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  • Interventions d'Extra terrestres pour protéger la Terre

    ALIENS (extraterrestrial) INTERVENTIONS TO SAVE THE PLANET FROM THE DAMAGE INFLICTED BY LEUCODERMAS UFOs above a nuclear power plant: To clean up Forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies are watching over us.” Fukushima is arguably the biggest nuclear accident on the planet, theoretically dooming all of Japan and endangering life to varying degrees in the Northern Hemisphere. The harmfulness of this nuclear disaster was estimated at more than 30 times that of Chernobyl. Never had so much nuclear fuel (uranium, plutonium, mox) been found out of control, in the open air. We evoked in Morphéus n°51 the transmutatory phenomenon which occurred inside the Chernobyl reactor. More than 10 tons of aluminum were found and 90% of the nuclear fuel had simply disappeared. These revelations come from Professor George Lochak, President of the Louis de Broglie Foundation in Paris, who tried to find a rational explanation for this phenomenon in Ukraine where Chernobyl is. We know in Physics that the transmutation of uranium into aluminum is possible. Can we control this phenomenon? We doubt it, otherwise security transmutatory systems would equip all land-based nuclear power plants. We find that leucodermas use a very dangerous technology, with deadly consequences, that they are unable to control (nuclear power plants, oil research). Without viable rational explanation and following the photographed, even filmed, intervention of UFOs on Chernobyl, we maintain the idea that this unprecedented transmutatory phenomenon is linked to the intervention of an exotechnology. By this intervention, the fatal pollution of the Chernobyl nuclear accident was in fact contained and divided at least by 10. This gives us an idea of what the extent of the damage would have been if no transmutation of the nuclear fuel had taken place. So how to explain this? It is neither the foolish arrangements made by TEPCO nor the measures of the Japanese government that could have had such an impact. Something else is at work. We are not far from reality in saying that more than 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained and continue to be so. Moreover, the UFO activity above Fukushima is simply extraordinary. Everything suggests that these phenomena are not fortuitous but that they testify to a massive intervention on the disaster site and its periphery. The Reuters agency, an offshoot of the Rothschilds, affirmed on April 6, 2012 that the core of reactor 4 had entered into fusion and would have crossed the base of the reactor. This is what is called the Chinese syndrome. This is the most serious consequence of a nuclear reactor meltdown, in which the molten fuel elements of the core break through the barriers that confine it and sink into the earth. This information is logical and coherent, but it cannot be true! It hides phenomena that escape our sordid globalists. It can only be a completely different scenario. A very sudden rise in core temperature may be due to a transmutation phenomenon noted precisely at Chernobyl. This does not indicate an uncontrolled descent of the molten fuel into the Earth, but a controlled transmutation phenomenon. To confine this fusion, it could well be that we find in this reactor a mass of protective aluminum on the surface. In any case, if it is a fusion controlled by exotechnology, whether the vessel is pierced or not will have no impact. Everything will become inert, vitrified underground. This involves mastering the transmutation of mox, uranium and plutonium. If TEPCO, a few members of the Japanese government and the Rothschilds are aware; understand that they cannot deliver information which would imply the recognition of an exocivilization come to repair the damage due to the follies of a transnational consortium. However, our analysis cannot stop there to explain the fact that 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained: on the site, in the atmosphere and in the Pacific Ocean. In view of the weak fallout, a cleaning of radionuclides by transmutation in the ocean and the atmosphere necessarily took place. How ? The mystery remains whole and will remain so as long as we are under the leaden cloak of the New World Order. However, even if a third of its territory is hard hit by radioactive pollution, Japan is saved. The Fukushima affair is of the same ilk as the BP affair in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, where the explosion of an oil platform led to a veritable oil spill which caused considerable ecological damage. This disaster, no doubt provoked, had generated a 100 kilometer submarine fault from which crude oil was escaping. Neither the USA nor the oil companies had the means to repair such damage. Do you still hear about this serious disaster? No ! Why? This fault has been plugged over 100 kilometers and the oil is not touching our coasts. Who could stop such an ecological catastrophe condemning the Atlantic? If BP claims to be at the origin of the end of this disaster by having blocked two wells, we let you judge the seriousness of such an assertion. You should know that in the media BP has claimed compensation for this disaster. In conclusion, we can only note the relevance of our hypothesis: “forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies are watching over us”. In conclusion, we find that leucoderms use technologies that they do not master at all, and which are very dangerous. In the event of an accident, the consequences can be fatal for the planet and its inhabitants. Again in order to satisfy their material desires blind.The Doesn't neuromelanin deficiency explain these crazy behaviors? Questioned by mediumistic channels on their interventions against the seriously polluting phenomena which threaten the planet, the Beings of Light answered ''We do not make these interventions for humans, but for the planet itself because the Earth is a jewel by its nature. biodiversity that was made up of different plants recovered from other planets. Yet the Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) had rediscovered free energy: it is a form of clean, healthy, cheap, non-polluting, inexhaustible energy, which would be available in large quantities and accessible to all. ; on its own it would solve the problems of famine and pollution. But this energy constituted a danger for the survival of the oil companies which enrich themselves blindly to the detriment of the environment as we have just seen above. So they rushed to cut off all funding to Tesla and silence it. We see once again that the leucoderma will stop at nothing to satisfy its basely material desires. Could neuromelamine deficiency be the cause? Always to talk about pollution threatening the survival of the planet; France has a mega gold mine project in Guyana in the Amazon: the lungs of the planet. This project will lead to the deforestation of 1500 ha of forest (32 stadiums in France) and the expulsion of the Indian tribes living on these lands. We see once again that the albino will stop at nothing to satisfy his material needs. UFOs above the nuclear power plant of Fessenheim Alsace France May 2018 (to clean up) UFOs over Chernobyl nuclear power plant Ukraine (to clean up) UFO over Fukushima in Japan 2011 (to depollute) As soon as the explosion the UFOs immediately intervened to depollute 2010 oil rig explosion: Gulf of Mexico

  • Les blancs aiment penser qu'ils ont inventé-tout-ce-que-nous-tenons-acquis-à-notre-époque

