EMPEREUR CHARLES V 1500/1558 Héritier des Habsbourg et de la maison de Bourgogne, Héritier de 17 couronnes

info@la-melanine-une-benediction.com In Englishwww.melanin-a-blessing.com
The purpose of this site is to bring black people to self-awareness, to realize that with Africa cradle of humanity,(Africa)they are at the origin of all inventions: inventions -in all fields ofknowledge, as far back as one can trace- monopolized, copied and improved by the leucodermas who usurped them and declared themselves their inventors. Since High Antiquity, blacks have been the inventors of culture: arts, sciences, maths, philosophy, music, religion, engineering, medicine, surgery, astronomy, navigation etc... before whites stripped them of them and falsified them at their advantage. All science is related to Egypt which was a country populated by blacks.It is thanks to this black pigment present in abundance in their brain: neuromelanin,that black had and has this high capacity for creation, invention at all levels.
This site reveals the horrors and monstrosities put in place by the whites in order to degrade and reduce the blacks to the lowest level to justify their stripping, because the deficiency of the whites in this neuromelanin pigment did not allow them to equal the blacks. But neverthelessfor blacks, the purpose of this site is to be informed about them and their opponents: whites in order to be able get up and react, feel proud of themselves, grateful for their neuromelaninand their melanin, no longer allowing themselves to be reduced, degrading but having a win-win relationship in their relations with white people, no longer having this win-lose relationship which has always prevailed and continues to prevail ; the eternal winning the white, the eternal losing the black.Fueling resentment and anger towards them puts us in a losing position and has harmful effects on our health. We blacks must be diplomatic and lucidly seek our true interests in win-win relationships with leucodermas without bringing out resentment.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?
Watch out, the wheel is turning, the West is in decline, the world is heading towards multipolarity. I'Africacontinent holding all the wealth of the planet, continent that does not know natural disasters,has its major role to play.Besides that our economic relations must be win-win with all our partners including Russia, China; before signing any partnership with any Western country (especially France), we must demand from them a written and signed commitment to reparations for all crimes (blood, looting, etc.) committed against us , because they have the blood of millions of Africans on their hands. We must also set up our own International Criminal Court to try all those Western criminals who abused us without mercy.We will be globally respected the day we command and inspire respect.
Dear visitors,see for yourself! : my videos are often deactivated, although very active on you tube, my visit counter had been removed (I put it back), as well as certain images. Would revealed truths bother?Recommend this site to those around you

Read the book ''Les Noirs 1ers Européens''
Sold by theTamery bookstorein Paris. General Library Guadeloupe The true history of blacks in Europe. 5th edition
" The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims. Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to SimobornWeil pp53
-There are two Histories: the official, lying history that is taught; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history "(Honoré de Balzac, writer)
We Blacks MUST KNOW that we have been victims since the 18th century by the leucodermas (the whites) of the most vast and monstrous impersonation of our kings, queens and famous people of Europe, that history has ever known. We are also victims of the greatest and diabolical falsification of history ever carried out. The leucodermas have done this diabolical work of make-up and crime with the help of their globally present secret societies.
Isn't knowledge of one's past, of one's culture the first forms of resistance to exploitation and oppression?

Nigerian Jare Ijalana is the most beautiful girl in the world at the age of 5 in 2018

African hairstyle
- "The manipulation of the past is an instrument of power: the winner to legitimize his conquests, the oppressor to justify his violence alter, disguise the past of their victims.Source: B Saint-Sernin: Political Action according to Simone Weil pp53
- "There are two Stories: the official Story, liar that we teach; then the secret history, where are the true causes of the events: a shameful history "(Honoré de Balzac, writer)
"Put off the veil of opacity and ignorance, and men will finally open their eyes!"(NK Omotunde)
''Until the lion has its own historians, hunting stories will always be to the glory of the hunter." African proverb
......to think that this race of black men today our slave and the object of our contempt is the same one to which we owe our arts, our sciences and even the use of speech ; to imagine that it is in the midst of peoples who call themselves the most friends of freedom and humanity, that the most barbaric of slaveries has been sanctioned, and questioned whether black men have an intelligence of the species of white men! (Comte de Volney: travels in Egypt and Syria 1783)
Blacks suffer from low self-esteem. We blacks like to say: "The Chinese, the Hindus, the Jews help each other, but we blacks are the only ones fighting each other". The real reason for this black against black animosity comes from the white colonizer who, in order to justify and succeed in the work of stripping us of our culture, our knowledge, our lands and our mineral wealth, has done a psychological job of denigrating blacks by manufacturing both in the minds of blacks and whites a demeaning and misleading image of uneducated, ignorant, savage, servile blacks, which has established rejection and self-hatred in blacks. Image instilled by the stranglehold on all media so that these repeated lies are accepted as truths by both blacks and whites.
I dedicate this writing to my African sisters who bleach their skin because they do not knowthe immense importanceof this black pigment:melaninpresent in their skin and their brain, and that gave themthe creator(White skin would be a genetic defect: SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 genes). This writing is also dedicated to my black brothers who often, out of inferiority complex, reject their black sisters to adopt and put on a pedestal the white woman: especially blonde with blue eyes.
It is thanks to this pigment, melanin, for which black people should feel gratitude and pride that they are civilized beings.It is this pigment that makes the black race the cradle of human civilization,because he is the black man who came from Africa to Europe 45,000 years BC, who is at the origin of the artistic, cultural, scientific creations, carried out through the achievements in the world by the different civilizations both in Asia, in the Americas, than in Europe (Black Nobility, Black Kings in all European and Asian countries, Black Tsars of Russia, Black Popes, Black Saints - Jesus and Mary were black - etc...; it's him which is at the origin of artistic achievements in all these countries and continents: historical monuments, ex: cathedrals ......)These civilizations are all originally Black cultures; until the leucoderma (white) from the Caucasus, arrived in Europe from 370 AD in the form of barbarian invasions, and whose skin and brain are deficient in this pigment; come through the use of violence, take control of these works, usurp them, rob the black man, eliminate him physically, send him to the Americas as a slave and write him off from history by presenting him as a primitive being , uncivilized, who has invented nothing, without culture and ignorant; make him a servile and despised being (these actions are they not explained by this melanin deficiency in the white man's brain?). He then put these works to his credit by using falsification, the fabrication of forgeries (false paintings, false portraits of whites to replace those of this nobility and these black kings, false documents...), lies, intimidation, the hand put until today on all the means of information (television, radio, newspapers) so that the black never knows the truth; and always the use of violence, his first and usual tactic.
White was created blonde with blue eyes. Hair and eye colors ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black are indelible and tangible signs of interbreeding between whites with blue eyess with our black ancestors from Europe who were eliminated (murdered to strip them of their culture and sent into slavery in the Americas) -IT'S THEDOMINANT BLACKWITH WHICH ALL WHITES ARE BORN: A BLAGRANT, FORMAL, INDELEBILE, TANGIBLE SIGN OF THE PAST EXISTENCE OF BLACKS IN EUROPE, ANCESTORS OF CURRENT EUROPEAN WHITES.
If the black man wants to get out of this mental, social, economic, cultural slump in which the leucoderma has plunged him for centuries to better strip him and degrade him, he must become aware of his melanin, it is thanks to this pigment that he made all the world cultures and civilizations whose visual imprint is marked in the surviving monuments: solid vestiges and eyewitnesses of his work and his past existence in Europe, Asia, Americas.
On the example ofGandhiin India andNelson Mendelain South Africa, he must organize himself to resist and gain respect.
It is thanks to this melanin that the black has the following innate qualities in him: creativity,empathy, spirituality, love, affection, sharing, cheerfulness, artistic, physical and sporting qualities that make him a human being, balanced and civilized.He must therefore, because of these riches that this melanin brings him, consider it as a real divine blessing.
I was very deeply moved by programs seen on you tube and on other media in which the drama of African women who bleach their skin because they find themselves too black was recounted. In their own country they are rejected by their racial brothers because of the color of their skin. I was sorry to see that in Africa: the cradle of the black race, itself the cradle of human civilization and humanity, skin that is too black is a handicap that can be very heavy to live with and is a barrier to social and professional success. This complex strikes women, who complain that black skin is frowned upon and discredited. A participant in a fashion show reported that she was filmed last because of her too dark complexion and suffered other affronts. The day she cleared her skin, success smiled on her. On the other hand, and this comforted me, I heard African dermatologists say how harmful this practice was and caused great irreversible damage to the skin, even leading to death; and how much these women who had bleached themselves regretted it because their skin was permanently damaged and therefore any possibility of a professional career was seriously compromised.
The affliction aroused by this rejection of a biology given to us by Nature, Creation prompted me to write these lines in order to open the eyes of black people and lead them to feel gratitude, pride for this black pigment which is at the origin of the artistic, cultural and scientific creations which have marked the human race.
Africans, especially women, blame themselves for having this natural pigment, melanin, in their skin. But what is melanin, is it a blessing or a curse as many African women feel?
Warning:The information contained in this site comes from reliable and serious research made for decades by African-American and African researchers., with the aim of enlightening the minds of blacks whose brains are to this day washed by the stories that whites have forged themselves (barely 10% of the world's population) in order to continue to exercise their domination over the The remaining 90% using both physiological and psychological violence and lies.
At the time these research efforts were initiated, there appeared to be no Afrocentric writers speaking of black history outside of slavery and the ancient Egyptian race.
So we decided to start from scratch, building our real black history, only from "original" sources: from ancient documents to statues, paintings and other artifacts. Because let's not ignore that encyclopedias are not race neutral, they can be just as racist as any other albino (white) source.
Reflecting on the sorry state of black history as it was written by black people, we assumed that black historians were either lackeys brainwashed by the albino establishment or too scared to write the real story. black people because: a) the book would never be published by the media which is controlled by albinos and b) they would be fired from gainful employment.
Some blacks may be surprised by the painful veracity of the facts told, but which correspond to the reality experienced by their ancestors. I hope that this writing will help to rehabilitate the black in the true consciousness that he should have of himself, and also to improve his self-esteem.
Attention: The term Albino often used does not correspond either to humiliation or rejection towards whites. Its explanation can be found later in the text. Its use could even be considered as a mitigating circumstance of the countless injustices and crimes committed against blacks.Reading the title '' Melanin '' gives an explanatory and clear analysis of the incoherent and predatory behaviors of leucodermas.
I call on readers to realize that the egocentric, predatory, genocidal, crazy, destructive behavior of albinos of all kinds is due to this neuromelanin deficiency in their brains and nervous systems (every effect has a cause, chance does not does not exist). Neuromelanin is this black pigment present in the nerve centers, much more abundant in blacks than in whites. Its strong presence gives the following qualities: Besides the fact that it can prevent cell damage as an antioxidant, it produces a more advanced psychomotor development in melanin people, it is responsible for sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, sharing, love, affection, intuition, emotions. On the other hand, in individuals who are deficient in it, we note: egocentrism, lack of sensitivity, creativity, spirituality, affection, love, sharing; barbarism, predation of nature and other peoples by massacres, genocides.
Very important:This writing is written in a pan-African vision so that blacks in Africa and in the diaspora become aware of the greatness of their melanin and experience recognition.. It is not my intention to enhance our position as blacks and to degrade anyone (I am thinking of whites).What is true must be said, and only the truth frees the individual (oppressed or oppressor)and I hope that its revelation will help reduce this permanent, ancestral tension that has existed for centuries between blacks and whites: relationship of dominant over dominated.
This writing will also help to explain without trying to justify them, the abuses and crimes committed by whites against blacks, explanations that are found in this pigment: melanin (neuromelanin).
We are in the 21st century, it is unthinkable and terrible that the one to whom the white and yellow humans of this planet owe what they call their arts, their sciences, their cultures is the object of their contempt because black does not only suffer racism in the West but also in China, Japan, Asian and Arab countries.
Furthermore, we regularly see anti-black racism in football stadiums in Europe.
As black people are still in bondage, mentally above all else, I hope this essay will enlighten them, empower them, and empower them to seek more truth and embark on the path to total liberation. and unconditional.
"White people know all about melanin and the greatness it can produce. They feel like it's a danger to them.
Melanin is a very important topic. The majority of our people are dormant and do not see the truth and the reality that the Caucasians hide from them. Their interpretation of melanin is that it is the agent whose main activity is to pigment our skin, and nothing else. It is true that melanin gives us skin pigmentation, but that is not its only main activity. Pigmentation is just one of the simplest tasks it performs; the most important tasks are never mentioned, with fear of waking up and empowering black people.
Melanin is the key to our survival, our humanity, our greatness and our civilization, our spirituality, and even the key to our total liberation.» (1)
Our body is totally the replica of the universe, every chemical present on this earth can also be found in our body. Melanin is also present in every corner of nature.
The qualities of blacks: artistic talents, sciences, physical, moral, spiritual qualities, etc. reside in this substance that we have in our skin and our brain: melanin.
What is melanin?
This dark matter which many have learned to hate and which is called Melanin is made up of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons which create the carbon atom which is melanin. 666 in Christian circles is considered the mark of the beast and said to be evil, however, 666 is melanin: made in the image of God, so this number must be considered.
Besides carbon, two other elements are important for the structure of melanin: copper and sulfur. Copper is incorporated into the melanin molecule by the amino acid tyrosine. Tyrosine is an organometallic amino compound organized around carbon, nitrogen and copper. The chemical formula of melanin is C18H10N2O4, which gives melanin a molecular weight, or molar mass, of 318 grams per mole (g/mol).
According to Dr. Carol Barnes in her book, Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness: “Melanin is a molecule, but a very large, complicated, complex living molecule. It has a very high molecular weight of over 200, which means that a melanin molecule is made up of a three-dimensional configuration of over 200 individual atoms. It is a living molecule, a chemical substance of life, and it is charged like a battery. In fact, it works like a battery or a superconductor, but is heat resistant. Melanin is responsible for making and sustaining life and keeps the black human in constant contact with the natural energies of the Universe. Melanin is not only found in the skin, hair and eyes, but it is also contained in many other vital organs of the body. It is found in the nervous system, spinal cord, glands, brain, DNA, muscles, intestines, heart and liver. Its presence can be found in nature and is also found in many of our foods – plants, seeds, fruits and vegetables. It is also found in animals, in the soil, in the bark of trees, in rivers, streams and seas.
In explaining the importance and significance of melanin in African physiology, Professor T. Owens Moore in his book “The Science of Melanin” compares black people to plants:
"A black human body is synonymous with chlorophyll in plants. Chlorophyll functions as a converter of solar energy. Similarly, melanin is a converter of physical energy. We know that such pigments are essential for maintaining vitality of the plant. Thus, no flora without pigment exists on this planet. White leaves do not exist. The pigment chlorophyll is necessary for all vegetation. Similarly, melanin is important for human physiology." Yes, the same melanin that gives life to plants growing in the ground is also a source of life for humans. At the molecular level, the electrons of melanin molecules move and reorganize. They experience what is called resonance. This rearrangement of electrons causes certain energy changes in the body. This energy is then used in metabolism and cellular organization. Melanin depends on nitrilosides (vitamin B17, helps cleanse the body of toxins and increases protection against the risk of developing abnormal cells) to maintain itself “When we eat synthetic foods or cooked foods, we don't get enough B vitamins and many toxins are not eliminated and end up in the brain,” says Dr. Jewel Pookrum. » (20)
This word melanin comes from the Greek melas which means black. Melamine is a dark-colored pigment (ranging from black to reddish-brown) found in the skin, hair, hair and the membrane of the eye. The amount of melanin in an individual depends on several factors such as heredity, hormone levels or certain diseases (eg Albinism). Melanin is produced by oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, followed by its polymerization. The pigment is produced in a specialized group of cells called melanocytes which are cells found in the skin, eye, inner ear (where they are believed to have a role in hearing) and certain internal tissues (meninges , heart, digestive system etc…).
Origin and definition of the term melanin
Etymologically, the word melanin comes from the Greek word ''melanos'' which means black. Nevertheless, the use of the term “black” dates back to the time of ancient Egypt, long before the destruction of its cultural heritage during the Greek invasion. At that time, the word ''black'' was referred to as ''KM'', one of the oldest names in Egypt being ''Kemet''. In the symbolism "kemite", the black color had a divine character; moreover our "Kemet" ancestors attached such exclusive importance to their complexion that the 32nd of their 42 principles was the formal prohibition to anyone to modify it. the complexion.
Following a study carried out by American anthropologists, it was shown that the species Homo sapiens (or modern man) to which we all belong, has existed for at least 200,000 years and is native to West Africa. the East, the White Man would have only begun to exist 8,000 years ago. Excavations in Africa: Ethiopia from 1992 to 1994 unearthed the oldest hominid skeleton known to date, named Ardi and 4.4 million years old, which reveals how much the black man is old on the planet.
This implies that our ancestors all had at the base a very dark black complexion allowing them to protect themselves from the strong rate of sunshine which prevailed at that time.
Subsequently, there was a mass displacement of most of these Africans not only in the rest of Africa, but also towards Europe, Asia, or America, these last three continents being on the other hand characterized by a low level of sunshine.
There are three types of melanin: eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin.»
Eumelanin is the most common type of melanin. It is brown to black in color. Its power to protect against damage caused to the epidermis by ultraviolet rays is total. It is found in people of brown, black hue, called melanoderms.

