil Wars, the rise of Oliver Cromwell and the fall of the House of Stuart which represented black royalty were instrumental in the downfall of black rule in Britain. The victorious Albinos of Germany and Britain rounded up black survivors of wars, prisoners of those wars and shipped them to North America and the Caribbean as slaves. Black domination in Europe has been broken. This is how the Mongols got rid of the albino problem by making it that of the Blacks in Europe with the devastating effects that followed. The wars took place between the end of the Middle Ages: end of the 15th century and in the 19th century. Albinos then set out to create a false history of the world, thus placing themselves in the natural position of black people as creators and explorers of the world, and as natural rulers of the world - WITH FALSE ARTIFACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR LIES and in now until today strict and total control over information and all means of disseminating it through the use of intimidation and violence, both psychological and physical. (6). It is with these means that they erased the blacks from history and presented them as primitive beings, uncivilized, without culture, having invented nothing and ignorant. On this subject I will quote the Dakar speech where French President Sarkozy took the liberty of making the following remarks in front of students, teachers and political figures in July 2007 at the University of Dakar: "the tragedy of Africa is that the African man has not entered history enough" . These remarks are insulting and contemptuous towards the black man who is at the origin of all the cultures in the world that he has built, therefore who has built world history. This shows us the open contempt that the leucoderma imbued with his false sense of superiority (we see that he does not know, or rejects his true story) feels for us when daily, for centuries, he despoils us, and has not no scruple, no state of mind to eliminate us to better strip us. How to explain this disproportionate violence on the part of whites to dominate? Originally from the Caucasus, the living conditions there were very difficult; so much so that in order to survive they killed their parents who were too weak and ate them. It would be this habit of cannibalism which would have given them these tendencies of domination to which is added the lack of neuromelanin. Therefore, "the leucoderma having no history of its own apart from the invasion, the murder and the lies , built a fantasy story based on lies, usurpation and forgery after destroying the culture built for generations by black people in all countries of Europe before his arrival. (6) Historical monuments, eg cathedrals, castles, buildings in the Gothic style, then those from the Renaissance period (1300 to 1600) whose architecture you admire were designed and built by this black European elite. The newly arrived leucoderma: by the barbarian invasions (from the years 370 AD), acted as a criminal, usurper, despoiler in order to eliminate the black and steal his discoveries, his art... through various conflicts cited more high. The leucoderma by the use of violence, its first weapon, recovered all this knowledge, falsified it on its own account almost 100% to appropriate the invention and make it the owner.. The nobility European royalty were black; Charlemagne, Charles V and many others were black and not the falsified characters often depicted as blond with blue eyes. The whites after having destroyed everything that had been designed by the blacks: destruction of documents, statues, paintings, portraits; have contrived to manufacture false portraits, falsification of paintings and statues representing black eminences to make them into false white personalities (Kings eg: the Stuart dynasty in England, the kings in France who were black, Leopold 1st in Germany and many other black nobles in other European countries: Russia, Hungary ….). So after taking the lands of the blacks, their artistic constructions and their history to call them theirs, they activated during centuries to a work of demonization of blacks and the black color (ex: black ideas, a black day etc...) About these destructions, I quote the following passage: “It was Thomas Cromwell 1st Minister to King Henry VIII from 1532 to 1540 who destroyed all evidence of black rule in Britain Article from the Daily Telegraph Media Group Limited, January 2015 Thomas Cromwell was the Islamic State of his time: this pathologically ambitious "rogue" sent hundreds to the chopping block and destroyed England's religious and artistic heritage. By Dominic Selwood: January 22, 2015 - Note the figure quoted below by the Albinos themselves: "97%". This means that almost ALL the portraits the Albinos show you of their "WHITE" Kings, Queens, Nobility and other important people... ARE FAKE !!!- Main quote: No one can be sure of the exact figure, but it is estimated that the destruction initiated and legalized by Cromwell represented 97% of English art existing at the time . The statues have been hacked. The frescoes were crushed. The mosaics have been pulverized. Very important manuscripts were shredded. Wooden sculptures were burned. Precious metals have been melted down. Shrines have been reduced to rubble. This vandalism went far beyond religious reform. It was a frenzy, erasing the artistic heritage of centuries of indigenous craftsmanship with an intense hatred for the image and description of what was divine. Establishment of anti-black racism by whites What is racism? According to albino sources, from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: ''Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human abilities and traits and that racial differences produce the inherent superiority of a particular race''. But if that is the case: that whites believe they are inherently superior, then why fear and forbid competing with blacks when the supposed belief points to "easy victory?" Why look for opportunities to murder and mistreat lowly Negroes, when the magnanimity of the superior should clearly dictate pity and tolerance? Overall, racism is actually a transference neurosis, through which albinos manage to overcome their feelings of weakness and incapacity due to their albinism, creating a class even weaker than themselves. This is accomplished by inducing these feelings of weakness and inadequacy in others, through the use of violence, lies, abuse. Thus, they can feel good about themselves and their condition, abusing those over whom they have acquired power and control. Once Central Asian albinos were in sufficient numbers in Europe. They decided to turn the situation around and established a new paradigm: one where they were the masters. To this end, they waged more than 250 wars in Europe between 1066 and 1795, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, culminating in the annihilation and expulsion into servitude to the Americas of black Europeans. Spurred on by these victories over the blacks of Europe, they launched a technological “arms race” aimed at killing or subjugating anyone who had an advantage over them or did not comply with their demands. This dream of total Albino world domination began to materialize when the British began to take control of China in the 1760s, when the British captured India in 1858. After that, the subjugation of Africa and other countries became child's play - most black people in the Americas (Native Americans) had already been killed. The actions and behaviors of albinos once they took over black Europe are probably well known. Wherever they went they sowed destruction and death .As albinos spread across the planet, they slaughtered everyone they came into contact with. The black populations of the Americas: pre-Columbian Amerindians (Incas, Aztecs, Mayas) were 90/95% exterminated by them in order to loot their temples and steal their gold (approximately 16 tons). It is thanks to this gold that they started their pre-capitalist civilization. Even today some of this gold is found in churches in Portugal and Spain. Albinos skilfully spread smallpox among these peoples by giving them blankets that had been used in Europe to wrap people with this disease. You can guess the devastating effect this virus has had on these populations. Before the arrival of Christopher Columbus, the Native American population of the Americas was estimated at around 141 million people; 200 years later, 130 million had been exterminated, it was reduced to ten million. The aborigines of Australia were exterminated at 90%; all Tasmanians in Oceania have been eliminated 100%. There is no doubt that the albinos of Europe, have killed more creatures: - some to extinction, human and non-human - than any other Homo-sapiens. Their partial toll: the people of Tasmania are now extinct. More than 130 million black and Mongol Americans - mostly black - were killed in the conquest of the Americas. Thousands of Africans were killed in Africa, fighting for their freedom and as a result of the transatlantic slave trade. And countless millions of black people in Europe were killed in the "race wars" falsely labeled "Catholic/Protestant religious wars", for them to take sovereignty from Europe. So the twentieth century began with the genetically defective Central Asian Albinos, physically weakest and numerically fewest, ruling the world by guns. But power was not enough, they also wanted a glorious history and a past worthy of their new situation, they wanted respect, they wanted recognition. Thus began the lies, the false stories and the creation of false artifacts, which completely erased the ancient history until now by the seizure of all the means of information so that the black people never know the truth. The number of white people in the world is very small ; Worldwide, there are only about 800 million to 1 billion white people, that is, about 10% of the world's population. This is obviously a big surprise for all the blacks who have been called "minorities" by these Albinos. Blacks, of course, are the "original humans" and represent over 5 billion of the world's 8 billion people. » In order to increase or stabilize their number, the whites proceed to a different calculation of their population and count more and more as Caucasians people whom they classified as non-white. I see this in my family in the United States and even on the island of Guadeloupe, a dependency of France; non-white close members were reclassified as Caucasian. What lack of moral modesty! Amazingly, white people have created a whole bogus history of the world, replacing black people with themselves and creating thousands, if not millions, of fake artifacts to support their fake story. So what is the reason for all this murder, killing and lies? Is it just "blood shed by lust" and pathological lying? No, it's actually more mundane than that: it's a matter of fear, imbalance due to their albinism and greed. In addition to these reasons, all these crimes clearly demonstrate the inability of albinos to create, to invent; if they were able, they would not have needed to eliminate blacks to steal their culture and make it their owners; In addition, their behavior highlights the inestimable value, the quality of all these cultural works built by blacks. Again the lack of neuromelanin in them which is in question and which makes them barbarians, parasites; because they live, develop thanks to the expropriation, the stripping, the elimination of the blacks, it is always the case now with the plundering of Africa and the elimination of any pan-Africanist leader (ex Gaddafi in 2011, Sankara, Olympia). Noticed : Europe before seems very different from the Europe we know today. What do you think happened to all those swarthy Germans, Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes? the whites killed them of course, and those they did not kill, were absorbed by the interbreeding (which explains the presence among the whites of hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black because white was created blond or red with blue eyes). See the story of "Black Morrow" on Wikipedia. Why is the lying albinos story the only one most humans know? European colonialism conquered every country in the world except these five. You understand why the lying history of albinos is the only one most humans know, because they imposed it on other nations through the use of violence, lies and intimidation. VOX Media, Inc.Map: European Colonialism Conquered Every Country in the World Except These Five Updated by Max Fisher on February 24, 2015 It is no secret that European colonialism was a vast, often devastating project, which for several centuries brought almost the entire world under the control of one European power or another. But the immensity of this project can be difficult to fully appreciate. To give you an idea of the extent of European colonialism, here is a map showing all the countries under partial or full European control during the colonial period, which spanned from the 1500s to around the 1960s. Only five countries, in orange, were spared: As you can see, almost every corner of the globe has been colonized or ruled by various designations such as "protectorate" or "mandate", all of which are marked in green. This includes all of the Americas and all of Africa, with the exception of Liberia (about Liberia we will explain why below). The Middle East and Asia were also divided. I Whites tell us that the black population of the United States is only 12.5% (37 million) - . The real number would rather be 85-90 million. (Do you really think white people would tell you the truth about your numerical strength?). As you can see from the table in Emory University voyages database which gives an account of slaves imported from Africa during the period of the slave trade (approximately 400 years ago) only 308,005 African slaves were landed in South America. North (United States, Mexico, Canada) . How can you get 85-90 million from 308,005 (especially since the average life of a slave was 6 years)? It's not that redible. I ost black North Americans descended from black Europeans expelled from Europe to be sent into slavery. Map of global white world domination. Countries in orange are those that were never colonized Some countries instead fell into "spheres of influence", marked in yellow, in which a European power would declare that country or part of that country under its influence, which was a step towards conquering it outright. Iran, for example, was divided between the British and Russian sphere of influence, which meant that European powers held exclusive rights to Iranian oil and gas among other things. Most of the areas of influence on this map were politically dominated by the British, who exercised proxy authority over: Afghanistan (which also came under Russian influence), Bhutan and Nepal. Mongolia was effectively an alternate state to the Soviet Union for most of the Cold War. A similar situation occurred in China, where European powers created parts of coastal cities or trading ports as "concessions" which they occupied and controlled. Some, like Shanghai, have been divided into several European concessions. Others, like British-controlled Hong Kong, were fully absorbed by European empires. This is why China was considered partially dominated by Europe. Modern Saudi Arabia has been subject to partial domination; in the early 1900s, most of the Arabian Peninsula passed from the Ottoman Empire to the British Empire, although the British left much of its vast interior relatively untouched. Part of modern Turkey was divided among the European victors of World War I, although Turkish nationalists successfully expelled them almost immediately through a war of independence that established modern Turkey. Only four countries have completely escaped European colonialism. Japan and Korea were successful in resisting European domination, not least because of their strength and diplomacy, their isolationist policies, and perhaps because of their remoteness. Thailand was spared when the British and French empires decided to let it remain independent as a buffer between British-controlled Burma and French Indochina. Japan, however, colonized Korea and Thailand during the imperial period of the early 20th century. Then there is Liberia, which the European powers spared because the United States supported the Liberian state, created in the early 19th century by freed American slaves who had decided to settle in Africa. The Liberian project was important: the Americans who had settled there were ruled by a privileged minority, while the American and European powers sent former slaves there, thus escaping European domination. There has also been a debate as to whether Ethiopia could be considered the sixth country ever subjected to European colonialism. Italy colonized neighboring countries and Ethiopia ceded several territories to Italian colonization in an 1889 treaty. The treaty was also intended to require Ethiopia to cede management of its foreign affairs to the Italy, a hallmark of colonial rule, but the Amharic version of the treaty excluded this fact due to a translation error resulting in a war lost by Italy. Later, Italy conquered Ethiopia in 1935 and annexed it the following year, but this only lasted until 1941. Some consider this period of Italian rule to be colonialist occupation. The colonial period began to end after the Second World War, when the devastated nations of Western Europe no longer had the means to exert such global influence and world norms opposed it. The turning point is sometimes seen as the Suez Crisis of 1956, in which the United States and the Soviet Union pressured British and French troops to withdraw after the invasion of Egypt in order to seize the Suez Canal with the help of Israel. But it took a few decades for European colonialism to completely collapse; France fought for Algeria until 1962 and Portugal didn't abandon its African colonies until 1974. So this map, of a European-dominated world, isn't that far off may seem to many Americans. ATABOUT THE REPAIRS REQUESTED BY BLACKS FOR THE ABUSE OF SLAVERY The request for reparations totally ignores through ignorance, the painful abuse suffered by the first European blacks who were eliminated by the whites who appeared in Europe from 370 AD. I remind you that black arrived in Europe from 45,000 years BC, built all the European civilizations that we can admire through the monuments in place as well as the different cultures of the countries of Europe. It is therefore very important that blacks educate themselves, cultivate themselves on the many contributions made by their ancestors to European culture before they were stripped, murdered and sent into servitude in America by whites; Because let's not ignore that the whites have completely usurped all our knowledge by using lies, the fabrication of falsehoods, violence and total control over all the means of information so that the black never knows the truth. So in addition to the history of slavery and the slave trade of our brothers imported from Africa, we must imperatively include in these requests for reparations the countless and unspeakable sufferings suffered by European blacks who were much more numerous than our African brothers. Let's not forget that legally an individual who creates free damage under the effect of any mental or nervous imbalance, if he is not criminally responsible, is nevertheless required to repair the damage committed. It must be the same for leucoderms if we are to think that their crimes committed against us blacks come from neuromelanin deficiencies. THE FALSE ALTRUISM EXHIBITED BY ALBINOS When the albino people were finally able to establish their dominance in Europe, they did so with particular cruelty, ruthlessness, and a seeming inability to empathize with the sufferings of others except when endured by themselves. The defeat and enslavement of the European blacks seems to have invigorated and emboldened the European Albinos and given them a confidence and drive they had not known before. Ultimately, this new impetus resulted in an accomplishment never before achieved, domination over the entire world. Then, from the last banished enemy and rival, thoughts of racial superiority surfaced. Once comfortable with this concept of superiority, the Albinos of Europe then decided to make themselves the most compassionate, charitable and altruistic people in the world. These two concepts of superiority and altruism do not marry: because an albino remains an albino because of defective genes, odd that a genetic defect makes the man evolve. How can we think that the perpetrators of humanity's greatest atrocities could question themselves and call themselves the most compassionate, charitable and altruistic people in the world; it is beyond fiction, or the ability to do good. In many European albino societies, charity, even towards non-albinos, if not altruism, is regularly practiced. But it is probably the pretensions of the easy times, which prove that magnanimity is only the domain of the victors, for such lofty thoughts will surely disappear with the awakening of the enslaved peoples. Indeed, this hypocritical altruism is expressed by albinos in the creation of societies supposedly created to fight against hunger, poverty or illiteracy among black peoples, situations of misery due exclusively to violence, murder and spoliation by albinos of the lands and wealth of these peoples. Who does not know: Action Against Hunger, Unicef, SOS Children and other non-governmental non-profit organizations whose mission is to relieve the suffering of blacks despoiled by albinos. Isn't the unavowed purpose of these works to make oppressed peoples forget genocides, spoliations still on the agenda, by the use of an altruistic mask?. Indeed, if albinos cleverly hide the abuses they commit in the shadows against black people to better strip them, their media make a lot of noise around their “good works”. Let's not forget that diseases such as AIDS and Ebola were created in albino laboratories to eliminate black people in order to despoil them better. Let's not forget either that these so-called beneficial actions were created to deceive us, to close our eyes: the extremely wealthy American Jewish financier Georges Soros would not finance "altruistic" social movements in countries in order to destabilize? (Arab spring in 2011 which put the countries of North Africa in chaos and violence). Today, the average Albino thinks he (the Albinos) constitute the majority of humans on earth (instead of a small minority). They think they started the civilizations of the world (when in reality they didn't start any). They even mistakenly think they are the people depicted in Egyptian statues and tomb paintings. The Albino's control of information and media has been absolute, total. The average Albino has no idea of all these truths developed above. And when it comes to the truth about the Black Kings ruling Europe, he looks at you like you're crazy! About diseases and vaccines made in albino laboratories to reduce and decimate Africans s The WHO (World Health Organization) was created by the American Rockefeller and is controlled by the New World Order. Since the USA suspended their annual contribution of $900 million in 2020, its 1st contributor is Mr Bill Gates, the 2nd richest multi-billionaire in the world, who gives annually via his foundation and his company Gavi 800 million to this organization, he also finances Big Pharma ( pharmaceutical lobbies). Bill Gates is aiming for a program of depopulation of the planet that he publicly claims, Africans are in the front line of his program; virus patents like those of AIDS, Ebola with the aim of decimating the black race, would have been filed respectively by the United States in 1971 and 2009; The AIDS virus was originally made to eradicate the black race, but for genetic reasons this disease ended up in whites and Asians; the white and Asian races originating from the black race share the same genes as the blacks. The black man is the original genetic model; genetically There is only one human species: the black race. Whites and yellows are derived subspecies of this species. Concerning the Ebola virus created in Western laboratories also in order to decimate Africans, the Europeans pushed their Machiavellianism to the point of inventing a vaccine against this virus, a vaccine which would have caused the death of thousands of African children, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo. , a very rich country and very coveted by them. Regarding vaccines, Bill Gates with the complicity of the WHO is pursuing a diabolical program of vaccination of Africans. The vaccines given to Africans and other third world countries are not the same as those given to Westerners. Although Africans are very little affected by diseases that mainly affect Westerners, the WHO, through threats, forces African leaders to vaccinate their populations; these vaccines contain components that sterilize women; kill or incapacitate blacks, especially young children; As of today in May 2020, the WHO is forcing Africans to accept vaccination against covid 19, a disease which has killed 1,520 people in Africa compared to tens of thousands in Western countries and the USA. Africa is par excellence the land of experience of vaccines because no compensation is neither planned nor implemented when these vaccines cause fatal or disabling damage in the population, Africans are neither more nor less guinea pigs devoid of any means of defense and cannot refuse these tests which are imposed on them by force and without their agreement when it comes to their children. We must not forget that the program of the Europeans is: "Africa without Africans" whose goal is to eliminate us in order to seize our wealth: gold, uranium, oil, nickel, platinum, diamonds, manganese, hydrocarbons, gas, coal, titanium, cobalt, bauxite, etc., which our soils abound. Always with the aim of stealing our raw materials by despoiling us, they would not hesitate to create terrorist movements whose leaders and soldiers are poor, destitute Africans to whom they offer enticing sums of enlistment so that they go and kill and drive their brothers from their lands. Once these facts are accomplished, they arrive with their bulldozers and their trucks in order to turn the earth to extract the ore; some of these terrorist movements are well known such as Boko Haram, Acmi… In addition, they create tribal wars by manufacturing conflicts between ethnic groups and give weapons to the 2 parties so that they kill each other. They resort to the most Machiavellian plans to destroy Africans to steal their wealth. Why do European albinos want you to believe you are African? Two reasons: 1) To instill in you the concept of yourself: that you are primitive and incapable of accomplishing great things . Note that for hundreds of years the Albinos claimed that the ancient Egyptians were white - they still claim that the other great civilizations were white. Note any anti-black media sources: the number one thing albinos say is that Africans are primitive, animalistic, have low IQs, and are incapable of achieving success. It's not true, but it's the Albino line. 2) To keep you from thinking and researching what really happened in Europe and the Americas : Both are horrific cases of genocide against black people, committed by Albinos! » (31) We have fallen into the trap because we are totally unaware that European civilizations are in fact civilizations built by blacks who came from Africa 45,000 years BC. Ha, ha, ha We made these niggers think they're Africans. Now we control their lands and all their livelihoods! Changing their identities was the best thing we've ever done! They trust us to educate their children! Darwin was a genius! They believe that black people exist on one continent! Obviously there was and there is: the Native Americans noirs, Black Europeans and Africans. Les Black Native Americans, Black Europeans were exterminated by albinos Reflection on this elimination and this dispossession of the blacks of Europe of their culture, of their arts by albinos Could the presence and deficiency of neuromelanin be involved? Why so much determination, so much hatred in having destroyed the authors of this European culture, in having replaced them with false portraits of albinos in order to claim all these artistic works produced with love and patience over decades, works which manifest a true creative spirit and which prove that it is the incapacity to carry them out which pushed the albino to this elimination of the blacks to seize their arts? Why this determination to annihilate the black author of this culture to present him as an uneducated, savage, ignorant, low IQ being and limited exclusively to sub-Saharan Africa which itself is presented as a sub-continent which would be populated by savage, cultureless, uncivilized beings? Why this absolute and total control over the media to prevent the truth from being expressed? Obviously the leucodermas hide the most horrible acts that are. Many people know that black people came from Africa to Europe around 40,000 BC at the end of the Ice Age. As we explained above, these blacks were eliminated by albinos to steal all their knowledge and appropriate it. Albino scientists explain the disappearance of these blacks by le fact that they would have gradually whitened under the effect of the cold climate and would be part of the current white population in Europe. This theory is accepted not only by the albinos who would have invented it, but also by the blacks without the latter questioning it. Let's reflect together on this theory which would be nothing more than an albino lie to hide the horrible genocide committed against black people in Europe: let's not forget that albinos have absolute control of the media. Blacks migrated from Africa all over the planet: Americas 130,000 BC, Australia, Asian countries 70,000 BC, Europe 45,000 BC When you go to Asian countries like Nepal , Tibet, Mongolia: very cold countries, and even at the North Pole among the Inuits or the Nenets you see a well-tinted population, even black, (see chap: melanin a blessing ) why the cold did not whiten them after so many millennia, but would have done it for the blacks who came long after: in Europe. Melanin is that brown or black pigment that makes the main difference between blacks and whites. It is thanks to the substance melanin (neuromelanin) present in the brain and nerve centers of blacks that they have created all the magnificent artistic structures that you admire throughout the world and especially in Europe. (Neuro)melanin has the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in melanin people, it is responsible for sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions: qualities that characterize these people. On the other hand, people deficient in this pigment are egocentric, aggressive, predators of nature and other peoples by massacres and genocides in order to serve their basely material desires, lack spirituality, empathy, sensitivity, creativity (creativity, to express itself, needs sensitivity). Furthermore, the albinos hide that they would be a relatively recent race that would date from less than 10,000 years ago; I said above that the oldest leucoderma skeleton was found in Central Asia around 2,800 BC, no ancient leucoderma skeleton was found in Europe, all ancient bones found in Europe and reconstituted were negroid according to the examinations carried out by the albinos themselves. How could albinos have surpassed a race present on European soil for around 45,000 years, so tens of millennia before they existed, especially with the handicaps of neuromelanin deficiency? My dear brothers and sisters open your eyes: white was created blond with blue eyes. Hair and eye colors ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black would be the indelible and tangible signs of interbreeding with our black ancestors present in Europe who were eliminated by them. You have proof of the past existence of your ancestors in Europe by looking at the leucodermas which have more and more of these colors because black is dominant and white is recessive. Below: People whose ancestors emigrated to Asia 70,000 years BC : Nepal, North Pole, Tibet . You can see that the cold has not bleached them WHITE PEOPLE LIKE TO THINK THEY INVENTED EVERYTHING WE TAKE FOR GRANTED IN OUR TIME. (Ref ) The truth is that Caucasians have only rediscovered the many inventions of our BLACK ancestors in the depths of antiquity. It quickly became common knowledge that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans. Pharaoh Menes, who is considered the founder of Pharaonic Egypt and the unification of lower (north) and upper (south) Egypt, is preceded by thousands of years of kings who are not considered in ancient history. Egypt does not have a linear progressive history where it started from a primitive stage and progressed to its advanced state. The Egyptians started ADVANCES. Ancient Egypt is the continuation or satellite colony of an even more ancient and fabulous supercivilization: Atlantis. There are many ruins and evidence of Atlantis. Not just Plato's account, but megalithic ruins found in the United States; these must be the remains of an ancient BLACK civilization. Although the Library of Alexandria was destroyed by fire along with centers of knowledge in other places, ancient Indian texts from the Ramayana Empire still exist and confirm that vimanas (ancient Indian flying machines) are a reality and not a figment of the imagination. The inhabitants of the ancient Ramayana Empire are the ancestors of the black Dravidians or "untouchables" (Dalits) of present-day India. Written in the ancient language of Sanskrit, the text gives wondrous tales of the fantastic wars that were fought here too on this planet and in outer space by those ancient flying machines using mercury vortex propulsion. It is also a carefully guarded secret that many of today's UFOs are actually the old vimanas of great antiquity; they are concealed by the United States and other world governments, these UFOs are reconstructions of these ancient planes. As I said earlier, these are inventions that white people have only REDISCOVERED and cannot be credited to them. One of the main lies the US wants to keep alive for ego reasons is that man walked on the moon with the Apollo moon landings of the late sixties and early seventies. . It is one of the greatest deceptions in the history of the world. The white man NEVER walked on the moon or even approached it. There are many ways to prove to yourself that the moon landings were fraudulent. One of my favorite ways to discern this is the image of footprints left in the lunar soil. If you stop and think, how can that be? For there to be footprints in the ground, there must be moisture as a binder, and the moon is a vacuum with no atmosphere to hold the moisture; therefore, there could be no real footprints on the moon. Also, that American flag waving when there's no air on the moon, so no wind. On the other hand, the shadows of characters and machines that are projected in opposite directions prove that this is a film shot in a studio with artificial lighting. It is a known fact that when the sun shines the shadows all go in the same direction. Many people lack the necessary and even elementary scientific knowledge to realize this and ignorantly accept whatever is provided to them by NASA and the United States government. Many conscious people come to the conclusion that it was all a fraud, but it is important to white people that everyone passionately believes in and defends this hoax because it is a means of national pride. In addition, the people who took part in the filming of the film were all allegedly murdered or mysteriously died. That's not to say there aren't structures on the moon. Various reliable sources speak of obelisk-like structures on the moon, as well as something resembling an ancient airstrip. Somebody's been there, but it wasn't today's white men. I don't think they were little green men from Mars either. The structures up there look like ancient Egyptian artifacts and as such it was a black civilization as good as Atlantis. It would be perfectly logical that it was BLACK AFRICA in the golden age that accomplished this feat. What golden age, you ask? When man has reached his zenith! The ancient Egyptians have a hieroglyphic text that speaks of what is called the "Golden Age" at the time of Atlantis before its destruction. The Bible says there were many destructions of mankind and therefore there were to be many golden ages. Every time a major disaster occurs, we're back in the Stone Age to start over. We are still starting over after the destruction of Atlantis and we have yet to regain the Zenith of technology that the Atlanteans, Lemurians and Lemanians have long enjoyed. We have yet to follow the next golden age. One thing we can be reassured of, by the time we get there, the white people won't be there. Just as they did not exist in the context that we understand today, in the last golden age: Atlantis. The modern world has rediscovered or reinvented technology that was originally invented by our black African ancestors. In secret circles, this "reinvention or rediscovery is commonly referred to as reverse engineering." Deep in antiquity, there existed a prehistoric super-civilization much more technologically advanced than today. The spacecraft/plane, which existed at the time crashed during an ancient reconnaissance or war, was recovered by the powers that be and they proceeded to disassemble various parts of this old gear. Leucoderms reverse-engineered everything from the propulsion system to the electronic capabilities of other parts and components of the craft. It's common knowledge in some quarters that AT&T Bell Laboratories were credited as the inventors of the transistor, but in reality they reverse-engineered technology from an old crashed spacecraft aircraft. They like to refer to these craft as "crashed alien spacecraft". However, this implies that non-humans created and made these objects, when in reality they are objects created and made by humans but deep in antiquity before white people even existed in the world. context that we understand today. It goes without saying that many of the so-called modern amenities that white people boast of developing and inventing were really not invented by them. It is in fact the dismantling of artefacts or very old machines which they attributed the invention to themselves. One of the main lies is that the Wright brothers developed the concept of flight. They took it for their benefit. They really got the secret of flight through reverse engineering one of the old fallen aircraft/spaceships. What they also don't want to tell you is that when they recover these crashed antique planes, often after archaeological digs, they find the remains of black people, according to DNA, who were the pilots, and not "grays" or other aliens they want you to believe. Forensic evidence confirms it! Nicholas Tesla is another name you may not know. It is known for rediscovering many ancient technologies that are just beginning to resurface. (Ref ) I venture to add the following: The Western public media never spoke about what was discovered in Antarctica a few years ago. . Following the melting of the ice which appears in the poles, a very advanced civilization would have been discovered in Antarctica: very large UFOs in which there were other smaller UFOs, totally frozen corpses, given the position of these corpses it was concluded that they had been the victims of a major cataclysm which suddenly surprised them, and instantly froze them. The website talk about this discovery. The figures depicted on the walls were black and dressed exactly like the ancient Egyptians, the writing depicted was hieroglyphs. The last major cataclysm to date was Atlantis 11,600 years ago, which had completely upset and reversed the North South East West positions of the Earth. The race of the people was black according to the examinations carried out. On the other hand, I personally add that following the listening of channeled messages from Beings of Light of the well-known medium Monique Mathieu, these messages say that the Earth was created by the Creator Gods with a very taken on different planets of the cosmos in order to make it an exceptional planet for its biodiversity and that the Blacks came from another planet very far from our galaxy, to settle there. Whenever I ask Beings of Light the question ''where do white people come from'' they refuse to answer, I think they don't want to offend the present audience which is made up of white people by telling the truth about the Origin of leucoderma. (See above) On the other hand they answer without problem this same question about blacks. They also say that in very remote times there was a lot of genetic manipulation on humans. Also when they talk about the technologies used by the leucoderms, they say “your rediscovered technologies”. They evoke very remote times when civilization on earth was much more advanced than the current one, where one created from the uncreated with the only mental force. On the other hand they say that artificial intelligence as well as 5G are sciences brought by unfriendly extraterrestrials from other planets, but they take care that their uses are not harmful for the planet and the cosmos. In the USA in Nevada there is an area: Area 51 which would be a landing place for extraterrestrials in contact with American scientists. On the other hand, they make the following remarks to the audience: “You are polluting the planet, if it weren't for us who clean up regularly, there would be no life left on this planet; we are constantly depolluting: Chernobyl, Fukushima, your nuclear power plants....''. Indeed, it has been reported by some non-public media that UFOs are seen above nuclear power plants sending out light beams (to clean up). Public media say: drones. It was seen on the night of May 29-30, 2018 an armada of UFOs above the French nuclear power plant of Fessenheim in Alsace sending beams of light. We understand why the public authorities take no decision on this plant which is old, others clean it up for them, and it's free. In addition, they make the following remarks: “Your world is totally on its head........your nonsense.......” We know who these 10% of the world's population are who dominate the remaining 90% through the use of violence and bullying. UFOs over Chernobyl nuclear power plant Ukraine (to clean up) UFO above the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan (to depollute) As soon as the explosion the UFOs immediately intervened to depollute UFOs above the nuclear power plant of Fessenheim Alsace France May 2018 (to clean up) AREA1 Would be a ET UFO landing area working with US scientists Explosion of an oil rig INTERVENTIONS BY ALIENS (extra-terrestrials) TO SAVE THE PLANET FROM THE DAMAGE INFLICTED ON IT BY ALBINOS Forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies watch over us .(Ref Fukushima is arguably the biggest nuclear accident on the planet, theoretically dooming all of Japan and endangering life to varying degrees in the Northern Hemisphere. The harmfulness of this nuclear disaster was estimated at more than 30 times that of Chernobyl. Never had so much nuclear fuel (uranium, plutonium, mox) been found out of control, in the open air. We evoked in Morphéus n°51 the transmutatory phenomenon which occurred inside the Chernobyl reactor. More than 10 tons of aluminum were found and 90% of the nuclear fuel had simply disappeared. These revelations come from Professor George Lochak, President of the Louis de Broglie Foundation in Paris, who tried to find a rational explanation for this phenomenon in Ukraine where Chernobyl is. We know in Physics that the transmutation of uranium into aluminum is possible. Can we control this phenomenon? We doubt it, otherwise security transmutatory systems would equip all land-based nuclear power plants. We note that leucodermas use a very dangerous technology, with fatal consequences, which they are unable to control (nuclear power stations, oil research). Without viable rational explanation and following the photographed, even filmed, intervention of UFOs on Chernobyl, we maintain the idea that this unprecedented transmutatory phenomenon is linked to the intervention of an exotechnology. By this intervention, the fatal pollution of the Chernobyl nuclear accident was in fact contained and divided at least by 10. This gives us an idea of what the extent of the damage would have been if no transmutation of the nuclear fuel had taken place. So how to explain this? It is neither the foolish arrangements made by TEPCO nor the measures of the Japanese government that could have had such an impact. Something else is at work. We are not far from reality in saying that more than 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained and continue to be so. Besides, the UFO activity above Fukushima is simply extraordinary. Everything suggests that these phenomena are not fortuitous but that they testify to a massive intervention on the disaster site and its periphery. The Reuters agency, an offshoot of the Rothschilds, affirmed on April 6, 2012 that the core of reactor 4 had entered into fusion and would have crossed the base of the reactor. This is what is called the Chinese syndrome. This is the most serious consequence of a nuclear reactor meltdown, in which the molten fuel elements of the core break through the barriers that confine it and sink into the earth. This information is logical and coherent, but it cannot be true! It hides phenomena that escape our sordid globalists. It can only be a completely different scenario. A very sudden rise in core temperature may be due to a transmutation phenomenon noted precisely at Chernobyl. This does not indicate an uncontrolled descent of the molten fuel into the Earth, but a controlled transmutation phenomenon. To confine this fusion, it could well be that we find in this reactor a mass of protective aluminum on the surface. In any case, if it is a fusion controlled by exotechnology, whether the vessel is pierced or not will have no impact. Everything will become inert, vitrified underground. This involves mastering the transmutation of mox, uranium and plutonium. If TEPCO, some members of the Japanese government and the Rothschilds are aware; understand that they cannot deliver information which would imply the recognition of an exocivilization come to repair the damage due to the follies of a transnational consortium. However, our analysis cannot stop there to explain the fact that 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained: on the site, in the atmosphere and in the Pacific Ocean. In view of the weak fallout, a cleaning of radionuclides by transmutation in the ocean and the atmosphere necessarily took place. How ? The mystery remains intact and will remain so as long as we are under the leaden screed of the New World Order. However, even if a third of its territory is hard hit by radioactive pollution, Japan is saved. The Fukushima affair is of the same ilk as the BP affair in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, where the explosion of an oil platform led to a veritable oil spill which caused considerable ecological damage. This disaster, no doubt provoked, had generated an underwater fault of 100 kilometers from which crude oil was escaping. Neither the USA nor the oil companies had the means to repair such damage. Do you still hear about this serious disaster? No ! For what ? This fault has been plugged over 100 kilometers and the oil does not touch our coasts. Who could stop such an ecological disaster condemning the Atlantic? If BP claims to be at the origin of the end of this disaster by having blocked two wells, we let you judge the seriousness of such an assertion. You should know that in the media BP has claimed compensation for this disaster. In conclusion, we can only note the relevance of our hypothesis: "forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies are watching over us" In conclusion, we note that albinos use technologies that they do not master at all, and which are very dangerous. In the event of an accident, the consequences can be fatal for the planet and its inhabitants. Again in order to satisfy their blind material desires. Doesn't neuromelanin deficiency explain these crazy behaviors? Questioned by mediumistic channels on their interventions against the seriously polluting phenomena which threaten the planet, the Beings of Light answered ''We do not make these interventions for humans, but for the planet itself because the Earth is a jewel by its biodiversity which was made up of different plants recovered from other planets. Yet the Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) had rediscovered free energy: it is a form of clean, healthy, cheap, non-polluting, inexhaustible energy, which would be available in large quantities and accessible to all. ; on its own it would solve the problems of famine and pollution. But this energy constituted a danger for the survival of the oil companies which enrich themselves blindly to the detriment of the environment as we have just seen above. So they rushed to cut off all funding to Tesla and silence it. We see once again that the leucoderma will stop at nothing to satisfy its basely material desires. Could neuromelamine deficiency be the cause? Always to talk about pollution threatening the survival of the planet; France has a mega gold mine project in Guyana in the Amazon: the lungs of the planet. This project will lead to the deforestation of 1500 ha of forest (32 stadiums in France) and the expulsion of the Indian tribes living on these lands. We see once again that the albino will stop at nothing to satisfy his material needs. IS LEUCODERM SATISFIED WITH ITS PROGRESS? The leucoderma having erased from history the black by the low hand made on the achievements of the melanoderms, as well as by the falsification and the usurpation of these achievements, especially in Europe; and especially by using lies and violence, is he fully satisfied with his journey? Is he happy? because the purpose of all these abuses is to feel the well-being, material certainly, but especially psychological, emotional? One would not think so because of the discontent he expresses towards his rulers. In addition, we are witnessing a social and economic degradation of these countries whose wealth is concentrated in the hands of the political, financial and economic ruling elite. You should know that happiness, the well-being of the spirit are above all states of mind. White people are above all materialistic and egocentric. For him, to be happy is to have money, material which he can enjoy to satiety. But are we happy when we are fulfilled materially? The great malaise of Western societies where there is a lot of misunderstanding, divisions, where there is a lot of violence, crimes, shows that although it has completely stripped blacks and usurped their knowledge, their achievements and their possessions, it does not did not allow him to achieve a certain mental and spiritual comfort. Could the cause still be this deficiency in neuromelanin which deprives him of sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions? The leucoderma by its domination of the world by using both psychological and physiological violence, lies, abuse, falsification, has imposed its vision of life on us, a vision dominated by fear. (According to our African ancestors there are only 2 feelings: fear at the origin of all negative feelings, and Love at the origin of all positive feelings). Let's see how the world dominated by this minority that are the albinos is doing. It is chaos at all levels: we expect a social and economic collapse of this society which is leaking from all sides. According to economists we expect a global financial crash any moment now. As of September 20, 2019, the American Federal bank: the Fed has injected more than 270 billion dollars into the American money markets in one week in order to support them-According to the independent economist journalist P.Jovanovic this total amount would amount to 1300 billion $, this money corresponds to counterfeit notes, it has no financial equivalent because as soon as there is an urgent need for money the Fed manufactures it, which increases an abyssal deficit - Still according to P Jovanovic, au 20nov19 The debt that every Frenchman from newborn to old must repay in the name of the State is 36,000 euros, the debt that every American from newborn to old must repay in the name of the State is 220,000 dollars, or 72 trillion - non-refundable in any case. Still according to Jovanovic, this debt of 220,000 dollars would have risen to 600,000 dollars in May 2020. This debt of 36,000€ for each French person would be much higher if it were not for the 440 billion € annual income from the exchange of the CFA franc, a currency which is a real scam against Africans and which allows France to rise to the rank of 5th world power and without which it would fall to 20th rank. (according to former Pres Sarkhozy) In addition to these 440 billion euros of annual revenue richly acquired, it is necessary to add the interests of the reserve of more than 13,000 billion euros: money of Africans held in the French Treasury and corresponding to the foreign exchange reserves of French-speaking African countries. Concerning these funds held by the French Treasury, there is no accounting transmitted to the banks or to the African countries. A restricted group of senior officials of the French Treasury knows the amounts appearing in the "accounts of operations" where these funds are invested; if there is a profit on these investments, they are prohibited from disclosing this information to CFA banks or to the central banks of African states. ” writes Dr. Gary K. Busch. It is estimated that France manages nearly €500 billion of African money in its treasury, and does nothing to shed some light on this dark side of the old empire. Meanwhile Africans now live on a continent owned by Europeans. 1 in 2 Africans in the CFA zone live on less than $1 a day. To escape poverty, they have no choice but to leave their country, cross the Mediterranean where many leave their lives and find themselves in Europe where they suffer the contempt and rejection of modern Europeans. Concerning this money richly earned on the backs of Africans, several European countries have already pointed out that in terms of development France is not on an equal footing with them. According to the magazine Insolentiae Jan 2020. Global debts reach 250,000 billion dollars… This figure alone justifies a huge crash. Central banks are printing billions of euros and dollars every day (150 billion) to help avert collapse. This currency is monkey money because it has no equivalent. As of today: March 2020, the financial situation is worsening in the most serious and insane way possible: According to the independent economist journalist P.Javonovic, European banks receive 80 to 100 billion € per month to avoid their collapse. Since January 2015, this € and $ money has been equivalent to counterfeit money because it has no financial equivalent. The economies are hit hard: Wall Street has lost 30% of its values, French banks: 20%. Since Sep 2019, the FED has been injecting $150 billion every day to save American banks. The debt of each American from baby to adult is $350,000 per capita. Still according to P Jovanovic in one of his last interviews in April 2020, this amount would be $600,000. The interest rate of banks in the USA would be 0.40%. We are in the middle of a recession, the economic crisis of 2020 will be infinitely more serious than that of 2008; global debt represents 280% of GDP. Still according to journalist P Jovanovic, the indebtedness of banks could be compared to a person who for €1,000 of income would have €60,000 of financial commitments. This is where the albinos have led us in their madness, their fears, their greed, their self-centeredness! Could neuromelanin deficiency once again be the cause? The coronavirus pandemic that is running around the world is very seriously aggravating this situation and could be a pretext created for the establishment of a world government: the goal of the elite. On the other hand, we are constantly on the brink of a 3rd World War, there are wars all over the world, fomented to one degree or another by them the makers and purveyors of destructive weapons. The world is divided into 2: on one side a small ruling and rich minority composed of leucodermas and called elite: 0.01% of the world population, which owns everything and on the other side a majority led by this minority which decides for her and which depends on her at all levels. Shouldn't we black people pull ourselves together and say leucoderma is not a role model? We blacks in the diaspora and in Africa, rather than following them without thinking like sheep, must become aware, react, organize ourselves, put forward our values: those of MAAT, our culture being originally based onMAAT who is : Justice, Equity, Truth, Peace. Are the feelings and actions of leucoderms primarily driven by fear? A permanent fear in them which would create anguish, stress: fear of the other which pushes to exterminate the other races or to submit them, unsatisfied fear of missing out (the more they have, the more they want), fear of aging, fear of dying, fear of life. These fears would entail in them egocentrism, feelings of violence, of greed. Isn't the neuromelanin deficiency in their nervous system to blame? On the other hand, the melanoderm is more serene in front of life and its events, wiser, more balanced, close to nature which it respects and to the creator God whom it venerates. In considering the behavior of leucodermas, wouldn't we tend to go so far as to feel compassion for those who for centuries have used all possible means to destroy us, abuse us, exploit us in the most shameful way? who is, and find themselves today to be a minority people and in danger of extinction on the planet? EPILOGUE The elimination of blacks from the Europe they built dates back to the 1750s. Let's take a look at this Europe. I have left the United States a few times to arrive in Europe. I really liked walking the streets of big cities, visiting monuments, I felt that this architecture, all this art that I admired was the work of creative souls who had expressed through their hands their inventive spirit, their sensitivity, thanks to a laborious, patient work which had lasted decades in order to erect these monuments which are the pride, the pride and the glory of those who usurped them. Wandering the streets, passing in front of these old buildings, I felt that these cities have a soul, that they have been witnesses, have a lot to tell about the unfortunate events, the suffering suffered by their first inhabitants who gave birth to them. TO CONCLUDE I think very seriously that we blacks in Africa and the diaspora must cooperate at all levels: 'Unity is strength'; Shouldn't every African state be part of the BRICS bloc (Brazil, Russia, Iran, China, South Africa) By being part of a strong and well-armed bloc because it is the most sophisticated weapons that inspire respect we will be able to impose ourselves in front of the block USA, Europe (it is said in passing that it is the USA which leads Europe). African states alone and left to their own devices are easy prey; Obviously the best thing is to create the United States of Africa which, to strengthen itself, could be part of these BRICS. Sources: Internet:,, - The Isis papers by Dr Frances Cress Welsing