    White people like to think they invented everything we take for granted in our time. (Ref ) The truth is that Caucasians have only rediscovered the many inventions of our BLACK ancestors deep in antiquity . It quickly became common knowledge that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans. Pharaoh Menes, who is considered the founder of Pharaonic Egypt and the unification of lower (north) and upper (south) Egypt, is preceded by thousands of years of kings who are not considered in ancient history. Egypt does not have a linear progressive history where it started from a primitive stage and progressed to its advanced state. The Egyptians started ADVANCES. Ancient Egypt is the continuation or satellite colony of an even more ancient and fabulous supercivilization: Atlantis. There are many ruins and evidence of Atlantis. Not just Plato's account, but megalithic ruins found in the United States; these must be the remains of an ancient BLACK civilization. Although the Library of Alexandria was destroyed by fire along with centers of knowledge in other places, ancient Indian texts from the Ramayana Empire still exist and confirm that vimanas (ancient Indian flying machines) are a reality and not a figment of the imagination. The inhabitants of the ancient Ramayana Empire are the ancestors of the black Dravidians or "untouchables" (Dalits) of present-day India. Written in the ancient language of Sanskrit, the text gives wondrous tales of the fantastic wars that were fought here too on this planet and in outer space by those ancient flying machines using mercury vortex propulsion. It is also a carefully guarded secret that many of today's UFOs are actually the old vimanas of great antiquity; they are concealed by the United States and other world governments, these UFOs are reconstructions of these ancient planes. As I said earlier, these are inventions that white people have only REDISCOVERED and cannot be credited to them. One of the main lies the US wants to keep alive for ego reasons is that the man walked on the moon. with the Apollo lunar landings of the late sixties and early seventies. It is one of the greatest deceptions in the history of the world. The white man NEVER walked on the moon or even approached it. There are many ways to prove to yourself that the moon landings were fraudulent. One of my favorite ways to discern this is the image of footprints left in the lunar soil. If you stop and think, how can that be? For there to be footprints in the ground, there must be moisture as a binder, and the moon is a vacuum with no atmosphere to hold the moisture; therefore, there could be no real footprints on the moon. Also, that American flag waving when there's no air on the moon, so no wind. On the other hand, the shadows of characters and machines that are projected in opposite directions prove that this is a film shot in a studio with artificial lighting. It is a known fact that when the sun shines the shadows all go in the same direction. Many people lack the necessary and even elementary scientific knowledge to realize this and ignorantly accept whatever is provided to them by NASA and the United States government. Many conscious people come to the conclusion that it was all a fraud, but it is important to white people that everyone passionately believes in and defends this hoax because it is a means of national pride. In addition, the people who took part in the filming of the film were all allegedly murdered or mysteriously died. That's not to say there aren't structures on the moon. Various reliable sources speak of obelisk-like structures on the moon, as well as something resembling an ancient airstrip. Somebody's been there, but it wasn't today's white men. I don't think they were little green men from Mars either. The structures up there look like ancient Egyptian artifacts and as such it was a black civilization as good as Atlantis. It would be perfectly logical that it was BLACK AFRICA in the golden age that accomplished this feat. What golden age, you ask? When man has reached his zenith! The ancient Egyptians have a , which speaks of what is called the "Golden Age" at the time of Atlantis before its destruction. The Bible says there were many destructions of mankind and therefore there were to be many golden ages. Every time a major disaster occurs, we're back in the Stone Age to start over. We are still starting over after the destruction of Atlantis and we have yet to regain the Zenith of technology that the Atlanteans, Lemurians and Lemanians have long enjoyed. We have yet to follow the next golden age. One thing we can be reassured of, by the time we get there, the white people won't be there. Just as they did not exist in the context that we understand today, in the last golden age: Atlantis. I he modern world has rediscovered or reinvented technology that was originally invented by our black African ancestors. In secret circles, this "reinvention or rediscovery is commonly referred to as reverse engineering." Deep in antiquity, there existed a prehistoric super-civilization much more technologically advanced than today. The spacecraft/plane, which existed at the time crashed during an ancient reconnaissance or war, was recovered by the powers that be and they proceeded to disassemble various parts of this old gear. Leucoderms reverse-engineered everything from the propulsion system to the electronic capabilities of other parts and components of the craft. It's common knowledge in some quarters that AT&T Bell Laboratories were credited as the inventors of the transistor, but in reality they reverse-engineered technology from an old crashed spacecraft aircraft. They like to refer to these craft as "crashed alien spacecraft". However, this implies that non-humans created and made these objects, when in reality they are objects created and made by humans but deep in antiquity before white people even existed in the world. context that we understand today. It goes without saying that many of the so-called modern amenities that white people boast of developing and inventing were really not invented by them. It is in fact the dismantling of artefacts or very old machines which they attributed the invention to themselves. One of the main lies is that the Wright brothers developed the concept of flight. They took it for their benefit. They really got the secret of flight through reverse engineering one of the old fallen aircraft/spaceships. What they also don't want to tell you is that when they recover these crashed antique planes, often after archaeological digs, they find the remains of black people, according to DNA, who were the pilots, and not "grays" or other aliens they want you to believe. Forensic evidence confirms it! Nicholas Tesla is another name you may not know. It is known for rediscovering many ancient technologies that are just beginning to resurface. (Ref ) Allow me to add the following: Western mainstream media never reported on what was discovered in Antarctica a few years ago. Following the melting of the ice which appears in the poles, a very advanced civilization would have been discovered in Antarctica: very large UFOs in which there were other smaller UFOs, totally frozen corpses, given the position of these corpses it was concluded that they had been the victims of a major cataclysm which suddenly surprised them, and instantly froze them. The website talk about this discovery. The figures depicted on the walls were black and dressed exactly like the ancient Egyptians, the writing depicted was hieroglyphs. The last major cataclysm to date was Atlantis 11,600 years ago, which had completely upset and reversed the North South East West positions of the Earth. The race of the people was black according to the examinations carried out. On the other hand, I personally add that after listening to channeled messages from Beings of Light of the well-known medium Monique Mathieu, these messages say that the Earth was created by the creator Gods with a very varied fauna and flora taken from different planets of the cosmos in order to make it an exceptional planet for its biodiversity and that black people came from another planet very far from our galaxy, to settle there. Whenever I ask Beings of Light the question ''where do white people come from'' they refuse to answer, I think they don't want to offend the present audience which is made up of white people by telling the truth about the Origin of leucoderma. (See above) On the other hand they answer without problem this same question about blacks. They also say that in very remote times there was a lot of genetic manipulation on humans. Also when they talk about the technologies used by the leucoderms, they say “your rediscovered technologies”. They evoke very remote times when civilization on earth was much more advanced than the current one, where one created from the uncreated with the only mental force. On the other hand they say that artificial intelligence as well as 5G are sciences brought by unfriendly extraterrestrials from other planets, but they take care that their uses are not harmful for the planet and the cosmos. In the USA in Nevada there is an area: Area 51 which would be a landing place for extraterrestrials in contact with American scientists. On the other hand, they make the following remarks to the audience: “You are polluting the planet, if it weren't for us who clean up regularly, there would be no life left on this planet; we are constantly depolluting: Chernobyl, Fukushima, your nuclear power plants....''. Indeed, it has been reported by some non-public media that UFOs are seen above nuclear power plants sending out light beams (to clean up). Public media say: drones. It was seen on the night of May 29-30, 2018 an armada of UFOs above the French nuclear power plant of Fessenheim in Alsace sending beams of light. We understand why the public authorities take no decision on this plant which is old, others clean it up for them, and it's free. In addition, they make the following remarks: “Your world is totally on its head........your nonsense.......” We know who these 10% of the world's population are who dominate the remaining 90% through the use of violence and bullying. IINTERVENTIONS BY ALIENS (extra-terrestrials) TO SAVE THE PLANET FROM THE DAMAGE INFLICTED ON IT BY ALBINOS Forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies watch over us .(Ref Fukushima is arguably the biggest nuclear accident on the planet, theoretically dooming all of Japan and endangering life to varying degrees in the Northern Hemisphere. The harmfulness of this nuclear disaster was estimated at more than 30 times that of Chernobyl. Never had so much nuclear fuel (uranium, plutonium, mox) been found out of control, in the open air. We evoked in Morphéus n°51 the transmutatory phenomenon which occurred inside the Chernobyl reactor. More than 10 tons of aluminum were found and 90% of the nuclear fuel had simply disappeared. These revelations come from Professor George Lochak, President of the Louis de Broglie Foundation in Paris, who tried to find a rational explanation for this phenomenon in Ukraine where Chernobyl is. We know in Physics that the transmutation of uranium into aluminum is possible. Can we control this phenomenon? We doubt it, otherwise security transmutatory systems would equip all land-based nuclear power plants. We note that leucodermas use a very dangerous technology, with fatal consequences, which they are unable to control (nuclear power stations, oil research). Without viable rational explanation and following the photographed, even filmed, intervention of UFOs on Chernobyl, we maintain the idea that this unprecedented transmutatory phenomenon is linked to the intervention of an exotechnology. By this intervention, the fatal pollution of the Chernobyl nuclear accident was in fact contained and divided at least by 10. This gives us an idea of what the extent of the damage would have been if no transmutation of the nuclear fuel had taken place. So how to explain this? It is neither the foolish arrangements made by TEPCO nor the measures of the Japanese government that could have had such an impact. Something else is at work. We are not far from reality in saying that more than 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained and continue to be so. Besides, the UFO activity above Fukushima is simply extraordinary. Everything suggests that these phenomena are not fortuitous but that they testify to a massive intervention on the disaster site and its periphery. The Reuters agency, an offshoot of the Rothschilds, affirmed on April 6, 2012 that the core of reactor 4 had entered into fusion and would have crossed the base of the reactor. This is what is called the Chinese syndrome. This is the most serious consequence of a nuclear reactor meltdown, in which the molten fuel elements of the core break through the barriers that confine it and sink into the earth. This information is logical and coherent, but it cannot be true! It hides phenomena that escape our sordid globalists. It can only be a completely different scenario. A very sudden rise in core temperature may be due to a transmutation phenomenon noted precisely at Chernobyl. This does not indicate an uncontrolled descent of the molten fuel into the Earth, but a controlled transmutation phenomenon. To confine this fusion, it could well be that we find in this reactor a mass of protective aluminum on the surface. In any case, if it is a fusion controlled by exotechnology, whether the vessel is pierced or not will have no impact. Everything will become inert, vitrified underground. This involves mastering the transmutation of mox, uranium and plutonium. If TEPCO, some members of the Japanese government and the Rothschilds are aware; understand that they cannot deliver information which would imply the recognition of an exocivilization come to repair the damage due to the follies of a transnational consortium. However, our analysis cannot stop there to explain the fact that 99% of the effects of Fukushima have been contained: on the site, in the atmosphere and in the Pacific Ocean. In view of the weak fallout, a cleaning of radionuclides by transmutation in the ocean and the atmosphere necessarily took place. How ? The mystery remains intact and will remain so as long as we are under the leaden screed of the New World Order. However, even if a third of its territory is hard hit by radioactive pollution, Japan is saved. The Fukushima affair is of the same ilk as the BP affair in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, where the explosion of an oil platform led to a veritable oil spill which caused considerable ecological damage. This disaster, no doubt provoked, had generated an underwater fault of 100 kilometers from which crude oil was escaping. Neither the USA nor the oil companies had the means to repair such damage. Do you still hear about this serious disaster? No ! For what ? This fault has been plugged over 100 kilometers and the oil does not touch our coasts. Who could stop such an ecological disaster condemning the Atlantic? If BP claims to be at the origin of the end of this disaster by having blocked two wells, we let you judge the seriousness of such an assertion. You should know that in the media BP has claimed compensation for this disaster. In conclusion, we can only note the relevance of our hypothesis: "forces endowed with wisdom and extremely advanced technologies are watching over us" In conclusion, we find that albinos use technologies that they do not master at all, and which are very dangerous. In the event of an accident, the consequences can be fatal for the planet and its inhabitants. Again in order to satisfy their blind material desires. Doesn't neuromelanin deficiency explain these crazy behaviors? Questioned by mediumistic channels on their interventions against the seriously polluting phenomena which threaten the planet, the Beings of Light answered ''We do not make these interventions for humans, but for the planet itself because the Earth is a jewel by its biodiversity which was made up of different plants recovered from other planets. Yet the Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) had rediscovered free energy: it is a form of clean, healthy, cheap, non-polluting, inexhaustible energy, which would be available in large quantities and accessible to all. ; on its own it would solve the problems of famine and pollution. But this energy constituted a danger for the survival of the oil companies which enrich themselves blindly to the detriment of the environment as we have just seen above. So they rushed to cut off all funding to Tesla and silence it. We see once again that the leucoderma will stop at nothing to satisfy its basely material desires. Could neuromelamine deficiency be the cause? Always to talk about pollution threatening the survival of the planet; France has a mega gold mine project in Guyana in the Amazon: the lungs of the planet. This project will lead to the deforestation of 1500 ha of forest (32 stadiums in France) and the expulsion of the Indian tribes living on these lands. We see once again that the albino will stop at nothing to satisfy his material needs. IS LEUCODERM SATISFIED WITH ITS PROGRESS? The leucoderma having erased from history the black by the low hand made on the achievements of the melanoderms, as well as by the falsification and the usurpation of these achievements, especially in Europe; and especially by using lies and violence, is he fully satisfied with his journey? Is he happy? because the purpose of all these abuses is to feel the well-being, material certainly, but especially psychological, emotional? One would not think so because of the discontent he expresses towards his rulers. In addition, we are witnessing a social and economic degradation of these countries whose wealth is concentrated in the hands of the political, financial and economic ruling elite. You should know that happiness, the well-being of the spirit are above all states of mind. White people are above all materialistic and egocentric. For him, to be happy is to have money, material which he can enjoy to satiety. But are we happy when we are fulfilled materially? The great malaise of Western societies where there is a lot of misunderstanding, divisions, where there is a lot of violence, crimes, shows that although it has completely stripped blacks and usurped their knowledge, their achievements and their possessions, it does not did not allow him to achieve a certain mental and spiritual comfort. Could the cause still be this deficiency in neuromelanin which deprives him of sensitivity, empathy, creativity, spirituality, cheerfulness, intuition, emotions? The leucoderma by its domination of the world by using both psychological and physiological violence, lies, abuse, falsification, has imposed its vision of life on us, a vision dominated by fear. (According to our African ancestors there are only 2 feelings: fear at the origin of all negative feelings, and Love at the origin of all positive feelings). UFOs above nuclear power plant: to clean up UFO depolluting over the Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011. UFOs depolluting the Chernobyl nuclear power plant UFOs depolluting the Fessenheim nuclear power plant in Alsace 2018 2010 oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico Images of Area 51 in Nevada USA where extraterrestrials work with American scientists

