EMPEREUR CHARLES V 1500/1558 Héritier des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne, Héritier de 17 couronnes

info@la-melanine-une-benediction.com In Englishwww.melanin-a-blessing.com
The purpose of this site is to bring black people to self-awareness, to realize that with Africa cradle of humanity,(Africa)they are at the origin of all inventions: inventions -in all fields ofknowledge, as far back as one can trace- monopolized, copied and improved by the leucodermas who usurped them and declared themselves their inventors. Since High Antiquity, blacks have been the inventors of culture: arts, sciences, maths, philosophy, music, religion, engineering, medicine, surgery, astronomy, navigation etc... before whites stripped them of them and falsified them at their advantage. All science is related to Egypt which was a country populated by blacks.It is thanks to this black pigment present in abundance in their brain: neuromelanin,that black had and has this high capacity for creation, invention at all levels.
This site reveals the horrors and monstrosities put in place by the whites in order to degrade and reduce the blacks to the lowest level to justify their stripping, because the deficiency of the whites in this neuromelanin pigment did not allow them to equal the blacks. But neverthelessfor blacks, the purpose of this site is to be informed about them and their opponents: whites in order to be able get up and react, feel proud of themselves, grateful for their neuromelaninand their melanin, no longer allowing themselves to be reduced, degrading but having a win-win relationship in their relations with white people, no longer having this win-lose relationship which has always prevailed and continues to prevail ; the eternal winning the white, the eternal losing the black.Fueling resentment and anger towards them puts us in a losing position and has harmful effects on our health. We blacks must be diplomatic and lucidly seek our true interests in win-win relationships with leucodermas without bringing out resentment.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Watch out, the wheel is turning, the West is in decline, the world is heading towards multipolarity. I'Africacontinent holding all the wealth of the planet, continent that does not know natural disasters,has its major role to play.Besides that our economic relations must be win-win with all our partners including Russia, China; before signing any partnership with any Western country (especially France), we must demand from them a written and signed commitment to reparations for all crimes (blood, looting, etc.) committed against us , because they have the blood of millions of Africans on their hands. We must also set up our own International Criminal Court to try all those Western criminals who abused us without mercy.We will be globally respected the day we command and inspire respect.
Dear visitors,see for yourself! : my videos are often deactivated, although very active on you tube, my visit counter had been removed (I put it back), as well as certain images. Would revealed truths bother?Recommend this site to those around you

Read the book ''Les Noirs 1ers Européens''
Sold by theTamery bookstorein Paris. General Library Guadeloupe The true history of blacks in Europe. 5th edition
" The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims. Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to SimobornWeil pp53
-There are two Histories: the official, lying history that is taught; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history "(Honoré de Balzac, writer)
We Blacks MUST KNOW that we have been victims since the 18th century by the leucodermas (the whites) of the most vast and monstrous impersonation of our kings, queens and famous people of Europe, that history has ever known. We are also victims of the greatest and diabolical falsification of history ever carried out. The leucodermas have done this diabolical work of make-up and crime with the help of their globally present secret societies.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
What is racism?
“According to 'Albino sources, from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: 1 -Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human abilities and traits and that racial differences produce the inherent superiority of a particular race.
But if this is the case: that whites believe they are inherently superior, then why fear and forbid competing with blacks when the supposed belief points to an "easy win"?
Why look for opportunities to murder and mistreat lowly Negroes, when the magnanimity of the superior should clearly dictate pity and tolerance?
So what is racism? Overall, racism is actually a transference neurosis, through which Albinos manage to overcome their feelings of weakness and incapacity due to their albinism, creating a class even weaker than themselves. This is accomplished by inducing these feelings of weakness and inadequacy in others, through the use of violence, lies, abuse. Thus, they can feel good about themselves and their condition, abusing those over whom they have acquired power and control.
Albinos cannot endure either the sun or thirst.
How could he work in the fields - except in the northern regions without being scorched by the sun?
Only one way: to force a “pigmented” person to do it for them! Here is the reason for slavery!


