EMPEREUR CHARLES V 1500/1558 Héritier des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne, Héritier de 17 couronnes

info@la-melanine-une-benediction.com In Englishwww.melanin-a-blessing.com
The purpose of this site is to bring black people to self-awareness, to realize that with Africa cradle of humanity,(Africa)they are at the origin of all inventions: inventions -in all fields ofknowledge, as far back as one can trace- monopolized, copied and improved by the leucodermas who usurped them and declared themselves their inventors. Since High Antiquity, blacks have been the inventors of culture: arts, sciences, maths, philosophy, music, religion, engineering, medicine, surgery, astronomy, navigation etc... before whites stripped them of them and falsified them at their advantage. All science is related to Egypt which was a country populated by blacks.It is thanks to this black pigment present in abundance in their brain: neuromelanin,that black had and has this high capacity for creation, invention at all levels.
This site reveals the horrors and monstrosities put in place by the whites in order to degrade and reduce the blacks to the lowest level to justify their stripping, because the deficiency of the whites in this neuromelanin pigment did not allow them to equal the blacks. But neverthelessfor blacks, the purpose of this site is to be informed about them and their opponents: whites in order to be able get up and react, feel proud of themselves, grateful for their neuromelaninand their melanin, no longer allowing themselves to be reduced, degrading but having a win-win relationship in their relations with white people, no longer having this win-lose relationship which has always prevailed and continues to prevail ; the eternal winning the white, the eternal losing the black.Fueling resentment and anger towards them puts us in a losing position and has harmful effects on our health. We blacks must be diplomatic and lucidly seek our true interests in win-win relationships with leucodermas without bringing out resentment.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Watch out, the wheel is turning, the West is in decline, the world is heading towards multipolarity. I'Africacontinent holding all the wealth of the planet, continent that does not know natural disasters,has its major role to play.Besides that our economic relations must be win-win with all our partners including Russia, China; before signing any partnership with any Western country (especially France), we must demand from them a written and signed commitment to reparations for all crimes (blood, looting, etc.) committed against us , because they have the blood of millions of Africans on their hands. We must also set up our own International Criminal Court to try all those Western criminals who abused us without mercy.We will be globally respected the day we command and inspire respect.
Dear visitors,see for yourself! : my videos are often deactivated, although very active on you tube, my visit counter had been removed (I put it back), as well as certain images. Would revealed truths bother?Recommend this site to those around you

Read the book ''Les Noirs 1ers Européens''
Sold by theTamery bookstorein Paris. General Library Guadeloupe The true history of blacks in Europe. 5th edition
" The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims. Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to SimobornWeil pp53
-There are two Histories: the official, lying history that is taught; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history "(Honoré de Balzac, writer)
We Blacks MUST KNOW that we have been victims since the 18th century by the leucodermas (the whites) of the most vast and monstrous impersonation of our kings, queens and famous people of Europe, that history has ever known. We are also victims of the greatest and diabolical falsification of history ever carried out. The leucodermas have done this diabolical work of make-up and crime with the help of their globally present secret societies.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?

KLux Klux Klan dad, Mom and child
WHITE SUPREMACISM (Dr. Frances Cress Welsing: Isis papers)- WHITE GENETIC SURVIVAL
Anti-Black Racism (White Supremacy) Used to Ensure White Genetic Survival
In today's world at least ¾ of the people are non-white, and members of this non-white majority are subject throughout their lives to either direct or indirect domination by a small self-identifying minority. as white. White supremacy (racism) is proving to be one of the most observable phenomena in the world today. The dynamic of all Western civilization is fundamentally tied to the fear of genetic annihilation and the need for all white people to constantly fight against the global majority of black, brown, yellow, red people. The organization of survival caused white people to implement the system of white supremacy.