  • Les 11 composantes du pacte de colonisation depuis 1950

    The 11 main components of the pursuit of the colonization pact since 1950 1 . The colonial debt for the "benefits" of France during colonization Newly "independent" countries must pay for the infrastructure built by France in the country during colonization. 2 . Automatic confiscation of national reserves African countries must deposit their national monetary reserves in France at the central bank. These fourteen countries are obliged to deposit 85% of their reserves in the French Treasury, which would leave them only 15% of liquidity and would oblige them to go into debt with France. France has held national reserves of fourteen African countries since 1961: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo -Brazzaville, Guinea Equatorial and Gabon. The monetary policy governing such a diverse grouping of countries is straightforward as it is managed by the French Treasury, without reference to central fiscal authorities like the WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union or CEMAC. Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa. According to the terms of the agreement which was put in place by the central bank of the CFA (French Colonies of Africa), each Central Bank of each African country is obliged to keep at least 65% of its foreign exchange reserves in a " operations account” held at the French Treasury, as well as another 20% to cover financial liabilities. The obligation to centralize the foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) with the French Treasury changed in 2007 from 65% to 50% and was maintained at 65% for the Central Bank of Comoros. The CFA central banks also impose a ceiling on the credit granted to each member country at the equivalent of 20% of that country's government revenue over the previous year. Even if the central banks: the BEAC: the Bank of Central African States and the BCEAO Central Bank of West African States have an overdraft facility with the French Treasury, the drafts on the overdraft facilities are subject to the consent of the French Treasury. The last word is that of the French Treasury which has invested the foreign reserves of African countries in its own name on the Paris Stock Exchange. In short, more than 80% of the foreign exchange reserves of these African countries are deposited in the "operations accounts" controlled by the French Treasury. The two CFA banks are African in name, but do not have their own monetary policies. The countries themselves do not know, are not informed, to the extent of how much the foreign exchange reserve held by the French Treasury belongs to them as a group or individually. The gains from the investment of these French Treasury funds are supposed to be added to the foreign exchange reserve, but there is no accounting transmitted to banks or countries, nor the details of these changes. “Only a select group of senior French Treasury officials know the amounts appearing in the “operations accounts” where these funds are invested; whether there is a profit on these investments; they are prohibited from disclosing this information to CFA banks or to the central banks of African states. ” writes Dr. Gary K. Busch It is estimated that France manages nearly 500 billion African money in its treasury, and does nothing to shed some light on this dark side of the old empire. The purpose remains: African countries do not have access to this money. France allows them access to only 15% of their money per year. If they need more, African countries must borrow, at commercial rates, from the 65% of their money held in the French Treasury To make matters more tragic, France imposes a cap on the amount of money countries can borrow from the reserve. The ceiling is set at 20% of their public revenue for the previous year. If countries need to borrow more than 20% of their own money, France has a veto. Former French President Jacques Chirac recently spoke about money from African countries in banks in France. He said: "We must be honest and recognize that a large part of the money in our banks comes precisely from the exploitation of the African continent". 3 . Right of priority over any raw or natural resource discovered in the country France has priority in the purchase of all the natural resources of the land of its former colonies. It is only on its refusal that African countries are authorized to seek other partners. 4 . Priority to French interests and companies in public contracts and public constructions In the awarding of public contracts, French companies must be considered first, and only then, foreign markets are considered. The fact that African countries might get a better financial deal elsewhere is not taken into account. Consequently, in most of the former French colonies, all the biggest companies and economic players are in the hands of French expatriates. In Côte d'Ivoire, for example, French companies own and control all major public services – water, electricity, telephone, transport, ports and major banks. Ditto in trade, construction and agriculture. Ultimately, as I wrote in a previous article, Africans now live on a continent owned by Europeans! 5 . Exclusive right to supply military equipment and train military officers of countries Thanks to a sophisticated system of scholarships, subsidies, and the “defense agreements” attached to the colonial pact, Africans must send their senior officers for training in France or in French military infrastructures. The situation on the continent is such that France has trained and nurtured hundreds, even thousands of traitors. They are dormant until needed, and activated when needed for a coup or for other purposes! 6 . Right for France to pre-deploy troops and intervene militarily in the country to defend its interests Under the name "Defence Agreements" attached to the colonial pact. France has the right to intervene militarily in African countries, and also to station troops permanently in military bases and installations, entirely managed by the French. French military bases in Africa are deployed in the following countries: Mali (they are currently being expelled by the transitional government of Mali), Niger, Chad, Djibouti, Horn of Africa, Senegal, Ivory Coast , Gulf of Guinea, Gabon, Central African Republic When President Laurent Gbagbo of Côte d'Ivoire attempted to end French exploitation of the country, France staged a coup. During the long process of ousting Gbagbo from power, French tanks, helicopter gunships and special forces intervened directly in the conflict, shooting at civilians and killing many of them. To add insult to injury, France estimates that the French business community then lost several million dollars in the scramble to leave Abidjan in 2006 (where the French army massacred 65 unarmed civilians and wounded another 1200.) After the successful coup by France, and the transfer of power to Alassane Ouattara, France asked the Ouattara government to pay compensation to the French business community for losses during the civil war. In fact, the Ouattara government paid them double what they said they had lost when they left. 7 . Obligation to make French the official language of the country and the language of education Yes sir. You must speak French, the language of Molière! The French language and culture dissemination organization was created, called "Francophonie" which brings together with it several branches and affiliated organizations all controlled by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. As demonstrated in this article, if French is the only language you speak, you would have access to less than 4% of humanity's knowledge and ideas. It's very limiting. 8 . Obligation to use the money of colonial France the FCFA This is the real cash cow for France, such an evil system, is denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to do without this colonial system which offers it a cash flow of around 500 billion dollars from Africa per year. During the introduction of the euro currency in Europe, other European countries discovered the French operating system. Many, especially the Nordic countries, were appalled and suggested France get rid of the system, but to no avail. The CFA franc being aligned with the euro for the exchange, this causes the impoverishment of Africans by the robustness of the euro. La overvaluation of the CFA franc impoverishes African exporters deux times at least. First, Africans have become less competitive because of the overvalued FCFA lose significant shares of their foreign markets for the benefit of their global competitors. Second, Africans lose a lot of money when their export earnings are converted into euros 9 . Obligation to send France an annual report on the balance and reserves. Without the report, no money. Be that as it may, the secretariat of the Central Banks of the former colonies, and the secretariat of the half-yearly meeting of the Ministers of Finance of the former colonies is provided by the Banque Centrale de France/Treasury. 10 . Waiver of entering into a military alliance with any other country, unless authorized by France African countries in general are those with the fewest inter-state military alliances. Most countries only have military alliances with their ex-colonizers! (funny, but you can't do better!). In cases where they would like another alliance, France will keep them from doing so. 11 . Obligation to ally with France in a situation of war or world crisis More than a million African soldiers fought for the defeat of Nazism and Fascism during World War II. Their contribution is often ignored or minimized, but when you think it took Germany just 6 weeks to defeat France in 1940, France knows that Africans could be useful in keeping the “Grandeur de la France” at home. 'coming. There is something almost psychopathic in France's relationship with Africa. First of all, France has been seriously addicted to plundering and exploiting Africa since the days of slavery. Then there is this complete lack of the creativity and imagination of the French elite to think beyond the past and tradition. Finally, France has 2 institutions that are completely frozen in the past, inhabited by paranoid and psychopathic "senior officials" who spread the fear of the apocalypse if France were to change, and whose ideological reference comes still 19th century romanticism. They are: the Minister of Finance and Budget of France and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France. These two institutions are not only a threat to Africa, but to the French themselves. It is up to us to liberate Africa, without asking permission, because I still cannot understand for example how 450 French soldiers in Ivory Coast could control a population of 20 million people? The first reaction of people when they learn of the existence of the French colonial tax is often a question: “Until when” For historical comparison, France made Haiti pay the modern equivalent of $21 billion from 1804 to 1947 (nearly a century and a half) for the losses caused to French slave traders following the abolition of slavery and the liberation of Haitian slaves. African countries have been paying colonial tax for the last 50 years, so I think a century of payment might be too much. Mawuna Note Koutonin Original article: colonial-tax/ DO YOU KNOW that France is the 3rd world power for gold held in its vaults at the Bank of France (2436t of gold), Germany 2nd world economic power has 1800t of gold. More than 13,000 billion euros of liquidity belonging to Africans and coming from the CFA franc are currently kept in France. France places this money on the stock exchange and pockets the interest when they should be added to this reserve: African money. France would have bought its gold reserve with this money from the Africans. WHAT A SCAM!

  • La présence chinoise en Afrique | My Vxw Site 6m59zv

    LA PRESENCE CHINOISE EN AFRIQUE ​ J’évoque ce sujet car j’ai personnellement entendu des africains se plaindre de la présence chinoise sans se référer à l’occupation occidentale passée et présente, bien pire. La présence chinoise en Afrique est très décriée et de plus en plus, spécialement par les occidentaux qui voient les chinois comme des concurrents leur prenant des marchés qui selon eux leur reviendraient de droit en raison de la main mise qu’ils ont sur l’Afrique et ses richesses ; Mais il faut savoir que la Chine et l’Inde ont été les premiers pays depuis l’Afrique précoloniale à commercer avec les Africains ; Les relations étaient empreintes de respect et jamais les chinois n’ont commis ni invasions, ni génocides, ni mise en esclavage des noirs contrairement aux blancs dont toute l’économie donc le bien être repose sur l’exploitation, l’esclavage des noirs dont ils tirent profit jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Les occidentaux ont envahi, exploité tous les pays non occidentaux, ont génocidé les populations, volé, exploité leurs ressources minières et forestières ; les chinois n’ont pas de pareils comportements à leur actif. Depuis que la Chine a commencé à travailler avec les pays africains ces derniers connaissent une prospérité nettement supérieure et même une progression annuelle à 2 chiffres pour certains . Les relations Chine Afrique bien que laissant à désirer certaines fois, n’ont rien à voir avec les relations de domination avec les blancs qui exploitaient les africains de la manière la plus honteuse qui soit et sans le moindre scrupule, en les enfonçant dans une misère et une dette grandissantes accompagnées de leurs mépris pour la race noire. Dans les rapports Chine Afrique, la Chine propose aux chefs d’Etat africains par l’intermédiaire de la Banque de Chine de leur construire des infrastructures : écoles, hôpitaux, logements, ponts etc….Choses que les Européens n’ont jamais faites. En retour ils obtiennent le droit d’exploiter les ressources minières et reversent à l’Etat africain un pourcentage des profits réalisés ​ La Chine encourage l'Afrique à faire du développement des infrastructures une priorité de la revitalisatio n économique . De 2016 à 2020, l'investissement total dans les projets d'infrastructure en Afrique a atteint près de 200 milliards de dollars, d'après le livre blanc intitulé "La Chine et l'Afrique dans la nouvelle ère : un partenariat d'égalité". Les projets mis en oeuvre par les entreprises chinoises représentaient 31,4% du total des projets d'infrastructure sur le continent africain en 2020. Depuis la fondation du Forum sur la coopération sino-africaine, les entreprises chinoises ont utilisé divers fonds pour aider les pays africains à construire et à moderniser plus de 10.000 kilomètres de chemins de fer, près de 100.000 kilomètres d'autoroutes, près de 1.000 ponts et 100 ports, ainsi que 66.000 kilomètres de lignes de transmission et de distribution d'électricité, selon le livre blanc. Elles ont également aidé à construire une capacité de production installée d'électricité de 120 millions de kilowatts, un réseau de communication de base de 150.000 kilomètres et un service de réseau couvrant près de 700 millions de terminaux d'utilisateurs, ajoute le document. La Chine a consolidé sa présence en Afrique depuis plus d’une décennie, jusqu’à devenir le premier investisseur et le principal partenaire économique et commercial. Si les obstacles et les résistances sont nombreux, et si la rivalité avec d’autres puissances – notamment d’autres puissances émergentes comme l’Inde et le Brésil – sont vives, la Chine continue d’y développer des infrastructures routières, portuaires, et aéroportuaires. C’est surtout depuis 2000 qu’on observe un renforcement de la présence chinoise en Afrique dans les investissements, l’aide au développement, le soutien à la construction d’infrastructures et le dialogue avec les dirigeants africains. ​ La Chine a besoin des ressources énergétiques dont regorge le continent africain, et ce dernier a besoin des aides chinoises pour se développer. Le pétrole du Nigeria, de l’Algérie, de la Libye, de l’Angola, du Soudan et de la Guinée équatoriale, le fer et le cuivre de l’Afrique du Sud et de la Zambie, le cobalt et le coltan de la République démocratique du Congo, le bois du Gabon, du Cameroun et du Congo, de même que le chrome du Zimbabwe sont des ressources indispensables pour Pékin. De tous les enjeux énergétiques liés à l’engagement de la Chine en Afrique, le pétrole est le plus important. La production pétrolière africaine, qui représente un peu plus de 10 % de la production mondiale, est donc pour Pékin une solution pour amoindrir sa dépendance envers les producteurs du Moyen-Orient . Plus précisément, c’est la région du golfe de Guinée qui va nourrir la soif chinoise. Elle constitue pour Pékin un enjeu stratégique pour assurer ses approvisionnements : le Nigéria produit 2 500 000 barils par jour, l’Angola, un peu moins d’un million, la Guinée équatoriale, le Soudan, le Congo, le Gabon et le Tchad, autour de 250 000 et 300 000. Les réserves en minerais de l’Afrique représentent un autre attrait indiscutable pour Pékin et les pays africains sont plus que disposés à exporter leurs productions vers la Chine. Le Niger a d’importantes réserves d’uranium, le Zimbabwe exporte du platine, le Congo et la Gambie du cuivre, l’Afrique du Sud et la Guinée de la bauxite, et de nombreux États ont d’importantes réserves de fer ou de cobalt. Des ressources qui favorisent les partenariats commerciaux, et permettent à ces différents pays de vendre à la Chine des quantités importantes de minerais. À cela s’ajoutent les importants échanges de bois ou de coton, dont la croissance chinoise a besoin, et qui permettent aux pays africains d’afficher une balance commerciale souvent excédentaire. Enfin, la Chine a d’importants besoins en agriculture, et développe de multiples partenariats avec les pays africains dans ce domaine. Mais je pense que les pays africains devraient transformer leurs matières premières sur place au lieu de les vendre brut ; cela permettrait de créer de l’emploi en Afrique. Il est à noter tout de même que la Chine est le pays qui investit le plus en Afrique subsaharienne aujourd'hui notamment en matière d'infrastructures (routes, stades, palais, etc.…). Les gouvernements Africains signent de plus en de plus de partenariats avec la Chine car il y a le sentiment d'être traité d'égal en égal. La chine n'a pas d'histoire coloniale avec l'Afrique. Par ailleurs, outre les gouvernants, la plupart des populations estiment que les Chinois travaillent mieux et vite en comparaison de sociétés par exemple française. Si un projet initié par les Chinois échoue ou tarde à se concrétiser, c'est souvent lié à des luttes intestines au sein des gouvernants ou le non-paiement des échéanciers de la part du pays bénéficiaires. Abdoulaye Wade déclarait au sommet UE-Afrique de décembre 2007 tenu à Lisbonne : « Quand je veux construire cinq kilomètres de routes avec la Banque mondiale ou les autres institutions financières internationales, il me faut cinq ans. Avec la Chine, c’est quelques jours. Je dis oui ou je dis non, ils viennent, on signe le papier, ils sont sur place ». Cela permet également aux hommes politiques africains d’améliorer leur image auprès de leur population en montrant que la situation évolue. De plus, Pékin ne se préoccupe pas des affaires internes (bonne gouvernance, droits de l’Homme, démocratie, etc.) de certains pays Africains. Contrairement aux Américains, aux Français ils n’ont pas de bases militaires installées en Afrique pour intimider les africains, organiser des coups d’Etat violents pour installer des chefs d’Etat désignés par eux et leur accordant des marchés à leur profit. Ils n’ont pas non plus inventé des maladies (Sida, Ebola) et des vaccins pour décimer les africains. Evidemment certaines entreprises chinoises et des chinois commettent des abus, Mais n’appartient-il pas aux pays africains de se faire respecter et exercer des sanctions contre ces abus ? les africains doivent faire la loi chez eux et sévir. ​ Mais attention, les Africains doivent rester très vigilants et ne pas faire confiance les yeux fermés à la Chine . La Chine 1ère puissance économique mondiale, atelier du monde, n’a pas intérêt à ce que l’Afrique devienne une puissance capable de les concurrencer un jour et ne voit pas d’un bon œil le développement de l’Afrique en ce sens; Il est de son intérêt que l’Afrique reste demanderesse et continue à recourir à ses services pour la construction de ses infrastructures. Mais les Africains doivent prendre conscience de la puissance qu’ils seront s’ils sont unis : je parle des Etats Unis d’Afrique. L’Afrique est le plus grand continent de la planète bien que les blancs fassent tous leurs efforts pour la faire apparaitre beaucoup plus petite sur les mappemondes afin de dégrader les noirs et l’Afrique. L’Afrique possède en abondance toutes les richesse de la planète dans son sous-sol et n’a pas besoin d’aller chercher ailleurs, sa population est de 1milliard 400 millions d’habitants, elle est jeune :l’âge moyen est de 18 ans alors qu’il est de 30 ans sur le reste de la planète (43 ans en Europe), elle ne connait pas de tremblements de terre et est peu exposée aux catastrophes naturelles. A l’étranger sa diaspora est souvent de haut niveau culturel et contribue au développement des pays où elle se trouve (USA, Europe etc…). Que cette diaspora retourne en Afrique, que l’Afrique revienne à ses frontières d’avant 1885, année de la conférence de Berlin qui a vu son partage comme un gâteau entre les pays occidentaux. Alors l’Afrique sera le continent puissant et d’avant-garde de la planète et les Africains seront tout naturellement respectés. Ce rêve reste réalisable dans le temps. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Stade de l'amitié à Dakar Sénégal construit par la Chine L'Afrique d'Est à l'Ouest mesure 7200 kms, la Russie 6400kms a 800 kms de moins, mais les blancs montrent l'Afrique 3 fois plus petite dans le but de dégrader les noirs et l'Afrique

