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  • Les perruques

    REFLECTION ABOUT WEARING WIGS King of France Louis 14 going to war in a wig. How can a sovereign go to war in a wig? Are you questioning? Marie Médicis Frizzy hair, bleached skin I invite you to a personal reflection on the hairstyles of the men and women of these times: years 1500 to 1800. Observe the hair of the people on the images, you note that the hair is by no means smooth but rather frizzy or downright frizzy (Marie Antoinette , Marie de Medici). The whites made millions of forgeries, I said above that after having eliminated the blacks by assassinations (religious wars, 30 years war, summary executions…) and deportation into slavery in the Americas, they contrived to replace the blacks by themselves by presenting themselves as the authors of European civilization and culture, they supported their exactions by absolute control over the media so that the black never knew the truth. So they whitewashed the black characters, but apparently wouldn't have changed the look of the hair they say is wigs. Think: Have you seen white people wearing wigs representing the hair of blacks, mulattoes, for centuries, in all weathers and especially during the heat of summer?, because you are aware that wearing a wig is strains and harms healthy hair; they would have submitted to this constraint for centuries to hide a natural and probably healthy hair? What would be the reasons? Come on, use your common sense. Looking at these characters, we can clearly see that they are fakes, that the faces have been bleached, but the appearance of the hair has been preserved (crimped or frizzy). The whites never made false portraits of the blacks, but only of them in order to replace the blacks with themselves: Observe the image of the real James Francis Stuart (black): it would be his real mulatto hair, no a wig; observe the fake James Francis Stuart white, you see the same hairstyle of mulatto hair on a portrait of white; albinos say they are wigs, isn't there obviously cheating? Maybe they had trouble depicting the hair in their fakes? (how to transform frizzy or curly hair into straight hair! it would be long and complicated) so they preferred to leave the originals saying that they are wigs! And since they firmly control the media, voila. Strangely, once the blacks were eliminated from Europe, these headdresses on the portraits disappeared at the same time. The whites tell the same thing about the Egyptians by passing them off as whites who would wear African headdresses in wigs. You have to be really naive to believe these lies. Portrait of the King of France Louis 14 first cousin of the King of England James Francis Stuart (black king) next to. Take a look at those frizzy black hair that they want you to pass off as wigs sprinkled with powder to give them fullness. If Louis 14 was a white man, why would he wear a wig representing black or mulatto hair? Louis 14 was very fond of music and dancing, women: trends among blacks True King of England James Francis Stuart (black)first cousin of King Louis 14 of France ;Whites have never faked blacks but themselves Louis 13 son of Henry 4 and father of Louis 14 and Henriette of France daughter of Henry 4 and mother of the King of England James Francis Stuart are brother and sister, therefore Louis 14 and James Francis Stuart are first cousins. If I am black, my first cousin (Louis 14) is necessarily black or mixed black. Fake James Francis Stuart: Bleached RQueen Marie Antoinette Wife of the king of France Louis 16. Visibly fake according to the white skin, Observe this very frizzy hair that you are made to pass for a wig. Duke of Kingston bleached DUC de Noailles Visibly fake from the white skin, the hair is crimped

  • Personnages saints

    HOLY CHARACTERS The saints of the Catholic Church were all black, before the appearance of other religions created by albinos for the sole purpose of bringing down the Catholic religion led by the black elite. So the popes until 1650, the saints, the representatives of the catholic church until the albinos took the head of the catholic religion were all black _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Great Britain: Coin Tous les saints : Cathédrale Ste Sophie in Russia: Blacks _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Black Russia: St Theodore Apostle Nicanor Saint Catherine of Siena invested with the Sunday habit _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Adoration of the Kings _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Ste Anne , mother of the Virgin Mary _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Empire germanic roman Pope Clement St Simon one of the 12 apostles of Christ St Theodore, Archbishop of Rostov, Russia, died in 1394 Icons of St. Sophia Cathedral (Russia) The characters are all black Icon of the Virgin and Jesus Pape Clement 1st. Until 1649 all popes were black Ibritish church mage St Catherine of Siena before Pope Gregory XI in Avignon-1460 Russia: 3 Saints: St Basil, St Gregory, St John _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Ste Eudokia _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ St Augustin Archbishop of Canterbury _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ St Benedict of Palermo 1734 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Saint Christopher _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Le prophète Elie