For hundreds, even thousands of years, whites have systematically carried out criminal and discriminatory actions against blacks in particular; xenophobia is the main character of white culture. They have set up a highly oppressive and effective system against non-whites, which operates on a global scale to ensure their supremacy over peoples of color. The psychiatristDr Frances Cress Welsing author of the book Isis papersinforms us of5 comments.The 1stis: nameless injustice, unimaginable cruelties and profound violence reign on Earth. Those responsible for this situation are those who call themselves "whites" and whose constant and continuous project is to dominate by any means.The 2nd sightingis that being white, that is to say having skin without melanin, is abnormal since the human norm is to have melanin. Whether one is red, black or yellow, the melanin pigment is present in the nervous system and the skin. Only individuals who classify themselves as white are deprived of melanin. They present an abnormality, a deficit, a genetic defect. According to the author, whites appeared in Africa as a result of a genetic mutation responsible for albinism. She reminds us that there is no difference under the microscope between white skin and albino skin and that those who are known as white today in the world would be from the very first albino populations that would have left Africa either to escape the heat of the sun, or because they would have been driven out of the black communities because of their deformity and their ugliness.The 3rd sightingis that the absence of color is a genetically recessive trait that disappears when confronted with the dominant color genes. The normal genes of the colored parent largely annihilate the abnormal genes of the white parent.The 4th sightingis that whites are a minority in the world whose size is shrinking day by day. Whites do everything to hide their numerical weakness and conversely create the impression of their numerical domination through media manipulation. These manipulations cannot undo the already well underway demographic decline of whites. According to UN reports, the fertility of all European countries is below the level required for total population replacement, which is 2.1 children per woman. The average age in Europe is 43 in 2019: Women are no longer of childbearing age. In Africa theage medium is 18 years old. According to the UN, the world population will be brown to black in 2100 and Africans will constitute 40% of this population. Much of the fertility in white countries is and will continue to be attributable to the colored people who live there. We realize the extreme precariousness of white survival. Accordingthe 5th sightingwhites are aware of their numerical and genetic weakness and are obsessed with their survival as whites, they live in conscious or unconscious fear of being annihilated by the majority of color, the individuals provided with melanin. It is this obsessive fear that helps explain racism and white racial supremacy, imperative feelings among white people if they wish to avoid genetic cancellation. The only valid and operational definition of racism is white supremacy. White supremacist domination and oppression of all non-whites is essential for overall white genetic survival. The social conditions of white supremacy remained intact as the dominant social reality. This system of domination works in all areas of human activity (economy, education, entertainment, work, law, politics, sex, war). The various economic systems: capitalism, communism, socialism have been created, used, refined, in order to achieve the essential objective of white domination which is the establishment, maintenance, expansion, refinement of their domination and control over the world.
The whole dynamic of western civilization is linked to the fear of genetic annihilation. The myth of white superiority would shatter into 1000 pieces in the presence of equitable social and economic opportunity. White personality, in the presence of color, can only be stabilized by keeping blacks and other non-whites in clearly inferior positions. The difficulty that whites have in granting non-whites socio-political and economic equality within the structure of white supremacy does not stem primarily from a moral question, nor from a political or economic necessity, but from their fundamental consciousness of being of unequal condition—and which relates to their numerical insufficiency and their color deficiency. They can compensate for their lack of color only by placing themselves in socially superior positions. The insufficiency of the white color requires a social structure based on white superiority.
The impetus that drives superiority over peoples of color, the force that drives material accumulation, the force that drives toward a technological culture, and the force that drives to seize power are all central elements of universal culture. of white supremacy. These strengths are a response to a sense of inadequacy rooted in the inability to produce melanin. Whites are vulnerable to their sense of numerical insufficiency; this inadequacy is shown in their division of non-whites around the world into factional and conflicting minorities. This is seen as a functional white response to their own minority status. The white race has structured and manipulated its reasoning patterns and conceptual models as well as those of the non-white majority world, in such a way that true numerical minority status (whites) is felt and illusory presents itself as the majority. in the world, while the real numerical majority (the non-whites) feels and perceives itself in an illusory way as a minority. They then go to great lengths to provoke conflict between groups of non-whites. The majority of the peoples of this non-white world are manipulated and forced into subordinate positions. This “Divide, Conflict, Conquer” way of proceeding stems from the feeling among white people of being color deficient (melanin) and numerically insufficient. This type of behavior is therefore a compensatory adjustment in order to allow them to be psychologically comfortable by dominating and controlling. Western culture has brought great violence and destruction to the planet. It's like a cancer destroying the body. White supremacy poses very serious problems for the majority of humanity. What is not understood at a deep level can rarely be addressed and healed. Instead of continuing to act as in the past and complaining, moaning, crying, begging, clapping and chanting "we will overcome" we blacks must dissect and analyze the root of these problems. Armed with this knowledge, we can take the necessary steps to resolve them.