Africa-USA: “If God wanted whites and blacks to be the same, he would have created us with the same color and intelligence”, thinks Donald Trump exaggeratedly
These lyrics prove white people don't know their true story

Skin cancer following prolonged exposure to the sun (early stage)

white supremacy; The white man represents all the characters in history. White people don't know their real history. It's up to us to teach them

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 Slavery

Make America White Again". White dominates through violence and lies. These are the bases of its history. White supremacy feeds on lies to make whites understand that they are superior and blacks that they are inferior. IT IS OVER TIME THAT WE BLACKS RAISE OUR HEADS Blacks have participated very strongly in the construction of America since under slavery.-

Tarzan bears the flag of white supremacy
Anti-black racism is a global phenomenonon the agenda and present in all the white and yellow countries of the planet.
We have always known that racism was a “self-defense” mechanism developed by European albinos to avoid direct competition with black people. Their logic being that if they could prevent blacks from entering business, sports and other activities, on the pretext of their "inferiority", the latter would not have to compete with them and expose their own " inferiority” of the whites.
Unsurprisingly, they proved they were right, blacks excelled in every field, whether athletic or intellectual, in every activity to which they had access.
It is this self-defense mechanism that has caused albinos, guided by fear of blacks, to discredit them by presenting them as inferior beings, low IQ, animals, rude, uneducated, poor, drugged, suffering from contagious diseases. such as AIDS, Ebola: diseases invented in their laboratories in order to reduce the black population. Concerning poverty, they manufactured it by the organized plundering of Africa and the expulsion of the villagers towards the cities after having taken their lands with the complicity of puppet local governments in their pay. These poor destitute Africans fleeing misery end up in countries like Libya where they are sold as slaves, or have no choice but to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean to come to Europe to do menial work. that Europeans reject. They are therefore even more despised.
The attitude of leucodermas towards our melanin is very ambiguous and makes you think. Because of our melanin they say we are inferior beings because we are black (according to them being black is a sign of inferiority) but They know all the benefits of our melanin and do not agree with themselves because they even desperately seek this dark pigment; They lie down in the sun to tan even if the sun burns them or even can kill them, they are organized to go so far as to steal our melanin when we are dead: they inject it in order to exceed their physical, spiritual and tan possibilities. and rejuvenate; they seek us out for their sports teams because of our accomplishments thanks to our melanin. How to analyze such behavior that I consider totally incoherent. Could neuromelanin deficiency be the cause?
Besides, they like to accuse us of cannibalism. The images below of starving black people in Africa show you that we would rather starve than eat. These situations of famine are due to deforestation, overexploitation and depletion of our soils by leucodermas for crops grown for their benefit with starvation wages paid to blacks: these are oil palm, peanuts, etc. ; food crops are neglected for imported products: rice, because they are more expensive. Blacks are also driven from their ancestral lands for the exploitation of raw materials from their soils sold off to the West.

