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The real causes of the abolition of slavery

abolition de l’esclavage
abolition de l’esclavage

The real causes of the abolition of slavery are essentially economic, in no way philanthropic as expressed by the slave-owning countries

Slavery began with the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492. But it was at the beginning of the 16th century, on the initiative of the Portuguese, that the slave trade took off and trade was born. triangular. It is so called because it covers three continents. European countries charter ships that go to Africa. There, the Europeans exchanged goods for African slaves whom they captured. The captives are taken to the American continent and to the West Indies where they are sold to European slavers, owners of cotton fields or sugar cane. The slave system made it possible to accumulate enormous profits for the benefit of the colonists and the colonialist metropolis, the economic interests at stake were important and enormous.

For more than three centuries, the triangular trade, also called the slave trade, ravaged the African continent. Tens of millions of Africans were captured during this period. Several million of them died as a result of this capture, most often during their transport to the American continent. On the African continent for 1 black captured 10 were killed. The trip, which lasted several months, was carried out in abominable and inhuman sanitary conditions. The triangular trade marks the beginning of colonization. It profoundly changed the face of the world.

On the plantation the working conditions were inhuman: the slave works like an animal from morning to evening and every day, he is constantly exhausted, has no interest in the work he does, by resistance he sabotages the work, he is undernourished, revolts of slaves are numerous.

Regarding the treatment inflicted on slaves in the French colonies, the Black Code (1685) defined the corporal punishment to which slaves were exposed.

They vary according to the seriousness of the act declared reprehensible: the whip or rods (soft sticks), branding on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis with a hot iron, the two ears cut off, the hock cut off, the penalty of death (hanging, stake or wheel).

The real reasons for the abolition of slavery are in the new economic conditions of the 19th century. These are :

-The manufacture of sugar from beets – The industrial revolution – The low productivity of slave labor

-Making sugar from beets

In the 15th century, the beet was present throughout Europe. In 1801, the first industrial sugar factory was built. Beet sugar is competing with cane sugar. Mastery of beet refining

sugar (creation of factories for the production of beet sugar) removed any need for slavery in the sugar cane fields from the beginning of the 19th century. The slavers were forced to consider the liberation of blacks who were becoming less and less profitable compared to the production of beet sugar. The introduction of factories for the processing of sugar cane will make this servile labor superfluous and expensive.

-The industrial revolution- The low productivity of bonded labor

-The industrial Revolutionwill be the replacement of a society based on agriculture by a society based on industry; As early as the 1820s, economists denounced slavery as an unprofitable, costly system that hindered industrialization and capitalism. The criteria of profitability and productivity will be at the forefront. We will highlight the low productivity of slave labor: the slave works like an animal from morning to evening and every day, as a result, he is constantly exhausted, undernourished, has no interest in the work he realizes, by resistance he sabotages the work, the revolts of slaves are numerous

According to the abolitionist movement of 1830 which asserted the economic and political consequences of slavery: Slavery must be abolished, it is an expensive system, not profitable for the colonists and the metropolis, it has established in the colonies a relationship of force unfavorable to the colonists (memory of Haiti which took its independence in 1802 following an uprising of slaves) It is necessary to abolish slavery before the revolts of slaves which would end up being victorious do not bring the loss of the colonies.

These conditions are conducive to the birth of abolitionist societies in the 19th century which will advocate the moral condemnation of slavery and demand its abolition.

Among the main slave-owning countries, the abolition of slavery was enacted in 1833 for the United Kingdom, 1848 for France and 1865 for the United States. In France, since May 21, 2001, a law has been passed for the recognition of slavery as being a crime against humanity; but regarding reparations, the countries concerned by this crime have so far refused to compensate the descendants of slaves. The settlers were given the land, the factories and were generously compensated; the blacks received absolutely nothing except freedom and found themselves in very precarious conditions of existence.

The descendants of slaves have to date never been compensated for the slavery suffered by their ancestors despite their legal requests made both in France and in the United States. In December 2017, in Martinique, the Court of Appeal refused to recognize the existence of a direct and personal prejudice suffered by the plaintiffs, "nearly two centuries after the definitive abolition of slavery" by France in 1848. It declared the action for damages inadmissible because it was time-barred. In 2019 the Court of Cassation rejected the appeal, ruling the action time-barred.

Africans and African-Americans list examples of other reparations: defeated Germany forced to pay 132 billion marks to the Allies and 6

billions of dollars to Israel for the genocide of the Jews; Japan apologizing for its military's atrocities in Asia and agreeing to negotiate compensation for "comfort wives", sex slaves for its soldiers; the Queen of England granting compensation to New Zealand Maori dispossessed of their lands in 1863; Australia accepting financial compensation for the mistreatment of Aborigines and the uprooting of 100,000 children from their families between 1910 and 1970; several Western States, including Switzerland, forced to repair the spoliations made to the Jews, etc.

The harms of slavery that lasted over 300 years are infinitely more serious

Nothing to date has been done for those whose continent, Africa, was bled of its best children for more than three centuries, before being delivered to colonization and the spoliation of all its wealth. They were even ignored by the reparations that affected them: in 1847, England only compensated slave owners, deprived of their "property" (the slaves), for a total amount of 20 million pounds sterling from the 'era. In the United States, the promise made by Congress in 1865 to compensate each former slave with "a mule and 40 acres (16 hectares) of land" was never kept, while white owners were generously compensated. In the French colonies too, the white settlers were generously compensated. Yet America and Europe were economically built on black slavery and to this day enjoy the economic benefits that this hideous trade brought them.

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