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Presence of anti-black racism among swarthy peoples of Europe, of the Mediterranean, carrying in a very marked way in them this dominant black and having no black population at home.

Personnes basanées de pays et îles de la Méditerranée  
Personnes basanées de pays et îles de la Méditerranée  
Personnes basanées de pays et îles de la Méditerranée  

Dark-skinned people from Mediterranean countries and islands  

We blacks when we go to certain countries in southern Europe, eg: Italy (south), islands (Corsica, Sardinia, etc.), Mediterranean countries, we see animosity towards us from these swarthy peoples wearing this dominant conspicuously black: signs of black ancestors (black hair and eyes). In addition, the genetic disease sickle cell disease existing only in blacks is present in them. This very marked animosity in certain places sometimes leads the inhabitants to racist murder: An African tourist was recently murdered and burned in Corsica: the Corsican police did not investigate this affair. Africans and West Indians who have been to these countries recount this open racism.

Let's reflect for a moment on the causes of these negrophobic acts in order to better explain them.r! These people do not like blacks when they have neither black inhabitants nor community, and even, would never have seen blacks, so apparently do not have any reproaches to make to blacks; Doesn't it seem strange! We know that blacks were the first inhabitants of all of Europe (North and South): continent and islands, that whites (blonde, blue eyes) from the Caucasus arrived tens of millennia later. We know the monstrous conditions in which in Europe we were hunted down, exterminated and sent into slavery in North America by the whites in order to strip us and appropriate our knowledge, our arts, our goods, our culture. Indeed in the 18th century throughout Europe, there was a real witch hunt against blacks. This animosity, this anti-black racism expressed by these swarthy populations who openly carry within them the proof of black ancestors by this dominant black, are they not revealing of the past presence of blacks in these regions which have suffered repressions and exterminations? ? but vis-à-vis which these peoples have retained an ancestral rejection, an animosity marked in their minds and which resurfaces at the sight of blacks.

I wondered if this racism shown towards us by these swarthy peoples did not come from the fact that their swarthy complexion bringing them closer to our dark complexions made this rejection of black hated in their thoughts even more reactive; and this all the more so since people with white skin have mixed reactions towards swarthy people.

Besides,when you search on Google (Wikipedia or other sites) on the race of the inhabitants of these Mediterranean regions,there is no mention anywhere of belonging to the black race, although the question is posed no answer is given. On the contrary, they are presented as being of Caucasian descent, (which implies the formal presence of another ancestry which can only be black given their swarthy complexion) but the word black race is not cited anywhere for designate them. You are taken on a boat by telling you that they were Berbers, Muslims, Moors, Ottomans, North Africans, Arabs….. which are ethnic or religious but not racial affiliations; However, these peoples carry very strongly in them this dominant black (hair and eyes dark to black and have a swarthy skin), proof of the presence of melanin and therefore of belonging to the black race.

In addition, the sickle cell genetic disease of the black race exists among them. Isn't that still a sign of negritude?

All these peoples were black, they populated all of Europe where they had arrived 45,000 years BC and were the first inhabitants before mixing with the white Caucasians who arrived from 370 BC.

REFLECTION These very swarthy peoples are presented as being of Caucasian descent, without saying that they are Caucasians: therefore of white race (true Caucasians are blond with blue eyes); the words Caucasian ancestry imply another racial contribution which can only be the black race given the swarthy complexion and the phenotype of these people who denounce a very visible contribution of melanin, the first characteristic trait of the black race. Isn't this attitude of dissimulation, rejection, denial a proof of the savage elimination of the blacks of Europe that the leucodermes want at all costs to keep hidden by using all possible and imaginable lying subterfuges. What a shame !

Drapeau de la Sardaigne

Flag of Sardinia; The 4 characters represented are Moors. But the Moors were blacks. Here is a proof of the past presence of blacks.

Drapeau Corse

Corsica flag; The character represented is a Moor. But the Moors were blacks. Here is a proof of the past presence of blacks. ​

Sicile : Femme, Teint basané, cheveux crépus

Sicily: Woman, Dark complexion, frizzy hair

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