EMPEREUR CHARLES V 1500/1558 Héritier des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne, Héritier de 17 couronnes
info@la-melanine-une-benediction.com In Englishwww.melanin-a-blessing.com
The purpose of this site is to bring black people to self-awareness, to realize that with Africa cradle of humanity,(Africa)they are at the origin of all inventions: inventions -in all fields ofknowledge, as far back as one can trace- monopolized, copied and improved by the leucodermas who usurped them and declared themselves their inventors. Since High Antiquity, blacks have been the inventors of culture: arts, sciences, maths, philosophy, music, religion, engineering, medicine, surgery, astronomy, navigation etc... before whites stripped them of them and falsified them at their advantage. All science is related to Egypt which was a country populated by blacks.It is thanks to this black pigment present in abundance in their brain: neuromelanin,that black had and has this high capacity for creation, invention at all levels.
This site reveals the horrors and monstrosities put in place by the whites in order to degrade and reduce the blacks to the lowest level to justify their stripping, because the deficiency of the whites in this neuromelanin pigment did not allow them to equal the blacks. But neverthelessfor blacks, the purpose of this site is to be informed about them and their opponents: whites in order to be able get up and react, feel proud of themselves, grateful for their neuromelaninand their melanin, no longer allowing themselves to be reduced, degrading but having a win-win relationship in their relations with white people, no longer having this win-lose relationship which has always prevailed and continues to prevail ; the eternal winning the white, the eternal losing the black.Fueling resentment and anger towards them puts us in a losing position and has harmful effects on our health. We blacks must be diplomatic and lucidly seek our true interests in win-win relationships with leucodermas without bringing out resentment.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Watch out, the wheel is turning, the West is in decline, the world is heading towards multipolarity. I'Africacontinent holding all the wealth of the planet, continent that does not know natural disasters,has its major role to play.Besides that our economic relations must be win-win with all our partners including Russia, China; before signing any partnership with any Western country (especially France), we must demand from them a written and signed commitment to reparations for all crimes (blood, looting, etc.) committed against us , because they have the blood of millions of Africans on their hands. We must also set up our own International Criminal Court to try all those Western criminals who abused us without mercy.We will be globally respected the day we command and inspire respect.
Dear visitors,see for yourself! : my videos are often deactivated, although very active on you tube, my visit counter had been removed (I put it back), as well as certain images. Would revealed truths bother?Recommend this site to those around you
Read the book ''Les Noirs 1ers Européens''
Sold by theTamery bookstorein Paris. General Library Guadeloupe The true history of blacks in Europe. 5th edition
" The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims. Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to SimobornWeil pp53
-There are two Histories: the official, lying history that is taught; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history "(Honoré de Balzac, writer)
We Blacks MUST KNOW that we have been victims since the 18th century by the leucodermas (the whites) of the most vast and monstrous impersonation of our kings, queens and famous people of Europe, that history has ever known. We are also victims of the greatest and diabolical falsification of history ever carried out. The leucodermas have done this diabolical work of make-up and crime with the help of their globally present secret societies.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Book "The first European blacks" A MUST READ SOLD BY EDITIONS TAMERY PARIS, and in Guadeloupe Librairie Jasor Jarry and local de Racines 78 rue F. Arago Pàp
FORWARD this information
HISTORY BY WHITES to their advantage and to the detriment of blacks.THE TRUTH MUST ARISE
Cheddar Man the 1st English: Black, Died 10,000 years ago
Cheddar Man the 1st English: Black, Died 10,000 years ago
Reconstruction of bones found in Romania dating from 34,000 to 36,000 years ago Traits négoides
" The handling of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize hisconquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alters, disguises the past of their victims” source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to Simone Weil pp53
"There are two Histories: the official, lying history; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events " (Honoré de Balzac, writer)
………to think that thisrace of black mentoday our slave and the object of our contemptis the same one to which we owe our arts, our sciences and even the use of speech….(Comte de Volney: travels in Egypt and Syria 1783)
-Horrible was the story of our parents yesterday, that some wish to silence today so that we get lost on the way tomorrow.Yes, if we want to know where we are going, it is important to know where we come from.
-Don't expect people who came to invade us to write the truth about us (Myriam Makeba)
-Black history did not begin with slavery
-Who controls the media, controls consciences
- Remove the veil of opacity and ignorance, and men will finally open their eyes!" (NK Omotunde)
-''As long as the lion does not have its own historians, hunting stories will always be to the glory of the hunter." (African proverb)
Some blacks may be surprised by the painful veracity of the facts told, but which correspond to the reality experienced by their ancestors. I hope that this writing will help to rehabilitate the black in the true consciousness that he should have of himself, and also toimprove self-esteem. Becauseit is at the origin of all civilizations, religions, philosophy, sciences, arts, cultures in the world. The leucoderma stole everything from us, copied and improved it.
Self-esteem is linked to self-confidence. We blacks often tend to return to the sufferings of our past: slavery, injustices, we often behave like victims: victimization is an attitude that diminishes us, makes us inferior, even contemptible, glorifies those who colonized us because we have been weak before him; he took advantage of our weakness because we did not have weapons that could match his to defend ourselves. The whites having taken control of all the media in the world so that the truth does not get out, very few blacks know about this glorious past that they had throughout Europe, this artistic construction of Europe of which they were the actors, this glorious past of several hundred centuries stolen from them by the leucoderma whose only history is: Invasion, massacres, looting. Very few black people know that they are the victims of the most enormous and abominable impersonation and the greatest and diabolical falsification in history ever known.
If we want to know where we are going, it is important to know where we come from. We are not a tree without roots. Yes to regain SELF-ESTEEM, we must know where we come from, we must know our prestigious History of construction of this Europe, this Asia, this America in their arts but also their sciences. The fact of having been stolen, usurped does not in any way modify the inestimable value of what has been taken from us but even more increases this inimitable value and proves that for lack of having been able to do as much as us, the leucoderma preferred by violence to indulge in the craziest heresy the world has ever experienced: the usurpation of the identity of our kings and famous people and the falsification of our history to put themselves in our place. It is terrible and almost unbelievable!
Black people suffer from low self-esteem. We black people like to say, "The Chinese, the Hindus, the Jews help each other, but we are the only ones fighting each other." The real reason for this black against black animosity comes from the white colonizer who, in order to justify and succeed in the work of stripping us of our culture, our knowledge, our arts, our lands and our mineral wealth, has done a psychological job of denigration of blackness by creating both in the minds of blacks and whites a demeaning and misleading image of the ignorant, savage, uneducated, servile black; an image that has established rejection and self-hatred in black people and that has been instilled by white control of all media so that these repeated lies are accepted as truth by both blacks and whites.
On the other hand, unlike the blacks, let us not ignore that the Chinese, the Hindus (the occupation of India by England lasted 197 years) the Jews were not colonized peoples, they did not have not been reduced to slavery, nor subjected to contempt and cultural degradation by white people, China has not been invaded by any European country, they practice their religion, their philosophy and do not suffer like Africans from a religion imposed on the tip of the gun; they speak their own languages: Mandarin, Hebrew, Hindi….and not the one imposed under threat, by the French or English colonizer, they have their own culture, their schools and not school programs that alienate them, imposed by the colonizing country; they learn their history which is not the case of blacks who are forced to learn the European history of the countries that colonize them, to speak their languages and therefore subject to the assimilation of European culture and rejection of their culture and of themselves.
