EMPEREUR CHARLES V 1500/1558 Héritier des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne, Héritier de 17 couronnes

info@la-melanine-une-benediction.com In Englishwww.melanin-a-blessing.com
The purpose of this site is to bring black people to self-awareness, to realize that with Africa cradle of humanity,(Africa)they are at the origin of all inventions: inventions -in all fields ofknowledge, as far back as one can trace- monopolized, copied and improved by the leucodermas who usurped them and declared themselves their inventors. Since High Antiquity, blacks have been the inventors of culture: arts, sciences, maths, philosophy, music, religion, engineering, medicine, surgery, astronomy, navigation etc... before whites stripped them of them and falsified them at their advantage. All science is related to Egypt which was a country populated by blacks.It is thanks to this black pigment present in abundance in their brain: neuromelanin,that black had and has this high capacity for creation, invention at all levels.
This site reveals the horrors and monstrosities put in place by the whites in order to degrade and reduce the blacks to the lowest level to justify their stripping, because the deficiency of the whites in this neuromelanin pigment did not allow them to equal the blacks. But neverthelessfor blacks, the purpose of this site is to be informed about them and their opponents: whites in order to be able get up and react, feel proud of themselves, grateful for their neuromelaninand their melanin, no longer allowing themselves to be reduced, degrading but having a win-win relationship in their relations with white people, no longer having this win-lose relationship which has always prevailed and continues to prevail ; the eternal winning the white, the eternal losing the black.Fueling resentment and anger towards them puts us in a losing position and has harmful effects on our health. We blacks must be diplomatic and lucidly seek our true interests in win-win relationships with leucodermas without bringing out resentment.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Watch out, the wheel is turning, the West is in decline, the world is heading towards multipolarity. I'Africacontinent holding all the wealth of the planet, continent that does not know natural disasters,has its major role to play.Besides that our economic relations must be win-win with all our partners including Russia, China; before signing any partnership with any Western country (especially France), we must demand from them a written and signed commitment to reparations for all crimes (blood, looting, etc.) committed against us , because they have the blood of millions of Africans on their hands. We must also set up our own International Criminal Court to try all those Western criminals who abused us without mercy.We will be globally respected the day we command and inspire respect.
Dear visitors,see for yourself! : my videos are often deactivated, although very active on you tube, my visit counter had been removed (I put it back), as well as certain images. Would revealed truths bother?Recommend this site to those around you

Read the book ''Les Noirs 1ers Européens''
Sold by theTamery bookstorein Paris. General Library Guadeloupe The true history of blacks in Europe. 5th edition
" The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims. Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to SimobornWeil pp53
-There are two Histories: the official, lying history that is taught; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history "(Honoré de Balzac, writer)
We Blacks MUST KNOW that we have been victims since the 18th century by the leucodermas (the whites) of the most vast and monstrous impersonation of our kings, queens and famous people of Europe, that history has ever known. We are also victims of the greatest and diabolical falsification of history ever carried out. The leucodermas have done this diabolical work of make-up and crime with the help of their globally present secret societies.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
The Dogons of Mali had located the star Sirius B without a telescope –
7 secrets about melanin (book "Why darkness matters the power of melanin in the brain” by Ann Brown, Richard King, Owens Moore. Why black color matters, the power of melanin in the brain

Observatoire dogon de l'étoile Sirius
Peuple dogon du Mali
Neuromelanin is extremely sensitive and receptive to light or brightness in various modes. It literally reflects an internally perceived bioluminosity. This is true in various cultures and meditation traditions over time. This state of consciousness seems to have reached a clinical level in the works of the Kemet Egyptians who were keen medical observers of such phenomena in relation to disease. The Dogons of Mali, who trace their historical and genetic lineage back to pre-dynastic Egypt using methodology dating back over 600 years, were able to locate, without the aid of telescopes, the dwarf companion star of the Sirius star. The Dogons described its orbital shape and its rotation duration with precision. They described its orbit, its axis and also recognized its unique gravitational characteristics as a very small but dense star. This star called Sirius B has a magnitude of 8 and is invisible to the naked eye. It makes a revolution around Sirius every 50 years. It was seen by telescope for the 1st time by the modern scientific world by 2 American astronomers in 1862 and was photographed in 1970. The Dogons also accurately described other flashing objects near Sirius B. All the cosmogony of the Dogons is commanded by Sirius B also called Digitaria.