  • Invention des armes

    INVENTION OF WEAPONS , OTHER INVENTIONS CRIMES COMMITTED BY WHITES AGAINST OTHER PEOPLES THROUGH WEAPONS- EXTRA TERRESTRIAL INTERVENTIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PLANET "INVENTIONS OF WEAPONS The rise of Albino Europe was primarily funded by the transatlantic slave trade, which in turn funded Europe's industrial revolution. Prior to the Industrial Revolution in Europe, all technological advances stemmed from the growth of knowledge: Egypt, the Middle East, Southeast Asia (mainly India), and China. It was the inventions and technologies from these ancient black and formerly black cultures, which the albinos of Europe were able to copy, improve upon, and use to further their expansion. The most important of these inventions and technologies for albino Europeans were: The steam engine (The steam locomotive powered the factories and transport of Europe). Around 60 AD. BC, the Egyptian "heron of Alexandria" invented the first "steam engine", his steam device was called "eolipile". He also invented the Windwheel or Windmill, which was also very important for the European economy. The windmill : Invented by the Egyptian the "heron of Alexandria". Wind turbine machinery has been adapted to provide power for many industrial and agricultural needs other than grain milling. The majority of modern wind turbines come in the form of wind turbines used to generate electricity, or wind pumps to pump water, whether for land drainage or groundwater extraction. The rifle : (The gun gives the albinos of Europe a weapon advantage that causes the opposing side to suffer heavy losses) The first "gun" was invented by an Egyptian and used by their Turkic-speaking occupiers, the Mamluks, against the Moguls in the 1260 Battle of Ain Jalute. These guns were later described in Arab chemical and military manuals in the early 1300s. Gunpowder : China and India both had gunpowder in the 9th. century. Regarding his invention. It would come from Egypt; Egyptian priests used saltpeter during rituals in their temples, they burned it and when it was consumed it farted. During the invasion of Egypt around -525 BC, the priests left with their knowledge to bring it to India (Indus Valley), and it was from there that it spread to China . The Europeans when they came to China with Marco Polo discovered this gunpowder that the Chinese used to make fireworks. They seized it to make deadly weapons to eliminate other peoples. With income from the slave trade and the Industrial Revolution (circa 1760-1840), albino Europeans were able to start an "arms race" that led to the development and manufacture of even greater weapons. perfected. With these new and better weapons they developed, the albinos of Europe were able to conquer most of the world and then absorb and concentrate all the knowledge of the world into their hands. » (35) "A lack of this substance in the brain of albinos (neuromelanin), is it responsible for the following facts? All agree with the University of Calgary's claim that the Dravidian albinos of Central Asia were “excluded” from Asia by the Mongols: but WHY? No Asian text explains it, but the acts and behaviors of Albinos once they took over black Europe are probably well known. Wherever they went, destruction and death accompanied them: Europe : between 1066 and 1798, the Albinos launched about 170 major wars in Europe. The English Civil Wars and the "Thirty Years' Wars" in continental Europe were in fact "RACE" wars which led to the death or expulsion of almost all black Europeans from the northern hemisphere. As albinos spread across the planet, they slaughtered everyone they came into contact with. In Australia and New Zealand , they committed genocide against Australians, Tasmanians and New Zealanders. Today, around 10% of Indigenous Australians are still alive. But all the Tasmanians were wiped out. All New Zealanders are gone, but a population of Mulattoes still exists. The same is true for Hawaii: ALL of the native "black" Hawaiians are gone, but a small mulatto population still exists. The last of the Tasmanians, William Lanne or Laney, died in 1869. Dr Lodewyk Crowther removed his head in the name of science at the Colonial Hospital and made a tobacco pouch out of his scrotum. In the Americas , the massacre was even worse: an estimated 85 to 90 million Native American Blacks and Indians were exterminated. We must not forget that when albinos invaded America and proceeded to murder millions of Native Americans, they looted the Inca and Aztec temples and took away about 16 tons of gold and silver, riches that greatly contributed in the 16th century to their pre-capitalist development. In Asia , no one seems to have reported the massacre of albinos, perhaps because the Mongols (the yellows, themselves mixed Albinos) also engaged in this inhumane behavior. Even in Africa , the Albinos attempted to carry out genocides in several African countries during the colonial period. And when the Albinos had no black or pigmented people to massacre: they massacred each other through the European Wars (ex: world wars) and the colonial wars in order to appropriate the lands discovered by them. There is no doubt that the Albinos of Europe killed more creatures - some to extinction, human and non-human - than any other Homo-sapiens. Their partial toll - the people of Tasmania are now extinct. 