EMPEREUR CHARLES V 1500/1558 Héritier des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne, Héritier de 17 couronnes

info@la-melanine-une-benediction.com In Englishwww.melanin-a-blessing.com
The purpose of this site is to bring black people to self-awareness, to realize that with Africa cradle of humanity,(Africa)they are at the origin of all inventions: inventions -in all fields ofknowledge, as far back as one can trace- monopolized, copied and improved by the leucodermas who usurped them and declared themselves their inventors. Since High Antiquity, blacks have been the inventors of culture: arts, sciences, maths, philosophy, music, religion, engineering, medicine, surgery, astronomy, navigation etc... before whites stripped them of them and falsified them at their advantage. All science is related to Egypt which was a country populated by blacks.It is thanks to this black pigment present in abundance in their brain: neuromelanin,that black had and has this high capacity for creation, invention at all levels.
This site reveals the horrors and monstrosities put in place by the whites in order to degrade and reduce the blacks to the lowest level to justify their stripping, because the deficiency of the whites in this neuromelanin pigment did not allow them to equal the blacks. But neverthelessfor blacks, the purpose of this site is to be informed about them and their opponents: whites in order to be able get up and react, feel proud of themselves, grateful for their neuromelaninand their melanin, no longer allowing themselves to be reduced, degrading but having a win-win relationship in their relations with white people, no longer having this win-lose relationship which has always prevailed and continues to prevail ; the eternal winning the white, the eternal losing the black.Fueling resentment and anger towards them puts us in a losing position and has harmful effects on our health. We blacks must be diplomatic and lucidly seek our true interests in win-win relationships with leucodermas without bringing out resentment.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Watch out, the wheel is turning, the West is in decline, the world is heading towards multipolarity. I'Africacontinent holding all the wealth of the planet, continent that does not know natural disasters,has its major role to play.Besides that our economic relations must be win-win with all our partners including Russia, China; before signing any partnership with any Western country (especially France), we must demand from them a written and signed commitment to reparations for all crimes (blood, looting, etc.) committed against us , because they have the blood of millions of Africans on their hands. We must also set up our own International Criminal Court to try all those Western criminals who abused us without mercy.We will be globally respected the day we command and inspire respect.
Dear visitors,see for yourself! : my videos are often deactivated, although very active on you tube, my visit counter had been removed (I put it back), as well as certain images. Would revealed truths bother?Recommend this site to those around you

Read the book ''Les Noirs 1ers Européens''
Sold by theTamery bookstorein Paris. General Library Guadeloupe The true history of blacks in Europe. 5th edition
" The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims. Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to SimobornWeil pp53
-There are two Histories: the official, lying history that is taught; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history "(Honoré de Balzac, writer)
We Blacks MUST KNOW that we have been victims since the 18th century by the leucodermas (the whites) of the most vast and monstrous impersonation of our kings, queens and famous people of Europe, that history has ever known. We are also victims of the greatest and diabolical falsification of history ever carried out. The leucodermas have done this diabolical work of make-up and crime with the help of their globally present secret societies.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
The religious wars, means used by whites to exterminate blacks and send them into servitude in North America

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Migrations of blacks from Africa around the world
AMERINDIAN POPULATIONS PRE-COLUMBIAN (Incas, Aztecs, Mayas) were exterminated at 90/95% (130 million at least) by Europeans to loot their temples and steal their gold (approximately 16 tons). It is thanks to this gold that they began their civilization pre-capitalist. One tactic used by the Europeans to exterminate them was to offer them blankets which had been used to wrap smallpox patients in Europe. You can imagine the ravages made by this disease on these populations.

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- Amerindian Civilizations: Blacks
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- Amerindian Civilizations: Blacks

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Native American Civilizations: Black
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Native American Civilizations: Black

Olmec head: Amerindian civilization pre-Columbian Black, negroid features
Olmec head: Amerindian civilization pre-Columbian Black, negroid features

Amerindian civilizations: Black Observe the finesse, the richness of the work
Amerindian civilizations: Black Observe the finesse, the richness of the work

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Amerindian Civilizations: Black
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Amerindian Civilizations: Black

Masque d'or Amerindian civilizations: Black
Masque d'or Amerindian civilizations: Black

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Native American Civilizations: Black
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Native American Civilizations: Black

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Amerindian Civilizations: Black
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Amerindian Civilizations: Black

Chinese clay soldiers: 206 BC: Black, Negroid features, slanted eyes
Chinese clay soldiers: 206 BC: Black, Negroid features, slanted eyes

Chinese the 1st Chinese were black
Chinese the 1st Chinese were black

Chinois black with his mixed-race granddaughter
Chinois black with his mixed-race granddaughter

Chinese ancient architecture
Chinese ancient architecture

Chinese ancient architecture
Chinese ancient architecture

Chinese ancient architecture
Chinese ancient architecture
The two oldest civilizations in Japan were those of the Jomons and the Ainu. The Jomon black population left Africa to arrive in Japan around 40,000 years BC after having followed the coasts of southern Asia. They lived from hunting, fishing, gathering, they were stonemasons (see illustrations page ….) they constituted the Neolithic period of Japan. This civilization lasted a very long time from 10,500 to 300 BC. Around 350 BC it was invaded, conquered and destroyed by a group of yellow Mongols from China: the Yayoi ancestors of the current Japanese. The Jomon people no longer exist, however due to interbreeding with the newcomers, 10 to 20% of their genes remain among today's Japanese.
The Ainous, people of northern Japan, originally hunter, fisherman, gatherer, are among the minorities that make up the Japanese population. They are mainly found on the island of Hokkaido in northern Japan, where they would have migrated around 13,000 BC. They would be more than 150,000 today. They suffered discrimination from the Japanese and had to fight for their rights and recognition. They are still victims of racism.
The origins of the Ainu are uncertain, they are probably a branch of the proto-Japanese Jomon stock (the first inhabitants of Japan). In 1904 they were described thus by the writer Marshall Everett “: The Ainu have dark skin, large mouths and firm, thick lips. Their nose is slightly curved, flat and wide, their hair wavy, often curly” (see illustrations). The Ainu underwent interbreeding with the current population of Japan

Jomon civilization in Japan: Black

Jomon civilization in Japan: Black

Ainu with his family

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Aïnou de l'île de Hokkaido au Japon
Arrival of the black man in Europe: a bit of history
"About 45,000 BCE the great glaciers that covered most of Europe began to melt and a group or groups of people from Africa, of the Khoisan type (now called Grimaldi) crossed the strait of Gibraltar and entered Europe. This is the first time in human history that modern humans have crossed the wilderness of Europe. Once in Europe, Grimaldi's man continued his migrations and eventually inhabited all of Europe and northern Asia. The easternmost limit of its range appears to have been the settlement known as Mal'ta in Siberia (Russia), just north of Mongolia. The definitive analysis of the Grimaldi skeletons discovered in Monaco was carried out by Marcellin Boule (1861-1942), a French paleontologist, it revealed that they had Negroid characters.
The previous exits from Africa of blacks would have been made around 130,000 years BC by crossing the Atlantic to the Americas, the Africans gave the Amerindian civilizations (Incas, Aztecs, Mayas), then_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 65,000 to 70,000 years before our era they would have followed a route leading them to Australia and the Pacific islands after having skirted the coasts of the Asian countries where they settled and produced the Hindu, Chinese and Japanese, Asian civilizations; they crossed the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia to go to North and South America. These civilizations and cultures subsist through the constructions (temples) which are part of the history of these countries. These Africans were of different types: Caucasoids with flat hair (Indians of South India) Mongoloids in China, Japan, Laos, Cambodia, Americas... Another migratory wave then took them to Europe 45,000 years BC , their installation produced European civilization and culture, the remains of which can be seen in the monuments built until their extermination in the 17th century by the whites who arrived from 370 AD (cathedrals, castles, etc.) and their dispatch by the latter in servitude to the Americas.
The first Blacks in Europe were busy putting their "human" imprint on Europe with their art and its structures, e.g. Sonehenge in England, Altamira caves in Spain, Chauvet in France etc..., Those- These represent the apogee of Palaeolithic rock art developed in Europe between 35,000 and 11,000 BC.
Noticed:Before the colonial era, black Africa experienced prestigious civilizations with Kings, Emperors who reigned over very large empires, and a well-structured administrative, legal and military organization; universities: Timbuktu which had 25,000 students, Djenné. The invasion by albinos and the slavery that made Africa regress were more than detrimental to these well-organized civilizations. (see Chap precolonial Africa)

Cheddar Man the 1st English: Black, Died 10,000 years ago

Head of a Celtic God in England 100 BC: Negroid features

Reconstruction of bones found in Romania dating from 34,000 to 36,000 years ago Negroid traitss