On the other hand, It is true that the wealth of Africa is its misfortune because of all the covetousness it arouses, but Africans at the beginning of the 21st century must unite AS ONE MAN ON THE WHOLE CONTINENT and continue to make the effort to drive out of their soil those countries which oppress them, continue to ask for help from countries of the 2nd bloc (Russia, China, Iran…): their only door exit to help them free themselves from the yoke of Western countries which exploit them without scruples, and which must lead them to be part of this 2nd block in a vision of the United States of Africa.
The elimination and extermination of the blacks of Europe, because of all the horrors with which they were perpetrated, must without doubt be and remain the most horrible crime against humanity in all of human history. This all the more so since until today in the 21st century the historians, the Leucoderm (white) politicians, although knowing perfectly this very painful past of their History which accuses them, continue this work until today. of make-up, negation and annihilation of black and its history in order to always keep the upper hand on blacks at all levels.
When we black people watch leucoderma television, especially historical shows; we must not act like the traveler who goes on a cruise, who sits quietly in an armchair and swallows everything the guide tells him, but on the contrary, open our mind wide, keep it awake to everything that is said, make our intelligence work, do not hesitate to ask us questions, the most relevant are they, put into action our thinking, our common sense, be vigilant and do not forget that the leucoderma has committed the greatest identity theft of all history, has falsified this history to his advantage and to our great detriment.
Before starting I allow myself this explanatory interlude on the predatory behavior of leucoderms and based on the principle that "every effect has a cause, chance does not exist". Leucoderms (whites) and melanoderms (blacks) have totally opposite behaviors. These behavioral differences would be due to a dark-colored pigment called neuro-melanin that blacks have in abundance in their brains and nerve centers and of which whites, on the other hand, would be deficient. This pigment is produced by a gland that we all have in our brain: the pineal gland, which is more developed in blacks than in whites, where it would be calcified. According to studies ofDr. Carol BarnesAmerican biochemist, Melanin theorist,pineal calcification would affect 5 to 15% of Africans, 15 to 25% of Asians, and 60 to 80% of Westerners.She writes in her book: “Melanin The Chemical Key to Black Greatness”:Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice.Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric.Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL as he absorbs all energy frequencies.Because white people have the least (neuro)melanin, they are seen by people of color as generally rigid, insensitive (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and “unspiritual.”
Melanin is an antioxidant that fights free radicals: cell aging.
(Neuro)melanin is responsible forsensitivitywhich is expressed by: empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it (leucodermas) we denote theInsensibility which is expressed by: egocentrism, lack of creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, the predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides.
The absence of neuromelanin would be directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of neuromelanin would be directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system.
Thanks to this pigment, black has a moral compass, feels its moral limits, lives with respect for life, for all life in general (human, animal, vegetable, mineral); unlike the leucoderma deficient in this pigment, which does not shrink from any means, the most amoral, the most cruel, the most inhuman to achieve its ends.
Leucodermas have no history of their own except invasion, murder, looting. When they invade a country they come to take, never bring anything positive, evolutionary: they are predators. When we examine their history from the beginning until today (in Europe, Africa: Americas, Oceania, Antilles), the repetitive, dramatic process of violence is constantly the same: Invading, massacring the indigenous peoples, destroying the flora, wildlife, stealing, looting raw materials, using without the slightest scruple the means to achieve their ends which are domination, submission, extermination, manipulation of invaded peoples, deceit, lies. Doesn't the lack of neuromelamine in their brains explain these exceptionally violent and destructive behaviors? On the other hand, melanoderms (blacks): well endowed with this substance, have much more altruistic, civilizing behaviors. The Africans of ancient Egypt, which was the dominant country in antiquity due to its civilization and its level of development, never had such attitudes.
Personally, and this engages only me, I go so far as to say that for the needs of the moral and evolutionary development of our incarnation, we choose a white or black corporeal envelope in order to experience the trials of this incarnation. The black envelope is provided with the neuro-melanin pigment which, through sensitivity, acts on the behavior of its wearer in order to positively influence his moral conduct, which is not the case for the person who chose the white envelope: this would explain the predatory attitudes of leucoderms. Predatory attitudes which in no way exclude the legitimate demands for Reparations for the innumerable injustices suffered by blacks, if we place ourselves in terms of the civil liability of leucodermas for the harm caused to blacks.
Africa from East to West measures 7200 kms, Russia from East to West measures 6400 kms, that is 800 kms less than Africa. Nevertheless, in order to degrade blacks and Africa, whites represent Russia 3 times larger on world maps.
The blacks who came from Africa 45,000 BC at the end of the melting of the ice were the first inhabitants of all of Europe as far as Russia as well as in the Nordic countries (the blond white race with blue eyes did not yet exist). They are the ones who built this Europe in its art, its culture that you admire. (see chapter:Black 1st Europeans;Black Kings of Europe) The whites (blonde with blue eyes) who came from the Caucasus from 370 AD in the form of barbarian invasions, driven out of Asia by the Huns (black with slanted eyes) whose leader was Attila made them multiple wars which had for the sole purpose of ousting them from this Europe they had built, of exterminating them, of despoiling them, usurping them, sending them into slavery in North America.
In the 18th century, once these crimes were accomplished; using lies and falsification, they remade history to their advantage, whitewashed the portraits of the black elite (kings, nobility, papacy, clergy, famous people) to put them in their place. The nobility, royalty, the papacy, the clergy throughout Europe were the blacks; they were the initiators of his arts.
They then took absolute and total control of the media so that blacks and their own white populations would never know the truth, and blacks could never rise again.
Through their sects and secret societies, political and religious,(Since the Middle Ages, secret societies of a political order have appeared, sometimes with a revolutionary, conspiratorial or criminal goal: (wikipedia)) by means of the use of intimidation and threats, the leucoderms imposed themselves on Kings and also on the papacy to have inhumane decisions recognized and ratified which were to their advantage. ex: Code Noir under Louis XIV. -The Royalists did not see the need for expansion outside Europe and the creation of colonies -.Through these globally present secret societies and directly involved in the world management of finance, economy and politics at all levels, they have set up a Machiavellian international process of eradication and annihilation of blacks in all the countries of Europe where the latter: builders of science and European civilization , had been there for millennia, long before them; They proceeded to their physical elimination, their enslavement in North America; their cultural and civilizational elimination by bleaching the faces and hands of this black elite to put them in their place and by remaking history (Identity theft and falsification of history)to give himself the main, dominant place, and relegate the black to the stage of an inferior, animal, low-qi, ignorant being, having invented nothing, limited to Africa itself described as a backward continent, populated savages whom it was their duty to civilise. It should be noted that these are the same secret societies that fabricated the French Revolution of 1789 from scratch through their philosophical thinkers in order to overthrow the King, the nobility who were black and mulatto pour s seize power. The leucodermas present until today a very degrading image of the Black who is the pioneer of all civilizations and world cultures. The Black in the world is voluntarily described as an inferior being, he is rejected, despised.
They did a global job that must have exceeded their expectations because this very degrading image of black is universally present even in Asian countries, China, India, Polynesia. (see chap.anti-black racism) The Chinese although having in their country a black ethnic group with slanted eyes and straight hair do not like black people, India people who are swarthy, very swarthy and have a black ethnic group do not like black people, blacks are murdered in India for their color. They have instilled in all peoples an epidermal hatred of blackness which expresses itself without reason at the mere sight of blackness. They have implemented a policy of rejection of black not only by others, but by black himself who does not like this blessed pigment that God has given him goes so far as to hate himself, to reject himself, to fight himself, destroy each other. All these destructive and annihilating behaviors of the whites towards the blacks bring to light the inestimable value of all that they have stolen from us for lack of being able to match us, and this proves their moral baseness to the lowest degree; baseness expressed by the deficiency in them of this civilizing and moralizing pigment which is the (neuro)melanin of the brain and the nervous centers.
