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Ovnis au -dessus d'une centrale nucléaire: Pour dépolluer

UFOs above a nuclear power plant: To clean up

Forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies are watching over us.”

Fukushima is arguably the biggest nuclear accident on the planet, theoretically dooming all of Japan and endangering life to varying degrees in the Northern Hemisphere. The harmfulness of this nuclear disaster was estimated at more than 30 times that of Chernobyl. Never had so much nuclear fuel (uranium, plutonium, mox) been found out of control, in the open air. We evoked in Morphéus n°51 the transmutatory phenomenon which occurred inside the Chernobyl reactor. More than 10 tons of aluminum were found and 90% of the nuclear fuel had simply disappeared. These revelations come from Professor George Lochak, President of the Louis de Broglie Foundation in Paris, who tried to find a rational explanation for this phenomenon in Ukraine where Chernobyl is.

We know in Physics that the transmutation of uranium into aluminum is possible.

Can we control this phenomenon? We doubt it, otherwise security transmutatory systems would equip all land-based nuclear power plants.We find that leucodermas use a very dangerous technology, with deadly consequences, that they are unable to control (nuclear power plants, oil research).

Without viable rational explanation and following the photographed, even filmed, intervention of UFOs on Chernobyl, we maintain the idea that this unprecedented transmutatory phenomenon is linked to the intervention of an exotechnology.

By this intervention, the fatal pollution of the Chernobyl nuclear accident was in fact contained and divided at least by 10. This gives us an idea of what the extent of the damage would have been if no transmutation of the nuclear fuel had taken place.

So how to explain this?

It is neither the foolish arrangements made by TEPCO nor the measures of the Japanese government that could have had such an impact. Something else is at work. We are not far from reality in saying that more than 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained and continue to be so.

Moreover, the UFO activity above Fukushima is simply extraordinary. Everything suggests that these phenomena are not fortuitous but that they testify to a massive intervention on the disaster site and its periphery.

The Reuters agency, an offshoot of the Rothschilds, affirmed on April 6, 2012 that the core of reactor 4 had entered into fusion and would have crossed the base of the reactor. This is what is called the Chinese syndrome. This is the most serious consequence of a nuclear reactor meltdown, in which the molten fuel elements of the core break through the barriers that confine it and sink into the earth.

This information is logical and coherent, but it cannot be true! It hides phenomena that escape our sordid globalists.

It can only be a completely different scenario. A very sudden rise in core temperature may be due to a transmutation phenomenon noted precisely at Chernobyl. This does not indicate an uncontrolled descent of the molten fuel into the Earth, but a controlled transmutation phenomenon.

To confine this fusion, it could well be that we find in this reactor a mass of protective aluminum on the surface. In any case, if it is a fusion controlled by exotechnology, whether the vessel is pierced or not will have no impact. Everything will become inert, vitrified underground.

This involves mastering the transmutation of mox, uranium and plutonium.

If TEPCO, a few members of the Japanese government and the Rothschilds are aware; understand that they cannot deliver information which would imply the recognition of an exocivilization come to repair the damage due to the follies of a transnational consortium.

However, our analysis cannot stop there to explain the fact that 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained: on the site, in the atmosphere and in the Pacific Ocean.

In view of the weak fallout, a cleaning of radionuclides by transmutation in the ocean and the atmosphere necessarily took place. How ?

The mystery remains whole and will remain so as long as we are under the leaden cloak of the New World Order. However, even if a third of its territory is hard hit by radioactive pollution, Japan is saved.

The Fukushima affair is of the same ilk as the BP affair in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, where the explosion of an oil platform led to a veritable oil spill which caused considerable ecological damage.

This disaster, no doubt provoked, had generated a 100 kilometer submarine fault from which crude oil was escaping. Neither the USA nor the oil companies had the means to repair such damage. Do you still hear about this serious disaster? No ! Why? This fault has been plugged over 100 kilometers and the oil is not touching our coasts. Who could stop such an ecological catastrophe condemning the Atlantic?

If BP claims to be at the origin of the end of this disaster by having blocked two wells, we let you judge the seriousness of such an assertion. You should know that in the media BP has claimed compensation for this disaster.

In conclusion, we can only note the relevance of our hypothesis: “forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies are watching over us”

In conclusion, we find that leucoderms use technologies that they do not master at all, and which are very dangerous. In the event of an accident, the consequences can be fatal for the planet and its inhabitants. Again in order to satisfy their material desiresblind.TheDoesn't neuromelanin deficiency explain these crazy behaviors?

Questioned by mediumistic channels on their interventions against the seriously polluting phenomena which threaten the planet, the Beings of Light answered ''We do not make these interventions for humans, but for the planet itself because the Earth is a jewel by its nature. biodiversity that was made up of different plants recovered from other planets.

Yet the Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) had rediscovered free energy: it is a form of clean, healthy, cheap, non-polluting, inexhaustible energy, which would be available in large quantities and accessible to all. ; on its own it would solve the problems of famine and pollution. But this energy constituted a danger for the survival of the oil companies which enrich themselves blindly to the detriment of the environment as we have just seen above. So they rushed to cut off all funding to Tesla and silence it. We see once again that the leucoderma will stop at nothing to satisfy its basely material desires. Could neuromelamine deficiency be the cause?

Always to talk about pollution threatening the survival of the planet; France has a mega gold mine project in Guyana in the Amazon: the lungs of the planet. This project will lead to the deforestation of 1500 ha of forest (32 stadiums in France) and the expulsion of the Indian tribes living on these lands. We see once again that the albino will stop at nothing to satisfy his material needs.

Ovnis au-dessus de la centrale nucléaire de Fessenheim Alsace France Mai 2018 (pour dépolluer)

UFOs above the nuclear power plant of Fessenheim Alsace France May 2018 (to clean up)

Ovnis au-dessus de la centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl Ukraine (pour dépolluer)

UFOs over Chernobyl nuclear power plant Ukraine (to clean up)

Ovni au dessus de Fukushima au Japon 2011 (pour dépolluer)

UFO over Fukushima in Japan 2011 (to depollute) As soon as the explosion the UFOs immediately intervened to depollute

Explosion d'une plateforme pétrolière en 2010 : golfe du Mexique

2010 oil rig explosion: Gulf of Mexico

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