Stonehenge in England

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cave of Altamira Spain

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Chauvet Cave: France

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Grotte de Lascaux : France

Description of the 1st men: the small, black Welsh, the Scots and the black Celts west of the River Shannon in Ireland, as well as the same category of men in Brittany, Aquitaine in France
European culture, civilization were established by the black elite who reigned throughout Europe
Until the 1700s royalty and nobility were black throughout Europe including Russia. The cathedrals, the castles, (ex: Palace of Versailles, Castles of the countries of the Loire) the historical monuments were built until the 17th century by the black elite before it was exterminated and deported in slavery in Americas by the whites arrived from 370 AD.
The Achievements of the Black Man in Europe.
The blacks have a developed spirituality, they are very believers, are not the multiple constructions of cathedrals and churches one of the proofs of the existence of the black population in Europe? Leucoderma is unspiritual.
The cathedrals
About the works of the black man in Europe, let's talk about the cathedrals which are great masterpieces, testimonies of his presence, his creativity, his know-how, his sensitivity, his strong spirituality and his scientific and architectural work.
Due to the revolutionary techniques used, the cathedrals were and remain until today, a great source of pride and prestige for the cities.
They were magnificent religious buildings erected to the glory of God and which showed the strong spirituality of their creators.
(see Chap The cathedrals)
I warn my black brothers and sisters against the false nonsense conveyed by albinos and in their books claiming that Africans sold their brothers to white people to be enslaved through the slave trade; absurdities repeated by certain black authors and personalities acting as lackeys of white people or for lack of information on this subject. Let us reflect together on this question: the whites came to Africa armed to the teeth to look for blacks, they came in warships heavily armed with cannons: galleons, whereas they knew that the blacks had arrows, spears and spears, very light weapons compared to their heavy armaments. For what ? it's because there was fierce resistance, black not letting it go. Indeed, there were battles which were not always to the advantage of the whites despite their artillery.
I recently heard the well-known economic journalist P. Jovanovic, a man of color, repeat this nonsense. Why do albinos like to convey this message? In order to rehabilitate themselves from these heinous crimes committed against the blacks, they want to show that they were not so bad and that it was the blacks who offered them their brothers. Words of this kind were created by albinos towards the Arawak Indians of the West Indies who were exterminated by them. These remarks claimed that the Arawaks had exterminated the Amerindians first inhabitants of these islands in order to take their lands. Another way of saying that they weren't the worst and that the Native Americans had been punished anyway, so they deserved to have been exterminated in turn.
I also do not believe the statements made by the whites to say that the Amerindian peoples Incas Aztecs practiced human sacrifices to honor their deities. All these Amerindian peoples were black peoples: the black, in essence, thanks to this melanin which impregnates his brain and his nervous centers, and which makes him a sensitive being, respects human and animal life, nature, because he considers that everything is animated by the spirit of God to whom he devotes the deepest respect and the greatest consideration and who for him is everywhere. The black asks forgiveness from the animal before killing it only to feed itself, it does the same to the tree before picking its fruits to feed itself.
I recall that the Amerindian populations Incas Aztecs, Mayas were exterminated at 90/95% by the whites: that is to say approximately 130 million, I remember an article written by a white journalist saying that it was totally false, that they were all dead of Legionnaire's disease and that there have never been any genocides of Native Americans. Comments made once again to clear their conscience.
I take this opportunity to recall an article written by a Western journalist on the peoples of Melanesia who are black; He said that when their parents were old, they got rid of them in the following way: They made them climb a tree, shook the tree, rushed on those who had fallen and finished them off with sticks. When we know the respect and deep consideration for elders among blacks, we immediately understand that it is slander aimed at discrediting them. On the other hand in the leucoderma we do not note a great consideration, love for their parents and the elders in general. The 2007 heat wave caused many deaths in France, the victims were mainly elderly people; it was noted that a significant number of the bodies of their elderly parents were not even claimed by them and that it was the municipalities that had to bear the costs of the burials. This attitude denotes in the leucoderma a lack of sensitivity, consideration, love, empathy, a frenzied egocentrism.
If the whites do not hesitate to make Satanist sacrifices of children in their diabolical sects in order to obtain material advantages, among the blacks respect for life, empathy and a certain sensitivity prevent them from indulging in these practices.
So we have to be very careful about what white people say about us black people,above all never repeat their lies, their goal has always been to devalue us in order to make us inferior.
I quote some of the innumerable flagrant injustices, exploitations, thefts, plunders of which the blacks are victims on the part of the whites.
-The alternative press(international.net network) of June 2020 reveals the existence of a farm in Libya in which men, women, children, babies, all black, were found locked in small cages, these human beings had undergone samples organs, performed without anesthesia, they were crippled, some blind. It would have been found 2 billion euros in cash in this place. We are aware of the very profitable trade in organs that takes place from countries in the South to Western countries with the complicity of the latter, always in search of profits and who do not investigate the provenance of the organs they buy. The Western press did not report this fact but spoke of mass graves.
-I will also mention an organization created in 2013 supposedly for the defense of the civil rights of blacks in the USA and which is "Black Lives Matter“: Black lives matter. This organization would be financed by personalities, very influential members of the New World Order created by the leucodermas. The New World Order would be born from the "Illuminati" and would aim for world domination by carrying out its plans gradually through history. The events of the world would thus be orchestrated by a group of individuals acting in the shadows, bearers of a long-standing totalitarian project; their first objective is to reduce the world's population and blacks are in the front line in their sights. Black Lives Matter is said to be funded by leading figures of the New World Order and has received, among other things, $100 million from the Ford Foundation and $33 million from the Soros Foundation. The unacknowledged purpose of this New World Order is to unleash racial hatred between whites and blacks in the USA; You understand that blacks would be the big losers of these racist hate movements because numerically they are less numerous than whites and above all they do not have the weapons that whites can afford. So before engaging in any movement of a philanthropic nature, blacks should find out about the organizers and the origin of the funds for these movements.
-Blacks have made many inventions,and that since under slavery; the whites, their masters appropriated these inventions which they put in their name by attributing the discovery to themselves.
The blacks, scholars or inventors do not appear anywhere in the world book of invention whose author is Valérie Anne Giscard d'Estaing daughter of the former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and listing those who have enabled the progress of humanity. These black scientists are “voluntarily and carefully” forgotten by the world although their inventions are of various, daily use; The intellectual property of many of these inventions has been violated. Can't this voluntary and calculated concealment of these black inventors be considered a cultural and intellectual genocide? Any discovery made until today by the blacks is deliberately concealed; in the eyes of the whites the black must appear ignorant, uneducated, servile, inferior, of low IQ.
-In European museums: British Museum in London, Musée du quai Branly in Paris, to name a few, thousands of artifacts are on display: statues, figurines that were stolen in Africa, Egypt, Asian countries, Americas by Europeans; An Egyptian president had ordered to repatriate those who came from Egypt, until today this order has never been executed, the albinos have kept them. The blacks should organize themselves to recover their works of art stolen and exhibited in museums whose entry is paid to admire them.
-I will also talk about the International Criminal Courte It is a permanent international criminal court created in 2002 by Westerners, with a universal vocation, responsible for judging people accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and war crimes.
I invite you to go to the sitehttps://www.justiceinfo.net/fr/tribunaux/cpi. By consulting the names of the people suspected since the creation of the ICC, you will see for yourself that this court seems to have been created for blacks and Arabs because all the people who have been worried by this body are black and Arab. The latest is the former president of Côte d'Ivoire Laurent Bagbo, whose crime would have been to have said that he wanted his country to work with everyone, this statement more than displeased France (the Côte d'Ivoire is part of France Afrique) which rushed to send armed forces which overthrew Mr Bagbo and replaced Ouattara as the straw man of the French government. France had him arrested, tried by the ICC on the charge of crimes against humanity, he was imprisoned for several years and has just been acquitted, no charge having been brought against him. Ironically, the judges and prosecutors chosen by this Court are very often black.
On the other hand many Europeans, among other Heads of State have never been worried by the ICC for crimes of genocide committed in the countries of the South, they have not accepted that any investigation be made on this subject. The latest is the 2011 invasion of Libya and the assassination of Gaddafi under Sarkozy. Let me go back before the creation of the ICC: the genocide in Rwanda under François Mitterrand remains a gaping wound without explanation, the genocide in Cameroon of the Bamileke people and many others.
-I will also mention a very formidable tool created by the Americans: the HAARP projectIn addition to its many highly evolved skills in the military field, this device would be able to mentally manipulate populations without their knowledge, to control the climate: to create tornadoes, cyclones, drought, earthquakes, floods in certain countries targeted by Westerners .
Among the Africans who left Africa, there were Indians of the Dravidian type (dark skin, Caucasoid features, straight hair) and their albinos who probably sought less sunny lands, because the Sun burned their white skin. They settled in the Caucasus lands in Central Asia where the climate was more favorable to them.
The first Albinos arrived in Europe around 1200 BC. They were easily integrated into the black Greek and Roman cultures of those countries where they had migrated (Greece, Italy). In 300 BC, mulattoes were commonplace there. Today's albino Europeans have nothing to do with those early albinos except for a common point of origin: Central Asia. Today's albino Europeans were part of what is called the "great period of migration" - the Albinos call it that - which took place in 2 phases; The first phase, which is between 300 and 500 AD. J.-C., The second phase took place between 500 and 700: they were Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles, Saxons, Elans 1etc. referred to as ''barbarians''. In reality, it was not a migration at all, these albino tribes of Central Asia, collectively called the Germanics and the Slavs, were driven out of Asia by the Huns of Attila. Later, the last tribe of Albinos in Asia - the Turks, were driven out of Asia by the Mongols of Genghis Khan. The invasions of the Roman Empire by albinos, meanwhile, took place between 100 and 500 AD.
The first civilization built by blacks in Italy was that of the Etruscans. Subsequently, the Etruscans were conquered and absorbed by the Romans/Latins who created their own empire.
The leucoderma or white, originally from the Caucasus, came in the form of barbarian invasions, massively in Western Europe (all, blond peoples with blue eyes: Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Angles, Saxons, Elans, Vandals etc...). From 370 AD he therefore returned, driven out by the Mongols. He lived in Central Asia. “The oldest leucoderma skeletons have been found in Central Asia and date back to 2800 BC, no ancient leucoderma skeletons have been found in Europe. It would therefore be a relatively recent race compared to the black race which would have been the first to populate the planet. Excavations made in Africa: Ethiopia from 1992 to 1994 revealed the oldest hominid skeleton named Ardi at 4.4 million years old. The blacks would have arrived in Europe from Africa 45,000 years before our era. They would have arrived in the Americas 130,000 years BC and created the Amerindian civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas that we present to you below. They are the creators of Asian civilizations: China, Japan, Cambodia, Laos etc..... (Blacks with slanted eyes) where they would have settled around 70,000 years BC; the traces of their passage can be found in the prestigious architecture of the temples.
According to ancient Egyptian writings, the white race was created around 6600 years ago by a black biologist named Yakub; he would have "made" it with his team by a process of selective reproduction called "grafts" which lasted 600 years. After these 600 years of transplant process, a very pale individual was born, with blue eyes and blond or red hair. To create the white race, Yakub would have manipulated the OCA2 gene: formerly known as the P gene, which characterizes the color black and whose deactivation ends in albinism. The determining ancestral gene of the black color is the P gene (renamed in 2005 OCA2 gene), its mutation produced 2 albino genes characteristic of white skin: the SLC24A5 and SLC 45A2 genes.
From this tribe of white-skinned albinos, a race of leaders with aggressive behavior was born. Yakub had predicted that this race would exist for about 6000 years, then after that it was doomed to extinction. The blond with blue eyes gradually disappears and is replaced by the leucoderma with eyes and hair ranging from the lightest brown to black.
Asians share with whites the fully functional version of the SLC24A5 gene, but have acquired mutations in other genes that result in lighter skin while retaining black hair and eyes [Francis Collins, The Language of Life (NY: Harper, 2010), p 150]. " (see chapter Albinism, creation of white).
The Albinos - white, leucoderms or Caucasians - have no history except invasion, murder, looting, their rise is relatively recent, no doubt accelerated by the 'so-called wars': Thirty Years' War (1618 to 1648), British civil wars (1642-1651) which were in reality "race wars",; all culminating in the slaughter of most black European royalty and the expulsion of black people into servitude and slavery in the Americas (Caribbean and North American colonies). »(4)
About sending blacks to North America. During the slavery period, according to statistics there would be approximately 308,005 blacks who would come directly from the African continent, all the others, so millions came from Europe, expelled by the albinos who stole their lands, their titles of nobility and their artistic achievements to call them their own.
White people tell us that the black population of the United States is only 12.5% (37 million) – . The real number would rather be 85-90 million. (Do you really think white people would tell you the truth about your numerical strength?). As you can see from the Emory University voyages database table which gives an account of slaves imported from Africa during the slave trade (about 400 years ago) only 308,005 African slaves were landed in North America (United States, Mexico, Canada). How can you get 85-90 million from 308,005 (especially since the average life of a slave was 6 years)? It's not believable. Most black North Americans descended from black Europeans expelled from Europe to be sent into slavery.
According to these statistics, France, England and the Netherlands bought a total of 456 African slaves (see table) during the period of the slave trade which lasted almost 400 years. Where would the others come from, if not the black Europeans? In addition to the United States, five European countries: France, England, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain engaged in the slave trade; how to explain this presence of black nobility and kings in other European countries which did not engage in this trade: Russia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Norway, Denmark, Poland etc. … if not that this black nobility was indeed native of these countries and was eliminated by albinos.
This defeat of the blacks is not explained by this difference in mentality between the blacks and the albinos. The white has a relentlessness to destroy and kill which makes him seek all weapons conducive to satisfying this excessive need, unlike the black who is much more moderate, he has a moral compass which prevents him from falling into excess. Wouldn't it be this lack of neuromelanin in the brains of white people that makes them so cruel?. Subsequently, aware of their physical and numerical weakness, they embarked on an arms race in order to impose their domination on the world.
What is neuromelanin?It is this black pigment present in the brain and the nervous system and which plays a key role in human behavior depending on its abundance or scarcity. Its strong presence gives the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in melanin people, it is responsible for sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it, we note: egocentrism, lack of sensitivity, creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing, barbarism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides.
The absence of neuromelanin would be directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system whereas the presence of neuromelanin would be directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system.
"The Albinos, in their neurotic fear of those who are not like them, and particularly the blacks, invented for themselves a "fantastic" past (especially in Europe) in which they were the native Europeans (in fact they come from the center of Asia: the Caucasus). They imagined that the world was only populated (especially in Europe) by albinos like them (by far, whites are the least numerous on earth). In their minds, Albinos were the creators of all the great civilizations in Europe and all the great heroes in history were Albinos. As a result, they created an official "revision" of the story reflecting their neurotic "fantasy". This revision is simply called "History" by Albinos and "Fantastic History" for those who know the truth.
Another tactic used by Albinos to falsify the true meaning of the black work is to give it false and often pejorative titles.
- As far as possible, in-depth research is done by the researchers to discover the original title of the paintings presented to you. When this fails, the contents of the painting are analyzed to try to understand the original meaning. This analysis is annotated at the bottom of the image-. »(4)
With the addition of Central Asian Albinos, Europe became a mixed environment. »(5)
These albino barbarians were all white-skinned peoples with blond or red hair and blue eyes. It is the interbreeding with the first European blacks on the spot which gave the shades of hair and eyes going from brown to black with a tinted skin become white by the elimination of blacks. But the dark shades of hair and eyes that remain are the dominant black with which whites are born and which are irrefutable proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe.On the other hand in Great Britain and Germany, the population was mainly composed for centuries after the barbarian invasions of Europe, by 2 barbarian tribes: the Angles and the Saxons who gave the Anglo-Saxons: people with white skin, blue eyes, red or blond hair. In these 2 countries the blacks were almost completely eliminated by the wars of religion and the 30 years war (wars, pretext to eliminate the blacks). Which explains this blond, blue-eyed phenotype in these 2 countries. This phenotype is recessive, therefore endangered and is increasingly replaced by that of brown to black hair and eyes and white skin that acquires the ability to tan in the sun.
Furthermore, as soon as the albino invaders violently imposed themselves on Europe, black European kings were forced to marry albino women to buy peace, which increased miscegenation.
Having had enough of the atrocities of the Albinos called the Barbarians, the Black Franks (who were probably Germans) who ruled France rose up under the leadership of Charlemagne (means Charles the Great) around the year 800 and drove them back as far as possible to the east.« (6)
Europeans seeing these surges of albinos committing the worst crimes, panicked believed that they were dealing with white demons as they called them.
"Persia being controlled by the Albinos as well as the territories of the Eastern Roman Empire, it was only a matter of time before the weight of all these Albinos was too heavy for the Black Empires._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