Similarly, the current frantic focus on birth control for the entire non-white world is another example of the conscious or unconscious recognition of their deficient numerical status. It is never a question of controlling the birth rate of white people.Therefore, a working definition of racism (white supremacy) is the behavioral syndrome of individual and collective inferiority of color and numerical insufficiency which includes patterns of thought, language and action, as well as they can be observed in members of the white race.
White defensively developed an uncontrollable sense of hostility and aggression. This attitude continues to manifest itself throughout history in massive conflicts between whites and people of color (genocides, massacres, wars…….). Industrial technology and nuclear weapons are designed by whites to protect against white genetic annihilation.
Non-whites who represent the overwhelming majority of the world's population are genetically dominant in terms of skin color compared to genetically recessive whites. Blacks have the greatest potential of all non-whites to achieve white genetic annihilation. Racism is a white genetic survival strategy amplified by neuromelanin deficiency that would cause whites to lack sensitivity, empathy and give them destructive behaviors towards non-whites, especially blacks because the latter have the potential for melanin the highest threatening their genetic survival. In addition to the massacres and genocides against non-white peoples, especially black peoples reported above; Regarding the criminal and discriminatory actions that whites have systematically carried out against blacks for many years, I add the consumption of drugs (introduced by whites) in black neighborhoods, drug-related crimes (in black neighborhoods , blacks form into gangs that kill each other) teenage pregnancy, infant mortality, lack of academic performance, black unemployment, incarceration of black men, households with one parent: single woman, addiction chronic in relation to Public Assistance, poverty, homelessness, AIDS. Today we are witnessing a more subtle approach to white genetic survival. The destruction of black men is now indirect, so that black male victims themselves participate in and are held responsible for their own death and destruction; the steps that lead to this destruction can be traced: the denial of full-time employment and promotion to black men so they can properly care for their wives and children; the consequence is that a large number of black boys grow up without the guidance of their father; this leads to frustration, depression, school failure. Once this atmosphere is established, drugs are deliberately introduced into the black community; it is used as "street therapy" against the frustration and depression of black men. Weapons are then made available to them, supposedly to help them get paid for the drug sales. But the hidden strategy is to allow black men to kill each other, destroy each other, and then be blamed for it. It must be realized that no black man manufactures chemicals used as drugs, nor manufactures guns.
These pathological patterns of black male behavior that are extremely problematic forms of individual and collective destruction are the direct or indirect result of a fundamentally structured system for white genetic survival locally or globally. The system of white supremacy, grave injustice against black people, being used as a system of global force and terrorism through domination and oppression.
The reason why black men have always been the focus of white supremacist concerns is made evident by the definition of racism as white genetic survival.
Black men must therefore be attacked and destroyed in a system designed to ensure white genetic survival. In the spirit of white supremacy black men must be destroyed in large numbers, just like in the days of lynchings and castrations.
Anteriority of the black race over the white race
Leucodermas carefully hide their origins. When they talk about the origin of man they say that Homo sapiens came from Africa and was black, all their archaeological research proves that the first inhabitants of the planet were black, but they give no explanation for their presence on this planet, how did they come and when. Termsdominating black(hair and eye color ranging from the lightest brown to black, sign of the presence of melanin in their hair and their eyes - melanin is a pigment that belongs to the black race - therefore signs of black ancestors),melaninare covered with a veritable omerta by them; these subjects are carefully avoided because they are the flagrant, formal, indelible proof of black ancestors in them and therefore of the past presence of blacks in Europe. Blacks, let's not forget that they exterminated and sent them into slavery in North America after having totally stripped them of their lands and titles of nobility, to then proceed to impersonate this black nobility and falsify radical and deep in the history of France and Europe. All this was done thanks to their globally present secret societies and their total and absolute control over all the media so that the truth never gets out and that black people are rejected, despised and totally annihilated following the work of total denigration black that they undertook and continue to this day. This hermetic silence on their origins is more than suspect and is indeed the proof of origins that would not do them honor and on which they want to keep a total, absolute silence.