Real Jesus and his disciples: Blacks.
Jesus was a Hebrew, the Hebrews were of course black and were originally described as such

White replica: Fake: Virgin and Jesus bleached: Chartres Cathedral

Jesus raises Lazarus.4th century fresco. Catacomb of the Latin Way, Rome

2 popes: Benoit 16 and François 1er praying in front of the painting of the Virgin and Jesus in a Vatican chapel. (2013)
Every well-informed black must have pondered that church leaders must know that the Hebrews were black, therefore Jesus was black. How can they wisely describe them as white? The reasons are obviously complicated and racist, but here is how the Pope privately deals with this issue.

Virgin and Jesus: Notre Dame du Puy Cathedral, Le Puy en Velay (Haute Loire)

JJesus was not white and here is why it matters:
Historically, white Jesus was invented and used to oppress people of color and erase their history

Real black Jesus and the Virgin: Chartres Cathedral
The albinos in their lies say that the reasons why the statues of old cathedrals are black: it is not that the person portrayed is black, but the real cause is the smoke and soot accumulated over the years which has changed their color white in black.- Chartres Cathedral in France carried out a restoration which included the Black Madonna from the 1500s. A plaque in the cathedral says they have decided to remove the ugly layer of the 16th century wooden icon. - The problem is that it's a big lie. First of all the use of candles for 500 years near the icon would not make it black, certainly darker but not blackened. No need to be a detective, a cursory examination of the statue reveals it was lacquered black. They replicated it white (left image)

Moses and the Hebrews Crossing the Red Sea Pursued by Pharaoh

Christ and his apostles

Black Madonna and Jesus: Poland

Pope Gregory I 540-604. Until 1650 before the whites seized the direction of the catholic church all the popes were black