False description of Attila the Hun

The Etruscans 1st inhabitants of Italy: Blacks

Description of Attila the Hun as given by the Greek historian Priscus. The Huns were slant-eyed blacks

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ True Charlemagne: Black

False Charlemagne: bleached. If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes

False King James Francis Edward Stuart: White. If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes

Portrait of the King of France Louis 14 (the Sun King)first cousin of the King of England James Francis Edward Stuart (black king) next door.Take a look at those frizzy black hair that they want you to pass off as wigs sprinkled with powder to give them fullness.If albinos were white why would they wear wigs representing black hair?
Observe the details that make the clothes so rich. What creativity? Louis 14 was very fond of dance and music.
Louis 13 son of Henry 4, father of Louis 14, and Henriette of France daughter of Henry 4 and mother of the King of England James Francis Edward Stuart are brother and sister, therefore Louis 14 and James Francis Stuart are first cousins. If I am black, my first cousin (Louis 14) is necessarily black or mixed black.

True Emperor Charles V: Heir to 17 crowns, Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy 1500-1558

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Stephen 1er King of Hungary

Duke of Noailles. Visibly fake, crimped hair

Charles V of France gives Duguesclin the sword of High Constable 1369: Blacks

True King of England James Francis Edward Stuart; Mulatto. The Stuarts were the last black kings of England, until the whites seized power by overthrowing them.James Francis Edward Stuart - CONFIRMED!
James Francis Edward, Prince of Wales (the Knight of St. George, "The Water King", "The Old Pretender" or "The Old Knight"; (1688-1766) was the son of the deposed James II of England and Ireland (James VII of Scotland) As such he claimed the English, Scottish and Irish thrones (James III of England and Ireland and James VIII of Scotland) upon the death of his father in 1701 , when heis recognized as king by his cousin Louis XIV of France. Died in 1766, his son Charles Edward Stuart succeeded him in the Jacobite succession. Two wars to restore the Stuart dynasty failed. James and his sons remained the last Stuarts

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ King of England Edward III

False Charles V Quint: bleached

Queen Marie Antoinette of Austria, wife of King Louis 16 of France, beheaded in 1793. Observe this very frizzy hair presented to you for a wig. This portrait seems visibly fake, bleached! Would she have been the victim of a summary execution because she was black?

