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Until the 1700s royalty and nobility were black throughout Europe including Russia. think that this race of black men today our slave and the object of our contempt is the same one to which we owe our arts, our sciences and even the use of speech; to imagine that it is in the midst of peoples who call themselves the most friends of freedom and humanity, that the most barbaric of slaveries has been sanctioned, and questioned whether black men have an intelligence of the species of white men! (Comte de Volney: travels in Egypt and Syria 1783)

It is this pigment, melanin, that makes the black race the cradle of human civilization., because he is the black man who came from Africa to Europe 45,000 years BC, who is at the origin of the artistic, cultural, scientific creations, carried out through the achievements in the world by the different civilizations both in Asia, in the Americas, than in Europe (Black Nobility, Black Kings in all European and Asian countries, Black Tsars of Russia, Black Popes, Black Saints - Jesus and Mary were black - etc...; it is he who is at the origin of artistic achievements in all these countries and continents: historical monuments, ex: cathedrals ......)These civilizations are all originally Black cultures; until the leucoderma (white) from the Caucasus, arrived in Europe from 370 AD in the form of barbarian invasions, and whose skin and brain are deficient in this pigment; come through the use of violence, take control of these works, usurp them, rob the black man, eliminate him physically, send him to the Americas as a slave and write him off from history by presenting him as a primitive being , uncivilized, who has invented nothing, without culture and ignorant; make him a servile and despised being (these actions are they not explained by this melanin deficiency in the white man's brain?). He then put these works to his credit by using falsification, the fabrication of forgeries (false paintings, false portraits of whites to replace those of this nobility and these black kings, false documents...), lies, intimidation, the hand put until today on all the means of information (television, radio, newspapers) so that the black never knows the truth; and always the use of violence, his first and usual tactic.

I recommend reading the paragraph '' Being black, melanin '', which will give you in-depth information


                                    EMPEROR CHARLES V 1500/1558  Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy, Heir to 17 crowns

                VRAI EMPEREUR CHARLES V 1500/1558  Héritier des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne, Héritier de 17 couronnes : Noir


(Ghent 1500-Yuste, Extremadura, 1558), Holy Roman Emperor (1519-1556), Prince of the Netherlands (1506-1555), King of Spain (Charles I) [1516-1556], King of Sicily (Charles IV ) [1516-1556].

1.1. Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy


  • 1516Charles of Habsburg (the future Charles V) inherits the crowns of Castile, Aragon and Sicily.
  • 1519Charles V succeeds Maximilian I at the head of the Holy Empire.
  • 1525Defeat of Pavia. The King of France François I prisoner in Spain. He will be released the following year.
  • 1527Coronation of Rome by Emperor Charles V.
  • around 1528-1560Granada Cathedral, by D. de Siloé.
  • 1529Treaty of Cambrai or Peace of the Ladies between Louise of Savoy, in the name of François I, and Marguerite of Austria, for the Emperor Charles V.
  • 1534-1535Tunis, occupied by Khayr al-Din Barbarossa, is taken over by Charles V.
  • 1555Peace of Augsburg, which consecrates the division of Germany between Catholic and Protestant principalities.
  • 1556Abdication of the Germanic Emperor Charles V, who transmits the imperial title to his brother Ferdinand.

The story of Charles V is first and foremost the story of a legacy. His ancestry perhaps explains the quirks and contradictions of his character. The winner of the battle of Mühlberg proudly encamped on his battle horse as fixed for eternity by Titian's brush, he is the great-grandson of the terrible Charles the Bold, the Duke of Burgundy.

The melancholic prince haunted by the afterlife who renounces before his death "the empire on which the sun does not set" to retire to a convent in Extremadura, he is the son of Joan the Mad, the youngest daughter of the Catholic Kings Ferdinant II of Aragon andIsabella I of Castile.

A strong piety tinged with humanism

If his youth and his education took place in a Flemish environment, it should be noted that it had already been strongly marked by the Spanish and Austrian spirit. His aunt Margaret of Austria, daughter of Emperor Maximilian I, had been his first teacher. If his natural language was French and if he always had difficulty speaking correct German, he was by no means a Burgundian prince. He had inherited from the Dukes of Burgundy neither their physical exuberance nor their taste for a sumptuous life.

