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Misleading explanations for the white color of present-day Europeans

Vraie Mary Stuart Reine d'Ecosse   Noire, à gauche. A droite :fake , blanchie

 Mary Stuart Queen of Scotland. Left: true, right bleached 

Famille Nenet du Pole Nord. Non blanchie par le froid

Nenet family at the North Pole: Not bleached by the cold

Misleading explanations for the white color of present-day Europeans

Many people know that black people came from Africa to Europe around 40,000 BC at the end of the ice age. As we have already explained, these blacks have been eliminated by the leucoderms to steal all their knowledge and appropriate it. Leucoderma scientists explain the disappearance of these blacks by the fact that they would have gradually whitened under the effect of the cold climate and would be the current white population in Europe. This theory is accepted not only by the leucoderms who would have invented it, but also by the blacks without the latter questioning it. Let's think together about this theory which would be nothing more than a leucoderma lie to hide the horrible genocide committed against blacks in Europe: let's not forget that leucodermas have absolute and total control of the media.

  Blacks emigrated from Africa across the entire planet: Americas 130,000 years BC, Asian countries 70,000 years BC, Europe 45,000 years BC. When you go to Asian countries like Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia: very cold countries, and even at the North Pole among the Inuits or the Nenets, you see a well-tinted, even black population. Why the cold did not whiten them after so many millennia, but would have done so for the blacks who came long after: in Europe.

Habitant de Mongolie pays très froid : Noir, non blanchi par le froid 

Inhabitant of Mongolia very cold country: Black, not bleached by the cold 

Habitants du Tibet pays très froid : Noirs, non blanchis par le froid

Inhabitants of Tibet very cold country: Blacks, not bleached by the cold

Femme Nenet du Pôle nord : Noire, non blanchie par le froid

Nenet Woman of the North Pole: Black, not bleached by the cold

On the other hand, the blacks who came from Africa to Europe 45,000 years BC had very negroid features: in addition to their very black complexion, they had dilated eyes, thick lips, flat noses. Besides the alleged bleaching of their skin, one can wonder how their very negroid features would have become Caucasian with a straight nose, thin lips and smaller eyes (the phenotype of today's white Europeans). This amounts to saying that the skeleton of their skull would have been radically transformed. Leucoderma archaeologists have never discovered this phenomenon in any of their oldest excavations. Moreover, the observation of the portraits of the characters in the illustrations of this book (ex: King Louis 18, Charles 10, Queen Charlotte, the composer Beethoven etc…….) shows you people of the 18th century with negroid features. Think for yourself! Here is another blatant lie leucoderma in order to hide the massacre, the spoliation of the blacks of Europe and the sending in slavery of the blacks of Europe in North America.

Melanin is that brown or black pigment that makes the main difference between blacks and whites. It is thanks to the substance melanin (neuromelanin) present in the brain and nerve centers of blacks that they have created all the magnificent artistic structures that you admire throughout the world and especially in Europe. (Neuro)melanin has the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in people with melanin, it is responsible for sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions: qualities that characterize these people. On the other hand, people deficient in this pigment are egocentric, aggressive, predators of nature and other races by massacres and genocides in order to serve their basely material desires, lack spirituality, empathy, sensitivity, creativity (creativity for express themselves, needs sensitivity).

Furthermore, the leucoderma hide that they would be a relatively recent race that would date from less than 8,000 years ago - I said above that the oldest leucoderma skeleton was discovered in Central Asia around 2,800 years BC, no skeleton ancient leucoderma was discovered in Europe, all the ancient bones found in Europe and reconstituted were negroid according to the examinations carried out by the leucoderma themselves. How could the leucoderms have surpassed a race present on European soil for about 45,000 years, so tens of millennia before they began to exist; especially with the disabilities of neuromelanin deficiency?

My dear brothers and sisters open your eyes: White was created blond with blue eyes. Hair and eye colors ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black are the indelible and tangible signs of interbreeding with our black ancestors present in Europe, who were eliminated by them. You have the proof of the past existence of your ancestors in Europe by looking at the leucodermas, which have more and more these colors because black is dominant and white recessive.

Compositeur Van Beethoven (18è siècle), Observez son phénotype négroïde

Composer Van Beethoven (18th century), Observe his negroid phenotype

Reine d'Angleterre  Charlotte, épouse de George III (18è siècle). Observez son phénotype négroïde 

Queen of England  Charlotte, wife of George III (18th century). Observe his negroid phenotype 

Roi de France Louis 18,(18è siècle) Observez son phénotype négroïde

King of France Louis 18, (18th century) Observe his negroid phenotype

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