Marie de Médicis 1605 Observe this very frizzy hair that is presented to you for a wig.Portrait visibly bleached
(Ghent 1500-Yuste, Extremadura, 1558), Holy Roman Emperor (1519-1556), Prince of the Netherlands (1506-1555), King of Spain (Charles I) [1516-1556], King of Sicily (Charles IV ) [1516-1556].
1.1. Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy
- 1516Charles of Habsburg (the future Charles V) inherits the crowns of Castile, Aragon and Sicily.
- 1519Charles V succeeds Maximilian I at the head of the Holy Empire.
- 1525Defeat of Pavia. The King of France François I prisoner in Spain. He will be released the following year.
- 1527Coronation of Rome by Emperor Charles V.
- circa 1528-1560 Cathedral of Granada, by D. de Siloé.
- 1529Treaty of Cambrai or Peace of the Ladies between Louise of Savoy, in the name of François I, and Marguerite of Austria, for the Emperor Charles V.
- 1534-1535Tunis, occupied by Khayr al-Din Barbarossa, is taken over by Charles V.
- 1555Peace of Augsburg, which consecrates the division of Germany between Catholic and Protestant principalities.
- 1556Abdication of the Germanic Emperor Charles V, who transmits the imperial title to his brother Ferdinand.
The story of Charles V is first and foremost the story of a legacy. His ancestry perhaps explains the quirks and contradictions of his character. The victor of the battle of Mühlberg proudly encamped on his battle horse as fixed for eternity by Titian's brush, he is the great-grandson of the terribleCharles the Bold, the Duke of Burgundy.
The melancholic prince haunted by the afterlife who renounces before his death "the empire on which the sun does not set" to retire to a convent in Extremadura, he is the son of Joan the Mad, the youngest daughter of the Catholic Kings Ferdinant II of Aragon andIsabella I of Castile.
A strong piety tinged with humanism
If his youth and his education took place in a Flemish environment, it should be noted that it had already been strongly marked by the Spanish and Austrian spirit. his auntMargaret of Austria, daughter of Emperor Maximilian I, had been his first teacher. If his natural language was French and if he always had difficulty speaking correct German, he was by no means a Burgundian prince. He had inherited from the Dukes of Burgundy neither their physical exuberance nor their taste for a sumptuous life.
His tutors wereGuillaume de Croy, lord of Chièvres, who will remain a trusted adviser, Charles de La Chaux and the dean of Louvain Adriaan Floriszoon, the future popeAdrian VI. The latter, a follower ofDevotio moderna, instilled in him a very lively faith, tinged with simplicity and a certain humanism.
Many studies insist on Charles' religiosity, on his “providentialism” which made him see the direct action of God in all events, a characteristic mental trait of this period. Another remarkable trait, his strong will, which asserted itself from his marriage in 1526 toIsabella of Portugal(1503-1539).
1.2. The heir to seventeen crowns
The legacy of Charles V, prepared by the skilful matrimonial policy of his paternal grandfather,Maximilian of Austria, these are also the possessions which, united, will form one of the greatest empires of modern times.
Maximilian, having marriedMary of Burgundy, has, in fact, prepared the transmission to Charles V of the dual Burgundian and Austrian heritage. From 1506, Charles, on the premature death of his father Philippe le Beau, became master of the Netherlands (from Flanders to Groningen) and of Franche-Comté (fiefdom of the Empire).
In 1519, when Maximilian died, he incorporated into his domains the Austrian territories of the Habsburgs (archduchies of Upper and Lower Austria, duchies of Styria, Carniola and Carinthia, county of Tyrol, landgraviate of Upper Alsace). In the meantime, he was put in possession, on the death of his maternal grandfatherFerdinand II of Aragon(1516), and to the detriment of his motherJoan the Mad, kingdoms ofCastile, ofAragon, Naples, Sicily, as well as the immense Spanish colonies in America. In addition, falls to him the New World, recently discovered byChristopher Colombuswhich gives it the name of "Western Indies", and soon entirely conquered.

Vrai Tsar Pierre le Grand de Russie 1700 : Noir

Wife of Tsar Alexis of Russia 1650, mother of 2 Tsars Feodor III and Ivan V

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Fake Tsar Peter the Great:laundered

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Noble Knights of the Germanic Empire

Emperor Constantine the Great, Patriarch of Moscow 1656

Inca Emperors and Charles V on the right: Blacks
Inca Emperors and Charles V on the right: Blacks
In Britain and Germany, Albinos have taken an innovative new approach to seizing power. To separate the people and segment the black and white populations, they created new religions to compete with the official religion of Catholicism which was that of the black elite and the people (the popes of this time were black). In Britain, they created the Anglican religion; in Germany, they created the Protestant religions whose leaders were John Calvin and Martin Luther.
Protestantism is one of the major divisions of "modern" Christianity. It has been defined as "one of many religious denominations denying the universal authority of the pope and affirming the reforming principles of justification by faith alone, the priesthood of all believers, and the primacy of the Bible as the sole source of revealed truth". Of course, Catholicism regained prominence, but it remained firmly under Albino control.
During the medieval period, hundreds of racial and religious wars took place, the "Thirty Years' War" being the only one that the Albinos recognize was not a political war. In Germany, although blacks and mulattoes continued to rule the Holy Roman Empire for some time, true black power was shattered by defeat in the Thirty Years' War. Black survivors and prisoners of these wars were rounded up and turned over to the British. White history being what it is (lies), it is very difficult to determine when black rule was broken in Britain, because, as in Germany, blacks and mulattoes continued to rule , presumably as figureheads. In England the last black kings were the Stuarts, the albinos overthrew them and seized power.
According to the test ofbenjamin franklin(American writer 1706 to 1790) wrote in 1751 Blacks and mulattoes still ruled some countries of Europe until 1751. Therefore, the rise of white rule in Europe dates back about 200 years. Benjamin Franklin Quote: 'And in Europe the Spaniards, Italians, Frenchmen, Russians, and Swedes are generally of what we call a swarthy complexion, as are also the Germans, excepting the Saxons, who form with the English the principal body of the white people on the surface of the Earth. I could wish their numbers would be increased......'' These words were repeated by Hitler in his book ''Mein Kampf''
Nevertheless, the English Civil Wars, the rise of Oliver Cromwell and the fall of the House of Stuart which represented black royalty were instrumental in the downfall of black rule in Britain.
The victorious Albinos of Germany and Britain rounded up black survivors of wars, prisoners of those wars and shipped them to North America and the Caribbean as slaves.
Black domination in Europe has been broken.
This is how the Mongols got rid of the albino problem by making it that of the Blacks in Europe with the devastating effects that followed.
The wars took place between the end of the Middle Ages: end of the 15th century and in the 19th century. Albinos then set out to create a false history of the world, thus placing themselves in the natural position of black people as creators and explorers of the world, and as natural rulers of the world - WITH FALSE ARTIFACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR LIES and in now until today strict and total control over information and all means of disseminating it through the use of intimidation and violence, both psychological and physical. (6). It is with these means that they erased the blacks from history and presented them as primitive beings, uncivilized, without culture, having invented nothing and ignorant.
On this subject I will quote the Dakar speech where French President Sarkozy took the liberty of making the following remarks in front of students, teachers and political figures in July 2007 at the University of Dakar:
"the tragedy of Africa is that the African man has not entered history enough". These remarks are insulting and contemptuous towards the black man who is at the origin of all the cultures in the world that he has built, therefore who has built world history. This shows us the open contempt that the leucoderma imbued with his false sense of superiority (we see that he does not know, or rejects his true story) feels for us when daily, for centuries, he despoils us, and has not no scruple, no state of mind to eliminate us to better strip us.
How to explain this disproportionate violence on the part of whites to dominate?
Originally from the Caucasus, the living conditions there were very difficult; so much so that in order to survive they killed their parents who were too weak and ate them. It would be this habit of cannibalism which would have given them these tendencies of domination to which is added the lack of neuromelanin.
About these destructions, I quote the following passage:
“It was Thomas Cromwell 1st Minister to King Henry VIII from 1532 to 1540 who destroyed all evidence of black rule in Britain
Article from the Daily Telegraph Media Group Limited, January 2015
Thomas Cromwell was the Islamic State of his time: this pathologically ambitious "rogue" sent hundreds to the chopping block and destroyed England's religious and artistic heritage.By Dominic Selwood: January 22, 2015-Note the figure quoted below by the Albinos themselves: "97%". This means that almost ALL the portraits the Albinos show you of their "WHITE" Kings, Queens, Nobility and other important people... ARE FAKE !!!-
Main quote:No one can be sure of the exact figure, butit is estimated that the destruction initiated and legalized by Cromwell represented 97% of English art existing at the time. The statues have been hacked. The frescoes were crushed. The mosaics have been pulverized. Very important manuscripts were shredded. Wooden sculptures were burned. Precious metals have been melted down. Shrines have been reduced to rubble. This vandalism went far beyond religious reform. It was a frenzy, erasing the artistic heritage of centuries of indigenous craftsmanship with an intense hatred for the image and description of what was divine.
Establishment of anti-black racism by whites
What is racism?
According to albino sources, from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: ''Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human abilities and traits and that racial differences produce the inherent superiority of a particular race''.
But if that is the case: that whites believe they are inherently superior, then why fear and forbid competing with blacks when the supposed belief points to "easy victory?"
Why look for opportunities to murder and mistreat lowly Negroes, when the magnanimity of the superior should clearly dictate pity and tolerance?
Overall, racism is actually a transference neurosis, through which albinos manage to overcome their feelings of weakness and incapacity due to their albinism, creating a class even weaker than themselves. This is accomplished by inducing these feelings of weakness and inadequacy in others, through the use of violence, lies, abuse. Thus, they can feel good about themselves and their condition, abusing those over whom they have acquired power and control.
Once Central Asian albinos were in sufficient numbers in Europe. They decided to turn the situation around and established a new paradigm: one where they were the masters.
To this end, they waged more than 250 wars in Europe between 1066 and 1795, in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, culminating in the annihilation and expulsion into servitude to the Americas of black Europeans. Spurred on by these victories over the blacks of Europe, they launched a technological “arms race” aimed at killing or subjugating anyone who had an advantage over them or did not comply with their demands.
This dream of total Albino world domination began to materialize when the British began to take control of China in the 1760s, when the British captured India in 1858. After that, the subjugation of Africa and other countries became child's play - most black people in the Americas (Native Americans) had already been killed.
The actions and behaviors of albinos once they took over black Europe are probably well known.
Wherever they went they sowed destruction and death.As albinos spread across the planet, they slaughtered everyone they came into contact with.
The black populations of the Americas: pre-Columbian Amerindians (Incas, Aztecs, Mayas) were 90/95% exterminated by them in order to loot their temples and steal their gold (approximately 16 tons). It is thanks to this gold that they started their pre-capitalist civilization. Even today some of this gold is found in churches in Portugal and Spain. Albinos skilfully spread smallpox among these peoples by giving them blankets that had been used in Europe to wrap people with this disease. You can guess the devastating effect this virus has had on these populations.
Before the arrival of Christopher Columbus, the Native American population of the Americas was estimated at around 141 million people; 200 years later, 130 million had been exterminated, it was reduced to ten million. The aborigines of Australia were exterminated at 90%; all Tasmanians in Oceania have been eliminated 100%.
There is no doubt that the albinos of Europe, have killed more creatures: - some to extinction, human and non-human - than any other Homo-sapiens.
Their partial toll: the people of Tasmania are now extinct. More than 130 million black and Mongol Americans - mostly black - were killed in the conquest of the Americas. Thousands of Africans were killed in Africa, fighting for their freedom and as a result of the transatlantic slave trade. And countless millions of black people in Europe were killed in the "race wars" falsely labeled "Catholic/Protestant religious wars", for them to take sovereignty from Europe.
So the twentieth century began with the genetically defective Central Asian Albinos, physically weakest and numerically fewest, ruling the world by guns.But power was not enough, they also wanted a glorious history and a past worthy of their new situation, they wanted respect, they wanted recognition. Thus began the lies, the false stories and the creation of false artifacts, which completely erased the ancient history until now by the seizure of all the means of information so that the black people never know the truth.
The number of white people in the world is very small; Worldwide, there are only about 800 million to 1 billion white people, that is, about 10% of the world's population. This is obviously a big surprise for all the blacks who have been called "minorities" by these Albinos. Blacks, of course, are the "original humans" and represent over 5 billion of the world's 8 billion people. »
In order to increase or stabilize their number, the whites proceed to a different calculation of their population and count more and more as Caucasians people whom they classified as non-white. I see this in my family in the United States and even on the island of Guadeloupe, a dependency of France; non-white close members were reclassified as Caucasian. What lack of moral modesty!
Amazingly, white people have created a whole bogus history of the world, replacing black people with themselves and creating thousands, if not millions, of fake artifacts to support their fake story. So what is the reason for all this murder, killing and lies? Is it just "blood shed by lust" and pathological lying?
No, it's actually more mundane than that: it's a matter of fear, imbalance due to their albinism and greed.
In addition to these reasons, all these crimes clearly demonstrate the inability of albinos to create, to invent; if they were able, they would not have needed to eliminate blacks to steal their culture and make it their owners; In addition, their behavior highlights the inestimable value, the quality of all these cultural works built by blacks. Again the lack of neuromelanin in them which is in question and which makes them barbarians, parasites; because they live, develop thanks to the expropriation, the stripping, the elimination of the blacks, it is always the case now with the plundering of Africa and the elimination of any pan-Africanist leader (ex Gaddafi in 2011, Sankara, Olympia).
Noticed: Europe before seems very different from the Europe we know today. What do you think happened to all those swarthy Germans, Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes? the whites killed them of course, and those they did not kill, were absorbed by the interbreeding (which explains the presence among the whites of hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black because white was created blond or red with blue eyes). See the story of "Black Morrow" on Wikipedia.
Why is the lying albinos story the only one most humans know?
European colonialism conquered every country in the world except these five. You understand why the lying history of albinos is the only one most humans know, because they imposed it on other nations through the use of violence, lies and intimidation.
VOX Media, Inc.Map: European Colonialism Conquered Every Country in the World Except These Five
It is no secret that European colonialism was a vast, often devastating project, which for several centuries brought almost the entire world under the control of one European power or another. But the immensity of this project can be difficult to fully appreciate.
To give you an idea of the extent of European colonialism, here is a map showing all the countries under partial or full European control during the colonial period, which spanned from the 1500s to around the 1960s. Only five countries, in orange, were spared:
As you can see, almost every corner of the globe has been colonized or ruled by various designations such as "protectorate" or "mandate", all of which are marked in green. This includes all of the Americas and all of Africa, with the exception of Liberia (about Liberia we will explain why below). The Middle East and Asia were also divided.
IWhites tell us that the black population of the United States is only 12.5% (37 million) - . The real number would rather be 85-90 million. (Do you really think white people would tell you the truth about your numerical strength?).
As you can see from the table in Emory University voyages database which gives an account of slaves imported from Africa during the period of the slave trade (approximately 400 years ago) only 308,005 African slaves were landed in South America. North (United States, Mexico, Canada) . How can you get 85-90 million from 308,005 (especially since the average life of a slave was 6 years)? It's not thatredible.Iost black North Americans descended from black Europeans expelled from Europe to be sent into slavery.
IWhites tell us that the black population of the United States is only 12.5% (37 million) - . The real number would rather be 85-90 million. (Do you really think white people would tell you the truth about your numerical strength?).
As you can see from the table in Emory University voyages database which gives an account of slaves imported from Africa during the period of the slave trade (approximately 400 years ago) only 308,005 African slaves were landed in South America. North (United States, Mexico, Canada) . How can you get 85-90 million from 308,005 (especially since the average life of a slave was 6 years)? It's not thatredible.Iost black North Americans descended from black Europeans expelled from Europe to be sent into slavery.