Moses and the burning bush
Therepheomelaninis lighter in color (yellow to red) than eumelanin and is believed to be responsible for coloring red hair, blond hair and blue eyes, white skin. Its UV absorption power is lower than that of eumelanin, so it protects less well against the damage caused by them. It could also degrade into carcinogenic compounds under the action of UV rays. It is found in people with white complexion or leucodermas
Eumelanin and pheomelanin come from the activity of melanocytes which are the skin cells that synthesize melanin.
Thereneuromelaninis a type of melanin present in the human brain, in the black substance which owes its name to it; Unlike the melanins that color the skin, hair and eyes, it does not come from the activity of melanocytes but from the activity of the pineal gland, located in the brain”2. About this neuromelanin, which the brain of blacks is rich in, leucoderma scientists say that it is a useless waste, but is it not thanks to this substance that black children have more developed cognitive functions than their white counterparts ( observations of the anthropologist leucoderma Margaret Meade) and that blacks are experiencing greater development in the artistic, sporting, scientific, cultural field......
" Role of melanin
Vitamin D is produced exclusively by exposure to the sun. The primary function of vitamin D is to allow the fixation of calcium in the bones. This is possible thanks to the action of melanin which, by absorbing the UV rays of the sun through the skin, allows the production of this vitamin. This action is impossible in skins devoid of melanin because they reflect the sun (white skins), hence a calcium deficiency in leucodermas often compensated by a calcium nutritional intake..
Melanin is mainly used to protect our body and also our skin from the devastating effects of ultraviolet radiation (and atoms that are free radicals), thus preventing us from: premature aging of the DNA of our skin cells, loss of its elasticity, early appearance of wrinkles and lines of expression, risks of cancer, etc. These are the pigments that give color to our skin, our hair, our body hair and the iris of our eyes; they are also found in the stria vascularis of our inner ear and in our brain.
In addition, animals also have them in theirfeathersor theirfur, the same is true forplants.
Melanin is present in the atmosphere and the cosmos (we are talking here about cosmic melanin)
On the other hand, recent research suggests that melanin could play a protective role other than photoprotection. Melanin is able to effectively ligate metal ions through its carboxylate and phenolic hydroxyl groups, in many cases much more efficiently than the powerful chelating ligand ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA). Thus, it can serve to sequester potentially toxic metal ions, thereby protecting the rest of the cell. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the degradation of neuromelanin observed in Parkinson's disease is accompanied by an increase in iron levels in the brain.» (3)
As we said aboveit is a type of melanin present in the deep parts of the human brain, in the substantia nigra which owes its name (negra). In the brain of blacks, it would be present in 12 places, while in the brain of whites it would be found in 2 places. It plays a major role in the functions of the nervous system; it is an antioxidant that can prevent cell damage. It acts as a semiconductorincreasing nerve impulse velocity, it can function as an electrochemical transducer to transform physical stimuli into neural activity. In sum, this dark matter in the brain is a highly sensitive sensory motor network.The amount of neuromelanin in the nervous system is determined by genes. It is not said that neuromelanin levels cannot change in individuals;drugs, chemical medicines, old age can cause its deterioration. Melanin and neuromelanin begin to play their role since embryogenesis (formation of the embryo). Neuromelanin is genetically programmed to function at a different capacity depending on a person's genetic ability to produce melanin;This means that a very tinted melanoderm will produce more neuromelanim. Highly melanin substantia nigra of the brain produces more advanced psychomotor development in these individuals. White scientists say this substance is waste.
Unlike Caucasians, African descendants have fewer Parkinson's diseases, fewer other degenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis, myocardial infarction, rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis, fractures, and in general an incidence reduction in cancer, the effects of old age are much less evident in blacks. Diseases existing in Caucasians are much less common or even non-existent in Blacks. Psychic, nervous and mental disorders are significantly more common in leucoderma than in melanoderma.
The preponderant effects of melanin on the mental and the physical
During the night, the pineal gland releases a hormone, melatonin, into the blood, which controls the production of melanin in the body. The pineal gland, the only light-sensitive structure inside the head, is part of a chain of glands (including the pituitary gland, thyroid) that run from the crown of the head, the middle of the forehead, to descend along the spine. It is connected to the other glands, as well as to the melanin of the skin and of the whole body, through the intermediary of calcium and vitamin D” (9); The 1st function of vitamin D is to promote the absorption of calcium and to help the fixation of the latter on the bones
“The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which activates the pituitary gland to release HSM. (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone). It is in the melanocytes that melanin is produced. During the night, the pineal gland releases a hormone called melatonin into the blood, which controls the production of melanin in the body. Thus, melanin perfects the nervous system so that the messages emitted by the brain reach the rest of the body more quickly in melanoderms (blacks) than in leucoderms (whites); this is the reason why the abundance of these pigments in people with dull to dark skin predisposes them to perform better physically and psychologically. (10) .“This is precisely why black children crawl, sit, walk and show more advanced cognitive abilities than leucoderma children, their IQ is higher. A study was carried out on children from all regions of the world aged 0 to 24 months. The purpose of the study was to determine if there was a genetic link to the abilities of people living on the planet. To the surprise of European observers, the African child dominated his Caucasian counterpart in every respect. The following results, on average, were obtained:
Babies; -
- Head firmly held, looking at examiner's face: Black child: 2 days White child: 8 weeks
- Support yourself while sitting and watch your reflexes in the mirror: Black child: 7 weeks White child: 20 weeks
– Age when he knew his name: Black child: 8 months White child: 14 months.
- Age at which child could use three or more words: Black child: 10 months White child: 12 months
- Walking alone: Black child: 11 months White child: 15 months
- Standing against the mirror: Black child: 5 months White child: 9 months.
The conclusion of this study and other comparative studies, involving black and white children from Africa, Europe and America, was that the African child is significantly more advanced than the white child until at least less than two years. After this period, the company intervenes in a new dimension of values and intelligence. And if these new values and these new dogmas are not in harmony with the natural qualities and the culture of the child, he finds himself trapped in the genes without manifesting himself fully. Poor diet also plays a large part in an individual not being able to manifest all of his natural, God-given qualities." (11) These observations of child development are made daily by nursery staff black and white babies.
On the other hand, in an experiment conducted with indigenous Australians, black Melanesian Island children and white Anglo-Saxon children in the United States, the famous anthropologist Margaret Meade revealed that the "memory bank" of black children was greater and their exceptional "instant recall capacity" of memory. She, like most renowned researchers, concluded that black children have a deeper memory bank and therefore a higher IQ than their European and American counterparts; they attributed this great phenomenon to “neuro-melanin” – a product responsible for the black color in the brain.
Melanoderms have a wider hearing range than Caucasians, especially at low frequencies. Furthermore, it turns out that thecolorof the'irisis a crucial sign of the degree of pigmentation in the body; on the other hand, the blacker it is, the more it gives its holderhearing facultiesmorehigh.
On the other hand, the pineal gland being oftencalcifiedin the majority of leucodermas, melanin isweaklyproduced. “When white people mutated to their current condition, they developed a bony substance, calcium, on their pineal gland, thus limiting them to a minimal amount of melanin, their pineal gland is not functional. Melanin is what makes people human, it connects them to the creative forces of the universe. » (11)
This calcification of their pineal gland explains their problem ofbone densitycausing trouble forosteoporosis(i.e. a diecalcification of their bones) more common amongmenopausal womenwhite than among Africans. Moreover, according to the studies of Dr.Carol Barnes, therepineal calcificationhit5To15%of theafrican,15To25%of theAsians, and 60To80%of thewestern.
Besides,melaninis aenergy transmission channelto allsensory receptorswhat are the eye (vision), the ear (hearing), the vocal cords (voice), the tongue (taste), the nose (smell), the skin (in blacks it is smoother, softer, more elastic, above all ages less quickly). Hearing and sight problems are much more common in leucoderms than in melanoderms, especially when they get older. Melanin influences thegravity, I'balance, theremuscular massand thecoordinationof themovements: this is why melanoderms are in essence the best dancers, the best athletes, etc… (French team during the 2018 football world cup)
In view of the above, it is clear thatmelanin is the chemical element of lifeand that the use of products and methods aimed at depigmenting us will therefore only have the effect of weakening it or exposing it to cancer, not without diminishing us physically and intellectually.Being black is therefore neither more nor less than a real blessing.
Pineal gland and consciousness
The pineal gland (small gland the size of a grain of rice and which is located between the 2 cerebral hemispheres, this gland can reach the size of the thumb in blacks) is energetically supplied with energy by the crown chakra or crown chakra, which is at the top of the skull.- The pineal gland is the transmitter-receiver center of telepathic waves-. Of our 7 chakras, this chakra is the one with the highest vibratory rate. It fuels our spirituality, our mind, our nervous system. It links us to the divine, to the higher cosmic forces.
“Because of its location at the top of the skull, the crown chakra is closely linked to the brain and the entire nervous system.
The crown chakra is associated with transcending our limitations, whether personal or tied to time and space. This is where the paradox becomes the norm, where what seems opposite becomes one. The quality of consciousness that comes with the crown chakra is universal, transcendent.
As we are immersed in the energy of the crown chakra, we experience a state of blissful union with all that is, a state of spiritual ecstasy. This chakra allows access to higher clarity and enlightened wisdom, it strongly influences our personal development. Some describe this chakra as a doorway to the cosmic self or the divine self, to universal consciousness. It is linked to the infinite, to the universal. The crown chakra or coronal chakra, seventh chakra and located in the center of the top of the head, if it influences our relationship with the supernatural and spirituality, it is above all the source of deep inner peace and joy. to live proper to those who manage to find the perfect harmony between their body, their spirit and the constant movement of the world and the cosmos” (21) This explains the much higher level of spirituality, wisdom, empathy among the blacks than in whites, the vast majority of whom have calcified pineal glands. This has a strong negative impact on their depraved morals and their predatory, destructive, strongly materialistic morality, without scruples for the nature they enslave and destroy and the humans they exploit without conscience.
How Races Differ Due to Melanin
A Japanese scientist has shown that inside melanocytes (skin pigment cells where melanin is produced) there are tiny pockets called melanosomes that contain melanin. The four stages in the maturation of these pockets are what explain the differences rTocials:
- Stage 1: The melanosome is empty and lacks the necessary material to make melanin.
- * Stage 2: The melanosome has the material to make melanin, but it is empty of melanin.
- * Stage 3: The material is there and the melanosome is half full of melanin.
- *Stage 4: The material is there and the melanosome is completely filled with melanin. Whites mostly have stages 1 and 2, while all colored people have melanin with blacks having more stage 4 than 3. Latinos and Asians have more stage 3 than 4.
Properties of melanin
# Melanin is the chemical key to life.
# Melanin is a key ingredient in the DNA of genes and protects the DNA nucleus.
# Melanin plays a central role in controlling all physical and mental activity.
# Melanin granules are "central computers" and can analyze and trigger bodily reactions and unrelated reactions in the brain.
# Melanin is an antioxidant that destroys free radicals (which are a major factor in aging).
# Melanin delays aging and reduces senility, senility-related diseases
# Melanin makes the skin look youthful and wrinkle-free by protecting it from the harmful effects of sunlight. The darker your skin, the less it ages. The reverse is true for lighter skin; clearer skin ages and wrinkles faster. This is why white people have wrinkled skin in their 40s or earlier, while black people often have smooth, unwrinkled skin, even in very old age.
The absence of melanin (neuromelanin) is directly linked to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of melanin is directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system.
Wouldn't it be the absence or insufficiency of melanin (especially neuromelanin) in leucoderms that makes them so egocentric, aggressive, destructive of everything, of nature, of other races by massacres and genocides, in order to serve their desires? basely material, and which makes them lack spirituality, empathy, sensitivity?
Wide range of tones, high and low sounds, The melanin present in the vocal cords of blacks makes singing melodious, powerful and rhythmic.
In addition, melanin influences thegravity, I'balance, theremuscular massand thecoordinationof themovements: this is why melanoderms are essentially the best dancers, the best athletes.
Very advanced psycho-motor development in small blacks.
American Simone Bilesgreatest gymnast of all time25 medals including 19 gold-2021. Born March 14, 1997 in Columbus (Ohio) and four-time Olympic champion. She is nicknamed The GOAT which means the greatest of all time (The Greatest Of All Times)
Tiger Woods a black who excelled in a sport popular with whites: golf. 106 world victories, 15 major titles. he revolutionized the world of golf with his sporting results and by attracting a new audience.
Tiger Woods has the best winning percentage in PGA Tour history.
Eldrick Tont Woods, better known as Tiger Woods, born December 30, 1975 in California, is an American golfer born to a Thai mother and an African-American father. He is one of the greatest golfers of all time and one of the most popular sportsmen of the early 21st century. Winner of 15 major tournaments.
KASSAV Group. Tribute to Jacob Desvarieux
Usain Bolt born August 21, 1986 is a Jamaican athlete, specialist in sprint events. He is widely regarded as the greatest sprinter of all time
Among the most successful athletes in the history of the Olympic Games in sprint with eight gold medals, he is the most successful in the history of the world championships with eleven victories. He is the first athlete to simultaneously hold world records in the 100m, 200m and 4×100m, the only athlete to retain two individual sprint titles in three consecutive Olympiads, and the only athlete to break three world records during the same Olympiad. From the 2008 Olympics to the 2016 Olympics, Usain Bolt won nineteen Olympic and world titles in twenty-one events.
Joseph Bologna Chevalier de Saint George - Violin Concertos
Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de St Georges (1739-1799) was a great musician (composer, violinist, conductor) and French fencer, foil virtuoso; Born in Guadeloupe (in Baillif) natural child of a slave and Georges de Bologne de Saint-Georges, a rich white planter. Mozart jealous him but was inspired by St George in his musical compositions. He was called the Black Mozart, an insult to the one Mozart copied (Mozart died at 35, De St Georges at 53) In 1802, when slavery was restored, his pieces were simply expelled from the musical repertoire. To this day this great black musician is totally unknown to the public.(ref chap: Black inventors of the site)
Lewis Hamilton Racing Driver
A black man who excelled in a sport popular with whites: Formula 1. he is, to date, the driver who has won the most victories on different circuits: 103 victories, Ie most successful driver.
Sir Lewis Hamilton was born on January 7, 1985 in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England, his grandfather was from the island of Grenada in the Caribbean. Lewis Hamilton is a British racing driver, seven times champion of the Formula 1 world in 2008, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. With these seven titles,he is, to this day, the pilot who arwon the most victories on different circuits:103 wins; the most successful pilot. In 2008 he became the youngest world champion in Formula 1 history.
A member of the Order of the British Empire since his 2008 world title, Lewis Hamilton was elevated to the rank of Knight (KBE), knighted by Queen Elizabeth II on December 31, 2020. He was officially knighted by Prince Charles at the Château de Windsor on December 15, 2021.
The absence of melanin (neuromelanin) is directly related to the dysfunction of the central nervous system while the presence of melanin (neuromelanin)is directly associated with the proper functioning of the central nervous system.
Wouldn't it be the absence or insufficiency of melanin (especially neuromelanin) in leucoderms that makes them so egocentric, aggressive, destructive of everything, of nature, of other races by massacres and genocides, in order to serve their desires? basely material, and which makes them lack spirituality, empathy, sensitivity?
# Melanin has a connection with religion and spirituality, as our ancestors discovered. Africans communicate with the spiritual world when they sleep. It happens naturally. It's the same as when you dream. The third eye or pineal gland, (inner eye) is the eye that serves to give us vision, spirituality, dreams and necromancy. This eye produces a hormone called melatonin daily. The relationship between humans and melatonin is certainly not new. The revelations of the Bible and the Torah have all been inspired by people with a high amount of melanin.
# A person can go a whole week without drinking water, and two weeks without eating. Once there is a food shortage in our internal system, melanin, well known as the soul, activates and takes control. YAHUSHUA, the Christ, went 40 days without food, and walked in the desert under a blazing sun, that means he must have had a very high spirituality, a very powerful soul/melanin to regulate his internal system. This proves that this brother was unquestionably an African.
The physical qualities of melanin described above represent only a fraction of its capabilities. In the spiritual realm, the scope of melanin is very extensive; so extensive that its real potential has not yet been understood by man.