Black people arrived from East Africa in Europe at the end of the melting ice 45,000 BC after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar south of Spain; the white race did not yet exist. Indeed, according to the excavations carried out by the leucodermas (the whites), the oldest leucoderma skeleton dates from 2800 years BC and was found in Central Asia. No ancient leucoderma skeleton has been found in Europe, all the ancient bones recovered in Europe, according to archaeological excavations, had Negroid characters according to the leucoderma authors of these excavations.
The white race would have 2 originss:The first in Africa where she is the offspring of 2 blacks giving an albino child (white); Rejected by their black parents who did not understand the defect of their offspring, they formed communities of albinos which by reproducing among themselves formed in Africa colonies of albinos which rose in the Caucasus in Central Asia in order to escape the fiery equatorial sun. (Cress Welsing: Isis papers)
-White-skinned people appeared thousands of years ago as the offspring of mutant albinos of black-skinned mothers and fathers in Africa. A considerable number of these black parents produced, rejected and then chased their genetically defective albino offspring from the community to make them disappear from the normal black-pigmented population. There were colonies of albinos formed that eventually migrated north into Europe, to escape the intense equatorial sun of the southern hemisphere (Isis papers:Welsing). Albinos have preserved an ancestral hatred towards blacks, certainly due to this rejection and expressed in their songs.
The ostracization of albinos during biblical times is the only logical explanation for the birth of the white race. The colonies of albinos produced more and more albinos until the race of albinos called white race.
The 2nd origin (white skin, blond or red hair and blue eyes: signs of total absence of melanin)is recent, it would date from less than 8000 years and according to ancient Egyptian writings (papyrus), it would result from a very long process of selective reproductions called grafts made by a black biologist named Yakub (Jacob). He would have deactivated the gene of the black race (the gene which produces the melanin pigment) in order to obtain, through this long process of transplants, an individual totally devoid of melanin, with white, blond or red skin, blue eyes, Caucasian or albino origin and with aggressive leadership behavior; he would have predicted that this race would die out after 6000 years; Indeed, the blonde with blue eyes is very seriously on the way to extinction. According to the UN, the world population in 2100 will be mainly brown to black and Africans will represent 40%. (see Chap: Albinism, creation of white)
The theory of color confrontation and racism
Writer Neely Fuller in her work 'white supremacy' reveals that the only valid and working definition of racism is white supremacy. He explains thatracism is a system of white supremacy and domination that operates universally and in which the majority of white people participate.Most whites hate blacks. The reason would be because white people are not black.Any neurotic drive for superiority is rooted in a deep and pervasive sense of inadequacy and inferiority.Isn't it true that whites represent a very small numerical minority in the world? The white is affected by a genetic deficiency which makes it incapable of producing color. The vast majority of individuals in the world are not afflicted with this incapacity. Furthermore, this colorless state is recessive to the dominant genetic color-producing factor. Color always annihilates phenotypically and genetically speaking non-color: white. The whites responded acutely to their numerical insufficiency and inferiority in color by their confrontation with the majority of peoples who possess varying degrees of the ability to produce color.They defensively developed an uncontrollable feeling of hostility and aggression. They implemented a number of devastating psychological defense mechanisms for non-whites. An important defense mechanism was reaction training, which psychologically converts something that is desired but totally out of reach into something that is reviled and despised. Whites, driven by the desire to have colored skin but unable to obtain it, consciously or not announced that colored skin disgusted them, and they began to associate negative qualities with color, in particular black. White people's desire for colored skin can be seen at the very first signs of spring or summer when they begin to undress, and in doing so causes their skin to be severely burned as they try to add some color to their pale bodies, and they risk developing skin cancer. Most cosmetics are also an attempt to add color to white skin. Some blacks who try to change the color of their skin to white are responding to the social conditions already put in place by white supremacy. This phenomenon can be described as an identification with the oppressor.