  • NON, les noirs n'ont pas vendu leurs frères

    No, blacks didn't sell their brothers to whites I warn my black brothers and sisters against the false nonsense conveyed by the leucodermas and in their books claiming that Africans sold their brothers to whites so that they would be reduced to slavery through the slave trade; absurdities repeated by certain black authors and personalities acting as lackeys of white people or for lack of information on this subject. Let's think about this question together. : the whites came to Africa armed to the teeth to look for blacks, they came in warships: galleons heavily armed with cannons when they knew that the blacks had arrows, spears and spears, very light compared to their heavy armaments. For what ? it's because there was fierce resistance, black not letting it go. Moreover, the fact that there were 10 blacks killed for 1 black captured shows that the blacks defended themselves ferociously without fearing for their lives. Indeed, there were battles which were not always to the advantage of the whites despite their heavy artillery. Still on the slave trade , you have read or heard of African wrens who in Africa captured blacks through slave raids to sell them to whites. These raids attacked in priority the legitimate elites (Kings, Queens) to break the political organization of the states and to break any potentialities of resistance. These wrens were bastard children that Portuguese had had with African women; so half-breeds, they had Portuguese names, none had African names. Another ambush to make believe that the blacks were selling their brothers to the whites I recently heard the well-known economic journalist P. Jovanovic, a man of color, repeat this nonsense about the sale of blacks by their brothers. Why do leucodermas like to convey this message? In order to rehabilitate themselves from these heinous crimes committed against the blacks, they want to show that they were not so bad and that it was the blacks who took their brothers to them. Comments of this kind were created by the leucoderms towards the Arawak Amerindians of the West Indies who were exterminated by them. These remarks claimed that the Arawaks had exterminated the Amerindians first inhabitants of these islands in order to take their lands. Another way of saying that they weren't the worst and that the Arawaks had been punished anyway, so they deserved to have been exterminated by them, the Europeans. I do not believe either the statements made by the whites to say that the Amerindian peoples Incas Aztecs practiced human sacrifices to honor their deities; remarks very probably made to justify the genocide to 95% of these peoples by presenting themselves as vigilantes. All these Amerindian peoples were black peoples: the black, in essence, thanks to this melanin which impregnates his brain and his nervous centers, and which makes him a sensitive, civilized being; respects human and animal life, nature, because he considers that everything is animated by the spirit of God to whom he devotes the deepest respect and the greatest consideration, and who for him is everywhere. The black asks forgiveness from the animal before killing it only to feed itself, it does the same to the tree before picking its fruits to feed itself. On the other hand, leucodermas are great predators: and black human beings that they have never hesitated to massacre without scruple, and nature (fauna and flora) in order to satisfy their basely material desires. Blacks have never practiced genocide or massacres anywhere on the planet, even at the time when they dominated the world: Ancient Egypt. I recall that the Amerindian populations Incas, Aztecs, Mayas were exterminated at 90/95% by the whites: that is to say approximately 130 million, I remember an article written by a white journalist saying that this was totally false, that they were all dead from Legionnaire's disease and that there have never been any genocides of Native Americans. Comments made once again to clear their conscience, which prove a total lack of sensitivity and empathy and show a deep contempt for the Black. I take this opportunity to recall an article written by a Western journalist on the peoples of Melanesia who are black; He said that when their parents were old, they got rid of them in the following way: They made them climb a tree, shook the tree, rushed on those who had fallen and finished them off with sticks. When we know the respect and the deep consideration for the elders among the blacks, we immediately understand that it is a question of slander aimed at discrediting them. On the other hand in the leucoderma we do not note a great consideration, nor love for their parents and the elders in general. The 2007 heat wave caused many deaths in France, the victims were mainly elderly people; it was noted that a significant number of the bodies of their elderly parents were not even claimed by them and that it was the municipalities that had to bear the costs of the burials. This attitude denotes in the leucoderma a lack of sensitivity, consideration, love, empathy, a frenzied egocentrism. If the whites do not hesitate to make satanist sacrifices of children in their satanist sects in order to obtain material advantages, among the blacks the respect for life, empathy and a certain sensitivity prevent them from indulging in these practices. Regarding this subject, they like to accuse us of practicing witchcraft; The witchcraft practiced among blacks has nothing to do with the black magic that the leucodermas practice in their satanic sects in Europe, the USA (ex: Bohemian grove in California ) practices accompanied by human sacrifices so that their political parties are at the head, that their big companies obtain markets often to the detriment of their competitors. So we must be very vigilant and suspicious about what whites say about us blacks, especially never repeat their lies, their goal having always been to devalue us in order to inferiorize us. I quote some of the innumerable flagrant injustices, exploitations, thefts, plunders of which the blacks are victims on the part of the whites. - The alternative press ( network) of June 2020 reveals the existence of a farm in Libya in which men, women, children, babies, all black, were found locked in small cages, these human beings had undergone organ removals, performed without anesthesia, they were crippled, some blind. It would have been found 2 billion euros in cash in this place. We are aware of the very profitable trade in organs that takes place from countries in the South to Western countries with the complicity of the latter, always in search of profits and who do not investigate the provenance of the organs they buy. The Western press did not report this fact but spoke of mass graves. - I will also mention an organization created in 2013 supposedly for the defense of the civil rights of blacks in the USA and which is "Black Lives Matter": Black lives matter. This organization would be financed by personalities, very influential members of the New World Order created by the leucodermas. The New World Order would be born from the "Illuminati" and would aim for world domination by carrying out its plans gradually through history. The events of the world would thus be orchestrated by a group of individuals acting in the shadows, bearers of a long-standing totalitarian project; their first objective is to reduce the world's population and blacks are in the front line in their sights. Black Lives Matter is said to be funded by leading figures of the New World Order and has received, among other things, $100 million from the Ford Foundation and $33 million from the Soros Foundation. The unacknowledged purpose of this New World Order is to unleash racial hatred between whites and blacks in the USA; You understand that blacks would be the big losers of these racist hate movements because numerically they are less numerous than whites and above all they do not have the weapons that whites can afford. So before engaging in any movement of a philanthropic nature, blacks should find out about the organizers and the origin of the funds for these movements. - Blacks have made many inventions, and this since under slavery; the whites, their masters appropriated these inventions which they put in their name by attributing the discovery to themselves. The blacks, scholars or inventors do not appear anywhere in the world book of invention whose author is Valérie Anne Giscard d'Estaing daughter of the former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and listing those who have enabled the progress of humanity. These black scientists are “voluntarily and carefully” forgotten by the world although their inventions are of various, daily use; The intellectual property of many of these inventions has been violated.( Chap the black inventors ) Cannot this voluntary and calculated occultation of these black inventors be considered a cultural and intellectual genocide? Any discovery made until today by the blacks is deliberately concealed; in the eyes of whites, blacks must appear ignorant, uneducated, servile, inferior, of low IQ. -In European museums: British Museum in London, Musée du quai Branly in Paris, to name a few, thousands of artifacts are on display: statues, figurines that have been stolen from Africa, Egypt, Asian countries, the Americas by Europeans; An Egyptian president had ordered to repatriate those who came from Egypt, until this day this order has never been executed, the leucodermas have kept them. The blacks should organize themselves to recover their works of art stolen and exhibited in museums whose entry is paid to admire them. - I will also talk about the International Criminal Court This is a permanent international criminal court created in 2002 by Westerners, with a universal vocation, responsible for judging people accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and of war crimes. I invite you to go to the site . By consulting the names of the people suspected since the creation of the ICC, you will see for yourself that this court seems to have been created for blacks and Arabs because all the people who have been worried by this body are black and Arab. The latest is the former president of Côte d'Ivoire Laurent Bagbo, whose crime would have been to have said that he wanted his country to work with everyone, this statement more than displeased France (the Côte d'Ivoire is part of France Afrique) which rushed to send armed forces which overthrew Mr Bagbo and replaced Ouattara as the straw man of the French government. France had him arrested, tried by the ICC on the charge of crimes against humanity, he was imprisoned for several years and has just been acquitted, no charge having been brought against him. Ironically, the judges and prosecutors chosen by this Court are very often black. On the other hand many Europeans, among other Heads of State have never been worried by the ICC for crimes of genocide committed in the countries of the South, they have not accepted that any investigation be made on this subject. The latest is the 2011 invasion of Libya and the assassination of Gaddafi under Sarkozy. Let me go back before the creation of the ICC: the genocide in Rwanda under François Mitterrand remains a gaping wound without explanation, the genocide in Cameroon of the Bamileke people and many others. -I will also mention a very formidable tool created by the Americans: the HAARP project In addition to its many highly evolved skills in the military field, this device would be able to mentally manipulate populations without their knowledge, to control the climate: to create tornadoes , cyclones, drought, floods, earthquakes in some countries targeted by Westerners. Indépendance dHaiti La rançon extorquée par la France, la bataille de Vertièrer

