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No, blacks didn't sell their brothers to whites

Noirs emmenés en esclavage
Noirs emmenés en esclavag

I warn my black brothers and sisters against the false nonsense conveyed by the leucodermas and in their books claiming that Africans sold their brothers to whites so that they would be reduced to slavery through the slave trade; absurdities repeated by certain black authors and personalities acting as lackeys of white people or for lack of information on this subject.

Let's think about this question together.: the whites came to Africa armed to the teeth to look for blacks, they came in warships: galleons heavily armed with cannons when they knew that the blacks had arrows, spears and spears, very light compared to their heavy armaments. For what ? it's because there was fierce resistance, black not letting it go. Moreover, the fact that there were 10 blacks killed for 1 black captured shows that the blacks defended themselves ferociously without fearing for their lives. Indeed, there were battles which were not always to the advantage of the whites despite their heavy artillery.

Still on the slave trade, you have read or heard of African wrens who in Africa captured blacks through slave raids to sell them to whites. These raids attacked in priority the legitimate elites (Kings, Queens) to break the political organization of the states and to break any potentialities of resistance. These wrens were bastard children that Portuguese had had with African women; so half-breeds, they had Portuguese names, none had African names. Another ambush to make believe that the blacks were selling their brothers to the whites

I recently heard the well-known economic journalist P. Jovanovic, a man of color, repeat this nonsense about the sale of blacks by their brothers. Why do leucodermas like to convey this message? In order to rehabilitate themselves from these heinous crimes committed against the blacks, they want to show that they were not so bad and that it was the blacks who took their brothers to them. Comments of this kind were created by the leucoderms towards the Arawak Amerindians of the West Indies who were exterminated by them. These remarks claimed that the Arawaks had exterminated the Amerindians first inhabitants of these islands in order to take their lands. Another way of saying that they weren't the worst and that the Arawaks had been punished anyway, so they deserved to have been exterminated by them, the Europeans.

I do not believe either the statements made by the whites to say that the Amerindian peoples Incas Aztecs practiced human sacrifices to honor their deities; remarks very probably made to justify the genocide to 95% of these peoples by presenting themselves as vigilantes. All these Amerindian peoples were black peoples: the black, in essence, thanks to this melanin which impregnates his brain and his nervous centers, and which makes him a sensitive, civilized being; respects human and animal life, nature, because he considers that everything is animated by the spirit of God to whom he devotes the deepest respect and the greatest consideration, and who for him is everywhere.

The black asks forgiveness from the animal before killing it only to feed itself, it does the same to the tree before picking its fruits to feed itself. On the other hand, leucodermas are great predators: and black human beings that they have never hesitated to massacre without scruple, and nature (fauna and flora) in order to satisfy their basely material desires. Blacks have never practiced genocide or massacres anywhere on the planet, even at the time when they dominated the world: Ancient Egypt.

I recall that the Amerindian populations Incas, Aztecs, Mayas were exterminated at 90/95% by the whites: that is to say approximately 130 million, I remember an article written by a white journalist saying that this was totally false, that they were all dead from Legionnaire's disease and that there have never been any genocides of Native Americans. Comments made once again to clear their conscience, which prove a total lack of sensitivity and empathy and show a deep contempt for the Black.

I take this opportunity to recall an article written by a Western journalist on the peoples of Melanesia who are black; He said that when their parents were old, they got rid of them in the following way: They made them climb a tree, shook the tree, rushed on those who had fallen and finished them off with sticks. When we know the respect and the deep consideration for the elders among the blacks, we immediately understand that it is a question of slander aimed at discrediting them. On the other hand in the leucoderma we do not note a great consideration, nor love for their parents and the elders in general. The 2007 heat wave caused many deaths in France, the victims were mainly elderly people; it was noted that a significant number of the bodies of their elderly parents were not even claimed by them and that it was the municipalities that had to bear the costs of the burials. This attitude denotes in the leucoderma a lack of sensitivity, consideration, love, empathy, a frenzied egocentrism.

If the whites do not hesitate to make satanist sacrifices of children in their satanist sects in order to obtain material advantages, among the blacks the respect for life, empathy and a certain sensitivity prevent them from indulging in these practices.

Regarding this subject, they like to accuse us of practicing witchcraft; The witchcraft practiced among blacks has nothing to do with the black magic that the leucodermas practice in their satanic sects in Europe, the USA (ex: Bohemian grove in California ) practices accompanied by human sacrifices so that their political parties are at the head, that their big companies obtain markets often to the detriment of their competitors.