Map of global white world domination. Countries in orange are those that were never colonized
Some countries instead fell into "spheres of influence", marked in yellow, in which a European power would declare that country or part of that country under its influence, which was a step towards conquering it outright. Iran, for example, was divided between the British and Russian sphere of influence, which meant that European powers held exclusive rights to Iranian oil and gas among other things.
Most of the areas of influence on this map were politically dominated by the British, who exercised proxy authority over: Afghanistan (which also came under Russian influence), Bhutan and Nepal. Mongolia was effectively an alternate state to the Soviet Union for most of the Cold War.
A similar situation occurred in China, where European powers created parts of coastal cities or trading ports as "concessions" which they occupied and controlled. Some, like Shanghai, have been divided into several European concessions. Others, like British-controlled Hong Kong, were fully absorbed by European empires. This is why China was considered partially dominated by Europe.
Modern Saudi Arabia has been subject to partial domination; in the early 1900s, most of the Arabian Peninsula passed from the Ottoman Empire to the British Empire, although the British left much of its vast interior relatively untouched. Part of modern Turkey was divided among the European victors of World War I, although Turkish nationalists successfully expelled them almost immediately through a war of independence that established modern Turkey.
Only four countries have completely escaped European colonialism. Japan and Korea were successful in resisting European domination, not least because of their strength and diplomacy, their isolationist policies, and perhaps because of their remoteness. Thailand was spared when the British and French empires decided to let it remain independent as a buffer between British-controlled Burma and French Indochina. Japan, however, colonized Korea and Thailand during the imperial period of the early 20th century.
Then there is Liberia, which the European powers spared because the United States supported the Liberian state, created in the early 19th century by freed American slaves who had decided to settle in Africa. The Liberian project was important: the Americans who had settled there were ruled by a privileged minority, while the American and European powers sent former slaves there, thus escaping European domination.
There has also been a debate as to whether Ethiopia could be considered the sixth country ever subjected to European colonialism. Italy colonized neighboring countries and Ethiopia ceded several territories to Italian colonization in an 1889 treaty. The treaty was also intended to require Ethiopia to cede management of its foreign affairs to the Italy, a hallmark of colonial rule, but the Amharic version of the treaty excluded this fact due to a translation error resulting in a war lost by Italy. Later, Italy conquered Ethiopia in 1935 and annexed it the following year, but this only lasted until 1941. Some consider this period of Italian rule to be colonialist occupation.
The colonial period began to end after the Second World War, when the devastated nations of Western Europe no longer had the means to exert such global influence and world norms opposed it. The turning point is sometimes seen as the Suez Crisis of 1956, in which the United States and the Soviet Union pressured British and French troops to withdraw after the invasion of Egypt in order to seize the Suez Canal with the help of Israel. But it took a few decades for European colonialism to completely collapse; France fought for Algeria until 1962 and Portugal didn't abandon its African colonies until 1974. So this map, of a European-dominated world, isn't that far off may seem to many Americans.
The request for reparations totally ignores through ignorance, the painful abuse suffered by the first European blacks who were eliminated by the whites who appeared in Europe from 370 AD.
I remind you that black arrived in Europe from 45,000 years BC, built all the European civilizations that we can admire through the monuments in place as well as the different cultures of the countries of Europe. It is therefore very important that blacks educate themselves, cultivate themselves on the many contributions made by their ancestors to European culture before they were stripped, murdered and sent into servitude in America by whites; Because let's not ignore that the whites have completely usurped all our knowledge by using lies, the fabrication of falsehoods, violence and total control over all the means of information so that the black never knows the truth. So in addition to the history of slavery and the slave trade of our brothers imported from Africa, we must imperatively include in these requests for reparations the countless and unspeakable sufferings suffered by European blacks who were much more numerous than our African brothers.
Let's not forget that legally an individual who creates free damage under the effect of any mental or nervous imbalance, if he is not criminally responsible, is nevertheless required to repair the damage committed. It must be the same for leucoderms if we are to think that their crimes committed against us blacks come from neuromelanin deficiencies.
When the albino people were finally able to establish their dominance in Europe, they did so with particular cruelty, ruthlessness, and a seeming inability to empathize with the sufferings of others except when endured by themselves. The defeat and enslavement of the European blacks seems to have invigorated and emboldened the European Albinos and given them a confidence and drive they had not known before. Ultimately, this new impetus resulted in an accomplishment never before achieved, domination over the entire world. Then, from the last banished enemy and rival, thoughts of racial superiority surfaced. Once comfortable with this concept of superiority, the Albinos of Europe then decided to make themselves the most compassionate, charitable and altruistic people in the world. These two concepts of superiority and altruism do not marry: because an albino remains an albino because of defective genes, odd that a genetic defect makes the man evolve. How can we think that the perpetrators of humanity's greatest atrocities could question themselves and call themselves the most compassionate, charitable and altruistic people in the world; it is beyond fiction, or the ability to do good. In many European albino societies, charity, even towards non-albinos, if not altruism, is regularly practiced. But it is probably the pretensions of the easy times, which prove that magnanimity is only the domain of the victors, for such lofty thoughts will surely disappear with the awakening of the enslaved peoples. Indeed, this hypocritical altruism is expressed by albinos in the creation of societies supposedly created to fight against hunger, poverty or illiteracy among black peoples, situations of misery due exclusively to violence, murder and spoliation by albinos of the lands and wealth of these peoples. Who does not know: Action Against Hunger, Unicef, SOS Children and other non-governmental non-profit organizations whose mission is to relieve the suffering of blacks despoiled by albinos. Isn't the unavowed purpose of these works to make oppressed peoples forget genocides, spoliations still on the agenda, by the use of an altruistic mask?. Indeed, if albinos cleverly hide the abuses they commit in the shadows against black people to better strip them, their media make a lot of noise around their “good works”. Let's not forget that diseases such as AIDS and Ebola were created in albino laboratories to eliminate black people in order to despoil them better. Let's not forget either that these so-called beneficial actions were created to deceive us, to close our eyes: the extremely wealthy American Jewish financier Georges Soros would not finance "altruistic" social movements in countries in order to destabilize? (Arab spring in 2011 which put the countries of North Africa in chaos and violence).
Today, the average Albino thinks he (the Albinos) constitute the majority of humans on earth (instead of a small minority). They think they started the civilizations of the world (when in reality they didn't start any). They even mistakenly think they are the people depicted in Egyptian statues and tomb paintings.
The Albino's control of information and media has been absolute, total. The average Albino has no idea of all these truths developed above.And when it comes to the truth about the Black Kings ruling Europe, he looks at you like you're crazy!
About diseases and vaccines made in albino laboratories to reduce and decimate Africanss
The WHO (World Health Organization) was created by the American Rockefeller and is controlled by the New World Order. Since the USA suspended their annual contribution of $900 million in 2020, its 1st contributor is Mr Bill Gates, the 2nd richest multi-billionaire in the world, who gives annually via his foundation and his company Gavi 800 million to this organization, he also finances Big Pharma ( pharmaceutical lobbies).
Bill Gates is aiming for a program of depopulation of the planet that he publicly claims, Africans are in the front line of his program; virus patents like those of AIDS, Ebola with the aim of decimating the black race, would have been filed respectively by the United States in 1971 and 2009; The AIDS virus was originally made to eradicate the black race, but for genetic reasons this disease ended up in whites and Asians; the white and Asian races originating from the black race share the same genes as the blacks. The black man is the original genetic model; genetically There is only one human species: the black race. Whites and yellows are derived subspecies of this species.
Concerning the Ebola virus created in Western laboratories also in order to decimate Africans, the Europeans pushed their Machiavellianism to the point of inventing a vaccine against this virus, a vaccine which would have caused the death of thousands of African children, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo. , a very rich country and very coveted by them.
Regarding vaccines, Bill Gates with the complicity of the WHO is pursuing a diabolical program of vaccination of Africans. The vaccines given to Africans and other third world countries are not the same as those given to Westerners. Although Africans are very little affected by diseases that mainly affect Westerners, the WHO, through threats, forces African leaders to vaccinate their populations; these vaccines contain components that sterilize women; kill or incapacitate blacks, especially young children; As of today in May 2020, the WHO is forcing Africans to accept vaccination against covid 19, a disease which has killed 1,520 people in Africa compared to tens of thousands in Western countries and the USA. Africa is par excellence the land of experience of vaccines because no compensation is neither planned nor implemented when these vaccines cause fatal or disabling damage in the population, Africans are neither more nor less guinea pigs devoid of any means of defense and cannot refuse these tests which are imposed on them by force and without their agreement when it comes to their children.
We must not forget that the program of the Europeans is: "Africa without Africans" whose goal is to eliminate us in order to seize our wealth: gold, uranium, oil, nickel, platinum, diamonds, manganese, hydrocarbons, gas, coal, titanium, cobalt, bauxite, etc., which our soils abound.
Always with the aim of stealing our raw materials by despoiling us, they would not hesitate to create terrorist movements whose leaders and soldiers are poor, destitute Africans to whom they offer enticing sums of enlistment so that they go and kill and drive their brothers from their lands. Once these facts are accomplished, they arrive with their bulldozers and their trucks in order to turn the earth to extract the ore; some of these terrorist movements are well known such as Boko Haram, Acmi…
In addition, they create tribal wars by manufacturing conflicts between ethnic groups and give weapons to the 2 parties so that they kill each other. They resort to the most Machiavellian plans to destroy Africans to steal their wealth.
Why do European albinos want you to believe you are African?
Two reasons:
1)To instill in you the concept of yourself: that you are primitive and incapable of accomplishing great things.Note that for hundreds of years the Albinos claimed that the ancient Egyptians were white - they still claim that the other great civilizations were white.
Note any anti-black media sources: the number one thing albinos say is that Africans are primitive, animalistic, have low IQs, and are incapable of achieving success. It's not true, but it's the Albino line.
2) To keep you from thinking and researching what really happened in Europe and the Americas:
Both are horrific cases of genocide against black people, committed by Albinos! » (31)
We have fallen into the trap because we are totally unaware that European civilizations are in fact civilizations built by blacks who came from Africa 45,000 years BC.