Did you know that the Sun King Louis XIV was the first cousin of the last real black king of England James Francis STUART! Do you know that the real Emperor Charles V, Heir to 17 crowns, Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy was black! Do you know that the popes until 1650 were black! Do you know that the tsars in Russia until the 1700s were black! ; it was the same in all the countries of Europe: England, Germany, Eastern Europe, Poland etc……
The leucoderms whose behavior as invaders, looters, criminals have not changed until today (look at plundering Africa, see chapplunder of africa); over the centuries they exterminated and enslaved these blacks in North America. Their crimes accomplished, they then in the 18th/19th centuries fabricated, usurped history to their advantage by falsifying (laundering) the portraits of these black kings and nobles to put themselves in their place in order to fabricate a bogus story, totally false thanks to to which they imposed themselves as actors of European civilization in place of the blacks. They declared themselves a superior race: an act which demonstrates a very profound inferiority both morally, mentally and civilizationally and which proves savage barbarism at its lowest level for the acts which followed. They then set up until today a huge operation of anti-black racism to make black people, who are the builders of all the civilizations of the world as well as of the sciences, an uneducated, inferior, servile, animal being, at the qi low, primitive. The leucoderma violently seized everything that had been built by the blacks of Europe to appropriate them and annihilate the true civilizers.
KNOW THAT THE HISTORY OF FRANCE, OF EUROPE THAT YOU LEARN TO YOUR CHILDREN IS ONLY LIES, FALSIFICATIONS. IT IS BUILT ON USURPATIONS, CRIMES AGAINST THIS BLACK POPULATION which if it was eliminated from Europe, remains very much alive in thedominating black(hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to black: signs of the presence of melanin in the hair and the iris of the eye)with which whites are born; melanin is the first characteristic trait of the black race.Black being dominant, white recessive, these hues continue in the leucoderma from generation to generation andthis black dominantis more and more marked over the generations. It comes from the interbreeding between whites from the Caucasus (blonde with blue eyes) and the black European population there.It is a BLAGRANT, formal, indelible, tangible sign of the past existence of blacks in Europe, ancestors of today's white Europeans.
Anti-black racism was fabricated from scratch by the whites without the latter having any particular reproaches to make against this black nobility of Europe; the sole purpose being to shame her after having plundered, stripped, usurped, exterminated her, sent her into slavery in North America. This is a proof of the incapacity of leucoderms to create; what makes them to this day build and prosper like parasites on what blacks have built as well as on the mineral wealth of these blacks, especially in Africa.
In the 18th century, after the leucoderms (the whites) exterminated, sent the blacks of Europe into slavery in North America, they monopolized their goods, their lands, their title deeds, usurped, falsified their knowledge, their arts , undertook a work of bleaching the faces and hands of these black nobles and kings to put themselves in their place. They then took absolute and total control of the media so that blacks and their white populations would never know the truth, and that blacks could never recover._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
They then set up a work of inferiorization of blacks to declare them an inferior race by using the own knowledge of blacks for their benefit; I quote Mr Jules Ferry deputy to the National Assembly who in 1885 pushed Machiavellianism to the point of establishing the following rule: “the duty to civilize the inferior races”. Even today, French President Sarkhozy did not hesitate during his speech in Dakar, Senegal in 2007 to say that Africa has not entered history enough; while it is the black African man who is at the origin of human world history. This same Sarkhozy has allowed himself to make the prerogative of the "benefits of colonization" when we know all the sums of unspeakable suffering that this colonization has caused to the black man by making him colonial wars for the despoiling his land and humiliating him to the lowest degree. The white man imposed his violent colonization by force of the gun on populations who had asked nothing of him.
The white man (blonde with blue eyes): barbarian, appeared on the planet barely 8000 years ago. The civilization which existed on the Earth was at a very evolved degree (Atlantis) more advanced than now, the pyramids of Egypt whose secrets of construction have never been pierced by the leucodermas, would have been built at that time and the inhabitants of the Earth were black.
The human rights of which France is the prerogative by having declared itself "the land of human rights“were not discovered by the French but already existed in Africa: African civilizations being based on respect for human, animal, vegetable (trees, plants), mineral life; peace, justice, truth, equity.
Africans thought that Everything is animated by the spirit of God whom they venerated and to whom they had the greatest respect. These principles existed in Egypt through the MAAT which means Peace, Justice, Truth, Equity. In the century known as the Enlightenment (18th century), the Europeans only took up these principles so that their minority elite imposed itself on the majority by the use of force and deterrence accompanying these principles.
You should know that the creators of human rights were inspired by the charter of Manden (Mali in Africa) resulting from the oral tradition, and which is the 1st constitution of the world put in writing in 1222. This charter is called 1st declaration of Man, well before that of 1948 which was inspired by it. It is based on understanding and concord, love, freedom and fraternity. It was in Africa, in the empire of Mali in the 12th century that these sacred words resounded. In the said Charter, points such as the inviolability of the human person, social peace in diversity, education, solidarity, the integrity of the homeland, food security, the abolition of slavery, freedom of expression and enterprise, occupied a primordial place. European countries were inspired by this charter to create the UN Charter in 1945 and the various rules that govern their countries. In 2009, the Charter was inscribed by UNESCO on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity. This charter has inspired all of humanity. Another proof that the leucodermes have drawn on our texts to develop their laws.
Today the African who flees Africa to take refuge in Europe because he can no longer live in his country plundered by Western multinationals who exploit its soils to the point of devastation to extract raw materials and work its land until the soil is exhausted;This African must not accept the contempt of Westerners because he is returning to a Europe of which he was the builder.So for this reason he must know the truth of his story in order to hold his head high.Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Until when will we have to continue to suffer the contempt, arrogance, false superiority complex of those who have appropriated our History and bear in the color of their hair and their eyes the tangible and indelible mark of this presence black past in Europe, presence of our ancestors but also their ancestors? Indelible mark that makes me think of this painful mark with a hot iron, it also indelible that the slave settlers affixed on our slave ancestors in order to assert their right of ownership over their persons.
Mande Charter(Mali in Africa) 1st Constitution of the World from which the declaration of human rights of 1948 was inspired
The Mandinka Charter: 1st Declaration of Human Rights in the world dates from 1222
The Charter of Mandingo or "Mandingo kalikan" was proclaimed in 1222, during the enthronement of Soundjata Keita as Emperor of Mali, by the brotherhood of hunters of which he was a member. besides Soundjata had the title of Simbo "master hunter"
This charter is one of the first declarations of Human Rights, it has a universal vocation. The charter is cited as a reference in some current legal articles and it has even served as a model for our constitutions.
It establishes in principle, respect for human life, individual freedom and solidarity. It affirms the total opposition of the brotherhood of hunters to slavery which had become common in West Africa. Indeed, the abolition of slavery was a masterpiece of Soundjata Keïta.
Here is an excerpt that has seven lyrics:
• 1 Honor Life: All human life is a life.. It is true that a life appears in existence before another but a life is not older, more respectable than another life. Just as one life is no better than another life.
•2 Reparation of harm: All life being one life, any harm done to another life requires reparation. Therefore, let no one attack his neighbor gratuitously, let no one harm his neighbour, let no one martyr his fellow man.
•3 Family spirit and the importance of education: Let everyone watch over his neighbour, let everyone venerate his parents, let everyone educate his children, let everyone provide for the needs of the members of his family.