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Pillaged Africa: misery

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Plundered Africa: Famine

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Africa plundered Famine
This global anti-black racism is developing more and more on all continents, even among peoples with very swarthy and black skin like India. These countries themselves were colonized by Europe and imitate albinos in their racist behavior because the strongest is always the one who has influence and is followed as an example. I recount sometimes deadly incidents of which blacks are victims in these countries:
In Europeblacks know the hardship they go through when they are looking for a job, a home. The behavior of white people makes them understand that they are foreigners, I quote "You know that you are black when, although from several dozen French generations (1830 on the West Indies side and 1453 on the "Gallic" side), you need always justify your French nationality.
Diarra, medical student: "You know that you are black in France when you are constantly asked if, "when you have finished your studies you will return to your country", knowing that I was born and raised in France . On several occasions, the families of patients took me for the caregiver and asked me to bring the bedpan to their loved one or to wash them…”
-Aurore, living in London: "You know you're black in France when your white college 'comrades' keep asking you: 'But how come your last name is French when you're black ?". I now live in London where no one has ever asked me about my surname. For the British, I am French. Never have my black English-speaking friends who have English, Scottish or Irish surnames been asked by their white compatriots about the origin of their name. Because, for them, these black people are fully British and that's it.
Newspaper headlines that show the global pervasiveness of anti-black racism such as:
-We don't kill immigrants from Asia or Eastern countries. In Italy, they kill blacks"
-Daisy Osakue, a young black Italian athlete, was assaulted this week. New episode which proves that the situation of blacks in Italy is worrying, in the face of endemic racism. Racist attacks multiplied by eleven in four years. Thirty-three in the last two months alone. In Italy, the situation is explosive.
I quote other press review titles:
-Victim of racism, a black priest leaves his parish in Germany
- Is international justice racist?-- Anti-black racism in Switzerland
• Very black blacks, there is no more hope? -United States: more blacks in prison in 2011 than slaves in 1850. Morocco - The ordeal of blacks in the Cherifian kingdom (Morocco)
• -It is a form of racism that is little talked about: that of which the black populations are victims in the countries of North Africa, and in particular of the Maghreb. If it does not date from yesterday, the recent election of a Miss Algeria 2019 deemed "too black" for social networks proves that it is very topical.
-“Our results indicate that employers seem to have a preference for skin tone when selecting them. Perhaps because of the common misconception that light-skinned blacks have more similarities to whites than dark-skinned blacks. White people may feel more comfortable with fair skin around them.”
- Is India racist? -1 Feb. 2014 - This is what many Africans who went to India say. For several months, racist acts against the black community seem to be on the increase. …: Verbal or physical attacks - sometimes fatal, latent and daily racism: black people residing in India do not have it easy.
On May 20, a Congolese, a French teacher, was beaten to death in New Delhi. Five days later, a Nigerian student is beaten up by his Indian neighbor in Hyderabad, a city in central India, after an argument over a parking space.
-CHINA Testimony. The appalling racism of the Chinese against blacks
“……But when I got to school, the first thing she said to me was, 'Oh, you're black!' And she went back on her offer by explaining to me that her school could not hire a black teacher, because the parents and the students would not like it. I then understood that racism also existed in China.”
Despite the economic benefits, many black expatriates complain of facing injustices in their private lives and in the job market because of entrenched prejudices that portray black people as uneducated, rude and poor. In some ways, racism in China is even worse than in Western countries
These testimonies of global anti-black racism must make blacks understand that it is high time that they take themselves in hand to be respected and to make known the civilizations in the world built thanks to their melanin and not to do as_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_many who prefer either to whiten their skin or look for a white woman. These two actions being the expression of the rejection of his person, his race and his culture.
I have also often found that swarthy or Asian people are often more racist towards black people than leucodermas. I myself have been the victim of racist attitude from swarthy taxi drivers in Italy, Germany, New York.
This anti-black racism is measured once again by the 2 black paintings below made by leucodermic painters and giving a demeaning and very contemptuous image of us in order to justify slavery and contempt for our race. From September 14 to 29 December 2019 these 2 paintings as well as others were exhibited at the Memorial Act of Guadeloupe under the nameThe Black ModelI noted the following sentence in the Antillean magazine "Nouvelles" of August 30 "The memorial Act withThe black modelpursues one of its missions defined by its president: “to raise awareness and make Guadeloupeans enlightened citizens by giving them access to masterpieces when historically and geographically this opportunity was denied to them”. I hope this exhibition will help our consciences to awaken in a positive way and no longer be blind to these attacks that albinos constantly and subtly throw at us. The cover page of the 2018/2019 yellow pages itself says the unacknowledged intentions of albinos in Guadeloupe.

Exposition modèle noir

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Exhibition black model

Guadeloupe white pages

Miss Algeria 2019, considered too dark by social networks
Italy:Daisy Osakue, a young black Italian athlete, was assaulted