Another psychological defense tactic is the desire felt by whites to mate with non-whites. Only in this way can whites maintain their illusion of being able to produce color. During black lynchings, black testicles were the organs that whites attacked the most, as they contained the powerful color-generating substance. The culture of white supremacy degrades the sexual act and the process of self-reproduction because to whites both reflect whiteness and whiteness' inability to produce color. In non-white cultures it is quite the opposite, the reproductive act is held in high esteem (artistic and religious practices in India, Africa). Among the whites the fundamental feeling of alienation from themselves and from the act which engendered their image was then expressed in their thoughts, their religious philosophies, their moral codes, their social actions, and their entire social structure. .Psychiatrists and psychologists often use the type of behavior exhibited towards others as indicators of how a person fundamentally feels about themselves. If the person displays hatred and contempt for others, the hatred and contempt is most often felt on a very deep level for the self. The destructive and aggressive behavior typical of whites towards non-white peoples proves the inner hatred, hostility, self-rejection and depth of their self-alienation due to their insufficiency of color.
Western behavior: alienation, anxiety, narcissism
-Alienation: the destructive and aggressive behaviors displayed throughout the world by whites towards non-whites are the inner proof, of the hostility and rejection they feel for themselves, and of the deep alienation that has developed from their genetic deficiency. This alienation alienates people from each other, creates disrespectful and disharmonious relationships with the environment, and leads to pollution and destruction of the planet. A cursory glance at any beach or pool today will clearly show the number of white-skinned people who suffer from self-alienation to the point of increasing their chances of developing cancer that could kill them. They continue to try to acquire temporary pigmentation, until death, in order to become part of the colored human family.
Anxiety and narcissismfeelings experienced by the white man are associated with alienation
According toDr. Frances Cress Welsing, the anguish, as the alienation would come from the origin of the white culture which rests fundamentally on the generation of albino mutants of Black parents in Africa. Anguish, like alienation in Western culture, results from the rejection of these albinos because of their genetic deficiency and their abandonment and migration north to form what is now recognized as the white race. This collective white group exhibits a different physical appearance than the rest of humanity, and they don't like that difference. Therefore, they tan and use makeup. They remain a minority in the world, surrounded by a black, brown and yellow majority. The white group remains genetically recessive to the black, brown, yellow majority and lives every day in constant fear of annihilation by the genetically dominant majority. This fundamental fear of albino isolation, abandonment, and genetic annihilation is at the very heart of Western civilization—a civilization structured to ensure white genetic survival. This plan to survive necessitates the subjugation and control of all non-white, white supremacist systems. The feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability felt remain buried in the brain-processor. These subconscious and unconscious thoughts become the basis for the pervasive neurotic anxiety that characterizes Western culture.
This is why valium (diazepam) is the most frequently prescribed drug in the United States. It is this same anxiety that is responsible for Western civilization's preoccupation with weapons. These weapons surround all non-white people on the planet. Whites hope that their weapons will prevent white genetic annihilation and thereby ensure white genetic survival, but they develop fear of being destroyed by the blast themselves.
This angst permeates all patterns of symbolism, logic, thought, language, action, response and emotional perception in all areas of human activity in Western culture and civilization. It also penetrates all aspects of family life, for whites and all non-whites who are victims of white supremacy.
The Chicago-based post-Freudian school of psychoanalysis has proclaimed pathological narcissism to be the dominant and haunting psychological evil of modern Western culture. Pathological narcissists systematically exploit and devalue others. They are often successful in business.
The following criteria designate narcissists: A grandiose sense of importance or uniqueness –
a) Lack of empathy. Inability to appreciate how others may feel
b) Due, Expectation of special favors with rage and anger reactions when others do not submit
c) Takes advantage of others in order to achieve his own desires or to improve himself, without any consideration for the integrity and the rights of others.
d) Relations that oscillate between the extremes of over-idealization and devaluation.
Any non-white person who has had extensive relationships with white people will find descriptions of those relationships above.
These behaviors described above of Alienation, Anguish, Narcissism would they not have for major cause the genetic deficiency in whites in neuromelanin and this genetic deficiency would it not be the cause of totally opposite behaviors in whites? and the blacks.
Could neuromelanin deficiency in the brains of whites be the main vector of white supremacism which would lead to insensitivity behavior towards non-whites with all the disastrous and dramatic consequences studied above?