So we must be very vigilant and suspicious about what whites say about us blacks, especially never repeat their lies, their goal having always been to devalue us in order to inferiorize us.

I quote some of the innumerable flagrant injustices, exploitations, thefts, plunders of which the blacks are victims on the part of the whites.

- The alternative press ( network) of June 2020 reveals the existence of a farm in Libya in which men, women, children, babies, all black, were found locked in small cages, these human beings had undergone organ removals, performed without anesthesia, they were crippled, some blind. It would have been found 2 billion euros in cash in this place. We are aware of the very profitable trade in organs that takes place from countries in the South to Western countries with the complicity of the latter, always in search of profits and who do not investigate the provenance of the organs they buy. The Western press did not report this fact but spoke of mass graves.

- I will also mention an organization created in 2013 supposedly for the defense of the civil rights of blacks in the USA and which is "Black Lives Matter": Black lives matter. This organization would be financed by personalities, very influential members of the New World Order created by the leucodermas. The New World Order would be born from the "Illuminati" and would aim for world domination by carrying out its plans gradually through history. The events of the world would thus be orchestrated by a group of individuals acting in the shadows, bearers of a long-standing totalitarian project; their first objective is to reduce the world's population and blacks are in the front line in their sights. Black Lives Matter is said to be funded by leading figures of the New World Order and has received, among other things, $100 million from the Ford Foundation and $33 million from the Soros Foundation. The unacknowledged purpose of this New World Order is to unleash racial hatred between whites and blacks in the USA; You understand that blacks would be the big losers of these racist hate movements because numerically they are less numerous than whites and above all they do not have the weapons that whites can afford. So before engaging in any movement of a philanthropic nature, blacks should find out about the organizers and the origin of the funds for these movements.

- Blacks have made many inventions, and this since under slavery; the whites, their masters appropriated these inventions which they put in their name by attributing the discovery to themselves.

The blacks, scholars or inventors do not appear anywhere in the world book of invention whose author is Valérie Anne Giscard d'Estaing daughter of the former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and listing those who have enabled the progress of humanity. These black scientists are “voluntarily and carefully” forgotten by the world although their inventions are of various, daily use; The intellectual property of many of these inventions has been violated.(Chap the black inventors)Cannot this voluntary and calculated occultation of these black inventors be considered a cultural and intellectual genocide? Any discovery made until today by the blacks is deliberately concealed; in the eyes of whites, blacks must appear ignorant, uneducated, servile, inferior, of low IQ.

-In European museums: British Museum in London, Musée du quai Branly in Paris, to name a few, thousands of artifacts are on display: statues, figurines that have been stolen from Africa, Egypt, Asian countries, the Americas by Europeans; An Egyptian president had ordered to repatriate those who came from Egypt, until this day this order has never been executed, the leucodermas have kept them. The blacks should organize themselves to recover their works of art stolen and exhibited in museums whose entry is paid to admire them.

- I will also talk about the International Criminal Court This is a permanent international criminal court created in 2002 by Westerners, with a universal vocation, responsible for judging people accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and of war crimes.

I invite you to go to the site . By consulting the names of the people suspected since the creation of the ICC, you will see for yourself that this court seems to have been created for blacks and Arabs because all the people who have been worried by this body are black and Arab. The latest is the former president of Côte d'Ivoire Laurent Bagbo, whose crime would have been to have said that he wanted his country to work with everyone, this statement more than displeased France (the Côte d'Ivoire is part of France Afrique) which rushed to send armed forces which overthrew Mr Bagbo and replaced Ouattara as the straw man of the French government. France had him arrested, tried by the ICC on the charge of crimes against humanity, he was imprisoned for several years and has just been acquitted, no charge having been brought against him. Ironically, the judges and prosecutors chosen by this Court are very often black.

On the other hand many Europeans, among other Heads of State have never been worried by the ICC for crimes of genocide committed in the countries of the South, they have not accepted that any investigation be made on this subject. The latest is the 2011 invasion of Libya and the assassination of Gaddafi under Sarkozy. Let me go back before the creation of the ICC: the genocide in Rwanda under François Mitterrand remains a gaping wound without explanation, the genocide in Cameroon of the Bamileke people and many others.

-I will also mention a very formidable tool created by the Americans: the HAARP project In addition to its many highly evolved skills in the military field, this device would be able to mentally manipulate populations without their knowledge, to control the climate: to create tornadoes , cyclones, drought, floods, earthquakes in some countries targeted by Westerners.

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