China: Expo where blacks are compared to animals

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Racisme

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Racism

USA: A white policeman kills an unarmed black who flees

India: Africans chased by a mob in the subway

_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Racism
-Blacks have made many inventions, and this since under slavery ; the whites, their masters appropriated these inventions which they put in their name by attributing the discovery to themselves.
The blacks, scholars or inventors do not appear anywhere in the world book of invention whose author is Valérie Anne Giscard d'Estaing daughter of the former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and listing those who have enabled the progress of humanity. These black scientists are “voluntarily and carefully” forgotten by the world although their inventions are of various, daily use; The intellectual property of many of these inventions has been violated. (see Chapblack inventors).
Can't this voluntary and calculated concealment of these black inventors be considered a cultural and intellectual genocide? Any discovery made until today by the blacks is deliberately concealed; in the eyes of whites, blacks must appear ignorant, uneducated, servile, inferior, of low IQ.
-In European museums: British Museum in London, Musée du quai Branly in Paris, to name a few, thousands of artifacts are on display: statues, figurines that were stolen in Africa, Egypt, Asian countries, Americas by Europeans; An Egyptian president had ordered to repatriate those who came from Egypt, until today this order has never been executed, the albinos have kept them. The blacks should organize themselves to recover their works of art stolen and exhibited in museums whose entry is paid to admire them.
- I will also talk about the International Criminal CourtIt is a permanent international criminal court created in 2002 by Westerners, with a universal vocation, responsible for judging people accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and war crimes.
I invite you to go to the site https://www.justiceinfo.net/fr/tribunaux/cpi. By consulting the names of the people suspected since the creation of the ICC, you will see for yourself that this court seems to have been created for blacks and Arabs because all the people who have been worried by this body are black and Arab. The latest is the former president of Côte d'Ivoire Laurent Bagbo, whose crime would have been to have said that he wanted his country to work with everyone, this statement more than displeased France (the Côte d'Ivoire is part of France Afrique) which rushed to send armed forces which overthrew Mr Bagbo and replaced Ouattara as the straw man of the French government. France had him arrested, tried by the ICC on the charge of crimes against humanity, he was imprisoned for several years and has just been acquitted, no charge having been brought against him. Ironically, the judges and prosecutors chosen by this Court are very often black.
On the other hand, many Europeans, among other heads of state, have never been worried by the ICC for crimes of genocide committed in the countries of the South, they have accepted no investigation be made on this subject. The latest is the 2011 invasion of Libya and the assassination of Gaddafi under Sarkozy. Let me go back before the creation of the ICC: the genocide in Rwanda under François Mitterrand remains a gaping wound without explanation, the genocide in Cameroon of the Bamileke people and many others.
-I will also mention a very formidable tool created by the Americans: the HAARP planIn addition to its many highly evolved skills in the military field, this device would be able to mentally manipulate populations without their knowledge, to control the climate: to create tornadoes, cyclones, drought, floods, earthquakes in certain countries targeted by Westerners .
ABOUT DISEASES AND VACCINES made in albino labs to shrink and decimate Africans
The WHO (World Health Organization) was created by the American Rockefeller and is controlled by the New World Order. Since the USA suspended their annual contribution of $900 million in 2020, its 1st contributor is Mr Bill Gates, the 2nd richest multi-billionaire in the world, who gives annually via his foundation and his company Gavi 800 million to this organization, he also finances Big Pharma ( pharmaceutical lobbies).
Bill Gates is aiming for a program of depopulation of the planet that he publicly claims, Africans are in the front line of his program; virus patents like those of AIDS, Ebola with the aim of decimating the black race, would have been filed respectively by the United States in 1971 and 2009; The AIDS virus was originally made to eradicate the black race, but for genetic reasons this disease ended up in whites and Asians; the white and Asian races originating from the black race have identical genes to those of the blacks. The black man is the original genetic model; genetically There is only one human species: the black race. Whites and yellows are derived subspecies of this species.
Concerning the Ebola virus created in Western laboratories also in order to decimate Africans, the Europeans pushed their Machiavellianism to the point of inventing a vaccine against this virus, a vaccine which would have caused the death of thousands of African children, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo. , very rich and coveted by them.
Regarding vaccines, Bill Gates with the complicity of the WHO is pursuing a diabolical program of vaccination of Africans. The vaccines given to Africans and other third world countries are not the same as those given to Westerners. Although Africans are very little affected by diseases that mainly affect Westerners, the WHO, through threats, forces African leaders to vaccinate their populations; these vaccines contain components that sterilize women; kill or incapacitate blacks, especially young children; As of today in May 2020, the WHO is forcing Africans to accept vaccination against covid 19, a disease which has killed 1,520 people in Africa out of 35,000 cases recorded in May 2020, against tens of thousands of deaths in Western countries and the USA.
Africa is the land of vaccine experimentation par excellence because no compensation is provided or implemented when these vaccines cause fatal or disabling damage to the population, the Africans are neither more nor less guinea pigs devoid of any means of defense and cannot refuse these tests which are imposed on them by force and without their agreement when it comes to their children.