•4 Homeland: Let everyone watch over the land of their fathers (…) because any country, any land that would see men disappear from its surface would experience decline and desolation.
•5 Banish slavery and famine: Hunger is not a good thing, slavery is not a good thing either. There is no worse calamity than these things in this world. As long as we have the quiver and the bow, famine will not kill anyone in the Manden (…), war will never again destroy villages to take slaves from them. That is to say that no one will henceforth place the bit in the mouth of his fellow man, to go and sell it; no one will be beaten in the Mandé either, a fortiori put to death, because he is the son of a slave.
•6 Rejection of war: The essence of slavery is extinguished this day from one wall to the other of the Mandé. Raids are banned from this day in Mandé, the torments born of these horrors will disappear from this day in Mandé. What an ordeal is torment! especially when the oppressed has no recourse. The slave enjoys no consideration anywhere in the world.
•7. Freedom to act, to speak: Man as an individual, made of bones and flesh, marrow and nerves, skin covered with hair and hair, feeds on food and drink. But his "soul", his spirit lives on three things: See who he wants to see, Say what he wants to say and do what he wants to do. If even one of these things were to fail the human soul, it would surely suffer and wither away. »
JI allowed myself to compare the horrors suffered by blacks during the slave trade in Africa with those of the elimination and enslavement of the first European blacks and felt that those suffered by black Europeans were to a degree more raised because the whites, after having despoiled and eliminated these blacks, carefully disguised their heinous crimes by usurping the History of these blacks: The true History of France and Europe.
The blacks who came from Africa 45,000 BC at the end of the melting of the ice were the first inhabitants of all of Europe; They are the ones who built this Europe in its arts, its culture. The leucoderma or white, originating in the Caucasus, under the pressure of the Huns (black with slanted eyes) whose leader was Attila came massively to Western Europe (from 370 AD), all blond or red-haired peoples with blue eyes: Goth tribes , Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Angles, Saxons, Elks, Vandals etc...). They were described as follows by historians of the time: the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (56-118 AD) said about them:All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, enormous builds, suited only for sudden exertion..The Greek historian Herodotus - 480 to - 425 BC describes them as having deep blue eyes and red hair.
Throughout the history of Europe They made multiple wars against European blacks, the most infamous of which were: the wars of religion, the 30-year war, the English civil wars, summary executions; their only goal being to eliminate them, despoil them, then send them into slavery in North America.
Their Machiavellian plans accomplished, they decided in the 18th century to remake history by putting themselves in the place of blacks. For this they created a bogus story: they falsified the portraits of the blacks who constituted the nobility, the royalty, the papacy, the Catholic clergy. They bleached the faces and hands of these blacks and mulattoes to pass them off as white people. They then took absolute and total control of the media so that the black never knew the truth, nor could they rise again.
Unfortunately for them, very serious clues denouncing the past existence of blacks in Europe remain,as this black dominant(hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to black) with which leucodermas (whites) are born, a sign of the presence of melanin in the hair and eyes, and which prove black ancestors because melanin is a dark pigment falling under the black race.These black maidens: 180 in France, more than 500 in Europe, more than 1000 in the world, present in almost all the countries of Europe and which are a very serious index of the past existence in Europe of a black population; because you have to wonder why white people who are not very believers, not very spiritual would have made virgins, moreover black.These so-called wigswearing bleached portraits of kings and queens and which obviously represent the hair of blacks or mulattoes. How to understand that white people would wear wigs representing black or mulatto hair for centuries. I add the construction ofcathedrals: great prestigious masterpieces made with Love in the knowledge of Egyptian symbolism (black civilization), dedicated to God and which are the signs of a strong spirituality, of respect, of a strong sensitivity, of a creativity patient and industrious, qualities which are lacking in the barbaric leucoderma, insensitive, aggressive, unspiritual, and unscrupulous.(see chap the cathedrals)
Did you know that the Sun King Louis XIV, King of France who built the Palace of Versailles was the first cousin of the last black king of England James Francis STUART! Did you know that Emperor Charles V, Heir to 17 crowns, Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy was black! Did you know that the popes until 1650 were black! Did you know that the greatest composers of music: Van Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin etc……were black or mulatto! White people have imposed themselves as they do wherever they go to this day, by violence, murders, looting, wars to seize this culture built for centuries by black people all over Europe.
Such exactions of nameless horror on their part should not make us forget, we blacks, that it is we who built this Europe, but also these Americas (Inca, Aztec, Mayan civilizations) these cultures in Asia ( Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Japan etc…) all black civilizations. It is we who have built this Europe in its arts (cathedrals, castles, etc.)
Although we have been stripped, eliminated, exterminated, sent into slavery in North America, that we have suffered unspeakable suffering and humiliation from white people, we remain proud of the painstaking and patient artistic work accomplished with Love for dozens of years. years, centuries, work that denotes our strong spirituality, our strong sensitivity, our strong creativity, our Love:products of a black substance which we have in abundance in our brains and nerve centers and which is called MELANINE.
Yes, this melanin that the leucoderma has taught us to hate by imposing its physical and psychological violence on us, through domination in order to strip us, annihilate us;this melanin is the standard, the torch of our black race, we feel towards it Pride, Love, Recognition, Gratitudebecause as melanin theorist Dr. Carol Barnes said in her book:melanin the chemical key to black greatness" Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice. Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric.Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL as it absorbs all energy frequencies". Our ancestors since the dawn of time knew that: "Everything is Energy": We are energy and we are surrounded by energy, energy vibrates, life manifests itself through energy, it has a wavelength, a frequency.Melanin gives great sensitivity to the Black Man, because it allows him to detect all energy frequencies, to feel and participate in all life around him.See Chap Being black, melanin a blessing
THE CRIME WAS ALMOST PERFECT EXCEPT,that a group of African-American scholars sponsored by wealthy African-Americans initiated research on black history in Europe. Reliable and serious research carried out for decades by these African-American researcherswith the aim of enlightening the minds of blacks whose brains are to this day washed by the stories forged by whites (barely 10% of the world's population) in order to continue to exercise their domination over the 90 remaining % using both physiological and psychological violence and lies.
"At the time these research efforts were initiated, there appeared to be no Afrocentric writers speaking of black history outside of slavery and the ancient Egyptian race.
As these researchers stated: So we decided to start from scratch, building our real black history, only from “original” sources: from ancient documents to statues, paintings and other artifacts. Because let's not ignore that encyclopedias are not race neutral, they can be just as racist as any other leucoderma (white) source.
Reflecting on the sad state of black history as it was written by black people, we assumed that black historians were either lackeys brainwashed by the white establishment or too scared to write the real story. blacks because: a) the book would never be published by the media which are controlled by whites and b) they would be fired from gainful employment. »(www.realhistoryww.com)
These researchers have therefore devoted decades of research to reconstruct this history of Blacks in Europe. Blacks arrived in Europe 45,000 years BC during the melting ice period (the white race did not yet exist). The whites (blonde with blue eyes) came from the Caucasus in Western Europe (they would have arrived in 1200 BC in Greece and Italy, merged with the black population and produced mulattoes). They therefore returned to Western Europe from 370 AD, driven out by the Huns (blacks with slanted eyes) whose leader was Attila. There would have been a 2nd wave outside Central Asia between 500 and 700 AD, this time under the pressure of the black Mongol king Genghis Khan.