Ha, ha, ha We made these niggers think they're Africans. Now wecontrol their lands and all their livelihoods! Changing their identities was the best thing we've ever done! They trust us to educate their children! Darwin was a genius! They believe that black people exist on one continent!
Obviously there was and there is: theNative Americans noirs, Black Europeans and Africans. Les Black Native Americans, Black Europeans were exterminated by albinos
Reflection on this elimination and this dispossession of the blacks of Europe of their culture, of their arts by albinosCould the presence and deficiency of neuromelanin be involved?
Why so much determination, so much hatred in having destroyed the authors of this European culture, in having replaced them with false portraits of albinos in order to claim all these artistic works produced with love and patience over decades, works which manifest a true creative spirit and which prove that it is the incapacity to carry them out which pushed the albino to this elimination of the blacks to seize their arts? Why this determination to annihilate the black author of this culture to present him as an uneducated, savage, ignorant, low IQ being and limited exclusively to sub-Saharan Africa which itself is presented as a sub-continent which would be populated by savage, cultureless, uncivilized beings? Why this absolute and total control over the media to prevent the truth from being expressed?
Obviously the leucodermas hide the most horrible acts that are.
Many people know that black people came from Africa to Europe around 40,000 BC at the end of the Ice Age. As we explained above, these blacks were eliminated by albinos to steal all their knowledge and appropriate it. Albino scientists explain the disappearance of these blacks by le fact that they would have gradually whitened under the effect of the cold climate and would be part of the current white population in Europe. This theory is accepted not only by the albinos who would have invented it, but also by the blacks without the latter questioning it. Let's reflect together on this theory which would be nothing more than an albino lie to hide the horrible genocide committed against black people in Europe: let's not forget that albinos have absolute control of the media. Blacks migrated from Africa all over the planet: Americas 130,000 BC, Australia, Asian countries 70,000 BC, Europe 45,000 BC When you go to Asian countries like Nepal , Tibet, Mongolia: very cold countries, and even at the North Pole among the Inuits or the Nenets you see a well-tinted population, even black,(see chap: melanin a blessing) why the cold did not whiten them after so many millennia, but would have done it for the blacks who came long after: in Europe.
Melanin is that brown or black pigment that makes the main difference between blacks and whites. It is thanks to the substance melanin (neuromelanin) present in the brain and nerve centers of blacks that they have created all the magnificent artistic structures that you admire throughout the world and especially in Europe. (Neuro)melanin has the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in melanin people, it is responsible for sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions: qualities that characterize these people. On the other hand, people deficient in this pigment are egocentric, aggressive, predators of nature and other peoples by massacres and genocides in order to serve their basely material desires, lack spirituality, empathy, sensitivity, creativity (creativity, to express itself, needs sensitivity).
Furthermore, the albinos hide that they would be a relatively recent race that would date from less than 10,000 years ago; I said above that the oldest leucoderma skeleton was found in Central Asia around 2,800 BC, no ancient leucoderma skeleton was found in Europe, all ancient bones found in Europe and reconstituted were negroid according to the examinations carried out by the albinos themselves. How could albinos have surpassed a race present on European soil for around 45,000 years, so tens of millennia before they existed, especially with the handicaps of neuromelanin deficiency?
My dear brothers and sisters open your eyes: white was created blond with blue eyes.
Hair and eye colors ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black would be the indelible and tangible signs of interbreeding with our black ancestors present in Europe who were eliminated by them. You have proof of the past existence of your ancestors in Europe by looking at the leucodermas which have more and more of these colors because black is dominant and white is recessive.
Below: People whose ancestors emigrated to Asia 70,000 years BC: Nepal, North Pole, Tibet . You can see that the cold has not bleached them