90 million black and Mongolian Americans - mostly black - were killed in the conquest of the Americas. Millions of Africans were killed in Africa, fighting for their freedom and as a result of the transatlantic slave trade. And countless millions of black people in Europe were killed in the "race wars" falsely labeled "Catholic/Protestant religious wars", for them to take sovereignty from Europe TAsmanians: all slaughtered by albino invaders Lynching of a young black girl -Omaha-Nebraska-sept-29-1919 The last Tasmanian William Laney died in 1869. Dr Lodewyk Crowther removed his head in the name of science at the Colonial Hospital and made a tobacco pouch out of his scrotum Lynching and hanging of blacks: usa 1930 Tasmanian whites: ranching and farming on the lands of the Tasmanians they all slaughtered, they smile, they look happy. Mountain of bison carcasses killed in the USA: The whites killed the bison to starve the Indians After being castrated, his fingers, ears and toes were cut off, Then, Jesse Washington is burned alive and hanged on a tree (1916) . "WHITE PEOPLE LIKE TO THINK THEY INVENTED EVERYTHING WE TAKE FOR GRANTED IN OUR TIME. The truth is that Caucasians have only rediscovered the many inventions of our BLACK ancestors deep in antiquity . It quickly became common knowledge that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans. Menés, who is considered the founder of Pharaonic Egypt and for the unification of lower (north) and upper (south) Egypt, is preceded by thousands of years of kings who are not considered in the 'ancient history. Egypt does not have a linear progressive history where it started from a primitive stage and progressed to its advanced state. The Egyptians started ADVANCES. Ancient Egypt is the continuation or satellite colony of an even more ancient and fabulous supercivilization: Atlantis. There are many ruins and evidence of Atlantis. Not only Plato's account, but megalithic ruins found in the United States, these must be the remains of an ancient BLACK civilization. Although the Library of Alexandria was destroyed by fire along with centers of knowledge in other places, ancient Indian texts from the Ramayana Empire still exist and confirm that viminas (ancient Indian flying machines) are a reality and not a figment of the imagination. The people of the ancient Rama Empire are the ancestors of the black Dravidians or "untouchables" (Dalits) of today's India. Written in the ancient language of Sanskrit, the text gives wondrous tales of the fantastic wars that were fought here too on this planet and in outer space by those ancient flying machines using mercury vortex propulsion. It is also a carefully guarded secret that many of today's UFOs are actually the ancient viminas of great antiquity; they are concealed by the United States and other world governments, these UFOs are reconstructions of these ancient planes. As I said earlier, these are inventions that white people have only REDISCOVERED and cannot be credited to them. One of the main lies the US wants to keep alive for ego reasons is that man walked on the moon with the Apollo moon landings of the late sixties and early seventies. . It is one of the greatest deceptions in the history of the world. The white man NEVER walked on the moon or even approached it. There are many ways to prove to yourself that the moon landings were fraudulent. One of my favorite ways to discern this is the image of footprints left in the lunar soil. If you stop and think, how can that be? For there to be footprints in the ground, there must be moisture as a binder, and the moon is a vacuum with no atmosphere to hold the moisture; therefore, there could be no real footprints on the moon. » (32) Also, that American flag waving when there's no air on the moon, so no wind. On the other hand, the shadows of characters and machines that are projected in opposite directions prove that this is a film shot in a studio with artificial lighting. It is a known fact that when the sun shines the shadows all go in the same direction. “Many people lack the necessary and even elementary scientific knowledge to realize this and ignorantly accept whatever is provided to them by NASA and the United States government. Many conscious people come to the conclusion that it was all a fraud, but it is important for white people that everyone passionately believes in and defends this hoax because it is a means of national