#Melanin is what makes human beings God-like, and gain godly spiritual power and awareness. Perhaps this is why ancient Africans believed that we are made in the image of God, with the power and ability to live in harmony with nature.
Melanin is also present in every corner of nature. The galaxies, the sea, the soil and food, and the wombs of our mothers all manifest the presence of this complex chemical. Melanin is also present in our internal system and in all parts of our body; heart, liver, muscles, nerves, intestines and 12 places in our brain; in the leucoderma it would be present in 2 places of the brain. It is indeed our mothers who give us melanin once we are in the womb. What many people don't realize is that melanin is also linked to fertility.Those with pigmented skin have the highest melanocyte counts in the genitals and nipples. » (12)
“It is common knowledge that people with pale skin, after death, should be buried within two to three days because of their massive decomposition. Scientists say that people with pigmented cells regenerate at a steady rate and can last five to ten days longer. » (13)
“The spiritual dimension of melanin gives us the possibility of:
1- Reach a higher level of consciousness. Melanin sharpens our psychological awareness, while giving us a deeper understanding of life,
2- Maintain a humorous disposition. Melanin has a mild sedative effect, keeping us calm and collected unlike leucodermas; generates in us compassion for ourselves and others, and helps to keep us in tune with the environment and the music. Blacks live in harmony with their environment, respect Nature, flora, fauna, kill an animal only for the need to feed and ask forgiveness before.
3- Naturally intoxicate our senses. Melanin can induce an altered state of consciousness, making us feel good, without the need for "drugs",
4- Use a greater percentage of our brain. It's a known fact that most people in leucodermas use about 10% of their brains; because their thought is generally concentrated on the left hemisphere. However, with the gift of (neuro)melanin, we are able to make use of both hemispheres.
This is why we must continue our crusade to decolonize the minds of the original genetic model (Black people), to see through the nonsense propagated by White people in order to make themselves important and continue to dominate us. Total ignorance can be fought with knowledge. In a nutshell, black people, as the original genetic model, are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet. »(14)
Thanks to the presence of melanin in our brain (neuromelanin) we have a mode of functioning, of thought which differs from that of white people, how to explain this? Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each hemisphere of the brain: the Left, then the Right. Whites would be 80% left-brained, Blacks would work with both left and right brains.
"Characteristics of the brain LEFT.For 80% of people in Western societies, the left brain is dominant. The left brain is the brain of reason.No creativityIt is logical, Cartesian, sequential (it processes only one piece of data at a time) and specific.
For the left brain, a question = an answer. It works in binary, which means there's only one way to do things.
Main Disadvantages
- The school system is very oriented towards this model and all our social conditioning pushes us to operate in this way.
- The major drawback is that a dominant left brain stifles our creativity and prevents us from finding solutions to global problems. Indeed, the left brain is a specific brain.
- The left brain is mono-task so its capacities of assimilation and attention are limited.
- Main Benefits
- Being single-task is practical for staying focused on the present moment and not getting too dispersed.
- The left brain allows us to organize ourselves, to plan things and therefore to effectively achieve specific goals.
- It greatly facilitates social integration since the majority of (Western) people operate on this wiring.
The characteristics of the right brain
The right brain is the seat of intuition, creativity, imagination, emotions and dazzling thought. It works much more powerfully than its left colleague. People who have the dominant right brain can have problems integrating into society and can experience their difference badly.
The first thing is that the right brain thinks in a tree structure. As a result, he explores several avenues at the same time and has a global vision of things.
Then, the senses are more developed (hyperesthesia) and can sometimes mix with each other (synesthesia). That's why some people see numbers or words in color, for example.
The emotions of the dominant right brains are also more intense, they have a greater sensitivity and have a very great empathy, that is to say that they manage to literally feel the emotions of others..
The main advantages:
- - the right hemisphereallows us to make decisions quickly and generate a lot of solutions. Tree-like thinking allows you to see things as a whole and quickly get out of a problem
- -this brain likes complexity, it is possible to be multitasking and to deepen several subjects at the same time
- -a great creativity and a great sensitivity which is perfectly suited to artistic professions
- -an excellent sense of observation and detail thanks to the developed senses.
- -a freed and independent thought, one does not easily fit into molds and one is more apt to think for oneself. » (15)
In view of these explanations of the functioning of the left and right brains, you understand why the black child who knows a faster development than the small white until the age of 2 years; age at which he enters the Western school system which forces him to function only with his left brain, often has difficulty integrating into this system which does not make him use the capacities of his right brain, and which in the end account is not made for him..
Another very important observation relating to the right brain, As it was specified previously it allows ugreat creativity and sensitivitywhich is ideal for artistic professions. You know that all the western singers that they are called among others Elvis Presley, nicknamed '' the king of rock nd roll '' and rewarded by Nixon, the Beatles who were decorated by the Queen of England etc, have all inspired by black American singers to compose their songs which are often only replicas of these black singers, the French singer Johnny Halliday who died in January 2018, and who was entitled to an almost national funeral did not create a single of his hits, all are plagiarisms of Black American singers: Chubby Checker, Chuck Berry (dead in the shadows) among others. How sad ! And it goes on, where is Western creativity? Could neuromelamine deficiency be the cause?
A hospital center nurse pointed out to me that her department organized separate groups of black and white children, they were given nothing to occupy them; it was found that the groups of white children were complaining, shouting '' we are bored, we have nothing to do '' while the groups of black children were busy, creating with each other games using their hands, feet. Could neuromelamine deficiency in small leucodermas be the cause of this lack of creative spirit?
We fight among ourselves without knowing why. the Caucasians came to enslave us, and converted some of us into their various religious and political ideologies, and after more than 1500 years, we are still influenced by their corrupt institutions. This heritage can only be broken by knowing our history (past) and by acquiring self-knowledge, therefore the knowledge of melanin. “Why are institutions corrupt? Corrupted, because none of the great religions of the world originated in Africa; the foundations of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc., all originated in Africa, especially in the Nile Valley (Egypt).Melanin is indeed the key to our spirituality.African spirituality, which has existed since our creation, began to worship God, and admire the beauty and complexity of the universe, melanin is the only key to our survival. Our ancestors mastered the sciences of the cosmos, and spirituality at a high level. » (16)
You should know that the leucoderma has existed for about 8000 years, the Black would have been among the 1st inhabitants of the planet and all the cultures that have existed on the earth would be black cultures that were destroyed by natural, major cataclysms; the last civilization to date was that of the Atlanteans (Atlantis 11,600 years ago) which was very advanced (there was also Lemuria), it had a very high technology having nothing to do with the current one and who would be at the origin of the construction of the pyramids in Egypt whose construction remains unexplained to this day.
Melanin theorist Carol Barnes writes in her book Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness:Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, and justice. Individuals (white) with low levels of melanin in the brain will behave barbaric. Melanin gives man the ability to FEEL as he absorbs all energy frequencies. Because white people have the least melanin, they are seen by people of color as generally rigid, insensitive (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and "unspiritual."
"Whites attribute their reproductive failure to behavioral or societal reasons. However, the reason is more biological.BMany people don't realize that the sun sterilizes white people. The lack of melanin or pigment makes white people vulnerable to photolysis: photolysis is a breakdown of chemical bonds due to the radiant energy of light (so also the sun). This is the real reason behind the low Caucasian birth rates.
The breakdown of folate or folic acid in the blood is essential for cell replication and reproduction. The fertility problems experienced are not behavioral but biological and do not seem to be able to be controlled. Folate levels drop by up to 50% when whites are exposed to sunlight, and even those from tanning salons. -Vitamin B9 or folic acid (also called folate) is essential for cell renewal as well as for the development of the fetus in the event of pregnancy-.
Melanin is present early in life: A melanin sheath covers both the sperm and the egg. In the human embryo, melanocytes (skin pigment cells), brain and nerve cells all come from the same place; the neural crest (in the embryo: cells which are at the origin of the melanocytes, and most of the neurons of the peripheral nervous system). Melanocytes resemble nerve cells and are essential for transmitting energy.
The absent or insufficient melanin in the ectoderm of the early embryo (blastula), acts on the good progress of the pregnancy and the deficiency of this pigment in the genital organs of the leucoderms will cause fertility problems. It is increasingly common for leukoderma women to be forced to resort to treatments to improve their fertility and have a viable pregnancy. Melanoderms are less affected by these problems, due to higher melanin levels in the fetus and in their genitals.
With regard to the metabolization of vitamin D: The primary function of vitamin D is to promote the absorption of calcium and to help in the fixation of the latter on the bones. White people have the lowest bone density of anyone on the planet, probably because of the climate where they live. Vitamin D is produced by exposure to the sun. Skin is believed to convert sunlight into vitamin D because of 7-dehydrocholesterol. of provitamin D3). However, white people reflect sunlight, and the body compensates by depleting calcium from their bones. This makes white people more susceptible to kidney stones than any other race of people. The depletion of bone mass is responsible for their low bone density.It is widely accepted that black people have the strongest bones of any individual on the planet, from childhood to old age.» (17)
Science and everyday observation tell us that white people have a very low tolerance for the sun. Too much sun and they get “sunburn”. If it goes on too long, they develop skin cancer. But the Sun is the source of energy not only for the Earth, but for the whole solar system, all the galaxies in the Universe need the sun. Plants need the sun to grow, humans need the sun to be healthy, even the weather depends on the sun. So how could a naturally evolved human on planet Earth not “tolerate” the sun well? In fact, “naturally evolved humans” tolerate the sun very well. They do this with the "melanin" that their body produces in their skin to protect them from the harmful rays of the Sun - They are the black and brown people of the Earth.
About the eyes, blue eyes due to lack of melanin in the iris are more sensitive to sunlight, they don't process light and produce vision as effectively as eyes brown. Also, numerous studies have shown that people with light-colored eyes, such as blue, green, and hazel, are more vulnerable to hearing damage than people with black or brown eyes.
“There is a link between the sun, melanin and certain diseases such as skin cancer, herpes etc. Pale people are most vulnerable to skin diseases due to the lack of melanin to protect them from the sun's harmful rays. AIDS and some drug-related illnesses present in the African community worldwide are said to be the invention of the white man. AIDS and herpes viruses are activated by ultraviolet light. The composition of drugs such as heroin and crack, which are all synthetic drugs, have an element that is very much related to melanin; as soon as this element meets the viruses of herpes and AIDS, a bond is formed, a very strong and unbreakable alliance. This explains the devastating effects of drugs on black people»(18)
"In her book 'The Chemical Key to Black Greatness', Carol Barnes, the American biochemist, describes melanin as "a civilizing chemical that acts as a sedative to help the black human remain calm, relaxed, caring, creative, energetic and civilized”. Research has also revealed that melanin allows black skin to actively interact with the sun to produce vitamin D from a biochemical, 7-dehydrocholesterol. The study also detected that, melanin has spiritual as well as physical dynamics, as it acts as a sensory “receiver” and “transmitter”; to communicate with the cosmic energy fields in the vast universe by converting light energy into sound energy and vice versa. Dr. Richard King, MD said that "melanin, through its ability to capture light and hold it in memory, reveals that darkness transforms light into knowing."
With all of this information, we can clearly see that melanin is ESSENTIAL for the efficient performance of all of the body's natural functions. It seems a little ironic that white people consider themselves genetically superior and advocate white supremacy. There is nothing superior about a genetic defect. White skin is a form of mutated albinism. The doll test, where it was reported that white children and black children prefer WHITE dolls, reveals ignorance 'due to centuries of brainwashing'.
This is why we must continue our crusade to decolonize the minds of the original genetic template (Blacks) in order to see through the nonsense propagated by Whites to dominate us. Total ignorance can be fought with knowledge. A more recent tactic used by white people to reassure themselves is the "implicit association test". They figured out a way to make it seem like white people are supposed to be the most desirable people on the planet and everyone around them wants to be like them (eg the blonde with blue eyes). This is real nonsense because the blonde with blue eyes is the typical case of OCA2 type albinism as we will see in the chapter: albinism, creation of white.In a nutshell, black people, being the original genetic model, are the only completely NORMAL people on the planet..Always remember these points, and you should never have to lower your head to leucodermas. All phenotypes (The phenotype is the set of visible characteristics of a person: color of thehair, eyes, ear or nose shape, height, blood type) exist within the black family. Asians are just the descendants of their ancestors who were a slant-eyed black African tribe. White people are the albinos of specific groups of Africans and have inherited phenotypes from these people. It has been said that their phenotypes were originally their own and if you see people of African descent with these characteristics, they inherited them from white people. Nothing could be further from the truth.Blacks are the genetic parents. Remember, white people can't reproduce anything other than themselves or reproduce genetic material that they don't have: melanin. Therefore, they cannot reproduce black skin, but black skin can reproduce white skin and all other human genders.
It should also convince you that all the great civilizations of antiquity were started by us. White people with their recessive genes and ill-refined reproductive systems couldn't have lasted that long, besides they are disappearing faster" (19) now and only make up 8% to 10% of the world's population as they were 32, then 25%. Their population is dramatically ageing. About the birth rate, Leucodermas are currently below the replacement rate which is 2.1 children for a couple; in France it drops to 1.8; in other European countries this rate is even lower, 1.25 in Spain and even in certain Asian countries eg: South Korea and Japan 1.4; While in Africa the young population is dominant, vivacious despite all the means that the leucoderms use to make us disappear (AIDS, Ebola and other diseases created in their laboratories) If we are here and standing tall, it is still thanks to our melanin. The average age in Europe was 43 in 2019, In Africa the average age is 18.
Genetically deficient genes provide ABSOLUTELY NO benefit in the wild, in tropical climates, temperate climates OR cold northern climates.
Black people, as the original genetic template, are the only fully NORMAL people on the planet. Whites are albinos (recessive genetic abnormalities) and other ethnicities are just mixtures”
The black human race
The Three Phenotypes of the Intrinsically Black Human Race
All human phenotypes and all human genotypes are black and African in nature and origin.
The human race has three main phenotypes: Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid.
The genotype of an organism is made up of the inherited instructions it carries in its genome. In the human race, the natural coloration of each of the three phenotypes is ALWAYS dark/black: Except in cases where there is a genetic defect. The most common genetic defect in each of the three human genotypes is albinism.
The mixture of black phenotypes and albino phenotypes results in the Mulatto world phenotypes (for lack of a better descriptor).
Note that for every facial feature or body type that we have learned to consider White (European), or Chinese (Mongolian), there is an original and much older Black version.
Colorations, such as blond hair or blue eyes, are also black and are a function of albinism.
Obviously, Europeans and Mongols (the yellow ones) have very little genetic diversity. Indeed, Europeans and Mongols are both derived from a single type of black human (for the most part). The Europeans are mainly the Albinos of the Dravidians of India (Black Indians of South India). And the Chinese (Mongols) are a mulatto race composed of the phenotype of the Blacks of Mongolian East Africa (San, Himba, slant-eyed tribes) and their Albinos.
To sum up: blacks are the original human species, whites and yellows are subspecies derived from this human species” (41)
The Three Phenotypes of the Intrinsically Black Human Race