These blacks from Europe have disappeared:exterminated, despoiled, stripped of their lands and titles of nobility, and sent into slavery in North America by the whites,but their traces remain in whites in the dominant black with which they are born: a sign of the presence of melanin in the hair and the iris of the eye and which gives them hair and eyes of a very light brown to black color.This dominant black would have its origin in the interbreeding between whites (blonds or redheads with blue eyes) from the Caucasus and blacks from Europe.Although black has disappeared, this dominant remains to this day because black is dominant and white is recessive.
The leucoderms therefore appropriated the knowledge of these blacks: Arts, Culture, Sciences, Philosophy... all their goods, properties and titles of nobility because European culture and civilization were built, established by this black elite who reigned in all the countries of Europe.
In the 18th/19th centuries after completing black elimination(summary executions, enslavement in North America),They bleached all the portraits of these black nobles and kings, of these black popes and saints, of these famous people to put them in their place. They totally falsified history for their benefit using lies, intimidation, physical and psychological violence;They have taken absolute and total control of the media so that black people will never know the truth and can never rise again.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Comment were the Huns. Description of their leader Attila according to the Greek historian Priscus
Old Arabic. Observe the refinement of the garment
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Current Arabic: mulatto
Anteriority of the black race over the white race
Leucodermas carefully hide their origins. When they talk about the origin of man they say that Homo sapiens came from Africa and was black, all their archaeological research proves that the first inhabitants of the planet were black, but they give no explanation for their presence on this planet, how did they come and when. Termsdominating black(hair and eye color ranging from the lightest brown to black, sign of the presence of melanin in their hair and eyes, (melanin is a pigment that belongs to the black race) therefore signs of black ancestors),melaninare covered with a veritable omerta by them; these subjects are carefully avoided because they are the flagrant, formal, indelible proof of black ancestors in them and therefore of the past presence of blacks in Europe. Blacks, let's not forget that they exterminated and sent them into slavery in North America after having totally stripped them of their lands and titles of nobility, to then proceed to impersonate this black nobility and falsify radical and deep in the history of France and Europe. All this was done thanks to their globally present secret societies and their total and absolute control over all the media so that the truth never gets out and that black people are rejected, despised and totally annihilated following the work of total denigration black that they undertook and continue to this day. This hermetic silence on their origins is more than suspect and is indeed the proof of origins that would not do them honor and on which they want to keep a total, absolute silence.
Black people arrived from East Africa in Europe at the end of the melting ice 45,000 BC after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar south of Spain; the white race did not yet exist. Indeed, according to the excavations carried out by the leucodermas (the whites), the oldest leucoderma skeleton dates from 2800 years BC and was found in Central Asia.No ancient leucoderma skeleton has been found in Europe, all the ancient bones recovered in Europe, according to archaeological excavations, had Negroid characters according to the leucoderma authors of these excavations.
The white race would have 2 origins: The first in Africawhere she is the offspring of 2 blacks giving an albino child (white); Rejected by their black parents who did not understand the defect of their offspring, they formed communities of albinos which by reproducing among themselves formed in Africa colonies of albinos which rose in the Caucasus in Central Asia in order to escape the fiery equatorial sun.(Cress Welsing: Isis papers)
The 2nd origin (white skin, blond or red hair and blue eyes: signs of total absence of melanin) is recent, it would date from less than 8000 years and according to the ancient Egyptian writings (papyrus), it would result from a very long process of selective reproductions called grafts made by a black biologist named Yakub ( Jacob). He would have deactivated the gene of the black race (the gene which produces the melanin pigment) in order to obtain, through this long process of transplants, an individual totally devoid of melanin, with white, blond or red skin, blue eyes, Caucasian or albino origin and with aggressive leadership behavior; he would have predicted that this race would die out after 6000 years; Indeed, the blonde with blue eyes is very seriously on the way to extinction. According to the UN, the world population in 2100 will be mainly brown to black and Africans will represent 40%. (see Chap:Albinism, creation of white)
Genocide of the black populations of Europe by the yamnayas.
For decades, research has been done by African Americans on 1st European blacks who in the 19th century all disappeared from Europe. On this subject, I invite you to visit the site www.la-melanine-une-benediction.com. Whites since the 19th century, having taken over all the media, fabricate history and tell it in a way that benefits them, therefore in a false way (through their globally present secret societies). They refuse to admit that it was they who, with the establishment of wars (religious, 30-year wars, English civil wars, summary executions, etc.) and then the sending of black Europeans to slavery in North America, put everything implemented to eliminate us from this Europe that we have built in its arts: cathedrals, public monuments, religion the popes were black, Black Virgins (180 in France, 500 in Europe) the great musicians: Beethoven, Schubert, etc…. BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE BLACKS who made up the elite and the population of all of Western Europe as far as Russia (kings, tsars, nobility, papacy) always valiantly defended themselves until the industrial revolution (18th century), period during which whites copied and improved our knowledge to conquer the world and eliminate non-whites.
The West was built on slavery, the income from which made it possible to create the industrial revolution by using the knowledge of blacks (Egypt, Middle East) which they improved. Now knowing that the blacks are more and more aware of their extermination of Europe by them: after this extermination of the blacks of Europe, they whitewashed all the portraits of this black and mulatto royalty, nobility and famous people, they monopolized all their titles of nobility and their lands.
They have now created another deception based on the fact that it would be the yamnayas who came from the Caucasus 5,000 years ago who would have eliminated us all when we had been present for 45,000 years and more throughout the world. 'Europe. Note that the white race is the least numerous (about 10%) and the weakest physically on the whole planet. They describe the yamnayas as the deadliest people that ever existed: white-skinned brown hair and brown eyes, but they denounce themselves when they say this, because the brown hair and eyes are due to the presence of melanin in hair and eyes (melanin is a pigment that belongs to the black race); therefore of black ancestors, these peoples of yamnayas would therefore be half-breeds of blacks, moreover identical to the current white European people. They also tell that these people invented the wheeled cart which is the invention of the ancient Egyptians. Blacks arrived from Africa in Europe more than 45,000 years BC, whites arrived from the Caucasus in Western Europe (blonde with blue eyes from 370 AD, barely 1600 years ago that they occupied the 'Europe). The color of current European whites: brown to black hair and eyes is due to the interbreeding between blond whites with blue eyes from the Caucasus with the black population of Europe 1st Europeans that they made disappear from Europe in the 18/19th century . This color of hair and brown eyes in them is a clear proof of the past existence of our ancestors in Europe. Also, be aware that the oldest leucoderma skeleton (white) was found in Central Asia 2800 years BC, all ancient skeletons found in Europe had Negroid features according to the leucoderma archaeologists authors of this research. In addition, they speak of the bleaching of blacks which would have created the white race in Europe. If you go to Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, Siberia you see a black to brown population with slanted eyes and straight hair who came from Africa 70,000 years BC and who never whitened under the effect of the very harsh cold in those countries. How can we believe that blacks with Negroid features who came from Africa 45,000 years ago, in less cold countries (Europe), well after 70,000 years, would have whitened under the effect of a much less harsh cold, and in addition would have the skull totally transformed from Negroid to Caucasoid. No archaeologist has ever encountered this phenomenon in his excavations.
All current European leucodermas have brown to black hair and eyes (blonde is on the verge of extinction) a sign of the presence of melanin in the hair and eyes, therefore of black ancestors, it is the black dominant with which they are all born. It is the flagrant proof of the past existence of our ancestors in Europe, also their ancestors whom they did not hesitate to eliminate to strip them. Look no further the proof is there, it is formal.