  • Explication honteuse de l'extermination My Vxw Site 6m59zv

    Explication honteuse de l'extermination des noirs d'Europe : Ils auraient été exterminés par les Yamnayas racontent les blancs !!!. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Observez ces 3 images de yamn ayas : cheveux et yeux marrons . ce sont les signes de présence de mélanine dans les cheveux et les yeux . La mélanine est u n pigment qui re lève de la race noire. Manifestement les yamnayas identiques aux européens actuels avaient des ancêtres noirs. Depuis des décennies, des recherches sont faites par des chercheurs afro-américains sur les noirs 1ers européens qui au 19é siècle ont tous disparu d’Europe. Les blancs depuis le 19è siècle ayant fait main basse sur tous les médias, fabriquent l’histoire et la racontent d’une manière qui les avantagent, donc de façon mensongère (à travers leurs sociétés secrètes mondialement présentes). Ils refusent d’avouer que ce sont eux qui avec l’instauration des guerres (de religion, de 30 ans, guerres civiles anglaises, exécutions sommaires…. ) puis envoi en esclavage en Amérique du Nord des noirs d’Europe, ont tout mis en œuvre pour nous éliminer de cette Europe que nous avons construite dans ses arts : cathédrales, monuments publics, religion : les papes étaient noirs, Vierges noires (180 en France, 500 en Europe) les grands musiciens : Beethoven, Schubert, etc…. MAIS IL FAUT SAVOIR QUE LES NOIRS qui composaient l’élite et la population de toute l’Europe occidentale jusqu’en Russie (rois, tsars, noblesse, papauté) se sont toujours vaillamment défendus jusqu’à la révolution industrielle (18è siècle), période durant laquelle les blancs ont copié et adapté à leurs besoins nos connaissances pour conquérir le monde et éliminer les non-blancs. L’occident s’est construit sur l’esclavage dont les revenus ont permis de créer la révolution industrielle en utilisant les connaissances des noirs (Egypte, Moyen orient) qu’ils ont adapté à leurs besoins . Maintenant sachant que les noirs sont de plus en plus au courant de leur extermination d’Europe par eux : après cette extermination des noirs d’Europe, ils ont blanchi tous les portraits de cette royauté, noblesse et personnages célèbres noirs et mulâtres, ils ont accaparé tous leurs titres de noblesse et leurs terres. ​ Ils ont maintenant créé une autre tromperie basée sur le fait que ce serait les yamnayas venus du Caucase il y a 5000 ans qui nous auraient tous éliminés alors que nous étions présents depuis 45.000 ans et plus dans toute l’Europe. Notez que la race blanche est la moins nombreuse (env 10% de la population mondiale) et la plus faible physiquement. Ils décrivent les yamnayas comme le peuple le plus meurtrier qui ait jamais existé : à la peau blanche aux cheveux et aux yeux marrons, mais ils se dénoncent eux-mêmes en racontant cela, car les cheveux et les yeux marrons sont dus à la présence de mélanine dans les cheveux et les yeux (la mélanine est un pigment qui appartient à la race noire), donc d’ancêtres noirs, ces peuples de yamnayas seraient donc des métis de noirs, d’ailleurs identiques au peuple européen blanc actuel. Ils racontent aussi que ce peuple a inventé le chariot à roues qui est l’invention des Egyptiens anciens. Les noirs sont arrivés d’Afrique en Europe il y a plus de 45.000 ans avjc, les blancs sont arrivés du Caucase en Europe occidentale ( blonds aux yeux bleus à partir de 370 apjc, il y a à peine 1600 ans qu’ils occupent l’ Europe). La couleur des blancs européens actuels : cheveux et yeux marrons à noirs est due au métissage entre les blancs blonds aux yeux bleus venus du Caucase avec la population noire d’Europe 1ers européens qu’ils ont fait disparaitre d’Europe au 18/19è siècle. Cette couleur de cheveux et d’yeux marron chez eux est la preuve flagrante de l’existence passée de nos ancêtres en Europe, leurs ancêtres aussi. En outre, sachez que le plus ancien squelette de leucoderme (de blanc) a été trouvé en Asie centrale il y a 2800ans avjc, tous les squelettes anciens retrouvés en Europe avaient des traits négroïdes selon les archéologues leucodermes auteurs de ces recherches. De surcroit, ils parlent du blanchiment sous l’action du froid des noirs qui aurait créé la race blanche en Europe. Si vous allez au Népal, Thibet, Mongolie, Sibérie vous voyez une population noire à brune aux yeux bridés et cheveux raides venue d’Afrique il y a 70.000 ans avjc et qui n’a jamais blanchi sous l’effet du froid très rude dans ces pays. Comment croire que des noirs aux traits négroïdes venus d’Afrique il y a 45.000 ans, dans des pays moins froids (Europe), bien après 70.000 ans, auraient blanchi sous l’effet d’un froid beaucoup moins dur, et en plus auraient le crane totalement transformé de négroïde à caucasoïde. Aucun archéologue n’a jamais rencontré ce phénomène dans ses fouilles. Tous les leucodermes européens actuels ont les cheveux et les yeux marron à noir (le blond est en voie d’extinction) signe de présence de mélanine dans les cheveux et les yeux, donc d’ancêtres noirs, c’est le dominant noir avec lequel ils naissent tous. C’est la preuve flagrante de l’existence passée de nos ancêtres en Europe ,aussi leurs ancêtres qu’ils n’ont pas hésité à éliminer pour les dépouiller. Ne cherchez pas plus loin la preuve est là, elle est formelle. ​ SOYONS DONC VIGILANTS ET MEFIANTS SUR CE QUE LES BLANCS RACONTENT. NE CROYEZ JAMAIS DE PRIME ABORD CE QU’ILS DISENT CAR ILS REFONT TOUJOURS L’HISTOIRE A LEUR AVANTAGE SANS JAMAIS RECONNAITRE LEURS CRIMES. ​ Les noirs d’Europe se sont-ils défendus à travers les siècles, des attaques des leucodermes ? Quand vous regardez les portraits des derniers Rois de France : je cite Louis XVI, Louis XVIII, Charles X qui datent de 1792 à 1830, la reine d’Angleterre Charlotte épouse du Roi George III (même période), le Roi d’Angleterre George III lui même, ainsi que les personnalités de l’époque des 18è/19è siècle (ex : musiciens célèbres tels que Beethoven, Schubert......) vous retrouvez ce phénotype négroïde par les yeux dilatés, le nez épaté, les lèvres lippues, les cheveux crêpés. Les noirs et les mulâtres étaient donc très présents en Europe à ces époques ; cette présence n’est-elle pas une preuve de la résistance, la combativité, la résilience des noirs auxquels les blancs à travers les siècles depuis 1066 faisaie nt des guerres incessantes afin de les renverser et prendre le pouvoir de leurs mains (plus de 250 guerres recensées en Europe). Les plus connues de ces guerres étaient : les guerres de religion (1562 à1598) qui dans la réalité étaient des guerres de race qui avaient pour seul but : segmenter la population blanche et noire afin de concurrencer la religion officielle du catholicisme qui était celle de l'élite noire et du peuple (les papes de cette époque étaient noirs). A cet effet, en Grande-Bretagne, ils ont créé la religion anglicane ; en Allemagne, ils ont créé les religions protestantes dont les leaders étaient John Calvin et Martin Luther. Il y a eu aussi la guerre de 30 ans (1618 à1648) qui a déchiré toute l’Europe, les guerres civiles anglaises (1088 à 1685,) celle de 1649 eut lieu suite à la décapitation du roi d’Angleterre noir Charles 1er. Les noirs et les mulâtres dont l’élite était les royalistes et les nobles ne se laissaient pas faire et ont toujours combattu vaillamment dans tous les pays d’Europe jusqu’à la révolution industrielle européenne. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Observez les traits négroides, le teint foncé (Beethoven) les cheveux crêpés et crépus de ces 4 personnages. La peau est visiblement blanchie car a u 18/19è siècle après l'élimination des noirs d'Europe, les blancs ont blanchi tous leurs portraits pour les faire passer pour eux. je cite de gauche à droite :Roi de France Louis 18, Reine de France Marie Antoinette, Compositeur autrichien Beethoven, Catherine de Médicis La montée de l'Europe leucoderme était avant tout financée par la traite négrière transatlantique , qui à son tour finançait la révolution industrielle européenne. Avant la révolution industrielle en Europe, tous les progrès technologiques découlaient du croissant de la connaissance : l'Égypte, le Moyen-Orient, l'Asie du Sud-Est (principalement l'Inde) et la Chine. Ce sont les inventions et les technologies issues de ces anciennes cultures noires, que les leucodermes d'Europe ont été en mesure de copier, d'adapter à leurs besoins et d'utiliser pour poursuivre leur expansion. Les plus importantes de ces inventions et technologies pour les Européens leucodermes étaient : la poudre à canon (le salpêtre) inventée par les prêtres égyptiens qui l’utilisaient dans leurs rituels ; le fusil, le moteur à vapeur, le moulin à v ent, à eau. (voir Chap: Invention des armes) Grâce aux revenus tirés du commerce des esclaves et de la révolution industrielle (de 1760 à 1840 environ), qui s’est construite sur les revenus de l’esclavage, les Européens leucodermes ont été en mesure de lancer une "course à l'armement" qui a permis de développer et de fabriquer des armes encore plus perfectionnées. Avec ces nouvelles et meilleures armes qu'ils ont développées, les leucodermes d'Europe ont été en mesure de conquérir la plus grande partie du monde, puis d'absorber et de concentrer toutes les connaissances du monde entre leurs mains. Je rappelle que les leucodermes n’ont pas d’histoire qui leur soit propre à part l’invasion, le meurtre, le pillage : exactions exercées grâce aux armes à feu et accompagnées d’insensibilité, d’agressivité, de barbarie, de violence la plus inouïe : traits caractéristiques d’une race dépourvue de l’élément civilisateur dans son cerveau qu’est la mélanine dont nous verrons l’explication dans ce site. Nous constatons que les 2 moteurs sur lesquels le monde occidental et sa soi-disant évolution reposent, sont la violence et l’argent ; l’argent lui-même s’est construit avec la violence tant physique que psychologique ; or la violence est le trait caractéristique des leucodermes exprimée à travers la barbarie, sentiment dominé par l’insensibilité et qui révèle chez le leucoderme la carence en neuromélanine, ce pigment présent dans le cerveau de l’homme noir et qui fait de lui un être civilisé. Grace à ce pigment, le noir a une boussole morale, ressent ses limites morales, vit dans le respect de la vie, de toute vie en général (humaine, animale, végétale, minérale) ; contrairement au leucoderme qui ne recule devant aucun moyen le plus amoral, le plus cruel, le plus inhumain soit-il pour parvenir à ses fins.

  • Les causes réelles de l’abolition de l’esclavage

    The real causes of the abolition of slavery The real causes of the abolition of slavery are essentially economic, in no way philanthropic as expressed by the slave-owning countries Slavery began with the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492. But it was at the beginning of the 16th century, on the initiative of the Portuguese, that the slave trade took off and trade was born. triangular. It is so called because it covers three continents. European countries charter ships that go to Africa. There, the Europeans exchanged goods for African slaves whom they captured. The captives are taken to the American continent and to the West Indies where they are sold to European slavers, owners of cotton fields or sugar cane. The slave system made it possible to accumulate enormous profits for the benefit of the colonists and the colonialist metropolis, the economic interests at stake were important and enormous. For more than three centuries, the triangular trade, also called the slave trade, ravaged the African continent. Tens of millions of Africans were captured during this period. Several million of them died as a result of this capture, most often during their transport to the American continent. On the African continent for 1 black captured 10 were killed. The trip, which lasted several months, was carried out in abominable and inhuman sanitary conditions. The triangular trade marks the beginning of colonization. It profoundly changed the face of the world. On the plantation the working conditions were inhuman : the slave works like an animal from morning to evening and every day, he is constantly exhausted, has no interest in the work he does, by resistance he sabotages the work, he is undernourished, revolts of slaves are numerous. Regarding the treatment inflicted on slaves in the French colonies, the Black Code (1685) defined the corporal punishment to which slaves were exposed. They vary according to the seriousness of the act declared reprehensible: the whip or rods (soft sticks), branding on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis with a hot iron, the two ears cut off, the hock cut off, the penalty of death (hanging, stake or wheel). The real reasons for the abolition of slavery are in the new economic conditions of the 19th century. These are : -The manufacture of sugar from beets – The industrial revolution – The low productivity of slave labor -Making sugar from beets In the 15th century, the beet was present throughout Europe. In 1801, the first industrial sugar factory was built. Beet sugar is competing with cane sugar. Mastery of beet refining sugar (creation of factories for the production of beet sugar) removed any need for slavery in the sugar cane fields from the beginning of the 19th century. The slavers were forced to consider the liberation of blacks who were becoming less and less profitable compared to the production of beet sugar. The introduction of factories for the processing of sugar cane will make this servile labor superfluous and expensive. -The industrial revolution- The low productivity of bonded labor -The industrial Revolution will be the replacement of a society based on agriculture by a society based on industry; As early as the 1820s, economists denounced slavery as an unprofitable, costly system that hindered industrialization and capitalism. The criteria of profitability and productivity will be at the forefront. We will highlight the low productivity of slave labor: the slave works like an animal from morning to evening and every day, as a result, he is constantly exhausted, undernourished, has no interest in the work he realizes, by resistance he sabotages the work, the revolts of slaves are numerous According to the abolitionist movement of 1830 which asserted the economic and political consequences of slavery: Slavery must be abolished, it is an expensive system, not profitable for the colonists and the metropolis, it has established in the colonies a relationship of force unfavorable to the colonists (memory of Haiti which took its independence in 1802 following an uprising of slaves) It is necessary to abolish slavery before the revolts of slaves which would end up being victorious do not bring the loss of the colonies. These conditions are conducive to the birth of abolitionist societies in the 19th century which will advocate the moral condemnation of slavery and demand its abolition. Among the main slave-owning countries, the abolition of slavery was enacted in 1833 for the United Kingdom, 1848 for France and 1865 for the United States. In France, since May 21, 2001, a law has been passed for the recognition of slavery as being a crime against humanity; but regarding reparations, the countries concerned by this crime have so far refused to compensate the descendants of slaves. The settlers were given the land, the factories and were generously compensated; the blacks received absolutely nothing except freedom and found themselves in very precarious conditions of existence. The descendants of slaves have to date never been compensated for the slavery suffered by their ancestors despite their legal requests made both in France and in the United States. In December 2017, in Martinique, the Court of Appeal refused to recognize the existence of a direct and personal prejudice suffered by the plaintiffs, "nearly two centuries after the definitive abolition of slavery" by France in 1848. It declared the action for damages inadmissible because it was time-barred. In 2019 the Court of Cassation rejected the appeal, ruling the action time-barred. Africans and African-Americans list examples of other reparations: defeated Germany forced to pay 132 billion marks to the Allies and 6 billions of dollars to Israel for the genocide of the Jews; Japan apologizing for its military's atrocities in Asia and agreeing to negotiate compensation for "comfort wives", sex slaves for its soldiers; the Queen of England granting compensation to New Zealand Maori dispossessed of their lands in 1863; Australia accepting financial compensation for the mistreatment of Aborigines and the uprooting of 100,000 children from their families between 1910 and 1970; several Western States, including Switzerland, forced to repair the spoliations made to the Jews, etc. The harms of slavery that lasted over 300 years are infinitely more serious Nothing to date has been done for those whose continent, Africa, was bled of its best children for more than three centuries, before being delivered to colonization and the spoliation of all its wealth. They were even ignored by the reparations that affected them: in 1847, England only compensated slave owners, deprived of their "property" (the slaves), for a total amount of 20 million pounds sterling from the 'era. In the United States, the promise made by Congress in 1865 to compensate each former slave with "a mule and 40 acres (16 hectares) of land" was never kept, while white owners were generously compensated. In the French colonies too, the white settlers were generously compensated. Yet America and Europe were economically built on black slavery and to this day enjoy the economic benefits that this hideous trade brought them.