His tutors were Guillaume de Croy, lord of Chièvres, who will remain a trusted advisor, Charles de La Chaux and the dean of Louvain Adriaan Floriszoon, the future Pope Adrian VI. The latter, follower of the Devotio moderna, instilled in him a very lively faith, tinged with simplicity and a certain humanism.

Many studies insist on Charles' religiosity, on his “providentialism” which made him see the direct action of God in all events, a characteristic mental trait of this period. Another remarkable trait was his strong will, which asserted itself from his marriage in 1526 to Isabella of Portugal (1503-1539).

1.2. The heir to seventeen crowns

The legacy of Charles V, prepared by the skilful matrimonial policy of his paternal grandfather,Maximilian of Austria, these are also the possessions which, united, will form one of the greatest empires of modern times.

Maximilian, having marriedMary of Burgundy, has, in fact, prepared the transmission to Charles V of the dual Burgundian and Austrian heritage. From 1506, Charles, on the premature death of his father Philippe le Beau, became master of the Netherlands (from Flanders to Groningen) and of Franche-Comté (fiefdom of the Empire).

In 1519, when Maximilian died, he incorporated into his domains the Austrian territories of the Habsburgs (archduchies of Upper and Lower Austria, duchies of Styria, Carniola and Carinthia, county of Tyrol, landgraviate of Upper Alsace). In the meantime, he was put in possession, on the death of his maternal grandfatherFerdinand II of Aragon(1516), and to the detriment of his motherJoan the Mad, kingdoms ofCastile, ofAragon, Naples, Sicily, as well as the immense Spanish colonies in America. In addition, falls to him the New World, recently discovered byChristopher Colombuswhich gives it the name of "Western Indies", and soon entirely conquered.


Roi de France Louis 18 (Année 1814)  Observez ce phénotype noir : lèvres épaisses, yeux dilatés , le nez.

King of France Louis 18 (Year 1814)  Observe this black phenotype: thick lips, large eyes, nose. Face looks bleached Can you have white skin with such negroid features

Roi de France Louis 16 -1792

King of France Louis 16 (Year 1792) Observe this black phenotype: thick lips, Big eyes, the nose. Louis 16, Louis 18, Charles 10 were brothers. 136bad5cf58d_The albinos have falsified all the portraits of the nobles to represent them bleached

Roi de France Charles 10 Année 1830 Observez ce phénotype noir : lèvres épaisses,  yeux dilatés ,

King of France Charles 10 Year 1830 Observe this black phenotype: thick lips, large eyes,

Phénotype caucasien

Compare the Kings phenotype with this Caucasian phenotype

Phénotype caucasien

Vrai Roi d'Angleterre Charles 1er : Noir exécuté en 1649 après la 2é guerre civile anglaise

True King of England Charles 1st: Black executed in 1649 after the 2nd English Civil War

Faux Roi d'Angleterre Charles 1er: Blanchi

False King of England Charles 1st: Bleached

Vrai Roi Charlemagne : Noir An 800

Real Charlemagne: Black

Faux Charlemagne : blanc.

False Charlemagne: white. If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes.

Vrai empereur Charles Quint V : noir. Héritier de la maison des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne

True Emperor Charles V: black. Heir to the House of Habsburg and the House of Burgundy

Faux Charles Quint: blanchi

False Charles V: bleached

L'empereur du St Royaume germanique Léopold 1er : noir-1660

The Emperor of the Holy Germanic Kingdom Leopold 1st: black-1660

Roi d'Angleterre Edward III Noir

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   King of England Edward III

Épouse du tsar Alexis de Russie: Noire (1625-1669)  et mère des tsars Feodor III et Ivan V de Russie

Wife of Tsar Alexis of Russia (1625-1669)  and mother of Tsars Feodor III and Ivan V of Russia

Tsar Alexis de Russie : Noir 1629-1676

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_          Tsar Alexis of Russia  1629-1676

Empereur Frédérick I Barbarossa (1100)du st empire romain germanique :Noir

Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa (1100) of the Holy Roman Empire

Roi d'Angleterre Edward III et Henry duc de Lancaster de l'ordre de la jarretière : Noirs

King of England Edward III and Henry Duke of Lancaster Order of the Garter

Roi de Bulgarie Boris Ier -an 907 Noir

King of Bulgaria Boris I - year 907

Portrait d'Henry VIII à l'âge de 12 ans: Enfant métis aux cheveux crépus

Portrait of Henry VIII at the age of 12: Mixed-race child with frizzy hair

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           Mary Stuart Queen of Scotland 1542-1587