LET'S BE VIGILANT AND SUSPICIOUS ABOUT WHAT WHITE PEOPLE SAY. NEVER BELIEVE AT FIRST WHAT THEY SAY BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS RESET HISTORY FOR THEIR ADVANTAGE WITHOUT EVER ACKNOWLEDGING THEIR CRIMES. In addition, in the short film on this genocide there are many assumptions by "researchers" which are only embarrassing answers to a story that accuses them.
Have the blacks of Europe defended themselves through the centuries from the attacks of leucodermas?
When you look at the portraits of the last Kings of France: I quote Louis XVI, Louis XVIII, Charles X which date from 1792 to 1830, Queen Charlotte of England, wife of King George III (same period), King of England George III himself, as well as the personalities of the 18th/19th century period (eg famous musicians such as Beethoven, Schubert, etc.) you find this negroid phenotype in the dilated eyes, the flat nose, the lips lippues, crimped hair. Blacks and mulattoes were therefore very present in Europe at these times; isn't this presence a proof of the resistance, the combativeness, the resilience of the blacks against whom the whites throughout the centuries since 1066 have been waging incessant wars in order to overthrow them and take power from their hands (more than 250 wars identified in Europe). The best known of these wars were: the wars of religion (1562 to 1598) which in reality were wars of race which had for sole purpose: to segment the white and black population in order to compete with the official religion of Catholicism which was that of the black elite and of the people (the popes of this time were black). For this purpose, in Great Britain, they created the Anglican religion; in Germany, they created the Protestant religions whose leaders were John Calvin and Martin Luther. There was also the 30 years war (1618 to 1648) which tore all of Europe apart, the English civil wars (1088 to 1685,) that of 1649 took place following the beheading of the black King of England Charles 1st. The blacks and the mulattoes whose elite were the royalists and the nobles did not allow themselves to be pushed around and always fought valiantly in all the countries of Europe until the European industrial revolution.
The rise of European leucoderma was primarily funded by the transatlantic slave trade, which in turn funded the European industrial revolution.Prior to the industrial revolution in Europe, all technological advances stemmed from the growth of knowledge: Egypt, the Middle East, Southeast Asia (mainly India) and China. It was the inventions and technologies from these ancient black cultures, which the leucoderms of Europe were able to copy, improve upon, and use to further their expansion.The most important of these inventions and technologies for leucoderm Europeans were: gunpowder (saltpeter) invented by Egyptian priests who used it in their rituals; the gun, the steam engine, the windmill, the watermill.(see Chap: Invention of weapons)
Thanks to income from the slave trade and the Industrial Revolution (ca. " which made it possible to develop and manufacture even more sophisticated weapons.
With these new and better weapons they developed, the leucoderms of Europe were able to conquer most of the world and then absorb and concentrate all the knowledge of the world into their hands.
Je reminds that leucodermas have no history apart from invasion, murder, looting: abuses carried out thanks to firearmsand accompanied by insensitivity, aggressiveness, barbarism, the most incredible violence: characteristic traits of a race devoid of the civilizing element in its brain which is melanin, the explanation of which we will see below.
We note that the 2 motors on which the Western world and its so-called evolution rest, are violence and money; money itself was built with both physical and psychological violence; yet violence is the characteristic feature of leucodermas expressed through barbarism, a feeling dominated by insensitivity and which reveals in the leucoderma the deficiency in neuromelanin, this pigment present in the brain of the black man and which makes him a human being. civilized. Thanks to this pigment, black has a moral compass, feels its moral limits, lives with respect for life, for all life in general (human, animal, vegetable, mineral); unlike the leucoderma which does not shrink from any means, the most amoral, the most cruel to achieve its ends.
The leucodermas pulled out all the stops, they forgot nothing, they outsmarted the devil to appropriate our history and annihilate us to the lowest degree.Unfortunately for them the clues below denounce them.
INDEX #1 The total and suspicious silence observed by the whites on the word melanin which they never mention. The dominant blackwith which the leucodermas (whites) are born and which gives them hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to black (sign of the presence of melanin in the eyes and hair, therefore of black ancestors) Melanin is a pigment who belongs to the black race.CLUE #2the first Europeans from Africa were black, according to the oldest archaeological discoveries, made by the whites themselves.CLUE #3The phenotype of many European leucoderms before the 20th century. Reflection ! HINT #4 The kings, the nobility were black in all the countries of Europe. CLUE #5The Popes, the Saints were black. CLUE #6Statistics on travel related to the slave trade.CLUE #7: the cathedrals - the castles, the Palaces were built by this black elite. CLUE #8The black virgins present throughout Europe (180 in France, more than 500 in Europe). How to believe that the whites, little believers and little spiritual, would have made virgins, moreover black?CLUE #9wigs: Reflection: these often dark to black colored wigs look like mulatto or black hair.CLUE #10Misleading explanation of the white color of present-day Europeans. CLUE #11Why do European leucoderms want black people to believe they are African by presenting Africa and Africans as a backward continent and people? CLUE #12Presence of anti-black racism among swarthy peoples of Europe and the Mediterranean, with a strong black dominance and no black population at home.
Neanderthal man: Reconstruction of bones(Geo Magazine)Observe its phenotype and skin tone. Neanderthal man was found only in Europe where he would have appeared about 300,000 years ago; it disappeared about 30,000 years ago. Leucodermas would have 1 to 2% of the genes of Neanderthal man.
Migrations of Africans around the world
Mblack igrations around the world
-130,000 years BC the blacks from East Africa crossed the ocean to go to America: they formed the Olmec, Inca, Aztec, Mayan civilizations whose vestiges remain in the temples. These civilizations were 95% exterminated by the whites who looted their temples and stole their gold (about 16 tons). -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_their pre-capitalist civilization.
-70,000 years BC they left East Africa to migrate to southern India, China, Laos, Cambodia, Japan, Australia. They are the builders of these civilizations: temples.
-45,000 years BC they migrated to Europe and are the builders of the European civilization that you admire in its arts.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Civilisations Amérindiennes d'Amérique :Noires
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad Observe the finesse of the work
_cc781905-5cde-3194 Native American Civilization Gold Mask
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The 1st Chinese were black
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Soldats d'argile :Chine Traits négroïdes 206 AVJC_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vieille maison chinoise
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Chinese Architecture
_cc781905-5cde-3194 Mausoleum: The Thaj Mahal
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ CAMBODGE : Temple Angkor Wat_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
INDEX #1Traces of the past existence of blacks in Europe remain in the DOMINANT BLACKwith which leucoderms are bornand which gives their hair and eyes a color ranging from the lightest brown to blackr while maintaining a white skin that acquires more and more capacity to tan in the sun. This dominant black is due to the presence of melanin in the hair and eyes:the melanin pigment is the first characteristic trait of the black race. This dominant black is present in almost all current European leucodermas in all European countries and is the irrefutable, tangible proof, the flagrant imprint of the past presence of blacks in all European countries.
About this dominant black that whites are born with.
If you ask the dictionary the question ''Why do we have brown or black hair and eyes? You will have the following answer (which concerns leucodermas): we are all born with a black dominant; But ask the question ''Where does this dominant black come from?You won't get any answer to your question, but hijacked answers that have nothing to do with your question. Obviously there is an embarrassment and a concealment of the truth. This hidden truth manifested in these eye and hair colors is visible and tangible proof of the past existence of our black ancestors in Europe, hair and eye colors coming from interbreeding with our black ancestors, ancestors also of whites . ; I recall that they were exterminated and sent to slavery in America by the whites.