  • 14 Pays Africains Contraints par La France à payer l'impôt colonial pour les "avantages" de l'esclavage et de la colonisation

    L’Afrique précoloniale Pillage of Africa, the CFA franc Afrique précoloniale 14 African countries forced by France to pay the colonial tax (the colonial debt) for the “benefits” of slavery and colonization I did you know? 14 African countries forced by France to pay the colonial tax (the colonial debt) for the “benefits” of slavery and colonization. Indeed, many African countries after France granted them their independence were imposed - without their agreement - by the latter a colonial debt, contracted by the occupying power for the investments made in the occupied country, this debt was transferred to the new legally independent state. Did you know ? Even today, many African countries continue to pay a colonial tax in France, despite independence! When Sékou Touré first president of the Republic of Guinea, decided in 1958 to leave the French colonial empire, and then opted for the independence of the country, the French colonial elite in Paris s He was indignant, and in an act of historic fury, demanded that his administration then in place in Guinea destroy, throughout the country, what represented, in their eyes, the advantages of French colonization. Three thousand French people left the country, taking all their possessions and destroying everything that could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration buildings were destroyed, cars, books, medicines, the research institute, tractors were run over and sabotaged; horses, cows on farms were killed, and stored foods were burned or poisoned. The purpose of this outrageous act was, of course, to send a clear message to all the other colonies about the consequences of France's rejection. The fact is that little by little, fear took hold of the African Elites, and after these events no other country ever found the courage to follow the example of Sékou Touré, whose slogan was “We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery”. For the newly independent countries, compromises had to be found with France. Sylvanus Olympio, the first president of the Republic of Togo, a small country in West Africa, came up with a solution that might calm the French: Not wanting to continue to suffer French domination, he refused to sign the colonization pact proposed by De Gaulle, but agreed in return to pay an annual debt to France for the so-called advantages obtained during French colonization. These were the only conditions for France not to destroy the country before leaving. However, the amount estimated by France was so large that the reimbursement of the so-called "colonial debt" was close to 40% of the country's budget in 1963. Bouton La charte de l’Impérialisme From then on, the financial situation of newly independent Togo was very unstable, and in order to get out of this situation, Olympio decided to leave the monetary system set up by colonial France, the FCFA (franc of the French colonies in Africa), and created the country's currency. On January 13, 1963, three days after he started printing the new banknotes, a squad of soldiers (supported by France) seized and killed the first elected president of independent Africa: Olympio was executed by a former French Legionnaire, army sergeant Etienne Gnassingbé who, by the way, received at that time a bonus of 612 dollars from the local French embassy for the success of his mission. Olympio's dream was to build an independent and self-governing country. But the idea did not correspond to French wishes. On June 30, 1962, Modiba Keita, the first president of the Republic of Mali, also decided to withdraw from the FCFA monetary system (imposed on 12 newly independent African countries). Indeed, for the Malian president, who leaned more towards a socialist economy, it was clear that the colonization which continued with this pact with France, became a trap, a burden for the development of the country. He was overthrown in 1968 by a coup ordered from Paris. On November 19, 1968, like Olympio, Keita was the victim of a coup led by another former French Foreign Legionnaire, Lieutenant Moussa Traoré. In fact, during this turbulent period when Africa was fighting to free itself from the yoke of European colonization, France repeatedly used mercenaries formerly affiliated with the foreign legion to carry out operations against the newly elected presidents: On January 1, 1966, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, a former French legionnaire, carried out a coup against David Dacko, the first president of the Central African Republic. On January 3, 1966, Maurice Yaméogo, the first president of the Republic of Upper Volta, today called Burkina Faso, was the victim of a blow from Aboubacar Sangoulé Lamizana, a former French legionnaire who fought with French troops in Indonesia and Algeria against the independence of these countries. ​ On October 26, 1972 Mathieu Kérékou who was a security guard for President Hubert Maga, the first president of the Republic of Benin, carried out a coup against the president, after attending French military schools from 1968 to 1970. Thomas Sankara was President of Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987. The speech he made in Addis Ababa in 1987 proposed to renegotiate all the debt, deemed unfair, of African countries. He was assassinated a few months later, he was 37 years old. More than three decades later, it is still unknown who ordered or encouraged the assassination. He was an anti-imperialist, revolutionary, socialist statesman whose views disturbed the colonizing countries. In fact, over the past 50 years, out of a total of 67 coups that have happened in 26 countries in Africa, 16 of these countries are former French colonies, which means that 61% of coups in Africa were initiated in former French colonies. As these figures demonstrate, France is quite desperate, but active in maintaining a strong hold on its colonies no matter how, no matter the cost. In March 2008, former French President Jacques Chirac said: "Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third world country". The predecessor of Jacques Chirac François Mitterrand had already prophesied in 1957 that: “Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century” As I write this article, 14 African countries are obliged by France, through the colonial pact, to put 85% of their reserves in the central bank of France under the control of the French Ministry of Finance. Until now, in 2014, Togo and about 13 other African countries still have to pay the colonial debt to la France. African leaders who refuse are killed or victims of coup. Those who obey are supported and rewarded by France with a lavish lifestyle, while their people endure misery and despair. Such an evil system is denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to do without this colonial system which offers it a treasury of approximately 500 billion dollars from Africa, and this by year. We often accuse African leaders of corruption and serving the interests of Western nations, but there is a clear explanation for this behavior. They behave this way because they are afraid of being killed or of being the victim of a coup d'etat. They want to ally themselves with a powerful nation to safeguard themselves in the event of aggression or difficulties. But, unlike friendly protection, Western protection is often offered in exchange for renouncing to serve their own people or the interests of nations. African leaders would work for the benefit of their people if they were not constantly harassed and intimidated by colonial countries. In 1958, frightened by the consequences of his choice of independence from France, Léopold Sédar Senghor declared: "The choice of the Senegalese people is independence, they want it to take place only in friendship with France, not in dispute. “ ​ From then on, France only accepted “independence on paper” for its colonies, but signed “cooperation agreements” in parallel, specifying the nature of their relations with France, in particular their ties to the currency. (the Franc), the French education system, military agreements and trade preferences. ​

  • Attitude des noirs et des blancs devant la mort

    Attitude of blacks and whites to old age and death Leucoderms and melanoderms have a completely opposite attitude towards old age and death In today's Western society, which wants to be open, taboos remain quite numerous and death is surely the most tenacious of all. We are not prepared for this, especially not in Western culture, where all wrinkles must be erased, all white hair colored, all aging subject to treatments, creams, injections. If there is a current race it is that of eternal youth, even the selfies have rejuvenating filters; so daring to talk about death is complicated. It is banished, denied, rejected whereas it is inevitable. There are no longer any symbols of mourning. In the past, wearing black symbolized that you had just lost a loved one. The suffering associated with death is hidden, the sadness rejected. In this society which dreams of being immortal when it is on the verge of extinction, daring to approach the disease is already complex but the end of life and death is a real challenge. We all know that death is inevitable for each of us. Yet, in many ways, death remains a taboo in modern Western culture. In modern Western societies, death is often ignored or feared. Changes in lifestyles and improved medical science have depersonalized death and made it an encroachment on life rather than a part of life. This has left many people ill-equipped to deal with death when it touches their lives. In Western societies there is an escape from death, the fear of death although it is inevitable: The fear of aging, the fear of dying. Could the neuromelanin deficiency that would cause this fear be involved? On the other hand, African societies have a completely different attitude towards old age and death, which for them are part of life. In the Negro-African cosmogony whose traces are visible in Judaism and Christianity, the ideology of life takes precedence over that of thanatology, because life does not end with death. On the contrary, it goes beyond it, transcends it and continues in the Beyond. Thus, death is not the last word in life for the African. This is, remains and will remain a dotted sentence which will end in the village of the ancestors during the final return. Long before the arrival of Christianity, which preaches the resurrection of the dead on the last day, Africans know full well that there is life after death. Funerals are favorable occasions to advocate the qualities of their relationships and the virtues of those deceased who are said not to have died! This is why the dead are valued in all African societies. In African countries south of the Sahara, funerals give rise to multifaceted manifestations. People gather, they eat and drink, they sing, cry and dance around their dead... never leaving them alone. “Because mourning also appears as a celebration: the celebration of the journey of the son or daughter to the other world”. But the manifestations depend on the age of the deceased. Indeed, the death or disappearance of a child not yet named, of a child without a tooth, is generally considered trivial; apart from the pain of the parents. Whereas that of a producer and procreative adult or an old man is experienced differently. In other words, emphasizes Kouakou Kouassi, "social mourning and psychological mourning combine differently depending on the status and time of the deceased". This is what leucodermas fear ( ) In white global racism, there has always been white fear. Due to the fact that due to their small numbers and their handicaps with regard to exposure to the sun, white people are not on an equal footing with the people of the rest of the planet (white people cannot safely tolerate the sun in latitudes between 40° north and 40 degrees south). Australians due to this sun seeking have the highest rates of skin cancers. Leucodermas use schools and the media to misinform us. Here's an example of leucoderm duplicity: In the present day, American leucoderms constantly refer to black people as "minorities". This is of course to instill the idea that leucoderma are numerous and powerful. They use their monopoly on the media to reinforce this position by constantly showing only images of leucodermas in all corners of the world; With the exception of Africa, black people are rarely featured in international news stories. Ask wikipedia for the world population of white people, he will answer you 850 million: that is approximately 11.5% of the total world population which is between 7.5 and 7.7 billion people (this figure of 850 million does not take into account the black white mulattoes of Latin America, the Middle East). Also according to wikipedia the regions with significant white populations are the United States 252,784,000, Russia 132,516,000; there are nowhere near 252,784,000 leucoderma in the United States (typical leucoderma racist lie: Russia - that's a lie too - but who cares?) Facts and figures Japan's current population is 126,766,566 in 2019, according to Worldometers, which is based on the latest data from the United Nations. The current population of the Republic of Korea is 51,236,002 in 2019, North Korea's population is estimated at 25,666,161, as of mid-year. According to data of China's current population in 2019, it is estimated at 1,433,783,686 people as of mid-year. This makes a total population of 1,637,452,415 people of Mongolian East Asian descent, which is about 21% of the world's human population. The current world population is estimated at 7.7 billion as of September 2019, according to the latest United Nations estimates compiled by Worldometers. Here is the cold shower of leucoderma and Mongolian reality: 21% yellow + 11.5% white = 32.5% of the human population. THE OTHER 67.5%, or 5.19 BILLION, IS BLACK!!! (and mulatto). Assuming that there are approximately 540,000,000 (0.54 billion) mulattoes in the world, this means that the "pure-black" population of the world is approximately 4.65 billion. Therefore, YOU, the Whites and the Mongols, you are the "minority": "YOU", you are the people furthest from the account: "YOU", you are the "Others". On the other hand, leucodermas use a new method of calculation to make believe that their number is stable or even increasing. Non-white people are increasingly counted as white in order to increase the number of whites. I noticed this in my own family: I have a cousin who has lived in the United States for more than 50 years, she is married to a white man and has 2 non-white children quarterons (very visibly mixed with very light skin) Formerly they were classified by the federal services as non-white, recently they are listed as white. This even happens in Europe, in France. Her sister who lives in Guadeloupe (Caribbean) is light mixed race with frizzy hair that she straightens and regular features, she was classified as Caucasian. It's the same for my own fair-haired niece with frizzy hair that she straightens. This is how whites increase their numbers: fraudulently. The number of white people in the world is very small; Worldwide, there are only about 800 million to 1 billion white people, that is, about 10% of the world's population. This is obviously a big surprise for all the blacks who have been called "minorities" by these Albinos. Blacks, of course, are the "original humans" and represent over 5 billion of the world's 8 billion people. » (6) Amazingly, white people have created a whole bogus history of the world, replacing black people with themselves and creating thousands, if not millions, of fake artifacts to support their fake story. So what is the reason for all this murder, killing and lies? Is it just "blood shed by lust" and pathological lying? No, it's actually more mundane than that: it's a matter of fear, imbalance due to their albinism and greed. In addition to these reasons, all these crimes clearly demonstrate the inability of albinos to create, to invent; if they were able, they would not have needed to eliminate blacks to steal their culture and make it their owners; their barbarism highlights the inestimable value, the quality of all these cultural works built by blacks. Again the lack of neuromelanin in them which is in question and which makes them barbarians, parasites; because they live, develop thanks to the expropriation, the stripping, the elimination of the blacks, it is always the case now with the plundering of Africa and the elimination of any pan-Africanist leader (Gaddafi, Sankara , Olympia, etc.). Noticed: Europe before seems very different from the Europe we know today. What do you think happened to all those swarthy Germans, Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes? the whites killed them of course, and those they did not kill, were absorbed by the interbreeding (this explains the presence among the whites of hair and eyes ranging from the lightest brown to the darkest black because the first whites: the Caucasians, were blond or red-haired with blue eyes). See the story of "Black Morrow" on Wikipedia. CHAKRAS AND BEHAVIORS By comparing behaviors, radically opposed ways of thinking in blacks and whites, I can't help but refer to the functioning of 2 chakras that are themselves opposed in us. We have 7 chakras; each of our chakras is linked to an emotional state. But it turns out that the 2 emotionally opposed chakras are: the root chakra which is at the bottom of our trunk and the crown chakra which is at the top of the skull. The root chakra represents feelings related to all things material and physical. A deficient (blocked) root chakra manifests as restlessness, aggression, feelings of insecurity, stress, anxiety: feelings created by Fear; These feelings are dominant in the leucoderma. The crown chakra is associated with higher consciousness (the Divine), spirituality, love, wisdom, understanding, sensitivity: dominant feelings in melanoderm. Wouldn't these feelings be generated by the presence or deficiency of neuromelanin which would act on the functioning of these chakras through our emotions because the functioning of our chakras is totally governed by our good or bad emotions? Etre noir, la mélanine une bénédiction

