EMPEREUR CHARLES V 1500/1558 Héritier des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne, Héritier de 17 couronnes

info@la-melanine-une-benediction.com In Englishwww.melanin-a-blessing.com
The purpose of this site is to bring black people to self-awareness, to realize that with Africa cradle of humanity,(Africa)they are at the origin of all inventions: inventions -in all fields ofknowledge, as far back as one can trace- monopolized, copied and improved by the leucodermas who usurped them and declared themselves their inventors. Since High Antiquity, blacks have been the inventors of culture: arts, sciences, maths, philosophy, music, religion, engineering, medicine, surgery, astronomy, navigation etc... before whites stripped them of them and falsified them at their advantage. All science is related to Egypt which was a country populated by blacks.It is thanks to this black pigment present in abundance in their brain: neuromelanin,that black had and has this high capacity for creation, invention at all levels.
This site reveals the horrors and monstrosities put in place by the whites in order to degrade and reduce the blacks to the lowest level to justify their stripping, because the deficiency of the whites in this neuromelanin pigment did not allow them to equal the blacks. But neverthelessfor blacks, the purpose of this site is to be informed about them and their opponents: whites in order to be able get up and react, feel proud of themselves, grateful for their neuromelaninand their melanin, no longer allowing themselves to be reduced, degrading but having a win-win relationship in their relations with white people, no longer having this win-lose relationship which has always prevailed and continues to prevail ; the eternal winning the white, the eternal losing the black.Fueling resentment and anger towards them puts us in a losing position and has harmful effects on our health. We blacks must be diplomatic and lucidly seek our true interests in win-win relationships with leucodermas without bringing out resentment.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Watch out, the wheel is turning, the West is in decline, the world is heading towards multipolarity. I'Africacontinent holding all the wealth of the planet, continent that does not know natural disasters,has its major role to play.Besides that our economic relations must be win-win with all our partners including Russia, China; before signing any partnership with any Western country (especially France), we must demand from them a written and signed commitment to reparations for all crimes (blood, looting, etc.) committed against us , because they have the blood of millions of Africans on their hands. We must also set up our own International Criminal Court to try all those Western criminals who abused us without mercy.We will be globally respected the day we command and inspire respect.
Dear visitors,see for yourself! : my videos are often deactivated, although very active on you tube, my visit counter had been removed (I put it back), as well as certain images. Would revealed truths bother?Recommend this site to those around you

Read the book ''Les Noirs 1ers Européens''
Sold by theTamery bookstorein Paris. General Library Guadeloupe The true history of blacks in Europe. 5th edition
" The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims. Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to SimobornWeil pp53
-There are two Histories: the official, lying history that is taught; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history "(Honoré de Balzac, writer)
We Blacks MUST KNOW that we have been victims since the 18th century by the leucodermas (the whites) of the most vast and monstrous impersonation of our kings, queens and famous people of Europe, that history has ever known. We are also victims of the greatest and diabolical falsification of history ever carried out. The leucodermas have done this diabolical work of make-up and crime with the help of their globally present secret societies.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Attitude of blacks and whites to old age and death
Attitude of blacks and whites to old age and death