The truth is that Caucasians have only rediscovered the many inventions of our BLACK ancestors in the depths of antiquity. It quickly became common knowledge that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans. Pharaoh Menes, who is considered the founder of Pharaonic Egypt and the unification of lower (north) and upper (south) Egypt, is preceded by thousands of years of kings who are not considered in ancient history. Egypt does not have a linear progressive history where it started from a primitive stage and progressed to its advanced state. The Egyptians started ADVANCES. Ancient Egypt is the continuation or satellite colony of an even more ancient and fabulous supercivilization: Atlantis. There are many ruins and evidence of Atlantis. Not just Plato's account, but megalithic ruins found in the United States; these must be the remains of an ancient BLACK civilization. Although the Library of Alexandria was destroyed by fire along with centers of knowledge in other places, ancient Indian texts from the Ramayana Empire still exist and confirm that vimanas (ancient Indian flying machines) are a reality and not a figment of the imagination. The inhabitants of the ancient Ramayana Empire are the ancestors of the black Dravidians or "untouchables" (Dalits) of present-day India. Written in the ancient language of Sanskrit, the text gives wondrous tales of the fantastic wars that were fought here too on this planet and in outer space by those ancient flying machines using mercury vortex propulsion. It is also a carefully guarded secret that many of today's UFOs are actually the old vimanas of great antiquity; they are concealed by the United States and other world governments, these UFOs are reconstructions of these ancient planes. As I said earlier, these are inventions that white people have only REDISCOVERED and cannot be credited to them.
One of the main lies the US wants to keep alive for ego reasons is that man walked on the moon with the Apollo moon landings of the late sixties and early seventies. . It is one of the greatest deceptions in the history of the world. The white man NEVER walked on the moon or even approached it. There are many ways to prove to yourself that the moon landings were fraudulent. One of my favorite ways to discern this is the image of footprints left in the lunar soil. If you stop and think, how can that be? For there to be footprints in the ground, there must be moisture as a binder, and the moon is a vacuum with no atmosphere to hold the moisture; therefore, there could be no real footprints on the moon.
Also, that American flag waving when there's no air on the moon, so no wind. On the other hand, the shadows of characters and machines that are projected in opposite directions prove that this is a film shot in a studio with artificial lighting. It is a known fact that when the sun shines the shadows all go in the same direction. Many people lack the necessary and even elementary scientific knowledge to realize this and ignorantly accept whatever is provided to them by NASA and the United States government. Many conscious people come to the conclusion that it was all a fraud, but it is important to white people that everyone passionately believes in and defends this hoax because it is a means of national pride. In addition, the people who took part in the filming of the film were all allegedly murdered or mysteriously died.
That's not to say there aren't structures on the moon. Various reliable sources speak of obelisk-like structures on the moon, as well as something resembling an ancient airstrip. Somebody's been there, but it wasn't today's white men. I don't think they were little green men from Mars either. The structures up there look like ancient Egyptian artifacts and as such it was a black civilization as good as Atlantis. It would be perfectly logical that it was BLACK AFRICA in the golden age that accomplished this feat. What golden age, you ask? When man has reached his zenith! The ancient Egyptians have a hieroglyphic text that speaks of what is called the "Golden Age" at the time of Atlantis before its destruction. The Bible says there were many destructions of mankind and therefore there were to be many golden ages. Every time a major disaster occurs, we're back in the Stone Age to start over. We are still starting over after the destruction of Atlantis and we have yet to regain the Zenith of technology that the Atlanteans, Lemurians and Lemanians have long enjoyed. We have yet to follow the next golden age. One thing we can be reassured of, by the time we get there, the white people won't be there. Just as they did not exist in the context that we understand today, in the last golden age: Atlantis.
The modern world has rediscovered or reinvented technology that was originally invented by our black African ancestors.
In secret circles, this "reinvention or rediscovery is commonly referred to as reverse engineering." Deep in antiquity, there existed a prehistoric super-civilization much more technologically advanced than today. The spacecraft/plane, which existed at the time crashed during an ancient reconnaissance or war, was recovered by the powers that be and they proceeded to disassemble various parts of this old gear. Leucoderms reverse-engineered everything from the propulsion system to the electronic capabilities of other parts and components of the craft. It's common knowledge in some quarters that AT&T Bell Laboratories were credited as the inventors of the transistor, but in reality they reverse-engineered technology from an old crashed spacecraft aircraft. They like to refer to these craft as "crashed alien spacecraft". However, this implies that non-humans created and made these objects, when in reality they are objects created and made by humans but deep in antiquity before white people even existed in the world. context that we understand today. It goes without saying that many of the so-called modern amenities that white people boast of developing and inventing were really not invented by them. It is in fact the dismantling of artefacts or very old machines which they attributed the invention to themselves. One of the main lies is that the Wright brothers developed the concept of flight. They took it for their benefit. They really got the secret of flight through reverse engineering one of the old fallen aircraft/spaceships. What they also don't want to tell you is that when they recover these crashed antique planes, often after archaeological digs, they find the remains of black people, according to DNA, who were the pilots, and not "grays" or other aliens they want you to believe. Forensic evidence confirms it!
Nicholas Tesla is another name you may not know. It is known for rediscovering many ancient technologies that are just beginning to resurface. (Ref www.stewartsynopsis.com)
I venture to add the following: The Western public media never spoke about what was discovered in Antarctica a few years ago.. Following the melting of the ice which appears in the poles, a very advanced civilization would have been discovered in Antarctica: very large UFOs in which there were other smaller UFOs, totally frozen corpses, given the position of these corpses it was concluded that they had been the victims of a major cataclysm which suddenly surprised them, and instantly froze them. The websiteearthfiles.comtalk about this discovery. The figures depicted on the walls were black and dressed exactly like the ancient Egyptians, the writing depicted was hieroglyphs. The last major cataclysm to date was Atlantis 11,600 years ago, which had completely upset and reversed the North South East West positions of the Earth. The race of the people was black according to the examinations carried out.
On the other hand, I personally add that following the listening of channeled messages from Beings of Light of the well-known medium Monique Mathieu, these messages say that the Earth was created by the Creator Gods with a very taken on different planets of the cosmos in order to make it an exceptional planet for its biodiversity and that the Blacks came from another planet very far from our galaxy, to settle there. Whenever I ask Beings of Light the question ''where do white people come from'' they refuse to answer, I think they don't want to offend the present audience which is made up of white people by telling the truth about the Origin of leucoderma. (See above) On the other hand they answer without problem this same question about blacks. They also say that in very remote times there was a lot of genetic manipulation on humans. Also when they talk about the technologies used by the leucoderms, they say “your rediscovered technologies”. They evoke very remote times when civilization on earth was much more advanced than the current one, where one created from the uncreated with the only mental force. On the other hand they say that artificial intelligence as well as 5G are sciences brought by unfriendly extraterrestrials from other planets, but they take care that their uses are not harmful for the planet and the cosmos. In the USA in Nevada there is an area: Area 51 which would be a landing place for extraterrestrials in contact with American scientists.
On the other hand, they make the following remarks to the audience: “You are polluting the planet, if it weren't for us who clean up regularly, there would be no life left on this planet; we are constantly depolluting: Chernobyl, Fukushima, your nuclear power plants....''. Indeed, it has been reported by some non-public media that UFOs are seen above nuclear power plants sending out light beams (to clean up). Public media say: drones. It was seen on the night of May 29-30, 2018 an armada of UFOs above the French nuclear power plant of Fessenheim in Alsace sending beams of light. We understand why the public authorities take no decision on this plant which is old, others clean it up for them, and it's free.
In addition, they make the following remarks:
“Your world is totally on its head........your nonsense.......” We know who these 10% of the world's population are who dominate the remaining 90% through the use of violence and bullying.

UFOs over Chernobyl nuclear power plant Ukraine (to clean up)

UFO above the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan (to depollute) As soon as the explosion the UFOs immediately intervened to depollute

UFOs above the nuclear power plant of Fessenheim Alsace France May 2018 (to clean up)