Neuromelanin is a black pigment that permeates the brain and nerve centers. This pigment would be present in 12 places in the brain of blacks while in whites it would be present only in 2 places of their brain. This pigment is produced by the pineal gland located between the 2 hemispheres of the brain. However, this gland is calcified in whites, which thwarts the production of neuromelanin in them. According to the experiments of Dr. Carol Barnes, American biochemist, the pineal gland is calcified in 5 to 15% of blacks, 15 to 25% of Asians, 60 to 80% of whites; the pineal gland of the whites is not functional. Melanin is what makes people human, it connects them to the creative forces of the universe.Carol Barnes writes in her book, “Melanin The Chemical Key to Black Greatness”: Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice.Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric.Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL as it absorbs all energy frequencies. Because white people have the least (neuro)melanin, they are seen by people of color as generally rigid, insensitive (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and “unspiritual.”
-The (neuro)melanin generates thesensitivitywhich is expressed by: empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it (leucodermas) we denote the'Insensitivitywhich is expressed by: egocentrism, lack of creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, the predation of nature and other non-white peoples by massacres, genocides.
The absence or deficiency of neuromelanin would be directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of neuromelanin would be directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system.
- Thanks to this pigment, black has a moral compass, feels its moral limits, lives with respect for life, for all life in general (human, animal, vegetable, mineral); unlike the leucoderma deficient in this pigment, which does not shrink from any means, the most amoral, the most cruel, the most inhuman to achieve its ends.
Neuromelanin is present in 12 places in the brain of blacks against 2 places in the brain of whites, this means that this major pigment, responsible for the behavior of human beings, permeates more completely the brain of blacks and its deficiency in the brain of whites would be responsible for supremacism, predatory, destructive behavior of whites towards non-whites and the animal, vegetable and mineral flora of the planet. In order to better assess white supremacist behavior, it would be interesting to examine the characteristics of the 2 hemispheres of the brain: the left brain and the right brain:
Whites would work 80% with the left brain, Blacks would work with both left and right brains.
The characteristics of the left brain:For 80% of people in Western societies, the left brain is dominant. The left brain is the brain of reason. No creativity It is logical, Cartesian, sequential (it processes only one piece of data at a time) and specific.
For the left brain, a question = an answer. It works in binary, which means there's only one way to do things.
Main Disadvantages
•The school system is very oriented towards this model and all our social conditioning pushes us to operate in this way.
• The major disadvantage is that a dominant left brain stifles our creativity and prevents us from finding solutions to global problems. Indeed, the left brain is a specific brain.
• The left brain is mono-task so its capacities for assimilation and attention are limited.
The characteristics of the right brain
The right brain is the seat of intuition, creativity, imagination, emotions and dazzling thought.
It works much more powerfully than its left colleague
• It provides great creativity and sensitivity which is ideal for artistic professions
- This neuromelanin deficiency in whites would be responsible for the insensitivity in them and would explain their predatory behaviors of domination of non-whites, behaviors themselves amplified by their situation as minority peoples in a situation of defense against the non-white majority.This deficiency in neuromelanin would explain the fact that they have no history of their own except the invasion, the murder, the looting of non-white peoples towards whom they behave until today as predators.
Reflections on the genetic survival of the white minority
The white minority represents barely 10% of the world's population, the 90% are represented by non-whites (especially blacks) whereas it represented 32, then 25%. Their population is dramatically ageing. About the birth rate, Leucodermas are currently below the replacement rate which is 2.1 children for a couple; in France it drops to 1.8 (the highest rate in Europe); in other European countries this rate is even lower, 1.25 in Spain. You naturally understand that the survival of Europe in terms of population can only be ensured by the immigration of non-whites. The leucodermas say that this drop in the birth rate is due to selfish behavior due to modern life, parents voluntarily choosing to have 1 or 2 children; but that would not be the major cause. The sun, much sought after by white people to provide them with this colored pigment that they greatly appreciate, would have a sterilizing effect on them. The lack of melanin or pigment makes white people vulnerable to photolysis: photolysis is a breaking of chemical bonds due to the radiant energy of light (and therefore also of the sun). This would be the real reason behind the low Caucasian birth rates.
The breakdown of folate or folic acid in the blood is essential for cell replication and reproduction. The fertility problems experienced are not behavioral but biological and do not seem to be able to be controlled. Folate levels drop by up to 50% when whites are exposed to sunlight, and even those from tanning salons. -Vitamin B9 or folic acid (also called folate) is essential for cell renewal as well as for the development of the fetus in the event of pregnancy-.