We must not forget that the program of the Europeans is: "Africa without Africans" whose goal is to eliminate us in order to seize our wealth: gold, uranium, oil, nickel, platinum, diamonds, manganese, hydrocarbons, gas, coal, titanium, cobalt, bauxite, etc., which our soils abound.
Always with the aim of stealing our raw materials by despoiling us, they would not hesitate to create terrorist movements whose leaders and soldiers are poor, destitute Africans to whom they offer enticing sums of enlistment so that they go and kill and drive their brothers from their lands. Once these facts are accomplished, they arrive with their bulldozers and their trucks in order to turn the earth to extract the ore; some of these terrorist movements are well known such as Boko Haram, Acmi…
In addition, they create tribal wars by manufacturing conflicts between ethnic groups and give weapons to the 2 parties so that they kill each other. They resort to the most Machiavellian plans to destroy Africans to steal their wealth
I raise this subject because I have personally heard Africans complaining about the Chinese presence without referring to the past and present Western occupation, much worse.
The Chinese presence in Africa is much decried and increasingly, especially by Westerners who see the Chinese as competitors taking markets from them which, according to them, would be theirs because of the grip they have on Africa and its wealth; But you should know that China and India were the first countries since pre-colonial Africa to trade with Africans; Relations were imbued with respect and the Chinese never committed invasions, genocides, or enslavement of blacks, unlike whites whose entire economy and therefore their well-being is based on exploitation, the slavery of blacks whose they profit until today. Westerners: Americans in the lead invaded, exploited all non-Western countries, genocided populations, robbed, exploited their mining and forest resources; the Chinese have no such behavior to their credit. Since China began to work with African countries, the latter have experienced a prosperity far superior to the relations of domination with the whites who exploited the Africans in the most shameful way and without the slightest scruple, by plunging them into misery. and growing debt accompanied by their contempt for the black race. In the China-Africa reports, China offers African heads of state through the Bank of China to build infrastructure for them: schools, hospitals, housing, bridges, etc. Things that Europeans have never done. In return they obtain the right to exploit the mineral resources. Unlike the Americans, the French have no military bases installed in Africa to intimidate Africans, organize violent coups to install heads of state designated by them and granting them contracts for their benefit. Nor did they invent diseases (AIDS, Ebola) to decimate Africans. Obviously some Chinese companies and Chinese people commit abuses, but isn't it up to African countries to be respected and to impose sanctions against these abuses? Africans must lay down the law at home and crack down.
Today, the average Albino thinks he (the Albinos) constitute the majority of humans on earth (instead of a small minority). They think they started the civilizations of the world (when in reality they didn't start any). They even mistakenly think they are the people depicted in Egyptian statues and tomb paintings.
And they think they are healthy, normal and at home in the world, while the Sun is their enemy because of their lack of pigmentation; skin cancer is the punishment for recklessness. Wouldn't it be the deficiency in neuromelanin which by depriving them of empathy, of sensitivity, by making them aggressive beings, pushed them to enslave the brown and black races?
The Albino's control of information and media has been absolute, total. The average Albino has no idea of all these truths developed above. And when it comes to the truth about the Black Kings ruling Europe, he looks at you like you're crazy!
We must not think that one day the white or the yellow will make themselves feel guilty for the feelings of rejection that they express towards us, will have regrets, and will take the process of reparation, it is up to us to do this work of rehabilitation, of respect; to educate them on the artistic and scientific achievements made thanks to their melanin by blacks through the centuries in the development of world cultures: all originally black; It is through this knowledge that we can hope to be considered instead of submitted. This work must be done not only by the diaspora abroad but also in African countries: to sensitize blacks on the greatness accomplished thanks to their melanin, to teach them to other peoples by using various means of communication.
We must organize ourselves in order to fight any discredit on the black man.
Gandhi in India did not take up armsbecause he knew that Great Britain which colonized his country possessed all the means in weapons to thwart his actions; by his peaceful movements he freed his immense country from the British oppressor.Nelson Mandela in South Africa liberated his countryapartheid without having had to take up arms. These personalities and many others: I quote Aimé Césaire politician from Martinique, must be models for us in order to organize our liberation from the leucoderma yoke.
I often think that what harms us is our lack of aggressiveness, cruelty, predation which would put us on a par with white people; but hatred, violence, murder are they the best solutions?
On the other hand, certainly because of the success of the blacks on the plans mentioned above, and also probably because of the timid awakening of the black man, certain public media recognize the existence of the black in Europe before the white. Thus in 2018, it was revealed by these media that the black man had been present in Europe for tens of thousands of years and was the first inhabitant of Great Britain: Cheddar Man was a black man whose bones dating over 10,000 years old have been found in Britain. Other bones have been found and reconstructed in Europe; these bones dating from 34,000 to 36,000 were Negroid. France remains timid on these subjects.
In addition, would it still be the skills of blacks thanks to their melanin that make more and more whites in Europe realize that white skin would be an anomaly?. Melanin is one of the best-selling and very fashionable food supplements, I specify for tanning. I spoke above of the theft of our melanin, which the leucoderms seek for its qualities.

post-colonial Africa. Look how albinos like to represent us after having robbed, stripped, looted, ransomed, massacred us
post-colonial Africa. Look how albinos like to represent us after having robbed, stripped, looted, ransomed, massacred us