The first white people who came from the Caucasus to Europe were blond or red-haired with blue eyes (Goth tribes, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles, Saxons, Vandals, etc.) who, by mixing with the first European blacks, gave half-breeds with tinted skin and hair and eyes ranging from light brown to black. Following the elimination of the blacks of Europe by the leucodermas: wars (of Religion, of 30 years, English civil wars) summary executions, sending in slavery in North America; and due to the fact that black is dominant and white recessive, this dominant black which is due to the presence of melanin in the hair and the eyes persists until today and is more and more common; it is part of the phenotype of current Europeans, but formerly tinted skins have become white with the elimination of blacks. The term having black blood is absurd, because this black dominant is a formal sign of black blood and therefore of black ancestors.By this dominant black, you have one of the proofs of the past existence of your ancestors in Europe, ancestors also of the whites.
This dominant black, blatant proof of melanin in the hair and eyes of white people and therefore of black ancestors, is probably the most taboo subject and bathed in prohibitions there is. Leucodermas never raise this subject which would betray them immediately and without appeal.. It is not treated anywhere, neither in the press, nor on TV, nor on the radio, because they have taken absolute control of the media so that it is never mentioned. It is covered with a real Omerta, nor the scientists, the politicians, the journalists have the right to speak about it because that would bring to light all these odious crimes (spoliations, exterminations, sending in slavery) committed against the blacks of Europe,their parents at the origin of their hair and eye colors.They are terribly afraid that the blacks will learn these truths about their extermination which they want to continue to keep hidden although their number in population is rapidly decreasing, that they are aging peoples and on the verge of extinction while the blacks in Africa constitute a population at least 50% young and are the future population of the planet. (says UN)
Noticed:Europe before seems very different from the Europe we know today. What do you think happened to all those swarthy Germans, Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes? The whites killed them of course, and those they didn't kill were absorbed by interbreeding (www.realhistoryww.com). eyes ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black as the first whites were blond or red with blue eyes.
This black dominantdue to the presence of melanin in the hair and eyes and with which whites are born is aglaring clue, formal, tangible and indelible of the past existence of black people in Europe. The 1st whites were blond or red with blue eyes (Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles, Saxons, Vandals tribes .... from the Caucasus.).
As black people are still in bondage, mentally above all else, I hope that knowledge of their melanin at the origin of the creation of all civilizations will enlighten them, empower them and give them the initiative to seek more truth and embark on the path of total and unconditional liberation.
White people know all about melanin and the greatness it can produce. They feel like it's a danger to them.
Melanin is a very important subject. The majority of our people are dormant and do not see the truth and the reality that the Caucasians hide from them. Their interpretation of melanin is that it is the agent whose main activity is to pigment our skin, and nothing else. It is true that melanin gives us skin pigmentation, but that is not its only main activity. Pigmentation is just one of the simplest tasks it performs; the most important tasks are never mentioned, with fear of waking up and empowering black people.
Melanin is the key to our survival, our humanity, our greatness and our civilization, our spirituality, and even the key to our total liberation.
The qualities of blacks: artistic talents, sciences, physical, moral, spiritual qualities etc.… reside in this substance that we have in our skin and our brain: melanin
What is melanin ? Melanin is a dark colored pigment ranging from black to brown found in the skin, hair, hair and the membrane of the eye, it is produced in a specialized group of cells called melanocytes. Melanin is present in the atmosphere and the cosmos. Melanin is not only found in the skin, hair and eyes, the inner ear (where it is believed to have a role in hearing) but it is also contained in many other vital organs of the body (meninges , heart, digestive system etc…).. It is found in the nervous system, spinal cord, glands, brain, DNA, muscles, intestines, blood, the heart and the liver. Its presence can be found in nature and is also found in many of our foods – plants, seeds, fruits and vegetables. It is also found in animals, in the soil, in the bark of trees, in rivers, streams and seas.
What is neuromelanin? It is this black pigment present in the brain and the nervous system and which plays a key role in human behavior depending on its abundance or scarcity.
Its strong presence gives the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant by fighting against free radicals, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in melaninized (black) people, it is responsible for thesensitivitycause of: empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it, we denote theInsensitivitycause of: I'egocentrism, lack of: creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides.
The absence of neuromelanin would be directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of neuromelanin would be directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system.
According to our African ancestors there are only 2 feelings in man: love and fear. Love at the origin of all positive qualities and creative fear of all faults.
The primary driver of neuromelanin qualities in blacks is sensitivity; other feelings such as empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions, need sensitivity to express themselves and cannot exist without sensitivity. It is also this lack of sensitivity due to neuromelanin deficiency in whites that denotes this lack: of creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, egocentrism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides.
JI have just mentioned sensitivity as a quality in people whose brains are filled with melanin, but this sensitivity if it is exacerbated can cause susceptibility which does not have a positive character and can lead to feelings such as anger , resentment, revenge, feelings unfortunately present among blacks and resulting from too great a sensitivity.
Neuromelanin is produced by the activity of the pineal gland, a small gland located between the 2 hemispheres of the brain, this gland can reach the size of the thumb in black people. The pineal gland being often calcified in the majority of leucoderma, melanin is weakly produced there, their pineal gland is not functional.Melanin is what makes people human, it connects them to the creative forces of the universe.
This calcification of their pineal gland explains their problem of bone density causing worries of osteoporosis (that is to say a decalcification of their bones) more frequent in white menopausal women than in African women. Moreover, according tos studies by Dr. Carol Barnes, pineal calcification affects 5 to 15% of Africans, 15 to 25% of Asians, and 60 to 80% of Westerners.
This calcification of their pineal gland which produces a neuromelanin deficiency explains their less advanced psychomotor development in whites than in blacks; black children crawl, sit, walk and demonstrate more advanced cognitive faculties than children of the leucoderma type, their IQ is higher (observations made by pediatricians and nurseries). In addition, neuromelanin influences gravity, balance, muscle mass and coordination of movements: melanoderms are in essence the best dancers, the best athletes, etc.
The melanin present in the vocal cords of black people produces a wide range of tones, high and low sounds, makes singing melodious, powerful and rhythmic. It is thanks to her that black singers are prized among whites for their voice.
Neuromelanin acts as a semiconductor by increasing nerve impulse velocity. This explains the superiority of blacks in sports.A very tinted melanoderm will produce more neuromelanim. The highly melaninized substantia nigra of the brain produces more advanced psychomotor development in these people.It has antioxidant properties and helps fight against free radicals.
Unlike Caucasians, African descendants have fewer Parkinson's diseases, fewer other degenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis, myocardial infarction, rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis, fractures, and generally a reduced incidence of cancer, the effects of old age are much less evident in blacks. Diseases existing in Caucasians are much less common or even non-existent in Blacks. Psychic, nervous and mental disorders are significantly more common in leucoderma than in melanoderma.
Melanin theorist Dr. Carol Barnes writes in her book Melanin:The chemical key to black greatness: Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice. Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric.Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL as he absorbs all energy frequencies.Because whites have the least melanin, they are seen by people of color as generally rigid, insensitive (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and “unspiritual.”(www.la-melanine-une-benediction.com chapter:being black, melanin a blessing)
Noticed: Like the dominant word black, the word melanin seems to be covered with a veritable Omerta by the leucodermas. Yet this pigment, which is the first characteristic trait of the black race, is constantly visible and present in them through the color of their eyes and their light brown to black hair; it is a flagrant, formal sign of the past presence in Europe of their 1st European black ancestors whom they exterminated and sent into slavery in North America in order to despoil them. Their media: magazines, TV never evoke melanin; it is a taboo subject just like the black dominant, they never allude to it although it is present in a synthesized form in some of their medicinal and cosmetic components for its recognized healing qualities; their researchers prefer to give it another devious designation. Leucodermas know perfectly well the advantages and qualities of this pigment, if only by its performance observed in blacks for endurance in sport and resistance against diseases. Here again is an obvious sign of devaluation, of degradation of the black race on the part of the leucoderma. They obviously fear that the blacks will discover all the diabolical schemes implemented by them in order to keep them under their yoke. This fear certainly engendered by the deficiency in them in neuromelanin, would it not be at the origin of this silence?