  • La Charte de l'Impérialisme

    The Charter of Imperialism Do you know why the African elite, African wealth and African heads of state are at the service of the West? Do you know why apartheid, colonization, neocolonialism or even Françafrique existed? Do you wonder why the African is poor when his continent is full of so much wealth? Have you ever wondered why the black continent only knows despots who squander without qualms the public funds that they then deposit in the West? Do you know why African nationalists (Lumumba, Sankara, Edouardo Mondlane or Amilcar Cabral) were assassinated? Do you know why the peoples of Africa are gagged or why do the Western "democrats" condone dictatorship and spread out the red carpet to welcome the potentates who govern us? To all these questions, the Franco-Ivorian Mireille Saki found the answer at the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium. She discovered there an unpublished document long kept secret: the Charter of Imperialism. In this protocol of 28 articles is the macabre plan which maintains the African in misery and which submits Africa in bondage. "This charter was drawn up in Washington during the slave trade, then discreetly negotiated at the Berlin Conference in 1885 while the Western powers were dividing up Africa. ; secretly renegotiated in Yalta when the world was divided into two blocks after the Second World War and during the creation of the League of Nations, the ancestor of the UN. The ills from which Africa suffers are not the result of chance. They have been planned for centuries. The African who we wondered if he had a soul is on a drip by the will of the masters of the world. Mireille Saki gutted the boa by publishing this exclusive document in her book entitled THE CHARTER OF IMPERIALISM: A CHARTER OF SERVITUDE, AFRICA STILL DOMINATED IN CAMERA THE CHARTER OF IMPERIALISM GENERAL PROVISION Section 1 Of the Motto: – MOTTO OF IMPERIALISM: To govern the world and control the wealth of the planet; Our policy is to divide and conquer, dominate, exploit and plunder to fill our banks and make them the most powerful in the world. Section 2 No Third World country is a sovereign and independent state. Section 3 All power in Third World countries emanates from us, who exercise it by putting pressure on the leaders who are only our puppets. No organ of the Third World can assume the exercise of it. Section 4 All Third World countries are divisible and their borders movable according to our will. Respect for territorial integrity does not exist for the Third World. Section 5 All dictators must put their fortunes in our banks for the security of our interests. This fortune will be used for donations and credits granted by us as assistance and development aid to Third World countries. II. OF THE POLITICAL REGIME Section 6 All power and government established by us is legal, legitimate and democratic. But any other power or government that does not emanate from us is illegal, illegitimate and dictatorial, whatever its form and legitimacy. Section 7 Any power that opposes the slightest resistance to our injunctions thereby loses its legality, its legitimacy and its credibility. He must disappear. III. TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS Section 8 We don't negotiate agreements and contracts with Third World countries, we impose what we want on them and they submit to our will. Section 9 Any agreement concluded with another country or negotiation without our endorsement is null and void. IV. FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS Section 10 Where there are our interests, third world countries have no rights, in southern countries, our interests come before the law and international law. Section 11 Freedom of expression, freedom of association and human rights only have meaning in the country where the rulers oppose our will. Section 12 The peoples of the third world have no opinion or right, they submit to our law and our right. Section 13 Third world countries have neither culture nor civilization without referring to Western civilization. Section 14 We are not talking about genocide, massacres or war crimes or crimes against humanity in countries where our interests are guaranteed. Even if the number of victims is very important. V. PUBLIC FINANCES Section 15 In third world countries, no one has the right to put in their banks more than a ceiling of money fixed by us. When the fortune exceeds the ceiling, it is deposited in one of our banks so that the profits return in the form of loans or economic aid for development in cash or in kind. Section 16 Only those countries whose leaders show total submission to us, our puppets and our servants, will be entitled to the aforementioned aid. Section 17 Our aid must be accompanied by strong recommendations likely to prevent and break any development action by Third World countries. . VI. MILITARY TREATIES Section 18 Our armies must always be stronger and more powerful than the armies of Third World countries. Limiting and prohibiting weapons of mass destruction does not concern us, but others. Section 19 Our armies must help each other and unite in the war against the army of a weak country to display our supremacy and be feared by third world countries. Section 20 Any military intervention aims to protect our interests and those of our servants. Rule 21 Any operation to evacuate nationals of Western countries conceals our real mission, that of protecting our interests and those of our valets. VII. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS Rule 22 The UN is our instrument, we must use it against our enemies and third world countries to protect our interests. Section 23 Our objective is to destabilize and destroy the regimes which are hostile to us and install our puppets under the protection of our soldiers under the cover of the mandates of the UN forces. Section 24 UN Resolutions are texts that give us the right and the means to strike, kill and destroy countries whose leaders and peoples refuse to submit to our injunctions under the cover of Security Council Resolutions of the UN. Section 25 Our duty is to maintain Africa and other countries of the world in underdevelopment, misery, division, wars, chaos in order to dominate them, exploit them and plunder them through the United Nations Missions . Section 26 Our rule of thumb is the physical liquidation of Third World nationalist leaders and leaders. Section 27 The laws, resolutions, courts and tribunals of the United Nations are our instruments of pressure against the rulers and leaders of countries who defend the interests of their peoples. Section 28 Leaders of Western powers cannot be prosecuted, arrested or imprisoned by UN courts and tribunals, even if they commit war crimes, genocide or crimes against humanity. It is edifying this Royal Museum of Central Africa of Tervuren in Brussels in Belgium. It is a living witness to the slave trade by white settlers. 14 pays africains contraints par la France à payer l’impôt colonial (la dette coloniale) pour les “avantages” de l’esclavage et de la colonisation

  • Indépendance d’Haïti- La rançon extorquée par la France - La bataille de Vertières