However, this star was discovered only in 1836 and identified as a white dwarf only in 1915. Shortly after, the anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen (1986) discovered that the Dogons had many other knowledge in astronomy. They knew, for example, that Jupiter has four main satellites, which the planets revolve around the sun. They knew that Saturn has rings, that la Earth revolves around Sun and that the stars are bodies in perpetual motion.
They also knew that the Moon is a dead planet. For generations, priests have taught that the Milky Way is animated by a spiral movement, in which our solar system participates.
Another strange fact, they claim that Sirius would be accompanied, not by a star, but by two stars.
We know that Sirius B exists, but, to date, no Sirius C has been detected. Interestingly, from our point of view, the world is spinning like a spiral. The orbits of Sirius and Digitaria have an elliptical, spiral shape, the neuromelanin foci of the brain reflect this spiral shape from the 1st to the last foci. In other words, there appears to be a configurational similarity in the orbits of the outer world and the inner world.
Whether or not we accept these field reports from Griaule and Dieterlen, they have nevertheless given rise to a controversial and contentious scientific debate by Western scientists with arguments claiming the complete authenticity of these reports or others pronouncing on a misinterpretation. This knowledge of the Dogons might be dismissed if such reports had not been made in ancient times by scholars and astronomers since the Greek philosopher Proclus and across a whole range of eras and cultures; the oldest being the writings of Hermes Trismegistus in which the "Black Mystery" or the black rite is mentioned. A correlation has been found between the external world and the intimate functions of the human body, suggesting a deep connection between the two. It is quite possible that our current laws of physics by which we implicitly define our concepts and the limits of our mind do not fully include the limits of consciousness. Further discoveries may greatly expand our understanding of the connection between "underside and above". unitary conscious experiences; there would be a vibratory affinity such as a quantum resonance between the structures of the brain and the representative space with the stars and the other structures which move there. In other words the contiguity of a hidden algorithm which would exist between the internal world and the external space and which would be created by an interaction between the vibrations of the neuromelanin foci, of the brain and its structures and the curved shapes of the 'space.
In all cases the observations made by the Dogons and celebrated in their ceremonies have stood the test of time and are consensually validated by their religious disciplines and recently by modern astronomy. It has been advanced that when neuromelanin is moderately activated, the internal perception of a luminous, subtle, relaxing circuit is triggered along the spine, which occurs at the same time as neuromodulation which is done along this spinal column. On the other hand, when this nigro-striatal column is fully awakened by various practices and disciplines, an intense and distinct perception of bioluminosity is created emerging from this dark matter, from the column to the heart of the brain and beyond. In the early stages, this perception is felt along the spine as an undulating, living force that would come from the additional resonant and rhythmic entrainment of the topologically located neuromelanin foci in the 3rd and 4th ventricles of the brain. The other organs located in the internal dark chamber are called circumventricular organs (ex pituitary, hypothalamus….) neuromelanin by its resonance affinities would create an amplifying current which would reverberate in the region of the sensory motor cortex in the precentral gyrus taking into account this particular current of the circular sensory cortex; this is often seen in classical meditative experiences.