Leucoderms and melanoderms have a completely opposite attitude towards old age and death
In today's Western society, which wants to be open, taboos remain quite numerous and death is surely the most tenacious of all. We are not prepared for this, especially not in Western culture, where all wrinkles must be erased, all white hair colored, all aging subject to treatments, creams, injections. If there is a current race it is that of eternal youth, even the selfies have rejuvenating filters; so daring to talk about death is complicated. It is banished, denied, rejected whereas it is inevitable. There are no longer any symbols of mourning.
In the past, wearing black symbolized that you had just lost a loved one. The suffering associated with death is hidden, the sadness rejected. In this society which dreams of being immortal when it is on the verge of extinction, daring to approach the disease is already complex but the end of life and death is a real challenge. We all know that death is inevitable for each of us. Yet, in many ways, death remains a taboo in modern Western culture. In modern Western societies, death is often ignored or feared. Changes in lifestyles and improved medical science have depersonalized death and made it an encroachment on life rather than a part of life. This has left many people ill-equipped to deal with death when it touches their lives. In Western societies there is an escape from death, the fear of death although it is inevitable: The fear of aging, the fear of dying. Could the neuromelanin deficiency that would cause this fear be involved?
On the other hand, African societies have a completely different attitude towards old age and death, which for them are part of life.
In the Negro-African cosmogony whose traces are visible in Judaism and Christianity, the ideology of life takes precedence over that of thanatology, because life does not end with death. On the contrary, it goes beyond it, transcends it and continues in the Beyond. Thus, death is not the last word in life for the African. This is, remains and will remain a dotted sentence which will end in the village of the ancestors during the final return.
Long before the arrival of Christianity, which preaches the resurrection of the dead on the last day, Africans know full well that there is life after death. Funerals are favorable occasions to advocate the qualities of their relationships and the virtues of those deceased who are said not to have died! This is why the dead are valued in all African societies.
In African countries south of the Sahara, funerals give rise to multifaceted manifestations. People gather, they eat and drink, they sing, cry and dance around their dead... never leaving them alone. “Because mourning also appears as a celebration: the celebration of the journey of the son or daughter to the other world”. But the manifestations depend on the age of the deceased. Indeed, the death or disappearance of a child not yet named, of a child without a tooth, is generally considered trivial; apart from the pain of the parents. Whereas that of a producer and procreative adult or an old man is experienced differently. In other words, emphasizes Kouakou Kouassi, "social mourning and psychological mourning combine differently depending on the status and time of the deceased".
This is what leucodermas fear(www.realhistoryww.com)
In white global racism, there has always been white fear. Due to the fact that due to their small numbers and their handicaps with regard to exposure to the sun, white people are not on an equal footing with the people of the rest of the planet (white people cannot safely tolerate the sun in latitudes between 40° north and 40 degrees south). Australians due to this sun seeking have the highest rates of skin cancers.
Leucodermas use schools and the media to misinform us.
Here's an example of leucoderm duplicity: In the present day, American leucoderms constantly refer to black people as "minorities". This is of course to instill the idea that leucoderma are numerous and powerful. They use their monopoly on the media to reinforce this position by constantly showing only images of leucodermas in all corners of the world; With the exception of Africa, black people are rarely featured in international news stories.
Ask wikipedia for the world population of white people,he will answer you 850 million: that is approximately 11.5% of the total world population which is between 7.5 and 7.7 billion people (this figure of 850 million does not take into account the black white mulattoes of Latin America, the Middle East). Also according to wikipedia the regions with significant white populations are the United States 252,784,000, Russia 132,516,000; there are nowhere near 252,784,000 leucoderma in the United States (typical leucoderma racist lie: Russia - that's a lie too - but who cares?)
Facts and figures
Japan's current population is 126,766,566 in 2019, according to Worldometers, which is based on the latest data from the United Nations. The current population of the Republic of Korea is 51,236,002 in 2019, North Korea's population is estimated at 25,666,161, as of mid-year. According to data of China's current population in 2019, it is estimated at 1,433,783,686 people as of mid-year. This makes a total population of 1,637,452,415 people of Mongolian East Asian descent, which is about 21% of the world's human population. The current world population is estimated at 7.7 billion as of September 2019, according to the latest United Nations estimates compiled by Worldometers. Here is the cold shower of leucoderma and Mongolian reality: 21% yellow + 11.5% white = 32.5% of the human population. THE OTHER 67.5%, or 5.19 BILLION, IS BLACK!!! (and mulatto). Assuming that there are approximately 540,000,000 (0.54 billion) mulattoes in the world, this means that the "pure-black" population of the world is approximately 4.65 billion. Therefore, YOU, the Whites and the Mongols, you are the "minority": "YOU", you are the people furthest from the account: "YOU", you are the "Others".
On the other hand, leucodermas use a new method of calculation to make believe that their number is stable or even increasing.Non-white people are increasingly counted as white in order to increase the number of whites. I noticed this in my own family: I have a cousin who has lived in the United States for more than 50 years, she is married to a white man and has 2 non-white children quarterons (very visibly mixed with very light skin) Formerly they were classified by the federal services as non-white, recently they are listed as white. This even happens in Europe, in France. Her sister who lives in Guadeloupe (Caribbean) is light mixed race with frizzy hair that she straightens and regular features, she was classified as Caucasian. It's the same for my own fair-haired niece with frizzy hair that she straightens. This is how whites increase their numbers: fraudulently.
The number of white people in the world is very small; Worldwide, there are only about 800 million to 1 billion white people, that is, about 10% of the world's population. This is obviously a big surprise for all the blacks who have been called "minorities" by these Albinos. Blacks, of course, are the "original humans" and represent over 5 billion of the world's 8 billion people. » (6)
Amazingly, white people have created a whole bogus history of the world, replacing black people with themselves and creating thousands, if not millions, of fake artifacts to support their fake story. So what is the reason for all this murder, killing and lies? Is it just "blood shed by lust" and pathological lying?
No, it's actually more mundane than that: it's a matter of fear, imbalance due to their albinism and greed.
In addition to these reasons, all these crimes clearly demonstrate the inability of albinos to create, to invent; if they were able, they would not have needed to eliminate blacks to steal their culture and make it their owners; their barbarism highlights the inestimable value, the quality of all these cultural works built by blacks. Again the lack of neuromelanin in them which is in question and which makes them barbarians, parasites; because they live, develop thanks to the expropriation, the stripping, the elimination of the blacks, it is always the case now with the plundering of Africa and the elimination of any pan-Africanist leader (Gaddafi, Sankara , Olympia, etc.).
Noticed:Europe before seems very different from the Europe we know today. What do you think happened to all those swarthy Germans, Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes? the whites killed them of course, and those they did not kill, were absorbed by the interbreeding (this explains the presence among the whites of hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black because the first whites: the Caucasians, were blond or red-haired with blue eyes). See the story of "Black Morrow" on Wikipedia.
By comparing behaviors, radically opposed ways of thinking in blacks and whites, I can't help but refer to the functioning of 2 chakras that are themselves opposed in us. We have 7 chakras; each of our chakras is linked to an emotional state. But it turns out that the 2 emotionally opposed chakras are: the root chakra which is at the bottom of our trunk and the crown chakra which is at the top of the skull. The root chakra represents feelings related to all things material and physical. A deficient (blocked) root chakra manifests as restlessness, aggression, feelings of insecurity, stress, anxiety: feelings created by Fear; These feelings are dominant in the leucoderma. The crown chakra is associated with higher consciousness (the Divine), spirituality, love, wisdom, understanding, sensitivity: dominant feelings in melanoderm.
Wouldn't these feelings be generated by the presence or deficiency of neuromelanin which would act on the functioning of these chakras through our emotions because the functioning of our chakras is totally governed by our good or bad emotions?