pride” (33). In addition, the people who took part in the filming of the film were all allegedly murdered or mysteriously died. “That doesn't mean there aren't structures on the moon. Various reliable sources speak of obelisk-like structures on the moon, as well as something resembling an ancient airstrip. Somebody's been there, but it wasn't today's white men. I don't think they were little green men from Mars either. The structures up there look like ancient Egyptian artifacts and as such it was a black civilization as well as Atlantis. It would be perfectly logical that it was BLACK AFRICA in the golden age that accomplished this feat. What is the golden age, you ask? When man has reached his zenith! The ancient Egyptians have a hieroglyphic text that speaks of what is called the "golden time" at the time of Atlantis before its destruction. The Bible says there were many destructions of mankind and therefore there were to be many golden ages. Every time a major disaster occurs, we're back in the Stone Age to start over. We are still starting over after the destruction of Atlantis and we have yet to regain the Zenith of technology that the Atlanteans, Lemurians and Lemanians have long enjoyed. We have yet to follow the next golden age. One thing we can be reassured of, by the time we get there, the white people won't be there. Just as they did not exist in the context that we understand today, in the last golden age: Atlantis. »(34) " The modern world has rediscovered or reinvented a technology which was originally invented by our black African ancestors. In secret circles, this "reinvention or rediscovery" is commonly referred to as reverse engineering. Deep in antiquity, there existed a prehistoric super-civilization much more technologically advanced than today. The spacecraft/plane, which existed at the time crashed during an ancient reconnaissance or war, was recovered by the powers that be and they proceeded to disassemble various parts of this old gear. Leucoderms reverse-engineered everything from the propulsion system to the electronic capabilities of other parts and components of the craft. It is common knowledge in some quarters that AT&T Bell Laboratories were credited with the development of the transistor, but in reality they reverse engineered technology from an old crashed aircraft/spacecraft. They like to refer to these craft as "crashed Extra Terrestrial spacecraft". However, this implies that non-humans created and made these objects when in reality they are man made and made objects but they were created and made deep in antiquity even before white people do not exist in the context that we understand today. It goes without saying that many of the so-called modern amenities that white people boast of developing and inventing were really not invented by them. It is in fact the dismantling of artifacts or ancient machines which they claim to have invented. One of the main lies is that the Wright brothers developed the concept of flight. They took it for their benefit. They really got the secret of flight through reverse engineering one of the old fallen aircraft/spaceships. What they also don't want to tell you is that when they recover these crashed antique planes, often after archaeological digs, they find the remains of black people there, according to DNA, who were the pilots, and not "greys" or other aliens they want you to believe. Forensic evidence confirms it! Nicholas Tesla is another name you may not know. It is known for rediscovering many ancient technologies that are just beginning to resurface. » (39) Allow me to add the following : Western public media never spoke about what was discovered in Antarctica a few years ago. Following the melting of the ice which appears in the poles, a very advanced civilization would have been discovered in Antarctica: very large UFOs in which there were other smaller UFOs, totally frozen corpses, given the position of these corpses it was concluded that they had been the victims of a major cataclysm which suddenly surprised them, and instantly froze them. The last major cataclysm to date was Atlantis 11,600 years ago, which had completely upset and reversed the North South East West positions of the Earth. The race of the people was black according to the examinations carried out. On the other hand, I personally add that following listening to channeled messages from Beings of Light of the well-known medium Monique Mathieu, these messages say that the Earth was created by the creator Gods with a very varied fauna and flora taken from different planets of the cosmos in order to to make an exceptional planet for its biodiversity and that the Blacks came from another planet very far from our galaxy, to settle there shortly after it was created. Whenever I ask Beings of Light the question ''Where do white people come from'' they refuse to answer, I think they don't want to offend the present audience which is made up of white people by telling the truth about the Origin of leucoderma. On the other hand, they answer without problem the same question about