 Mary Stuart Reine d'Ecosse 1542-1587
Description du vrai noir Charles Lenos Duc de Richmond Fils du roi Charles II: Teint noir comme le roi Charles, n'a pas 30 ans

Description of the real black Charles Lenos Duke of Richmond Son of King Charles II: Complexion black like King Charles, not 30 years old

Faux portrait blanc du Duc noir Charles Lennox, Fils du Roi d'Angleterre Charles II

False white portrait of the Black DukeCharles Lennox, Son of King Charles II of England

Alexandre de Médicis (1510-1537) Duc de Parme et de Florence, gouverneur de Florence : Italie

Alexander de' Medici (1510-1537) Duke of Parma and Florence, Governor of Florence: Italy

L'Archiduchesse Marguerite d'Autriche (1480-1530) Princesse des Asturies et duchesse de Savoy. Tante et éducatrice de l'Empereur Charles Quint. Son père était l'empereur Maximilien d'Autriche. Ses traits sont négroïdes

Archduchess Margaret of Austria (1480-1530) Princess of Asturias and Duchess of Savoy. Aunt and educator of Emperor Charles V. Her father was Emperor Maximilian of Austria. His features are negroid

Duc Albert de Prusse époux de Dorothée princesse de Danemark

Duke Albert of Prussia husband of Princess Dorothea of Denmark

 St Empire romain germanique

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           St germanic roman empire

Autre chevalier noir noble. Empire romain germanique

Another noble black knight. germanic roman empire

Chevalier noir noble du st empire germanique

noble black knight of the st germanic empire

Statue d'un noir très teinté tenant le blason des Habsburg

Highly tinted black statue holding the Habsburg coat of arms

Jeune noble Berlin Allemagne

JYoung Noble Berlin Germany

Blason Empire romain germanique

Holy Roman Empire coat of arms

Blason de famille noble noire

Coat of arms






Roi d'Angleterre George III époux de la reine d'Angleterre la mulâtresse Charlotte; Ils eurent 15 enfants 13 vécurent à l'âge adulte. Observez son  phénotype :yeux, nez, bouche

King of England George III husband of the queen of England the mulatto Charlotte; They had 15 children 13 lived to adulthood. Observe his  phenotype: eyes, nose, mouth

This portrait identifies the painter Michel Ange as a black or mulatto. after 1654

Ce portrait identifie le peintre MIchel Ange comme un noir ou mulâtre. apres 1654

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           Sancho 1 King of Navarre

  Père de l'écrivain Alexandre Dumas

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           Père by the writer Alexandre Dumas

Sancho 1 Roi de Navarre : noir
Dauphin de France Louis 15 An 1720  Très visiblement métis :yeux, cheveux 

Dauphin of France Louis 15 Year 1720  Very visibly mixed race: eyes, hair 

Vrai roi d'Angleterre James Francis STUART, noir :dernier des Stuart avant d'être renversé par les blancs qui s'emparèrent du pouvoir

True King of England James Francis STUART, black: last of the Stuarts before being overthrown by the whites who seized power

Faux Roi d'Angleterre James Francis Stuart: blanchi

Fake King of England James Francis Stuart: cleared

Le Roi de France Charles V remet à Duguesclin l'épée de Haut Connétable: Noirs; an 1369

The King of France Charles V gives Duguesclin the High Constable's sword: Blacks; year 1369

L'empereur Constantin le grand, patriarche orthodoxe de Moscou : Noir-1670

Emperor Constantine the Great, Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow -1670

Vrai Tsar Pierre le Grand de Russie : Noir -1700

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Tsar Peter the Great of Russia-1700

                 Faux Tsar Pierre le Grand de Russie: blanchi

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_      Fake Tsar Peter the Great of Russia: Whitewashed

Jeanne d'Albret Reine de Navarre, (cheveux visiblement crépus) mère du roi de France Henri IV, 1er bourbon

Jeanne d'Albret Queen of Navarre, (visibly frizzy hair) mother of King Henry IV of France, 1st Bourbon

   Roi de Hongrie Stephen Ier: Noir

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        Roi de Hongrie Stephen Ier

Reine Marie Antoinette née en Autriche, épouse du Roi de France Louis 16, décapitée en 1793. Cheveux visiblement crépus. Semble portrait blanchi