These circumventricular organs are midbrain structures that line the 3rd and 4th ventricles and lie outside the blood-brain barrier. Since blood and cerebrospinal fluid circulate between these structures and fluids more freely in these locations than in any other region of the body and brain, there is a radical increase in communication between these structures, peripheral organs, blood-borne products and the information on these sites. These circumventricular organs include the pineal gland, the median eminence, the subfornicus organ, the zone postrema, the subcommissural organ, the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, they also include the intermediate and neural lobes of the pituitary. When these structures are set in motion by breathing and / or a ritual dance and are coordinated by body movements or other meditative disciplines, a synchronized vibration occurs between the 3rd and 4th ventricles which are connected to each other by a _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ cerebrospinal fluid tunnel. When this vibratory spiral reaches the pineal gland, it stimulates it upwards, this pineal gland is linked to areas located in the 4th ventricle and floats in the cerebrospinal fluid full of vibrations. Since neuromelanin has the ability to transform energy from one state to another: this means that the photo-phonon transfer process which appears in the piezoelectric gel in which mechanical vibrations are converted into electrical energy, can supply energy to this internal current which moves in the form of a staff or the lower part of a cross. Therefore, the stimulated pineal gland would become the highest plane of amplification and repercussion of the initial loop located at the top of this stick, and the diagonal or the physiognomic plane of this cross would be the place where the neuromelanin is most concentrated among the 12 homes. This loop of awakened energy would be the symbol of an eye, a bird or other symbol of light, flight, perception or enlightenment and freedom. These skills of neuromelanin would exist since embryogenesis and would continue at different stages of development.
For humans the pineal gland in particular not only functions as a site of photosensitive processes but is a sensor of electromagnetic fields and a detector of extremely low frequency oscillations. These peculiarities are experienced in meditative states and in other states of focused subjective attention.
Melanin: 7 secrets about melanin(Youtube)
A substance more expensive than gold, exploited in advanced technology or for its anti-radioactive capacities; neuromelanin plays a protective role by capturing and isolating organic and inorganic toxins, in particular non-alkali metals such as iron.
Melanin resists temperatures up to 660°C. Melanin in black skin is much more effective than white skin in inhibiting the penetration of UVB radiation: penetration of 7%¨UVB and 17% UVA in blacks, 24% uvb and 55% uva for whites. Black skins can be called dark skin which literally means: dark= dark, obscurity, opaque; darkness, evil, darkness for darkness. The whitest skins are called fair skin, fair meaning clear, fair, beautiful and clean. This is how we implicitly insinuate messages.
What is our protection according to our complexion? From what complexion is it necessary to put on sunscreen; the problem is that Western studies focus on the peculiarities of leucoderma and generalize them to all the rest of humanity. It is time for our community to fund its own studies to have objective answers. Melanin protects against UV rays from the sun but also helps to use them as energy for the body. According to the hidden color code, black has the unique property of absorbing all light, melanin being very dark has the ability to absorb all energies around it. Melanin also stimulates many hormones, to name just one: oxytocin, known to promote bonding between a mother and her child, is said to be an essential pillar of social ties. From birth, social ties begin to build and then evolve throughout life. Human relationships are partly guided by hormones, which are the body's little messengers. Oxytocin participates in the affection that is created between individuals. This molecule is secreted by the pituitary gland (pineal gland) a small gland nestled at the bottom of the brain. Oxytocin plays a fundamental role during pregnancy. It ensures the tone of the uterus and induces the onset of contractions and childbirth. It then allows the ejection of milk during breastfeeding of the infant. According to specialists, it would thus promote the attachment between a mother and her child. Oxytocin is also produced in response to fondling and orgasm. It is often called the hormone of love because it accompanies the birth of the feeling of love in a couple. It would even promote monogamy and would tend to make men more faithful! it promotes the development of social ties but also spiritual awakening
Melanin and Parkinson's
Neuromelanin is found in the subtantsia negra of the brain which has an essential role in regulating body movements; it has been proven that Parkinson's patients have less substantia negra, that is to say, they have less neuromelanin Parkinson's disease is a disease that prevents normal control of the body; there is therefore a direct link between the loss of neuromelanin and this neurodegenerative disease.