Caucasoid phenotype

Negroid phenotype

Mongoloid phenotype
Grandmother and her granddaughter San: people of the Kalahari desert and South Africa. The San are the genetically oldest people on the planet.
“The pineal gland, a small gland the size of a grain of rice located between the 2 hemispheres of the brain, plays an essential role in the production of melanin: it can reach the size of the thumb in blacks. This gland needs sunlight to secrete melanin (neuromelanin); Melanin which itself is transformed into 2 other hormones which are serotonin and melatonin. When black people spend too much time indoors or are exposed to too much artificial light they tend to suffer from depression. A polluted environment, too much noise, disadvantaged social situations and mood swings, lack of physical exercise, an acidic body, junk food, synthetic drugs and computers, cell phones slow down the functioning of the pineal gland and thereby decrease the production of neuromelanin, because this gland is deprived of sunlight.Neuromelanin is secreted by the pineal gland, the pineal stimulates the growth of brain gray matter which plays an important role in cognitive functions.Therefore, a pineal that is not stimulated in children will cause them cognitive problems when they are adults.
Blacks have the highest amount of melanin in the brain (neuromelanin), than any other people.By causing superconductivity, melanin allows messages to pass quickly without anything getting in their way, it allows the brain to store more information and function at a high level..
The functions of melanin in the body and brain are reduced by corticosteroids (anti-inflammatories), stimulants (cocaine, caffeine, etc.), antidepressants and artificial light.
The pineal is involved in the functioning of the glands: hypothalamus, the pituitary gland which secretes ovarian stimulation hormones, sperm and egg production hormones. As a result, a black man with an unstimulated pineal gland, who uses drugs or eats junk food will reduce the functions of his pineal gland and will therefore have reproductive problems: genitals, sperm production, female fertility, production of progesterone...... The melanin produced by the pineal also helps in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that synchronizes the body's rhythm (circadian rhythm) The melanin produced by the pineal gland is converted into serotonin and then into melatonin. These hormones need darkness and sunshine to stabilize the body's rhythm. The lack of sunlight destabilizes the circadian rhythm causing seasonal depressions.In summary, neuromelanin synchronizes body functions, helps maintain circadian rhythm, stimulates milk secretion and uterine contractions, triggers puberty, increases brain electrical activity, regulates blood pressure, induces sleep, has a positive effect on the emotions and creates an effect of well-being and cheerfulness.The pineal gland manufactures alkaloids including serotonin which allows muscles to contract, allows the constriction of blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, has the ability to change consciousness (improvise other realities);consequently the high capacity to improvise is a characteristic of blacks in music, dance, theater, inventions, science, art, culture..._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d
Junk food and drugs impact the pineal gland. The pineal regulates levels of insulin and other hormones essential for mental and physical development and growth. In other words, an understimulated pineal will produce a low amount of neuromelanin and therefore this will have consequences on the cognitive functions of blacks. The melanin secreted by the pineal acts on the pituitary gland to produce a hormone called Oxytocin. Oxytocin stimulates uterine contraction during fetal birth. it is one of the main hormones that bind people together (mother and child, man and woman, friends).Blacks who have insufficient neuromelanin levels will have problems with unity, formation of positive groups and will destroy each other.
Serotonin and melatonin have a structure similar to other alkaloids, this promotes fusion with dangerous drugs such as crack, cocaine, ritalin, caffeine, codeine, morphine, mescaline etc. ...Blacks with their high degree of neuromelanin are twice as addicted to synthetic drugs as other races.
By adopting the cultural practices, the way of life (ways of thinking, habits...) of the Caucasians, their industrial food, their synthetic drugs, they cause genetic damage to their DNA, fall into abnormal psychological states and catch physical illnesses. These chemicals will spill into their bloodstream, throughout the body and damage any organ with a high amount of melanin (brain, sex organs, digestive system...). A low level of melanin will promote the action of free radicals which will cause tissue damage.A poor diet will decrease the amount of melanin in the brain and affect the mental faculties and cause physical and mental damage. »(22)
We have seen above the beneficial effects of melanin in blacks: performance in all areas: intellectual, physical, psychic, neurological, mental (anti-stress, anti-depressant), psychological, artistic, creativity. These performances, which cannot be equalized by a body without melanin, encourage leucoderms to seek out this precious substance which will help them to surpass themselves, to rejuvenate themselves: their skin, being inelastic, ages much faster than melanin skin. To do this for several years they have embarked on a business that would be controlled by the Jews: the theft of melanin. Stealing our melanin is said to be a common activity in Western countries. Know that a black body: especially a young black male can bring in between $6,000 and $260,000; it is a very juicy macabre activity. Dr. Yaffa Bey seems well documented on this subject. Melanin is found in all the organs and bones of blacks and as we have seen previously, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, nerves, eyes, cells for their reproduction; Melanin is a substance that can reorganize its chemical structure to absorb all energies: sun, X-rays, music, sound, radar, radio waves ..... so it is a wealth that leucoderms are looking for. Blacks are murdered to steal their melanin: In Haiti after the 2011 earthquake, in the USA after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, blacks belonging to gangs. The more developed pineal and pituitary glands in blacks produce growth hormone 100% superior to synthetic, Eyes, penis, bones, brain, skin, inside the body; any organ rich in melanin is good to take. Melanin could not be synthesized in the laboratory, so there would be a synthetic melanin made from real melanin but of lower quality than the natural extracted directly from corpses. Leucodermas inject melanin into the abdominal wall. Some funeral directors and cremation companies actively participate in this juicy market. When you are given the body of your beloved, know that everything has been taken: brain, penis, bones replaced by pipes, you are so sad that you are not going to examine the state of the corpse. When the cremation companies would give you the ashes or of a homeless person or an animal (Dr Yaffa Bey.com) We find that the depravity is the most total and without limit in the leucodermas who stop at nothing to do money and satisfy their self-centeredness. Alive They strip us and kill us to appropriate our civilizations, our cultures, our discoveries which they call theirs; when we are dead they seize our corpses to make a very fruitful trade with our melanin. Wouldn't it still be this lack of neuromelanin in their brain that makes them so inhuman?
The skin and hair of black slaves were used to make shoes, book covers
Let us always remember each time we pass in front of the large buildings, signs of pride of the followers of theKlu Klux Klanand other remaining racists that: Wall Street has roots in slavery, prestigious universities have roots in slavery…, America was built on the backs of African slaves. Here is an article that coldly says that the tanned skin of an African gives the most durable and supple leather there is.
Philadelphia News}
Mercury, Saturday morning March 17, 1888
I remember two or three years ago I went to an eminent doctor in this town who wore shoes made of nigger skin. He has always adhered to this custom, insisting that an African's tanned skin yields the most durable and supple leather available. I asked him :“Is the African still below your feet?” In a more real way, and without a shadow of a smile, he replied, “I guess you want to ask me if I always wear nigger-skin shoes. I certainly do, and I'm not suggesting changing in that regard until I find softer leather that will last longer and look better. I have no feelings about it.
Doctor's shoes always exhibit a particularly rich luster in their blackness. He assures me that they never hurt his feet. He gets the skins from the bodies of niggers that's been dissected in one of our great medical colleges. The best leather is obtained from the thighs. The soles are formed by placing several layers of leather together. The shoes are fashioned by a French cobbler in this town, who does not know the true character of the leather, but who often questions its exquisite softness and says it excels the finest French calfskin.
Don't think for a moment that this doctor is an exceptional case of using black human skin for practical use. Medical students frequently present a wide variety of items in which, the skin or bones of some dissected black dead, have been used exceptionally,
One of the most unworthy men in town has a safe topped with part of the skin of a beautiful young black woman discovered drowned in the Delaware River. It still retains its natural color. Another young man I know has a negro skin cigar. One of the most famous surgeons of this country and who resides in this city has a magnificent instrument completely covered in black African skin leather. A society young lady of this town has a nice pair of dark slippers, the remarkable lustrous appearance of the leather constantly excites the admiration of her friends when they see them., the skin is from a Negro corpse, dissected at Jefferson College , the rosettes on the slippers were skillfully shaped by the black hair of the negro. (https://agoraafrique.info/2018/04/08)

Negro skin shoes

Negro skin shoes
Chakras and Behaviors
By comparing behaviors, radically opposed ways of thinking in blacks and whites, I can't help but refer to the functioning of 2 chakras that are themselves opposed in us. We have 7 chakras; each of our chakras is linked to an emotional state. But it turns out that the 2 emotionally opposed chakras are: the root chakra which is at the bottom of our trunk and the crown chakra which is at the top of the skull. The root chakra represents feelings related to all things material and physical. A deficient (blocked) root chakra manifests as aggressiveness, feelings of insecurity, stress, anxiety: feelings created by Fear; These feelings are dominant in the leucoderma. The crown chakra is associated with higher consciousness (the Divine), spirituality, love, wisdom, understanding, sensitivity: dominant feelings in melanoderm.
Wouldn't these feelings be generated by the presence or deficiency of neuromelanin which would act on the functioning of these chakras through our emotions, because the functioning of our chakras is totally governed by our good or bad emotions?
"A lack of this substance in the brain of leucoderms (neuromelanin), is it responsible for the following facts?
All agree with the University of Calgary's assertion that Central Asian Dravidian albinos were 'excluded' from Asia by the Black Mongols: but WHY? No Asian text explains it, but the acts and behaviors of Albinos once they took over black Europe are probably well known.
Wherever they went they sowed destruction and death.
Europe: between 1066 and 1798, the Albinos launched about 170 major wars in Europe. The English Civil Wars and the "Thirty Years' Wars" in continental Europe were in fact "RACE" wars which led to the death or expulsion of almost all black Europeans from the northern hemisphere._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
As albinos spread across the planet, they slaughtered everyone they came into contact with.
In Australia and New Zealand, they committed genocide against Australians, Tasmanians and New Zealanders. Today, around 10% of Indigenous Australians are still alive (Aborigines); they were 90% slaughtered. But all the Tasmanians were wiped out. All New Zealanders are gone, but a population of Mulattoes still exists. The same is true for Hawaii: ALL of the native "black" Hawaiians are gone, but a small mulatto population still exists. The last of the Tasmanians, William Lanne or Laney, died in 1869. Dr Lodewyk Crowther removed his head in the name of science at the Colonial Hospital and made a tobacco pouch out of his scrotum.
In the Americas the massacre was even worse: Tens of millions of Native American Blacks and Indians were exterminated.
In 1492, when Christopher Columbus came to the Americas, around 145 million people lived there. In 1691 (less than 200 years later), the population of Native Americans had decreased by 90 to 95% (Incas, Aztecs, Mayas), or about 130 million people. The Incas in Peru were decimated at 95%, the Mayas and Aztecs in Mexico and Central America at 90%. They skilfully disseminated smallpox among these peoples by giving them blankets which had been used in Europe to wrap people suffering from this disease. machiavellianism ?(Genocide of Indigenous Peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The surviving 5-10% underwent interbreeding with the albino invaders and produced mestizos with lighter skin color than the 1st inhabitants of this continent.
In addition, they looted the Aztec, Inca, Maya temples...and took about 16 tons of gold and silver. This allowed them to start their pre-capitalist economy.
In Asia, no one seems to have reported the massacre of albinos, perhaps because the Mongols (the yellows, themselves mixed Albinos) also engaged in this inhumane behavior.
Even inAfrica, the Albinos attempted to carry out genocides in several African countries during the colonial period.
And when the Albinos had no black or pigmented people to massacre: they massacred each other through the European Wars (ex: world wars) and the colonial wars in order to appropriate the lands discovered by them.
There is no doubt that the Albinos of Europe killed more creatures - some to extinction, human and non-human - than any other Homo-sapiens.
Their partial toll - the people of Tasmania are now extinct. 90 million black and Mongolian Americans - mostly black - were killed in the conquest of the Americas. Millions of Africans were killed in Africa, fighting for their freedom and as a result of the transatlantic slave trade. And countless millions of black people in Europe were killed in the "race wars" falsely labeled "Catholic/Protestant religious wars", for them to take sovereignty from Europe.