Science and everyday observation tell us that white people have a very low tolerance for the sun. Too much sun and they get “sunburn”. If it goes on too long, they develop skin cancer. But the Sun is the source of energy not only for the Earth, but for the whole solar system, all the galaxies in the Universe need the sun. Plants need the sun to grow, humans need the sun to be healthy, even the weather depends on the sun. So how could a naturally evolved human on planet Earth not “tolerate” the sun well? In fact, “naturally evolved humans” tolerate the sun very well. They do this with the "melanin" that their body produces in their skin to protect them from the harmful rays of the Sun - They are the black and brown people of the Earth.
About the genetic survival of white people
The first whites, the Caucasians because the whites come from the Caucasus in Asia, were blond or red with blue eyes; Following interbreeding with the 1st European blacks, this phenotype is gradually disappearing and replaced by white eyes and very light brown to black hair and skin that acquires the ability to tan. By these developments, are we not witnessing a genetic mutation that occurs naturally with a gradual return of black genes, the white being a much more recent race than the black race and having a similarity of genes with the black race because it was created from the black race. You have already noticed that when you graft a plant, after a while the graft gradually takes on the characteristics of the rootstock. I don't think white people will be able to successfully fight for genetic survival; moreover, what phenotype are they looking for: blonde with blue eyes, brown… Nature naturally, relentlessly and inexorably doing her job of returning to the original genetic characteristics. In addition, UN statistics on world population predict that this population by the year 2100 will be brown to black in color. Would it not be the realization of the ancient Egyptian texts saying that the black biologist Yakub creator of the white race (blonde with blue eyes) had predicted that this race would exist 6000 years and then die out. In conclusion, in view of the above, anti-black racism has no viability. I also add that the so-called anti-white racism reproached to certain blacks would only be a hostile reaction to all the innumerable abuses and injustices exercised against blacks by whites.
One way to combat this gratuitous anti-black racism, this feeling of superiority manifested by leucodermas, would it not be to update the origins of the races (scientists are well informed on this subject that the white intelligentsia prefers to keep quiet) , of the white race, tell the true story of Europe. Whites, not wishing in any way that these horrible lies which overwhelm their History are revealed in broad daylight, carefully avoid these subjects and prefer to lock themselves up and get drunk in a false History which values the lying myths in which they lock themselves up. I think the most important thing is that we blacks know the history: ours, that of the whites and that we are the ones who do the work of bringing the truth to the whites. It is impossible for our History to continue to be obscured and ignored by us; It is impossible for whites to continue to have control over the knowledge of our history and of history in general. It is impossible that they continue to claim this Europe and its art built by us and which they have usurped; They must know that the blacks who came from Africa 45,000 years BC built this Europe with their sweat and their blood and that they came long after from 370 AD, and acted as destroyers, usurpers of this European culture and its people
In the United States, the protest movements of the African community of the 1950s and 1960s were so powerful and effective that the American government ensured that Africans never united again. The director of the FBI set up a machiavellian machination which consisted in distributing in the African-American neighborhoods the drugs discovered in Asia during the Vietnam war and the weapons manufactured for the war. Then undercover agents manipulated neighborhood youth into creating rival gangs. The primary purpose of the maneuver was the dissolution of the cohesion of the African community. One of the repercussions has been self-destruction through gangs and hold-ups by community contractors. The trafficking and consumption of drugs has also caused a lot of imprisonment, which has greatly weakened the education of children. From the 1970s to the 1990s the American government dynamited the African community from within. The only ones allowed out were those who entertained or allowed the country to shine (music, cinema, sport). Huey Newton and Bobby Seale understood the FBI's plan so they created the Black Panther party to thwart it. They instructed, nurtured and militarily trained their members in order to lead them away from the trap and recover the collective consciousness. They also reconciled many neighborhoods. So the FbI wiped them out. I recommend the documentary "Vanguard of the revolution" and the movie "Judah and the black messiah". On this Father's Day, I want to commemorate Huey and Bobby, the fathers of a revolution that must continue to inspire and guide us. Read the party rules! If the elites want to divide us so much, it's because it's the only way to guarantee our victory! So let's remember that whatever our disagreements, in the face of the common enemy we must be united! Let's stop falling into the trap of generation after generation division. Pity ! Let's unite, triumph and see for the differences afterwards! Thanks Dad Huey Thanks Dad Bobby!