Melanin and technology
There we reach a very high level of secrets about melanin. A doctoral thesis presented in 2014 reveals to us that the properties of eumelamine (melanin in blacks) are exploited in the bioelectronics, this science aims to use biological materials and substances, that is to say from the nature of the organism within the framework of electronic engineering. Bioelectronics allows major innovations in medicine, it is notably at the origin of the invention of pacemakers or even prostheses. Why is the melanin produced by blacks of such interest to this field? you should know that the heart of bioelectronics research is the information processing system. Here are some excerpts from this thesis on eumelamine: it explains that the use of biomolecular materials makes it possible to improve compatibility with the organism of living beings as well as the design of more ecological electronic systems
According to this thesis The search for biomolecular materials is motivated by their potential benefits in terms of biocompatibility and essential biodegradability for applications at the interface with living systems. On a more general level, biomolecular electronic materials could eventually be used for the design of more ecological electronic systems.
Eumelanin, a biomolecular material has been considered an amorphous semiconductor since the 1970s. Eumelanin is a ubiquitous pigment in flora and fauna. It has many properties in the human body. It is not stated that eumelanin is produced in humans by blacks. The doctoral student then explains that eumelanin is a mixed ionic-electronic conductor, that is to say that it makes it possible to transfer energy which contains information. Eumelanin had already been used in chemical sensors and batteries; the thesis is thus dedicated to understanding the electronic properties of eumelanin and their functioning in order to exploit it in bio-electronics This underlines the need to re-examine the electrical properties of eumelanin and reinforces the interest of using eumelanin as basic material in organic bioelectronics. The integration of eumelanin into devices is facilitated by recent advances in the preparation of thin layers of eumelanin.
In summary eumelanin has an essential role in the transmission of nervous messages to such an extent that it is used today in technological innovations. Eumelanin is a superconductor that allows nerve messages to travel quickly through the body, it greatly improves the responsiveness of blacks and their physical and mental capacity.
Bioelectronics is far from the only field to exploit this substance. Melanin is anti-radioactive. A 2016 article by The Epochtime magazine reveals the powers of melanin thus: When Russian scientists sent a robot into the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in 2007, the last thing they expected to find was life. Inside the most irradiated areas of the core of the molten nuclear reactor was a group of common fungi, black molds, growing on the walls of the vessel. These molds were growing in one of the most hostile environments on the planet, with radiation levels high enough to kill a person within minutes. But these fungi didn't just grow, they thrived. A researcher from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, Arturo Casadevall investigated these resistant molds and helped identify different species. They all share a distinct characteristic: they contain melanin pigments on their surface. Casadevall's work discovered that fungi use melanin to capture the energy emitted by ionizing radiation, much like plants use chlorophyll to capture sunlight. Many species of fungi are also able to concentrate different heavy metals. After the Chernobyl reactor core meltdown, mushroom pickers across Europe were warned not to harvest and eat certain species of fungi that could concentrate in high concentrations as a result of radioactive fallout. Using fungi to clean up radioactive waste or other types of waste is an emerging technique known as mycoremediation and promises to be much less expensive than other competing methods. In addition to revealing its anti-radioactive functions, the article we have just read evokes several functions of melanin explained previously: its capacity to absorb energies such as chlorophyll in plants, its capacity to cleanse its environment of heavy metals. In short, whether melanin is in the environment or in our body, its virtues have the same power
Melamine price Nov2021: much more expensive than gold
Many brands market melanin as a food supplement, this brand Diéti-natura sells 60 capsules of a product called melanin while one capsule does not contains only 0.63mg. Another brand specifies that melanin is produced from black sheep's wool; in this format the % of melanin is negligible. Melanin is used to give an intense tan and fight against free radicals responsible for skin aging. Here is the price of pure synthetic melanin, produced in the laboratory. : For 100mg 109€, 1g 650€, that same day the price of gold was less than 50€ per gram. We are still very far from having addressed all the riches of melanin. Everything is in place to destroy our precious melanin.