Tasmanians: all slaughtered by albino invaders

Lynching and burning to death of a black youth Usa Nebraska Sep1919

The last Tasmanian William Laney died in 1869. Dr Lodewyk Crowther removed his head in the name of science at the Colonial Hospital and made a tobacco pouch out of his scrotum

Lynching and hanging of blacks: usa 1930

Tasmanian whites: ranching and farming on the lands of the Tasmanians they all slaughtered, they smile, they look happy.

Mountain of bison carcasses killed in the USA: to starve the Indians

After being castrated, his fingers, ears and toes were cut off, Then, Jesse Washington is burned alive and hanged on a tree (1916) .
Why European Albinos Want You to Think You're African
Two reasons:
1)To instill in you the concept of yourself: that you are primitive and incapable of accomplishing great things. Note that for hundreds of years the Albinos claimed that the ancient Egyptians were white - they still claim that the other great civilizations were white.
Note any anti-black media sources: the number one thing albinos say is that Africans are primitive, animalistic, have low IQs, and are incapable of achieving success. It's not true, but it's the Albino line.
2)To keep you from thinking and researching what really happened in Europe and the Americas:
Both are horrific cases of genocide against black people, committed by Albinos! » (31)
We have fallen into the trap because we are totally unaware that European civilizations are in fact civilizations built by blacks who came from Africa 45,000 years ago.
Should the awareness of his melanin help the black man no longer allow himself to be manipulated and degraded by the leucoderma and to free himself?
If the black wants to get out of this mental, social, economic, cultural slump in which the leucoderma has plunged him for centuries to better strip him and degrade him; he must believe in himself: RECOVER SELF-ESTEEM. For this: to know his story, that of his ancestors, to spread it in order to deny the lies fabricated by the leucoderma to belittle him, to safeguard his culture national, no longer be the rootless tree that it has been for centuries. So he must become aware of his melanin, understand that it is thanks to this pigment that he made all the cultures and world civilizations whose visual imprint is marked in the monuments that remain: solid ocular remains,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ witnesses of his work and his existence in Europe, Asia, Americas. Knowing well all the benefits brought by his melanin in the establishment of these world cultures: therefore his story, he must resist all brainwashing and subjugation that the leucoderma wants to impose on him by trickery, violence, lies. He must also know the psychology of the white totally opposite to his own and predatory as well of nature as of the black human being in order to satisfy his material instincts and his egocentrism.
He must organize the resistance: pan-African resistance both in Africa and in the diaspora, because anti-black racism is developing more and more everywhere in the world, as well among whites in Europe and America as among Asians and Arabs . The main cause would be the size produced by melanin; they feel as if it were a danger for them, because they cannot produce the performances that it gives to the black on the most known media levels: physical, sporting, musical. Their envy makes them fall into the need to harm us. They are racist, they do not want black skin but they are jealous of the performance due to its melanin.
In addition, you should know that happiness, the well-being of the mind are above all states of mind. White people are above all materialistic and egocentric. For him, to be happy is to have money, material which he can enjoy to satiety. But are we happy when we are fulfilled materially? The great malaise of Western societies where there is a lot of misunderstanding, divisions, where there is a lot of violence, crimes, shows that although it has completely stripped blacks and usurped their knowledge, their achievements and their possessions, it does not did not allow him to achieve a certain mental and spiritual comfort. Could the cause still be this deficiency in neuromelanin which deprives him of sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions?
I would add that I have a friend from Guadeloupe who is a personal development coach in the United States; her students in her classes are black and white: she tells me that the whites hang on, follow her lessons, come, come back, pay, eat; but she finds that it is difficult for them to understand and put into practice her teachings because they are mental, she tells me, whereas blacks are much more at ease, assimilate and react more quickly. '''We want to be happy tell him the whites''. But wouldn't it be the lack of this neuromelanin pigment in their brains that would be a handicap to their happiness?
In addition, leucodermas are addicted to cigarettes despite the warnings on the boxes to warn them of the mortal dangers of nicotine (melanoderma, less). It is known that people who are addicted to tobacco seek to compensate in cigarettes for a psychological malaise: anxiety, anguish, nervousness, fears, emotional lack... Could this malaise once again be due to this neuromelanin deficiency?
On the other hand you have noticed a development, especially in the USA, of mass murders with dozens of deaths; the perpetrators of these mass murders are almost always leucoderma. Again the deficiency in neuromelanin would it not be in question?
Mass shootings
From January to April 2022, there were 200 mass shootings in the USA, i.e. 1.6 shootings per day according to GVA.
As of September 1, 2019, which was the 244th day of the year, there had been 283 mass shootings in the United States, according to data from the non-profit Gun Violence Archive (GVA), which tracks every mass shooting in the country. The GVA defines a mass shooting as any incident in which at least four people were shot, excluding the shooter. The number of mass shootings across the United States so far in 2019 has exceeded the number of days. This makes 2019 the 1st year since 2016 that has an average of one mass shooting per day; but this year 2019 was surpassed by the year 2022 which counted 1.6 shootings per day. Unfortunately, this figure is increasing and risks leading to a civil war in the USA. The media express their fear of this risk.
The state of Montana is 90% Albino and 0.43% Black. Although Albinos have all the wealth and advantages, they commit suicide at a rate of 29 per 100,000, which is the highest in the United States. So, although Albinos make up less than 50% of the American population (we estimate 35-40%), they hold over 90% of the wealth of the United States and all the benefits of society, but they nevertheless feel the need to end their life or that of others

- Native American Indians 22.15
-Non-Hispanic whites 17.83
-Asians and Pacific Islands 6.75
-Blacks 6.85
-Hispanics 6.89. Black has a very low rate
Rich or poor, Albinos need to kill someone, or themselves. But, even the most miserable blacks don't feel this need
In addition, many millennia-old health and well-being techniques are increasingly copied by leucodermas because they have not only noticed their benefits but they are also a means for them always in search of profits, to make money: These techniques are known and practiced, often by great masters in India. The leucodermas move to India make contact with these masters who teach them, and back in the West, adapt them to the problems they want to deal with and pose the inventors by giving them a name.
With these techniques learned from masters in India they make books that they forbid to copy, publish, exploit under penalty of legal proceedings. They create copyrights, "all rights reserved", of the brands that they legally protect: Berne Convention.
We know that techniques called Osteopathy, Kinesiology, Thetahealing etc... have their origins in Asia. They do not hesitate to distribute these therapies in the same countries from which they learned them.
This is what leucodermas fear(www.realhistoryww.com)
In white global racism, there has always been white fear. Due to the fact that due to their small numbers and their handicaps with regard to exposure to the sun, white people are not on an equal footing with the people of the rest of the planet (white people cannot safely tolerate the sun in latitudes between 40° north and 40 degrees south). Australians due to this sun seeking have the highest rates of skin cancers.
Albinos use schools and the media to misinform us.
Here's an example of Albino duplicity: In modern times, American Albinos constantly refer to black people as "minorities". This is of course to instill the idea that albinos are numerous and powerful. They use their monopoly on the media to reinforce this position by constantly showing only images of albinos in all corners of the world; With the exception of Africa, black people are rarely featured in international news stories.
Ask wikipedia for the world population of white people,he will answer you 850 million: that is approximately 11.5% of the total world population which is between 7.5 and 7.7 billion people (this figure of 850 million does not take into account the black white mulattoes of Latin America, the Middle East). Also according to wikipedia the regions with significant white populations are the United States 252,784,000, Russia 132,516,000; there are nowhere near 252,784,000 Albinos in the United States (typical Albino racist lie: Russia - that's a lie too - but who cares?)
Facts and figures
Japan's current population is 126,766,566 in 2019, according to Worldometers, which is based on the latest data from the United Nations. The current population of the Republic of Korea is 51,236,002 in 2019, North Korea's population is estimated at 25,666,161, as of mid-year. According to data of China's current population in 2019, it is estimated at 1,433,783,686 people as of mid-year. This makes a total population of 1,637,452,415 people of Mongolian East Asian descent, which is about 21% of the world's human population. The current world population is estimated at 7.7 billion as of September 2019, according to the latest United Nations estimates compiled by Worldometers. Here is the cold shower of albino and Mongolian reality: 21% yellow + 11.5% white = 32.5% of the human population. THE OTHER 67.5%, or 5.19 BILLION, IS BLACK!!! (and mulatto). Assuming that there are approximately 540,000,000 (0.54 billion) mulattoes in the world, this means that the "pure-black" population of the world is approximately 4.65 billion. Therefore, YOU, the Albinos and the Mongols, you are the "minority": "YOU", you are the people furthest from the count: "YOU", you are the "Others".
On the other hand, leucodermas use a new method of calculation to make believe that their number is stable or even increasing.Non-white people are increasingly counted as white in order to increase the number of whites. I saw this in my own family: I have a cousin who has lived in the United States for almost 50 years, she is married to a white man and has 2 children: non-white quadroons (visibly mixed race with very light skin) Formerly they were classified by the federal services as non-white, recently they are listed as white. This even happens in Europe, in France. Her sister who lives in Guadeloupe (Caribbean) is light mixed race with frizzy hair that she straightens and regular features, she was classified as Caucasian. The same goes for my sister's own daughter: my niece. This is how whites increase their numbers: fraudulently.
As we just saw with Wikipedia, the number of white people in the world is very small; Worldwide, there are only about 800 million to 1 billion white people, which is about 11.5% of the world's population. This is obviously a big surprise for all the blacks who have been called "minorities" by these Albinos. Blacks, of course, are the "original humans" and represent over 5 billion of the world's 8 billion people. » (6)
Amazingly, white people have created a whole bogus history of the world, replacing black people with themselves and creating thousands, if not millions, of fake artifacts to support their fake story.So what is the reason for all this murder, killing and lies? Is it just "blood shed by lust" and pathological lying?
No, it's actually more mundane than that: it's a matter of fear, imbalance due to their albinism and greed.
In addition to these reasons, all these crimes clearly demonstrate the inability of albinos to create, to invent; if they were able, they would not have needed to eliminate blacks to steal their culture and make it their owners; their barbarism highlights the inestimable value, the quality of all these cultural works built by blacks. Again the lack of neuromelanin in them which is in question and which makes them barbarians, parasites; because they live, develop thanks to the expropriation, the stripping, the elimination of the blacks, it is always the case now with the plundering of Africa and the elimination of any pan-Africanist leader (Olympio, Sankara , Gaddafi etc.).
Noticed:Europe before seems very different from the Europe we know today. What do you think happened to all those swarthy Germans, Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes? the whites killed them of course, and those they did not kill were absorbed by the interbreeding (this explains the presence among the whites of hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black because the first whites were blond or redhead with blue eyes). See the story of "Black Morrow" on Wikipedia
The false altruism shown by albinos
When the albino people were finally able to establish their dominance in Europe, they did so with particular cruelty, ruthlessness, and a seeming inability to empathize with the sufferings of others except when endured by themselves. The defeat and enslavement of the European blacks seems to have invigorated and emboldened the European Albinos and given them a confidence and drive they had not known before. Ultimately, this new impetus resulted in an accomplishment never before achieved, domination over the entire world. Then, from the last banished enemy and rival, thoughts of racial superiority surfaced. Once comfortable with this concept of superiority, the Albinos of Europe then decided to make themselves the most compassionate, charitable and altruistic people in the world. These two concepts of superiority and altruism do not marry: because an albino remains an albino because of defective genes, odd that a genetic defect makes the man evolve. How can we think that the perpetrators of humanity's greatest atrocities could question themselves and call themselves the most compassionate, charitable and altruistic people in the world; it is beyond fiction, or the ability to do good. In many European albino societies, charity, even towards non-albinos, if not altruism, is regularly practiced. But it is probably the pretensions of the easy times, which prove that magnanimity is only the domain of the victors, for such lofty thoughts will surely disappear with the awakening of the enslaved peoples. Indeed, this hypocritical altruism is expressed by albinos in the creation of societies supposedly created to fight against hunger, poverty or illiteracy among black peoples, situations of misery due exclusively to violence, murder and spoliation by albinos of the lands and wealth of these peoples. Who does not know: Action Against Hunger, Unicef, SOS Children and other non-governmental non-profit organizations whose mission is to relieve the suffering of black people despoiled by albinos. Isn't the unacknowledged aim of these works to make oppressed peoples forget genocides, spoliations still on the agenda, by the use of an altruistic mask? Indeed, if albinos cleverly hide the abuses they commit in the shadows against black people to better strip them, their media make a lot of noise around their “good works”. Let's not forget that diseases like AIDS and Ebola were created in albino laboratories to eliminate black people in order to despoil them better. Let's not forget either that these so-called beneficent actions would have been created to deceive us, to close our eyes: the wealthy American Jewish financier Georges Soros would not finance "altruistic" social movements in countries in order to destabilize? (Arab Spring in 2011 which put the countries of North Africa in chaos and violence).
Today, the average Albino thinks he (the Albinos) constitute the majority of humans on earth (instead of a small minority). They think they started the civilizations of the world (when in reality they didn't start any). They even mistakenly think they are the people depicted in Egyptian statues and tomb paintings.
And they think they are healthy, normal and at home in the world, while the Sun is their enemy because of their lack of pigmentation; skin cancer is the punishment for recklessness. Wouldn't it be the deficiency in neuromelanin which by depriving them of empathy, of sensitivity, by making them aggressive beings, pushed them to enslave the brown and black races?
The Albino's control of information and media has been absolute, total. The average Albino has no idea of all these truths developed above.And when it comes to the truth about the Black Kings ruling Europe, he looks at you like you're crazy! (see page black 1st Europeans)
The leucoderma by its domination of the world by using both psychological and physiological violence, lies, abuse, falsification, has imposed its vision of life on us, a vision dominated by fear. (According to our African ancestors there are only 2 feelings: fear at the origin of all negative feelings, and Love at the origin of all positive feelings).
The leucoderma having erased from history the black by the low hand made on the achievements of the melanoderms, as well as by the falsification and the usurpation of these achievements, especially in Europe (chap the 1st European blacks)_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_; and especially by using lies and violence, is he fully satisfied with his career? Is he happy? because the purpose of all these abuses is to feel the well-being, material certainly, but especially psychological, emotional? One would not think so because of the discontent he expresses towards his rulers. In addition, we are witnessing a social and economic degradation of these countries whose wealth is concentrated in the hands of the political, financial and economic ruling elite.
You should know that happiness, the well-being of the spirit are above all states of mind. White people are above all materialistic and egocentric. For him, to be happy is to have money, material which he can enjoy to satiety. But are we happy when we are fulfilled materially? The great malaise of Western societies where there is a lot of misunderstanding, divisions, where there is a lot of violence, crimes, shows that although it has completely stripped blacks and usurped their knowledge, their achievements and their possessions, it does not did not allow him to achieve a certain mental and spiritual comfort. Could the cause still be this neuromelanin deficiency which deprives him of sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions and puts him in fear?_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Let's see how the world dominated by this minority that are the leucodermas is doing.
Today in 2023 the world of the northern hemisphere is engaged in a war which is turning into a world war by proxy between Russia and the United States under cover of Ukraine, with the threat of becoming a nuclear war which would destroy the entire planet.
It's chaos at all levels: we expect a social and economic collapse of this leucoderma society that is leaking from all sides. According to economists we expect a global financial crash at any moment week in order to support them-According to the independent journalist P.Jovanovic this total amount would amount in 2020 to 1300 billion $, this money corresponds to counterfeit notes, it has no financial equivalent because as soon as there is an urgent need for money the Fed manufactures it, which increases an abyssal deficit -
Still according to P Jovanovic, on 20Nov19 The debt that each French person must repay in the name of the State is 36,000 euros, the debt that each American must repay in the name of the State is 220,000 dollars, or 72 trillion - non-repayable in all cases According to the magazine insolentiae Global debts reach 250,000 billion dollars… This figure alone justifies a hugecrash. La France's debt in 2022 would be 3.100 billion euros: irrepayable
Central banks print billions of euros and dollars every day to help avoid the collapse (150 billion) This currency is monkey money because it has no equivalent.
In March 2020, the financial situation worsens in the most serious way: According to the independent economist journalist P.Javonovic the European banks receive 80 to 100 billion € per month to avoid their collapse. Since January 2015, this € and $ money has been equivalent to counterfeit money because it has no financial equivalent. The economies are hit hard: Wall Street has lost 30% of its values, French banks: 20%. Since Sep 2019, the FED has been injecting $150 billion every day to save American banks. The debt of each American from baby to adult is $350,000 per capita. The interest rate of banks in the USA would be 0.40%. We are in the middle of a recession. Global debt represents 280% of GDP. This is where the albinos have led us in their madness, their fears, their greed, their self-centeredness! Could neuromelanin deficiency once again be the cause? The current coronavirus pandemic in the world seriously aggravates this situation and could be a pretext for the establishment of a world government: goal of the elite.
On the other hand, we are constantly on the verge of a 3rd World War; there are wars all over the world, fomented to one degree or another by them the makers and purveyors of destructive weapons. The world is divided in 2: on one side a small ruling and ultra-rich minority composed of leucodermas and called elite: 0.01% of the world's population, which owns everything and on the other side a majority led by this minority which decides for her and who depends on her at all levels.
Shouldn't we blacks pull ourselves together and declare that leucodermas are not a model, we blacks in the diaspora and in Africa, rather than following them, must become aware, react, organize ourselves: our continent_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ the largest of all the Earth, contains in its basement all the wealth of the planet, we are 1.4 billion in population and will be in 2030 more than 2 billion. Our average age is 18, it is 43 in Europe, and 30 in the rest of the planet. We must ally with the countries of the BRICS block (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) in a vision of the United States of Africa with an African currency, to fight for a multipolar and non-unipolar world dominated by the USA and its vassals: the countries of the European Union. Mali, Burkina Faso, CAR have freed themselves from France, other countries will follow: Ivory Coast, Senegal etc……, We must put forward our values: those of MAAT, our culture being at the origin based on the MAAT which is: Justice, Equity, Truth, Peace.
The request for reparations totally ignores through ignorance the painful abuse suffered by the first European blacks who were eliminated by the whites who appeared in Europe from 370 AD.
I remind you that black arrived in Europe from 45,000 years BC, built all the European civilizations that we can admire through the monuments in place as well as the different cultures of the countries of Europe (see chap the 1st European blacks) . It is therefore very important that blacks educate themselves, cultivate themselves on the many contributions made by their ancestors to European culture before they were stripped, murdered and sent into servitude in America by whites; Because let's not ignore that the whites have completely usurped all our knowledge by using lies, the fabrication of falsehoods, violence and total control over all the means of information so that the black never knows the truth. So in addition to the history of slavery and the slave trade of our brothers imported from Africa, we must imperatively include in these requests for reparations the countless and unspeakable sufferings suffered by European blacks who were much more numerous than our African brothers.
Let's not forget that legally an individual who creates free damage under the effect of any mental or nervous imbalance, if he is not criminally responsible, is nevertheless required to repair the damage committed. It must be the same for leucoderms if we are to think that their crimes committed against us blacks come from neuromelanin deficiencies. The white slaveholders of the West Indies received in compensation for slavery from France a gigantic sum, plus the benefit of land and factories.
What is a dimension?
When we are ready to go beyond the 3rd dimension, we must cross the 4th dimension before we can enter the 5th. The 4th acts as a purifying filter, as it is the area of the heart filled with love, unity and lightness. The 5th Dimension is even lighter in frequency, having purer love, cosmic awareness, and true multidimensional reality. The shift will bring humanity into the Age of Aquarius, into a unified harmonious world working together in peace. But beware, not everyone will pass into the 5th dimension, only those who have understood and integrated love into the heart and therefore have a high vibrational frequency will be able to support the high vibrational frequency of this 5th dimension, the others, those who will have kept the negative feelings of non-love, ego, selfishness, will not be able to survive these very high waves of vibration and that their body will not be able to tolerate. It involves only the spiritual and moral development of any individual.
On the other hand,would the feelings and actions of leucodermas be guided above all by fear?: a permanent fear in them which would create anguish and aggressiveness: fear of the other which pushes to exterminate the other races or to submit them, unsatisfied fear of missing out (the more they have, the more they want), fear of aging, fear of dying, fear of life. These fears would entail in them egocentrism, feelings of violence, of greed.
On the other hand, the melanoderm is more serene in front of life and its events, wiser, more balanced, close to nature which it respects and to the creator God whom it venerates. Considering the behavior of leucodermas, wouldn't we tend to go so far as to feel compassion for those who for centuries have used all possible means to destroy us, abuse us, exploit us in the most shameful way and today find themselves a minority and endangered people on the planet.Isn't the information that this writing gives about melanin proof that melanin is what makes people human, civilized, balanced and a real divine blessing?