  • Pillage de l'Afrique, Le Franc CFA,

    I make the following remark: We are in the 21st century, the leucoderma has not changed and still continues to exert its influence on the world by using without qualms, without scruples, without pity, all the means of violence psychological and physiological he has, as well as the lies. You just have to see what is happening in the world; in certain advanced countries which it reduced to nothing like Iraq, Libya etc... to despoil them of their resources, especially their oil. As soon as countries show the slightest independence towards them and refuse to be their valets, their heads of state are immediately brutally overthrown, often assassinated and replaced by a puppet government in their pay. Neocolonialism continues to emerge especially on the continents of Africa and America, not in Asia where the leucoderma fears the Chinese power which is technologically very advanced. Look at what is happening in the Pacific Ocean on the large island of New Caledonia; The Kanaks native inhabitants of this island were in the majority at home, the whites, French of France were in the minority, now they are barely 40% in their country because France having massacred the leader of the independence movement Jean Marie Djibaou 25 years ago in 1988 with 19 other activists; she then hurried to stifle this movement by opening the doors of New Caledonia to foreign immigration from Asia and mainland France. Now supreme shame France has decided to organize the vote for the independence of this island, you can already guess the result! On the other hand at all levels: economic, financial, commercial with With globalization, all the structures put in place by the leucoderma are collapsing. They would be on the way to decadence due to their excesses and abuses. The currencies created by them: Euro, Dollar etc... have no counterpart that can give them the fictitious value on which they are based, because Western countries have little or no raw materials. In addition, some countries like Russia, China no longer want to use the US dollar as a trading currency because of its unreliability. These countries are hyper-indebted and their debt is becoming colossal: USA more than $20,000 billion in debt representing 120% of GDP, France 100% of its GDP, England 88%, Italy 132%, Spain 98%, Germany 64% (the most bottom) etc..... These countries are living on an overdraft which grows from year to year and will probably no longer be able to be filled except by drawing on the savings of their savers. They hold on to the nations of the south through intimidation and violence. On the other hand, the mother continent of Africa, a real reservoir of mineral and natural materials on the planet, highly coveted and neo-colonized by these Western countries, is very rich in its soil: oil, natural gas, gold, platinum, chrome, diamonds, iron. , aluminium, copper, nickel, zinc etc... and rare minerals; we must add agricultural resources such as coffee, cocoa, which the northern countries love. The wealth of the African soil means that an African country could rely for its trust, its solvency and its solidity on its resources and say ''my currency has such value in return for my wealth''. The biggest financial crash in history is going to happen in 2019 according to financial analyst Bo Polny of the site Gold 2020 Forecast. According to financier Egon Von Greyerz: “We are going to see a global currency crash!” “Gold, your only lifeline in the face of a rotten financial system and massively overvalued investment assets” PILLAGE OF AFRICA The plundering of resources in Africa The looting of Africa's natural resources has historically left Africa with inhuman misery, be it for economies, societies and the environment. Today's Africa is certainly the richest continent in terms of deposits of all kinds. This wealth could feed a billion more beings… but the tragedy is that this wealth is exploited mainly by European, American and Asian multinationals (and others) which make very large profits to the detriment of the African peoples. It is, in my eyes, a slavery which continues having only changed form. Stealing the wealth of an entire continent to enslave it economically… This is the current tragedy and injustice. » The looting of natural resources has destroyed an entire continent for two centuries, even dragging cultural looting. The responsibility of Westerners has always been engaged; and today more. Trade agreements need to be reviewed. The word "free trade" does not correspond to this plundering of natural resources at the expense of the African people. Africa no longer needs agreements not granted to its interests, no longer needs aid. The continent today needs partnership agreements, where its interests are protected. Capital flight, tax evasion and evasion, offshore infrastructure of corruption, laundering of corporate profits, schemes of multinationals to avoid taxes…, the mechanisms of Africa's fiscal deficit are known and hence the causes of poverty . Every year, some 30% of sub-Saharan Africa's GDP is siphoned off in this way. The continent's assets abroad therefore exceed its liabilities, its “debt”. This looting is manifested by the flight of capital, more precisely illicit flows. Illicit flows are defined as money earned illegally and transferred elsewhere, outside the continent. The figures are staggering: between 1980 and 2009, Africa lost 1200 to 1400 billion dollars. This is only the tip of the iceberg, because it is a complex system with a thousand ramifications. Africa loses at least 50 billion dollars a year due to illegal transactions. The continent has thus lost up to a trillion dollars over the past 50 years, according to the American NGO, Global Financial Integrity, which specializes in the issue of illicit flows; figure confirmed by the World Bank. This haemorrhage is a real tragedy for the African continent. It deprives it of vital investments for its development. Composition of illicit flows Illicit flows have several components according to specialists in the matter, in particular the NGO Global Financial Integrity: “Corruption in the form of bribes or embezzlement accounts for only about 3% of illicit flows. Criminal activities such as drug trafficking and smuggling, 30-35%. Commercial transactions of multinationals 60 to 65%. The money stolen by corrupt public administrations is insignificant compared to other forms of illicit flows. » richest countries in africa – In terms of GDP, Nigeria is by far the richest country in Africa in 2022. This is revealed by recent figures from the African Development Bank (AfDB), published in Abidjan in mid-October. As you can see, no country in the FCFA zone is on the list: 1 Nigeria 2 South Africa 3 Egypt 4 Algeria 5 Sudan 6 Morocco 7 Angola 8 Ethiopia 9 Kenya 10 Tanzania. The 1st French-speaking country: Côte d'Ivoire is 13th On the other hand, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, all countries of the CFA zone, are among the 10 poorest countries. Africa is rich, but why are Africans poor? With approximately more than a billion inhabitants, Africa is officially considered by all indicators to be the poorest continent in the world. But paradoxically Africa remains the richest continent in the world in terms of natural resources. Why do we say that Africa is rich but Africans are poor? what are the causes of this poverty? and how to end this poverty? In 30 years in Africa the number of poor people has been multiplied by 2, the human development index (HDI) of most African countries is less than 0.5 and 0.4 for the countries of the Sahel while the average is at 0.7 or even 0.9 for the industrialized countries. In countries like Mali or Niger 90% of the population live on less than £1 a day. All these figures confirm that Africans are poor. For example in Niger 90% of women and 80% of adult men are illiterate, in all of sub-Saharan Africa almost half the population does not have access to drinking water and one in three people suffers from chronic hunger. . Finally, in most African countries, the number of doctors per 10,000 inhabitants is less than 1. In some regions of Africa, we even speak of extreme poverty, which calls into question all the policies to fight against poverty put in place. place by States and international institutions such as the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund. However, Africans are poor, but Africa is unquestionably the richest continent in the world in terms of natural resources. In Africa there is a large quantity of gold, diamonds, uranium, phosphorus, oil, coal, cotton, cocoa, gas, coltan, ... to name a few. . Africa is the leading supplier of European and Asian countries. Without African raw materials many European or Asian companies will not operate. By way of illustration, 80% of the electricity produced in France comes from the exploitation of uranium from Niger by the French group AREVA. Examples of this kind can be multiplied. Africa is rich but Africans are poor, this poverty has several origins . We must first emphasize the fact that it is true that Africa is rich through its natural resources, but these are exploited by foreign companies which most often do not contribute much to the national economy. These companies take advantage of abundant and cheaper labor and low tax pressure to achieve large turnovers to the detriment of our States. And most often they do not transform their product on site, a product that will be sold to Africans at a much higher price after transformation abroad. What is much sadder for Africans is that foreign companies sometimes pay mining royalties to the State or local authorities, but this money is embezzled by a minority, leaving the populations with insufficient food. , in the lack of care and jobs with the danger of pollution of the environment in which the local populations live. Then poverty is the rule in Africa because of ethnic and religious conflicts, civil wars, political instability which leads to recurrent coups,…. All these evils push people to flee their country to take refuge in camps most often in very difficult conditions. Africans spend a lot of time settling disputes while others have already embarked on economic recovery. In the end, to all these factors determining poverty in Africa, we must add the climatic conditions which are not favorable to the continent because 80% of the African populations live from agriculture, that is why in certain regions of Africa such as the Sahel there is chronic food insecurity that causes thousands of deaths each year. To put an end to this poverty one does not need to be a great economist or researcher . First of all, there should be a real awareness of all Africans who must understand that the time has come to put aside our internal divisions, most often created by Westerners to divide in order to better reign. ,The most common means of division are: favoring one ethnic group over others by putting its members in the reins of the country, creating conflicts between them so that Africans are busy waging internal wars while whites plunder the wealth of their country. All diabolical means are put in place by Westerners to abuse the wealth of Africans: Westerners do not hesitate to provide the opposing parties with arms so that they destroy each other and to stir up their conflicts created by them. IWe must put an end to all these civil, religious and ethnic wars because without peace we cannot think of development. Africans must then choose leaders who will come to serve the people and not to serve themselves. . Africans must also develop their natural resources in a win-win partnership, nationalize certain foreign companies which must necessarily be in the domain of the State, the interests of our States must take precedence above all. Then Africans must go towards a much more advanced integration by giving for example the chance to pan-African ideas because today in the current context of globalization and globalization a State cannot suffice on its own. Africans must create an African market, as Captain Thomas Sankara said. The future of Africa will necessarily pass through Pan-Africanism which still remains an ideal for Africa. Finally with the pan-African ideas which aim at the political, economic and cultural union of Africa, Africans must stop all unprofitable cooperation with institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, the European Union, ... we must give a chance to a new South-South cooperation which can work well with certain Asian countries and of Latin America. Africa would be a poor and dying continent. Is it true ? She would only survive thanks to Western charity? And this ? What if Africa was a continent very rich in natural resources, with, globally, 6 out of 10 countries among the most prosperous in the world? With a continued strong increase in their GDP? This the numbers hammer home. What if, when it receives $100 billion, $500 billion and more are taken from it? What if it is Africa that helps the West and not the other way around? Etc. The permanent defamation of Africa by the media? This part constitutes the most developed part of the article since it is there that sits the incredible. The whole organized system of looting can only continue because the image of a poor and dying Africa which only survives thanks to Western charity is constantly hammered with the blows of millions of dollars. Sometimes even given by generous donors, these dollars – yes through the NGOs which strongly convey this image. Or who are instrumentalized for. So Africa is the richest continent this is the truth. This is why it is so plundered. Otherwise why so much covetousness if it was really a continent… so poor? Let's go! No, the West depends – on the other hand – enormously on Africa and it wants to maintain the “free aid” that colonialism constituted. He can only do so through the image. FRANCE'S AFRICAN POLICY Thanks to the plundering of Africa's natural resources and the income from the CFA Franc (440 billion euros per year), France can afford to reign, act as a great power and manifest itself in international assemblies: UN, NATO, G7, G20 etc.... The other European countries have denounced this African policy by saying that France was not on an equal footing with them in terms of development because it benefits from exorbitant and unfair advantages that 'they do not have. De Gaulle, Giscard, Mitterrand, Chirac, Sarkozy and Hollande all applied the same neo-colonial policy in Africa. The score is there. More than 50 years after French decolonization in Africa, all the biggest companies and economic players are in the hands of French expatriates. French companies (Bouygues, Orange, Bolloré, Aréva, Lafarge, Axa, BNP Paribas, etc.) own and control all the major public services – water, electricity, telephone, transport, ports and the big banks. Ditto in trade, construction and agriculture. Too busy surviving on a daily basis, Africans now live on a continent owned by Europeans. The criminal intentions of the West on Africa did not evolve even after the abolition of slavery in Europe and the United States of America . Helmut Kohl Democrat of Germany and Chancellor from 1982-1998, exchanging in a very restricted circle of friends, let go almost revolted: --- “There can be no question of letting Africa industrialise; the West will not allow itself to be surprised a second time. Asia opposes him a serious competition today, because the occident had been distracted vis-a-vis its development! » . _In 2001 during an interview, on the sidelines of the France-Africa summit, about Africans, the former French president, Jacques Chirac declared: --- “We bled Africa for four and a half centuries. Then we looted his raw materials; afterwards, we said: they (the Africans) are good for nothing. In the name of religion, we have destroyed their culture and now, as things have to be done with more elegance, we steal their brains thanks to scholarships. Then, we see that unfortunate Africa is not in a brilliant state, that it does not generate elites. After having enriched themselves at his expense, he is given lessons. Jacques Chirac (interview with Pierre Péan, about Africans, on the sidelines of the France-Africa summit in January 2001, in Cameroon reported by Le Monde, February 13, 2007. L'inconnu de l'Élysée, Fayard, 2007). _In 2008, he said: ---- “Without Africa, France will slide down” _In 1957, François Mitterrand Jacques Chirac's predecessor had already prophesied that: ---- “Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century” ? As for De Gaulle, he was already saying: ---- “France would be a small third world country without Africa.” _And recently Jacques Chirac did it again. Here is a short transcription of the excerpt: --- “We must be honest and recognize that a large part of the money in our banks comes precisely from the exploitation of the African continent”. Jacques Chirac We must be honest and recognize that a large part of the money of our banks comes precisely from the exploitation of the African continent Vladimir Poutine Africa is 1000 times richer than Europe underground, but also 1000 times poorer than developing Europe. It is enough only for African presidents to create their own currency, and a general currency, I give you my word that Europe will immigrate to Africa Nicolas Sarkozy : France cannot allow its former colonies to create their own currency to have full control over their central bank; If this happens; it will be a disaster for the public treasury which could lead France to the rank of 20th world economic power THE FCFA A TRUE FRAUD FCFA means Franc of the French Colonies of Africa Created by France in 1945, the CFA is the only colonial currency in circulation in the world. The CFA is an exception and one that has very real repercussions on the economies of 14 African countries. Since 1945, France owes Africa more than 13,000 billion euros following the establishment of the CFA. Are we still in colonial times? The CFA Franc is a deadly poison for the countries that use this currency. Indeed, these countries are obliged to pay several billion euros each year to the French treasury. This is not fiction or even a myth but it is reality. Independent newspapers in Europe accuse France of stealing 440 billion euros from Africans each year through the CFA Franc. The countries of the CFA zone are among the least economically advanced on the African continent. Besides, . It should be noted that CFA francs are made in France in Chamalières and Pessac, therefore outside the African continent. France can therefore block or reduce at any time the quantity of CFA notes that Africans need to operate their economies. THE CFA SYSTEM What you must understand is that by having the CFA Franc as a currency of exchange, each African citizen of the Franc zone pays 5000 CFA francs (7€50) per day to France via the French treasury. It is therefore 225 euros per month per African or 150,000 CFA francs and 2,700 euros per year or 1,800,000 CFA francs. About 150 million Africans in the CFA zone pay 400 billion euros each year for the stability of the CFA Franc and also for the cost of manufacturing said currency... Meanwhile, 1 out of 2 Africans in the same area lives on less than $1 (500 francs) per day. Which means that these Africans are paying 10 times what they earn for the currency stability. More than 13,000 billion euros of cash belonging to Africans are currently kept in France. France places this money on the stock exchange and pockets the interest when they should be added to this reserve: African money. Africans pay royalties to the treasury of France for the convertibility, fixity and transferability of the Fcfa to Africa without forgetting the Fcfa operation accounts at the French treasury which absorb nearly 50% of the foreign exchange reserves of French-speaking African countries. Concerning these funds held by the French Treasury, there is no accounting transmitted to the banks or to the African countries, only a restricted group of senior French Treasury officials know the amounts appearing in the "operations accounts" where these funds are invested; whether there is a profit on these investments; they are prohibited from disclosing this information to CFA banks or to the central banks of African states. ” writes Dr. Gary K. Busch. It is estimated that France manages nearly 500 billion African money in its treasury, and does nothing to shed some light on this dark side of the old empire... AFRICAN LEADERS ACCOMPLISHED IN MISERY IN AFRICA and put in power with the complicity of France France keeps the Africans' money and sends humanitarian convoys to save these Africans... While out of the 13,000 billion euros, it would take just 130 billion (or 1%) to eradicate the poverty that is rampant in Africa. Every African would feel more like a Saudi or even a Qatari. However, why don't African presidents change this currency? You should know that this system allows these leaders of the 14 African countries to siphon resources from their own countries to Paris and many other European capitals. The CFA has no limits on convertibility, so local elites are free to place their money in foreign accounts or buy property in France. This is the real focal point that needs to be put on the table. African elites have no interest in changing this system because they enrich themselves with this system . This is why many African economists speak of voluntary servitude . Do you really believe that if there were pan-African nationalists as leaders at the head of these states, should this currency exist? No. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Pillage from Africa via France The CFA franc condemns Africa to impoverishment...... Looting of Africa by Western and Asian countries ATToday, is there a single pan-African president in this area? Not yet because the CFA franc continues to exist in these 14 African countries, namely: Benin; The Ivory Coast; Guinea-Bissau; The Burkina Faso; The Mali; Niger; The Senegal; Togo; Cameroon The Central African Republic; The Republic of the Congo; The gabon; Equatorial Guinea; Chad and the Comoros. It is the local populations who must become aware of this scam even if it means creating popular uprisings because this currency kills the African citizen and enriches its leaders and then France with complete impunity. More than 13,000 billion euros of African money are in banks in France at present while Africans live below the poverty line. Wouldn't African civil society and the peoples of Africa think that this system should be destroyed? Source: TellMeMore Tv France indebted the PAZF with the capital of the PAZF (African Countries of the Franc Zone) France places immense African capital in financial establishments with the best rates of return. It logically appropriates the interest rate differential. For example, it guarantees the payment to Africans of an interest rate of 2% while it receives a remuneration of 4.5%. It maintains an interest rate differential of 2.5%. Thus, thanks to the capital that the Africans naively entrusted to it, France was able to obtain considerable financial resources. On these, it draws a part to lend it to the PAZF at interest rates between 3 and 10% per year in order to show the whole world its acts of generosity towards this Africa that it claims to help. This is called France's financial aid to its former colonies. African elites have no interest in changing this system because they enrich themselves with this system. This is why many African economists speak of voluntary servitude. Do you really believe that if there were pan-African nationalists as leaders at the head of these states, should this currency exist? No. Today, is there a single Pan-African president in this area? Not yet because the CFA franc continues to exist in these 14 African countries, namely: Benin; The Ivory Coast; Guinea-Bissau; The Burkina Faso; The Mali; Niger; The Senegal; Togo; Cameroon; The Central African Republic; The Republic of the Congo; The gabon; Equatorial Guinea; Chad and the Comoros. It should be noted that this situation is evolving towards change, Mali is the example to follow It is the local populations who must become aware of this scam even if it means creating popular uprisings because this currency kills the African citizen and enriches its leaders and then France with complete impunity.More than 13 trillion euros of African money is in banks in France at present while Africans live below the poverty line . Wouldn't African civil society and the peoples of Africa think that this system should be destroyed? Source: TellMeMore Tv THE CFA FRANC AND THE EURO AGAINST AFRICA BY Nicolas AGBOHOU The CFA franc is first of all the servitude of 15 African countries to the French currency: a fixed parity system without equivalent in history which binds the currency of 15 French-speaking African countries to the French currency: yesterday the franc, today the euro. The CFA franc was created on December 25, 1945 by President Ch Degaulle, René Pleven Minister of Finance and Jacques Soustelle Minister for the Colonies, all three fervent actors of the colonial aggression against Africa; their country: France defeated and conquered by Hitler's Germany has just undergone 5 years of Nazi occupation, In addition to the submission of the French to the Germans, this occupation was also a formidable field of execution of German external monetary Nazism which had only 2 objectives: submit and loot Curiously, while there are tons of books on the Nazi occupation of France, there is almost nothing on the monetary Nazism inflicted by the Germans on the French: Why?. In 1940 the mark was quoted at 20 francs. This manipulation of the exchange rate to the exclusive advantage of the conqueror, France will apply it by accentuating it to Africa; France, oppressed and exploited by Hitler's Germany, has become oppressor and exploiter of Africa by using monetary Nazism. The CFA franc tool of monetary domination is above all a colonial aggression of Africa and allows France to maintain intact its system of monetary domination of the CFA countries despite the "independence" it granted them in the 1960s. CFA franc puts African countries in a state of infantilization: instead of managing their reserves, they entrust them to the French Treasury, the same goes for their inflation rates and the production of their currency; the PAZF (African Countries of the Franc Zone) which yesterday were linked to France alone, via the Euro, are now linked to all of the European Community by monetary cooperation agreements inherited from colonization. Although Asian economies began to flourish after shedding the vestiges of colonialism that had sacked and ruined them, African leaders did not understand that the real reconstruction of black Africa necessarily involves the prior dismantling of all colonial systems . The franc zone is a source of misery and underdevelopment of African member countries; The newly industrialized countries of Asia did not need to resort to tutoring from their former colonizers to take off economically, monetary independence is one of the major logical consequences of political independence. By refusing to fully assume its monetary personality, Africa in the franc zone is reconnecting with dependence and permanent underdevelopment. The huge Nigeria uses its own currency and has a standard of living far superior to any country in the CFA zone. The balkanization of Africa is the result of the Berlin conference of 1885. It consisted of tearing apart the once united African peoples and creating a multitude of very fragile microcosmic states using artificial borders drawn on the blackboard in Germany in the interests of Westerners alone. This fragmentation of Africa, a fact of the colonial era, has visible and undeniable political, economic and social consequences. The first African leaders trained in the colonial school were invited to reaffirm and strictly respect the inviolability of the borders inherited from colonization, in accordance with the injunctions of foreign powers which did not skimp on the means to remove power by all means the few rare federalist or pan-Africanist elites. Thus the fragmentation of Africa was consummated. During the colonial era, African states hardly communicated with each other. The communication channels (by land, sea, river) had been designed to connect only the metropolis to these different compartmentalized parts of the black continent. Led by elites produced by the old masters, these post-colonial African states have not experienced any economic revolution comparable to that observed in some Asian countries. Yesterday as today, export crops (cocoa, peanut oil, palm oil, etc.) that generate foreign exchange are not transformed locally to create significant added value likely to eradicate poverty and misery on the black continent. After more than 30 years of political independence, African economies are still characterized by their extroversion and their strict dependence on those of the North, which they primarily serve to the detriment of national needs. Agro-industry is still lacking on the black continent. The extraversion of post-colonial economies is facilitated, maintained and perpetuated by the Yaoundé Convention which the European Economic Community has deemed essential to sign with its African economic partners in order to ensure the security of its supply of agricultural raw materials, minerals, mining, energy. This Convention has had different names: Lomé and Cotonou agreements, Africa Caribbean Pacific, EPA. The fundamental mechanisms of operation of these agreements are opposed to the industrialization of black Africa. Because, thanks to the disarmament of customs, the African member countries are encouraged to supply European industry with raw materials, not transformed locally. In return, in the name of these same agreements, the European Union is authorized to flood the African markets with all their finished products, without any quantitative or qualitative limit. These agreements kill local African businesses in the bud, transfer the added value to the countries of the North and perpetuate Africa's poverty. The under-industrialization of the black continent, the essential cause of the poverty of the African peoples, is therefore not a game of chance. These agreements establish the unlimited repatriation of profits made in the host country, they recognize and legalize the free movement of capital made in Africa. Profits freely repatriated have not allowed Africa to build up the savings essential to financing industrialization. It should also be emphasized that black Africa is struggling to take off economically because it suffers essentially from the "third man policy" which consists for foreign powers in using unpatriotic Africans to impoverish and starve their fellow citizens; These powers put them in place, support them militarily and financially in order to perpetuate their influence and the maximization of their geopolitical, economic, commercial, financial interests... This collaboration of African leaders with these foreign powers explains the submission of the Cfa to the euro. In addition, France through its Central Bank: a public institution that manages the CFA Franc, is responsible for defining the economic and social policy of the country because it influences it directly. The historical evolution of French colonial banks led to the creation of African Central Banks (BCEAO, BEAC). By requesting a monetary guarantee from France, African leaders have accepted their subordination in return, renouncing monetary sovereignty without which no real socio-economic development is possible. Through the financial institutions of the CFA franc zone, France sits on the board of directors of these banks, exercises a right of control over decisions affecting the economy of French-speaking Africa and can block all the affairs of the countries members by using his right of veto. The lack of convertibility between the CFA franc of the 2 African central banks BCEAO and BEAC hinders trade between the 2 zones and opposes the socio-economic take-off of the PAZF on which France levies huge commissions for converting CFA francs into euros . Since the appearance of the euro in 1999, it is in fact all of Europe which has replaced France in the control of the PAZF. (African Countries of the Franc Zone) The CFA franc is based on the euro and cannot be converted into other currencies except the euro. The parity between the CFA franc and the euro is fixed. Through this game, Europe protects its African markets against its American competitors whose dollar comes with exchange risks. In addition, the freedom of transfers which gives holders of foreign capital the assurance of being able to repatriate their funds at any time constitutes a strong incentive for the establishment of foreign groups. As a result, this does not allow any prospect of building up local savings essential to the construction of Africa. Africans should understand that contenting themselves with selling their non-valued raw materials on the black continent and desperately seeking refuge in the currency (the euro) of the former European occupier is an act of refusal of socio-economic development in favor of the perpetuation of poverty and misery. Upon analysis, it appears that only African monetary sovereignty and South-South cooperation will enable the black continent to rise from its ashes. According to the latest news, France wants to replace the CFA franc with a new currency: the ECO. Africans must remain vigilant and reject this currency which is none other than the CFA franc dressed with another sauce. What De Gaulle thinks of Africans Watch how the white people take pleasure in introducing us after having robbed, massacred, looted, stolen, ransomed us Afrique pillée : Famine _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Looted Africa: Famine Afrique pillée : Misère Did you know ? 14 African countries forced by France to pay the colonial tax (the colonial debt) for the “benefits” of slavery and colonization. Indeed, many African countries after France granted them their independence saw themselves imposed - without their agreement - by the latter a colonial debt, contracted by the occupying power for the investments made in the occupied country, this debt has been transferred to the new legally independent state. Did you know ? Even today, many African countries continue to pay a colonial tax in France, despite independence! When Sékou Touré, the first President of the Republic of Guinea, decided in 1958 to leave the French colonial empire, and then opted for the independence of the country, the French colonial elite in Paris were indignant, and in an act of historical fury, asked his administration then in place in Guinea to destroy, throughout the country, what represented, in their eyes, the advantages of French colonization. Three thousand French people left the country, taking all their possessions and destroying everything that could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration buildings were destroyed, cars, books, medicines, the research institute, tractors were run over and sabotaged; horses, cows on farms were killed, and stored foods were burned or poisoned. The purpose of this outrageous act was, of course, to send a clear message to all the other colonies about the consequences of France's rejection. The fact is that little by little, fear took hold of the African Elites, and after these events no other country ever found the courage to follow the example of Sékou Touré, whose slogan was “We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery”. For the newly independent countries, compromises had to be found with France. Sylvanus Olympio, the first president of the Republic of Togo, a small country in West Africa, came up with a solution that might calm the French: Not wanting to continue to suffer French domination, he refused to sign the colonization pact proposed by De Gaulle, but agreed in return to pay an annual debt to France for the so-called advantages obtained during French colonization. These were the only conditions for France not to destroy the country before leaving. However, the amount estimated by France was so large that the reimbursement of the so-called "colonial debt" was close to 40% of the country's budget in 1963. From then on, the financial situation of newly independent Togo was very unstable, and in order to get out of this situation, Olympio decided to leave the monetary system set up by colonial France, the FCFA (franc of the French colonies in Africa), and created the country's currency. On January 13, 1963, three days after he started printing the new banknotes, a squad of soldiers (supported by France) seized and killed the first elected president of independent Africa: Olympio was executed by a former French Legionnaire, army sergeant Etienne Gnassingbé who, by the way, received at that time a bonus of 612 dollars from the local French embassy for the success of his mission. Olympio's dream was to build an independent and self-governing country. But the idea did not correspond to French wishes. On June 30, 1962, Modiba Keita, the first president of the Republic of Mali, also decided to withdraw from the FCFA monetary system (imposed on 12 newly independent African countries). Indeed, for the Malian president, who leaned more towards a socialist economy, it was clear that the colonization which continued with this pact with France, became a trap, a burden for the development of the country. He was overthrown in 1968 by a coup ordered from Paris. On November 19, 1968, like Olympio, Keita was the victim of a coup led by another former French Foreign Legionnaire, Lieutenant Moussa Traoré. In fact, during this turbulent period when Africa was fighting to free itself from the yoke of European colonization, France repeatedly used mercenaries formerly affiliated with the foreign legion to carry out operations against the newly elected presidents: • On January 1, 1966, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, a former French legionnaire, staged a coup against David Dacko, the first president of the Central African Republic. • On January 3, 1966, Maurice Yaméogo, the first president of the Republic of Upper Volta, now called Burkina Faso, suffered a blow from Aboubacar Sangoulé Lamizana, a former French legionnaire who fought with the troops French forces in Indonesia and Algeria against the independence of these countries. • On October 26, 1972 Mathieu Kérékou who was a security guard for President Hubert Maga, the first president of the Republic of Benin, carried out a coup against the president, after attending French military schools from 1968 to 1970. - Thomas Sankara was President of Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987. The speech he gave in Addis Ababa in 1987 proposed to renegotiate all the debt, deemed unfair, of African countries. He was assassinated a few months later, he was 37 years old. More than three decades later, it is still unclear who ordered or encouraged the assassination. He was an anti-imperialist, revolutionary, socialist statesman whose views disturbed the colonizing countries. In fact, over the past 50 years, out of a total of 67 coups that have taken place in 26 countries in Africa, 16 of these countries are former French colonies, which means that 61% of the coups in Africa were initiated in former French colonies. As these figures demonstrate, France is quite desperate, but active in maintaining a strong hold on its colonies no matter how, no matter the cost. In March 2008, former French President Jacques Chirac said: "Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third world country". The predecessor of Jacques Chirac François Mitterrand had already prophesied in 1957 that: “Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century” As I write this article, 14 African countries are obliged by France, through the colonial pact, to put 85% of their reserves in the central bank of France under the control of the French Ministry of Finance. So far in 2014, Togo and about 13 other African countries still have to pay the colonial debt to France. African leaders who refuse are killed or victims of coup. Those who obey are supported and rewarded by France with a lavish lifestyle, while their people endure misery and despair. Such an evil system is denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to do without this colonial system which offers it a treasury of approximately 500 billion dollars from Africa, and this by year. We often accuse African leaders of corruption and serving the interests of Western nations, but there is a clear explanation for this behavior. They behave this way because they are afraid of being killed or of being the victim of a coup d'etat. They want to ally themselves with a powerful nation to safeguard themselves in the event of aggression or difficulties. But, unlike friendly protection, Western protection is often offered in exchange for renouncing to serve their own people or the interests of nations. African leaders would work for the benefit of their people if they were not constantly harassed and intimidated by colonial countries. In 1958, frightened by the consequences of his choice of independence from France, Léopold Sédar Senghor declared: "The choice of the Senegalese people is independence, they want it to take place only in friendship with France, not in dispute. “ From then on, France only accepted “independence on paper” for its colonies, but signed “cooperation agreements” in parallel, specifying the nature of their relations with France, in particular their ties to the currency. (the Franc), the French education system, military agreements and trade preferences. Here are the 11 main components of the pursuit of the colonization pact since the 1950s : 1 . The colonial debt for the "benefits" of France during colonization Newly "independent" countries must pay for the infrastructure built by France in the country during colonization. 2 . Automatic confiscation of national reserves African countries must deposit their national monetary reserves in France at the central bank. These fourteen countries are obliged to deposit 85% of their reserves in the French Treasury, which would leave them only 15% of liquidity and would oblige them to go into debt with France. France has held national reserves of fourteen African countries since 1961: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo -Brazzaville, Guinea Equatorial and Gabon. The monetary policy governing such a diverse grouping of countries is straightforward as it is managed by the French Treasury, without reference to central fiscal authorities like the WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union or CEMAC. Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa. According to the terms of the agreement which was put in place by the central bank of the CFA (French Colonies of Africa), each Central Bank of each African country is obliged to keep at least 65% of its foreign exchange reserves in a " operations account” held at the French Treasury, as well as another 20% to cover financial liabilities. The obligation to centralize the foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) with the French Treasury changed in 2007 from 65% to 50% and was maintained at 65% for the Central Bank of Comoros. The CFA central banks also impose a ceiling on the credit granted to each member country at the equivalent of 20% of that country's government revenue over the previous year. Even if the central banks: the BEAC: the Bank of Central African States and the BCEAO Central Bank of West African States have an overdraft facility with the French Treasury, the drafts on the overdraft facilities are subject to the consent of the French Treasury. The last word is that of the French Treasury which has invested the foreign reserves of African countries in its own name on the Paris Stock Exchange. In short, more than 80% of the foreign exchange reserves of these African countries are deposited in the "operations accounts" controlled by the French Treasury. The two CFA banks are African in name, but do not have their own monetary policies. The countries themselves do not know, are not informed, to the extent of how much the foreign exchange reserve held by the French Treasury belongs to them as a group or individually. The gains from the investment of these French Treasury funds are supposed to be added to the foreign exchange reserve, but there is no accounting transmitted to banks or countries, nor the details of these changes. “Only a select group of senior French Treasury officials know the amounts appearing in the “operations accounts” where these funds are invested; whether there is a profit on these investments; they are prohibited from disclosing this information to CFA banks or to the central banks of African states. ” writes Dr. Gary K. Busch It is estimated that France manages nearly 500 billion African money in its treasury, and does nothing to shed some light on this dark side of the old empire. The purpose remains: African countries do not have access to this money. France allows them access to only 15% of their money per year. If they need more, African countries must borrow, at commercial rates, from the 65% of their money held in the French Treasury To make matters more tragic, France imposes a cap on the amount of money countries can borrow from the reserve. The ceiling is set at 20% of their public revenue for the previous year. If countries need to borrow more than 20% of their own money, France has a veto. Former French President Jacques Chirac recently spoke about money from African countries in banks in France. He said: "We must be honest and recognize that a large part of the money in our banks comes precisely from the exploitation of the African continent". 3 . Right of priority over any raw or natural resource discovered in the country France has priority in the purchase of all the natural resources of the land of its former colonies. It is only on its refusal that African countries are authorized to seek other partners. 4 . Priority to French interests and companies in public contracts and public constructions In the awarding of public contracts, French companies must be considered first, and only then, foreign markets are considered. The fact that African countries might get a better financial deal elsewhere is not taken into account. Consequently, in most of the former French colonies, all the biggest companies and economic players are in the hands of French expatriates. In Côte d'Ivoire, for example, French companies own and control all major public services – water, electricity, telephone, transport, ports and major banks. Ditto in trade, construction and agriculture. Ultimately, as I wrote in a previous article, Africans now live on a continent owned by Europeans! 5 . Exclusive right to supply military equipment and train military officers of countries Thanks to a sophisticated system of scholarships, subsidies, and the “defense agreements” attached to the colonial pact, Africans must send their senior officers for training in France or in French military infrastructures. The situation on the continent is such that France has trained and nurtured hundreds, even thousands of traitors. They are dormant until needed, and activated when needed for a coup or for other purposes! 6 . Right for France to pre-deploy troops and intervene militarily in the country to defend its interests Under the name "Defence Agreements" attached to the colonial pact. France has the right to intervene militarily in African countries, and also to station troops permanently in military bases and installations, entirely managed by the French. French military bases in Africa are deployed in the following countries: Mali (they are currently being expelled by the transitional government of Mali), Niger, Chad, Djibouti, Horn of Africa, Senegal, Ivory Coast , Gulf of Guinea, Gabon, Central African Republic When President Laurent Gbagbo of Côte d'Ivoire attempted to end French exploitation of the country, France staged a coup. During the long process of ousting Gbagbo from power, French tanks, helicopter gunships and special forces intervened directly in the conflict, shooting at civilians and killing many of them. To add insult to injury, France estimates that the French business community then lost several million dollars in the scramble to leave Abidjan in 2006 (where the French army massacred 65 unarmed civilians and wounded another 1200.) After the successful coup by France, and the transfer of power to Alassane Ouattara, France asked the Ouattara government to pay compensation to the French business community for losses during the civil war. In fact, the Ouattara government paid them double what they said they had lost when they left. 7 . Obligation to make French the official language of the country and the language of education Yes sir. You must speak French, the language of Molière! The French language and culture dissemination organization was created, called "Francophonie" which brings together with it several branches and affiliated organizations all controlled by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. As demonstrated in this article, if French is the only language you speak, you would have access to less than 4% of humanity's knowledge and ideas. It's very limiting. 8 . Obligation to use the money of colonial France the FCFA This is the real cash cow for France, such an evil system, is denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to do without this colonial system which offers it a cash flow of around 500 billion dollars from Africa per year. During the introduction of the euro currency in Europe, other European countries discovered the French operating system. Many, especially the Nordic countries, were appalled and suggested France get rid of the system, but to no avail. The CFA franc being aligned with the euro for the exchange, this causes the impoverishment of Africans by the robustness of the euro. The overvaluation of the CFA franc impoverishes African exporters at least two times. First, Africans who have become less competitive because of the overvalued FCFA are losing significant shares of their foreign markets to their global competitors. Second, Africans lose a lot of money when their export earnings are converted into euros. 9 . Obligation to send France an annual report on the balance and reserves. Without the report, no money. Be that as it may, the secretariat of the Central Banks of the former colonies, and the secretariat of the half-yearly meeting of the Ministers of Finance of the former colonies is provided by the Banque Centrale de France/Treasury. 10 . Waiver of entering into a military alliance with any other country, unless authorized by France African countries in general are those with the fewest inter-state military alliances. Most countries only have military alliances with their ex-colonizers! (funny, but you can't do better!). In cases where they would like another alliance, France will keep them from doing so. 11 . Obligation to ally with France in a situation of war or world crisis More than a million African soldiers fought for the defeat of Nazism and Fascism during World War II. Their contribution is often ignored or minimized, but when you think it took Germany just 6 weeks to defeat France in 1940, France knows that Africans could be useful in keeping the “Grandeur de la France” at home. 'coming. There is something almost psychopathic in France's relationship with Africa. First of all, France has been seriously addicted to plundering and exploiting Africa since the days of slavery. Then there is this complete lack of the creativity and imagination of the French elite to think beyond the past and tradition. Finally, France has 2 institutions that are completely frozen in the past, inhabited by paranoid and psychopathic "senior officials" who spread the fear of the apocalypse if France were to change, and whose ideological reference comes still 19th century romanticism. They are: the Minister of Finance and Budget of France and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France. These two institutions are not only a threat to Africa, but to the French themselves. It is up to us to liberate Africa, without asking permission, because I still cannot understand for example how 450 French soldiers in Ivory Coast could control a population of 20 million people? The first reaction of people when they learn of the existence of the French colonial tax is often a question: “Until when” For historical comparison, France made Haiti pay the modern equivalent of $21 billion from 1804 to 1947 (nearly a century and a half) for the losses caused to French slave traders following the abolition of slavery and the liberation of Haitian slaves. African countries have been paying colonial tax for the last 50 years, so I think a century of payment might be too much. Mawuna Note Koutonin Original article: colonial-tax/ LA CHARTE DE L IMPERIALISME Savez-vous pourquoi l´élite africaine, les richesses africaines et les chefs d´État d´Afrique sont-ils au service de l´Occident ? Savez-vous pourquoi l’apartheid, la colonisation, le néocolonialisme voire la Françafrique ont-ils existé ? Vous demandez-vous pourquoi l’Africain est pauvre alors que son continent regorge de tant de richesses ? Vous êtes-vous une fois demandé pourquoi le continent noir ne connaît que des despotes qui dilapident sans état d’âmes les deniers publics qu’ils déposent ensuite en Occident ? Savez-vous pourquoi les nationalistes africains (Lumumba, Sankara, Edouardo Mondlane ou Amilcar Cabral) ont-ils été assassinés ? Savez-vous pourquoi les peuples d’Afrique sont-ils bâillonnés ou pourquoi les "démocrates" occidentaux cautionnent-ils la dictature et étalent le tapis rouge pour accueillir en pompe les potentats qui nous gouvernent ? A toutes ces questions, la Franco-ivoirienne Mireille Saki a trouvé la réponse au Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale à Tervuren en Belgique. Elle y a découvert un document inédit longtemps gardé secret : la Charte de l’impérialisme. Dans ce protocole de 28 articles se trouve le plan macabre qui maintient l’Africain dans la misère et qui soumet l’Afrique dans la servitude. « Cette charte a été élaborée à Washington pendant la traite négrière, ensuite discrètement négociée à la Conférence de Berlin en 1885 pendant que les puissances Occidentales se partageaient l’Afrique ; renégocié secrètement à Yalta au moment du partage du monde en deux blocs après la Deuxième guerre mondiale et pendant la création de la Société des Nations, l’ancêtre de l’ONU.» Les maux dont souffre l’Afrique ne sont pas le fruit du hasard. Ils ont été planifiés depuis des siècles. L’Africain dont on se demandait s’il avait une âme est sous perfusion par la volonté des maîtres du monde. Mireille Saki a éventré le boa en publiant ce document exclusif dans son livre intitulé LA CHARTE DE L’IMPÉR IALISME : UNE CHARTE DE LA SERVITUDE, L’AFRIQUE TOUJOURS DOMINÉE À HUIS CLOS _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Africa: looting DECADENCE OF THE ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTED BY WESTERN PEOPLE, PILLAGE OF AFRICA, THE CFA FRANC: this colonial currency set up by France