ABOUT the number of RACES
I bring up this subject because how can we talk about several races when the human race is black and the other shades of people on the planet come from this race. Genetically blacks, yellows, whites have similar genes. I will take an explanatory example but unrelated to genes: a parent factory has 2 subsidiaries, speaking of these 3 entities will you designate all 3 of them under the name of parent company while the subsidiaries exist thanks to the parent company. So you understand that the other yellow and white hues are species derived from the black race. Therefore, we cannot speak of several races. In addition, melanin, especially neuro-melanin, this pigment which permeates the brain and nerve centers, more abundant in blacks makes all the difference between these 3 human species: its abundant or weak presence explains the behavioral differences between blacks and blacks. whites.There is only one race: the black race which is intrinsically human and which alone possesses all human phenotypes: mongoloid (yellow), negroid, caucasoid (white) and which can reproduce all skin colors: black, white, yellow; which is impossible in derivatives.(see Chap:Being black, melanin a blessing)
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Les trois phénotypes de la race humaine, intrinsèquement noire
Phénotype caucasoïde_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Negroid phenotype
Mongoloid phenotype: South Africa, Namibia
INDICE N°2THE FIRST EUROPEANS from Africa WERE BLACK, according to the oldest archaeological discoveries, made by the whites themselves.
THE FIRST EUROPEANS from Africa WERE BLACK according to the oldest archaeological discoveries made by the whites themselves. The oldest bones of leucodermas would have been found in Central Asia 2800 years BC. No ancient leucoderma bones have been found in Europe according to the leucoderma authors of these excavations.
To the left:Reconstruction of bones found in Romania, dating from 34,000 to 36,000 years ago: Negroid traits. To the right Cheddar Man the 1st English Black, Died 10,000 years ago
To the left: Head of a Celtic God in England 100 BC: negroid features. To the rightDescriptions of the 1st inhabitants of Europe: black:the small, black Welsh, the Scots, the black Celtswest of the rivers Shannon in Ireland, as well as this class of men in Brittany, Aquitaine, France.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ On the left Figure: St Kenelm Church, Great Britain. Traits négroïdes _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_On the right Black English noble family shield Negroid traits
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Left Figurine :Eglise St Mary Angleterre, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ To the right English black noble family crest
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Grèce Mycène : arts martiaux_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vase grec ancien : Traits négroïdes
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Inhabitants of the island of Crete bringing offerings to Egypt
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The first inhabitants of Italy: the Etruscans were black
CLUE #3Observe for yourselfIhe phenotype of Kings, Queens and personalities in Europe before the 20th century. Isn't this phenotype reminiscent of that of the first Europeans: blacks from Africa?Compare with Caucasian phenotype below ?.Whites never have scythes of blacks and mulattoes.
King of France Louis 18;1814 Observe this negroid phenotype: thick lips, nose, dilated eyes, crimped hair, Compare with Caucasian
King of France Louis 16beheaded in 1792 Observe this black phenotype: thick lips, dilated eyes, curly hair.
King of France Charles 10;1830 Brother of Louis 16 and Louis 18. Observe this Negroid phenotype: thick lips, dilated eyes, hair seems relaxed.
The real mulatto Queen Charlotte of England(1744-1818), of German origin,Wife of King George III of England.Obvious negroid phenotype. Ancestor of the current Queen of England Elizabeth II. 'They had 15 children, 13 of whom lived to adulthood.
King George III of England1738-1820Husband of the mulatto queen Charlotte.Negroid phenotype. Ancestor of the current Queen of England Elizabeth II.
Wife of the Tsar of Russia Alexis Romanovbelow, mother of Tsars Feodor III and Ivan V of Russia-1670
Van Beethovenwas the greatest known composer (1770-1827) Beethoven in 3D. Observe his phenotype
Van Beethoven1770-1827 would have been the greatest composer. White people claim he was 16th black blood. Obviously impossible
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Faux Van Beethoven blanchi_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
Van Beethoven: death mask; Observe his phenotype, his flat nose
Composer Schubert1797-1828, in profile; Observe the phenotype
ComposerMozart:Negroid phenotype 1756-1791
Composer Chopin1810-1849, Observe the negroid phenotype (dilated eyes, nose, mouth)
ComposerSchubert1797-1828, front; Observe the phenotype
Arnold Schwarzeneggeractor, producer, former governor of California was Austrian-American. The chance does not exist, there is very probably a link between his name Schwarzenegger which means: the black nigger (Schwarze: the black, negger: nigger) and the fact that the blacks (his ancestors), until the 18th century populated Europe, the period of their extermination by the whites. He strongly wears this dominant black color in his hair, a sign of black ancestors.
Another portrait of the mulatto Queen Charlotte of England. Observe the finesse of the dress
HINT #4BLACK KINGS, BLACK NOBILITY IN EUROPE: a serious indication of the past presence of blacks in Europe
In all the countries of Europe: France, England, Germany, Russia, Spain, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland etc…. the nobility, the Kings were black. We present to you portraits of Kings, noble blacks of Europe who indicate the past presence of blacks in European countries.
After having eliminated the blacks: wars, enslavement in North America, the whites seized the arts, the lands, the titles of nobility of these blacks then bleached their portraits to pass them off as whites. Then they took absolute control of the media so black people never know the truth and can't get back up. (See Chapblack kings)
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vrai Charlemagne Black Year 800
False Charlemagne: White. If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes
Charles V King of France gives Duguesclin the sword of High Constable of France : Noirs
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ King Henry II of the Holy Germanic Kingdom 973-1024
Louis 1st the Great, King of Hungary and Croatia 1326-1382
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Black Noble Knight: Holy Roman Empire
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Charles II -Year 848 Carolingian, King of the Franks
True Charles V: Black, Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy 1500-1558
. _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Fake Charles V:Blanchi
True James Francis STUART Last Black King of England First cousin of the King of France Louis 14. 1766
King of France Louis 14, First cousin of the last black king of England: James Francis Stuart. Father of Louis 14: Louis 13 and mother of James Francis Stuart were brother and sister. Guess for yourself the race of Louis 13 and Louis 14 and also of Henri IV father of Louis 13.Why would white people wear wigs representing black or mulatto hair?
Fake James Francis Stuart: Bleached. If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ King Peter 1st of Bulgaria Died in 1970
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Hongrie : King Stephen 1st, 14th century
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Holy Germanic Kingdom
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vrai tsar Peter the Great of Russia, Black: 1700
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The Emperor of the Holy Germanic Kingdom
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Leopold I Germany: black1660
Princess Dorothea of Denmark: 1504-1547Daughter of King Frederick I of Denmarkand Anne of Brandenburg
Archduchess Margaret of Austria, Black 1480-1530Daughter of Austrian Emperor Maximilian, aunt and educator of Emperor Charles V
-Description of the real black Charles Lenos Duke of Richmond Son of King Charles II of EnglandComplexion black like King CharlesNot 30 years old
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ False Duke of Richmond Charles Lenos: bleached