Years 2013....2016/2018.... Crossing the Mediterranean: The 1st Europeans re-emigrating to Europe 45,000 years after their 1st arrival.All the 1st civilizations are African
Sources:-Books: Why darkness matters, the power of melanin in the brain (several authors)-Melanin a key to freedom by Richard King -Melanin by Llaika Afrika – Omotunde: The African roots of European civilization -Cheick Anta Diop: Negro nations and cultures
Internet: realhistoryww.com, stewartsypnosis.com, http://www.guidedeschakras.com https://egyptsearchreloaded.proboards.com; www.blastingnews.com;www.finalcall.com;www.espritsciencemetaphysiques.com;www.stopmensonges.com
Des études réalisées sur les personnages âgés en Inde qui consommaient de grande de quantité de curcuma dans leur nourriture ont démontré qu’elles étaient moins susceptibles de développer la maladie d’Alzheimer ou la sclérose en plaques que les personnes âgées en occident. En regard de ceci des scientifiques occidentaux ont émis l’hypothèse que le curcuma doit avoir des propriétés anti-inflammatoires. Cette découverte a été soutenue par le fait que les occidentaux qui prennent des anti-inflammatoires régulièrement pour l’arthrite sont moins susceptibles de développer la maladie d’Alzheimer.
Des études récentes avancent que le curcuma peut traverser la barrière hémato-encéphalique et se lier aux protéines toxiques béta amyloïdes présentes dans le cerveau des malades de la maladie d’Alzheimer, briser les plaques existantes et empêcher la formation d’autres. En outre, le curcuma a de puissantes propriétés anti-oxydantes et anti-inflammatoires à petites doses qui atténuent les symptômes de la maladie causés par l'oxydation et l'inflammation. Il a aussi des propriétés chimioprotectrices dans le cancer de l’estomac et du colon. Il peut aussi protéger le cerveau des dommages causés par les radicaux libres par induction de l'hème oxygénase comme protection.
Nous pensons sérieusement que beaucoup de maux et de souffrances examinées spécialement dans les populations âgées de la terre sont liées à la nutrition. En dépit des injustices dans la répartition de l’alimentation, il y a d’autres avantages que les pays pauvres comparés aux pays riches ont conservé : la sélection culturelle d’aliments qui tendent à maintenir certains états pathologiques à un degré minimum.
Nous émettons en outre l'hypothèse que les substances alimentaires crues pigmentées libèrent des molécules biochimiques utilisées par les cellules nerveuses pour régénérer leur neuromélanine dont les corps cellulaires de millions de neurones semi-conducteurs (superconducteurs) ont besoin à chaque instant pour la propagation d'influx que nous appelons conscience.
Toute obstruction de ce flux de courant par une matière toxique étrangère comme des toxines issues du colon et circulant dans le cerveau crée des liens dans la neuromélanine et peuvent être des facteurs contribuant aux pathologies de la maladie d’Alzheimer constatées dans l’hippocampe du cerveau ou à des rigidités ou tremblements due à la carence en neurone et en neuromélanibe dans le cerveau moyen dans la maladie de Parkinson. Au site d’un synapse il y a de la neuromélanine qui reçoit et recharge l’influx.
La mélanine est un pigment biopolymère avec des propriétés semi-conductrices. Il est présent dans toutes les cellules vivantes. Comme ils sont présents depuis le début de la conception, ces pigments bioactifs jouent un rôle majeur dans l’organisation cellulaire/moléculaire et embryologique de tous les êtres vivants. La mélanine est présente dans les tissus neuronaux et semble fonctionner dans la transmission et la circulation du courant électrique d’une partie du cerveau à une autre à travers un circuit complexe. Les informations sur le tissu cérébral montrent que la neuromélanine localisée dans les neurones dopaminergiques et adrénergiques a des propriétés qui, lui donnent la qualité d’être à la fois un superconducteur et un semi-conducteur amorphe -un commutateur semblable aux matériaux non -organiques, Dans le cerveau la mélanine se comporterait comme un éclair de lumière qui serait généré par ce semi-conducteur amorphe avec une conductivité allant d’un niveau bas à élever.
Selon les recherches effectuées dans le contexte de la santé, nous avons constaté que les pigments naturels des aliments et des condiments sont bénéfiques à la régénération de la mélanine du cerveau dans lequel le pigment est un élément clé semiconducteur pour la propagation du courant électrique de façon continue via des milliards de neurones qui donnent vie à la conscience et à d’autres fonctions. Les personnes âgées relevant des cultures où des condiments comme le curcuma est utilisé comme complément alimentaire souffrent rarement de maladies débilitantes comme l’arthrite, la maladie d’Alzheimer et autres maladies dégénératives. Le curcuma a des propriétés anti -oxydantes, anti inflammatoires et cytoprotectives en agissant comme un piégeur d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène qui peuvent contribuer à la formation de plaques bêta-amyloïdes qui séquestrent la neuromélanine cytoplasmique neuronale et d'autres produits chimiques toxiques, provoquant certains des symptômes observés dans le système nerveux.
En Outre la neuromélanine active et transmet la conscience à toutes les parties du cerveau pour la cognition et l'activité motrice. Les recherches indiquent clairement qu’une baisse de dopamine dans les neurones du mésencéphale se traduisent par une perte de l’activité motrice, du langage, de l’apprentissage, et de la mémoire comme constaté dans les désordres liés aux maladies de Parkinson et Alzheimer. Chez certains patients les axones et dendrites des neurones dans certaines parties du cerveau sont tordues et enroulées sur elles-mêmes empêchant toute transmission d’un nerf à un autre ce qui entraines des pathologies et la mort des cellules. Les causes de ces désordres neurodégénératifs n’ont pas été clairement établis. Les facteurs pourraient être divers tels que l’héritage génétique, l’environnement, l’âge, les radicaux libres, les neurotoxines et la nutrition. La prise de drogues chez les personnes de couleur cumule les effets négatifs et contribue à des modifications du comportement.
La mélanine est aussi hautement concentrée pas seulement à la surface du cerveau mais de manière cruciale dans des régions spécifiques du noyau cérébral mais cliniquement parlant à la surface de nombreux organes internes, dans le système neuroendocrinien diffus, le système sensoriel de l’œil et le système auditif. Tous communiquant entre eux à travers des voies interconnectées de l'organisme. Cela suggère un certain type d'énergie et de champ bio-informationnel capable d'autorégulation et d'influence consciente dans certaines conditions. La mélanine absorbe un spectre assez large d'ondes électromagnétiques et d’autres énergies d’excitation à partir de structures moléculaires adjacentes.
En final de compte nous devrions encourager des discussions pédagogiques honnêtes sur cette matière noire de nos neurones car elle est liée au comportement, aux émotions, à l’apprentissage, l’intelligence, le bien être, la vieillesse et la longévité dans des conditions non pathologiques.
La neuromélanine est extrêmement sensible et réceptive à la lumière ou à la luminosité dans divers modes. Elle reflète littéralement une bioluminosité perçue en interne. Cela est vrai dans les diverses cultures et les traditions de méditation à travers le temps. Cet état de conscience semble avoir atteint un niveau clinique dans les travaux des Egyptiens de Kémet qui étaient des observateurs médicaux avisés de tels phénomènes, en relation avec la maladie. Les dogons du Mali, qui retracent leur lignée historique et génétique jusqu’à l'Égypte pré-dynastique en utilisant une méthodologie datant de plus de 600 ans ont pu localiser, sans l'aide de télescopes, l'étoile compagne naine de l'étoile Sirius. Les Dogons ont décrit sa forme orbitale et sa durée de rotation avec précision. Ils décrivirent son orbite, son axe et reconnurent aussi ses uniques caractéristiques gravitationnelles d’étoile très petite mais dense. Cette étoile appelée Sirius B a une magnitude de 8 et est invisible à l’œil nu. Elle fait une révolution autour de Sirius tous les 50 ans. Elle a été vue par télescope pour la 1ère fois par le monde scientifique moderne par 2 astronomes américains en 1862 et a été photographiée en 1970. Les Dogons ont aussi décrit avec exactitude d’autres objets clignotants près de Sirius B. Toute la cosmogonie des Dogons est commandée par Sirius B appelée aussi Digitaria.
Or, cette étoile n’a été découverte qu’en 1836 et identifiée comme une naine blanche qu’en 1915. Peu après, les anthropologues Marcel Griaule et Germaine Dieterlen (1986) découvrirent que les Dogons avaient bien d’autres connaissances en astronomie. Ils savaient, par exemple, que Jupiter a quatre satellites principaux, que les planètes tournent autour du soleil. Ils savaient que Saturne a des anneaux, que la Terre tourne autour du Soleil et que les étoiles sont des corps en mouvement perpétuel.
Ils savaient également que la Lune est une planète morte. Depuis des générations, les prêtres enseignent que la Voie lactée est animée d’un mouvement en spirale, auquel participe notre système solaire.
Un autre fait étrange, ils affirment que Sirius serait accompagnée, non pas d’une étoile, mais de deux étoiles.
Nous savons que Sirius B existe, mais, à ce jour, aucune Sirius C n’a été détectée. Il est intéressant de constater selon notre point de vue que le monde tourne comme sur une spirale. Les orbites de Sirius et Digitaria ont une forme elliptique, en spirale, les foyers de neuromélanine du cerveau reflètent cette forme en spirale du 1er au dernier foyer. En d’autres mots il apparait qu’il y a une similarité configurationnelle dans les orbites du monde externe et du monde interne.
Que nous acceptons ou non ces rapports de terrain venant de Griaule et Dieterlen, ils ont néanmoins donné lieu à un débat scientifique controversé et contentieux des scientifiques occidentaux avec des arguments se réclamant de la complète authenticité de ces rapports ou d’autres se prononçant sur une interprétation erronée. Ces connaissances des Dogons pourraient être rejetées si de tels rapports n’avaient pas été réalisés dans les temps anciens par des chercheurs et des astronomes depuis le philosophe grec Proclus et à travers tout un éventail d'époques et de cultures ; les plus anciens étant les écrits d’Hermès Trismégiste dans lesquels est mentionné le « Mystère noir » ou le rite noir. Il a été constaté une corrélation entre le monde externe et les fonctions intimes du corps humain, ce qui suggère une profonde connexion entre les deux. Il est tout à fait possible que nos actuelles lois sur la physique d’après lesquels nous définissons implicitement nos concepts et les limites de notre esprit n’incluent pas totalement les limites de la conscience. Des découvertes ultérieures pourront élargir grandement notre compréhension de la connexion entre le « dessous et le dessus « .Il est tout à fait possible qu’il y ait une similitude entre le cerveau et l’univers physique que nous ressentons réellement dans les états d'expériences conscientes unitaires ; il y aurait une affinité vibratoire telle une résonance quantique entre les structures du cerveau et l’espace représentatif avec les étoiles et les autres structures qui s’y meuvent. En d’autres mots la contiguïté d’un algorithme caché qui existerait entre le monde interne et l’espace externe et qui serait créé par une interaction entre les vibrations des foyers de neuromélanine, du cerveau et ses structures et les formes en courbe de l’espace.
Dans tous les cas les observations faites par les Dogons et célébrées dans leurs cérémonies, ont résisté à l'épreuve du temps et sont consensuellement validées par leurs disciplines religieuses et récemment par l’astronomie moderne. Il a été avancé que lorsque la neuromélanine est moyennement activée, se déclenche le long de la colonne vertébrale la perception interne, d’un circuit lumineux, subtil, relaxant qui se produit en même temps que la neuromodulation qui se fait le long de cette colonne vertébrale. Par contre quand cette colonne nigro-striée est pleinement éveillée par diverses pratiques et disciplines, il se crée une perception intense et distincte de bioluminosité émergeant de cette matière noire, de la colonne au cœur du cerveau et au-delà. Aux stades précoces, cette perception est ressentie le long de la colonne comme une force ondulante et vivante qui proviendrait de l'entraînement résonnant et rythmique additionnel des foyers de neuromélanine topologiquement situés dans les 3èmes et 4èmes ventricules du cerveau . Les autres organes situés dans la chambre noire interne sont appelés organes circumventriculaires (ex hypophyse, hypothalamus….) la neuromélanine par ses affinités de résonance créerait un courant amplificateur qui se répercuterait dans la région du cortex moteur sensoriel dans le gyrus précentral en prenant en compte ce courant particulier du cortex sensoriel circulaire ; cela est souvent constaté lors d’expériences méditatives classiques.
Ces organes circumventriculaires sont des structures cérébrales médianes qui bordent le 3è et le 4è ventricules et se trouvent hors de la barrière hémato-encéphalique. Etant donné que le sang et le liquide cérébro-spinal circulent entre ces structures et fluides plus librement dans ces lieux que dans toute autre région du corps et du cerveau , il y a un accroissement radical de communication entre ces structures, les organes périphériques, les produits à diffusion hématogène et les informations sur ces sites. Ces organes circumventriculaires comprennent la glande pinéale, l’éminence médiane, l’organe sous-fornique, la zone postrema, l’organe sous-commissural, l’organum vasculosum de la lamina terminalis, ils comprennent aussi les lobes intermédiaires et neuraux de l'hypophyse. Quand ces structures sont mises en mouvement par une respiration et /ou une dance rituelle et sont coordonnées par des mouvements du corps ou autres disciplines méditatives, il se produit une vibration synchronisée entre le 3è et le 4è ventricule qui sont connectés entre eux par un tunnel de liquide cérébro-spinal. Quand cette spirale vibratoire atteint la glande pinéale, elle la stimule de façon ascendante, cette glande pinéale est liée à des zones situées dans le 4è ventricule et flotte dans le liquide cérébro-spinal plein de vibrations. Etant donné que la neuromélanine a la capacité de transformer l’énergie d’un état à un autre : cela veut dire que le procédé de transfert de photo-phonon qui apparait dans le gel piézoélectrique dans lequel les vibrations mécaniques sont converties en énergie électrique , peut fournir l’énergie à ce courant interne qui se meut sous la forme d’un bâton ou de la partie inférieure d’une croix. De ce fait, la glande pinéale stimulée deviendrait le plan le plus élevé d’amplification et de répercussion de la boucle initiale située au sommet de ce bâton, et la diagonale ou le plan physionomique de cette croix serait le lieu où la neuromélanine est le plus concentré parmi les 12 foyers. Cette boucle d’énergie éveillée serait le symbole d’un œil, d’un oiseau ou autre symbole de lumière, de vol, de perception ou d’illumination et de liberté. Ces compétences de la neuromélanine existeraient depuis l’embryogénèse et se poursuivraient à différentes étapes du développement.
Pour les humains la glande pinéale en particulier fonctionne non seulement comme un site de procédés photosensibles mais c’est un capteur de champs électro magnétique et un détecteur d’oscillations de fréquences extrêmement basses. Ces particularités sont expérimentées dans des états méditatifs et dans d’autres états d’attention subjective focalisée.
Ces propriétés bioélectriques de la neuromélanine et de la mélanine du cerveau et du tronc cérébral ont depuis peu commencé à recevoir un grand intérêt dans la littérature clinique. La mélanine et la neuromélanine déjà clairement désignés comme étant des semi-conducteurs de lumière sont d’excellents candidats pour le rôle de neuromodulateur du système nerveux central. Les champs magnétiques subtils et leurs courants bioélectriques associés peuvent être stimulés dans le cerveau, ce qui affecte profondément la conscience humaine. Utilisés en pratique clinique cela révolutionnera les sciences de la vie ; cela rend possible les effets de la super conductivité biologique, une hypothèse relativement nouvelle dans la science clinique. On pense tout de suite non seulement aux pathologies psycho physiologiques mentionnées précédemment mais aussi à celles liées aux troubles affectifs saisonniers et autres pathologies dépressives incluant une diminution de l’énergie subjective ou sous activation du système nerveux autonome. En termes de compréhension des diverses pratiques méditatives des peuples de la terre et leur connexion au plus grand milieu terrestre et cosmique leur capacité d’unification et leur chemin psycho spirituel collectif sont loin de notre compréhension actuelle.
Nous avons présenté une technique standard d’activation du système nerveux autonome qui semble intimement associée à l’action psychophysique et neurodynamique de la neuromélanine. Ce procédé peut être enseigné à des patients atteints de symptômes aigus et prolongés sur le plan psycho-physiologiques. Il y aurait des relations non locales et peut être des contiguïtés topologiques entre les processus micro neuraux et macro neuraux du cosmos et spécifiquement une similarité configurationnelle entre certains foyers de neuromélanine et les structures constellationnelles en forme de spirale du cosmos. Il y a une interaction entre notre corps et l’univers. Nous exploitons le moyen de communiquer plus directement et clairement avec notre corps et de pouvoir donner de grands espoirs aux malades atteints de maux et maladies incurables.
La neuromélanine dans l’embryogénèse
L’histoire de la neuromélanine commence avant l’embryogénèse, la mélanine est présente dans la queue du spermatozoïde du père, elle est aussi présente dans les ovaires dans les œufs de la mère.
Les informations ne sont pas des connaissances, et les connaissances ne représentent pas la sagesse mais quand la sagesse ancienne est liée à la connaissance nouvelle cela peut impliquer une vision radicalement transcendante de la réalité. Nous essayons de représenter le lien entre l’être humain et le cosmos. Plus il a exploré le monde intérieur en lui-même, plus il a vu son miroir dans le monde extérieur « le monde du dessus et du dessous se ressemblent ». La capacité de la mélanine d’interagir avec la lumière et de la transmuter à de très hauts niveaux d’organisation et de complexité pour la transformer d’un état d’énergie à un autre était vue comme parallèle crucial d’évolution. En effet la mélanine et la neuromélanine n’étaient plus vues comme un déchet biochimique du système nerveux central mais comme un participant intime du mystérieux déroulement de la vie dans ses expressions d’intelligence et de lumière. La mélanine absorbe la lumière et accroit son intensité et sa quantité au fur et à mesure que nous progressons et montons dans l’échelle de l’évolution et approfondit ce sens d’embrassement intime avec la danse de l’évolution.
Nous avons vu ces uniques propriétés de transducteur d’énergie de la neuromélanine en facilitant la transmission nerveuse dans les structures cérébrales. Mais la mélanine n’est pas limitée au cerveau ou même à l’humain ou mammifère, on la trouve dans l’environnement le plus large : dans le sol, l’eau, l’air, dans tout le système solaire lui-même.