  • Racisme anti noir

    ANTI BLACK RACISM What is racism? “According to 'Albino sources, from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: 1 -Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human abilities and traits and that racial differences produce the inherent superiority of a particular race. But if this is the case: that whites believe they are inherently superior, then why fear and forbid competing with blacks when the supposed belief points to an "easy win"? Why look for opportunities to murder and mistreat lowly Negroes, when the magnanimity of the superior should clearly dictate pity and tolerance? So what is racism? Overall, racism is actually a transference neurosis, through which Albinos manage to overcome their feelings of weakness and incapacity due to their albinism, creating a class even weaker than themselves. This is accomplished by inducing these feelings of weakness and inadequacy in others, through the use of violence, lies, abuse. Thus, they can feel good about themselves and their condition, abusing those over whom they have acquired power and control. Albinos cannot endure either the sun or thirst. How could he work in the fields - except in the northern regions without being scorched by the sun? Only one way: to force a “pigmented” person to do it for them! Here is the reason for slavery! _cc781905-5cde-3194 Africa-USA : “If God wanted whites and blacks to be the same, he would have created us with the same color and intelligence”, thinks Donald Trump exaggeratedly These lyrics prove white people don't know their true story Skin cancer following prolonged exposure to the sun (early stage) white supremacy; The white man represents all the characters in history. White people don't know their real history. It's up to us to teach them _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 Slavery Make America White Again ". White dominates through violence and lies. These are the bases of its history. White supremacy feeds on lies to make whites understand that they are superior and blacks that they are inferior. IT IS OVER TIME THAT WE BLACKS RAISE OUR HEADS Blacks have participated very strongly in the construction of America since under slavery.- Tarzan bears the flag of white supremacy Anti-black racism is a global phenomenon on the agenda and present in all the white and yellow countries of the planet. We have always known that racism was a “self-defense” mechanism developed by European albinos to avoid direct competition with black people. Their logic being that if they could prevent blacks from entering business, sports and other activities, on the pretext of their "inferiority", the latter would not have to compete with them and expose their own " inferiority” of the whites. Unsurprisingly, they proved they were right, blacks excelled in every field, whether athletic or intellectual, in every activity to which they had access. It is this self-defense mechanism that has caused albinos, guided by fear of blacks, to discredit them by presenting them as inferior beings, low IQ, animals, rude, uneducated, poor, drugged, suffering from contagious diseases. such as AIDS, Ebola: diseases invented in their laboratories in order to reduce the black population. Concerning poverty, they manufactured it by the organized plundering of Africa and the expulsion of the villagers towards the cities after having taken their lands with the complicity of puppet local governments in their pay. These poor destitute Africans fleeing misery end up in countries like Libya where they are sold as slaves, or have no choice but to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean to come to Europe to do menial work. that Europeans reject. They are therefore even more despised. The attitude of leucodermas towards our melanin is very ambiguous and makes you think. Because of our melanin they say we are inferior beings because we are black (according to them being black is a sign of inferiority) but They know all the benefits of our melanin and do not agree with themselves because they even desperately seek this dark pigment; They lie down in the sun to tan even if the sun burns them or even can kill them, they are organized to go so far as to steal our melanin when we are dead: they inject it in order to exceed their physical, spiritual and tan possibilities. and rejuvenate; they seek us out for their sports teams because of our accomplishments thanks to our melanin. How to analyze such behavior that I consider totally incoherent. Could neuromelanin deficiency be the cause? Besides, they like to accuse us of cannibalism. The images below of starving black people in Africa show you that we would rather starve than eat. These situations of famine are due to deforestation, overexploitation and depletion of our soils by leucodermas for crops grown for their benefit with starvation wages paid to blacks: these are oil palm, peanuts, etc. ; food crops are neglected for imported products: rice, because they are more expensive. Blacks are also driven from their ancestral lands for the exploitation of raw materials from their soils sold off to the West. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Pillaged Africa: misery _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Plundered Africa: Famine _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Africa plundered Famine This global anti-black racism is developing more and more on all continents, even among peoples with very swarthy and black skin like India. These countries themselves were colonized by Europe and imitate albinos in their racist behavior because the strongest is always the one who has influence and is followed as an example. I recount sometimes deadly incidents of which blacks are victims in these countries: In Europe blacks know the hardship they go through when they are looking for a job, a home. The behavior of white people makes them understand that they are foreigners, I quote "You know that you are black when, although from several dozen French generations (1830 on the West Indies side and 1453 on the "Gallic" side), you need always justify your French nationality. Diarra, medical student: "You know that you are black in France when you are constantly asked if, "when you have finished your studies you will return to your country", knowing that I was born and raised in France . On several occasions, the families of patients took me for the caregiver and asked me to bring the bedpan to their loved one or to wash them…” -Aurore, living in London: "You know you're black in France when your white college 'comrades' keep asking you: 'But how come your last name is French when you're black ?". I now live in London where no one has ever asked me about my surname. For the British, I am French. Never have my black English-speaking friends who have English, Scottish or Irish surnames been asked by their white compatriots about the origin of their name. Because, for them, these black people are fully British and that's it. Newspaper headlines that show the global pervasiveness of anti-black racism such as: -We don't kill immigrants from Asia or Eastern countries. In Italy, they kill blacks" -Daisy Osakue, a young black Italian athlete, was assaulted this week. New episode which proves that the situation of blacks in Italy is worrying, in the face of endemic racism. Racist attacks multiplied by eleven in four years. Thirty-three in the last two months alone. In Italy, the situation is explosive. I quote other press review titles: -Victim of racism, a black priest leaves his parish in Germany - Is international justice racist?-- Anti-black racism in Switzerland • Very black blacks, there is no more hope? -United States: more blacks in prison in 2011 than slaves in 1850. Morocco - The ordeal of blacks in the Cherifian kingdom (Morocco) • -It is a form of racism that is little talked about: that of which the black populations are victims in the countries of North Africa, and in particular of the Maghreb. If it does not date from yesterday, the recent election of a Miss Algeria 2019 deemed "too black" for social networks proves that it is very topical. -“Our results indicate that employers seem to have a preference for skin tone when selecting them. Perhaps because of the common misconception that light-skinned blacks have more similarities to whites than dark-skinned blacks. White people may feel more comfortable with fair skin around them.” - Is India racist? -1 Feb. 2014 - This is what many Africans who went to India say. For several months, racist acts against the black community seem to be on the increase. …: Verbal or physical attacks - sometimes fatal, latent and daily racism: black people residing in India do not have it easy. On May 20, a Congolese, a French teacher, was beaten to death in New Delhi. Five days later, a Nigerian student is beaten up by his Indian neighbor in Hyderabad, a city in central India, after an argument over a parking space. -CHINA Testimony. The appalling racism of the Chinese against blacks “……But when I got to school, the first thing she said to me was, 'Oh, you're black!' And she went back on her offer by explaining to me that her school could not hire a black teacher, because the parents and the students would not like it. I then understood that racism also existed in China.” Despite the economic benefits, many black expatriates complain of facing injustices in their private lives and in the job market because of entrenched prejudices that portray black people as uneducated, rude and poor. In some ways, racism in China is even worse than in Western countries These testimonies of global anti-black racism must make blacks understand that it is high time that they take themselves in hand to be respected and to make known the civilizations in the world built thanks to their melanin and not to do as_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ many who prefer either to whiten their skin or look for a white woman. These two actions being the expression of the rejection of his person, his race and his culture. I have also often found that swarthy or Asian people are often more racist towards black people than leucodermas. I myself have been the victim of racist attitude from swarthy taxi drivers in Italy, Germany, New York. This anti-black racism is measured once again by the 2 black paintings below made by leucodermic painters and giving a demeaning and very contemptuous image of us in order to justify slavery and contempt for our race. From September 14 to 29 December 2019 these 2 paintings as well as others were exhibited at the Memorial Act of Guadeloupe under the name The Black Model I noted the following sentence in the Antillean magazine "Nouvelles" of August 30 "The memorial Act with The black model pursues one of its missions defined by its president: “to raise awareness and make Guadeloupeans enlightened citizens by giving them access to masterpieces when historically and geographically this opportunity was denied to them”. I hope this exhibition will help our consciences to awaken in a positive way and no longer be blind to these attacks that albinos constantly and subtly throw at us. The cover page of the 2018/2019 yellow pages itself says the unacknowledged intentions of albinos in Guadeloupe. Exposition modèle noir _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Exhibition black model Guadeloupe white pages Miss Algeria 2019 , considered too dark by social networks Italy :Daisy Osakue, a young black Italian athlete, was assaulted China : Expo where blacks are compared to animals _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Racisme _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Racism USA : A white policeman kills an unarmed black who flees India : Africans chased by a mob in the subway _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Racism -Blacks have made many inventions, and this since under slavery ; the whites, their masters appropriated these inventions which they put in their name by attributing the discovery to themselves. The blacks, scholars or inventors do not appear anywhere in the world book of invention whose author is Valérie Anne Giscard d'Estaing daughter of the former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and listing those who have enabled the progress of humanity. These black scientists are “voluntarily and carefully” forgotten by the world although their inventions are of various, daily use; The intellectual property of many of these inventions has been violated. (see Chap black inventors ). Can't this voluntary and calculated concealment of these black inventors be considered a cultural and intellectual genocide? Any discovery made until today by the blacks is deliberately concealed; in the eyes of whites, blacks must appear ignorant, uneducated, servile, inferior, of low IQ. -In European museums : British Museum in London, Musée du quai Branly in Paris, to name a few, thousands of artifacts are on display: statues, figurines that were stolen in Africa, Egypt, Asian countries, Americas by Europeans; An Egyptian president had ordered to repatriate those who came from Egypt, until today this order has never been executed, the albinos have kept them. The blacks should organize themselves to recover their works of art stolen and exhibited in museums whose entry is paid to admire them. - I will also talk about the International Criminal Court It is a permanent international criminal court created in 2002 by Westerners, with a universal vocation, responsible for judging people accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and war crimes. I invite you to go to the site . By consulting the names of the people suspected since the creation of the ICC, you will see for yourself that this court seems to have been created for blacks and Arabs because all the people who have been worried by this body are black and Arab. The latest is the former president of Côte d'Ivoire Laurent Bagbo, whose crime would have been to have said that he wanted his country to work with everyone, this statement more than displeased France (the Côte d'Ivoire is part of France Afrique) which rushed to send armed forces which overthrew Mr Bagbo and replaced Ouattara as the straw man of the French government. France had him arrested, tried by the ICC on the charge of crimes against humanity, he was imprisoned for several years and has just been acquitted, no charge having been brought against him. Ironically, the judges and prosecutors chosen by this Court are very often black. On the other hand, many Europeans, among other heads of state, have never been worried by the ICC for crimes of genocide committed in the countries of the South, they have accepted no investigation be made on this subject. The latest is the 2011 invasion of Libya and the assassination of Gaddafi under Sarkozy. Let me go back before the creation of the ICC: the genocide in Rwanda under François Mitterrand remains a gaping wound without explanation, the genocide in Cameroon of the Bamileke people and many others. -I will also mention a very formidable tool created by the Americans: the HAARP plan In addition to its many highly evolved skills in the military field, this device would be able to mentally manipulate populations without their knowledge, to control the climate: to create tornadoes, cyclones, drought, floods, earthquakes in certain countries targeted by Westerners . ABOUT DISEASES AND VACCINES made in albino labs to shrink and decimate Africans The WHO (World Health Organization) was created by the American Rockefeller and is controlled by the New World Order. Since the USA suspended their annual contribution of $900 million in 2020, its 1st contributor is Mr Bill Gates, the 2nd richest multi-billionaire in the world, who gives annually via his foundation and his company Gavi 800 million to this organization, he also finances Big Pharma ( pharmaceutical lobbies). Bill Gates is aiming for a program of depopulation of the planet that he publicly claims, Africans are in the front line of his program; virus patents like those of AIDS, Ebola with the aim of decimating the black race, would have been filed respectively by the United States in 1971 and 2009; The AIDS virus was originally made to eradicate the black race, but for genetic reasons this disease ended up in whites and Asians; the white and Asian races originating from the black race have identical genes to those of the blacks. The black man is the original genetic model; genetically There is only one human species: the black race. Whites and yellows are derived subspecies of this species. Concerning the Ebola virus created in Western laboratories also in order to decimate Africans, the Europeans pushed their Machiavellianism to the point of inventing a vaccine against this virus, a vaccine which would have caused the death of thousands of African children, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo. , very rich and coveted by them. Regarding vaccines, Bill Gates with the complicity of the WHO is pursuing a diabolical program of vaccination of Africans. The vaccines given to Africans and other third world countries are not the same as those given to Westerners. Although Africans are very little affected by diseases that mainly affect Westerners, the WHO, through threats, forces African leaders to vaccinate their populations; these vaccines contain components that sterilize women; kill or incapacitate blacks, especially young children; As of today in May 2020, the WHO is forcing Africans to accept vaccination against covid 19, a disease which has killed 1,520 people in Africa out of 35,000 cases recorded in May 2020, against tens of thousands of deaths in Western countries and the USA. Africa is the land of vaccine experimentation par excellence because no compensation is provided or implemented when these vaccines cause fatal or disabling damage to the population, the Africans are neither more nor less guinea pigs devoid of any means of defense and cannot refuse these tests which are imposed on them by force and without their agreement when it comes to their children. We must not forget that the program of the Europeans is: "Africa without Africans" whose goal is to eliminate us in order to seize our wealth: gold, uranium, oil, nickel, platinum, diamonds, manganese, hydrocarbons, gas, coal, titanium, cobalt, bauxite, etc., which our soils abound. Always with the aim of stealing our raw materials by despoiling us, they would not hesitate to create terrorist movements whose leaders and soldiers are poor, destitute Africans to whom they offer enticing sums of enlistment so that they go and kill and drive their brothers from their lands. Once these facts are accomplished, they arrive with their bulldozers and their trucks in order to turn the earth to extract the ore; some of these terrorist movements are well known such as Boko Haram, Acmi… In addition, they create tribal wars by manufacturing conflicts between ethnic groups and give weapons to the 2 parties so that they kill each other. They resort to the most Machiavellian plans to destroy Africans to steal their wealth ABOUT THE CHINESE PRESENCE IN AFRICA I raise this subject because I have personally heard Africans complaining about the Chinese presence without referring to the past and present Western occupation, much worse. The Chinese presence in Africa is much decried and increasingly, especially by Westerners who see the Chinese as competitors taking markets from them which, according to them, would be theirs because of the grip they have on Africa and its wealth; But you should know that China and India were the first countries since pre-colonial Africa to trade with Africans; Relations were imbued with respect and the Chinese never committed invasions, genocides, or enslavement of blacks, unlike whites whose entire economy and therefore their well-being is based on exploitation, the slavery of blacks whose they profit until today. Westerners: Americans in the lead invaded, exploited all non-Western countries, genocided populations, robbed, exploited their mining and forest resources; the Chinese have no such behavior to their credit. Since China began to work with African countries, the latter have experienced a prosperity far superior to the relations of domination with the whites who exploited the Africans in the most shameful way and without the slightest scruple, by plunging them into misery. and growing debt accompanied by their contempt for the black race. In the China-Africa reports, China offers African heads of state through the Bank of China to build infrastructure for them: schools, hospitals, housing, bridges, etc. Things that Europeans have never done. In return they obtain the right to exploit the mineral resources. Unlike the Americans, the French have no military bases installed in Africa to intimidate Africans, organize violent coups to install heads of state designated by them and granting them contracts for their benefit. Nor did they invent diseases (AIDS, Ebola) to decimate Africans. Obviously some Chinese companies and Chinese people commit abuses, but isn't it up to African countries to be respected and to impose sanctions against these abuses? Africans must lay down the law at home and crack down. Today, the average Albino thinks he (the Albinos) constitute the majority of humans on earth (instead of a small minority). They think they started the civilizations of the world (when in reality they didn't start any). They even mistakenly think they are the people depicted in Egyptian statues and tomb paintings. And they think they are healthy, normal and at home in the world, while the Sun is their enemy because of their lack of pigmentation; skin cancer is the punishment for recklessness. Wouldn't it be the deficiency in neuromelanin which by depriving them of empathy, of sensitivity, by making them aggressive beings, pushed them to enslave the brown and black races? The Albino's control of information and media has been absolute, total. The average Albino has no idea of all these truths developed above. And when it comes to the truth about the Black Kings ruling Europe, he looks at you like you're crazy! We must not think that one day the white or the yellow will make themselves feel guilty for the feelings of rejection that they express towards us, will have regrets, and will take the process of reparation, it is up to us to do this work of rehabilitation, of respect; to educate them on the artistic and scientific achievements made thanks to their melanin by blacks through the centuries in the development of world cultures: all originally black; It is through this knowledge that we can hope to be considered instead of submitted. This work must be done not only by the diaspora abroad but also in African countries: to sensitize blacks on the greatness accomplished thanks to their melanin, to teach them to other peoples by using various means of communication. We must organize ourselves in order to fight any discredit on the black man. Gandhi in India did not take up arms because he knew that Great Britain which colonized his country possessed all the means in weapons to thwart his actions; by his peaceful movements he freed his immense country from the British oppressor. Nelson Mandela in South Africa liberated his country apartheid without having had to take up arms. These personalities and many others: I quote Aimé Césaire politician from Martinique, must be models for us in order to organize our liberation from the leucoderma yoke. I often think that what harms us is our lack of aggressiveness, cruelty, predation which would put us on a par with white people; but hatred, violence, murder are they the best solutions? On the other hand, certainly because of the success of the blacks on the plans mentioned above, and also probably because of the timid awakening of the black man, certain public media recognize the existence of the black in Europe before the white. Thus in 2018, it was revealed by these media that the black man had been present in Europe for tens of thousands of years and was the first inhabitant of Great Britain: Cheddar Man was a black man whose bones dating over 10,000 years old have been found in Britain. Other bones have been found and reconstructed in Europe; these bones dating from 34,000 to 36,000 were Negroid. France remains timid on these subjects. In addition, would it still be the skills of blacks thanks to their melanin that make more and more whites in Europe realize that white skin would be an anomaly?. Melanin is one of the best-selling and very fashionable food supplements, I specify for tanning. I spoke above of the theft of our melanin, which the leucoderms seek for its qualities. ​ post-colonial Africa . Look how albinos like to represent us after having robbed, stripped, looted, ransomed, massacred us

  • Dernières Noiuvelle

    LATEST NEWS According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there are almost twice as many vaccine-related deaths in 2021 (1,755) than vaccine-related deaths in the past decade (994). There are more U.S. vaccine-related deaths in 2021, in less than 3 months, than in the entire past decade. The number of vaccine-related deaths this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC's own data, in 2021, in less than 3 months, we have already seen over 1,750 vaccine deaths in the United States. The two major vaccine manufacturers with the most vaccine-related deaths are Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech: -The corona virus is a global false alarm. […] The dangerousness of the virus has been overestimated (no more than 250,000 deaths with Covid-19 worldwide, compared to 1.5 million for the 2017-18 seasonal flu)”. -As of today: March 2020, the financial situation is worsening in the most serious way possible: According to the independent economist journalist P.Javonovic the European banks receive 80 to 100 billion € per month to avoid their collapse . Since January 2015, this € and $ money has been equivalent to counterfeit money because it has no financial equivalent. The economies are hit hard: Wall Street has lost 30% of its values, French banks: 20%. Since Sep 2019, the FED has been injecting $150 billion every day to save American banks. The debt of each American from baby to adult is $350,000 per capita. The interest rate of banks in the USA would be 0.40%. We are in the middle of a recession, the economic crisis of 2020 will be infinitely more serious than that of 2008; the global debt of 250,000 billion represents 280% of the GDP. This is where the albinos have led us in their madness, their fears, their greed, their self-centeredness! Could neuromelanin deficiency once again be the cause? The current coronavirus pandemic in the world is very seriously aggravating this situation and could be a pretext for the establishment of a world government: goal of the elite. -According to the magazine insolentiae World debts reach 250,000 billion dollars… This figure alone justifies a huge crash. Central banks print billions of euros and dollars every day to help avoid the collapse (150 billion) This currency is monkey money because it has no equivalent -02 Jan 2020 According to independent journalist P Jovanovic Since January 2015, the euro has become a monkey currency with 80 billion counterfeit notes introduced into the financial system each month -20nov19 The debt that each Frenchman must repay in the name of the State is 36,000 euros - The debt that each American must repay in the name of the State is 220,000 dollars, or 72 trillion - non-refundable in any case. -Deforestation and fires in the Amazon, follow the trail of Niobium This mineral is the most precious in the world. If we throw 100 grams of this metal into a ton of boiling steel, as if by magic, the resulting alloy becomes much more resistant and malleable. Cars, bridges, turbines, magnetic resonance devices, pacemakers, missiles, nuclear power plants, space probes, virtually anything electronic becomes better with NIOBIUM. The rockets of the Space X company, the most advanced at present, have this component. It is in Brazil that is the largest reserve of this precious metal, about 97% of what can exist. This would represent an extraordinary asset for this country to become one of the greatest economic powers in the world, if not the greatest. Only with this trade, Brazil could have means to solve all its problems in general, and economic in particular. If Brazil established a currency based on these NIOBIUM reserves, it would be the strongest in the world. Where are the NIOBIUM deposits located? In the Amazon. It's starting to get clearer isn't it? More information on Niobium here: mine-viaduct-of-millau -We are in August 2019, I learn from the media that the planet is plagued by various fires in various places: the Amazon; the lungs of the planet 2500 outbreaks of fires, Siberia, In Africa: Angola, Congo. These fires are due to the increasingly important deforestation made by the leucodermas in order to exploit the mining resources, but also for the wood of the trees which would be used for the manufacture of furniture. We see once again that the white man has absolutely no qualms about destroying the planet: the branch on which he sits in order to satisfy his basely material needs and to endanger the lives of other peoples living in these regions as well that wildlife and flora. There deficiency in neuromelanin would it not be in question? Also in August: a mass murder of 31 people in 2 western cities in the USA, the cause would be racial. The responsible would be a leucoderma. My cousin who has lived there for almost 50 years told me that the killers are always white people -During this same month a new mass killing in Mexico 24 dead. Really neuromelamine deficiency drives some people crazy. As of September 20, 2019, the Fed has injected more than 270 billion dollars into the money markets in one week in order to support them, this money corresponds to counterfeit notes because it has no financial equivalent

  • Les noirs étaient les 1ers européens :12 Indices

    Book "The first European blacks" A MUST READ SOLD BY EDITIONS TAMERY PARIS, and in Guadeloupe Librairie Jasor Jarry and local de Racines 78 rue F. Arago Pàp ​ FORWARD this information ​ ​ 12 SIGNS THAT INDICATE THAT THE FIRST EUROPEANS WERE BLACK ​ STOP LIES, STOP FALSIFICATION DE HISTORY BY WHITES to their advantage and to the detriment of blacks.THE TRUTH MUST ARISE Cheddar Man the 1st English: Black, Died 10,000 years ago Reconstruction of bones found in Romania dating from 34,000 to 36,000 years ago Traits négoides " The handling of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his ​ conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alters, disguises the past of their victims” sour​ ce: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to Simone Weil pp53 " There are two Histories: the official, lying history; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events " ( Honoré de Balzac, writer) ……… to think that this race of black men today our slave and the object of our contempt is the same one to which we owe our arts, our sciences and even the use of speech … . (Comte de Volney: travels in Egypt and Syria 1783) -Horrible was the story of our parents yesterday, that some wish to silence today so that we get lost on the way tomorrow. Yes, if we want to know where we are going, it is important to know where we come from. -Don't expect people who came to invade us to write the truth about us (Myriam Makeba) -Black history did not begin with slavery - Who controls the media, controls consciences - Remove the veil of opacity and ignorance, and men will finally open their eyes!" (NK Omotunde) -''As long as the lion does not have its own historians, hunting stories will always be to the glory of the hunter." (African proverb) Some blacks may be surprised by the painful veracity of the facts told, but which correspond to the reality experienced by their ancestors. I hope that this writing will help to rehabilitate the black in the true consciousness that he should have of himself, and also to improve self-esteem . Because it is at the origin of all civilizations, religions, philosophy, sciences, arts, cultures in the world. The leucoderma stole everything from us, copied and improved it. Self-esteem is linked to self-confidence . We blacks often tend to return to the sufferings of our past: slavery, injustices, we often behave like victims: victimization is an attitude that diminishes us, makes us inferior, even contemptible, glorifies those who colonized us because we have been weak before him; he took advantage of our weakness because we did not have weapons that could match his to defend ourselves. The whites having taken control of all the media in the world so that the truth does not get out, very few blacks know about this glorious past that they had throughout Europe, this artistic construction of Europe of which they were the actors, this glorious past of several hundred centuries stolen from them by the leucoderma whose only history is: Invasion, massacres, looting. Very few black people know that they are the victims of the most enormous and abominable impersonation and the greatest and diabolical falsification in history ever known. If we want to know where we are going, it is important to know where we come from. We are not a tree without roots. Yes to regain SELF-ESTEEM, we must know where we come from, we must know our prestigious History of construction of this Europe, this Asia, this America in their arts but also their sciences. The fact of having been stolen, usurped does not in any way modify the inestimable value of what has been taken from us but even more increases this inimitable value and proves that for lack of having been able to do as much as us, the leucoderma preferred by violence to indulge in the craziest heresy the world has ever experienced: the usurpation of the identity of our kings and famous people and the falsification of our history to put themselves in our place. It is terrible and almost unbelievable! Black people suffer from low self-esteem. We black people like to say, "The Chinese, the Hindus, the Jews help each other, but we are the only ones fighting each other." The real reason for this black against black animosity comes from the white colonizer who, in order to justify and succeed in the work of stripping us of our culture, our knowledge, our arts, our lands and our mineral wealth, has done a psychological job of denigration of blackness by creating both in the minds of blacks and whites a demeaning and misleading image of the ignorant, savage, uneducated, servile black; an image that has established rejection and self-hatred in black people and that has been instilled by white control of all media so that these repeated lies are accepted as truth by both blacks and whites. On the other hand, unlike the blacks, let us not ignore that the Chinese, the Hindus (the occupation of India by England lasted 197 years) the Jews were not colonized peoples, they did not have not been reduced to slavery, nor subjected to contempt and cultural degradation by white people, China has not been invaded by any European country, they practice their religion, their philosophy and do not suffer like Africans from a religion imposed on the tip of the gun; they speak their own languages: Mandarin, Hebrew, Hindi….and not the one imposed under threat, by the French or English colonizer, they have their own culture, their schools and not school programs that alienate them, imposed by the colonizing country; they learn their history which is not the case of blacks who are forced to learn the European history of the countries that colonize them, to speak their languages and therefore subject to the assimilation of European culture and rejection of their culture and of themselves. On the other hand, It is true that the wealth of Africa is its misfortune because of all the covetousness it arouses, but Africans at the beginning of the 21st century must unite AS ONE MAN ON THE WHOLE CONTINENT and continue to make the effort to drive out of their soil those countries which oppress them, continue to ask for help from countries of the 2nd bloc (Russia, China, Iran…): their only door exit to help them free themselves from the yoke of Western countries which exploit them without scruples, and which must lead them to be part of this 2nd block in a vision of the United States of Africa. The elimination and extermination of the blacks of Europe, because of all the horrors with which they were perpetrated, must without doubt be and remain the most horrible crime against humanity in all of human history. This all the more so since until today in the 21st century the historians, the Leucoderm (white) politicians, although knowing perfectly this very painful past of their History which accuses them, continue this work until today. of make-up, negation and annihilation of black and its history in order to always keep the upper hand on blacks at all levels. When we black people watch leucoderma television, especially historical shows; we must not act like the traveler who goes on a cruise, who sits quietly in an armchair and swallows everything the guide tells him, but on the contrary, open our mind wide, keep it awake to everything that is said, make our intelligence work, do not hesitate to ask us questions, the most relevant are they, put into action our thinking, our common sense, be vigilant and do not forget that the leucoderma has committed the greatest identity theft of all history, has falsified this history to his advantage and to our great detriment. INTERLUDE Before starting I allow myself this explanatory interlude on the predatory behavior of leucoderms and based on the principle that "every effect has a cause, chance does not exist". Leucoderms (whites) and melanoderms (blacks) have totally opposite behaviors. These behavioral differences would be due to a dark-colored pigment called neuro-melanin that blacks have in abundance in their brains and nerve centers and of which whites, on the other hand, would be deficient. This pigment is produced by a gland that we all have in our brain: the pineal gland, which is more developed in blacks than in whites, where it would be calcified. According to studies of Dr. Carol Barnes American biochemist, Melanin theorist, pineal calcification would affect 5 to 15% of Africans, 15 to 25% of Asians, and 60 to 80% of Westerners. She writes in her book: “Melanin The Chemical Key to Black Greatness”: Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice. Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric. Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL as he absorbs all energy frequencies. Because white people have the least (neuro)melanin, they are seen by people of color as generally rigid, insensitive (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and “unspiritual.” Melanin is an antioxidant that fights free radicals: cell aging. (Neuro)melanin is responsible for sensitivity which is expressed by : empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it (leucodermas) we denote the Insensibility which is expressed by : egocentrism, lack of creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, the predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. The absence of neuromelanin would be directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of neuromelanin would be directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Thanks to this pigment, black has a moral compass, feels its moral limits, lives with respect for life, for all life in general (human, animal, vegetable, mineral); unlike the leucoderma deficient in this pigment, which does not shrink from any means, the most amoral, the most cruel, the most inhuman to achieve its ends. Leucodermas have no history of their own except invasion, murder, looting. When they invade a country they come to take, never bring anything positive, evolutionary: they are predators . When we examine their history from the beginning until today (in Europe, Africa: Americas, Oceania, Antilles), the repetitive, dramatic process of violence is constantly the same: Invading, massacring the indigenous peoples, destroying the flora, wildlife, stealing, looting raw materials, using without the slightest scruple the means to achieve their ends which are domination, submission, extermination, manipulation of invaded peoples, deceit, lies. Doesn't the lack of neuromelamine in their brains explain these exceptionally violent and destructive behaviors? On the other hand, melanoderms (blacks): well endowed with this substance, have much more altruistic, civilizing behaviors. The Africans of ancient Egypt, which was the dominant country in antiquity due to its civilization and its level of development, never had such attitudes. Personally, and this engages only me, I go so far as to say that for the needs of the moral and evolutionary development of our incarnation, we choose a white or black corporeal envelope in order to experience the trials of this incarnation. The black envelope is provided with the neuro-melanin pigment which, through sensitivity, acts on the behavior of its wearer in order to positively influence his moral conduct, which is not the case for the person who chose the white envelope: this would explain the predatory attitudes of leucoderms. Predatory attitudes which in no way exclude the legitimate demands for Reparations for the innumerable injustices suffered by blacks, if we place ourselves in terms of the civil liability of leucodermas for the harm caused to blacks. Africa from East to West measures 7200 kms, Russia from East to West measures 6400 kms, that is 800 kms less than Africa. Nevertheless, in order to degrade blacks and Africa, whites represent Russia 3 times larger on world maps. PREAMBLE The blacks who came from Africa 45,000 BC at the end of the melting of the ice were the first inhabitants of all of Europe as far as Russia as well as in the Nordic countries (the blond white race with blue eyes did not yet exist). They are the ones who built this Europe in its art, its culture that you admire. (see chapter:Black 1st Europeans ;Black Kings of Europe ) The whites (blonde with blue eyes) who came from the Caucasus from 370 AD in the form of barbarian invasions, driven out of Asia by the Huns (black with slanted eyes) whose leader was Attila made them multiple wars which had for the sole purpose of ousting them from this Europe they had built, of exterminating them, of despoiling them, usurping them, sending them into slavery in North America. In the 18th century, once these crimes were accomplished; using lies and falsification, they remade history to their advantage, whitewashed the portraits of the black elite (kings, nobility, papacy, clergy, famous people) to put them in their place. The nobility, royalty, the papacy, the clergy throughout Europe were the blacks; they were the initiators of his arts. They then took absolute and total control of the media so that blacks and their own white populations would never know the truth, and blacks could never rise again. Through their sects and secret societies, political and religious,(Since the Middle Ages, secret societies of a political order have appeared, sometimes with a revolutionary, conspiratorial or criminal goal: (wikipedia) ) by means of the use of intimidation and threats, the leucoderms imposed themselves on Kings and also on the papacy to have inhumane decisions recognized and ratified which were to their advantage. ex: Code Noir under Louis XIV. -The Royalists did not see the need for expansion outside Europe and the creation of colonies -.Through these globally present secret societies and directly involved in the world management of finance, economy and politics at all levels, they have set up a Machiavellian international process of eradication and annihilation of blacks in all the countries of Europe where the latter: builders of science and European civilization , had been there for millennia, long before them; They proceeded to their physical elimination, their enslavement in North America; their cultural and civilizational elimination by bleaching the faces and hands of this black elite to put them in their place and by remaking history (Identity theft and falsification of history) to give himself the main, dominant place, and relegate the black to the stage of an inferior, animal, low-qi, ignorant being, having invented nothing, limited to Africa itself described as a backward continent, populated savages whom it was their duty to civilise. It should be noted that these are the same secret societies that fabricated the French Revolution of 1789 from scratch through their philosophical thinkers in order to overthrow the King, the nobility who were black and mulatto pour s seize power. The leucodermas present until today a very degrading image of the Black who is the pioneer of all civilizations and world cultures. The Black in the world is voluntarily described as an inferior being, he is rejected, despised. They did a global job that must have exceeded their expectations because this very degrading image of black is universally present even in Asian countries, China, India, Polynesia. (see chap.anti-black racism ) The Chinese although having in their country a black ethnic group with slanted eyes and straight hair do not like black people, India people who are swarthy, very swarthy and have a black ethnic group do not like black people, blacks are murdered in India for their color. They have instilled in all peoples an epidermal hatred of blackness which expresses itself without reason at the mere sight of blackness. They have implemented a policy of rejection of black not only by others, but by black himself who does not like this blessed pigment that God has given him goes so far as to hate himself, to reject himself, to fight himself, destroy each other. All these destructive and annihilating behaviors of the whites towards the blacks bring to light the inestimable value of all that they have stolen from us for lack of being able to match us, and this proves their moral baseness to the lowest degree; baseness expressed by the deficiency in them of this civilizing and moralizing pigment which is the (neuro)melanin of the brain and the nervous centers. VISIT THE FOLLOWING PAGES :BLACK INVENTORS ;INVENTION OF WEAPONS ; PRECOLONIAL AFRICA ,PLAGIARISM OF TEXTS, DIVINITIES Did you know that the Sun King Louis XIV was the first cousin of the last real black king of England James Francis STUART! Do you know that the real Emperor Charles V, Heir to 17 crowns, Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy was black! Do you know that the popes until 1650 were black! Do you know that the tsars in Russia until the 1700s were black! ; it was the same in all the countries of Europe: England, Germany, Eastern Europe, Poland etc…… The leucoderms whose behavior as invaders, looters, criminals have not changed until today (look at plundering Africa, see chapplunder of africa ); over the centuries they exterminated and enslaved these blacks in North America. Their crimes accomplished, they then in the 18th/19th centuries fabricated, usurped history to their advantage by falsifying (laundering) the portraits of these black kings and nobles to put themselves in their place in order to fabricate a bogus story, totally false thanks to to which they imposed themselves as actors of European civilization in place of the blacks. They declared themselves a superior race: an act which demonstrates a very profound inferiority both morally, mentally and civilizationally and which proves savage barbarism at its lowest level for the acts which followed. They then set up until today a huge operation of anti-black racism to make black people, who are the builders of all the civilizations of the world as well as of the sciences, an uneducated, inferior, servile, animal being, at the qi low, primitive. The leucoderma violently seized everything that had been built by the blacks of Europe to appropriate them and annihilate the true civilizers. KNOW THAT THE HISTORY OF FRANCE, OF EUROPE THAT YOU LEARN TO YOUR CHILDREN IS ONLY LIES, FALSIFICATIONS. IT IS BUILT ON USURPATIONS, CRIMES AGAINST THIS BLACK POPULATION which if it was eliminated from Europe, remains very much alive in thedominating black (hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to black: signs of the presence of melanin in the hair and the iris of the eye) with which whites are born; melanin is the first characteristic trait of the black race . Black being dominant, white recessive, these hues continue in the leucoderma from generation to generation andthis black dominant is more and more marked over the generations. It comes from the interbreeding between whites from the Caucasus (blonde with blue eyes) and the black European population there.It is a BLAGRANT, formal, indelible, tangible sign of the past existence of blacks in Europe, ancestors of today's white Europeans. Anti-black racism was fabricated from scratch by the whites without the latter having any particular reproaches to make against this black nobility of Europe; the sole purpose being to shame her after having plundered, stripped, usurped, exterminated her, sent her into slavery in North America. This is a proof of the incapacity of leucoderms to create; what makes them to this day build and prosper like parasites on what blacks have built as well as on the mineral wealth of these blacks, especially in Africa. In the 18th century, after the leucoderms (the whites) exterminated, sent the blacks of Europe into slavery in North America, they monopolized their goods, their lands, their title deeds, usurped, falsified their knowledge, their arts , undertook a work of bleaching the faces and hands of these black nobles and kings to put themselves in their place. They then took absolute and total control of the media so that blacks and their white populations would never know the truth, and that blacks could never recover._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ They then set up a work of inferiorization of blacks to declare them an inferior race by using the own knowledge of blacks for their benefit; I quote Mr Jules Ferry deputy to the National Assembly who in 1885 pushed Machiavellianism to the point of establishing the following rule: “the duty to civilize the inferior races”. Even today, French President Sarkhozy did not hesitate during his speech in Dakar, Senegal in 2007 to say that Africa has not entered history enough; while it is the black African man who is at the origin of human world history. This same Sarkhozy has allowed himself to make the prerogative of the "benefits of colonization" when we know all the sums of unspeakable suffering that this colonization has caused to the black man by making him colonial wars for the despoiling his land and humiliating him to the lowest degree. The white man imposed his violent colonization by force of the gun on populations who had asked nothing of him. The white man (blonde with blue eyes): barbarian, appeared on the planet barely 8000 years ago. The civilization which existed on the Earth was at a very evolved degree (Atlantis) more advanced than now, the pyramids of Egypt whose secrets of construction have never been pierced by the leucodermas, would have been built at that time and the inhabitants of the Earth were black. The human rights of which France is the prerogative by having declared itself "the land of human rights “were not discovered by the French but already existed in Africa: African civilizations being based on respect for human, animal, vegetable (trees, plants), mineral life; peace, justice, truth, equity. Africans thought that Everything is animated by the spirit of God whom they venerated and to whom they had the greatest respect. These principles existed in Egypt through the MAAT which means Peace, Justice, Truth, Equity. In the century known as the Enlightenment (18th century), the Europeans only took up these principles so that their minority elite imposed itself on the majority by the use of force and deterrence accompanying these principles. You should know that the creators of human rights were inspired by the charter of Manden (Mali in Africa) resulting from the oral tradition, and which is the 1st constitution of the world put in writing in 1222. This charter is called 1st declaration of Man, well before that of 1948 which was inspired by it. It is based on understanding and concord, love, freedom and fraternity. It was in Africa, in the empire of Mali in the 12th century that these sacred words resounded. In the said Charter, points such as the inviolability of the human person, social peace in diversity, education, solidarity, the integrity of the homeland, food security, the abolition of slavery, freedom of expression and enterprise, occupied a primordial place. European countries were inspired by this charter to create the UN Charter in 1945 and the various rules that govern their countries. In 2009, the Charter was inscribed by UNESCO on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity. This charter has inspired all of humanity. Another proof that the leucodermes have drawn on our texts to develop their laws. Today the African who flees Africa to take refuge in Europe because he can no longer live in his country plundered by Western multinationals who exploit its soils to the point of devastation to extract raw materials and work its land until the soil is exhausted;This African must not accept the contempt of Westerners because he is returning to a Europe of which he was the builder. So for this reason he must know the truth of his story in order to hold his head high.Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression? Until when will we have to continue to suffer the contempt, arrogance, false superiority complex of those who have appropriated our History and bear in the color of their hair and their eyes the tangible and indelible mark of this presence black past in Europe, presence of our ancestors but also their ancestors? Indelible mark that makes me think of this painful mark with a hot iron, it also indelible that the slave settlers affixed on our slave ancestors in order to assert their right of ownership over their persons. Mande Charter (Mali in Africa) 1st Constitution of the World from which the declaration of human rights of 1948 was inspired The Mandinka Charter: 1st Declaration of Human Rights in the world dates from 1222 The Charter of Mandingo or "Mandingo kalikan" was proclaimed in 1222, during the enthronement of Soundjata Keita as Emperor of Mali, by the brotherhood of hunters of which he was a member. besides Soundjata had the title of Simbo "master hunter" This charter is one of the first declarations of Human Rights, it has a universal vocation. The charter is cited as a reference in some current legal articles and it has even served as a model for our constitutions. It establishes in principle, respect for human life, individual freedom and solidarity. It affirms the total opposition of the brotherhood of hunters to slavery which had become common in West Africa. Indeed, the abolition of slavery was a masterpiece of Soundjata Keïta. Here is an excerpt that has seven lyrics: • 1 Honor Life : All human life is a life.. It is true that a life appears in existence before another but a life is not older, more respectable than another life. Just as one life is no better than another life. •2 Reparation of harm : All life being one life, any harm done to another life requires reparation. Therefore, let no one attack his neighbor gratuitously, let no one harm his neighbour, let no one martyr his fellow man. •3 Family spirit and the importance of education : Let everyone watch over his neighbour, let everyone venerate his parents, let everyone educate his children, let everyone provide for the needs of the members of his family. •4 Homeland : Let everyone watch over the land of their fathers (…) because any country, any land that would see men disappear from its surface would experience decline and desolation. •5 Banish slavery and famine : Hunger is not a good thing, slavery is not a good thing either. There is no worse calamity than these things in this world. As long as we have the quiver and the bow, famine will not kill anyone in the Manden (…), war will never again destroy villages to take slaves from them. That is to say that no one will henceforth place the bit in the mouth of his fellow man, to go and sell it; no one will be beaten in the Mandé either, a fortiori put to death, because he is the son of a slave. •6 Rejection of war : The essence of slavery is extinguished this day from one wall to the other of the Mandé. Raids are banned from this day in Mandé, the torments born of these horrors will disappear from this day in Mandé. What an ordeal is torment! especially when the oppressed has no recourse. The slave enjoys no consideration anywhere in the world. •7. Freedom to act, to speak : Man as an individual, made of bones and flesh, marrow and nerves, skin covered with hair and hair, feeds on food and drink. But his "soul", his spirit lives on three things: See who he wants to see, Say what he wants to say and do what he wants to do. If even one of these things were to fail the human soul, it would surely suffer and wither away. » J I allowed myself to compare the horrors suffered by blacks during the slave trade in Africa with those of the elimination and enslavement of the first European blacks and felt that those suffered by black Europeans were to a degree more raised because the whites, after having despoiled and eliminated these blacks, carefully disguised their heinous crimes by usurping the History of these blacks: The true History of France and Europe. The blacks who came from Africa 45,000 BC at the end of the melting of the ice were the first inhabitants of all of Europe; They are the ones who built this Europe in its arts, its culture. The leucoderma or white, originating in the Caucasus, under the pressure of the Huns (black with slanted eyes) whose leader was Attila came massively to Western Europe (from 370 AD), all blond or red-haired peoples with blue eyes: Goth tribes , Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Angles, Saxons, Elks, Vandals etc...). They were described as follows by historians of the time: the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (56-118 AD) said about them :All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, enormous builds, suited only for sudden exertion. .The Greek historian Herodotus - 480 to - 425 BC describes them as having deep blue eyes and red hair. Throughout the history of Europe They made multiple wars against European blacks, the most infamous of which were: the wars of religion, the 30-year war, the English civil wars, summary executions; their only goal being to eliminate them, despoil them, then send them into slavery in North America. Their Machiavellian plans accomplished, they decided in the 18th century to remake history by putting themselves in the place of blacks. For this they created a bogus story: they falsified the portraits of the blacks who constituted the nobility, the royalty, the papacy, the Catholic clergy. They bleached the faces and hands of these blacks and mulattoes to pass them off as white people. They then took absolute and total control of the media so that the black never knew the truth, nor could they rise again. Unfortunately for them, very serious clues denouncing the past existence of blacks in Europe remain ,as this black dominant (hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to black) with which leucodermas (whites) are born, a sign of the presence of melanin in the hair and eyes, and which prove black ancestors because melanin is a dark pigment falling under the black race.These black maidens : 180 in France, more than 500 in Europe, more than 1000 in the world, present in almost all the countries of Europe and which are a very serious index of the past existence in Europe of a black population; because you have to wonder why white people who are not very believers, not very spiritual would have made virgins, moreover black.These so-called wigs wearing bleached portraits of kings and queens and which obviously represent the hair of blacks or mulattoes. How to understand that white people would wear wigs representing black or mulatto hair for centuries. I add the construction ofcathedrals : great prestigious masterpieces made with Love in the knowledge of Egyptian symbolism (black civilization), dedicated to God and which are the signs of a strong spirituality, of respect, of a strong sensitivity, of a creativity patient and industrious, qualities which are lacking in the barbaric leucoderma, insensitive, aggressive, unspiritual, and unscrupulous.(see chap the cathedrals ) Did you know that the Sun King Louis XIV, King of France who built the Palace of Versailles was the first cousin of the last black king of England James Francis STUART! Did you know that Emperor Charles V, Heir to 17 crowns, Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy was black! Did you know that the popes until 1650 were black! Did you know that the greatest composers of music: Van Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin etc……were black or mulatto ! White people have imposed themselves as they do wherever they go to this day, by violence, murders, looting, wars to seize this culture built for centuries by black people all over Europe. Such exactions of nameless horror on their part should not make us forget, we blacks, that it is we who built this Europe, but also these Americas (Inca, Aztec, Mayan civilizations) these cultures in Asia ( Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Japan etc…) all black civilizations. It is we who have built this Europe in its arts (cathedrals, castles, etc.) Although we have been stripped, eliminated, exterminated, sent into slavery in North America, that we have suffered unspeakable suffering and humiliation from white people, we remain proud of the painstaking and patient artistic work accomplished with Love for dozens of years. years, centuries, work that denotes our strong spirituality, our strong sensitivity, our strong creativity, our Love:products of a black substance which we have in abundance in our brains and nerve centers and which is called MELANINE. Yes, this melanin that the leucoderma has taught us to hate by imposing its physical and psychological violence on us, through domination in order to strip us, annihilate us;this melanin is the standard, the torch of our black race, we feel towards it Pride, Love, Recognition, Gratitude because as melanin theorist Dr. Carol Barnes said in her book:melanin the chemical key to black greatness " Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice . Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric.Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL as it absorbs all energy frequencies ". Our ancestors since the dawn of time knew that: "Everything is Energy": We are energy and we are surrounded by energy, energy vibrates, life manifests itself through energy, it has a wavelength, a frequency.Melanin gives great sensitivity to the Black Man, because it allows him to detect all energy frequencies, to feel and participate in all life around him. See Chap Being black, melanin a blessing THE CRIME WAS ALMOST PERFECT EXCEPT, that a group of African-American scholars sponsored by wealthy African-Americans initiated research on black history in Europe. Reliable and serious research carried out for decades by these African-American researchers with the aim of enlightening the minds of blacks whose brains are to this day washed by the stories forged by whites (barely 10% of the world's population) in order to continue to exercise their domination over the 90 remaining % using both physiological and psychological violence and lies. "At the time these research efforts were initiated, there appeared to be no Afrocentric writers speaking of black history outside of slavery and the ancient Egyptian race. As these researchers stated: So we decided to start from scratch, building our real black history, only from “original” sources: from ancient documents to statues, paintings and other artifacts. Because let's not ignore that encyclopedias are not race neutral, they can be just as racist as any other leucoderma (white) source. Reflecting on the sad state of black history as it was written by black people, we assumed that black historians were either lackeys brainwashed by the white establishment or too scared to write the real story. blacks because: a) the book would never be published by the media which are controlled by whites and b) they would be fired from gainful employment. » ( ) These researchers have therefore devoted decades of research to reconstruct this history of Blacks in Europe. Blacks arrived in Europe 45,000 years BC during the melting ice period (the white race did not yet exist). The whites (blonde with blue eyes) came from the Caucasus in Western Europe (they would have arrived in 1200 BC in Greece and Italy, merged with the black population and produced mulattoes). They therefore returned to Western Europe from 370 AD, driven out by the Huns (blacks with slanted eyes) whose leader was Attila. There would have been a 2nd wave outside Central Asia between 500 and 700 AD, this time under the pressure of the black Mongol king Genghis Khan. These blacks from Europe have disappeared :exterminated, despoiled, stripped of their lands and titles of nobility, and sent into slavery in North America by the whites, but their traces remain in whites in the dominant black with which they are born: a sign of the presence of melanin in the hair and the iris of the eye and which gives them hair and eyes of a very light brown to black color. This dominant black would have its origin in the interbreeding between whites (blonds or redheads with blue eyes) from the Caucasus and blacks from Europe. Although black has disappeared, this dominant remains to this day because black is dominant and white is recessive.   The leucoderms therefore appropriated the knowledge of these blacks: Arts, Culture, Sciences, Philosophy... all their goods, properties and titles of nobility because European culture and civilization were built, established by this black elite who reigned in all the countries of Europe.   In the 18th/19th centuries after completing black elimination (summary executions, enslavement in North America),They bleached all the portraits of these black nobles and kings, of these black popes and saints, of these famous people to put them in their place. They totally falsified history for their benefit using lies, intimidation, physical and psychological violence;They have taken absolute and total control of the media so that black people will never know the truth and can never rise again. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Comment were the Huns. Description of their leader Attila according to the Greek historian Priscus Old Arabic . Observe the refinement of the garment _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Current Arabic: mulatto Anteriority of the black race over the white race Leucodermas carefully hide their origins. When they talk about the origin of man they say that Homo sapiens came from Africa and was black, all their archaeological research proves that the first inhabitants of the planet were black, but they give no explanation for their presence on this planet, how did they come and when. Termsdominating black (hair and eye color ranging from the lightest brown to black, sign of the presence of melanin in their hair and eyes, (melanin is a pigment that belongs to the black race) therefore signs of black ancestors),melanin are covered with a veritable omerta by them; these subjects are carefully avoided because they are the flagrant, formal, indelible proof of black ancestors in them and therefore of the past presence of blacks in Europe. Blacks, let's not forget that they exterminated and sent them into slavery in North America after having totally stripped them of their lands and titles of nobility, to then proceed to impersonate this black nobility and falsify radical and deep in the history of France and Europe. All this was done thanks to their globally present secret societies and their total and absolute control over all the media so that the truth never gets out and that black people are rejected, despised and totally annihilated following the work of total denigration black that they undertook and continue to this day. This hermetic silence on their origins is more than suspect and is indeed the proof of origins that would not do them honor and on which they want to keep a total, absolute silence. Black people arrived from East Africa in Europe at the end of the melting ice 45,000 BC after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar south of Spain; the white race did not yet exist. Indeed, according to the excavations carried out by the leucodermas (the whites), the oldest leucoderma skeleton dates from 2800 years BC and was found in Central Asia. No ancient leucoderma skeleton has been found in Europe, all the ancient bones recovered in Europe, according to archaeological excavations, had Negroid characters according to the leucoderma authors of these excavations. The white race would have 2 origins: The first in Africa where she is the offspring of 2 blacks giving an albino child (white); Rejected by their black parents who did not understand the defect of their offspring, they formed communities of albinos which by reproducing among themselves formed in Africa colonies of albinos which rose in the Caucasus in Central Asia in order to escape the fiery equatorial sun. (Cress Welsing: Isis papers) The 2nd origin (white skin, blond or red hair and blue eyes : signs of total absence of melanin) is recent, it would date from less than 8000 years and according to the ancient Egyptian writings (papyrus), it would result from a very long process of selective reproductions called grafts made by a black biologist named Yakub ( Jacob). He would have deactivated the gene of the black race (the gene which produces the melanin pigment) in order to obtain, through this long process of transplants, an individual totally devoid of melanin, with white, blond or red skin, blue eyes, Caucasian or albino origin and with aggressive leadership behavior; he would have predicted that this race would die out after 6000 years; Indeed, the blonde with blue eyes is very seriously on the way to extinction. According to the UN, the world population in 2100 will be mainly brown to black and Africans will represent 40%. (see Chap: Albinism, creation of white ) Genocide of the black populations of Europe by the yamnayas. For decades, research has been done by African Americans on 1st European blacks who in the 19th century all disappeared from Europe. On this subject, I invite you to visit the site Whites since the 19th century, having taken over all the media, fabricate history and tell it in a way that benefits them, therefore in a false way (through their globally present secret societies). They refuse to admit that it was they who, with the establishment of wars (religious, 30-year wars, English civil wars, summary executions, etc.) and then the sending of black Europeans to slavery in North America, put everything implemented to eliminate us from this Europe that we have built in its arts: cathedrals, public monuments, religion the popes were black, Black Virgins (180 in France, 500 in Europe) the great musicians: Beethoven, Schubert, etc…. BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE BLACKS who made up the elite and the population of all of Western Europe as far as Russia (kings, tsars, nobility, papacy) always valiantly defended themselves until the industrial revolution (18th century), period during which whites copied and improved our knowledge to conquer the world and eliminate non-whites. The West was built on slavery, the income from which made it possible to create the industrial revolution by using the knowledge of blacks (Egypt, Middle East) which they improved. Now knowing that the blacks are more and more aware of their extermination of Europe by them: after this extermination of the blacks of Europe, they whitewashed all the portraits of this black and mulatto royalty, nobility and famous people, they monopolized all their titles of nobility and their lands. They have now created another deception based on the fact that it would be the yamnayas who came from the Caucasus 5,000 years ago who would have eliminated us all when we had been present for 45,000 years and more throughout the world. 'Europe. Note that the white race is the least numerous (about 10%) and the weakest physically on the whole planet. They describe the yamnayas as the deadliest people that ever existed: white-skinned brown hair and brown eyes, but they denounce themselves when they say this, because the brown hair and eyes are due to the presence of melanin in hair and eyes (melanin is a pigment that belongs to the black race); therefore of black ancestors, these peoples of yamnayas would therefore be half-breeds of blacks, moreover identical to the current white European people. They also tell that these people invented the wheeled cart which is the invention of the ancient Egyptians. Blacks arrived from Africa in Europe more than 45,000 years BC, whites arrived from the Caucasus in Western Europe (blonde with blue eyes from 370 AD, barely 1600 years ago that they occupied the 'Europe). The color of current European whites: brown to black hair and eyes is due to the interbreeding between blond whites with blue eyes from the Caucasus with the black population of Europe 1st Europeans that they made disappear from Europe in the 18/19th century . This color of hair and brown eyes in them is a clear proof of the past existence of our ancestors in Europe. Also, be aware that the oldest leucoderma skeleton (white) was found in Central Asia 2800 years BC, all ancient skeletons found in Europe had Negroid features according to the leucoderma archaeologists authors of this research. In addition, they speak of the bleaching of blacks which would have created the white race in Europe. If you go to Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, Siberia you see a black to brown population with slanted eyes and straight hair who came from Africa 70,000 years BC and who never whitened under the effect of the very harsh cold in those countries. How can we believe that blacks with Negroid features who came from Africa 45,000 years ago, in less cold countries (Europe), well after 70,000 years, would have whitened under the effect of a much less harsh cold, and in addition would have the skull totally transformed from Negroid to Caucasoid. No archaeologist has ever encountered this phenomenon in his excavations. All current European leucodermas have brown to black hair and eyes (blonde is on the verge of extinction) a sign of the presence of melanin in the hair and eyes, therefore of black ancestors, it is the black dominant with which they are all born. It is the flagrant proof of the past existence of our ancestors in Europe, also their ancestors whom they did not hesitate to eliminate to strip them. Look no further the proof is there, it is formal. LET'S BE VIGILANT AND SUSPICIOUS ABOUT WHAT WHITE PEOPLE SAY. NEVER BELIEVE AT FIRST WHAT THEY SAY BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS RESET HISTORY FOR THEIR ADVANTAGE WITHOUT EVER ACKNOWLEDGING THEIR CRIMES. In addition, in the short film on this genocide there are many assumptions by "researchers" which are only embarrassing answers to a story that accuses them. Have the blacks of Europe defended themselves through the centuries from the attacks of leucodermas? When you look at the portraits of the last Kings of France: I quote Louis XVI, Louis XVIII, Charles X which date from 1792 to 1830, Queen Charlotte of England, wife of King George III (same period), King of England George III himself, as well as the personalities of the 18th/19th century period (eg famous musicians such as Beethoven, Schubert, etc.) you find this negroid phenotype in the dilated eyes, the flat nose, the lips lippues, crimped hair. Blacks and mulattoes were therefore very present in Europe at these times; isn't this presence a proof of the resistance, the combativeness, the resilience of the blacks against whom the whites throughout the centuries since 1066 have been waging incessant wars in order to overthrow them and take power from their hands (more than 250 wars identified in Europe). The best known of these wars were: the wars of religion (1562 to 1598) which in reality were wars of race which had for sole purpose: to segment the white and black population in order to compete with the official religion of Catholicism which was that of the black elite and of the people (the popes of this time were black). For this purpose, in Great Britain, they created the Anglican religion; in Germany, they created the Protestant religions whose leaders were John Calvin and Martin Luther. There was also the 30 years war (1618 to 1648) which tore all of Europe apart, the English civil wars (1088 to 1685,) that of 1649 took place following the beheading of the black King of England Charles 1st. The blacks and the mulattoes whose elite were the royalists and the nobles did not allow themselves to be pushed around and always fought valiantly in all the countries of Europe until the European industrial revolution. The rise of European leucoderma was primarily funded by the transatlantic slave trade, which in turn funded the European industrial revolution . Prior to the industrial revolution in Europe, all technological advances stemmed from the growth of knowledge: Egypt, the Middle East, Southeast Asia (mainly India) and China. It was the inventions and technologies from these ancient black cultures, which the leucoderms of Europe were able to copy, improve upon, and use to further their expansion. The most important of these inventions and technologies for leucoderm Europeans were: gunpowder (saltpeter) invented by Egyptian priests who used it in their rituals; the gun, the steam engine, the windmill, the watermill. (see Chap: Invention of weapons) Thanks to income from the slave trade and the Industrial Revolution (ca. " which made it possible to develop and manufacture even more sophisticated weapons. With these new and better weapons they developed, the leucoderms of Europe were able to conquer most of the world and then absorb and concentrate all the knowledge of the world into their hands. J e reminds that leucodermas have no history apart from invasion, murder, looting: abuses carried out thanks to firearms and accompanied by insensitivity, aggressiveness, barbarism, the most incredible violence: characteristic traits of a race devoid of the civilizing element in its brain which is melanin, the explanation of which we will see below. We note that the 2 motors on which the Western world and its so-called evolution rest, are violence and money; money itself was built with both physical and psychological violence; yet violence is the characteristic feature of leucodermas expressed through barbarism, a feeling dominated by insensitivity and which reveals in the leucoderma the deficiency in neuromelanin, this pigment present in the brain of the black man and which makes him a human being. civilized. Thanks to this pigment, black has a moral compass, feels its moral limits, lives with respect for life, for all life in general (human, animal, vegetable, mineral); unlike the leucoderma which does not shrink from any means, the most amoral, the most cruel to achieve its ends. The leucodermas pulled out all the stops, they forgot nothing, they outsmarted the devil to appropriate our history and annihilate us to the lowest degree.Unfortunately for them the clues below denounce them . THE 12 SIGNS OF THE PAST PRESENCE OF BLACKS IN EUROPE : INDEX #1 The total and suspicious silence observed by the whites on the word melanin which they never mention. The dominant black with which the leucodermas (whites) are born and which gives them hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to black (sign of the presence of melanin in the eyes and hair, therefore of black ancestors) Melanin is a pigment who belongs to the black race. CLUE #2 the first Europeans from Africa were black, according to the oldest archaeological discoveries, made by the whites themselves. CLUE #3 The phenotype of many European leucoderms before the 20th century. Reflection ! HINT #4 The kings, the nobility were black in all the countries of Europe. CLUE #5 The Popes, the Saints were black. CLUE #6 Statistics on travel related to the slave trade. CLUE #7 : the cathedrals - the castles, the Palaces were built by this black elite. CLUE #8 The black virgins present throughout Europe (180 in France, more than 500 in Europe). How to believe that the whites, little believers and little spiritual, would have made virgins, moreover black? CLUE #9 wigs: Reflection: these often dark to black colored wigs look like mulatto or black hair. CLUE #10 Misleading explanation of the white color of present-day Europeans. CLUE #11 Why do European leucoderms want black people to believe they are African by presenting Africa and Africans as a backward continent and people? CLUE #12 Presence of anti-black racism among swarthy peoples of Europe and the Mediterranean, with a strong black dominance and no black population at home. Neanderthal man: Reconstruction of bones (Geo Magazine)Observe its phenotype and skin tone. Neanderthal man was found only in Europe where he would have appeared about 300,000 years ago; it disappeared about 30,000 years ago. Leucodermas would have 1 to 2% of the genes of Neanderthal man. Migrations of Africans around the world Mblack igrations around the world -130,000 years BC the blacks from East Africa crossed the ocean to go to America: they formed the Olmec, Inca, Aztec, Mayan civilizations whose vestiges remain in the temples. These civilizations were 95% exterminated by the whites who looted their temples and stole their gold (about 16 tons). -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_their pre-capitalist civilization. -70,000 years BC they left East Africa to migrate to southern India, China, Laos, Cambodia, Japan, Australia. They are the builders of these civilizations: temples. -45,000 years BC they migrated to Europe and are the builders of the European civilization that you admire in its arts. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Civilisations Amérindiennes d'Amérique :Noires _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad Observe the finesse of the work _cc781905-5cde-3194 Native American Civilization Gold Mask _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The 1st Chinese were black _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Soldats d'argile :Chine Traits négroïdes 206 AVJC_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vieille maison chinoise _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Chinese Architecture _cc781905-5cde-3194 Mausoleum: The Thaj Mahal _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ CAMBODGE : Temple Angkor Wat_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ INDEX #1 Traces of the past existence of blacks in Europe remain in the DOMINANT BLACK with which leucoderms are born and which gives their hair and eyes a color ranging from the lightest brown to black r while maintaining a white skin that acquires more and more capacity to tan in the sun. This dominant black is due to the presence of melanin in the hair and eyes:the melanin pigment is the first characteristic trait of the black race. This dominant black is present in almost all current European leucodermas in all European countries and is the irrefutable, tangible proof, the flagrant imprint of the past presence of blacks in all European countries. About this dominant black that whites are born with. If you ask the dictionary the question ''Why do we have brown or black hair and eyes? You will have the following answer (which concerns leucodermas): we are all born with a black dominant ; But ask the question ''Where does this dominant black come from? You won't get any answer to your question, but hijacked answers that have nothing to do with your question. Obviously there is an embarrassment and a concealment of the truth. This hidden truth manifested in these eye and hair colors is visible and tangible proof of the past existence of our black ancestors in Europe, hair and eye colors coming from interbreeding with our black ancestors, ancestors also of whites . ; I recall that they were exterminated and sent to slavery in America by the whites. The first white people who came from the Caucasus to Europe were blond or red-haired with blue eyes (Goth tribes, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles, Saxons, Vandals, etc.) who, by mixing with the first European blacks, gave half-breeds with tinted skin and hair and eyes ranging from light brown to black. Following the elimination of the blacks of Europe by the leucodermas: wars (of Religion, of 30 years, English civil wars) summary executions, sending in slavery in North America; and due to the fact that black is dominant and white recessive, this dominant black which is due to the presence of melanin in the hair and the eyes persists until today and is more and more common; it is part of the phenotype of current Europeans, but formerly tinted skins have become white with the elimination of blacks. The term having black blood is absurd, because this black dominant is a formal sign of black blood and therefore of black ancestors.By this dominant black, you have one of the proofs of the past existence of your ancestors in Europe, ancestors also of the whites. This dominant black, blatant proof of melanin in the hair and eyes of white people and therefore of black ancestors, is probably the most taboo subject and bathed in prohibitions there is. Leucodermas never raise this subject which would betray them immediately and without appeal. . It is not treated anywhere, neither in the press, nor on TV, nor on the radio, because they have taken absolute control of the media so that it is never mentioned. It is covered with a real Omerta , nor the scientists, the politicians, the journalists have the right to speak about it because that would bring to light all these odious crimes (spoliations, exterminations, sending in slavery) committed against the blacks of Europe,their parents at the origin of their hair and eye colors. They are terribly afraid that the blacks will learn these truths about their extermination which they want to continue to keep hidden although their number in population is rapidly decreasing, that they are aging peoples and on the verge of extinction while the blacks in Africa constitute a population at least 50% young and are the future population of the planet. (says UN) Noticed :Europe before seems very different from the Europe we know today. What do you think happened to all those swarthy Germans, Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes? The whites killed them of course, and those they didn't kill were absorbed by interbreeding ( ). eyes ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black as the first whites were blond or red with blue eyes. This black dominant due to the presence of melanin in the hair and eyes and with which whites are born is aglaring clue , formal, tangible and indelible of the past existence of black people in Europe. The 1st whites were blond or red with blue eyes (Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles, Saxons, Vandals tribes .... from the Caucasus.). MELANIN As black people are still in bondage, mentally above all else, I hope that knowledge of their melanin at the origin of the creation of all civilizations will enlighten them, empower them and give them the initiative to seek more truth and embark on the path of total and unconditional liberation. White people know all about melanin and the greatness it can produce. They feel like it's a danger to them. Melanin is a very important subject. The majority of our people are dormant and do not see the truth and the reality that the Caucasians hide from them. Their interpretation of melanin is that it is the agent whose main activity is to pigment our skin, and nothing else. It is true that melanin gives us skin pigmentation, but that is not its only main activity. Pigmentation is just one of the simplest tasks it performs; the most important tasks are never mentioned, with fear of waking up and empowering black people. Melanin is the key to our survival, our humanity, our greatness and our civilization, our spirituality, and even the key to our total liberation. The qualities of blacks: artistic talents, sciences, physical, moral, spiritual qualities etc.… reside in this substance that we have in our skin and our brain: melanin What is melanin ? Melanin is a dark colored pigment ranging from black to brown found in the skin, hair, hair and the membrane of the eye, it is produced in a specialized group of cells called melanocytes. Melanin is present in the atmosphere and the cosmos. Melanin is not only found in the skin, hair and eyes, the inner ear (where it is believed to have a role in hearing) but it is also contained in many other vital organs of the body (meninges , heart, digestive system etc…).. It is found in the nervous system, spinal cord, glands, brain, DNA, muscles, intestines, blood, the heart and the liver. Its presence can be found in nature and is also found in many of our foods – plants, seeds, fruits and vegetables. It is also found in animals, in the soil, in the bark of trees, in rivers, streams and seas. What is neuromelanin ? It is this black pigment present in the brain and the nervous system and which plays a key role in human behavior depending on its abundance or scarcity. Its strong presence gives the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant by fighting against free radicals, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in melaninized (black) people, it is responsible for thesensitivity cause of: empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it, we denote the Insensitivity cause of: I' egocentrism, lack of: creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. The absence of neuromelanin would be directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of neuromelanin would be directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system. According to our African ancestors there are only 2 feelings in man: love and fear. Love at the origin of all positive qualities and creative fear of all faults. The primary driver of neuromelanin qualities in blacks is sensitivity; other feelings such as empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions, need sensitivity to express themselves and cannot exist without sensitivity. It is also this lack of sensitivity due to neuromelanin deficiency in whites that denotes this lack: of creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, egocentrism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. JI have just mentioned sensitivity as a quality in people whose brains are filled with melanin, but this sensitivity if it is exacerbated can cause susceptibility which does not have a positive character and can lead to feelings such as anger , resentment, revenge, feelings unfortunately present among blacks and resulting from too great a sensitivity. Neuromelanin is produced by the activity of the pineal gland , a small gland located between the 2 hemispheres of the brain, this gland can reach the size of the thumb in black people. The pineal gland being often calcified in the majority of leucoderma, melanin is weakly produced there, their pineal gland is not functional.Melanin is what makes people human, it connects them to the creative forces of the universe. This calcification of their pineal gland explains their problem of bone density causing worries of osteoporosis (that is to say a decalcification of their bones) more frequent in white menopausal women than in African women. Moreover, according tos studies by Dr. Carol Barnes, pineal calcification affects 5 to 15% of Africans, 15 to 25% of Asians, and 60 to 80% of Westerners. This calcification of their pineal gland which produces a neuromelanin deficiency explains their less advanced psychomotor development in whites than in blacks; black children crawl, sit, walk and demonstrate more advanced cognitive faculties than children of the leucoderma type, their IQ is higher (observations made by pediatricians and nurseries). In addition, neuromelanin influences gravity, balance, muscle mass and coordination of movements: melanoderms are in essence the best dancers, the best athletes, etc. The melanin present in the vocal cords of black people produces a wide range of tones, high and low sounds, makes singing melodious, powerful and rhythmic. It is thanks to her that black singers are prized among whites for their voice. Neuromelanin acts as a semiconductor by increasing nerve impulse velocity. This explains the superiority of blacks in sports.A very tinted melanoderm will produce more neuromelanim. The highly melaninized substantia nigra of the brain produces more advanced psychomotor development in these people. It has antioxidant properties and helps fight against free radicals. Unlike Caucasians, African descendants have fewer Parkinson's diseases, fewer other degenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis, myocardial infarction, rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis, fractures, and generally a reduced incidence of cancer, the effects of old age are much less evident in blacks. Diseases existing in Caucasians are much less common or even non-existent in Blacks. Psychic, nervous and mental disorders are significantly more common in leucoderma than in melanoderma. Melanin theorist Dr. Carol Barnes writes in her book Melanin:The chemical key to black greatness: Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice . Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric.Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL as he absorbs all energy frequencies. Because whites have the least melanin, they are seen by people of color as generally rigid, insensitive (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and “unspiritual.”( chapter:being black, melanin a blessing ) Noticed : Like the dominant word black, the word melanin seems to be covered with a veritable Omerta by the leucodermas. Yet this pigment, which is the first characteristic trait of the black race, is constantly visible and present in them through the color of their eyes and their light brown to black hair; it is a flagrant, formal sign of the past presence in Europe of their 1st European black ancestors whom they exterminated and sent into slavery in North America in order to despoil them. Their media: magazines, TV never evoke melanin; it is a taboo subject just like the black dominant, they never allude to it although it is present in a synthesized form in some of their medicinal and cosmetic components for its recognized healing qualities; their researchers prefer to give it another devious designation. Leucodermas know perfectly well the advantages and qualities of this pigment, if only by its performance observed in blacks for endurance in sport and resistance against diseases. Here again is an obvious sign of devaluation, of degradation of the black race on the part of the leucoderma. They obviously fear that the blacks will discover all the diabolical schemes implemented by them in order to keep them under their yoke. This fear certainly engendered by the deficiency in them in neuromelanin, would it not be at the origin of this silence? ABOUT the number of RACES I bring up this subject because how can we talk about several races when the human race is black and the other shades of people on the planet come from this race. Genetically blacks, yellows, whites have similar genes. I will take an explanatory example but unrelated to genes: a parent factory has 2 subsidiaries, speaking of these 3 entities will you designate all 3 of them under the name of parent company while the subsidiaries exist thanks to the parent company. So you understand that the other yellow and white hues are species derived from the black race. Therefore, we cannot speak of several races. In addition, melanin, especially neuro-melanin, this pigment which permeates the brain and nerve centers, more abundant in blacks makes all the difference between these 3 human species: its abundant or weak presence explains the behavioral differences between blacks and blacks. whites.There is only one race: the black race which is intrinsically human and which alone possesses all human phenotypes: mongoloid (yellow), negroid, caucasoid (white) and which can reproduce all skin colors: black, white, yellow ; which is impossible in derivatives.(see Chap:Being black, melanin a blessing) _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Les trois phénotypes de la race humaine, intrinsèquement noire Phénotype caucasoïde_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Negroid phenotype Mongoloid phenotype: South Africa, Namibia I NDICE N°2 THE FIRST EUROPEANS from Africa WERE BLACK , according to the oldest archaeological discoveries, made by the whites themselves. THE FIRST EUROPEANS from Africa WERE BLACK according to the oldest archaeological discoveries made by the whites themselves . The oldest bones of leucodermas would have been found in Central Asia 2800 years BC. No ancient leucoderma bones have been found in Europe according to the leucoderma authors of these excavations. To the left :Reconstruction of bones found in Romania, dating from 34,000 to 36,000 years ago: Negroid traits. To the right Cheddar Man the 1st English Black, Died 10,000 years ago To the left : Head of a Celtic God in England 100 BC: negroid features. To the right Descriptions of the 1st inhabitants of Europe: black:the small, black Welsh, the Scots, the black Celts west of the rivers Shannon in Ireland, as well as this class of men in Brittany, Aquitaine, France. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ On the left Figure: St Kenelm Church, Great Britain. Traits négroïdes _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_On the right Black English noble family shield Negroid traits _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Left Figurine :Eglise St Mary Angleterre, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ To the right English black noble family crest _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Grèce Mycène : arts martiaux_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vase grec ancien : Traits négroïdes _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Inhabitants of the island of Crete bringing offerings to Egypt _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The first inhabitants of Italy: the Etruscans were black CLUE #3 Observe for yourselfIhe phenotype of Kings, Queens and personalities in Europe before the 20th century . Isn't this phenotype reminiscent of that of the first Europeans: blacks from Africa?Compare with Caucasian phenotype below ?.Whites never have scythes of blacks and mulattoes. King of France Louis 18 ;1814 Observe this negroid phenotype: thick lips, nose, dilated eyes, crimped hair, Compare with Caucasian King of France Louis 16 beheaded in 1792 Observe this black phenotype: thick lips, dilated eyes, curly hair. King of France Charles 10 ;1830 Brother of Louis 16 and Louis 18. Observe this Negroid phenotype: thick lips, dilated eyes, hair seems relaxed. The real mulatto Queen Charlotte of England (1744-1818), of German origin,Wife of King George III of England. Obvious negroid phenotype. Ancestor of the current Queen of England Elizabeth I I. 'They had 15 children, 13 of whom lived to adulthood. King George III of England 1738-1820Husband of the mulatto queen Charlotte. Negroid phenotype. Ancestor of the current Queen of England Elizabeth II. Wife of the Tsar of Russia Alexis Romanov below, mother of Tsars Feodor III and Ivan V of Russia-1670 Van Beethoven was the greatest known composer (1770-1827) Beethoven in 3D. Observe his phenotype Van Beethoven 1770-1827 would have been the greatest composer. White people claim he was 16th black blood. Obviously impossible _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Faux Van Beethoven blanchi_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Van Beethoven : death mask; Observe his phenotype, his flat nose Composer Schubert 1797-1828, in profile; Observe the phenotype ComposerMozart: Negroid phenotype 1756-1791 Composer Chopin 1810-1849, Observe the negroid phenotype (dilated eyes, nose, mouth) ComposerSchubert 1797-1828, front; Observe the phenotype ComposerDebussy 1862-1918 ComposerBach 1685-1750 Arnold Schwarzenegger actor, producer, former governor of California was Austrian-American. The chance does not exist, there is very probably a link between his name Schwarzenegger which means: the black nigger (Schwarze: the black, negger: nigger) and the fact that the blacks (his ancestors), until the 18th century populated Europe, the period of their extermination by the whites. He strongly wears this dominant black color in his hair, a sign of black ancestors. Another portrait of the mulatto Queen Charlotte of England. Observe the finesse of the dress HINT #4 BLACK KINGS, BLACK NOBILITY IN EUROPE : a serious indication of the past presence of blacks in Europe In all the countries of Europe: France, England, Germany, Russia, Spain, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland etc…. the nobility, the Kings were black. We present to you portraits of Kings, noble blacks of Europe who indicate the past presence of blacks in European countries. After having eliminated the blacks: wars, enslavement in North America, the whites seized the arts, the lands, the titles of nobility of these blacks then bleached their portraits to pass them off as whites. Then they took absolute control of the media so black people never know the truth and can't get back up. (See Chapblack kings ) _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vrai Charlemagne Black Year 800 False Charlemagne: White. If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes Charles V King of France gives Duguesclin the sword of High Constable of France : Noirs _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ King Henry II of the Holy Germanic Kingdom 973-1024 Louis 1st the Great, King of Hungary and Croatia 1326-1382 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Black Noble Knight: Holy Roman Empire _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Charles II -Year 848 Carolingian, King of the Franks True Charles V: Black , Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy 1500-1558 . _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Fake Charles V:Blanchi True James Francis STUART Last Black King of England First cousin of the King of France Louis 14. 