AREA1 Would be a ET UFO landing area working with US scientists

Explosion of an oil rig
Forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies watch over us.(Ref Elishean.fr)
Fukushima is arguably the biggest nuclear accident on the planet, theoretically dooming all of Japan and endangering life to varying degrees in the Northern Hemisphere. The harmfulness of this nuclear disaster was estimated at more than 30 times that of Chernobyl. Never had so much nuclear fuel (uranium, plutonium, mox) been found out of control, in the open air. We evoked in Morphéus n°51 the transmutatory phenomenon which occurred inside the Chernobyl reactor. More than 10 tons of aluminum were found and 90% of the nuclear fuel had simply disappeared. These revelations come from Professor George Lochak, President of the Louis de Broglie Foundation in Paris, who tried to find a rational explanation for this phenomenon in Ukraine where Chernobyl is.
We know in Physics that the transmutation of uranium into aluminum is possible.
Can we control this phenomenon? We doubt it, otherwise security transmutatory systems would equip all land-based nuclear power plants.
We note that leucodermas use a very dangerous technology, with fatal consequences, which they are unable to control (nuclear power stations, oil research).
Without viable rational explanation and following the photographed, even filmed, intervention of UFOs on Chernobyl, we maintain the idea that this unprecedented transmutatory phenomenon is linked to the intervention of an exotechnology.
By this intervention, the fatal pollution of the Chernobyl nuclear accident was in fact contained and divided at least by 10. This gives us an idea of what the extent of the damage would have been if no transmutation of the nuclear fuel had taken place.
So how to explain this?
It is neither the foolish arrangements made by TEPCO nor the measures of the Japanese government that could have had such an impact. Something else is at work. We are not far from reality in saying that more than 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained and continue to be so.
Besides, the UFO activity above Fukushima is simply extraordinary. Everything suggests that these phenomena are not fortuitous but that they testify to a massive intervention on the disaster site and its periphery.
The Reuters agency, an offshoot of the Rothschilds, affirmed on April 6, 2012 that the core of reactor 4 had entered into fusion and would have crossed the base of the reactor. This is what is called the Chinese syndrome. This is the most serious consequence of a nuclear reactor meltdown, in which the molten fuel elements of the core break through the barriers that confine it and sink into the earth.
This information is logical and coherent, but it cannot be true! It hides phenomena that escape our sordid globalists.
It can only be a completely different scenario. A very sudden rise in core temperature may be due to a transmutation phenomenon noted precisely at Chernobyl. This does not indicate an uncontrolled descent of the molten fuel into the Earth, but a controlled transmutation phenomenon.
To confine this fusion, it could well be that we find in this reactor a mass of protective aluminum on the surface. In any case, if it is a fusion controlled by exotechnology, whether the vessel is pierced or not will have no impact. Everything will become inert, vitrified underground.
This involves mastering the transmutation of mox, uranium and plutonium.
If TEPCO, some members of the Japanese government and the Rothschilds are aware; understand that they cannot deliver information which would imply the recognition of an exocivilization come to repair the damage due to the follies of a transnational consortium.
However, our analysis cannot stop there to explain the fact that 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained: on the site, in the atmosphere and in the Pacific Ocean.
In view of the weak fallout, a cleaning of radionuclides by transmutation in the ocean and the atmosphere necessarily took place. How ?
The mystery remains intact and will remain so as long as we are under the leaden screed of the New World Order. However, even if a third of its territory is hard hit by radioactive pollution, Japan is saved.
The Fukushima affair is of the same ilk as the BP affair in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, where the explosion of an oil platform led to a veritable oil spill which caused considerable ecological damage.
This disaster, no doubt provoked, had generated an underwater fault of 100 kilometers from which crude oil was escaping. Neither the USA nor the oil companies had the means to repair such damage. Do you still hear about this serious disaster? No ! For what ? This fault has been plugged over 100 kilometers and the oil does not touch our coasts. Who could stop such an ecological disaster condemning the Atlantic?
If BP claims to be at the origin of the end of this disaster by having blocked two wells, we let you judge the seriousness of such an assertion. You should know that in the media BP has claimed compensation for this disaster.
In conclusion, we can only note the relevance of our hypothesis: "forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies are watching over us".www.elishean.fr
In conclusion, we note that albinos use technologies that they do not master at all, and which are very dangerous. In the event of an accident, the consequences can be fatal for the planet and its inhabitants. Again in order to satisfy their blind material desires. Doesn't neuromelanin deficiency explain these crazy behaviors?
Questioned by mediumistic channels on their interventions against the seriously polluting phenomena which threaten the planet, the Beings of Light answered ''We do not make these interventions for humans, but for the planet itself because the Earth is a jewel by its biodiversity which was made up of different plants recovered from other planets.
Yet the Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) had rediscovered free energy: it is a form of clean, healthy, cheap, non-polluting, inexhaustible energy, which would be available in large quantities and accessible to all. ; on its own it would solve the problems of famine and pollution. But this energy constituted a danger for the survival of the oil companies which enrich themselves blindly to the detriment of the environment as we have just seen above. So they rushed to cut off all funding to Tesla and silence it. We see once again that the leucoderma will stop at nothing to satisfy its basely material desires. Could neuromelamine deficiency be the cause?
Always to talk about pollution threatening the survival of the planet; France has a mega gold mine project in Guyana in the Amazon: the lungs of the planet. This project will lead to the deforestation of 1500 ha of forest (32 stadiums in France) and the expulsion of the Indian tribes living on these lands. We see once again that the albino will stop at nothing to satisfy his material needs.
The leucoderma having erased from history the black by the low hand made on the achievements of the melanoderms, as well as by the falsification and the usurpation of these achievements, especially in Europe; and especially by using lies and violence, is he fully satisfied with his journey? Is he happy? because the purpose of all these abuses is to feel the well-being, material certainly, but especially psychological, emotional? One would not think so because of the discontent he expresses towards his rulers. In addition, we are witnessing a social and economic degradation of these countries whose wealth is concentrated in the hands of the political, financial and economic ruling elite.
You should know that happiness, the well-being of the spirit are above all states of mind. White people are above all materialistic and egocentric. For him, to be happy is to have money, material which he can enjoy to satiety. But are we happy when we are fulfilled materially? The great malaise of Western societies where there is a lot of misunderstanding, divisions, where there is a lot of violence, crimes, shows that although it has completely stripped blacks and usurped their knowledge, their achievements and their possessions, it does not did not allow him to achieve a certain mental and spiritual comfort. Could the cause still be this deficiency in neuromelanin which deprives him of sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions?
The leucoderma by its domination of the world by using both psychological and physiological violence, lies, abuse, falsification, has imposed its vision of life on us, a vision dominated by fear. (According to our African ancestors there are only 2 feelings: fear at the origin of all negative feelings, and Love at the origin of all positive feelings).
Let's see how the world dominated by this minority that are the albinos is doing.
It is chaos at all levels: we expect a social and economic collapse of this society which is leaking from all sides. According to economists we expect a global financial crash any moment now. As of September 20, 2019, the American Federal bank: the Fed has injected more than 270 billion dollars into the American money markets in one week in order to support them-According to the independent economist journalist P.Jovanovic this total amount would amount to 1300 billion $, this money corresponds to counterfeit notes, it has no financial equivalent because as soon as there is an urgent need for money the Fed manufactures it, which increases an abyssal deficit - Still according to P Jovanovic, au 20nov19 The debt that every Frenchman from newborn to old must repay in the name of the State is 36,000 euros, the debt that every American from newborn to old must repay in the name of the State is 220,000 dollars, or 72 trillion - non-refundable in any case. Still according to Jovanovic, this debt of 220,000 dollars would have risen to 600,000 dollars in May 2020.
This debt of 36,000€ for each French person would be much higher if it were not for the 440 billion € annual income from the exchange of the CFA franc, a currency which is a real scam against Africans and which allows France to rise to the rank of 5th world power and without which it would fall to 20th rank. (according to former Pres Sarkhozy)
In addition to these 440 billion euros of annual revenue richly acquired, it is necessary to add the interests of the reserve of more than 13,000 billion euros: money of Africans held in the French Treasury and corresponding to the foreign exchange reserves of French-speaking African countries. Concerning these funds held by the French Treasury, there is no accounting transmitted to the banks or to the African countries. A restricted group of senior officials of the French Treasury knows the amounts appearing in the "accounts of operations" where these funds are invested; if there is a profit on these investments, they are prohibited from disclosing this information to CFA banks or to the central banks of African states. ” writes Dr. Gary K. Busch. It is estimated that France manages nearly €500 billion of African money in its treasury, and does nothing to shed some light on this dark side of the old empire. Meanwhile Africans now live on a continent owned by Europeans. 1 in 2 Africans in the CFA zone live on less than $1 a day. To escape poverty, they have no choice but to leave their country, cross the Mediterranean where many leave their lives and find themselves in Europe where they suffer the contempt and rejection of modern Europeans.
Concerning this money richly earned on the backs of Africans, several European countries have already pointed out that in terms of development France is not on an equal footing with them.
According to the magazine Insolentiae Jan 2020. Global debts reach 250,000 billion dollars… This figure alone justifies a huge crash. Central banks are printing billions of euros and dollars every day (150 billion) to help avert collapse. This currency is monkey money because it has no equivalent.
As of today: March 2020, the financial situation is worsening in the most serious and insane way possible: According to the independent economist journalist P.Javonovic, European banks receive 80 to 100 billion € per month to avoid their collapse. Since January 2015, this € and $ money has been equivalent to counterfeit money because it has no financial equivalent. The economies are hit hard: Wall Street has lost 30% of its values, French banks: 20%. Since Sep 2019, the FED has been injecting $150 billion every day to save American banks. The debt of each American from baby to adult is $350,000 per capita. Still according to P Jovanovic in one of his last interviews in April 2020, this amount would be $600,000. The interest rate of banks in the USA would be 0.40%. We are in the middle of a recession, the economic crisis of 2020 will be infinitely more serious than that of 2008; global debt represents 280% of GDP. Still according to journalist P Jovanovic, the indebtedness of banks could be compared to a person who for €1,000 of income would have €60,000 of financial commitments.
This is where the albinos have led us in their madness, their fears, their greed, their self-centeredness! Could neuromelanin deficiency once again be the cause? The coronavirus pandemic that is running around the world is very seriously aggravating this situation and could be a pretext created for the establishment of a world government: the goal of the elite.
On the other hand, we are constantly on the brink of a 3rd World War, there are wars all over the world, fomented to one degree or another by them the makers and purveyors of destructive weapons. The world is divided into 2: on one side a small ruling and rich minority composed of leucodermas and called elite: 0.01% of the world population, which owns everything and on the other side a majority led by this minority which decides for her and which depends on her at all levels. Shouldn't we black people pull ourselves together and say leucoderma is not a role model?
We blacks in the diaspora and in Africa, rather than following them without thinking like sheep, must become aware, react, organize ourselves, put forward our values: those of MAAT, our culture being originally based onMAATwho is :
Justice, Equity, Truth, Peace.
Are the feelings and actions of leucoderms primarily driven by fear? A permanent fear in them which would create anguish, stress: fear of the other which pushes to exterminate the other races or to submit them, unsatisfied fear of missing out (the more they have, the more they want), fear of aging, fear of dying, fear of life. These fears would entail in them egocentrism, feelings of violence, of greed. Isn't the neuromelanin deficiency in their nervous system to blame?
On the other hand, the melanoderm is more serene in front of life and its events, wiser, more balanced, close to nature which it respects and to the creator God whom it venerates. In considering the behavior of leucodermas, wouldn't we tend to go so far as to feel compassion for those who for centuries have used all possible means to destroy us, abuse us, exploit us in the most shameful way? who is, and find themselves today to be a minority people and in danger of extinction on the planet?
The elimination of blacks from the Europe they built dates back to the 1750s. Let's take a look at this Europe.
I have left the United States a few times to arrive in Europe. I really liked walking the streets of big cities, visiting monuments, I felt that this architecture, all this art that I admired was the work of creative souls who had expressed through their hands their inventive spirit, their sensitivity, thanks to a laborious, patient work which had lasted decades in order to erect these monuments which are the pride, the pride and the glory of those who usurped them. Wandering the streets, passing in front of these old buildings, I felt that these cities have a soul, that they have been witnesses, have a lot to tell about the unfortunate events, the suffering suffered by their first inhabitants who gave birth to them.
TO CONCLUDEI think very seriously that we blacks in Africa and the diaspora must cooperate at all levels: 'Unity is strength'; Shouldn't every African state be part of the BRICS bloc (Brazil, Russia, Iran, China, South Africa) By being part of a strong and well-armed bloc because it is the most sophisticated weapons that inspire respect we will be able to impose ourselves in front of the block USA, Europe (it is said in passing that it is the USA which leads Europe). African states alone and left to their own devices are easy prey; Obviously the best thing is to create the United States of Africa which, to strengthen itself, could be part of these BRICS.
Sources: Internet: realhistoryww.com- http://chemin47.eklablog.net, www.Elishean.fr,www.stewartsynopsis.com- The Isis papers by Dr Frances Cress Welsing