Il y a eu beaucoup de montées, de chutes, de victoires oubliées, de résurrections des peuples d’Afrique. Mais il ne pourrait pas en être autrement car l’Afrique est la racine génétique et anthropologique de l’espèce humaine avec tous ses changements et ses drames ; et le cerveau dans son cœur profond en est imprégné à travers les divers peuples de la terre. Aujourd’hui en dépit des stéréotypes de nouvelles négatives sur la pauvreté, les maladies, les guerres, la malnutrition, la corruption, malgré toutes les plaies connues de l’humanité qui attaquent le continent et sa population, l’Afrique remonte doucement. Dans les derniers siècles marquant la chute de l’Afrique après un cycle de montée, l’Afrique a subi un esclavage et une dégradation sans précédent. Dans un monde dominé par le monde européen la peau noire fut assimilée à un pays déchu : Ce monde européen répandit son idéologie raciale malfaisante dans des acceptations tacites de la science, de la religion, de la politique et même dans la dynamique intime de la vie sociale et familiale. La peau noire est devenue un signe de statut inférieur d’appartenance minimisée dans la famille humaine. L’étude de la peau noire ou de tout ce qui était associé à la peau noire devint un sujet tabou, redouté, dénigré et dévalué.
Les Dravidiens de l’Inde ont vécu une situation similaire quand les Indo-européens venus du Nord ont balayé l’Inde, ont exécuté et mis en esclavage pendant des centaines d’années les habitants à la peau noire de la vallée de l’Indus. L’épisode de l’occupation britannique a renforcé cette notion.
Curieusement, dans les deux récits, les habitants à la peau noire, des siècles avant les invasions de leurs pays, ont créé, développé les sciences contemplatives qui élèvent et remplissent le sanctum intérieur de l’esprit humain avec une réalité lumineuse qui le connectent aux étoiles et à une réalité au-delà de la conceptualisation linguistique. Les indo-Aryens se sont emparés de la science et au fil du temps dans un processus de cryptoamnésie ont oublié ses origines issues de la caste conquise à la peau noire qu’ils en sont venus à mépriser. Le début de l'islam, le christianisme, le judaïsme, ont tous leurs racines historiques dans le terreau des peuples à la peau noire. Ce ne fut pas une coïncidence. Ce n’était pas par accident que ces deux civilisations soumises, pendant des milliers d’années avant qu’elles ne soient conquises étaient en contact l’une avec l’autre à travers les routes commerciales de la terre et de la mer de l’océan indien. Ce qui est crucial c’est qu’elles ont toutes les deux découvert comment éveiller et illuminer le coté noir intérieur de l’esprit humain à travers une bioluminosité vivante qui était une partie intime du corps :le cerveau et la partie profonde du cerveau, cette partie vibratoire du cerveau qui est la neuromélanine.
Une substance plus chère que l’or, exploitée dans la technologie de pointe ou encore pour ses capacités antiradioactives ; la neuromélanine joue un rôle de protection en capturant et isolant des toxiques organiques et inorganiques en particulier les métaux non alcalins comme le fer.
La mélanine résiste à des temp jusqu’à 660°C.La mélanine dans la peau noire est beaucoup plus efficace que la peau blanche dans l’inhibition de la pénétration des radiations des uvb : pénétration de 7%¨uvb et 17% uva chez les noirs, 24% uvb et 55% uva chez les blancs. Les peaux noires peuvent être appelés dark skin ce qui signifie littéralement : dark= sombre, obscurité, opaque ; obscurité, mal, ténèbres pour darkness. Les peaux les plus blanches sont appel fair skin, fair signifiant clair, juste, beau et propre. Voilà comment on insinue implicitement des messages.
Quelle est notre protection selon notre carnation ? A partir de quelle carnation est-il nécessaire de mettre de la crème solaire ; le problème est que les études occidentales se concentrent sur les particularités des leucodermes et les généralisent à tout le reste de l’humanité. Il est temps que notre communauté finance ses propres études pour avoir des réponses objectives. La mélanine protège des rayons uv du soleil mais aide aussi à les utiliser comme énergie pour le corps. Selon le code caché des couleurs, le noir a la propriété unique d’absorber toute la lumière, la mélanine étant très foncée a la capacité d’absorber toutes les énergies qui l’entourent. La mélanine aussi permet de stimuler de nombreuses hormones, pour n’en citer qu’une : l’ocytocine connue pour favoriser l’attachement entre une mère et son enfant serait un pilier essentiel des liens sociaux. Dès la naissance, les liens sociaux commencent à se construire puis évoluent tout au long de l’existence. Les relations humaines sont en partie guidées par les hormones qui sont en quelque sorte les petits messagers de l’organisme. L’ocytocine participe à l’affection qui se crée entre les individus. Cette molécule est secrétée par l’hypophyse (glande pinéale) une petite glande nichée au fond du cerveau. L’ocytocine joue un rôle fondamental au cours de la grossesse. Elle assure la tonicité de l’utérus et induit le déclenchement des contractions et de l’accouchement. Elle permet ensuite l’éjection du lait lors de l’allaitement du nourrisson. Selon les spécialistes, elle favoriserait ainsi l’attachement entre une mère et son enfant. L’ocytocine est également produite en réponse aux caresses et à l’orgasme. Elle est souvent appelée hormone de l’amour car elle accompagne la naissance du sentiment amoureux dans un couple. Elle favoriserait même la monogamie et aurait tendance à rendre les hommes plus fidèles ! elle favorise le développement des liens sociaux mais aussi l’éveil spirituel.
Mélanine et Parkinson
La neuromélanine se trouve dans la subtantsia negra du cerveau qui a un rôle essentiel dans la régulation des mouvements du corps ; il a été prouvé que les malades de Parkinson ont une substantia negra amoindrie c’est-à-dire qu’ils ont moins de neuromélanine la maladie de Parkinson est une maladie qui empêche le contrôle normal du corps ; il y a donc un lien direct entre la perte de neuromélanine et cette maladie neurodégénérative.
Melanine et technologie
Là on atteint un niveau très élevé de secrets sur la mélanine. Une thèse de doctorat présentée en 2014 nous révèle que les propriétés de l’eumélamine (mélanine chez les noirs) sont exploitées dans la bioélectronique, cette science a pour but d’utiliser des matériaux et des substances biologiques, c’est-à-dire provenant de la nature de l’organisme dans le cadre de l’ingénierie électronique. La bio électronique permet des innovations majeures en médecine, elle est notamment à l’origine de l’invention des stimulateurs cardiaques ou encore des prothèses. Pourquoi la mélanine produite par les noirs intéresse elles autant ce domaine ? il faut savoir que le cœur des recherches de la bioélectronique est le système de traitement de l’information. Voici quelques extraits de cette thèse sur l’eumélamine : elle explique que l’utilisation de matériaux bio moléculaires permet d’améliorer la compatibilité avec l’organisme des êtres vivants ainsi que la conception de systèmes électroniques plus écologiques
Selon cette thèse La recherche de matériaux biomoléculaires est motivée par ses bénéfices potentiels en biocompatibilité et en biodégradabilité essentiels pour des applications à l’interface avec des systèmes vivants. Sur un plan plus général, les matériaux électroniques biomoléculaires pourraient éventuellement être utilisés pour la conception de systèmes électroniques plus écologiques.
L’eumélanine, un matériau biomoléculaire a été considérée comme un semi-conducteur amorphe depuis les années 1970. L’eumélanine est un pigment omniprésent dans la flore et la faune. Il possède de nombreuses propriétés dans le corps humain. Il n’est pas précisé que l’eumélanine est produite chez les humains par les noirs. La doctorante explique ensuite que l’eumélanine est un conducteur ionique-électronique mixte c’est-à-dire qu’elle permet de transférer de l’énergie qui contient des informations. L’eumélanine avait déjà été utilisée dans les capteurs chimiques et les piles ; la thèse se dédie ainsi à comprendre les propriétés électroniques de l’eumélanine et leur fonctionnement pour l’exploiter en bio-électronique Cela souligne la nécessité de réexaminer les propriétés électriques de l’eumélanine et renforce l’intérêt d’utiliser l’eumélanine comme matériau de base dans la bioélectronique organique. L’intégration d’eumélanine dans des dispositifs est facilitée par les récents progrès dans la préparation de couches minces d’eumélanine.
En résumé l’eumélanine a un rôle essentiel dans la transmission des messages nerveux à un tel point qu’elle est utilisée aujourd’hui dans les innovations technologiques. L’eumélanine est un superconducteur qui permet aux messages nerveux de voyager rapidement dans le corps, elle améliore énormément la réactivité des noirs et leur capacité tant physique que mentale.
La bioélectronique est loin d’être le seul domaine à exploiter cette substance. La mélanine est anti-radioactive. Un article publié en 2016 par le magazine The Epochtime révèle ainsi les pouvoirs de la mélanine : Lorsque des scientifiques russes ont envoyé un robot dans le réacteur nucléaire de Tchernobyl en 2007, la dernière chose qu’ils s’attendaient à trouver était la vie. A l’intérieur des zones les plus irradiées du cœur du réacteur nucléaire fondu se trouvait un groupe de fungi commun, des moisissures noires, poussant sur les murs de la cuve. Ces moisissures poussaient dans l’un des environnements les plus hostiles de la planète, avec des niveaux de radiations assez élevés pour tuer une personne en quelques minutes. Mais ces fungi ne se contentaient pas de se développer, ils prospéraient. Un chercheur de l’Albert Einstein College of medecine à New York, Arturo Casadevall a enquêté sur ces moisissures résistantes et a aidé à identifier différentes espèces. Elles partagent toutes une caractéristique distincte : elles contiennent des pigments de mélanine sur leur surface. Le travail de Casadevall a permis de découvrir que les fungi utilisent la mélanine pour capturer l’énergie émise par le rayonnement ionisant, à la manière des plantes utilisant la chlorophylle pour capturer la lumière du soleil. De nombreuses espèces de fungi sont également capables de concentrer différents métaux lourds. Après la fusion du cœur du réacteur de Tchernobyl, les cueilleurs de champignons de toute l’Europe ont été avertis de ne pas récolter et manger certaines espèces de fungi qui pourraient concentrer de fortes concentrations à la suite des retombées radioactives. Utiliser des fungi pour nettoyer des déchets radioactifs ou d’autres types de déchets est une technique émergente connue comme la mycoremédiation et promet d’être bien moins couteuse que d’autres méthodes concurrentes. En plus de révéler ses fonctions anti radioactives l’article que nous venons de lire évoque plusieurs fonctions de la mélanine expliquées précédemment : sa capacité à absorber les énergies comme la chlorophylle dans les plantes, sa capacité à nettoyer son environnement des métaux lourds. Bref que la mélanine soit dans l’environnement ou dans notre corps, ses vertus ont le même pouvoir.
Prix de la mélamine Nov2021 : beaucoup plus chère que l’or
De nombreuses marques commercialisent la mélanine en tant que complément alimentaire, cette marque Diéti-natura vend 60 gélules d’un produit appelé mélanine alors qu’une gélule n’en contient que 0.63mg. Une autre marque précise que la mélanine est produite à partir de laine de mouton noir ; dans ce format le % de mélanine est infime. La mélanine est utilisée pour donner un bronzage intense et lutter contre les radicaux libres responsables du vieillissement cutané. Voici le prix de la mélanine synthétique pure, produite en laboratoire. : Pour 100mg 109€, 1g 650€, ce même jour le prix de l’or était à moins de 50€ le gramme. On est encore très loin d’avoir aborder toutes les richesses de la mélanine. Tout est mis en place pour détruire notre précieuse mélanine.
MELANIN WHAT MAKES PEOPLE BLACK La mélanine : ce qui rend les gens noirs par LLAIKA AFRICA
Le sujet de la mélanine est simple et facile à expliquer. La mélanine est la substance biochimique qui est le vecteur de la vie physique, mentale, émotionnelle et spirituelle. L’insuffisance ou le manque de connaissance des noirs sur leur mélanine n’est qu’un des aspects de la domination blanche qu’ils subissent ainsi que les conséquences du traumatisme colonial et post-esclavagiste. Les noirs doivent se connaitre, et pour se connaitre ils doivent savoir ce qu’est leur Mélanine.
La mélanine résiste à la chaleur, peut supporter des températures de 663°C, résister aux acides forts et aux produits alcalins, elle se trouve dans notre corps et à l’extérieur de notre corps. Elle est produite par la glande pinéale située dans notre cerveau.
Les pouvoirs de conductibilité énergétique de la mélanine sont puissants, elle absorbe tous types d’énergie telles que la lumière du soleil, l’énergie électromagnétique, la musique et les sons entendus par l’oreille humaine mais aussi les sons que ne peuvent pas entendre l’oreille humaine tels que les ondes téléphoniques, radio, de radars, radiation des ordinateurs, rayons x, rayons cosmiques, ultraviolets, rayons provenant de vagues de chaleur, micro-ondes etc…..La mélanine utilise toutes les énergies de l’environnement comme celles de l’eau, de la terre, la lune, le soleil, les galaxies, les cycles planétaires, minéraux etc….Au niveau moléculaire les particules de mélanine appelées électrons, protons, neutrons et solvatons réarrangent (remettent en ordre) leur orbite. Cela s’appelle la résonance. En d’autres termes les particules de mélanine se rééquilibrent pour remplir les endroits où l’énergie est insuffisante ou basse. La résonance fait les particules se déplacer, ce déplacement provoque un petit vide de basse énergie et les autres particules se mettent en place en se liant pour remplir ce vide.
La mélanine est une substance biologique active faite de cellules de tailles variables. Elle est faite de nutriments comme les indoles, les histamines, phénylalaline, catécholamines (norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, etc…)et l’acide aminé tyrosine. La mélanine est faite d’éléments reliés entre eux appelés chaines liés aux carbones insaturé, saturés, aux carbone nitrogène, organométallique, éther, peroxydes et quinine qui sont de couleur brune à noire ; des produits chimiques comme les : flavines, ptéridines, flavonoïd, napthquinone, polycyclicquinone, anthraquinone, phenoxazones se convertissent en mélanine (polymerisée ou co-polymerisée).
La couleur de la mélanine apparait noire parce qu’elle absorbe toutes les couleurs. Une fois la couleur entrée dans la mélanine, elle ne peut en sortir. La mélanine est un concentré de couleurs, c’est un trou noir cellulaire similaire au trou noir de l’espace. Elle est produite par la glande pinéale, elle stimule la matière grise du cerveau qui est le siège de l’ Intelligence, de la compréhension. Elle est concentrée dans le Locus Coeruleus
Le Locus Coeruleus : dans le tronc cérébral humain (c’est l’organe qui relie le cerveau à la moelle épinière) il y a 12 centres riches en mélanine, le plus fortement pigmenté est le locus cœruleus. C'est de cette région que partent la grande majorité des neurones qui utilisent la noradrénaline comme neurotransmetteur. Sa couleur bleue est due à la présence de granules de mélanine, Il contient la moitié de tous les neurones qui utilisent la noradrénaline (ou norépinéphrine), un neurotransmetteur qui régule le rythme cardiaque, l'attention, la mémoire et la cognition. Par son très grand nombre de connexions, le locus cœruleus est impliqué dans de nombreux effets naturels: Il joue un rôle dans la mémoire et dans les émotions, il a un impact sur l'apprentissage, le comportement et la santé mentale.
La neuromélanine permet au cerveau de stocker davantage d’informations et de fonctionner à un niveau élevé.
La glande pinéale sous -stimulée diminue ou inhibe le fonctionnement des organes reproductifs (gonades)qui produisent les Gonadotrophines : Hormones sécrétées par l'hypophyse (glande endocrine située à la base du cerveau) qui stimule l'activité et la sécrétion hormonale des gonades (ovaires et testicules). Cela diminue le poids des ovaires et des testicules. La glande pinéale accroit la production de sperme et agit sur la fertilité de la femme, elle augmente la production de progestérone. Les sécrétions de mélanine de la pinéale aident à produire la mélatonine.
Les hormones de la mélanine
La glande pinéale fabrique des alcaloïdes (sérotonine, mélatonine). Un alcaloïde est une substance organique qui réagit aux sels. En chimie, un sel est un composant chimique qui est créé quand une substance acide et une substance alcaline interagissent. Un sel a une charge positive électrique parce que les alcaloïdes réagissent au sel qui les utilise ; les sels sont utilisés par le corps pour garder la stabilité nerveuse, l’équilibre de l’eau, réguler le volume du sang, ils sont essentiels pour les enzymes de la digestion, les hormones, la coagulation du sang, la pression osmotique, les pigments respiratoires, l’équilibre du corps en acide. Cela veut dire que les hormones de la mélanine sont le contrôleur primaire de la vie humaine elle-même. Les sels cités sont des sulfates de sel, des phosphates, du chlorure, des carbonates, bi-carbonates combinés au calcium, magnésium et au potassium.
L’alcaloïde sérotonine est stimulé par la lumière du soleil et la lumière artificielle à spectre complet. Il est sécrété dans le sang durant les heures du jour, la sérotonine se connecte à d'autres substances par polymérisation ( Union de plusieurs molécules d'un composé pour former une grosse molécule) et se transforme en mélanine. Elle permet aux muscles de se contracter, provoque la constriction des vaisseaux sanguins, régule la pression sanguine, et a la capacité de changer la conscience (improviser d’autres réalités). En conséquence la capacité accrue de créer spontanément (improviser) qui est une caractéristique des noirs dans les domaines de la musique, danse, théâtre, habillement, coiffure, utilisation des langues, inventions, science, art et culture.
L’alcaloïde mélatonine fabriqué par la glande pinéale. Il est sécrété dans le sang après le coucher du soleil et atteint son niveau le plus élevé vers 22 heures, il se connecte à d'autres substances par polymérisation et se transforme en mélanine. Il aide à entretenir, réparer et construire le cerveau et les tissus nerveux. En conséquence il est efficace pour toutes les maladies et dommages du cerveau et des nerfs telles que le Lupus, la maladie d’Alzheimer, le déficit d’attention, la maladie de Parkinson, la sénilité, perte de mémoire, engourdissement et picotements des nerfs. La mélatonine synchronise les foncions du corps aide au maintien du rythme circadien, stimule les sécrétions de lait, et les contractions de l’utérus, déclenche la puberté, accroit l’activité électrique du cerveau, régule la pression du sang, induit le sommeil, stimule l'improvisation, a un effet positif sur nos émotions, et procure un état de bien-être et de joie.
La sérotonine et la mélatonine ont une structure similaire à d’autres alcaloïdes. La structure du benzène aromatique et de groupes d’acides aminés les font fusionner facilement chimiquement avec des drogues dangereuses comme le crack, la ritaline, la cocaïne, la caféine, la codéine, la morphine, mescaline etc….Les noirs avec leur taux élevé de mélanine sont 2 fois plus dépendants aux drogues que toute autre race. La domination blanche qui utilise le mythe de la suprématie blanche défendu par le racisme blanc a fabriqué et entretient une oppression des noirs sur les plans physique, mental, émotionnel, spirituel, mondial, social et culturel. Cela pousse les noirs à consommer drogues, utiliser le sexe, la violence, le sucre blanc, les jeux d'argent, abuser les uns des autres pour échapper émotionnellement et psychologiquement à cette condition oppressante. Une condition sociale créée par la domination blanche qui entraine les noirs à se détruire socialement, émotionnellement, physiquement et qui est définie comme étant un génocide. La drogue tue et a un effet sur l’esprit et le corps physique des noirs-ce qui veut dire qu’elle agit sur la mélanine. Les drogues sont anti-mélanine et contre la culture noire. Les nombreuses substances fabriquées à partir de la mélanine sont bonnes dans leur concentration et leurs ratios