1766 King of France Louis 14, First cousin of the last black king of England: James Francis Stuart . Father of Louis 14: Louis 13 and mother of James Francis Stuart were brother and sister. Guess for yourself the race of Louis 13 and Louis 14 and also of Henri IV father of Louis 13.Why would white people wear wigs representing black or mulatto hair? Fake James Francis Stuart: Bleached . If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ King Peter 1st of Bulgaria Died in 1970 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Hongrie : King Stephen 1st, 14th century _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Holy Germanic Kingdom _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vrai tsar Peter the Great of Russia, Black: 1700 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The Emperor of the Holy Germanic Kingdom _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Leopold I Germany: black1660 Princess Dorothea of Denmark: 1504-1547Daughter of King Frederick I of Denmark and Anne of Brandenburg Archduchess Margaret of Austria, Black 1480-1530Daughter of Austrian Emperor Maximilian , aunt and educator of Emperor Charles V -Description of the real black Charles Lenos Duke of Richmond Son of King Charles II of EnglandComplexion black like King Charles Not 30 years old _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ False Duke of Richmond Charles Lenos: bleached Real King Charles 1st of England, Black, executed in 1649 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Fake Charles 1st of England: bleached Queen Marie Antoinette wife of Louis 16 , beheaded in 1793. Observe this visibly frizzy hair, which you pass for a wig. Why white people would wear wigs representing black hair. Whitened face and arms. Portrait du Roi d'Angleterre Henry VIII at the age of 12: Métis THE CIVILIZATION OF THE MOORS IN SPAIN The name Moors was first given to the inhabitants of the ancient kingdom of Mauretania in West Africa: an area which then included the north and east of present-day Morocco and the north-west of Algeria. From the Renaissance, the word "Moor" was also used to describe any Muslim person with black or tanned skin; and more precisely the Berbers of Mauretania. In 711, the Moors landed in the Iberian Peninsula (southern Spain) and remained there until the reconquest in 1492 by the Christian kingdoms. The Iberian Peninsula under Muslim rule experienced a cultural apogee at the time of the Caliphate of Cordoba with a remarkable balance between its political and military power, its wealth, and the brilliance of its civilization. AT MOORISH RT: GRENADA L ALHAMBRA SOUTHERN SPAIN ; Observe the finesse, the research in this artistic work CLUE #5 Popes, Saints all over Europe were black Before white people took over the Catholic religion, until 1650 all popes were black. We present to you portraits of popes, saints of Europe which indicate the past presence of blacks in European countries. (see chap.holy popes ) Historically, white Jesus was invented and used to oppress people of color and erase their history Jesus was Hebrew and as such he was black because the Hebrews were black _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Pape Clement 1st: 92-101 Pope Gregory 1:540-604. Until 1650 all the popes were black until the whites took control of the catholic religion St Theodore Archbishop of Rostov: Russia, died in 1394 St Catherine of Siena before Pope Gregory XI in Avignon: 1460 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ All Saints: St Seraphim Church: England _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The prophet Elijah _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Saint Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Icons of St. Sophia Cathedral in Russia: Black CLUE #6 Emory University travel data statistics on travel related to the slave trade - The real number of blacks in the USA would rather be 85-90 million, do you believe that whites will tell you the truth about your numerical strength! and not 37 million (12%) as the leucodermas say in order to make us look like a minority, and therefore not very representative.According to Emory University travel data base table which gives account of slaves imported from Africa, during the slavery period which lasted more than 300 years only 308,005 black slaves from Africa were landed in North America which was an English colony. How can you get 85-90 million from 308,005 (especially since the average life of a slave was 6 years).The others were the black Europeans sent into slavery after being stripped of their lands, of their titles of nobility which the whites called their own. Blacks were present throughout Europe. In addition to the United States, 5 countries in Europe contributed to slavery: France, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal.France, England, the Netherlands would have bought 456 slaves during the slavery period which lasted more than 300 years. How to explain the presence of black kings and the black population in countries that did not participate in slavery: Germany, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, eastern countries; If not that these blacks were indeed from these countries and were exterminated or sent into servitude. France, England, the Netherlands would have bought 456 slaves during the slavery period which lasted more than 300 years. CLUE N°7: CATHEDRALS- castles, palaces -The blacks have a very developed spirituality, they are very believers, are not the multiple constructions of cathedrals and churches one of the proofs of the existence of the black population in Europe? One can wonder how the barbaric, unbelieving, unspiritual leucoderma would have built with so much patience, hard work and love for decades, even centuries, monuments to the glory of a God on which he does not would not wonder. In addition, speed is a characteristic feature of leucoderms, which bet a lot on quick work, a sign of impatience (again the lack of neuromelanin!). Can you imagine that those cathedrals that required decades of labor in the smallest details of their construction with Love could have been erected quickly? This is totally impossible. Besides, how can we believe that the innate impatience of leucodermas would make them agree to build monuments that they would never see in their lifetime but that only their great-grandchildren would know. On the other hand, leucodermas explain their low attendance at cathedrals and churches by saying that people who used to believe had lost their spirituality. We cannot lose an innate quality that we carry within ourselves, with which we are born, I am talking about spirituality, and which is due to this neuromelamine which is abundant in blacks and produced by the pineal gland, which is much more developed in them. Is this false explanation of low attendance not an admission of the elimination of the black creators and builders of these cathedrals. Cathedrals were magnificent religious buildings erected to the glory of God and which showed the strong spirituality and creativity of their creators.The creative, inventive spirit of black people is due to the abundant presence of melanin in their brain and their nerve centers thanks to their pineal gland p more developed than in leucoderms, because the melanin of the brain and nerve centers is produced by the pineal gland present in the brain. -The cathedrals were erected by the black elite: Kings, Nobility who ruled the countries of Europe. The black elite was represented by royalty, nobility and clergy. The great Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages are examples of revolutionary architecture. These immense architectural treasures made it possible to develop new construction techniques: introduction of the warhead and flying buttresses to simplify and consolidate the structures. The rise of Gothic art was rapid: dozens of cathedrals, hundreds of churches were erected; most between the 11th and 12th centuries. The cathedral is the spiritual daughter of the Egyptian temple .The cathedrals have their origins in the initiatory schools of ancient Egypt which was black. Many themes, appearing as specifically Christian, are inexplicable without knowledge of Egyptian symbolism. If the cathedrals were built on the basis of the sacred numbers (golden number), it is because only the latter give the key to the proportions which ensure the extraordinary stability that we still see today. ​ (see chap: cathedrals) There were not only cathedrals, there were also castles, palaces. Chartres Cathedral: 12th century STYLE GOTHIC Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris GOTHIC STYLE 12th century _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Beauvais Cathedral _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cathédrale d'Amiens _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Hall of mirrors Versailles _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Château de Versailles _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Westminster Abbey London 11th century Château de Chambord: Renaissance 1300 to 1600 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Italy: Renaissance _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Versailles and gardens CLUE N°8 The black virgins proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe The Black Virgins: 180 in France, more than 500 in Europe, more than 1000 worldwide,are they not irrefutable proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe ? most are in churches or shrines and arerevered by the faithful for their miracles recognized by the church. Why would the less spiritual, less religious leucodermas have made virgins, moreover black? They explain the black color of the face and hands by claiming that they had been made white but that the smoke from the candles lit near the icons would have blackened them;but they are not able to explain why this smoke would have spared the clothes and reached the face and the hands. Cathédrale de Chartres: Vraie Black Madonna with Jesus Chartres Cathedral: White Virgin and Jesus Replaced the black one Popes Benoit 16 and François 1er praying in front of the painting of the Black Madonna and Jesus in a Vatican chapel: 2013 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Russie noire : Icone Vierge et Jésus _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Quelques vierges noires de lieux saints in europe _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Black Madonna of Rocamadour; Brittany France _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vierge noire from St Romain d'Ay: Ardèche France CLUE N°9 WIGS: Reflection Observe the hairstyles of the characters of these periods 1500-1800. YOU ARE MADE TO BELIEVE IN WIGS Think? I invite you to a personal reflection on the hairstyles of men and women of these times: years 1500 to 1800, and even before this period. Observe the hair of the people in the images, you can see that the hair is by no means smooth like that of white people, but rather crimped or downright frizzy (Marie Antoinette, Marie de Médicis, Molière). The whites made millions of forgeries, I said above that after having eliminated the blacks by assassinations (religious wars, 30 years war, summary executions…) and deportation into slavery in the Americas, they contrived to replace the blacks by themselves by presenting themselves as the authors of European civilization and culture. They backed up their abuses and lies with the absolute stranglehold on the media so that the black never knew the truth and could never rise again. So they whitewashed the black characters, but apparently didn't change the look of the hair they say is wigs. Think about it: Can you imagine white people wearing for centuries wigs representing the hair of blacks, mulattoes, in all weathers and especially during the heat of summer? because you know that wearing a wig is a constraint and harms healthy hair; they would have submitted to this constraint which would not be a fad, for centuries to hide a natural hair and probably in good health? What would be the reasons? Come on, use your common sense. Looking at these characters, we can clearly see that they are fakes, that the faces have been bleached, but the appearance of the hair has been preserved (crimped or frizzy). The whites never made false portraits of the blacks, but only of them in order to replace the blacks with them : observe the image of the real James Francis STUART (black): it would be his real mulatto hair, not a wig; look at the fake bleached James Francis Stuart, you see the same hairstyle of mixed-race hair on a portrait of white; white people say they are wigs, isn't there obviously cheating? Maybe they had trouble reproducing the hair in their fakes? (How to transform frizzy hair into flat hair?) So they preferred to keep the originals by saying that they are wigs! And since they firmly control the media, voila. Strangely, once the blacks were eliminated from Europe, these headdresses on the portraits disappeared at the same time. The whites tell the same thing about the Egyptians by passing them off as whites who would wear African headdresses in wigs. You have to be really naive to believe these lies. Look at this so-called wig on a bleached face, (Here I'm talking about the fake James Francis Stuart on the right)the hair is visibly frizzy or frizzy. How to believe that the leucodermas which are white would wear for several centuries wigs which represent the hair of blacks or mulattoes! This originally black face has been bleached, but they left the hair untouched because the wrong way would not have been possible or too difficult flat hair!) So they would have passed them off as a wig, and since they're tightly controlling the media, voila. Also observe the hair of the other characters: Marie-Antoinette, Marie de Médicis. Last Black King of England James Francis_Stuartfirst cousin of Louis 14 King of France . The whites never made a fake of the blacks but of themselves Doesn't the appearance of the hairstyles betray the whitening of the faces of this black nobility, Observe for yourself thisfake James Francis Stuart bleached Marie Antoinette Wife of King Louis 16 of France, beheaded in 1793 Obviously fake from the white skin. The hair is very frizzy _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Marie de Medici,Look at that frizzy hair The actor, playwright Molière 1622/1673 See for yourself King of France Louis XIV (day of his coronation)first cousin of the last black king of England James Francis Stuart . Father of Louis 14: Louis 13 and mother of James Francis Stuart were brother and sister. Guess for yourself the race of Louis 13 and Louis 14 and also of Henri IV father of Louis 13.Louis 14 was very fond of dance, music, women. These tendencies do not fall under the blacks! Louis XIV going to war in a wig. Have you ever seen people going to war in wigs? Here is further proof that these wig stories are lies that confirm the extermination and enslavement of black people. Alexander de' Medici, Duke of Penne, Duke of Florence, Governor of Florence 1510-1537 Description of the real black Charles Lenos Duke of Richmond Son of King Charles II of England:Complexion black like King Charles Not 30 years old Faux Duc de Richmond Charles Lenos : Bleached Description of the real Black Daniel Finch Earl of Nottingham : Tall slim,very black like the Spaniards or the Jews Fake bleached portrait of Daniel Finch Earl of Nottingham: black (1647-1730) Scotland. Description of the Earl of Melfort: Grand, Black _cc781905-5cde-3194 HINT N° 10 False explanation of the white color of today's Europeans The leucoderms say that the current white population in Europe comes from blacks who arrived 45,000 BC in Europe, who whitened under the action of cold to produce the current white European population. Blacks arrived from Africa in Asian countries 70,000 years BC (long before Europe); If you go to very cold countries, colder than European countries: the North Pole, Tibet, Nepal, Mongolia you meet a dark population to black, why the cold did not whiten them but would have done so for blacks who arrived in Europe well after 45,000 years BC. On the other hand, the blacks who came from Africa to Europe 45.00 years BC had very negroid features: in addition to their very black complexion, they had dilated eyes, thick lips, flat noses (see illustrations) . Besides the alleged bleaching of their skin, one can wonder how their very negroid features would have become Caucasian with a straight nose, thin lips and smaller eyes (the phenotype of today's white Europeans). This amounts to saying that the skeleton of their skull would have been radically transformed. Leucoderma archaeologists have never discovered this phenomenon in any of their oldest excavations. Moreover, observing the images of the characters in the illustrations (ex: King Louis 18, Charles 10, Queen Charlotte etc…….) shows you 18th/19th century people with negroid features . Think for yourself! Here is another blatant lie leucoderma in order to hide the massacre, the spoliation and the sending in slavery of the blacks of Europe. Unknown _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Mongolia: Black, The cold did not whiten it _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Child of Nepal Unbleached by the cold _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Inhabitant of Mongolia Not bleached by the cold _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Inhabitants of Tibet very cold country, not bleached by the cold _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Nenet family in Siberia. The cold did not whiten them HINT N°11 Why do the European leucoderms want you to believe that you are African by presenting Africa and Africans as backward? Two reasons: 1) To instill in you the concept of yourself: that you are primitive and incapable of accomplishing great things. Note that for hundreds of years the leucodermas claimed that the ancient Egyptians were white - they still claim that the other great civilizations were white. Note any anti-black media sources: The first thing leucodermas say is that Africans are primitive, animalistic, have low IQs, and are incapable of achieving success. It's not true, but it's the leucoderma line. 2) To keep you from thinking and researching what really happened in Europe and the Americas: Both are horrific cases of genocide against black people, committed by leucodermas We have fallen into the trap because we were totally unaware that European civilizations are in fact civilizations built by us blacks who came from Africa 45,000 years BC; white arrived from 370 apjc, took everything after having eliminated us. Ha, ha, ha We made these niggas think they Africans . Now we control their lands and all their livelihoods! Changing their identities was the best thing we've ever done! They trust us to educate their children! Darwin was a genius! They believe that blacks exist on one continent! Obviously there were and are black Native Americans. Black Europeans and Africans (Black Native Americans and Black Europeans were exterminated by leucoderms). I NDICE N°12 Presence of anti-black racism among swarthy peoples of Europe, of the Mediterranean, carrying in a very marked way this dominant black in them and having no black population at home . We blacks when we go to certain countries in southern Europe, eg: Italy (south), islands (Corsica, Sardinia, etc.), Mediterranean countries, we see animosity towards us from these swarthy peoples wearing this dominant conspicuously black: signs of black ancestors (black hair and eyes). In addition, the genetic disease sickle cell disease existing only in blacks is present in them. This very marked animosity in certain places sometimes leads the inhabitants to racist murder: An African tourist was recently murdered and burned in Corsica: the Corsican police did not investigate this affair; Africans and West Indians who have been to these countries recount this open racism. Let's reflect for a moment on the causes of these negrophobic acts in order to better explain them! These people do not like blacks when they have neither black inhabitants nor community, and even, would never have seen blacks, so apparently do not have any reproaches to make to blacks; Doesn't it seem strange! We know that blacks were the first inhabitants of all of Europe (North and South): continent and islands, that whites (blonde, blue eyes) from the Caucasus arrived tens of millennia later. We know the monstrous conditions in which in Europe we were hunted down, exterminated and sent into slavery in North America by the whites in order to strip us and appropriate our knowledge, our arts, our goods, our culture. Indeed in the 18th century throughout Europe, there was a real witch hunt against blacks. This animosity, this anti-black racism expressed by these swarthy populations who openly carry within them the proof of black ancestors by this dominant black, are they not revealing of the past presence of blacks in these regions which have suffered repressions and exterminations? ? but vis-à-vis which these peoples have retained an ancestral rejection, an animosity marked in their minds and which resurfaces at the sight of blacks. I wondered if this racism shown towards us by these swarthy peoples did not come from the fact that their swarthy complexion bringing them closer to our dark complexions made this rejection of black hated in their thoughts even more reactive; and this all the more so since people with white skin have mixed reactions towards swarthy people. Also, when you search on Google (Wikipedia or other sites) on the race of the inhabitants of these Mediterranean regions, there is no mention of belonging to the black race, although the question is asked no answer is given there. On the contrary, they are presented as being of Caucasian descent, (which implies the formal presence of another ancestry which can only be black given their swarthy complexion) but the word black race is not cited anywhere for designate them. They take you on a boat telling you that they were Berbers, Muslims, Moors, Ottomans, North Africans, Arabs….. which are ethnicities or religious but not racial; However, these peoples carry very strongly within them whatdominating black (dark to black hair and eyes and have swarthy skin), proof of the presence of melanin and therefore of belonging to the black race. In addition, the genetic disease sickle cell disease pertaining to the black race exists among them. Isn't it still a sign of negritude? All these peoples were black, they populated all of Europe where they had arrived 45,000 years BC and were the first inhabitants before mixing with the white Caucasians who arrived from 370 AD. REFLECTION These very swarthy people are presented as being of Caucasian descent, without saying that they are Caucasians: therefore of white race (true Caucasians are blond with blue eyes); the words Caucasian ancestry imply another racial contribution which can only be the black race given the swarthy complexion and the phenotype of these people who denounce a very visible contribution of melanin, the first characteristic trait of the black race. Isn't this attitude of dissimulation, rejection, denial a proof of the savage elimination of the blacks of Europe that the leucodermes want at all costs to keep hidden by using all possible and imaginable lying subterfuges. What a shame ! drape u of Sardinia ; The 4 characters represented are Moors. But the Moors were blacks. Here is a proof of the past presence of blacks. Corsica flag ; The character represented is a Moor. Or the Moors were black. Here is a proof of the past presence of blacks. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Sicily: Woman Observe these Mediterranean type people. The dominant black: Light brown to black hair and eyes to which is added a swarthy complexion is it not strongly present in them? Can't we guess the presence of black ancestors? _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Putin's Russian Defense Minister Pierre Jovanovic Economist, Journalist, writer was born in Yugoslavia ITHERE WOULD BE BEHAVIORAL, CULTURAL AND SOCIAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BLONDE LEUCODERMAS WITH BLUE EYES: ANGLO-SAXON, CAUCASIAN TYPE AND THOSE WITH LIGHT BROWN TO BLACK HAIR AND EYES: MEDITERRANEAN. These differences would they be related to the presence of (neuro)melanin which would be greater in Mediterranean leucoderms. I remind you that neuromelanin is the pigment melanin which permeates the brain and the nerve centers and which is produced by the pineal gland, a small gland located in the brain. This gland would be calcified in leucoderms. According to Dr. Carol Barnes, American biochemist, melanin theorist:calcification of the pineal gland would affect 5 to 15% of black people, 15 to 25% of Asians, 60 to 80% of leucodermas. In her book 'melanin the chemical key to black greatness' she says ''Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth and justice, (white) individuals with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric'. The main driving qualities of neuromelanin is sensitivity; other feelings such as empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions, need sensitivity to express themselves and cannot exist without sensitivity. It is also this lack of sensitivity due to neuromelanin deficiency in whites that denotes this lack of creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, egocentrism, the predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. On the behavioral level, the British: blondes with blue eyes would have been more aggressive, barbaric in their conquests of other peoples (Australia, Oceania, Africa, North America, India...). Black slavery in the English colonies was said to have been even more ferocious than in other colonies held by Mediterranean leucoderma. In the Anglo-Saxon countries: England, Germany, the leucoderma population was predominantly of the blond type with blue eyes due to the partial elimination of blacks which occurred by the wars and the establishment of the Anglican religions in England and Calvinist and Lutheran in Germany in order to counter the Catholic religion led by the blacks: wars of religion.Neuromelanin deficiency would give predatory behavior to the leucoderma and make it an egocentric, barbaric being. On the other hand, our observations on the cultural level make us note that in the Mediterranean countries the architecture of the buildings and monuments (palaces, castles…) is carried out with much more finesse, research (ex Italy, Spain, France ) than in Anglo-Saxon countries. Following the elimination of blacks in Europe in the 18th century, this architecture became more sober, and expressed with less finesse. Why do the leucodermas voluntarily conceal these proofs of the past presence of blacks in Europe and carry out until today a massive deliberate action of denigration, of rejection of blacks? I recall that the blacks were stripped by the leucodermas of their lands, their titles of nobility, murdered through multiple conflicts: summary executions, wars of religion, 30 years war, English civil wars, which were in fact wars of race whose aim was to eradicate blacks from European countries; the survivors were sent to slavery in North America. All these crimes were done for the sole purpose of monopolizing the knowledge of blacks, their arts and their wealth. What do these behaviors of leucodermas towards blacks prove? The major proof is their inability to equalize the blacks, to invent, to create these beautiful works of art that are these monuments, these works built with so much love, patience, expression of their sensitivity and their spirituality. They noted the richness of these works, their inability to create them; but their barbarity, their aggressiveness, their lack of sensitivity which are their dominant instincts made them eliminate the blacks to monopolize these riches, then 100% falsify history to their advantage in order to create a bogus story around them thatfortunately more and more informed blacks are starting to denounce in order to restore the truth . Fearing the discovery and exposure of the horrors perpetrated against blacks, They cling desperately to their false History, not hesitating to continue to make history lie by adding fabrications and falsified artifacts in order to continue to be rocked by their myths which value them at our expense. Because, let's not forget: leucodermas have no history, apart from invasions, genocides, massacres, looting, falsification, lies. NO, BLACKS HAVE NEVER SOLD THEIR BROTHERS TO WHITES I warn my black brothers and sisters against the false nonsense conveyed by the leucodermas and in their books claiming that Africans sold their brothers to whites so that they would be reduced to slavery through the slave trade; absurdities repeated by certain black authors and personalities acting as lackeys of white people or for lack of information on this subject. Let's think about this question together. : the whites came to Africa armed to the teeth to look for blacks, they came in warships: galleons heavily armed with cannons when they knew that the blacks had arrows, spears and spears, very light compared to their heavy armaments. For what ? it's because there was fierce resistance, black not letting it go. Moreover, the fact that there were 10 blacks killed for 1 black captured shows that the blacks defended themselves ferociously without fearing for their lives. There were battles that were not always to white's advantage despite their heavy artillery. Still on the slave trade , you have read or heard of African wrens who in Africa captured blacks through slave raids to sell them to whites. These raids attacked in priority the legitimate elites: the Kings and Queens of Africa to break the political organization of the states and to thus break all potentialities of resistance. These wrens were bastard children that Portuguese had had with African women; so half-breeds, they had Portuguese names, none had African names.Another trap of the whites to make believe that the blacks were selling their brothers to the whites. Why do leucodermas like to convey this message? In order to rehabilitate themselves from these heinous crimes committed against the blacks, they want to show that they were not so bad and that it was the blacks who took their brothers to them. Comments of this kind were created by the leucoderms towards the Arawak Amerindians of the West Indies who were exterminated by them. These remarks claimed that the Arawaks had exterminated the Amerindians first inhabitants of these islands in order to take their lands. Another way of saying that they weren't the worst and that the Arawaks had been punished anyway, so they deserved to have been exterminated by them, the Europeans. Moreover, we find that they incriminate blacks with their own predatory, criminal behavior. I do not believe either the statements made by the whites to say that the Amerindian peoples Incas Aztecs practiced human sacrifices to honor their deities; remarks very probably made to justify the genocide to 95% of these peoples by presenting themselves as vigilantes. All these Amerindian peoples were black peoples: the black, in essence, thanks to this melanin which impregnates his brain and his nervous centers, and which makes him a sensitive, civilized being; respects human and animal life, nature, because he considers that everything is animated by the spirit of God to whom he devotes the deepest respect and the greatest consideration, and who for him is everywhere. The black asks forgiveness from the animal before killing it only to feed itself, it does the same to the tree before picking its fruits to feed itself. On the other hand, leucodermas are great predators: and black human beings that they have never hesitated to massacre without scruple, and nature (fauna and flora) in order to satisfy their basely material desires. Blacks have never practiced genocide or massacres anywhere on the planet, even at the time when they dominated the world: Ancient Egypt. I recall that the Amerindian populations Incas, Aztecs, Mayas were exterminated at 90/95% by the whites: that is to say approximately 130 million, I remember an article written by a white journalist saying that this was totally false, that they were all died of Legionnaire's disease and that there were never any genocides of Native Americans. Comments made once again to clear their conscience, which prove a total lack of sensitivity and empathy and show a deep contempt for the Black. If the whites do not hesitate to make satanist sacrifices of children in their satanist sects in order to obtain material advantages, among the blacks the respect for life, empathy and a certain sensitivity prevent them from indulging in these practices. So we must be very vigilant and suspicious about what whites say about us blacks, especially never repeat their lies, their goal having always been to devalue us in order to inferiorize us. The leucoderma knows it has no history except invasions, murders, lootings. This is the reason why he monopolized black history to make it his own, especially in Europe. The behavior of whites towards blacks is characterized by contempt, rejection, stigmatization, the status of being inferior that they give to blacks, the refusal to recognize blacks' ability to invent by invoking an IQ lower than theirs, concealment of the discoveries made by black inventors that he deliberately keeps in the shadows. Blacks, scientists or inventors do not appear anywhere in the world book of invention whose author is Valérie Anne Giscard d'Estaing daughter of former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and listing those who have enabled the progress of humanity.These Black Scientists Are “Willfully and Carefully” Forgotten by the world although their inventions are of various, daily use; The intellectual property of many of these inventions has been violated. Contrary to a certain image conveyed by whites, there are many Africans on the continent and in the diaspora (United States) who are part of this long tradition of inventions, and this in almost all areas of antiquity. nowadays...(Africa and Diaspora of Mezepo ) Also, many of the inventions made by slaves during slavery were licensed to their slave masters. The slave not being considered an American citizen could not file a patent for invention . (see inventors ) This concealment of the skills of blacks, this contempt for blacks, are they not direct signs that show that white, having stripped and annihilated blacks, continues to do everything possible to conceal and thwart the black genius. This concealment is also an obvious sign of his inability to create, invent (Today we see it in the imitation and monopolization of the styles of songs invented by blacks: among the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Johnny Halliday, and j 'on the way). All discoveries made by blacks are deliberately concealed. The leucoderma can certainly improve what already exists; This is why he seized since the Middle Ages of the manuals in which the ancient Arabs: blacks, had described discoveries: weapons, steam engines which he imitated, then improved in order to start his industrial revolution and dominate the world. The white also seized the Egyptian papyri describing various mathematical, scientific, medical formulas that without self-esteem, without shame he exhibits in his museums after having attributed the discoveries to himself; I quote the theorems which he claimed as invented by the Greeks Pythagoras and Thales, explained in the papyrus of Ahmes (dishonestly called the Rhind papyrus) exhibited at the British museum in London, theorems which exist more than 3000 years before the birth of their alleged inventors. He has also taken absolute and total control of the media since the 18th century in order to pursue his Machiavellian purpose, because for him white to survive, live in comfort, the black must remain in ignorance, misery, exploitation, and must be decimated (inventions of diseases for this purpose: Ebola, AIDS, etc.). Isn't the best way to destroy an individual to make him admit that he is incapable, inferior by using both psychological and physiological violence, lies, and thereby create in him low self-esteem, a feeling that will cause the black rejecting himself, not loving himself, to systematically feel animosity, rejection for his fellow men and that the blacks will destroy each other. Blacks are surrounded on all sides by whites, victimized in their freedom of expression in all fields: scientific, literary, artistic, at all levels. After they stole from him and appropriated his heritage: cultural, scientific, philosophical etc… the whites used all means to make the black believe, accept, admit that he was an inferior being, that his IQ was inferior to that of the whites, whom he was incapable of inventing, of creating, he being the origin of all inventions. It is appalling to note that few blacks know that this Europe admired, adulated in its arts, in all its culture, this Europe which is the pride and the glory of the whites who have usurped it, was built by them with their hands . The stones of cathedrals and historical monuments bear the imprint of their hard work, their inventive spirit, their suffering, their sacrifices, their patience, the love and the spirituality they devoted to these works before having been plundered, eliminated and sent into servitude in North America by these whites. In painting I am talking about paintings (not the only ones) on blacks made by leucodermas and entitled: the black model from Géricault to Matisse; I still see 2 paintings that I consider very demeaning for blacks: one representing a naked young black man wearing a cap and playing the flute, the other showing a naked black man who seems to have been thrown off a cliff. I found these paintings very insulting because let's not forget that it is the black who is the promoter of all culture, who initiated all the civilizations in the world, it is he who taught the leucoderma who despises him today today and represents him naked, how to dress: this leucoderma which carries in its genes this dominant black (hair and eyes ranging from very light brown to black) an indelible sign of black ancestors eliminated from Europe by it and which remain his parents. What would the leucodermas say if the characters represented in such degrading postures were white. I also see an exhibition of paintings made in China and comparing blacks to animals. Racist exhibition in China where blacks are compared to animals White believes that black should remain under his sole. The only disciplines in which the white accepts any recognition from the black are music and sport. Regarding music, we are witnessing this plagiarism of black music that white people appropriate to make themselves world famous while black people die in the shadows. Sport especially football sees blacks excel; they are sought after for their performances which denote an advanced psychomotor development, their presence relieves the leucoderma teams to enable them to access qualifications during matches. Concerning the psychomotor development and the IQ of blacks: Pediatricians and staff of nurseries attended by black and white children note a markedly higher psychomotor development in small blacks: black babies crawl, walk, talk, sit, stand up earlier than leucoderma babies.(see Chap Being Black DVDs at On the other hand, in an experiment conducted with indigenous Australians, black Melanesian Island children and white Anglo-Saxon children in the United States, the famous leucoderma anthropologist Margaret Meade revealed that the "memory bank" of black children was greater and their "instant recall capacity" of memory, exceptional. She, like most renowned researchers, concluded that black children have a deeper memory bank and therefore a higher IQ than their European and American counterparts; they attributed this great phenomenon to "neuro-melanin" - a product responsible for the black color in the brain. This neuromelanin allows blacks to perform well in sports and to have the best places, especially among those who have the most pigmented skin, a sign of the abundant presence of this pigment in their brains and nerve centers and which increases their performance. We see this for ourselves when we watch competitions in which those with the darkest complexion excel. So melanin is indeed a blessing, I remind you that being an antioxidant, it has antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals, thus making us more resistant to diseases. (see chapter:To be black, melanin a blessing ) Probable causes of hypertension, diabetes in blacks These 2 problems are common among blacks and are found a lot in the diaspora in the United States and Europe. Blacks especially in the diaspora being victims of injustice from leucodermas because of the color of their skin. You should know that chance does not exist, every effect has a cause. Health problems have their causes in our negative emotions. Positive or negative emotions are energy: positive or negative. Positive emotions ex: joy, happiness, love cause us good health by giving us a high vibratory rate, on the other hand negative emotions ex: pain, conflicts, rejection, resentment cause us poor health by lowering our vibratory rate. The negative emotions responsible for hypertension are not feeling accepted, not feeling loved, being rejected by others; negative emotions responsible for diabetes are frustration, often unexpressed anger, conflict situations. The racism suffered by blacks puts them in a state of suffering, anger, and therefore the accumulation, the repetition of these states will have negative effects on their health to generate in them situations of diabetes or hypertension . Alzheimer's disease I am going to talk about a degenerative disease that is increasingly common among us black people and which seems to have an emotional relationship with this dark pigment: neuromelanin, which permeates our brain and our nerve centers, this pigment responsible for the sensitivity that our being manifests and whose abundant presence among blacks would be the vector of the qualities described above by Carol Barnes. Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease: it is characterized by loss of memory, concentration and attention worsening over the years. It would have several causes: An important cause would be the long-term consumption of tranquilizers and sleeping pills of the benzodiazepine type which accelerate cerebral aging. But another cause: this emotional one would be common among us black people. First of all, I would like to make it clear that there is no such thing as chance, that every effect has a cause and that this disease does not progress by chance among us. Challenged by its growing increase among us, especially among women, I made connections with its presence and our current way of life which for several decades has not been improving, quite the contrary. I previously specified that we have in abundance in our brain this pigment (neuro)melanin which is responsible for sensitivity, which in turn generates empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, Love , affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it (leucodermas) we denote: Insensitivity, which in turn generates egocentrism, lack of creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. We blacks follow like sheep, without questioning ourselves, without even realizing, the Western model of life based on the insensitivity that generates, egocentrism, selfishness, lack of spirituality, of Love , sharing. In white men, this insensitivity which generates these defects would be due to the deficiency of this melanin pigment in their brain. Their priorities (which are not ours) are: to make the most money, to save the most time and for that the positive feelings such as empathy, sharing, spirituality, Love etc…..are put aside, man becomes more and more a soulless individual, a robot. There would be a depersonalization of the human being; which does not lend itself to our natural feelings of empathy, sharing, of love. This conception of life suffered by sensitive and elderly people would lead to a phenomenon of moral suffering in them which would make them lose their bearings and could cause them to fall into this Alzheimer's disease. I cite concrete cases specific to blacks: we live in a convivial way, generally surrounded by our children, our family, our friends, we exchange and share, in fact we never find ourselves alone. But what has been happening in recent decades: families have fewer and fewer children, the latter are very often absent: in Europe for work reasons and therefore cannot return to the country, aging parents find themselves alone, experience a feeling of abandonment, especially mothers who have devoted all their time to the education of their children of whom they are deprived; they cruelly feel the absence of this offspring for which they have sacrificed themselves. This would weaken them morally and the suffering would lead to a degeneration of their cognitive faculties. There would be another reason that I bring up and due to the Western concepts of life that reign among us and which is related to the soul: the way our loved ones leave this world. In the past, the parent who was about to die was surrounded and assisted during his illness by his relatives; he died at home, if he was in the hospital, we made him go home so that he died surrounded by his loved ones. He was exposed at home, surrounded by his relatives and acquaintances, then there were 10 days of prayers which were made to help his soul to go to the light. It's no longer the case now. The end of life, death are depersonalized and based on saving time, also spending less money. Very often our loved ones die alone in centers for people at the end of life. The nursing staff injects them with progressive doses of a sedative which aims to bring them gently to death without their realizing it. This process is very bad for the soul which will not go to the light. This is what would happen: seeing that it is no longer in its body, the soul panics and tries to return to this inert body, not being able to do so, it will look for a living human body which vibrationally has vibrations which come closer to hers, and this is how she will rush into this body, squat it and reproduce there the diseases from which she is affected because it is necessary to know that any disease before being physical is above all energetic and permeates first of all our soul which is the whole of our different energetic bodies. What does going into the light mean? a term often heard but misunderstood. On our departure we cross (most often) a tunnel at the end of which there is an intense light, not blinding, very beautiful. We are received by our deceased parents happy to see us again. The role of light is to indicate to us through our guides the plane on which we will stay before a next incarnation; this blueprint is consistent with how we have lived our various past lives. The soul that has not gone to the light will wander and remain in the earth plane among those with whom it has lived. For its evolution it must come to light. NEUROMELANIN THIS DETERMINING PIGMENT THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHITES AND BLACKS does it not play a major role in the behavior of blacks and whites depending on its presence or lack thereof? (see chapter:Being black, melanin a blessing) Neuromelanin : this black pigment contained in abundance in the brain and the nervous centers of the blacks and which is produced by the pineal gland, makes all the difference between the blacks and the whites on the physiological, psychological, behavioral level. It plays a determining role on the abilities of blacks.It is its strong presence among blacks that gave them the creativity to be promoters of the arts, sciences, philosophy……in short, the builders of this European, but also Asian and Amerindian culture that you admire and that leucodermas, unable to reproduce it, have monopolized violence and the elimination of blacks. Its strong presence gives the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in black people, it is responsible for sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it, we note: egocentrism, lack of sensitivity, creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. The deficiency or absence of neuromelanin would be directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system whereas the presence of neuromelanin would be directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system. According to our African ancestors there are only 2 feelings in man: love and fear. Love at the origin of all positive qualities and creative fear of all faults. It is certain and certain that when the black man adopts the ways of doing and thinking of Westerners, he goes completely against a pigment present in his brain and which gives him the qualities based on sensitivity, which ensue and which are: empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions: qualities that are lacking in white and whose neuromelanin deficiency in the brain explains its self-centered and predatory behaviors stemming from insensitivity. Him the black, the sensitive being, he will adopt the behavior of a being lacking in sensitivity because this being has imposed himself on him as the example to follow. Let us not forget that the barbarian leucoderma drew on the civilizing principles of the blacks: the Egyptian MAAT (Peace, Justice, Truth, Equity) in order to manufacture laws so that its minority elite dominates the rest of the non-white world by violence in imposing these laws as the model to respect, to follow and before which non-white peoples must bend their knees. Aimé Césaire expressed this domination well in his book "Discourse on colonialism by saying: I am talking about millions of men who have been cleverly inculcated with fear, an inferiority complex, trembling, kneeling, despair, stooge. It is obvious that by taking the white man as a model of thought and development, by adopting behaviors that go diametrically against his own and in which he does not recognize himself because he is only imitating the white man, the melanoderm goes against itself and can therefore only feel unhappiness, dissatisfaction; wouldn't this self-rejection, this lack of self-confidence among blacks be the cause that would push them to fight and destroy each other? Frantz Fanon in his book "Black skin, white masks" explains these behaviors well. Leucoderma make up about 10% of the world's population. Since the 18th century they have imposed themselves on 90% of this mainly black population with the help of discoveries made by melanoderms: steam engine, gunpowder, rifle etc…….(see_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Chap invention of weapons ) discoveries that they have improved in order to make them more efficient. They have taken over the world by using the most incredible violence in order to impose their domination on other peoples, especially black people; This domination took place at all levels: economic, political, cultural, through violence: invasions, looting, murders and lies. Let's take a look at this world dominated by them: We can only see that it is chaos at all levels; Their egocentrism, their greed, their follies, their lack of sensitivity have led to a social and economic degradation of the planet whose wealth is concentrated in the hands of the political, financial and economic ruling elite. The life of the planet is seriously threatened by the abusive exploitation of forests and raw materials. They indulge in every excess, stop at nothing to satisfy their most basely material desires; which is proof of behavioral imbalance that can only be blamed on neuromelanin deficiency because the melanoderm provided with this substance is, on the other hand, more serene in the face of life and its events, wiser, more balanced , close to nature, which he respects and to the creator God, whom he venerates. White people are above all materialistic and egocentric. For him, to be happy is to have money, material which he can enjoy to satiety. But are we happy when we are fulfilled materially? The great malaise of Western societies where there is a lot of misunderstanding, divisions, where there is a lot of violence, crimes, shows that although it has completely stripped blacks and usurped their knowledge, their achievements and their possessions, it does not did not allow him to achieve a certain mental and spiritual comfort. Could the cause still be this deficiency in neuromelanin which deprives him of sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions? By its domination of the world using both psychological and physiological violence, lies, abuse, falsification, the leucoderma has imposed its vision of life on us, a vision dominated by fear: Fear of missing out (the more they have, the more they want), fear of the other that he does not hesitate to exterminate because different from him, fear of aging, fear of dying, fear of life! According to our African ancestors there are only 2 feelings: fear at the origin of all negative feelings, and Love at the origin of all positive feelings. Isn't this fear the expression of neuromelanin deficiency in the brain and nerve centers of leucoderms? We blacks, rather than allowing ourselves to be influenced and subjected to the influence of leucoderms whose feelings are guided by fear, barbarism, greed (imbalances as I have just said, due to neuromelanin deficiencies), we must not not admit defeat and helplessness, we must pull ourselves together, organize ourselves, numerically we are by far the most numerous, reason and react. Although their means of action are violence: psychological (intimidation, lies), physical, we must become aware: Just look at how the world dominated by them is going at all levels: we see that chaos is the more total due to confused, irresponsible, diabolical minds. This aspect is enough to make us react. They have created organizations: UN, NATO whose unacknowledged goals, hidden under hypocritical ideals of peace and justice are to attack other countries especially blacks. We must organize ourselves in the diaspora as in Africa to create an organization with the principles of the MAAT of Egypt which are: PEACE, TRUTH, JUSTICE, EQUITY, although it does not seem easy; but we the majority, we must no longer be passive spectators who let things happen and suffer. We are entering the golden age: the era of Aquarius which should bring a very positive situation for humanity, a real liberation of humanity but the world situation is currently at its worst. The Leucodermas with their elite movement Satanic: New World Order have set in motion a plan to destroy the world's population. They invented a virus: covid 19 which fortunately does not fully meet their plan to eliminate 90% of the world's population: this virus, unfortunately for them, has mutated, which greatly reduces its harmfulness and causes far fewer deaths than what they expected (Africans are their first target); They supposedly invented to fight against this virus a so-called vaccine, which in reality is not one because it would include nano particles which would track humans with the help of 5G and viruses which would reduce their defenses immune systems to make them more susceptible to disease and subtly kill them. People are massively failing to meet their expectations and distrust is setting in more and more. Wouldn't this be the time to take advantage of this confusing situation to rethink, pull ourselves together and react? We must not feel defeated and helpless. Moreover, knowledge of one's past, of one's culture, of one's history being the first form of resistance to oppression, it is vital that blacks become imbued with their culture in Africa as well as in Europe, in Asia, in the Americas; let him know that IT IS HE WHO INITIATED ALL THE CIVILIZATIONS AND CULTURES IN THE WORLD. The knowledge of his true History will allow him to raise his head, to feel pride and valorization of himself, therefore SELF-ESTEEM, to organize and carry out effective actions against the oppressions suffered. TO CONCLUDE . I think very seriously that we black people in Africa and in the diaspora must cooperate at all levels: the Union is strength: shouldn't each African state be part of the BRICS bloc (Brazil, Russia, Iran, China, South Africa). By being part of a strong and well-armed bloc, because it is the most sophisticated weapons that inspire respect, we will be able to impose ourselves in front of the USA, Europe bloc (by the way, it is the USA that leads Europe ). African states alone and left to fend for themselves are easy prey. Obviously, the best thing is to create the United States of Africa, which to strengthen itself could be part of these BRICS. We will then be able to deal with respect, as equals with European countries without them coming to steal our raw materials and exterminate us. pre-colonial Africa . Blacks are the inventors of culture: arts, sciences, maths, philosophy, music, religion, engineering, medicine, surgery, astronomy… before whites stripped them and falsified them to their advantage.All science is related to Egypt. postcolonial africa . Look how the whites take pleasure in introducing us after having robbed, robbed, looted, ransomed us. Years 2013 2016 2018 Crossing the Mediterranean. The 1st Europeans re-emigrating to Europe 45,000 years after their 1st arrival.All the 1st civilizations are African black white psychology I THERE WOULD BE BEHAVIORAL AND CULTURAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BLONDE LEUCODERMAS WITH BLUE EYES: ANGLO-SAXON, CAUCASIAN TYPE AND THOSE WITH BROWN TO BLACK HAIR AND EYES: MEDITERRANEAN . These differences would be related to the presence of (neuro)melanin which would be greater in Mediterranean leucodermas. I remind you that neuromelanin is the melanin pigment that permeates the brain and nerve centers. According to Dr. Carol Barnes American biochemist, Melanin theorist: ''Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice. Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric.'' The main driver of neuromelanin qualities is sensitivity; other feelings such as empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions, need sensitivity to express themselves and cannot exist without sensitivity. It is also this lack of sensitivity due to neuromelanin deficiency in whites that denotes this lack of creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, egocentrism, the predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. Our observations on the cultural level make us note that in the Mediterranean countries the architecture of the buildings is carried out with much more smoothness, research (eg Italy, Spain, France) than in the Anglo-Saxon countries. On the behavioral level, the British: blondes with blue eyes would have been more aggressive, barbaric in their conquests of other peoples (Australia, Oceania, Africa, North America, India...). Black slavery in the English colonies would have been even more ferocious than in other colonies. In the Anglo-Saxon countries: England, Germany, the leucoderma population was mainly of the blond type with blue eyes because of the weakening of the blacks which was made by the establishment of the Anglican religions in England and Calvinist and Lutheran in Germany in order to to counter the black-ruled Catholic religion. Neuromelanin deficiency gives predatory behavior to the leucoderma and makes it an egocentric being. Africa Mother of knowledge, at the origin of all humanities was a prosperous continent before the colonial period Long before the colonial era, this continent was organized into empires... headed by kings and emperors: Empire of Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Zimbabwe, Congo, Benin etc... with headed by a king or emperor and endowed with religious, military and judicial organizations. Gigantic constructions: Zimbabwe, pyramids of Meroe, Axum, Egyptian civilization (pyramids of Gizeh, temples of karnak, Luxor, Abidos, Abou Simbel etc .....). These countries were very rich, they maintained very prosperous trade relations with India and China. The city of Timbuktu in Mali had a prosperous religious and intellectual past in the 15th and 16th centuries: astronomy, music, botany, science, law, history and religion were taught in its schools and its university which had 25,000 students who came from different countries to study. The large African cities before the colonial period were centers of knowledge and exchanges between Arab and African scholars. » The arrival of leucodermas to take control of its wealth and enslave its population has put Africa in decline and made it regress. Concerning Egypt, which is part of the African continent, Western Egyptologists know it well: the Egyptians were Negroes, not white as Europeans still want to believe, negritude attested by historians and authors such as Herodotus, Volney, Champollion etc…. The primary elements of mathematics, physics, medicine, surgery, astronomy, navigation, architecture, writing, calendar, engineering, philosophy, art, music, religion ...... came from Egypt. All this knowledge was written by scribes on papyri that Europeans did not hesitate to steal to keep in their museums in Europe. They copied word for word (plagiarized) the formulas of these papyri and declared themselves their inventors. I cite a few elements: the papyrus of Ahmes (called the Rhind papyrus) held at the British Museum in London on which are mathematical formulas: the famous theorems falsely attributed to the Greeks Pythagoras and Thales and which existed more than 3000 years before their birth; the asepsis whose invention Pasteur attributed to himself; the stethoscope rediscovered by Laennec; the aphasia (loss of speech) described in Smith's papyrus was taken up by Broca and Wernicke on their own etc…. Westerners greatly admire the Greek genius: ''the Greek miracle'' they say, in the persons of philosophers such as: Democritus, Diogenes, Epictetus, Epicurus, Leucippus, Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, Aristotle, Thales, Eudoxus, Solon, Euclid, Jamblichus, the geographer Strabo, the doctor Hippocrates etc....but the black Egyptian priests who were the teachers in Egypt of these people deserve even more this admiration, because the Greeks moved from their country to come to Egypt to study in the temples of cities like Memphis, Thebes, Heliopolis where the priests gave them their knowledge. They often stayed there in studies between 10 to 20 years and more before returning to Europe and disclosing it. Statue of Pharaoh Tutankhon found in his tomb:No r _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Pharaoh Ramses II and his wife Nefertiti:Black Great Mosque of Djenné in Mali (precolonial Africa) Castle in Ethiopia (precolonial Africa) Temple of Abu Simbel en Egypt (precolonial Africa) _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Temple égyptien . Les Egyptiens étaient BLACKS and nowadays are blacks and mulattoes _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- ORIGINAL EGYPTIANS AND COPIES MADE BY WHITES Let's take a look at the world today! Let's see what happens. According to astrologers, we would be emerging from the era of the fish or 3rd dimension which was the era of all the tribulations, injustices, miseries suffered by human beings: the Earth vibrating at a relatively low rate would attract according to the Law of Attraction (which says that positive attracts positive, but negative attracts negative) all negative events and circumstances vibrate in accordance with this low rate. You should know that everything vibrates (humans, places, flora, fauna, minerals, etc.) and has its own vibratory rate expressed in Bovis Units or in angstroms. This low vibratory rate of the earth would partly explain the harmful, irresponsible behavior of human beings (in vibrational agreement with this low vibratory rate) which would have created upheavals on the economic, social, political and ecological levels. According to these astrologers, at the end of the era of Pisces we arrive at the era of Aquarius or golden age which corresponds to a very high vibratory rate of the planet and would be the 5th dimension: era of happiness, understanding, of justice, of love between humans. Between the two Pisces and Aquarius eras there would be the Transition which would be the bridge between these two eras, and it is there at this Transition that everything would be played, because all humans would not have the right to access the era of Aquarius. There would be a natural purification that would be done, humans without Love and therefore vibrating low, will be quite naturally eliminated (Stroke, heart attacks) by the too high vibratory rate of the Earth that they could not support. On the other hand those who have love in their hearts and therefore vibrating high will be spared, so it is to them that this era of Aquarius belongs. Currently, the whole world is facing a covid 19 pandemic which is said to have started in Oct 2019 in China, to spread like wildfire around the world. The countries of the North have been strongly affected, the countries of the South very little. This pandemic would have been created by a virus manufactured in the laboratory, in order to reduce the world population, the New World Order would be behind this abominable act. To supposedly counter this virus, pharmaceutical companies in cahoots with this New World Order have invented a so-called vaccine- in experimental phase until 2023-, which statesmen force under threats to make their population. But this vaccine would have highly deleterious effects and is increasingly questioned. All this would be a vast plot to reduce the world's population. It should be noted that the most vaccinated populations would be in the West with vaccination rates ranging from 60 to 100% of the population of the countries concerned. In Africa according to statistics (Sources: Worldometers, Johns Hopkins) the population would be vaccinated at 6% to date in 2021. Black 1st Europeans The BLACK DOMINANT that whites are born with. Misleading explanations for the white color of present-day Europeans black inventors

  • Etre noir, la mélanine une bénédiction, car c'est grace à elle que les africains avec l'Afrique sont le berceau de toutes les civilisations et de l'humanité

    Anatomie noirs blancs BLACKS WERE THE FIRST EUROPEANS: 12 INDICES Nigerian Jare Ijalana is the most beautiful girl in the world at the age of 5 in 2018 African hairstyle + SHARE - " The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims. Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to Simone Weil pp53 - "There are two Stories: the official Story, liar that we teach; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history " (Honoré de Balzac, writer) "Put off the veil of opacity and ignorance, and men will finally open their eyes!" (NK Omotunde) ''Until the lion has its own historians, hunting stories will always be to the glory of the hunter." African proverb think that this race of black men today our slave and the object of our contempt is the same one to which we owe our arts, our sciences and even the use of speech ; to imagine that it is in the midst of peoples who call themselves the most friends of freedom and humanity, that the most barbaric of slaveries has been sanctioned, and questioned whether black men have an intelligence of the species of white men! (Comte de Volney: travels in Egypt and Syria 1783) BEING BLACK MELANIN THIS DIVINE BLESSING Blacks suffer from low self-esteem . We blacks like to say: "The Chinese, the Hindus, the Jews help each other, but we blacks are the only ones fighting each other". The real reason for this black against black animosity comes from the white colonizer who, in order to justify and succeed in the work of stripping us of our culture, our knowledge, our lands and our mineral wealth, has done a psychological job of denigrating blacks by manufacturing both in the minds of blacks and whites a demeaning and misleading image of uneducated, ignorant, savage, servile blacks, which has established rejection and self-hatred in blacks. Image instilled by the stranglehold on all media so that these repeated lies are accepted as truths by both blacks and whites. I dedicate this writing to my African sisters who bleach their skin because they do not knowthe immense importance of this black pigment:melanin present in their skin and their brain, and that gave themthe creator (White skin would be a genetic defect: SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 genes). This writing is also dedicated to my black brothers who often, out of inferiority complex, reject their black sisters to adopt and put on a pedestal the white woman: especially blonde with blue eyes. It is thanks to this pigment, melanin, for which black people should feel gratitude and pride that they are civilized beings.It is this pigment that makes the black race the cradle of human civilization , because he is the black man who came from Africa to Europe 45,000 years BC, who is at the origin of the artistic, cultural, scientific creations, carried out through the achievements in the world by the different civilizations both in Asia, in the Americas, than in Europe (Black Nobility, Black Kings in all European and Asian countries, Black Tsars of Russia, Black Popes, Black Saints - Jesus and Mary were black - etc...; it's him which is at the origin of artistic achievements in all these countries and continents: historical monuments, ex: cathedrals ......)These civilizations are all originally Black cultures ; until the leucoderma (white) from the Caucasus, arrived in Europe from 370 AD in the form of barbarian invasions, and whose skin and brain are deficient in this pigment; come through the use of violence, take control of these works, usurp them, rob the black man, eliminate him physically, send him to the Americas as a slave and write him off from history by presenting him as a primitive being , uncivilized, who has invented nothing, without culture and ignorant; make him a servile and despised being (these actions are they not explained by this melanin deficiency in the white man's brain?). He then put these works to his credit by using falsification, the fabrication of forgeries (false paintings, false portraits of whites to replace those of this nobility and these black kings, false documents...), lies, intimidation, the hand put until today on all the means of information (television, radio, newspapers) so that the black never knows the truth; and always the use of violence, his first and usual tactic. White was created blonde with blue eyes. Hair and eye colors ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black are indelible and tangible signs of interbreeding between whites with blue eyes s with our black ancestors from Europe who were eliminated (murdered to strip them of their culture and sent into slavery in the Americas) -IT'S THEDOMINANT BLACK WITH WHICH ALL WHITES ARE BORN: A BLAGRANT, FORMAL, INDELEBILE, TANGIBLE SIGN OF THE PAST EXISTENCE OF BLACKS IN EUROPE, ANCESTORS OF CURRENT EUROPEAN WHITES. If the black man wants to get out of this mental, social, economic, cultural slump in which the leucoderma has plunged him for centuries to better strip him and degrade him, he must become aware of his melanin, it is thanks to this pigment that he made all the world cultures and civilizations whose visual imprint is marked in the surviving monuments: solid vestiges and eyewitnesses of his work and his past existence in Europe, Asia, Americas. On the example ofGandhi in India andNelson Mendela in South Africa, he must organize himself to resist and gain respect. It is thanks to this melanin that the black has the following innate qualities in him: creativity, empathy, spirituality, love, affection, sharing, cheerfulness, artistic, physical and sporting qualities that make him a human being, balanced and civilized.He must therefore, because of these riches that this melanin brings him, consider it as a real divine blessing. I was very deeply moved by programs seen on you tube and on other media in which the drama of African women who bleach their skin because they find themselves too black was recounted. In their own country they are rejected by their racial brothers because of the color of their skin. I was sorry to see that in Africa: the cradle of the black race, itself the cradle of human civilization and humanity, skin that is too black is a handicap that can be very heavy to live with and is a barrier to social and professional success. This complex strikes women, who complain that black skin is frowned upon and discredited. A participant in a fashion show reported that she was filmed last because of her too dark complexion and suffered other affronts. The day she cleared her skin, success smiled on her. On the other hand, and this comforted me, I heard African dermatologists say how harmful this practice was and caused great irreversible damage to the skin, even leading to death; and how much these women who had bleached themselves regretted it because their skin was permanently damaged and therefore any possibility of a professional career was seriously compromised. The affliction aroused by this rejection of a biology given to us by Nature, Creation prompted me to write these lines in order to open the eyes of black people and lead them to feel gratitude, pride for this black pigment which is at the origin of the artistic, cultural and scientific creations which have marked the human race. Africans, especially women, blame themselves for having this natural pigment, melanin, in their skin. But what is melanin, is it a blessing or a curse as many African women feel? Warning :The information contained in this site comes from reliable and serious research made for decades by African-American and African researchers. , with the aim of enlightening the minds of blacks whose brains are to this day washed by the stories that whites have forged themselves (barely 10% of the world's population) in order to continue to exercise their domination over the The remaining 90% using both physiological and psychological violence and lies. At the time these research efforts were initiated, there appeared to be no Afrocentric writers speaking of black history outside of slavery and the ancient Egyptian race. So we decided to start from scratch, building our real black history, only from "original" sources: from ancient documents to statues, paintings and other artifacts. Because let's not ignore that encyclopedias are not race neutral, they can be just as racist as any other albino (white) source. Reflecting on the sorry state of black history as it was written by black people, we assumed that black historians were either lackeys brainwashed by the albino establishment or too scared to write the real story. black people because: a) the book would never be published by the media which is controlled by albinos and b) they would be fired from gainful employment. Some blacks may be surprised by the painful veracity of the facts told, but which correspond to the reality experienced by their ancestors. I hope that this writing will help to rehabilitate the black in the true consciousness that he should have of himself, and also to improve his self-esteem. Attention : The term Albino often used does not correspond either to humiliation or rejection towards whites. Its explanation can be found later in the text. Its use could even be considered as a mitigating circumstance of the countless injustices and crimes committed against blacks.Reading the title '' Melanin '' gives an explanatory and clear analysis of the incoherent and predatory behaviors of leucoderma s. I call on readers to realize that the egocentric, predatory, genocidal, crazy, destructive behavior of albinos of all kinds is due to this neuromelanin deficiency in their brains and nervous systems (every effect has a cause, chance does not does not exist). Neuromelanin is this black pigment present in the nerve centers, much more abundant in blacks than in whites. Its strong presence gives the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in melanin people, it is responsible for sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it, we note: egocentrism, lack of sensitivity, creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides. Very important :This writing is written in a pan-African vision so that blacks in Africa and in the diaspora become aware of the greatness of their melanin and experience recognition. . It is not my intention to enhance our position as blacks and to degrade anyone (I am thinking of whites).What is true must be said, and only the truth frees the individual (oppressed or oppressor) and I hope that its revelation will help reduce this permanent, ancestral tension that has existed for centuries between blacks and whites: relationship of dominant over dominated. This writing will also help to explain without trying to justify them, the abuses and crimes committed by whites against blacks, explanations that are found in this pigment: melanin (neuromelanin). We are in the 21st century, it is unthinkable and terrible that the one to whom the white and yellow humans of this planet owe what they call their arts, their sciences, their cultures is the object of their contempt because black does not only suffer racism in the West but also in China, Japan, Asian and Arab countries. Furthermore, we regularly see anti-black racism in football stadiums in Europe. As black people are still in bondage, mentally above all else, I hope this essay will enlighten them, empower them, and empower them to seek more truth and embark on the path to total liberation. and unconditional. "White people know all about melanin and the greatness it can produce. They feel like it's a danger to them. Melanin is a very important topic. The majority of our people are dormant and do not see the truth and the reality that the Caucasians hide from them. Their interpretation of melanin is that it is the agent whose main activity is to pigment our skin, and nothing else. It is true that melanin gives us skin pigmentation, but that is not its only main activity. Pigmentation is just one of the simplest tasks it performs; the most important tasks are never mentioned, with fear of waking up and empowering black people. Melanin is the key to our survival, our humanity, our greatness and our civilization, our spirituality, and even the key to our total liberation. » (1) Our body is totally the replica of the universe, every chemical present on this earth can also be found in our body. Melanin is also present in every corner of nature. The qualities of blacks: artistic talents, sciences, physical, moral, spiritual qualities, etc. reside in this substance that we have in our skin and our brain: melanin. What is melanin? This dark matter which many have learned to hate and which is called Melanin is made up of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons which create the carbon atom which is melanin. 666 in Christian circles is considered the mark of the beast and said to be evil, however, 666 is melanin: made in the image of God, so this number must be considered. Besides carbon, two other elements are important for the structure of melanin: copper and sulfur. Copper is incorporated into the melanin molecule by the amino acid tyrosine. Tyrosine is an organometallic amino compound organized around carbon, nitrogen and copper. The chemical formula of melanin is C18H10N2O4, which gives melanin a molecular weight, or molar mass, of 318 grams per mole (g/mol). According to Dr. Carol Barnes in her book, Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness: “Melanin is a molecule, but a very large, complicated, complex living molecule. It has a very high molecular weight of over 200, which means that a melanin molecule is made up of a three-dimensional configuration of over 200 individual atoms. It is a living molecule, a chemical substance of life, and it is charged like a battery. In fact, it works like a battery or a superconductor, but is heat resistant. Melanin is responsible for making and sustaining life and keeps the black human in constant contact with the natural energies of the Universe. Melanin is not only found in the skin, hair and eyes, but it is also contained in many other vital organs of the body. It is found in the nervous system, spinal cord, glands, brain, DNA, muscles, intestines, heart and liver. Its presence can be found in nature and is also found in many of our foods – plants, seeds, fruits and vegetables. It is also found in animals, in the soil, in the bark of trees, in rivers, streams and seas. In explaining the importance and significance of melanin in African physiology, Professor T. Owens Moore in his book “The Science of Melanin” compares black people to plants: "A black human body is synonymous with chlorophyll in plants. Chlorophyll functions as a converter of solar energy. Similarly, melanin is a converter of physical energy. We know that such pigments are essential for maintaining vitality of the plant. Thus, no flora without pigment exists on this planet. White leaves do not exist. The pigment chlorophyll is necessary for all vegetation. Similarly, melanin is important for human physiology." Yes, the same melanin that gives life to plants growing in the ground is also a source of life for humans. At the molecular level, the electrons of melanin molecules move and reorganize. They experience what is called resonance. This rearrangement of electrons causes certain energy changes in the body. This energy is then used in metabolism and cellular organization. Melanin depends on nitrilosides (vitamin B17, helps cleanse the body of toxins and increases protection against the risk of developing abnormal cells) to maintain itself “When we eat synthetic foods or cooked foods, we don't get enough B vitamins and many toxins are not eliminated and end up in the brain,” says Dr. Jewel Pookrum. » (20) This word melanin comes from the Greek melas which means black. Melamine is a dark-colored pigment (ranging from black to reddish-brown) found in the skin, hair, hair and the membrane of the eye. The amount of melanin in an individual depends on several factors such as heredity, hormone levels or certain diseases (eg Albinism). Melanin is produced by oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, followed by its polymerization. The pigment is produced in a specialized group of cells called melanocytes which are cells found in the skin, eye, inner ear (where they are believed to have a role in hearing) and certain internal tissues (meninges , heart, digestive system etc…). Origin and definition of the term melanin Etymologically, the word melanin comes from the Greek word ''melanos'' which means black. Nevertheless, the use of the term “black” dates back to the time of ancient Egypt, long before the destruction of its cultural heritage during the Greek invasion. At that time, the word ''black'' was referred to as ''KM'', one of the oldest names in Egypt being ''Kemet''. In the symbolism "kemite", the black color had a divine character; moreover our "Kemet" ancestors attached such exclusive importance to their complexion that the 32nd of their 42 principles was the formal prohibition to anyone to modify it. the complexion. Following a study carried out by American anthropologists, it was shown that the species Homo sapiens (or modern man) to which we all belong, has existed for at least 200,000 years and is native to West Africa. the East, the White Man would have only begun to exist 8,000 years ago. Excavations in Africa: Ethiopia from 1992 to 1994 unearthed the oldest hominid skeleton known to date, named Ardi and 4.4 million years old, which reveals how much the black man is old on the planet. This implies that our ancestors all had at the base a very dark black complexion allowing them to protect themselves from the strong rate of sunshine which prevailed at that time. Subsequently, there was a mass displacement of most of these Africans not only in the rest of Africa, but also towards Europe, Asia, or America, these last three continents being on the other hand characterized by a low level of sunshine. There are three types of melanin: eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin. » Eumelanin is the most common type of melanin. It is brown to black in color. Its power to protect against damage caused to the epidermis by ultraviolet rays is total. It is found in people of brown, black hue, called melanoderms. Real Jesus and his disciples: Blacks. Jesus was a Hebrew, the Hebrews were of course black and were originally described as such White replica: Fake: Virgin and Jesus bleached: Chartres Cathedral Jesus raises Lazarus. 4th century fresco. Catacomb of the Latin Way, Rome 2 popes: Benoit 16 and François 1er praying in front of the painting of the Virgin and Jesus in a Vatican chapel. (2013) Every well-informed black must have pondered that church leaders must know that the Hebrews were black, therefore Jesus was black. How can they wisely describe them as white? The reasons are obviously complicated and racist, but here is how the Pope privately deals with this issue. Virgin and Jesus : Notre Dame du Puy Cathedral, Le Puy en Velay (Haute Loire) JJesus was not white and here is why it matters: Historically, white Jesus was invented and used to oppress people of color and erase their history Real black Jesus and the Virgin: Chartres Cathedral The albinos in their lies say that the reasons why the statues of old cathedrals are black: it is not that the person portrayed is black, but the real cause is the smoke and soot accumulated over the years which has changed their color white in black.- Chartres Cathedral in France carried out a restoration which included the Black Madonna from the 1500s. A plaque in the cathedral says they have decided to remove the ugly layer of the 16th century wooden icon. - The problem is that it's a big lie. First of all the use of candles for 500 years near the icon would not make it black, certainly darker but not blackened. No need to be a detective, a cursory examination of the statue reveals it was lacquered black. They replicated it white (left image) Moses and the Hebrews Crossing the Red Sea Pursued by Pharaoh Christ and his apostles Black Madonna and Jesus: Poland Pope Gregory I 540-604. Until 1650 before the whites seized the direction of the catholic church all the popes were black Moses and the burning bush There pheomelanin is lighter in color (yellow to red) than eumelanin and is believed to be responsible for coloring red hair, blond hair and blue eyes, white skin. Its UV absorption power is lower than that of eumelanin, so it protects less well against the damage caused by them. It could also degrade into carcinogenic compounds under the action of UV rays. It is found in people with white complexion or leucodermas Eumelanin and pheomelanin come from the activity of melanocytes which are the skin cells that synthesize melanin. There neuromelanin is a type of melanin present in the human brain, in the black substance which owes its name to it; Unlike the melanins that color the skin, hair and eyes, it does not come from the activity of melanocytes but from the activity of the pineal gland, located in the brain”2. About this neuromelanin, which the brain of blacks is rich in, leucoderma scientists say that it is a useless waste, but is it not thanks to this substance that black children have more developed cognitive functions than their white counterparts ( observations of the anthropologist leucoderma Margaret Meade) and that blacks are experiencing greater development in the artistic, sporting, scientific, cultural field...... " Role of melanin Vitamin D is produced exclusively by exposure to the sun. The primary function of vitamin D is to allow the fixation of calcium in the bones. This is possible thanks to the action of melanin which, by absorbing the UV rays of the sun through the skin, allows the production of this vitamin. This action is impossible in skins devoid of melanin because they reflect the sun (white skins), hence a calcium deficiency in leucodermas often compensated by a calcium nutritional intake.. Melanin is mainly used to protect our body and also our skin from the devastating effects of ultraviolet radiation (and atoms that are free radicals), thus preventing us from: premature aging of the DNA of our skin cells, loss of its elasticity, early appearance of wrinkles and lines of expression, risks of cancer, etc. These are the pigments that give color to our skin, our hair, our body hair and the iris of our eyes; they are also found in the stria vascularis of our inner ear and in our brain. In addition, animals also have them in their feathers or their fur , the same is true for plants . Melanin is present in the atmosphere and the cosmos (we are talking here about cosmic melanin) On the other hand, recent research suggests that melanin could play a protective role other than photoprotection. Melanin is able to effectively ligate metal ions through its carboxylate and phenolic hydroxyl groups, in many cases much more efficiently than the powerful chelating ligand ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). Thus, it can serve to sequester potentially toxic metal ions, thereby protecting the rest of the cell. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the degradation of neuromelanin observed in Parkinson's disease is accompanied by an increase in iron levels in the brain. » (3) Neuromelamine As we said above it is a type of melanin present in the deep parts of the human brain, in the substantia nigra which owes its name (negra). In the brain of blacks, it would be present in 12 places, while in the brain of whites it would be found in 2 places. It plays a major role in the functions of the nervous system; it is an antioxidant that can prevent cell damage . It acts as a semiconductor increasing nerve impulse velocity , it can function as an electrochemical transducer to transform physical stimuli into neural activity. In sum, this dark matter in the brain is a highly sensitive sensory motor network. The amount of neuromelanin in the nervous system is determined by genes . It is not said that neuromelanin levels cannot change in individuals; drugs, chemical medicines, old age can cause its deterioration. Melanin and neuromelanin begin to play their role since embryogenesis (formation of the embryo) . Neuromelanin is genetically programmed to function at a different capacity depending on a person's genetic ability to produce melanin; This means that a very tinted melanoderm will produce more neuromelanim. Highly melanin substantia nigra of the brain produces more advanced psychomotor development in these individuals . White scientists say this substance is waste. Unlike Caucasians, African descendants have fewer Parkinson's diseases, fewer other degenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis, myocardial infarction, rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis, fractures, and in general an incidence reduction in cancer, the effects of old age are much less evident in blacks. Diseases existing in Caucasians are much less common or even non-existent in Blacks. Psychic, nervous and mental disorders are significantly more common in leucoderma than in melanoderma. The preponderant effects of melanin on the mental and the physical During the night, the pineal gland releases a hormone, melatonin, into the blood, which controls the production of melanin in the body. The pineal gland, the only light-sensitive structure inside the head, is part of a chain of glands (including the pituitary gland, thyroid) that run from the crown of the head, the middle of the forehead, to descend along the spine. It is connected to the other glands, as well as to the melanin of the skin and of the whole body, through the intermediary of calcium and vitamin D” (9); The 1st function of vitamin D is to promote the absorption of calcium and to help the fixation of the latter on the bones “The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which activates the pituitary gland to release HSM. (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone). It is in the melanocytes that melanin is produced. During the night, the pineal gland releases a hormone called melatonin into the blood, which controls the production of melanin in the body. Thus, melanin perfects the nervous system so that the messages emitted by the brain reach the rest of the body more quickly in melanoderms (blacks) than in leucoderms (whites); this is the reason why the abundance of these pigments in people with dull to dark skin predisposes them to perform better physically and psychologically. (10) .“This is precisely why black children crawl, sit, walk and show more advanced cognitive abilities than leucoderma children, their IQ is higher. A study was carried out on children from all regions of the world aged 0 to 24 months. The purpose of the study was to determine if there was a genetic link to the abilities of people living on the planet. To the surprise of European observers, the African child dominated his Caucasian counterpart in every respect. The following results, on average, were obtained: Babies ; - - Head firmly held, looking at examiner's face: Black child: 2 days White child: 8 weeks - Support yourself while sitting and watch your reflexes in the mirror: Black child: 7 weeks White child: 20 weeks – Age when he knew his name: Black child: 8 months White child: 14 months. - Age at which child could use three or more words: Black child: 10 months White child: 12 months - Walking alone: Black child: 11 months White child: 15 months - Standing against the mirror: Black child: 5 months White child: 9 months. The conclusion of this study and other comparative studies, involving black and white children from Africa, Europe and America, was that the African child is significantly more advanced than the white child until at least less than two years. After this period, the company intervenes in a new dimension of values and intelligence. And if these new values and these new dogmas are not in harmony with the natural qualities and the culture of the child, he finds himself trapped in the genes without manifesting himself fully. Poor diet also plays a large part in an individual not being able to manifest all of his natural, God-given qualities." (11) These observations of child development are made daily by nursery staff black and white babies. On the other hand, in an experiment conducted with indigenous Australians, black Melanesian Island children and white Anglo-Saxon children in the United States, the famous anthropologist Margaret Meade revealed that the "memory bank" of black children was greater and their exceptional "instant recall capacity" of memory. She, like most renowned researchers, concluded that black children have a deeper memory bank and therefore a higher IQ than their European and American counterparts; they attributed this great phenomenon to “neuro-melanin” – a product responsible for the black color in the brain. Melanoderms have a wider hearing range than Caucasians, especially at low frequencies. Furthermore, it turns out that the color of the' iris is a crucial sign of the degree of pigmentation in the body; on the other hand, the blacker it is, the more it gives its holder hearing faculties more high . On the other hand, the pineal gland being often calcified in the majority of leucodermas, melanin is weakly produced. “When white people mutated to their current condition, they developed a bony substance, calcium, on their pineal gland, thus limiting them to a minimal amount of melanin, their pineal gland is not functional. Melanin is what makes people human, it connects them to the creative forces of the universe. » (11) This calcification of their pineal gland explains their problem of bone density causing trouble for osteoporosis (i.e. a die calcification of their bones ) more common among menopausal women white than among Africans. Moreover, according to the studies of Dr. Carol Barnes , there pineal calcification hit 5 To 15% of the african , 15 To 25% of the Asians, and 60 To 80% of the western . Besides, melanin is a energy transmission channel to all sensory receptors what are the eye (vision), the ear (hearing), the vocal cords (voice), the tongue (taste), the nose (smell), the skin (in blacks it is smoother, softer, more elastic, above all ages less quickly). Hearing and sight problems are much more common in leucoderms than in melanoderms, especially when they get older. Melanin influences the gravity , I' balance , there muscular mass and the coordination of the movements : this is why melanoderms are in essence the best dancers, the best athletes, etc… (French team during the 2018 football world cup) In view of the above, it is clear that melanin is the chemical element of life and that the use of products and methods aimed at depigmenting us will therefore only have the effect of weakening it or exposing it to cancer, not without diminishing us physically and intellectually. Being black is therefore neither more nor less than a real blessing. Pineal gland and consciousness The pineal gland (small gland the size of a grain of rice and which is located between the 2 cerebral hemispheres, this gland can reach the size of the thumb in blacks) is energetically supplied with energy by the crown chakra or crown chakra, which is at the top of the skull.- The pineal gland is the transmitter-receiver center of telepathic waves-. Of our 7 chakras, this chakra is the one with the highest vibratory rate. It fuels our spirituality, our mind, our nervous system. It links us to the divine, to the higher cosmic forces. “Because of its location at the top of the skull, the crown chakra is closely linked to the brain and the entire nervous system. The crown chakra is associated with transcending our limitations, whether personal or tied to time and space. This is where the paradox becomes the norm, where what seems opposite becomes one. The quality of consciousness that comes with the crown chakra is universal, transcendent. As we are immersed in the energy of the crown chakra, we experience a state of blissful union with all that is, a state of spiritual ecstasy. This chakra allows access to higher clarity and enlightened wisdom, it strongly influences our personal development. Some describe this chakra as a doorway to the cosmic self or the divine self, to universal consciousness. It is linked to the infinite, to the universal. The crown chakra or coronal chakra, seventh chakra and located in the center of the top of the head, if it influences our relationship with the supernatural and spirituality, it is above all the source of deep inner peace and joy. to live proper to those who manage to find the perfect harmony between their body, their spirit and the constant movement of the world and the cosmos” (21) This explains the much higher level of spirituality, wisdom, empathy among the blacks than in whites, the vast majority of whom have calcified pineal glands. This has a strong negative impact on their depraved morals and their predatory, destructive, strongly materialistic morality, without scruples for the nature they enslave and destroy and the humans they exploit without conscience. How Races Differ Due to Melanin A Japanese scientist has shown that inside melanocytes (skin pigment cells where melanin is produced) there are tiny pockets called melanosomes that contain melanin. The four stages in the maturation of these pockets are what explain the differences r Tocials : Stage 1: The melanosome is empty and lacks the necessary material to make melanin. * Stage 2: The melanosome has the material to make melanin, but it is empty of melanin. * Stage 3: The material is there and the melanosome is half full of melanin. *Stage 4: The material is there and the melanosome is completely filled with melanin. Whites mostly have stages 1 and 2, while all colored people have melanin with blacks having more stage 4 than 3. Latinos and Asians have more stage 3 than 4. Properties of melanin # Melanin is the chemical key to life. # Melanin is a key ingredient in the DNA of genes and protects the DNA nucleus. # Melanin plays a central role in controlling all physical and mental activity. # Melanin granules are "central computers" and can analyze and trigger bodily reactions and unrelated reactions in the brain. # Melanin is an antioxidant that destroys free radicals (which are a major factor in aging). # Melanin delays aging and reduces senility, senility-related diseases # Melanin makes the skin look youthful and wrinkle-free by protecting it from the harmful effects of sunlight. The darker your skin, the less it ages. The reverse is true for lighter skin; clearer skin ages and wrinkles faster. This is why white people have wrinkled skin in their 40s or earlier, while black people often have smooth, unwrinkled skin, even in very old age. The absence of melanin (neuromelanin) is directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of melanin is directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Wouldn't it be the absence or insufficiency of melanin (especially neuromelanin) in leucoderms that makes them so egocentric, aggressive, destructive of everything, of nature, of other races by massacres and genocides, in order to serve their desires? basely material, and which makes them lack spirituality, empathy, sensitivity? Wide range of tones, high and low sounds, The melanin present in the vocal cords of blacks makes singing melodious, powerful and rhythmic. In addition, melanin influences the gravity , I' balance , there muscular mass and the coordination of the movements : this is why melanoderms are essentially the best dancers, the best athletes. Very advanced psycho-motor development in small blacks. American Simone Biles greatest gymnast of all time 25 medals including 19 gold-2021. Born March 14, 1997 in Columbus (Ohio) and four-time Olympic champion. She is nicknamed The GOAT which means the greatest of all time (The Greatest Of All Times) Tiger Woods a black who excelled in a sport popular with whites: golf . 106 world victories, 15 major titles. he revolutionized the world of golf with his sporting results and by attracting a new audience. Tiger Woods has the best winning percentage in PGA Tour history. Eldrick Tont Woods, better known as Tiger Woods, born December 30, 1975 in California, is an American golfer born to a Thai mother and an African-American father. He is one of the greatest golfers of all time and one of the most popular sportsmen of the early 21st century. Winner of 15 major tournaments. KASSAV Group. Tribute to Jacob Desvarieux Usain Bolt born August 21, 1986 is a Jamaican athlete, specialist in sprint events. He is widely regarded as the greatest sprinter of all time Among the most successful athletes in the history of the Olympic Games in sprint with eight gold medals, he is the most successful in the history of the world championships with eleven victories. He is the first athlete to simultaneously hold world records in the 100m, 200m and 4×100m, the only athlete to retain two individual sprint titles in three consecutive Olympiads, and the only athlete to break three world records during the same Olympiad. From the 2008 Olympics to the 2016 Olympics, Usain Bolt won nineteen Olympic and world titles in twenty-one events. Joseph Bologna Chevalier de Saint George - Violin Concertos Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de St Georges (1739-1799) was a great musician (composer, violinist, conductor) and French fencer, foil virtuoso; Born in Guadeloupe (in Baillif) natural child of a slave and Georges de Bologne de Saint-Georges, a rich white planter. Mozart jealous him but was inspired by St George in his musical compositions. He was called the Black Mozart, an insult to the one Mozart copied (Mozart died at 35, De St Georges at 53) In 1802, when slavery was restored, his pieces were simply expelled from the musical repertoire. To this day this great black musician is totally unknown to the public. (ref chap: Black inventors of the site) Lewis Hamilton Racing Driver A black man who excelled in a sport popular with whites: Formula 1. he is, to date, the driver who has won the most victories on different circuits: 103 victories, Ie most successful driver . Sir Lewis Hamilton was born on January 7, 1985 in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, his grandfather was from the island of Grenada in the Caribbean. Lewis Hamilton is a British racing driver, seven times champion of the Formula 1 world in 2008, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. With these seven titles, he is, to this day, the pilot who ar won the most victories on different circuits: 103 wins; the most successful pilot. In 2008 he became the youngest world champion in Formula 1 history. A member of the Order of the British Empire since his 2008 world title, Lewis Hamilton was elevated to the rank of Knight (KBE), knighted by Queen Elizabeth II on December 31, 2020. He was officially knighted by Prince Charles at the Château de Windsor on December 15, 2021. The absence of melanin (neuromelanin) is directly related to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of melanin (neuromelanin) is directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system. Wouldn't it be the absence or insufficiency of melanin (especially neuromelanin) in leucoderms that makes them so egocentric, aggressive, destructive of everything, of nature, of other races by massacres and genocides, in order to serve their desires? basely material, and which makes them lack spirituality, empathy, sensitivity? # Melanin has a connection with religion and spirituality, as our ancestors discovered. Africans communicate with the spiritual world when they sleep. It happens naturally. It's the same as when you dream. The third eye or pineal gland, (inner eye) is the eye that serves to give us vision, spirituality, dreams and necromancy. This eye produces a hormone called melatonin daily. The relationship between humans and melatonin is certainly not new. The revelations of the Bible and the Torah have all been inspired by people with a high amount of melanin. # A person can go a whole week without drinking water, and two weeks without eating. Once there is a food shortage in our internal system, melanin, well known as the soul, activates and takes control. YAHUSHUA, the Christ, went 40 days without food, and walked in the desert under a blazing sun, that means he must have had a very high spirituality, a very powerful soul/melanin to regulate his internal system. This proves that this brother was unquestionably an African. The physical qualities of melanin described above represent only a fraction of its capabilities. In the spiritual realm, the scope of melanin is very extensive; so extensive that its real potential has not yet been understood by man. #Melanin is what makes human beings God-like, and gain godly spiritual power and awareness. Perhaps this is why ancient Africans believed that we are made in the image of God, with the power and ability to live in harmony with nature. Melanin is also present in every corner of nature. The galaxies, the sea, the soil and food, and the wombs of our mothers all manifest the presence of this complex chemical. Melanin is also present in our internal system and in all parts of our body; heart, liver, muscles, nerves, intestines and 12 places in our brain; in the leucoderma it would be present in 2 places of the brain. It is indeed our mothers who give us melanin once we are in the womb. What many people don't realize is that melanin is also linked to fertility. Those with pigmented skin have the highest melanocyte counts in the genitals and nipples. » (12) “It is common knowledge that people with pale skin, after death, should be buried within two to three days because of their massive decomposition. Scientists say that people with pigmented cells regenerate at a steady rate and can last five to ten days longer. » (13) “The spiritual dimension of melanin gives us the possibility of : 1- Reach a higher level of consciousness. Melanin sharpens our psychological awareness, while giving us a deeper understanding of life, 2- Maintain a humorous disposition. Melanin has a mild sedative effect, keeping us calm and collected unlike leucodermas; generates in us compassion for ourselves and others, and helps to keep us in tune with the environment and the music. Blacks live in harmony with their environment, respect Nature, flora, fauna, kill an animal only for the need to feed and ask forgiveness before. 3- Naturally intoxicate our senses. Melanin can induce an altered state of consciousness, making us feel good, without the need for "drugs", 4- Use a greater percentage of our brain. It's a known fact that most people in leucodermas use about 10% of their brains; because their thought is generally concentrated on the left hemisphere. However, with the gift of (neuro)melanin, we are able to make use of both hemispheres. This is why we must continue our crusade to decolonize the minds of the original genetic model (Black people), to see through the nonsense propagated by White people in order to make themselves important and continue to dominate us. Total ignorance can be fought with knowledge. In a nutshell, black people, as the original genetic model, are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet. » (14) (NEURO) MELANIN EXPLAINS THE DIFFERENCES IN BEHAVIOR OF BLACKS AND WHITES Thanks to the presence of melanin in our brain (neuromelanin) we have a mode of functioning, of thought which differs from that of white people, how to explain this? Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each hemisphere of the brain: the Left, then the Right. Whites would be 80% left-brained, Blacks would work with both left and right brains. "Characteristics of the brain LEFT. For 80% of people in Western societies, the left brain is dominant. The left brain is the brain of reason. No creativity It is logical, Cartesian, sequential (it processes only one piece of data at a time) and specific. For the left brain, a question = an answer. It works in binary, which means there's only one way to do things. Main Disadvantages The school system is very oriented towards this model and all our social conditioning pushes us to operate in this way. The major drawback is that a dominant left brain stifles our creativity and prevents us from finding solutions to global problems. Indeed, the left brain is a specific brain. The left brain is mono-task so its capacities of assimilation and attention are limited. Main Benefits Being single-task is practical for staying focused on the present moment and not getting too dispersed. The left brain allows us to organize ourselves, to plan things and therefore to effectively achieve specific goals. It greatly facilitates social integration since the majority of (Western) people operate on this wiring. The characteristics of the right brain The right brain is the seat of intuition, creativity, imagination, emotions and dazzling thought. It works much more powerfully than its left colleague . People who have the dominant right brain can have problems integrating into society and can experience their difference badly. The first thing is that the right brain thinks in a tree structure. As a result, he explores several avenues at the same time and has a global vision of things. Then, the senses are more developed (hyperesthesia) and can sometimes mix with each other (synesthesia). That's why some people see numbers or words in color, for example. The emotions of the dominant right brains are also more intense, they have a greater sensitivity and have a very great empathy, that is to say that they manage to literally feel the emotions of others. . The main advantages: - the right hemisphere allows us to make decisions quickly and generate a lot of solutions. Tree-like thinking allows you to see things as a whole and quickly get out of a problem -this brain likes complexity, it is possible to be multitasking and to deepen several subjects at the same time -a great creativity and a great sensitivity which is perfectly suited to artistic professions -an excellent sense of observation and detail thanks to the developed senses . - a freed and independent thought, one does not easily fit into molds and one is more apt to think for oneself. » (15) In view of these explanations of the functioning of the left and right brains, you understand why the black child who knows a faster development than the small white until the age of 2 years; age at which he enters the Western school system which forces him to function only with his left brain, often has difficulty integrating into this system which does not make him use the capacities of his right brain, and which in the end account is not made for him.. Another very important observation relating to the right brain, As it was specified previously it allows u great creativity and sensitivity which is ideal for artistic professions. You know that all the western singers that they are called among others Elvis Presley, nicknamed '' the king of rock nd roll '' and rewarded by Nixon, the Beatles who were decorated by the Queen of England etc, have all inspired by black American singers to compose their songs which are often only replicas of these black singers, the French singer Johnny Halliday who died in January 2018, and who was entitled to an almost national funeral did not create a single of his hits, all are plagiarisms of Black American singers: Chubby Checker, Chuck Berry (dead in the shadows) among others. How sad ! And it goes on, where is Western creativity? Could neuromelamine deficiency be the cause? A hospital center nurse pointed out to me that her department organized separate groups of black and white children, they were given nothing to occupy them; it was found that the groups of white children were complaining, shouting '' we are bored, we have nothing to do '' while the groups of black children were busy, creating with each other games using their hands, feet. Could neuromelamine deficiency in small leucodermas be the cause of this lack of creative spirit? We fight among ourselves without knowing why. the Caucasians came to enslave us, and converted some of us into their various religious and political ideologies, and after more than 1500 years, we are still influenced by their corrupt institutions. This heritage can only be broken by knowing our history (past) and by acquiring self-knowledge, therefore the knowledge of melanin. “Why are institutions corrupt? Corrupted, because none of the great religions of the world originated in Africa; the foundations of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc., all originated in Africa, especially in the Nile Valley (Egypt). Melanin is indeed the key to our spirituality. African spirituality, which has existed since our creation, began to worship God, and admire the beauty and complexity of the universe, melanin is the only key to our survival. Our ancestors mastered the sciences of the cosmos, and spirituality at a high level. » (16) You should know that the leucoderma has existed for about 8000 years, the Black would have been among the 1st inhabitants of the planet and all the cultures that have existed on the earth would be black cultures that were destroyed by natural, major cataclysms; the last civilization to date was that of the Atlanteans (Atlantis 11,600 years ago) which was very advanced (there was also Lemuria), it had a very high technology having nothing to do with the current one and who would be at the origin of the construction of the pyramids in Egypt whose construction remains unexplained to this day. Melanin theorist Carol Barnes writes in her book Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness: Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice. Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric. Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL as he absorbs all energy frequencies. Because white people have the least melanin, they are seen by people of color as generally rigid, insensitive (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and "unspiritual." "Whites attribute their reproductive failure to behavioral or societal reasons. However, the reason is more biological. B Many people don't realize that the sun sterilizes white people. The lack of melanin or pigment makes white people vulnerable to photolysis: photolysis is a breakdown of chemical bonds due to the radiant energy of light (so also the sun). This is the real reason behind the low Caucasian birth rates. The breakdown of folate or folic acid in the blood is essential for cell replication and reproduction. The fertility problems experienced are not behavioral but biological and do not seem to be able to be controlled. Folate levels drop by up to 50% when whites are exposed to sunlight, and even those from tanning salons. -Vitamin B9 or folic acid (also called folate) is essential for cell renewal as well as for the development of the fetus in the event of pregnancy-. Melanin is present early in life: A melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg. In the human embryo, melanocytes (skin pigment cells), brain and nerve cells all come from the same place; the neural crest (in the embryo: cells which are at the origin of the melanocytes, and most of the neurons of the peripheral nervous system). Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for transmitting energy. The absent or insufficient melanin in the ectoderm of the early embryo (blastula), acts on the good progress of the pregnancy and the deficiency of this pigment in the genital organs of the leucoderms will cause fertility problems. It is increasingly common for leukoderma women to be forced to resort to treatments to improve their fertility and have a viable pregnancy. Melanoderms are less affected by these problems, due to higher melanin levels in the fetus and in their genitals. With regard to the metabolization of vitamin D: The primary function of vitamin D is to promote the absorption of calcium and to help in the fixation of the latter on the bones. White people have the lowest bone density of anyone on the planet, probably because of the climate where they live. Vitamin D is produced by exposure to the sun. Skin is believed to convert sunlight into vitamin D because of 7-dehydrocholesterol. of provitamin D3). However, white people reflect sunlight, and the body compensates by depleting calcium from their bones. This makes white people more susceptible to kidney stones than any other race of people. The depletion of bone mass is responsible for their low bone density.It is widely accepted that black people have the strongest bones of any individual on the planet, from childhood to old age. » (17) Science and everyday observation tell us that white people have a very low tolerance for the sun. Too much sun and they get “sunburn”. If it goes on too long, they develop skin cancer. But the Sun is the source of energy not only for the Earth, but for the whole solar system, all the galaxies in the Universe need the sun. Plants need the sun to grow, humans need the sun to be healthy, even the weather depends on the sun. So how could a naturally evolved human on planet Earth not “tolerate” the sun well? In fact, “naturally evolved humans” tolerate the sun very well. They do this with the "melanin" that their body produces in their skin to protect them from the harmful rays of the Sun - They are the black and brown people of the Earth. About the eyes, blue eyes due to lack of melanin in the iris are more sensitive to sunlight, they don't process light and produce vision as effectively as eyes brown. Also, numerous studies have shown that people with light-colored eyes, such as blue, green, and hazel, are more vulnerable to hearing damage than people with black or brown eyes. “There is a link between the sun, melanin and certain diseases such as skin cancer, herpes etc. Pale people are most vulnerable to skin diseases due to the lack of melanin to protect them from the sun's harmful rays. AIDS and some drug-related illnesses present in the African community worldwide are said to be the invention of the white man. AIDS and herpes viruses are activated by ultraviolet light. The composition of drugs such as heroin and crack, which are all synthetic drugs, have an element that is very much related to melanin; as soon as this element meets the viruses of herpes and AIDS, a bond is formed, a very strong and unbreakable alliance. This explains the devastating effects of drugs on black people » (18) "In her book 'The Chemical Key to Black Greatness', Carol Barnes, the American biochemist, describes melanin as "a civilizing chemical that acts as a sedative to help the black human remain calm, relaxed, caring, creative, energetic and civilized”. Research has also revealed that melanin allows black skin to actively interact with the sun to produce vitamin D from a biochemical, 7-dehydrocholesterol. The study also detected that, melanin has spiritual as well as physical dynamics, as it acts as a sensory “receiver” and “transmitter”; to communicate with the cosmic energy fields in the vast universe by converting light energy into sound energy and vice versa. Dr. Richard King, MD said that "melanin, through its ability to capture light and hold it in memory, reveals that darkness transforms light into knowing." With all of this information, we can clearly see that melanin is ESSENTIAL for the efficient performance of all of the body's natural functions. It seems a little ironic that white people consider themselves genetically superior and advocate white supremacy. There is nothing superior about a genetic defect. White skin is a form of mutated albinism. The doll test, where it was reported that white children and black children prefer WHITE dolls, reveals ignorance 'due to centuries of brainwashing'. This is why we must continue our crusade to decolonize the minds of the original genetic template (Blacks) in order to see through the nonsense propagated by Whites to dominate us. Total ignorance can be fought with knowledge. A more recent tactic used by white people to reassure themselves is the "implicit association test". They figured out a way to make it seem like white people are supposed to be the most desirable people on the planet and everyone around them wants to be like them (eg the blonde with blue eyes). This is real nonsense because the blonde with blue eyes is the typical case of OCA2 type albinism as we will see in the chapter: albinism, creation of white.In a nutshell, black people, being the original genetic model, are the only completely NORMAL people on the planet. . Always remember these points, and you should never have to lower your head to leucodermas. All phenotypes (The phenotype is the set of visible characteristics of a person: color of the hair , eyes, ear or nose shape, height, blood type) exist within the black family . Asians are just the descendants of their ancestors who were a slant-eyed black African tribe. White people are the albinos of specific groups of Africans and have inherited phenotypes from these people. It has been said that their phenotypes were originally their own and if you see people of African descent with these characteristics, they inherited them from white people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Blacks are the genetic parents . Remember, white people can't reproduce anything other than themselves or reproduce genetic material that they don't have: melanin. Therefore, they cannot reproduce black skin, but black skin can reproduce white skin and all other human genders. It should also convince you that all the great civilizations of antiquity were started by us. White people with their recessive genes and ill-refined reproductive systems couldn't have lasted that long, besides they are disappearing faster" (19) now and only make up 8% to 10% of the world's population as they were 32, then 25%. Their population is dramatically ageing. About the birth rate, Leucodermas are currently below the replacement rate which is 2.1 children for a couple; in France it drops to 1.8; in other European countries this rate is even lower, 1.25 in Spain and even in certain Asian countries eg: South Korea and Japan 1.4; While in Africa the young population is dominant, vivacious despite all the means that the leucoderms use to make us disappear (AIDS, Ebola and other diseases created in their laboratories) If we are here and standing tall, it is still thanks to our melanin. The average age in Europe was 43 in 2019, In Africa the average age is 18. Genetically deficient genes provide ABSOLUTELY NO benefit in the wild, in tropical climates, temperate climates OR cold northern climates. Black people, as the original genetic template, are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet. Whites are albinos (recessive genetic abnormalities) and other ethnicities are just mixtures” The black human race The Three Phenotypes of the Intrinsically Black Human Race All human phenotypes and all human genotypes are black and African in nature and origin. The human race has three main phenotypes: Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid. The genotype of an organism is made up of the inherited instructions it carries in its genome. In the human race, the natural coloration of each of the three phenotypes is ALWAYS dark/black: Except in cases where there is a genetic defect. The most common genetic defect in each of the three human genotypes is albinism. The mixture of black phenotypes and albino phenotypes results in the Mulatto world phenotypes (for lack of a better descriptor). Note that for every facial feature or body type that we have learned to consider White (European), or Chinese (Mongolian), there is an original and much older Black version. Colorations, such as blond hair or blue eyes, are also black and are a function of albinism. Obviously, Europeans and Mongols (the yellow ones) have very little genetic diversity. Indeed, Europeans and Mongols are both derived from a single type of black human (for the most part). The Europeans are mainly the Albinos of the Dravidians of India (Black Indians of South India). And the Chinese (Mongols) are a mulatto race composed of the phenotype of the Blacks of Mongolian East Africa (San, Himba, slant-eyed tribes) and their Albinos. To sum up: blacks are the original human species, whites and yellows are subspecies derived from this human species” (41) The Three Phenotypes of the Intrinsically Black Human Race Caucasoid phenotype Negroid phenotype Mongoloid phenotype Grandmother and her granddaughter San: people of the Kalahari desert and South Africa. The San are the genetically oldest people on the planet. THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENT AND DIETARY HABITS ON MELANIN “The pineal gland, a small gland the size of a grain of rice located between the 2 hemispheres of the brain, plays an essential role in the production of melanin: it can reach the size of the thumb in blacks . This gland needs sunlight to secrete melanin (neuromelanin); Melanin which itself is transformed into 2 other hormones which are serotonin and melatonin. When black people spend too much time indoors or are exposed to too much artificial light they tend to suffer from depression. A polluted environment, too much noise, disadvantaged social situations and mood swings, lack of physical exercise, an acidic body, junk food, synthetic drugs and computers, cell phones slow down the functioning of the pineal gland and thereby decrease the production of neuromelanin, because this gland is deprived of sunlight. Neuromelanin is secreted by the pineal gland, the pineal stimulates the growth of brain gray matter which plays an important role in cognitive functions . Therefore, a pineal that is not stimulated in children will cause them cognitive problems when they are adults. Blacks have the highest amount of melanin in the brain (neuromelanin), than any other people. By causing superconductivity, melanin allows messages to pass quickly without anything getting in their way, it allows the brain to store more information and function at a high level. . The functions of melanin in the body and brain are reduced by corticosteroids (anti-inflammatories), stimulants (cocaine, caffeine, etc.), antidepressants and artificial light. The pineal is involved in the functioning of the glands: hypothalamus, the pituitary gland which secretes ovarian stimulation hormones, sperm and egg production hormones. As a result, a black man with an unstimulated pineal gland, who uses drugs or eats junk food will reduce the functions of his pineal gland and will therefore have reproductive problems: genitals, sperm production, female fertility, production of progesterone. ..... The melanin produced by the pineal also helps in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that synchronizes the body's rhythm (circadian rhythm) The melanin produced by the pineal gland is converted into serotonin and then into melatonin. These hormones need darkness and sunshine to stabilize the body's rhythm. The lack of sunlight destabilizes the circadian rhythm causing seasonal depressions. In summary, neuromelanin synchronizes body functions, helps maintain circadian rhythm, stimulates milk secretion and uterine contractions, triggers puberty, increases brain electrical activity, regulates blood pressure, induces sleep, has a positive effect on the emotions and creates an effect of well-being and cheerfulness. The pineal gland manufactures alkaloids including serotonin which allows muscles to contract, allows the constriction of blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, has the ability to change consciousness (improvise other realities); consequently the high capacity to improvise is a characteristic of blacks in music, dance, theater, inventions, science, art, culture..._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d Junk food and drugs impact the pineal gland. The pineal regulates levels of insulin and other hormones essential for mental and physical development and growth . In other words, an understimulated pineal will produce a low amount of neuromelanin and therefore this will have consequences on the cognitive functions of blacks. The melanin secreted by the pineal acts on the pituitary gland to produce a hormone called Oxytocin. Oxytocin stimulates uterine contraction during fetal birth. it is one of the main hormones that bind people together (mother and child, man and woman, friends).Blacks who have insufficient neuromelanin levels will have problems with unity, formation of positive groups and will destroy each other. Serotonin and melatonin have a structure similar to other alkaloids, this promotes fusion with dangerous drugs such as crack, cocaine, ritalin, caffeine, codeine, morphine, mescaline etc. ...Blacks with their high degree of neuromelanin are twice as addicted to synthetic drugs as other races. By adopting the cultural practices, the way of life (ways of thinking, habits...) of the Caucasians, their industrial food, their synthetic drugs, they cause genetic damage to their DNA, fall into abnormal psychological states and catch physical illnesses. These chemicals will spill into their bloodstream, throughout the body and damage any organ with a high amount of melanin (brain, sex organs, digestive system...). A low level of melanin will promote the action of free radicals which will cause tissue damage. A poor diet will decrease the amount of melanin in the brain and affect the mental faculties and cause physical and mental damage. »(22) THE FLIGHT OF MELANIN We have seen above the beneficial effects of melanin in blacks: performance in all areas: intellectual, physical, psychic, neurological, mental (anti-stress, anti-depressant), psychological, artistic, creativity. These performances, which cannot be equalized by a body without melanin, encourage leucoderms to seek out this precious substance which will help them to surpass themselves, to rejuvenate themselves: their skin, being inelastic, ages much faster than melanin skin. To do this for several years they have embarked on a business that would be controlled by the Jews: the theft of melanin. Stealing our melanin is said to be a common activity in Western countries. Know that a black body: especially a young black male can bring in between $6,000 and $260,000; it is a very juicy macabre activity. Dr. Yaffa Bey seems well documented on this subject. Melanin is found in all the organs and bones of blacks and as we have seen previously, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, nerves, eyes, cells for their reproduction; Melanin is a substance that can reorganize its chemical structure to absorb all energies: sun, X-rays, music, sound, radar, radio waves ..... so it is a wealth that leucoderms are looking for. Blacks are murdered to steal their melanin: In Haiti after the 2011 earthquake, in the USA after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, blacks belonging to gangs. The more developed pineal and pituitary glands in blacks produce growth hormone 100% superior to synthetic, Eyes, penis, bones, brain, skin, inside the body; any organ rich in melanin is good to take. Melanin could not be synthesized in the laboratory, so there would be a synthetic melanin made from real melanin but of lower quality than the natural extracted directly from corpses. Leucodermas inject melanin into the abdominal wall. Some funeral directors and cremation companies actively participate in this juicy market. When you are given the body of your beloved, know that everything has been taken: brain, penis, bones replaced by pipes, you are so sad that you are not going to examine the state of the corpse. When the cremation companies would give you the ashes or of a homeless person or an animal (Dr Yaffa We find that the depravity is the most total and without limit in the leucodermas who stop at nothing to do money and satisfy their self-centeredness. Alive They strip us and kill us to appropriate our civilizations, our cultures, our discoveries which they call theirs; when we are dead they seize our corpses to make a very fruitful trade with our melanin. Wouldn't it still be this lack of neuromelanin in their brain that makes them so inhuman? The skin and hair of black slaves were used to make shoes, book covers Let us always remember each time we pass in front of the large buildings, signs of pride of the followers of the Klu Klux Klan and other remaining racists that: Wall Street has roots in slavery, prestigious universities have roots in slavery…, America was built on the backs of African slaves. Here is an article that coldly says that the tanned skin of an African gives the most durable and supple leather there is. Philadelphia News} Mercury, Saturday morning March 17, 1888 I remember two or three years ago I went to an eminent doctor in this town who wore shoes made of nigger skin. He has always adhered to this custom, insisting that an African's tanned skin yields the most durable and supple leather available. I asked him : “Is the African still below your feet?” In a more real way, and without a shadow of a smile, he replied, “I guess you want to ask me if I always wear nigger-skin shoes. I certainly do, and I'm not suggesting changing in that regard until I find softer leather that will last longer and look better. I have no feelings about it. Doctor's shoes always exhibit a particularly rich luster in their blackness. He assures me that they never hurt his feet. He gets the skins from the bodies of niggers that's been dissected in one of our great medical colleges. The best leather is obtained from the thighs. The soles are formed by placing several layers of leather together. The shoes are fashioned by a French cobbler in this town, who does not know the true character of the leather, but who often questions its exquisite softness and says it excels the finest French calfskin. Don't think for a moment that this doctor is an exceptional case of using black human skin for practical use. Medical students frequently present a wide variety of items in which, the skin or bones of some dissected black dead, have been used exceptionally, One of the most unworthy men in town has a safe topped with part of the skin of a beautiful young black woman discovered drowned in the Delaware River. It still retains its natural color. Another young man I know has a negro skin cigar. One of the most famous surgeons of this country and who resides in this city has a magnificent instrument completely covered in black African skin leather. A society young lady of this town has a nice pair of dark slippers, the remarkable lustrous appearance of the leather constantly excites the admiration of her friends when they see them., the skin is from a Negro corpse, dissected at Jefferson College , the rosettes on the slippers were skillfully shaped by the black hair of the negro. ( Negro skin shoes Negro skin shoes Chakras and Behaviors By comparing behaviors, radically opposed ways of thinking in blacks and whites, I can't help but refer to the functioning of 2 chakras that are themselves opposed in us. We have 7 chakras; each of our chakras is linked to an emotional state. But it turns out that the 2 emotionally opposed chakras are: the root chakra which is at the bottom of our trunk and the crown chakra which is at the top of the skull. The root chakra represents feelings related to all things material and physical. A deficient (blocked) root chakra manifests as aggressiveness, feelings of insecurity, stress, anxiety: feelings created by Fear; These feelings are dominant in the leucoderma. The crown chakra is associated with higher consciousness (the Divine), spirituality, love, wisdom, understanding, sensitivity: dominant feelings in melanoderm. Wouldn't these feelings be generated by the presence or deficiency of neuromelanin which would act on the functioning of these chakras through our emotions, because the functioning of our chakras is totally governed by our good or bad emotions? "A lack of this substance in the brain of leucoderms (neuromelanin), is it responsible for the following facts? All agree with the University of Calgary's assertion that Central Asian Dravidian albinos were 'excluded' from Asia by the Black Mongols: but WHY? No Asian text explains it, but the acts and behaviors of Albinos once they took over black Europe are probably well known. Wherever they went they sowed destruction and death. Europe : between 1066 and 1798, the Albinos launched about 170 major wars in Europe. The English Civil Wars and the "Thirty Years' Wars" in continental Europe were in fact "RACE" wars which led to the death or expulsion of almost all black Europeans from the northern hemisphere._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ As albinos spread across the planet, they slaughtered everyone they came into contact with. In Australia and New Zealand , they committed genocide against Australians, Tasmanians and New Zealanders. Today, around 10% of Indigenous Australians are still alive (Aborigines); they were 90% slaughtered. But all the Tasmanians were wiped out. All New Zealanders are gone, but a population of Mulattoes still exists. The same is true for Hawaii: ALL of the native "black" Hawaiians are gone, but a small mulatto population still exists. The last of the Tasmanians, William Lanne or Laney, died in 1869. Dr Lodewyk Crowther removed his head in the name of science at the Colonial Hospital and made a tobacco pouch out of his scrotum. In the Americas the massacre was even worse: Tens of millions of Native American Blacks and Indians were exterminated. In 1492, when Christopher Columbus came to the Americas, around 145 million people lived there. In 1691 (less than 200 years later), the population of Native Americans had decreased by 90 to 95% (Incas, Aztecs, Mayas), or about 130 million people. The Incas in Peru were decimated at 95%, the Mayas and Aztecs in Mexico and Central America at 90%. They skilfully disseminated smallpox among these peoples by giving them blankets which had been used in Europe to wrap people suffering from this disease. machiavellianism ? (Genocide of Indigenous Peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The surviving 5-10% underwent interbreeding with the albino invaders and produced mestizos with lighter skin color than the 1st inhabitants of this continent. In addition, they looted the Aztec, Inca, Maya temples...and took about 16 tons of gold and silver. This allowed them to start their pre-capitalist economy. In Asia , no one seems to have reported the massacre of albinos, perhaps because the Mongols (the yellows, themselves mixed Albinos) also engaged in this inhumane behavior. Even in Africa , the Albinos attempted to carry out genocides in several African countries during the colonial period. And when the Albinos had no black or pigmented people to massacre: they massacred each other through the European Wars (ex: world wars) and the colonial wars in order to appropriate the lands discovered by them. There is no doubt that the Albinos of Europe killed more creatures - some to extinction, human and non-human - than any other Homo-sapiens. Their partial toll - the people of Tasmania are now extinct. 90 million black and Mongolian Americans - mostly black - were killed in the conquest of the Americas. Millions of Africans were killed in Africa, fighting for their freedom and as a result of the transatlantic slave trade. And countless millions of black people in Europe were killed in the "race wars" falsely labeled "Catholic/Protestant religious wars", for them to take sovereignty from Europe. Tasmanians: all slaughtered by albino invaders Lynching and burning to death of a black youth Usa Nebraska Sep1919 The last Tasmanian William Laney died in 1869. Dr Lodewyk Crowther removed his head in the name of science at the Colonial Hospital and made a tobacco pouch out of his scrotum Lynching and hanging of blacks: usa 1930 Tasmanian whites: ranching and farming on the lands of the Tasmanians they all slaughtered, they smile, they look happy. Mountain of bison carcasses killed in the USA: to starve the Indians After being castrated, his fingers, ears and toes were cut off, Then, Jesse Washington is burned alive and hanged on a tree (1916) . Why European Albinos Want You to Think You're African Two reasons: 1)To instill in you the concept of yourself: that you are primitive and incapable of accomplishing great things . Note that for hundreds of years the Albinos claimed that the ancient Egyptians were white - they still claim that the other great civilizations were white. Note any anti-black media sources: the number one thing albinos say is that Africans are primitive, animalistic, have low IQs, and are incapable of achieving success. It's not true, but it's the Albino line. 2)To keep you from thinking and researching what really happened in Europe and the Americas : Both are horrific cases of genocide against black people, committed by Albinos! » (31) We have fallen into the trap because we are totally unaware that European civilizations are in fact civilizations built by blacks who came from Africa 45,000 years ago. Should the awareness of his melanin help the black man no longer allow himself to be manipulated and degraded by the leucoderma and to free himself? If the black wants to get out of this mental, social, economic, cultural slump in which the leucoderma has plunged him for centuries to better strip him and degrade him; he must believe in himself: RECOVER SELF-ESTEEM. For this: to know his story, that of his ancestors, to spread it in order to deny the lies fabricated by the leucoderma to belittle him, to safeguard his culture national, no longer be the rootless tree that it has been for centuries. So he must become aware of his melanin, understand that it is thanks to this pigment that he made all the cultures and world civilizations whose visual imprint is marked in the monuments that remain: solid ocular remains,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ witnesses of his work and his existence in Europe, Asia, Americas. Knowing well all the benefits brought by his melanin in the establishment of these world cultures: therefore his story, he must resist all brainwashing and subjugation that the leucoderma wants to impose on him by trickery, violence, lies. He must also know the psychology of the white totally opposite to his own and predatory as well of nature as of the black human being in order to satisfy his material instincts and his egocentrism. He must organize the resistance: pan-African resistance both in Africa and in the diaspora, because anti-black racism is developing more and more everywhere in the world, as well among whites in Europe and America as among Asians and Arabs . The main cause would be the size produced by melanin; they feel as if it were a danger for them, because they cannot produce the performances that it gives to the black on the most known media levels: physical, sporting, musical. Their envy makes them fall into the need to harm us. They are racist, they do not want black skin but they are jealous of the performance due to its melanin. In addition, you should know that happiness, the well-being of the mind are above all states of mind. White people are above all materialistic and egocentric. For him, to be happy is to have money, material which he can enjoy to satiety. But are we happy when we are fulfilled materially? The great malaise of Western societies where there is a lot of misunderstanding, divisions, where there is a lot of violence, crimes, shows that although it has completely stripped blacks and usurped their knowledge, their achievements and their possessions, it does not did not allow him to achieve a certain mental and spiritual comfort. Could the cause still be this deficiency in neuromelanin which deprives him of sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions? I would add that I have a friend from Guadeloupe who is a personal development coach in the United States; her students in her classes are black and white: she tells me that the whites hang on, follow her lessons, come, come back, pay, eat; but she finds that it is difficult for them to understand and put into practice her teachings because they are mental, she tells me, whereas blacks are much more at ease, assimilate and react more quickly. '''We want to be happy tell him the whites''. But wouldn't it be the lack of this neuromelanin pigment in their brains that would be a handicap to their happiness? In addition, leucodermas are addicted to cigarettes despite the warnings on the boxes to warn them of the mortal dangers of nicotine (melanoderma, less). It is known that people who are addicted to tobacco seek to compensate in cigarettes for a psychological malaise: anxiety, anguish, nervousness, fears, emotional lack... Could this malaise once again be due to this neuromelanin deficiency? On the other hand you have noticed a development, especially in the USA, of mass murders with dozens of deaths; the perpetrators of these mass murders are almost always leucoderma. Again the deficiency in neuromelanin would it not be in question? Mass shootings From January to April 2022, there were 200 mass shootings in the USA, i.e. 1.6 shootings per day according to GVA. As of September 1, 2019, which was the 244th day of the year, there had been 283 mass shootings in the United States, according to data from the non-profit Gun Violence Archive (GVA), which tracks every mass shooting in the country. The GVA defines a mass shooting as any incident in which at least four people were shot, excluding the shooter. The number of mass shootings across the United States so far in 2019 has exceeded the number of days. This makes 2019 the 1st year since 2016 that has an average of one mass shooting per day; but this year 2019 was surpassed by the year 2022 which counted 1.6 shootings per day. Unfortunately, this figure is increasing and risks leading to a civil war in the USA. The media express their fear of this risk. Suicide The state of Montana is 90% Albino and 0.43% Black. Although Albinos have all the wealth and advantages, they commit suicide at a rate of 29 per 100,000, which is the highest in the United States. So, although Albinos make up less than 50% of the American population (we estimate 35-40%), they hold over 90% of the wealth of the United States and all the benefits of society, but they nevertheless feel the need to end their life or that of others SUICIDE RATE BY RACE/ETHNY USA FROM 2008 TO 2017 PER 100,000 PEOPLE - Native American Indians 22.15 -Non-Hispanic whites 17.83 -Asians and Pacific Islands 6.75 -Blacks 6.85 -Hispanics 6.89. Black has a very low rate Rich or poor, Albinos need to kill someone, or themselves. But, even the most miserable blacks don't feel this need In addition, many millennia-old health and well-being techniques are increasingly copied by leucodermas because they have not only noticed their benefits but they are also a means for them always in search of profits, to make money: These techniques are known and practiced, often by great masters in India. The leucodermas move to India make contact with these masters who teach them, and back in the West, adapt them to the problems they want to deal with and pose the inventors by giving them a name. With these techniques learned from masters in India they make books that they forbid to copy, publish, exploit under penalty of legal proceedings. They create copyrights, "all rights reserved", of the brands that they legally protect: Berne Convention. We know that techniques called Osteopathy, Kinesiology, Thetahealing etc... have their origins in Asia. They do not hesitate to distribute these therapies in the same countries from which they learned them. This is what leucodermas fear ( ) In white global racism, there has always been white fear. Due to the fact that due to their small numbers and their handicaps with regard to exposure to the sun, white people are not on an equal footing with the people of the rest of the planet (white people cannot safely tolerate the sun in latitudes between 40° north and 40 degrees south). Australians due to this sun seeking have the highest rates of skin cancers. Albinos use schools and the media to misinform us. Here's an example of Albino duplicity: In modern times, American Albinos constantly refer to black people as "minorities". This is of course to instill the idea that albinos are numerous and powerful. They use their monopoly on the media to reinforce this position by constantly showing only images of albinos in all corners of the world; With the exception of Africa, black people are rarely featured in international news stories. Ask wikipedia for the world population of white people, he will answer you 850 million: that is approximately 11.5% of the total world population which is between 7.5 and 7.7 billion people (this figure of 850 million does not take into account the black white mulattoes of Latin America, the Middle East). Also according to wikipedia the regions with significant white populations are the United States 252,784,000, Russia 132,516,000; there are nowhere near 252,784,000 Albinos in the United States (typical Albino racist lie: Russia - that's a lie too - but who cares?) Facts and figures Japan's current population is 126,766,566 in 2019, according to Worldometers, which is based on the latest data from the United Nations. The current population of the Republic of Korea is 51,236,002 in 2019, North Korea's population is estimated at 25,666,161, as of mid-year. According to data of China's current population in 2019, it is estimated at 1,433,783,686 people as of mid-year. This makes a total population of 1,637,452,415 people of Mongolian East Asian descent, which is about 21% of the world's human population. The current world population is estimated at 7.7 billion as of September 2019, according to the latest United Nations estimates compiled by Worldometers. Here is the cold shower of albino and Mongolian reality: 21% yellow + 11.5% white = 32.5% of the human population. THE OTHER 67.5%, or 5.19 BILLION, IS BLACK!!! (and mulatto). Assuming that there are approximately 540,000,000 (0.54 billion) mulattoes in the world, this means that the "pure-black" population of the world is approximately 4.65 billion. Therefore, YOU, the Albinos and the Mongols, you are the "minority": "YOU", you are the people furthest from the count: "YOU", you are the "Others". On the other hand, leucodermas use a new method of calculation to make believe that their number is stable or even increasing. Non-white people are increasingly counted as white in order to increase the number of whites. I saw this in my own family: I have a cousin who has lived in the United States for almost 50 years, she is married to a white man and has 2 children: non-white quadroons (visibly mixed race with very light skin) Formerly they were classified by the federal services as non-white, recently they are listed as white. This even happens in Europe, in France. Her sister who lives in Guadeloupe (Caribbean) is light mixed race with frizzy hair that she straightens and regular features, she was classified as Caucasian. The same goes for my sister's own daughter: my niece. This is how whites increase their numbers: fraudulently. As we just saw with Wikipedia, the number of white people in the world is very small; Worldwide, there are only about 800 million to 1 billion white people, which is about 11.5% of the world's population. This is obviously a big surprise for all the blacks who have been called "minorities" by these Albinos. Blacks, of course, are the "original humans" and represent over 5 billion of the world's 8 billion people. » (6) Amazingly, white people have created a whole bogus history of the world, replacing black people with themselves and creating thousands, if not millions, of fake artifacts to support their fake story.So what is the reason for all this murder, killing and lies? Is it just "blood shed by lust" and pathological lying? No, it's actually more mundane than that: it's a matter of fear, imbalance due to their albinism and greed. In addition to these reasons, all these crimes clearly demonstrate the inability of albinos to create, to invent; if they were able, they would not have needed to eliminate blacks to steal their culture and make it their owners; their barbarism highlights the inestimable value, the quality of all these cultural works built by blacks. Again the lack of neuromelanin in them which is in question and which makes them barbarians, parasites; because they live, develop thanks to the expropriation, the stripping, the elimination of the blacks, it is always the case now with the plundering of Africa and the elimination of any pan-Africanist leader (Olympio, Sankara , Gaddafi etc.). Noticed :Europe before seems very different from the Europe we know today. What do you think happened to all those swarthy Germans, Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes? the whites killed them of course, and those they did not kill were absorbed by the interbreeding (this explains the presence among the whites of hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black because the first whites were blond or redhead with blue eyes) . See the story of "Black Morrow" on Wikipedia The false altruism shown by albinos When the albino people were finally able to establish their dominance in Europe, they did so with particular cruelty, ruthlessness, and a seeming inability to empathize with the sufferings of others except when endured by themselves. The defeat and enslavement of the European blacks seems to have invigorated and emboldened the European Albinos and given them a confidence and drive they had not known before. Ultimately, this new impetus resulted in an accomplishment never before achieved, domination over the entire world. Then, from the last banished enemy and rival, thoughts of racial superiority surfaced. Once comfortable with this concept of superiority, the Albinos of Europe then decided to make themselves the most compassionate, charitable and altruistic people in the world. These two concepts of superiority and altruism do not marry: because an albino remains an albino because of defective genes, odd that a genetic defect makes the man evolve. How can we think that the perpetrators of humanity's greatest atrocities could question themselves and call themselves the most compassionate, charitable and altruistic people in the world; it is beyond fiction, or the ability to do good. In many European albino societies, charity, even towards non-albinos, if not altruism, is regularly practiced. But it is probably the pretensions of the easy times, which prove that magnanimity is only the domain of the victors, for such lofty thoughts will surely disappear with the awakening of the enslaved peoples. Indeed, this hypocritical altruism is expressed by albinos in the creation of societies supposedly created to fight against hunger, poverty or illiteracy among black peoples, situations of misery due exclusively to violence, murder and spoliation by albinos of the lands and wealth of these peoples. Who does not know: Action Against Hunger, Unicef, SOS Children and other non-governmental non-profit organizations whose mission is to relieve the suffering of black people despoiled by albinos. Isn't the unacknowledged aim of these works to make oppressed peoples forget genocides, spoliations still on the agenda, by the use of an altruistic mask? Indeed, if albinos cleverly hide the abuses they commit in the shadows against black people to better strip them, their media make a lot of noise around their “good works”. Let's not forget that diseases like AIDS and Ebola were created in albino laboratories to eliminate black people in order to despoil them better. Let's not forget either that these so-called beneficent actions would have been created to deceive us, to close our eyes: the wealthy American Jewish financier Georges Soros would not finance "altruistic" social movements in countries in order to destabilize? (Arab Spring in 2011 which put the countries of North Africa in chaos and violence). Today, the average Albino thinks he (the Albinos) constitute the majority of humans on earth (instead of a small minority). They think they started the civilizations of the world (when in reality they didn't start any). They even mistakenly think they are the people depicted in Egyptian statues and tomb paintings. And they think they are healthy, normal and at home in the world, while the Sun is their enemy because of their lack of pigmentation; skin cancer is the punishment for recklessness. Wouldn't it be the deficiency in neuromelanin which by depriving them of empathy, of sensitivity, by making them aggressive beings, pushed them to enslave the brown and black races? The Albino's control of information and media has been absolute, total. The average Albino has no idea of all these truths developed above . And when it comes to the truth about the Black Kings ruling Europe, he looks at you like you're crazy! (see page black 1st Europeans) The leucoderma by its domination of the world by using both psychological and physiological violence, lies, abuse, falsification, has imposed its vision of life on us, a vision dominated by fear. (According to our African ancestors there are only 2 feelings: fear at the origin of all negative feelings, and Love at the origin of all positive feelings). The leucoderma having erased from history the black by the low hand made on the achievements of the melanoderms, as well as by the falsification and the usurpation of these achievements, especially in Europe (chap the 1st European blacks)_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_; and especially by using lies and violence, is he fully satisfied with his career ? Is he happy? because the purpose of all these abuses is to feel the well-being, material certainly, but especially psychological, emotional? One would not think so because of the discontent he expresses towards his rulers. In addition, we are witnessing a social and economic degradation of these countries whose wealth is concentrated in the hands of the political, financial and economic ruling elite. You should know that happiness, the well-being of the spirit are above all states of mind. White people are above all materialistic and egocentric. For him, to be happy is to have money, material which he can enjoy to satiety. But are we happy when we are fulfilled materially? The great malaise of Western societies where there is a lot of misunderstanding, divisions, where there is a lot of violence, crimes, shows that although it has completely stripped blacks and usurped their knowledge, their achievements and their possessions, it does not did not allow him to achieve a certain mental and spiritual comfort. Could the cause still be this neuromelanin deficiency which deprives him of sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions and puts him in fear?