    Independence of Haiti- The ransom extorted by France - The battle of Vertières The Caribbean island is not in debt, it is a creditor. France owes him money. Explanations by Jérôme Duval, from the CADTM. ( ) The misery of the colonized countries has largely increased due to a transfer of debt: the debts contracted by the colonial powers with the World Bank to make the most of their exploitations in their colonies were then transferred without their consent to the colonized countries. who gained their independence. They constitute a case of odious debt, just like the subsequent debts contracted to repay them. The Haitian Revolution (from 1791 to 1802) was led by a man who played a leading historical role: Toussaint Louverture became one of the great figures of the movements for the emancipation of the colonies from their metropolis. Arrested by the French general Leclerc on June 7, 1802, on the orders of Bonaparte, he was taken to France, Toussaint Louverture ended his days in 1803, imprisoned in solitary confinement without trial at Fort de Joux, in the harsh climate of the Doubs (North East of France), without having been able to know the proclamation of independence of Haiti on January 1, 1804 by his lieutenant, Jean-Jacques Dessalines. In Santo Domingo, on the night of August 22 to 23, 1791, tens of thousands of slaves entered an armed insurrection simultaneously, spurring a long process that led to the first abolition of slavery in all of history, on August 29 August 1793, and the proclamation of independence. Saint-Domingue, then recovering the name of Haiti, became the first independent black republic in 1804, a unique case in the history of a slave revolt which gave birth to a state. France probably never forgave this insurrection, resulting in the loss of income from its slave system and thousands of sugar and coffee plantations destroyed. Haiti pays very dearly: in 1825, the country is forced to pay France 150 million gold francs (i.e. the annual budget of France at the time) intended to "compensate" the former colonists masters of slaves for loss of "property", in exchange for recognition of its existence as a nation-state. The ransom is imposed under the threat of military invasion: on April 17, 1825, a fleet of 14 warships was massed in the harbor of Port-au-Prince, ready to intervene, suggesting a possible restoration of slavery in case of insubordination. This ransom extorted from the Haitian people for having “dared” to gain independence, was renegotiated thirteen years later, in 1838, at 90 million following an agreement scandalously named “Treaty of Friendship”. Bringing down generations under the weight of an illegitimate debt, Haiti, which struggled for many years to emancipate itself from French tutelage and free itself from slavery, will pay, from 1825 to 1883, down to the last penny, the ransom to its former settlers. For Louis-Georges Tin, President of the Representative Council of Black Associations (Cran), “the money must go back to the Haitian state and Haitian civil society. The time has come to repair this double punishment suffered by the island, slavery then ransom. The destitution of Haiti is due to the payment of these 90 million gold francs which forced the country to go into debt for decades”. This considerable sum forced Haiti into debt until 1946, and the country was permanently drawn into the infernal spiral of over-indebtedness, impoverishment and instability. The payment of interest on the debt contracted to pay the indemnity only ceased in 1952. In April 2003, on the occasion of the bicentenary of the death of Toussaint Louverture, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide affirms that it is France which has a debt towards Haiti and not the reverse. He demanded "restitution and reparation" for the damage committed by slavery and for the ransom demanded in 1825. He demanded 21 billion dollars from France, ie the capitalized value of the 90 million gold francs paid as tribute. But after the Franco-American political and military intervention that led to the overthrow of Aristide in February 2004, the various regimes that will succeed one another at the head of the Haitian state will abandon the claim for restitution. It will be necessary to wait for the earthquake of January 12, 2010, causing at least 250,000 deaths and nearly 1.3 million homeless, for a French president to decide to set foot on the territory of his former colony for the first time since the island's independence in 1804. Nicolas Sarkozy finally makes a whirlwind visit barely four hours on February 17, 2010. And to announce some 326 million euros in aid. However, of this sum, 56 million will not be mobilized since it is an account cancellation with the Paris Club of the bilateral debt that the island has contracted vis-à-vis France. The visit of President François Hollande on May 12, 2015 was welcomed by demonstrators demanding "reparation" and "restitution" by France of the sum paid by Haiti for its independence. Hollande if he spoke of moral debt has always refused to return the billions that Haiti has paid to France. This moral debt, Haiti has never asked for compensation. It is irreparable, we agree. ... France also has a financial debt vis-à-vis Haiti. This debt is unique in history. This is the only time the victors have paid tribute to the vanquished”. And it is of this ransom paid throughout the 19th century that we must speak, since it hampered the Haitian economy, strangled its development and still mortgaged its future. According to restorative justice theory, it is not enough to acknowledge the harm done, which Hollande did in 2015; we must also return the stolen property and compensate the victim for the harm caused, which the Haitian people are demanding from France today. In 1988, the United States offered reparations to Japanese-Americans treated unworthily during the Second World War and in 2011 it offered them to Native Americans whose ancestral land was poorly managed by the American government (Hétu, 2019). The Germans, in the 1952 Israeli-German Reparations Treaty, offered reparations to the Jews for their treatment of them (Giniewski, 1954). Why can't the descendants of black slaves benefit from the same treatment? The French benefit to this day from the advantages provided by the slavery system in general and from the payment of the debt of independence of Haiti in particular. Their current prosperity is the direct result of these past injustices. They have a collective responsibility to right those wrongs (Dryzek, J., et al., 2008; Thompson, 2018; Hetu, 2019) . Moreover, France as an institution endures over time. If the people, emissaries of the institution, who perpetrated these crimes are no longer of this world, the institution is still present; let her pay for what she has unjustly acquired. Thus, “Being linked to considerable issues of economic justice, reparation could not be dismissed out of hand” (Tin, 2013; p. 20). Moreover, paying off this debt will in no way harm the current well-being of the French people, while it will make a big difference in the lives of Haitians. It is a small sacrifice that will contribute to the good of a very large number. The money that would have been used to develop the country was extirpated to compensate for a defeated army (the French); never seen in the history of war, that the victor had to pay tribute to the vanquished (Duval, 2017). Should the reason of the strongest always be the best and condone even the unacceptable? Passage of French President Hollande in Haiti in 2010 Haiti: Misery Victory of Haiti over France against the reestablishment of slavery: The Battle of Vertières November 18, 1803-1st defeat of the Napoleonic epic The Battle of Vertières is the first defeat suffered by the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte throughout the history of the Napoleonic epic. It is linked to the slavery past of France . This battle until today is deliberately hidden from the history of France because of its causes and the circumstances of its unfolding, because it saw slaves opposing the reestablishment of slavery in Haiti and gaining their freedom. defeating the strongest army in Europe. At that time, the history of Haiti is closely linked to that of Guadeloupe. Because, it was on learning of the defeat of the Guadeloupe troops in May 1802, and the reestablishment of slavery by Richepance and his troops, that General Dessalines took the lead of the Haitian troops to lead them to the decisive victory of the 19 November1803. The Battle of Vertières took place in Vertières near Cap-Français (today Cap Haïtien) in the North of Haiti, on November 18, 1803. It marked the capitulation of the French troops of Napoleon Bonaparte before the Haitian troops commanded by Haitian General Jean-Jacques Dessalines. It opposes the troops commanded by General de Rochambeau (sent by Napoleon) to those of Dessalines. This was the last battle of the Santo Domingo expedition. Haiti became the first black state of modern times. The resistance of the troops led by Dessalines and of the 9th Brigade, commanded by François Capois, who led them to final victory, forced Rochambeau to capitulate. Historical In 1794, in France the revolutionary government abolished slavery. His decision put an end to the revolt of the slaves of Santo Domingo, triggered in February 1791 and led by Toussaint Louverture. After rallying to power, their leader Toussaint Louverture was appointed general and succeeded in driving out the English troops who had landed at the call of the white settlers. Then, he begins to govern the reunified island, independently from France. This greatly displeases the First Consul Bonaparte, who came to power in 1799 and was anxious to restore France's positions in Europe and in the world. He therefore sent expeditionary forces to restore the authority of Paris in Saint-Domingue and Guadeloupe. The French defeat and the birth of a nation 36 ships and 23,000 soldiers landed in Santo Domingo at the beginning of 1802 under the orders of General Charles Leclerc. Their arrival provokes an uprising of former slaves, led by Toussaint Louverture. The French set a trap for him: they make him come on the pretext of wanting to discuss with him, then capture him unfairly. At the moment of boarding the ship, Toussaint Louverture utters these famous words: "By knocking me down, they only felled in Santo Domingo the trunk of the tree of freedom, but it will grow back because its roots are deep and many”. Deported to France by order of Bonaparte, he was interned - without trial - at Fort de Joux in the Jura. He died there of the rigors of the climate on April 7, 1803. His deputy Jacques Dessalines succeeded him. He rallied to the French to better eliminate his rivals, before turning against them. Shortly before, on November 2, 1802, Charles Leclerc, commander of the French soldiers, had himself died of yellow fever... like many of his soldiers. Time is playing for Dessalines. The reinforcements brought by General Rochambeau, 10,000 men, did not allow the situation of the French to be restored. Extremely weakened, they finally capitulated on November 18, 1803, at Fort Vertières. Of the two expeditionary forces, there are hardly more than 2,000 men left. Following the victory of the insurgents, the French garrisons surrendered one after the other, allowing the former colony to proclaim its independence on January 1, 1804. It then took the name of Haiti as its first inhabitants the Amerindians had given him. In total, the First Consul will have sent nearly 70,000 men with the sole aim of restoring the slave system in Santo Domingo. 55,000 of them lost their lives there, victims of former slaves or fevers.A human fiasco at least as important as that of the Egyptian expedition. Nevertheless, the reputation of the First Consul on the European continent will not have to suffer (and the French themselves will hasten to forget this inglorious episode) Toussaint Louverture- Independence of Haiti Battle of Vertière - Independence of Haiti France amnesiac on this Haitian victory But the battle of Vertières and the ensuing independence of Haiti will be forgotten by France and the French. In fact, it is an episode that we must hasten to erase from all memories, an episode which leads the former slaves of Saint-Domingue to proclaim the independence of the colony and which is also the only example of an abolition of slavery obtained directly by former slaves. It is understandable that, under these conditions, the loss of Santo Domingo is a repressed national shock. An oversight that overlooks the fact that Napoleon sent no less than 70,000 men for the sole purpose of restoring the slave system in Santo Domingo. 55,000 of them lost their lives there, victims of former slaves or fevers. The event will not enter the history books of France. Valmy, Austerlitz, Ulm, Waterloo… so many battles of Napoleon Bonaparte whose names are familiar to us. But who, outside of Haiti, has ever heard of the Battle of Vertières, the spectacular and bloody culmination of the Haitian War of Independence? Who knows that this confrontation resulted, on November 18, 1803, in one of Napoleon's worst defeats? Who knows that the Blacks claimed the ideals of the Revolution there? Those who know this story are few, because defeated France worked to erase the traces of its discomfiture as soon as the battle was over. For 216 years, Vertières has been in turn concealed, barely mentioned or even badly dated, not to mention the still prevailing argument according to which the soldiers of the native army could not have triumphed had it not been for fatigue and discouragement of French soldiers and military aid from the British enemy allied to Jean-Jacques Dessalines. However, Vertières should have been a landmark: its outcome, disastrous for the French colonial power, was to irremediably crack the foundations of slavery and colonialism. Vertières consecrated the victory of the right to life (and therefore to Afro-descendants), to citizenship and to freedom. Napoleon's first defeat was neither Baïlen in Spain nor Moscow, but Vertières in Haiti, November 18, 1803 The French troops were so well established in Fort Vertières, located two kilometers from Cap-Haitien, that they thought no one could dislodge them. With a clever device of cavalry, artillery, and above all grenadiers who despised death, the native forces (20,000 against 5,000 French), demonstrated an astonishing superiority to defeat the largest army in Europe: bravery, courage, intrepidity, capacity for organization, strategy and tactics, self-sacrifice, generosity, etc. The will to win was at its highest point, even if the price to be paid in human lives was very high. The causes of deforestation in Haiti It is primarily to the French Empire that we owe a significant part of the suppression of the virgin forest in the 17th and 18th centuries, destroyed to make way for sugar cane plantations. Deforestation is also the consequence of the trade in mahogany and other precious woods, used in particular to repay the debt imposed on Haiti by France following its independence. Another cause is the use of charcoal: charcoal is the fuel most used for cooking, for a population of more than 10 million people. . It should be noted that the share of deforestation involved in the use of charcoal is closer to pruning than to the cutting of trees; it increased the deep misery in which the Haitians found themselves in order to pay the ransom imposed by France. NON les noirs n’ont pas vendu leurs frères aux blancs

  • Les vierges noires preuves irréfutables de la présence passée des noirs en Europe

    Aren't the black madonnas irrefutable proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe? Thoughts The black virgins proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe The black virgins: 180 in France, more than 500 in Europe, more than 1000 in the world, are they not irrefutable proof of the past presence of blacks in Europe? Thoughts. Most are in churches or shrines and are revered by the faithful for their church-recognized miracles. Why would the less spiritual, less religious leucodermas have made virgins, moreover black? They explain the black color of the face and hands by claiming that they had been made white but that the smoke from the candles lit near the icons would have blackened them; but they are not able to explain why this smoke would have spared the clothes and reached the face and the hands. The Black Madonnas are female effigies that belong to the iconography of the European Middle Ages. There are in Europe more than 500 black virgins with black Jesus. They are found in almost all European countries: France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Croatia, Malta, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Russia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Turkey . They are also found outside Europe: Algeria, South Africa, Senegal, United States, Mexico, Japan, Lebanon, Brazil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Philippines etc….. They are mainly icons and statues Byzantine in Catholic and Orthodox countries. France has 180 of them: ex: Black Madonna of Chartres Cathedral, Black Madonna of the Church of Notre Dame du Puy en Velay in Puy de Dôme, Black Madonna of Rocamadour in Brittany, Black Madonna of Notre Dame de Vassivière in Besse and St Anastasie, Black Madonna near Paris in Neuilly sur Seine ….. Most of them are sculptures produced between the 11th and 15th centuries. There are also hundreds of non-medieval copies. Some are in museums, but most are in churches or shrines and are venerated by the faithful. Many Black Madonnas transform the shrines in which they are housed into some of the most revered sites of pilgrimage, due to their presence. Black Madonnas have proven to be devotional aids within church life over the centuries. Many of these images received the approval of ecclesiastical authority in the light of divine approval manifested by well-attested miracles (subsequently approved by the leadership of the Church). The prominence of the Black Madonna is mainly due to the supposedly miraculous character of the image. The Black Virgins seem to be the image of the population that populated Europe before the barbarian invasions by the Caucasians from 370 AD and after: population that was black. The Caucasians, a barbaric and pagan white race, would certainly not have made virgins of the black race and especially having to do with the Orthodox or Catholic religion: religions created by the black elite who ruled Europe until the albinos impose themselves and seize power in European countries by using violence and the extermination of the black population. Leucodermas explain the black color of the Virgin by the fact that she would have been made white but would have turned black by the accumulation of smoke from the use of votive candles and the accumulation of grime over the ages. But they don't explain how the accumulation of smoke and grime would have affected only the face and hands and spared the clothes; These false explanations are only occultations of the monstrous truth that they want to keep hidden: namely the extermination of the blacks of Europe in order to rob them. Isn't this presence of black madonnas in almost all European countries proof of the past existence in Europe of this black elite who established the Catholic and Orthodox religions, built European culture through the architectural monuments that you admire; but also through literature, the arts, medicine, philosophy, science etc… which are the pride and pride of albinos, current Europeans, who have usurped them. I take advantage of this passage on the black virgins to evoke the characters of Jesus Christ and Buddha. These two characters claimed by whites and yellows through Christianity and Buddhism (religions recovered by whites and Asians) have been racially transformed: Jesus was a Hebrew and as such he was black because the ancient Hebrews were black . I recall that albinos took control of the Catholic religion and Jesus of black was represented with swarthy complexion and black hair, then he was depicted downright blond with blue eyes. As for Buddha born in the north of India, present-day Nepal, he was like all the Nepalese of dark complexion with slanted eyes, the followers of Buddhism represent him with yellow skin and slanted eyes. Black Madonna in churches in several European countries Black Madonna of Rocamadour: Brittany Black Madonna of St Romain d'Ay 2 Popes Francis 1 and Benedict 16 praying to the Black Madonna in a Vatican chapel 2013 Black Madonna: Chartres Cathedral

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