Queen Marie Antoinette born in Austria, wife of King Louis 16 of France, beheaded in 1793. Visibly frizzy hair. Seems bleached portrait

 Tsar de Russie Peter III, mourut en 1762 cheveux et traits négroides

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_      Tsar of Russia Peter III, 1762died in 1762

Pierre 1er Roi de Bulgarie et fils de Simeon 1er de Bulgarie : Noir

Peter 1st King of Bulgaria and son of Simeon 1st of Bulgaria

La mulâtresse reine Charlotte (1744-1818) métisse, épouse du roi Georges III d'Angleterre, Ancêtre de la Reine Elizabeth II d'Angleterre

The mulatto queen Charlotte (1744-1818) mestizo, wife of King George III of England, ancestor of the current Queen Elizabeth II of England

Faux portrait blanc de la reine Charlotte( qui ne ressemble en rien à la vraie), avec une caricature totalement raciste d'un page noir

Fake white portrait of Queen Charlotte (which bears no resemblance to the real one), with a totally racist caricature of a black page

Description du vrai noir Daniel Finch Comte de Nottingham: Homme grand, mince, très noir comme les espagnols ou les juifs, âgé de 50 ans environ. Les blancs ont détruit les tableaux de noirs pour se mettre à leur place. 

Description of true blackDaniel FinchEarl of Nottingham: Tall, thin man,very blacklike the Spaniards or the Jews, about 50 years old. Albinos destroyed blackboards to put white ones in their place

Faux portrait blanc du noir Daniel Flinch Comte de Nottingham. Les blancs ont blanchi les visages des noirs pour se mettre à leur place

False portrait of blackDaniel FlinchEarl of Nottingham. Albinos bleached the faces of blacks to put themselves in their shoes

Dorothée princesse de Danemark et Duchesse de Prusse (1504-1547). Elle était la fille du roi du Danemark Fréderick 1er et d'Anne de Brandebourg. Elle épousa le Duc Albert de Prusse

Princess Dorothea of Denmark and Duchess of Prussia (1504-1547). She was theredaughter of King Frederick I of Denmark and Anne of Brandenburg.She married Duke Albert of Prussia

Bérengère de Navarre Reine d'Angleterre, épouse de Richard 1er : Noire ou métisse 

Berengaria of Navarre Queen of England, wife of Richard 1st

Chevalier Noir Noble St Empire Romain d'Allemagne

Black Knight Noble Holy Roman Empire of Germany

Chevalier noir, noble, Empire romain germanique

Black Knight, Noble, Holy Roman Empire

Chevalier noir du St empire germanique

Black Knight of the Holy Roman Empire

Autre chevalier noble noir du St Empire romain d'Allemagne. Notez sur le bouclier l'insigne du St Empire romain d'Allemagne

Another black noble knight of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany. Note on the shield the insignia of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany

Marie de Médicis cheveux crépus, peau blanchie (fake)

Marie de Medici frizzy hair, bleached skin (fake)

Agrippine mère de l'empereur Néron, nièce et 4ème épouse de l'empereur Claude, arrière petite fille de l'empereur Auguste, petite nièce de l'empereur Tibère soeur de l'empereur Caligula née à Cologne Allemagne,

Agrippina mother of Emperor Nero, niece and 4th wife of Emperor Claudius, great-granddaughter of Emperor Augustus, great-niece of Emperor Tiberius, sister of Emperor Caligula born in Cologne Germany,

Blason Empire germanique

Coat of arms Germanic Empire

Blason famille noble noire d'Angleterre

Coat of arms black noble family of England

Blason famille noble Allemagne

Germany noble family coat of arms

Peter_I 1068-1104 roi d'Aragon et de Navarre

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Peter_I 1068-1104 king of Aragon and Navarre

          Roi Henri II du St royaume germanique 973-1024

          Roi Henri II du St germanic kingdom 973-1024

Charles II -848- Noir,  Roi des Francs -Carolingiens

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   Charles II -848- King of the Franks -Carolingians

Joseph Bologne, chevalier de St Georges, était un grand compositeur, chef d'orchestre, violoniste (1745-1799). Méconnu parce que noir

Joseph Bologne, chevalier de St Georges, était un grand compositeur, chef d'orchestre, violoniste (1745-1799). Méconnu parce que noir

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