_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Let's see how the world dominated by this minority that are the leucodermas is doing. Today in 2023 the world of the northern hemisphere is engaged in a war which is turning into a world war by proxy between Russia and the United States under cover of Ukraine, with the threat of becoming a nuclear war which would destroy the entire planet. It's chaos at all levels: we expect a social and economic collapse of this leucoderma society that is leaking from all sides. According to economists we expect a global financial crash at any moment week in order to support them-According to the independent journalist P.Jovanovic this total amount would amount in 2020 to 1300 billion $, this money corresponds to counterfeit notes, it has no financial equivalent because as soon as there is an urgent need for money the Fed manufactures it, which increases an abyssal deficit - Still according to P Jovanovic, on 20Nov19 The debt that each French person must repay in the name of the State is 36,000 euros, the debt that each American must repay in the name of the State is 220,000 dollars, or 72 trillion - non-repayable in all cases According to the magazine insolentiae Global debts reach 250,000 billion dollars… This figure alone justifies a hugecrash. La France's debt in 2022 would be 3.100 billion euros: irrepayable Central banks print billions of euros and dollars every day to help avoid the collapse (150 billion) This currency is monkey money because it has no equivalent. In March 2020, the financial situation worsens in the most serious way: According to the independent economist journalist P.Javonovic the European banks receive 80 to 100 billion € per month to avoid their collapse. Since January 2015, this € and $ money has been equivalent to counterfeit money because it has no financial equivalent. The economies are hit hard: Wall Street has lost 30% of its values, French banks: 20%. Since Sep 2019, the FED has been injecting $150 billion every day to save American banks. The debt of each American from baby to adult is $350,000 per capita. The interest rate of banks in the USA would be 0.40%. We are in the middle of a recession. Global debt represents 280% of GDP. This is where the albinos have led us in their madness, their fears, their greed, their self-centeredness! Could neuromelanin deficiency once again be the cause? The current coronavirus pandemic in the world seriously aggravates this situation and could be a pretext for the establishment of a world government: goal of the elite. On the other hand, we are constantly on the verge of a 3rd World War; there are wars all over the world, fomented to one degree or another by them the makers and purveyors of destructive weapons. The world is divided in 2: on one side a small ruling and ultra-rich minority composed of leucodermas and called elite: 0.01% of the world's population, which owns everything and on the other side a majority led by this minority which decides for her and who depends on her at all levels. Shouldn't we blacks pull ourselves together and declare that leucodermas are not a model, we blacks in the diaspora and in Africa, rather than following them, must become aware, react, organize ourselves: our continent_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ the largest of all the Earth , contains in its basement all the wealth of the planet, we are 1.4 billion in population and will be in 2030 more than 2 billion. Our average age is 18, it is 43 in Europe, and 30 in the rest of the planet. We must ally with the countries of the BRICS block (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) in a vision of the United States of Africa with an African currency, to fight for a multipolar and non-unipolar world dominated by the USA and its vassals: the countries of the European Union. Mali, Burkina Faso, CAR have freed themselves from France, other countries will follow: Ivory Coast, Senegal etc……, We must put forward our values: those of MAAT, our culture being at the origin based on the MAAT which is: Justice, Equity, Truth, Peace. ABOUT THE REPAIRS REQUESTED BY BLACKS FOR THE ABUSE OF SLAVERY The request for reparations totally ignores through ignorance the painful abuse suffered by the first European blacks who were eliminated by the whites who appeared in Europe from 370 AD. I remind you that black arrived in Europe from 45,000 years BC, built all the European civilizations that we can admire through the monuments in place as well as the different cultures of the countries of Europe (see chap the 1st European blacks) . It is therefore very important that blacks educate themselves, cultivate themselves on the many contributions made by their ancestors to European culture before they were stripped, murdered and sent into servitude in America by whites; Because let's not ignore that the whites have completely usurped all our knowledge by using lies, the fabrication of falsehoods, violence and total control over all the means of information so that the black never knows the truth. So in addition to the history of slavery and the slave trade of our brothers imported from Africa, we must imperatively include in these requests for reparations the countless and unspeakable sufferings suffered by European blacks who were much more numerous than our African brothers. Let's not forget that legally an individual who creates free damage under the effect of any mental or nervous imbalance, if he is not criminally responsible, is nevertheless required to repair the damage committed. It must be the same for leucoderms if we are to think that their crimes committed against us blacks come from neuromelanin deficiencies. The white slaveholders of the West Indies received in compensation for slavery from France a gigantic sum, plus the benefit of land and factories. THE DIMENSIONS: THE 5TH DIMENSION EPILOGUE I make a personal reflection on everything that has just been written: Since 2012 we are entering the era of Aquarius which is called the golden age, this means that great changes are underway. on the planet (vibratory rate of the Earth which is constantly increasing, climate change...): our rulers and our scientists know very well what is happening but they do not want to tell us through the media because of this influence that the white elite wants to keep until the end. We are feeling these deeper and deeper vibrational shifts on the Earth, stroke deaths are becoming more common because of this. We realize that something is happening, that changes are happening, we are moving into 5th dimension (we are currently in 3rd dimension), we are on the verge of a pole shift (this is what produced the collapse of Atlantis) which will precede this passage into the 5th dimension. What is a dimension? Dimensions are not places or locations, but levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. The more positively we vibrate, the more we consciously expand the dimensions. What does it mean to go from a third dimensional consciousness to the fifth dimension? When we are ready to go beyond the 3rd dimension, we must cross the 4th dimension before we can enter the 5th. The 4th acts as a purifying filter, as it is the area of the heart filled with love, unity and lightness. The 5th Dimension is even lighter in frequency, having purer love, cosmic awareness, and true multidimensional reality. The shift will bring humanity into the Age of Aquarius, into a unified harmonious world working together in peace. But beware, not everyone will pass into the 5th dimension, only those who have understood and integrated love into the heart and therefore have a high vibrational frequency will be able to support the high vibrational frequency of this 5th dimension, the others, those who will have kept the negative feelings of non-love, ego, selfishness, will not be able to survive these very high waves of vibration and that their body will not be able to tolerate. It involves only the spiritual and moral development of any individual. For this purpose I will have to speak about a subject to which not all adhere except certain cultures and religions (Christian) before they have been modified authoritatively by the ruling and dominating system in place: This is the reincarnation. Before reincarnating, the soul chooses the earthly envelope, the body it will have to put on in order to experience the trials of earthly life. The soul with its intrinsic, innate qualities resulting from the experiences of previous incarnations is the main, subtle element which will have to sail through the storms of life with the body it has chosen. Depending on its integrity, its qualities, it will be more or less influenced by the presence or deficiency of this melanin pigment. CONCLUSION AFTER READING THIS WRITING, I WILL LET YOU JUDGE FOR YOURSELF THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF BEING PROVIDED OR DEPRIVED IN MELANIN. WHAT HAVE MELANIN DEFICIENCY LEUCODERMAS HAVE BROUGHT TO THE PLANET AND OTHER HUMANS. They, a minority population, who rule this planet with violence and lies? WHAT HAVE THEY BROUGHT TO THEMSELVES? DO YOU THINK THAT VIOLENCE, MURDER, GREED , DESTRUCTION, LIES, FALSIFICATION, INTIMIDATION AND FREE HATE OF THE OTHER ARE MEANS OF ADVANCEMENT: IT'S TERRIBLE! Isn't the melanin deficiency in their brains and nerve centers (neuromelanin) to blame? On the other hand,would the feelings and actions of leucodermas be guided above all by fear ?: a permanent fear in them which would create anguish and aggressiveness: fear of the other which pushes to exterminate the other races or to submit them, unsatisfied fear of missing out (the more they have, the more they want), fear of aging, fear of dying, fear of life. These fears would entail in them egocentrism, feelings of violence, of greed. On the other hand, the melanoderm is more serene in front of life and its events, wiser, more balanced, close to nature which it respects and to the creator God whom it venerates. Considering the behavior of leucodermas, wouldn't we tend to go so far as to feel compassion for those who for centuries have used all possible means to destroy us, abuse us, exploit us in the most shameful way and today find themselves a minority and endangered people on the planet. Isn't the information that this writing gives about melanin proof that melanin is what makes people human, civilized, balanced and a real divine blessing? Years 2013....2016/2018.... Crossing the Mediterranean: The 1st Europeans re-emigrating to Europe 45,000 years after their 1st arrival. All the 1st civilizations are African Sources :- Books : Why darkness matters, the power of melanin in the brain (several authors)-Melanin a key to freedom by Richard King -Melanin by Llaika Afrika – Omotunde: The African roots of European civilization -Cheick Anta Diop: Negro nations and cultures Internet :,, ; www. ; ; ; Des études réalisées sur les personnages âgés en Inde qui consommaient de grande de quantité de curcuma dans leur nourriture ont démontré qu’elles étaient moins susceptibles de développer la maladie d’Alzheimer ou la sclérose en plaques que les personnes âgées en occident. En regard de ceci des scientifiques occidentaux ont émis l’hypothèse que le curcuma doit avoir des propriétés anti-inflammatoires. Cette découverte a été soutenue par le fait que les occidentaux qui prennent des anti-inflammatoires régulièrement pour l’arthrite sont moins susceptibles de développer la maladie d’Alzheimer. Des études récentes avancent que le curcuma peut traverser la barrière hémato-encéphalique et se lier aux protéines toxiques béta amyloïdes présentes dans le cerveau des malades de la maladie d’Alzheimer, briser les plaques existantes et empêcher la formation d’autres. En outre, le curcuma a de puissantes propriétés anti-oxydantes et anti-inflammatoires à petites doses qui atténuent les symptômes de la maladie causés par l'oxydation et l'inflammation. Il a aussi des propriétés chimioprotectrices dans le cancer de l’estomac et du colon. Il peut aussi protéger le cerveau des dommages causés par les radicaux libres par induction de l'hème oxygénase comme protection. Nous pensons sérieusement que beaucoup de maux et de souffrances examinées spécialement dans les populations âgées de la terre sont liées à la nutrition. En dépit des injustices dans la répartition de l’alimentation, il y a d’autres avantages que les pays pauvres comparés aux pays riches ont conservé : la sélection culturelle d’aliments qui tendent à maintenir certains états pathologiques à un degré minimum. Nous émettons en outre l'hypothèse que les substances alimentaires crues pigmentées libèrent des molécules biochimiques utilisées par les cellules nerveuses pour régénérer leur neuromélanine dont les corps cellulaires de millions de neurones semi-conducteurs (superconducteurs) ont besoin à chaque instant pour la propagation d'influx que nous appelons conscience. Toute obstruction de ce flux de courant par une matière toxique étrangère comme des toxines issues du colon et circulant dans le cerveau crée des liens dans la neuromélanine et peuvent être des facteurs contribuant aux pathologies de la maladie d’Alzheimer constatées dans l’hippocampe du cerveau ou à des rigidités ou tremblements due à la carence en neurone et en neuromélanibe dans le cerveau moyen dans la maladie de Parkinson. Au site d’un synapse il y a de la neuromélanine qui reçoit et recharge l’influx. ​ Conclusion La mélanine est un pigment biopolymère avec des propriétés semi-conductrices. Il est présent dans toutes les cellules vivantes. Comme ils sont présents depuis le début de la conception, ces pigments bioactifs jouent un rôle majeur dans l’organisation cellulaire/moléculaire et embryologique de tous les êtres vivants. La mélanine est présente dans les tissus neuronaux et semble fonctionner dans la transmission et la circulation du courant électrique d’une partie du cerveau à une autre à travers un circuit complexe. Les informations sur le tissu cérébral montrent que la neuromélanine localisée dans les neurones dopaminergiques et adrénergiques a des propriétés qui, lui donnent la qualité d’être à la fois un superconducteur et un semi-conducteur amorphe -un commutateur semblable aux matériaux non -organiques, Dans le cerveau la mélanine se comporterait comme un éclair de lumière qui serait généré par ce semi-conducteur amorphe avec une conductivité allant d’un niveau bas à élever. Selon les recherches effectuées dans le contexte de la santé, nous avons constaté que les pigments naturels des aliments et des condiments sont bénéfiques à la régénération de la mélanine du cerveau dans lequel le pigment est un élément clé semiconducteur pour la propagation du courant électrique de façon continue via des milliards de neurones qui donnent vie à la conscience et à d’autres fonctions. Les personnes âgées relevant des cultures où des condiments comme le curcuma est utilisé comme complément alimentaire souffrent rarement de maladies débilitantes comme l’arthrite, la maladie d’Alzheimer et autres maladies dégénératives. Le curcuma a des propriétés anti -oxydantes, anti inflammatoires et cytoprotectives en agissant comme un piégeur d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène qui peuvent contribuer à la formation de plaques bêta-amyloïdes qui séquestrent la neuromélanine cytoplasmique neuronale et d'autres produits chimiques toxiques, provoquant certains des symptômes observés dans le système nerveux. ​ En Outre la neuromélanine active et transmet la conscience à toutes les parties du cerveau pour la cognition et l'activité motrice. Les recherches indiquent clairement qu’une baisse de dopamine dans les neurones du mésencéphale se traduisent par une perte de l’activité motrice, du langage, de l’apprentissage, et de la mémoire comme constaté dans les désordres liés aux maladies de Parkinson et Alzheimer. Chez certains patients les axones et dendrites des neurones dans certaines parties du cerveau sont tordues et enroulées sur elles-mêmes empêchant toute transmission d’un nerf à un autre ce qui entraines des pathologies et la mort des cellules. Les causes de ces désordres neurodégénératifs n’ont pas été clairement établis. Les facteurs pourraient être divers tels que l’héritage génétique, l’environnement, l’âge, les radicaux libres, les neurotoxines et la nutrition. La prise de drogues chez les personnes de couleur cumule les effets négatifs et contribue à des modifications du comportement. La mélanine est aussi hautement concentrée pas seulement à la surface du cerveau mais de manière cruciale dans des régions spécifiques du noyau cérébral mais cliniquement parlant à la surface de nombreux organes internes, dans le système neuroendocrinien diffus, le système sensoriel de l’œil et le système auditif. Tous communiquant entre eux à travers des voies interconnectées de l'organisme. Cela suggère un certain type d'énergie et de champ bio-informationnel capable d'autorégulation et d'influence consciente dans certaines conditions. La mélanine absorbe un spectre assez large d'ondes électromagnétiques et d’autres énergies d’excitation à partir de structures moléculaires adjacentes. ​ En final de compte nous devrions encourager des discussions pédagogiques honnêtes sur cette matière noire de nos neurones car elle est liée au comportement, aux émotions, à l’apprentissage, l’intelligence, le bien être, la vieillesse et la longévité dans des conditions non pathologiques. La neuromélanine est extrêmement sensible et réceptive à la lumière ou à la luminosité dans divers modes. Elle reflète littéralement une bioluminosité perçue en interne. Cela est vrai dans les diverses cultures et les traditions de méditation à travers le temps. Cet état de conscience semble avoir atteint un niveau clinique dans les travaux des Egyptiens de Kémet qui étaient des observateurs médicaux avisés de tels phénomènes, en relation avec la maladie. Les dogons du Mali, qui retracent leur lignée historique et génétique jusqu’à l'Égypte pré-dynastique en utilisant une méthodologie datant de plus de 600 ans ont pu localiser, sans l'aide de télescopes, l'étoile compagne naine de l'étoile Sirius. Les Dogons ont décrit sa forme orbitale et sa durée de rotation avec précision. Ils décrivirent son orbite, son axe et reconnurent aussi ses uniques caractéristiques gravitationnelles d’étoile très petite mais dense. Cette étoile appelée Sirius B a une magnitude de 8 et est invisible à l’œil nu. Elle fait une révolution autour de Sirius tous les 50 ans. Elle a été vue par télescope pour la 1ère fois par le monde scientifique moderne par 2 astronomes américains en 1862 et a été photographiée en 1970. Les Dogons ont aussi décrit avec exactitude d’autres objets clignotants près de Sirius B. Toute la cosmogonie des Dogons est commandée par Sirius B appelée aussi Digitaria. Or, cette étoile n’a été découverte qu’en 1836 et identifiée comme une naine blanche qu’en 1915. Peu après, les anthropologues Marcel Griaule et Germaine Dieterlen (1986) découvrirent que les Dogons avaient bien d’autres connaissances en astronomie. Ils savaient, par exemple, que Jupiter a quatre satellites principaux, que les planètes tournent autour du soleil. Ils savaient que Saturne a des anneaux, que la Terre tourne autour du Soleil et que les étoiles sont des corps en mouvement perpétuel. Ils savaient également que la Lune est une planète morte. Depuis des générations, les prêtres enseignent que la Voie lactée est animée d’un mouvement en spirale, auquel participe notre système solaire. Un autre fait étrange, ils affirment que Sirius serait accompagnée, non pas d’une étoile, mais de deux étoiles. Nous savons que Sirius B existe, mais, à ce jour, aucune Sirius C n’a été détectée. Il est intéressant de constater selon notre point de vue que le monde tourne comme sur une spirale. Les orbites de Sirius et Digitaria ont une forme elliptique, en spirale, les foyers de neuromélanine du cerveau reflètent cette forme en spirale du 1er au dernier foyer. En d’autres mots il apparait qu’il y a une similarité configurationnelle dans les orbites du monde externe et du monde interne. Que nous acceptons ou non ces rapports de terrain venant de Griaule et Dieterlen, ils ont néanmoins donné lieu à un débat scientifique controversé et contentieux des scientifiques occidentaux avec des arguments se réclamant de la complète authenticité de ces rapports ou d’autres se prononçant sur une interprétation erronée. Ces connaissances des Dogons pourraient être rejetées si de tels rapports n’avaient pas été réalisés dans les temps anciens par des chercheurs et des astronomes depuis le philosophe grec Proclus et à travers tout un éventail d'époques et de cultures ; les plus anciens étant les écrits d’Hermès Trismégiste dans lesquels est mentionné le « Mystère noir » ou le rite noir. Il a été constaté une corrélation entre le monde externe et les fonctions intimes du corps humain, ce qui suggère une profonde connexion entre les deux. Il est tout à fait possible que nos actuelles lois sur la physique d’après lesquels nous définissons implicitement nos concepts et les limites de notre esprit n’incluent pas totalement les limites de la conscience. Des découvertes ultérieures pourront élargir grandement notre compréhension de la connexion entre le « dessous et le dessus « .Il est tout à fait possible qu’il y ait une similitude entre le cerveau et l’univers physique que nous ressentons réellement dans les états d'expériences conscientes unitaires ; il y aurait une affinité vibratoire telle une résonance quantique entre les structures du cerveau et l’espace représentatif avec les étoiles et les autres structures qui s’y meuvent. En d’autres mots la contiguïté d’un algorithme caché qui existerait entre le monde interne et l’espace externe et qui serait créé par une interaction entre les vibrations des foyers de neuromélanine, du cerveau et ses structures et les formes en courbe de l’espace. Dans tous les cas les observations faites par les Dogons et célébrées dans leurs cérémonies, ont résisté à l'épreuve du temps et sont consensuellement validées par leurs disciplines religieuses et récemment par l’astronomie moderne. Il a été avancé que lorsque la neuromélanine est moyennement activée, se déclenche le long de la colonne vertébrale la perception interne, d’un circuit lumineux, subtil, relaxant qui se produit en même temps que la neuromodulation qui se fait le long de cette colonne vertébrale. Par contre quand cette colonne nigro-striée est pleinement éveillée par diverses pratiques et disciplines, il se crée une perception intense et distincte de bioluminosité émergeant de cette matière noire, de la colonne au cœur du cerveau et au-delà. Aux stades précoces, cette perception est ressentie le long de la colonne comme une force ondulante et vivante qui proviendrait de l'entraînement résonnant et rythmique additionnel des foyers de neuromélanine topologiquement situés dans les 3èmes et 4èmes ventricules du cerveau . Les autres organes situés dans la chambre noire interne sont appelés organes circumventriculaires (ex hypophyse, hypothalamus….) la neuromélanine par ses affinités de résonance créerait un courant amplificateur qui se répercuterait dans la région du cortex moteur sensoriel dans le gyrus précentral en prenant en compte ce courant particulier du cortex sensoriel circulaire ; cela est souvent constaté lors d’expériences méditatives classiques. ​ Ces organes circumventriculaires sont des structures cérébrales médianes qui bordent le 3è et le 4è ventricules et se trouvent hors de la barrière hémato-encéphalique. Etant donné que le sang et le liquide cérébro-spinal circulent entre ces structures et fluides plus librement dans ces lieux que dans toute autre région du corps et du cerveau , il y a un accroissement radical de communication entre ces structures, les organes périphériques, les produits à diffusion hématogène et les informations sur ces sites. Ces organes circumventriculaires comprennent la glande pinéale, l’éminence médiane, l’organe sous-fornique, la zone postrema, l’organe sous-commissural, l’organum vasculosum de la lamina terminalis, ils comprennent aussi les lobes intermédiaires et neuraux de l'hypophyse. Quand ces structures sont mises en mouvement par une respiration et /ou une dance rituelle et sont coordonnées par des mouvements du corps ou autres disciplines méditatives, il se produit une vibration synchronisée entre le 3è et le 4è ventricule qui sont connectés entre eux par un tunnel de liquide cérébro-spinal. Quand cette spirale vibratoire atteint la glande pinéale, elle la stimule de façon ascendante, cette glande pinéale est liée à des zones situées dans le 4è ventricule et flotte dans le liquide cérébro-spinal plein de vibrations. Etant donné que la neuromélanine a la capacité de transformer l’énergie d’un état à un autre : cela veut dire que le procédé de transfert de photo-phonon qui apparait dans le gel piézoélectrique dans lequel les vibrations mécaniques sont converties en énergie électrique , peut fournir l’énergie à ce courant interne qui se meut sous la forme d’un bâton ou de la partie inférieure d’une croix. De ce fait, la glande pinéale stimulée deviendrait le plan le plus élevé d’amplification et de répercussion de la boucle initiale située au sommet de ce bâton, et la diagonale ou le plan physionomique de cette croix serait le lieu où la neuromélanine est le plus concentré parmi les 12 foyers. Cette boucle d’énergie éveillée serait le symbole d’un œil, d’un oiseau ou autre symbole de lumière, de vol, de perception ou d’illumination et de liberté. Ces compétences de la neuromélanine existeraient depuis l’embryogénèse et se poursuivraient à différentes étapes du développement. Pour les humains la glande pinéale en particulier fonctionne non seulement comme un site de procédés photosensibles mais c’est un capteur de champs électro magnétique et un détecteur d’oscillations de fréquences extrêmement basses. Ces particularités sont expérimentées dans des états méditatifs et dans d’autres états d’attention subjective focalisée. Ces propriétés bioélectriques de la neuromélanine et de la mélanine du cerveau et du tronc cérébral ont depuis peu commencé à recevoir un grand intérêt dans la littérature clinique. La mélanine et la neuromélanine déjà clairement désignés comme étant des semi-conducteurs de lumière sont d’excellents candidats pour le rôle de neuromodulateur du système nerveux central. Les champs magnétiques subtils et leurs courants bioélectriques associés peuvent être stimulés dans le cerveau, ce qui affecte profondément la conscience humaine. Utilisés en pratique clinique cela révolutionnera les sciences de la vie ; cela rend possible les effets de la super conductivité biologique, une hypothèse relativement nouvelle dans la science clinique. On pense tout de suite non seulement aux pathologies psycho physiologiques mentionnées précédemment mais aussi à celles liées aux troubles affectifs saisonniers et autres pathologies dépressives incluant une diminution de l’énergie subjective ou sous activation du système nerveux autonome. En termes de compréhension des diverses pratiques méditatives des peuples de la terre et leur connexion au plus grand milieu terrestre et cosmique leur capacité d’unification et leur chemin psycho spirituel collectif sont loin de notre compréhension actuelle. ​ Conclusion Nous avons présenté une technique standard d’activation du système nerveux autonome qui semble intimement associée à l’action psychophysique et neurodynamique de la neuromélanine. Ce procédé peut être enseigné à des patients atteints de symptômes aigus et prolongés sur le plan psycho-physiologiques. Il y aurait des relations non locales et peut être des contiguïtés topologiques entre les processus micro neuraux et macro neuraux du cosmos et spécifiquement une similarité configurationnelle entre certains foyers de neuromélanine et les structures constellationnelles en forme de spirale du cosmos. Il y a une interaction entre notre corps et l’univers. Nous exploitons le moyen de communiquer plus directement et clairement avec notre corps et de pouvoir donner de grands espoirs aux malades atteints de maux et maladies incurables. La neuromélanine dans l’embryogénèse L’histoire de la neuromélanine commence avant l’embryogénèse, la mélanine est présente dans la queue du spermatozoïde du père, elle est aussi présente dans les ovaires dans les œufs de la mère. ​ ​ Post-scriptum Les informations ne sont pas des connaissances, et les connaissances ne représentent pas la sagesse mais quand la sagesse ancienne est liée à la connaissance nouvelle cela peut impliquer une vision radicalement transcendante de la réalité. Nous essayons de représenter le lien entre l’être humain et le cosmos. Plus il a exploré le monde intérieur en lui-même, plus il a vu son miroir dans le monde extérieur « le monde du dessus et du dessous se ressemblent ». La capacité de la mélanine d’interagir avec la lumière et de la transmuter à de très hauts niveaux d’organisation et de complexité pour la transformer d’un état d’énergie à un autre était vue comme parallèle crucial d’évolution. En effet la mélanine et la neuromélanine n’étaient plus vues comme un déchet biochimique du système nerveux central mais comme un participant intime du mystérieux déroulement de la vie dans ses expressions d’intelligence et de lumière. La mélanine absorbe la lumière et accroit son intensité et sa quantité au fur et à mesure que nous progressons et montons dans l’échelle de l’évolution et approfondit ce sens d’embrassement intime avec la danse de l’évolution. Nous avons vu ces uniques propriétés de transducteur d’énergie de la neuromélanine en facilitant la transmission nerveuse dans les structures cérébrales. Mais la mélanine n’est pas limitée au cerveau ou même à l’humain ou mammifère, on la trouve dans l’environnement le plus large : dans le sol, l’eau, l’air, dans tout le système solaire lui-même. Il y a eu beaucoup de montées, de chutes, de victoires oubliées, de résurrections des peuples d’Afrique. Mais il ne pourrait pas en être autrement car l’Afrique est la racine génétique et anthropologique de l’espèce humaine avec tous ses changements et ses drames ; et le cerveau dans son cœur profond en est imprégné à travers les divers peuples de la terre. Aujourd’hui en dépit des stéréotypes de nouvelles négatives sur la pauvreté, les maladies, les guerres, la malnutrition, la corruption, malgré toutes les plaies connues de l’humanité qui attaquent le continent et sa population, l’Afrique remonte doucement. Dans les derniers siècles marquant la chute de l’Afrique après un cycle de montée, l’Afrique a subi un esclavage et une dégradation sans précédent. Dans un monde dominé par le monde européen la peau noire fut assimilée à un pays déchu : Ce monde européen répandit son idéologie raciale malfaisante dans des acceptations tacites de la science, de la religion, de la politique et même dans la dynamique intime de la vie sociale et familiale. La peau noire est devenue un signe de statut inférieur d’appartenance minimisée dans la famille humaine. L’étude de la peau noire ou de tout ce qui était associé à la peau noire devint un sujet tabou, redouté, dénigré et dévalué. Les Dravidiens de l’Inde ont vécu une situation similaire quand les Indo-européens venus du Nord ont balayé l’Inde, ont exécuté et mis en esclavage pendant des centaines d’années les habitants à la peau noire de la vallée de l’Indus. L’épisode de l’occupation britannique a renforcé cette notion. Curieusement, dans les deux récits, les habitants à la peau noire, des siècles avant les invasions de leurs pays, ont créé, développé les sciences contemplatives qui élèvent et remplissent le sanctum intérieur de l’esprit humain avec une réalité lumineuse qui le connectent aux étoiles et à une réalité au-delà de la conceptualisation linguistique. Les indo-Aryens se sont emparés de la science et au fil du temps dans un processus de cryptoamnésie ont oublié ses origines issues de la caste conquise à la peau noire qu’ils en sont venus à mépriser. Le début de l'islam, le christianisme, le judaïsme, ont tous leurs racines historiques dans le terreau des peuples à la peau noire. Ce ne fut pas une coïncidence. Ce n’était pas par accident que ces deux civilisations soumises, pendant des milliers d’années avant qu’elles ne soient conquises étaient en contact l’une avec l’autre à travers les routes commerciales de la terre et de la mer de l’océan indien. Ce qui est crucial c’est qu’elles ont toutes les deux découvert comment éveiller et illuminer le coté noir intérieur de l’esprit humain à travers une bioluminosité vivante qui était une partie intime du corps :le cerveau et la partie profonde du cerveau, cette partie vibratoire du cerveau qui est la neuromélanine. MELANINE 7 SECRETS SUR LA MELANINE you tube Une substance plus chère que l’or, exploitée dans la technologie de pointe ou encore pour ses capacités antiradioactives ; la neuromélanine joue un rôle de protection en capturant et isolant des toxiques organiques et inorganiques en particulier les métaux non alcalins comme le fer. La mélanine résiste à des temp jusqu’à 660°C.La mélanine dans la peau noire est beaucoup plus efficace que la peau blanche dans l’inhibition de la pénétration des radiations des uvb : pénétration de 7%¨uvb et 17% uva chez les noirs, 24% uvb et 55% uva chez les blancs. Les peaux noires peuvent être appelés dark skin ce qui signifie littéralement : dark= sombre, obscurité, opaque ; obscurité, mal, ténèbres pour darkness. Les peaux les plus blanches sont appel fair skin, fair signifiant clair, juste, beau et propre. Voilà comment on insinue implicitement des messages. Quelle est notre protection selon notre carnation ? A partir de quelle carnation est-il nécessaire de mettre de la crème solaire ; le problème est que les études occidentales se concentrent sur les particularités des leucodermes et les généralisent à tout le reste de l’humanité. Il est temps que notre communauté finance ses propres études pour avoir des réponses objectives. La mélanine protège des rayons uv du soleil mais aide aussi à les utiliser comme énergie pour le corps. Selon le code caché des couleurs, le noir a la propriété unique d’absorber toute la lumière, la mélanine étant très foncée a la capacité d’absorber toutes les énergies qui l’entourent. La mélanine aussi permet de stimuler de nombreuses hormones, pour n’en citer qu’une : l’ocytocine connue pour favoriser l’attachement entre une mère et son enfant serait un pilier essentiel des liens sociaux. Dès la naissance, les liens sociaux commencent à se construire puis évoluent tout au long de l’existence. Les relations humaines sont en partie guidées par les hormones qui sont en quelque sorte les petits messagers de l’organisme. L’ocytocine participe à l’affection qui se crée entre les individus. Cette molécule est secrétée par l’hypophyse (glande pinéale) une petite glande nichée au fond du cerveau. L’ocytocine joue un rôle fondamental au cours de la grossesse. Elle assure la tonicité de l’utérus et induit le déclenchement des contractions et de l’accouchement. Elle permet ensuite l’éjection du lait lors de l’allaitement du nourrisson. Selon les spécialistes, elle favoriserait ainsi l’attachement entre une mère et son enfant. L’ocytocine est également produite en réponse aux caresses et à l’orgasme. Elle est souvent appelée hormone de l’amour car elle accompagne la naissance du sentiment amoureux dans un couple. Elle favoriserait même la monogamie et aurait tendance à rendre les hommes plus fidèles ! elle favorise le développement des liens sociaux mais aussi l’éveil spirituel. ​ Mélanine et Parkinson La neuromélanine se trouve dans la subtantsia negra du cerveau qui a un rôle essentiel dans la régulation des mouvements du corps ; il a été prouvé que les malades de Parkinson ont une substantia negra amoindrie c’est-à-dire qu’ils ont moins de neuromélanine la maladie de Parkinson est une maladie qui empêche le contrôle normal du corps ; il y a donc un lien direct entre la perte de neuromélanine et cette maladie neurodégénérative. Melanine et technologie Là on atteint un niveau très élevé de secrets sur la mélanine. Une thèse de doctorat présentée en 2014 nous révèle que les propriétés de l’eumélamine (mélanine chez les noirs) sont exploitées dans la bioélectronique, cette science a pour but d’utiliser des matériaux et des substances biologiques, c’est-à-dire provenant de la nature de l’organisme dans le cadre de l’ingénierie électronique. La bio électronique permet des innovations majeures en médecine, elle est notamment à l’origine de l’invention des stimulateurs cardiaques ou encore des prothèses. Pourquoi la mélanine produite par les noirs intéresse elles autant ce domaine ? il faut savoir que le cœur des recherches de la bioélectronique est le système de traitement de l’information. Voici quelques extraits de cette thèse sur l’eumélamine : elle explique que l’utilisation de matériaux bio moléculaires permet d’améliorer la compatibilité avec l’organisme des êtres vivants ainsi que la conception de systèmes électroniques plus écologiques Selon cette thèse La recherche de matériaux biomoléculaires est motivée par ses bénéfices potentiels en biocompatibilité et en biodégradabilité essentiels pour des applications à l’interface avec des systèmes vivants. Sur un plan plus général, les matériaux électroniques biomoléculaires pourraient éventuellement être utilisés pour la conception de systèmes électroniques plus écologiques. L’eumélanine, un matériau biomoléculaire a été considérée comme un semi-conducteur amorphe depuis les années 1970. L’eumélanine est un pigment omniprésent dans la flore et la faune. Il possède de nombreuses propriétés dans le corps humain. Il n’est pas précisé que l’eumélanine est produite chez les humains par les noirs. La doctorante explique ensuite que l’eumélanine est un conducteur ionique-électronique mixte c’est-à-dire qu’elle permet de transférer de l’énergie qui contient des informations. L’eumélanine avait déjà été utilisée dans les capteurs chimiques et les piles ; la thèse se dédie ainsi à comprendre les propriétés électroniques de l’eumélanine et leur fonctionnement pour l’exploiter en bio-électronique Cela souligne la nécessité de réexaminer les propriétés électriques de l’eumélanine et renforce l’intérêt d’utiliser l’eumélanine comme matériau de base dans la bioélectronique organique. L’intégration d’eumélanine dans des dispositifs est facilitée par les récents progrès dans la préparation de couches minces d’eumélanine. En résumé l’eumélanine a un rôle essentiel dans la transmission des messages nerveux à un tel point qu’elle est utilisée aujourd’hui dans les innovations technologiques. L’eumélanine est un superconducteur qui permet aux messages nerveux de voyager rapidement dans le corps, elle améliore énormément la réactivité des noirs et leur capacité tant physique que mentale. La bioélectronique est loin d’être le seul domaine à exploiter cette substance. La mélanine est anti-radioactive. Un article publié en 2016 par le magazine The Epochtime révèle ainsi les pouvoirs de la mélanine : Lorsque des scientifiques russes ont envoyé un robot dans le réacteur nucléaire de Tchernobyl en 2007, la dernière chose qu’ils s’attendaient à trouver était la vie. A l’intérieur des zones les plus irradiées du cœur du réacteur nucléaire fondu se trouvait un groupe de fungi commun, des moisissures noires, poussant sur les murs de la cuve. Ces moisissures poussaient dans l’un des environnements les plus hostiles de la planète, avec des niveaux de radiations assez élevés pour tuer une personne en quelques minutes. Mais ces fungi ne se contentaient pas de se développer, ils prospéraient. Un chercheur de l’Albert Einstein College of medecine à New York, Arturo Casadevall a enquêté sur ces moisissures résistantes et a aidé à identifier différentes espèces. Elles partagent toutes une caractéristique distincte : elles contiennent des pigments de mélanine sur leur surface. Le travail de Casadevall a permis de découvrir que les fungi utilisent la mélanine pour capturer l’énergie émise par le rayonnement ionisant, à la manière des plantes utilisant la chlorophylle pour capturer la lumière du soleil. De nombreuses espèces de fungi sont également capables de concentrer différents métaux lourds. Après la fusion du cœur du réacteur de Tchernobyl, les cueilleurs de champignons de toute l’Europe ont été avertis de ne pas récolter et manger certaines espèces de fungi qui pourraient concentrer de fortes concentrations à la suite des retombées radioactives. Utiliser des fungi pour nettoyer des déchets radioactifs ou d’autres types de déchets est une technique émergente connue comme la mycoremédiation et promet d’être bien moins couteuse que d’autres méthodes concurrentes. En plus de révéler ses fonctions anti radioactives l’article que nous venons de lire évoque plusieurs fonctions de la mélanine expliquées précédemment : sa capacité à absorber les énergies comme la chlorophylle dans les plantes, sa capacité à nettoyer son environnement des métaux lourds. Bref que la mélanine soit dans l’environnement ou dans notre corps, ses vertus ont le même pouvoir. Prix de la mélamine Nov2021 : beaucoup plus chère que l’or De nombreuses marques commercialisent la mélanine en tant que complément alimentaire, cette marque Diéti-natura vend 60 gélules d’un produit appelé mélanine alors qu’une gélule n’en contient que 0.63mg. Une autre marque précise que la mélanine est produite à partir de laine de mouton noir ; dans ce format le % de mélanine est infime. La mélanine est utilisée pour donner un bronzage intense et lutter contre les radicaux libres responsables du vieillissement cutané. Voici le prix de la mélanine synthétique pure, produite en laboratoire. : Pour 100mg 109€, 1g 650€, ce même jour le prix de l’or était à moins de 50€ le gramme. On est encore très loin d’avoir aborder toutes les richesses de la mélanine. Tout est mis en place pour détruire notre précieuse mélanine. ​ MELANIN WHAT MAKES PEOPLE BLACK La mélanine : ce qui rend les gens noirs par LLAIKA AFRICA ​ Le sujet de la mélanine est simple et facile à expliquer. La mélanine est la substance biochimique qui est le vecteur de la vie physique, mentale, émotionnelle et spirituelle. L’insuffisance ou le manque de connaissance des noirs sur leur mélanine n’est qu’un des aspects de la domination blanche qu’ils subissent ainsi que les conséquences du traumatisme colonial et post-esclavagiste. Les noirs doivent se connaitre, et pour se connaitre ils doivent savoir ce qu’est leur Mélanine. La mélanine résiste à la chaleur, peut supporter des températures de 663°C, résister aux acides forts et aux produits alcalins, elle se trouve dans notre corps et à l’extérieur de notre corps. Elle est produite par la glande pinéale située dans notre cerveau. Les pouvoirs de conductibilité énergétique de la mélanine sont puissants, elle absorbe tous types d’énergie telles que la lumière du soleil, l’énergie électromagnétique, la musique et les sons entendus par l’oreille humaine mais aussi les sons que ne peuvent pas entendre l’oreille humaine tels que les ondes téléphoniques, radio, de radars, radiation des ordinateurs, rayons x, rayons cosmiques, ultraviolets, rayons provenant de vagues de chaleur, micro-ondes etc…..La mélanine utilise toutes les énergies de l’environnement comme celles de l’eau, de la terre, la lune, le soleil, les galaxies, les cycles planétaires, minéraux etc….Au niveau moléculaire les particules de mélanine appelées électrons, protons, neutrons et solvatons réarrangent (remettent en ordre) leur orbite. Cela s’appelle la résonance. En d’autres termes les particules de mélanine se rééquilibrent pour remplir les endroits où l’énergie est insuffisante ou basse. La résonance fait les particules se déplacer, ce déplacement provoque un petit vide de basse énergie et les autres particules se mettent en place en se liant pour remplir ce vide. La mélanine est une substance biologique active faite de cellules de tailles variables. Elle est faite de nutriments comme les indoles, les histamines, phénylalaline, catécholamines (norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, etc…)et l’acide aminé tyrosine. La mélanine est faite d’éléments reliés entre eux appelés chaines liés aux carbones insaturé, saturés, aux carbone nitrogène, organométallique, éther, peroxydes et quinine qui sont de couleur brune à noire ; des produits chimiques comme les : flavines, ptéridines, flavonoïd, napthquinone, polycyclicquinone, anthraquinone, phenoxazones se convertissent en mélanine (polymerisée ou co-polymerisée). La couleur de la mélanine apparait noire parce qu’elle absorbe toutes les couleurs. Une fois la couleur entrée dans la mélanine, elle ne peut en sortir. La mélanine est un concentré de couleurs, c’est un trou noir cellulaire similaire au trou noir de l’espace. Elle est produite par la glande pinéale, elle stimule la matière grise du cerveau qui est le siège de l’ Intelligence, de la compréhension. Elle est concentrée dans le Locus Coeruleus Le Locus Coeruleus : dans le tronc cérébral humain (c’est l’organe qui relie le cerveau à la moelle épinière) il y a 12 centres riches en mélanine, le plus fortement pigmenté est le locus cœruleus. C'est de cette région que partent la grande majorité des neurones qui utilisent la noradrénaline comme neurotransmetteur . Sa couleur bleue est due à la présence de granules de mélanine , Il contient la moitié de tous les neurones qui utilisent la noradrénaline (ou norépinéphrine), un neurotransmetteur qui régule le rythme cardiaque, l'attention, la mémoire et la cognition. Par son très grand nombre de connexions, le locus cœruleus est impliqué dans de nombreux effets naturels: Il joue un rôle dans la mémoire et dans les émotions, il a un impact sur l'apprentissage, le comportement et la santé mentale. La neuromélanine permet au cerveau de stocker davantage d’informations et de fonctionner à un niveau élevé. La glande pinéale sous -stimulée diminue ou inhibe le fonctionnement des organes reproductifs (gonades)qui produisent les Gonadotrophines : Hormones sécrétées par l'hypophyse (glande endocrine située à la base du cerveau) qui stimule l'activité et la sécrétion hormonale des gonades (ovaires et testicules). Cela diminue le poids des ovaires et des testicules. La glande pinéale accroit la production de sperme et agit sur la fertilité de la femme, elle augmente la production de progestérone. Les sécrétions de mélanine de la pinéale aident à produire la mélatonine. Les hormones de la mélanine La glande pinéale fabrique des alcaloïdes (sérotonine, mélatonine). Un alcaloïde est une substance organique qui réagit aux sels. En chimie, un sel est un composant chimique qui est créé quand une substance acide et une substance alcaline interagissent. Un sel a une charge positive électrique parce que les alcaloïdes réagissent au sel qui les utilise ; les sels sont utilisés par le corps pour garder la stabilité nerveuse, l’équilibre de l’eau, réguler le volume du sang, ils sont essentiels pour les enzymes de la digestion, les hormones, la coagulation du sang, la pression osmotique, les pigments respiratoires, l’équilibre du corps en acide. Cela veut dire que les hormones de la mélanine sont le contrôleur primaire de la vie humaine elle-même. Les sels cités sont des sulfates de sel, des phosphates, du chlorure, des carbonates, bi-carbonates combinés au calcium, magnésium et au potassium. L’alcaloïde sérotonine est stimulé par la lumière du soleil et la lumière artificielle à spectre complet. Il est sécrété dans le sang durant les heures du jour, la sérotonine se connecte à d'autres substances par polymérisation ( Union de plusieurs molécules d'un composé pour former une grosse molécule) et se transforme en mélanine. Elle permet aux muscles de se contracter, provoque la constriction des vaisseaux sanguins, régule la pression sanguine, et a la capacité de changer la conscience (improviser d’autres réalités). En conséquence la capacité accrue de créer spontanément (improviser) qui est une caractéristique des noirs dans les domaines de la musique, danse, théâtre, habillement, coiffure, utilisation des langues, inventions, science, art et culture. L’alcaloïde mélatonine fabriqué par la glande pinéale. Il est sécrété dans le sang après le coucher du soleil et atteint son niveau le plus élevé vers 22 heures, il se connecte à d'autres substances par polymérisation et se transforme en mélanine. Il aide à entretenir, réparer et construire le cerveau et les tissus nerveux. En conséquence il est efficace pour toutes les maladies et dommages du cerveau et des nerfs telles que le Lupus, la maladie d’Alzheimer, le déficit d’attention, la maladie de Parkinson, la sénilité, perte de mémoire, engourdissement et picotements des nerfs. La mélatonine synchronise les foncions du corps aide au maintien du rythme circadien, stimule les sécrétions de lait, et les contractions de l’utérus, déclenche la puberté, accroit l’activité électrique du cerveau, régule la pression du sang, induit le sommeil, stimule l'improvisation, a un effet positif sur nos émotions, et procure un état de bien-être et de joie. La sérotonine et la mélatonine ont une structure similaire à d’autres alcaloïdes. La structure du benzène aromatique et de groupes d’acides aminés les font fusionner facilement chimiquement avec des drogues dangereuses comme le crack, la ritaline, la cocaïne, la caféine, la codéine, la morphine, mescaline etc….Les noirs avec leur taux élevé de mélanine sont 2 fois plus dépendants aux drogues que toute autre race. La domination blanche qui utilise le mythe de la suprématie blanche défendu par le racisme blanc a fabriqué et entretient une oppression des noirs sur les plans physique, mental, émotionnel, spirituel, mondial, social et culturel. Cela pousse les noirs à consommer drogues, utiliser le sexe, la violence, le sucre blanc, les jeux d'argent, abuser les uns des autres pour échapper émotionnellement et psychologiquement à cette condition oppressante. Une condition sociale créée par la domination blanche qui entraine les noirs à se détruire socialement, émotionnellement, physiquement et qui est définie comme étant un génocide. La drogue tue et a un effet sur l’esprit et le corps physique des noirs-ce qui veut dire qu’elle agit sur la mélanine. Les drogues sont anti-mélanine et contre la culture noire. Les nombreuses substances fabriquées à partir de la mélanine sont bonnes dans leur concentration et leurs ratios

  • Mythe de la carence chronique en vitamine D chez les noirs

    The Myth of Chronic Vitamin D Deficiency in Blacks Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms eumelanin (black skin melanin)is essential for UV protection which cause skin cancer by damaging DNA. Black skin blocks twice as much UV rays as white skin. Melanocytes in black skin are more resistant to damage and supply melanin more sustainably. Melanin also has an action against free radicals (chemical molecules contributing to aging and disease) Dark skin, which contains more melanin than light skin, is better protected against UV-induced damage; melanin in black skin is twice as effective compared to white skin in inhibiting UV radiation. Thanks to melanin (eumelanin), black skin absorbs UV rays from the sun, while white skin devoid of melanin reflects UV rays from the sun and therefore cannot fix calcium because it is the vitamin D produced by the exposure to the sun which allows its fixation in the bones. The consequence of this lack of calcium fixation in whites will cause osteoporosis (bone disease). Vitamin D is produced by exposure to the sun. The skin is believed to convert sunlight into vitamin D because of 7-dehydrocholesterol (lipid in blood plasma converted to vitamin D3 in the skin). Vitamin D (D2, D3) has many benefits for humans both physiologically and emotionally. Here are the most important: It increases the strength of bones and teeth by allowing the body to fix calcium, Strengthens the immune system, Reduces the risk of cancer, Fights against heart disease, Reduces inflammation, Reduces the risk of diabetes type 2, Blocks radiation from radiation, Keeps you mentally alert, Works against occasional depression, Encourages emotional stability. Dark skin, which contains more eumelanin than light skin, is better protected against UV-induced damage, and eumelanin (melanin in blacks) is considered superior to pheomelanin (pseudo-melanin in whites) in its photoprotective properties. However, skin pigmentation has been reported to significantly reduce vitamin D3 synthesis, black-skinned people require at least 6 times greater amounts of UV (sun) radiation to increase circulating levels. of vitamin D3 than those with white skin. It has also been reported that many African Americans who live in northern regions of the United States suffer from severe vitamin D deficiencies despite vitamin D supplementation; It has been reported that black people need vitamin D3 doses 6 times higher than white people (Brenner and Hearing report 2008:540-541 ) Additionally, studies show that blacks have bones that are denser and less prone to fractures and osteoporosis than whites (report O'connor et al., 2003:263) which should not be the case if we are generally deficient in vitamin D. This should impress upon us the importance of considering race and ethnicity in the study of the human body and medicine. If you simply take a race-blind approach that assumes everyone is the same, you will inevitably arrive at flawed concepts and practices. This amounts to realizing that white people's vitamin D needs are 6 times greater than black people's. Furthermore, why rely on data exclusively concerning the white race to determine the biological needs of blacks when we know that in general blacks have fewer diseases and deficiencies than whites, are also more resistant and robust; and this thanks to the antioxidant properties of their melanin. We saw this universally during the covid 19 pandemic. African populations were much less affected than Europeans. THE BLOOD: Racial Differences in Hemoglobin Concentration: Measurements of Iron, Copper, and Zinc ( ) It is now scientifically established that blood can be racially or ethnically specific. Most people are familiar with the eight main blood types: A, B, AB and O, which can each be positive or negative (the Rh factor). These are determined by genes, and which group you are from depends on what combination of proteins and sugars - antigens - cover your red blood cells. The International Society of Blood Transfusion lists 360 known antigens, but the combinations are infinitely more. Many do not affect routine blood transfusion, although all have been discovered due to causing a compatibility issue. Transfusion A successful blood transfusion is based on the same principle. If the transfused blood has an antigen that you are missing, your body may react badly. In extremely rare cases, the reaction can be fatal; and even if it doesn't, it can damage the immune system in people who are already weakened by their condition. In addition, you will make an antibody, a kind of immune soldier, which will help to recognize the same antigen better next time. Patients who need regular blood transfusions – those with sickle cell disease, thalassemia or leukemia, for example – continue to create antibodies and may face a decreasing need for appropriate blood because they continue to create antibodies . We know that not everyone has the same blood, because there are many different types of blood and these types are important for anyone who needs a blood transfusion. Race is important in this context, because people of the same race are more likely to have the same blood type. Racial Differences in Hemoglobin (Hb) Concentration: Measurements of Iron, Copper, and Zinc Nutritional surveys have shown that Hb levels in blacks are consistently lower than those in whites. This difference does not appear to be related to socioeconomic dietary differences or differences in inherited disorders such as sickle cell disease. We studied 47 black subjects and 63 white subjects from hospital employees. The average Hb of black men was 0.9 g/dl lower than that of white men. The average Hb of black women was 0.5 g/dl lower than that of white women. This difference was not associated with differences in serum iron, iron binding capacity, or transferrin saturation. White women's ferritin values were significantly lower than values seen in white men, but similar differences were not observed between black men and women. The explanation for this is unclear although it may be related to sample size or differences in menstrual status. Copper levels were lower in white men than in any other group, and zinc levels were essentially similar between racial groups. The red blood cells of blacks were also smaller in quantity than those of whites. This difference could not be explained by disordered Hb synthesis. These observations confirm that Hb concentrations in black men and women are lower than in their white counterparts. This difference cannot be explained by differences in iron, copper or zinc intakes. Furthermore, Hb measurements in nutrition survey populations reflect iron status as only one of many variables and should not be used as the sole assessment of iron nutrition. It is also found that white blood cells are more numerous in whites. In a large population of African American and white subjects undergoing health screening, we found that whites had higher hematocrit levels, higher hemoglobin levels, higher CVD, higher TS and lower serum ferritin levels than African Americans. The white blood cell count of African Americans was lower, and this difference was mainly due to a decrease in the number of granulocytes, whereas the absolute lymphocyte count was actually higher among African Americans. These data were consistent with the observations of others (see Perry et al2 for a detailed review of hemoglobin data). Although it has been proposed that the difference in hemoglobin levels may be mainly due to socioeconomic and nutritional factors, most studies suggest that there are other causes, most likely genetic, that account for the difference. . Perry et al2 provided evidence that the difference in hemoglobin is not due to iron deficiency. High levels of serum ferritin have been found in African Americans in previous studies. Although the cause of this difference between African American and white subjects is not fully understood, it is likely to have a genetic basis, as familial segregation of ferritin levels has been demonstrated in Africans. From these observations one could deduce that in general the biological needs of whites would be higher than those of blacks. However, we must not forget that the antioxidant melanin playing a significant role in the fight against free radicals is very present in the blood, organs, tissues of blacks, unlike whites. Couldn't these biological differences also be explained by its presence?

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