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Aren't the black madonnas irrefutable proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe? Thoughts

The black virgins proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe

The black virgins: 180 in France, more than 500 in Europe, more than 1000 in the world, are they not irrefutable proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe? Thoughts. Most are in churches or shrines and are revered by the faithful for their church-recognized miracles. Why would the less spiritual, less religious leucodermas have made virgins, moreover black? They explain the black color of the face and hands by claiming that they had been made white but that the smoke from the candles lit near the icons would have blackened them; but they are not able to explain why this smoke would have spared the clothes and reached the face and the hands.

The Black Madonnas are female effigies that belong to the iconography of the European Middle Ages.

There are in Europe more than 500 black virgins with black Jesus. They are found in almost all European countries: France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Croatia, Malta, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Russia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Turkey . They are also found outside Europe: Algeria, South Africa, Senegal, United States, Mexico, Japan, Lebanon, Brazil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Philippines etc….. They are mainly icons and statues Byzantine in Catholic and Orthodox countries. France has 180 of them: ex: Black Madonna of Chartres Cathedral, Black Madonna of the Church of Notre Dame du Puy en Velay in Puy de Dôme, Black Madonna of Rocamadour in Brittany, Black Madonna of Notre Dame de Vassivière in Besse and St Anastasie, Black Madonna near Paris in Neuilly sur Seine …..

Most of them are sculptures produced between the 11th and 15th centuries. There are also hundreds of non-medieval copies. Some are in museums, but most are in churches or shrines and are venerated by the faithful. Many Black Madonnas transform the shrines in which they are housed into some of the most revered sites of pilgrimage, due to their presence.

Black Madonnas have proven to be devotional aids within church life over the centuries. Many of these images received the approval of ecclesiastical authority in the light of divine approval manifested by well-attested miracles (subsequently approved by the leadership of the Church). The prominence of the Black Madonna is mainly due to the supposedly miraculous character of the image.

The Black Virgins seem to be the image of the population that populated Europe before the barbarian invasions by the Caucasians from 370 AD and after: population that was black. The Caucasians, a barbaric and pagan white race, would certainly not have made virgins of the black race and especially having to do with the Orthodox or Catholic religion: religions created by the black elite who ruled Europe until the albinos impose themselves and seize power in European countries by using violence and the extermination of the black population.

Leucodermas explain the black color of the Virgin by the fact that she would have been made white but would have turned black by the accumulation of smoke from the use of votive candles and the accumulation of grime over the ages. But they don't explain how the accumulation of smoke and grime would have affected only the face and hands and spared the clothes; These false explanations are only occultations of the monstrous truth that they want to keep hidden: namely the extermination of the blacks of Europe in order to rob them. Isn't this presence of black madonnas in almost all European countries proof of the past existence in Europe of this black elite who established the Catholic and Orthodox religions, built European culture through the architectural monuments that you admire; but also through literature, the arts, medicine, philosophy, science etc… which are the pride and pride of albinos, current Europeans, who have usurped them.

I take advantage of this passage on the black virgins to evoke the characters of Jesus Christ and Buddha. These two characters claimed by whites and yellows through Christianity and Buddhism (religions recovered by whites and Asians) have been racially transformed: Jesus was a Hebrew and as such he was black because the ancient Hebrews were black . I recall that albinos took control of the Catholic religion and Jesus of black was represented with swarthy complexion and black hair, then he was depicted downright blond with blue eyes. As for Buddha born in the north of India, present-day Nepal, he was like all the Nepalese of dark complexion with slanted eyes, the followers of Buddhism represent him with yellow skin and slanted eyes.

Black Madonna in churches in  several European countries

Black Madonna of Rocamadour: Brittany

Black Madonna of St Romain d'Ay

2 Popes Francis 1 and Benedict 16 praying to the Black Madonna in a Vatican chapel 2013 

Vierge Noire : Cathédrale de Chartres
Vierge Noire dans des églises de  plusieurs pays européens

Black Madonna: Chartres Cathedral

Vierge noire de Rocamadour : Bretagne
Vierge noire de St Romain d'Ay
2 Papes François 1er et Benoit 16 priant la Vierge noire dans une chapelle du Vatican 2013 
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