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According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there are almost twice as many vaccine-related deaths in 2021 (1,755) than vaccine-related deaths in the past decade (994).

There are more U.S. vaccine-related deaths in 2021, in less than 3 months, than in the entire past decade.

The number of vaccine-related deaths this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC's own data, in 2021, in less than 3 months, we have already seen over 1,750 vaccine deaths in the United States. The two major vaccine manufacturers with the most vaccine-related deaths are Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech:

-The corona virus is a global false alarm. […] The dangerousness of the virus has been overestimated (no more than 250,000 deaths with Covid-19 worldwide, compared to 1.5 million for the 2017-18 seasonal flu)”.

-As of today: March 2020, the financial situation is worsening in the most serious way possible: According to the independent economist journalist P.Javonovic the European banks receive 80 to 100 billion € per month to avoid their collapse . Since January 2015, this € and $ money has been equivalent to counterfeit money because it has no financial equivalent. The economies are hit hard: Wall Street has lost 30% of its values, French banks: 20%. Since Sep 2019, the FED has been injecting $150 billion every day to save American banks. The debt of each American from baby to adult is $350,000 per capita. The interest rate of banks in the USA would be 0.40%. We are in the middle of a recession, the economic crisis of 2020 will be infinitely more serious than that of 2008; the global debt of 250,000 billion represents 280% of the GDP. This is where the albinos have led us in their madness, their fears, their greed, their self-centeredness! Could neuromelanin deficiency once again be the cause? The current coronavirus pandemic in the world is very seriously aggravating this situation and could be a pretext for the establishment of a world government: goal of the elite. 

-According to the magazine insolentiae World debts reach 250,000 billion dollars… This figure alone justifies a huge crash.

Central banks print billions of euros and dollars every day to help avoid the collapse (150 billion) This currency is monkey money because it has no equivalent

-02 Jan 2020 According to independent journalist P Jovanovic Since January 2015, the euro has become a monkey currency with 80 billion counterfeit notes introduced into the financial system each month

-20nov19 The debt that each Frenchman must repay in the name of the State is 36,000 euros - The debt that each American must repay in the name of the State is 220,000 dollars, or 72 trillion - non-refundable in any case.

-Deforestation and fires in the Amazon, follow the trail of Niobium This mineral is the most precious in the world. If we throw 100 grams of this metal into a ton of boiling steel, as if by magic, the resulting alloy becomes much more resistant and malleable.

Cars, bridges, turbines, magnetic resonance devices, pacemakers, missiles, nuclear power plants, space probes, virtually anything electronic becomes better with NIOBIUM.

The rockets of the Space X company, the most advanced at present, have this component.

It is in Brazil that is the largest reserve of this precious metal, about 97% of what can exist. This would represent an extraordinary asset for this country to become one of the greatest economic powers in the world, if not the greatest.

Only with this trade, Brazil could have means to solve all its problems in general, and economic in particular. If Brazil established a currency based on these NIOBIUM reserves, it would be the strongest in the world.

Where are the NIOBIUM deposits located?

In the Amazon.

It's starting to get clearer isn't it?

More information on Niobium here: mine-viaduct-of-millau

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-We are in August 2019, I learn from the media that the planet is plagued by various fires in various places: the Amazon; the lungs of the planet 2500 outbreaks of fires, Siberia, In Africa: Angola, Congo. These fires are due to the increasingly important deforestation made by the leucodermas in order to exploit the mining resources, but also for the wood of the trees which would be used for the manufacture of furniture. We see once again that the white man has absolutely no qualms about destroying the planet: the branch on which he sits in order to satisfy his basely material needs and to endanger the lives of other peoples living in these regions as well that wildlife andflora. Theredeficiency in neuromelanin would it not be in question?
  • Also in August: a mass murder of 31 people in 2 western cities in the USA, the cause would be racial. The responsible would be a leucoderma. My cousin who has lived there for almost 50 years told me that the killers are always white people
  • -During this same month a new mass killing in Mexico 24 dead. Really neuromelamine deficiency drives some people crazy.
  • As of September 20, 2019, the Fed has injected more than 270 billion dollars into the money markets in one week in order to support them, this money corresponds to counterfeit notes because it has no financial equivalent

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