blacks. They also say that in very remote times there was a lot of genetic manipulation on humans. Also when they talk about technologies used by leucoderms, they say “rediscovered technologies”. They evoke very remote times when civilization on earth was much more advanced than the current one, where one created from the uncreated with the only mental force. On the other hand they say that artificial intelligence is a science brought by extraterrestrials from other planets, but that they take care that it is not misused. In the USA in Nevada there is an area: Area 51 which would be a landing place for extra terrestrials in contact with American scientists. On the other hand, they make the following remarks to the audience: “You are polluting the planet, if it weren't for us who clean up regularly, there would be no more life on this planet; we are constantly depolluting: Chernobyl, Fukushima, your nuclear power plants....''. Indeed, it has been reported by some non-public media that UFOs are seen above nuclear power plants sending out light beams (to clean up). Public media say: drones. Recently it was seen on the night of May 29 to 30, 2018 an armada of UFOs above the French nuclear power plant of Fessenheim in Alsace sending light beams. We understand why the public authorities take no decision on this plant which is old, others clean it up for them, and it's free. In addition, they make the following remarks “Your world is totally on its head........your nonsense.......” We know who these 10% of the world's population are who dominate the remaining 90% through the use of violence and bullying. UFOs depolluting the Fessenheim nuclear power plant in Alsace 2018 UFOs depolluting the Chernobyl nuclear power plant UFO depolluting the Fukushima nuclear power plant. 2011 Immediately after the explosion the UFOs intervened 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion UFOs above a nuclear power plant: To depollute Area 51 Nevada Area 51: Alien Landing Path Area 51 Flying Saucer Inventeurs noirs

  • Rois noirs en Europe

    BLACK KINGS AND BLACK NOBILITY OF EUROPE AND RUSSIA Blacks were the first Europeans BLACK NOBILITY IN EUROPE Until the 1700s royalty and nobility were black throughout Europe including Russia. think that this race of black men today our slave and the object of our contempt is the same one to which we owe our arts, our sciences and even the use of speech; to imagine that it is in the midst of peoples who call themselves the most friends of freedom and humanity, that the most barbaric of slaveries has been sanctioned, and questioned whether black men have an intelligence of the species of white men! (Comte de Volney: travels in Egypt and Syria 1783) It is this pigment, melanin, that makes the black race the cradle of human civilization. , because he is the black man who came from Africa to Europe 45,000 years BC, who is at the origin of the artistic, cultural, scientific creations, carried out through the achievements in the world by the different civilizations both in Asia, in the Americas, than in Europe (Black Nobility, Black Kings in all European and Asian countries, Black Tsars of Russia, Black Popes, Black Saints - Jesus and Mary were black - etc...; it is he who is at the origin of artistic achievements in all these countries and continents: historical monuments, ex: cathedrals ......) These civilizations are all originally Black cultures ; until the leucoderma (white) from the Caucasus, arrived in Europe from 370 AD in the form of barbarian invasions, and whose skin and brain are deficient in this pigment; come through the use of violence, take control of these works, usurp them, rob the black man, eliminate him physically, send him to the Americas as a slave and write him off from history by presenting him as a primitive being , uncivilized, who has invented nothing, without culture and ignorant; make him a servile and despised being (these actions are they not explained by this melanin deficiency in the white man's brain?). He then put these works to his credit by using falsification, the fabrication of forgeries (false paintings, false portraits of whites to replace those of this nobility and these black kings, false documents...), lies, intimidation, the hand put until today on all the means of information (television, radio, newspapers) so that the black never knows the truth; and always the use of violence, his first and usual tactic. I recommend reading the paragraph '' Being black, melanin '', which will give you in-depth information SOME BLACK KINGS OF EUROPE, THE NOBILITY WAS BLACK EMPEROR CHARLES V 1500/1558 Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy, Heir to 17 crowns CHARLES V (Ghent 1500-Yuste, Extremadura, 1558), Holy Roman Emperor (1519-1556), Prince of the Netherlands (1506-1555), King of Spain (Charles I) [1516-1556], King of Sicily (Charles IV ) [1516-1556]. 1.1. Heir to the Habsburgs and the House of Burgundy CHRONOLOGY 1516 Charles of Habsburg (the future Charles V) inherits the crowns of Castile, Aragon and Sicily. 1519 Charles V succeeds Maximilian I at the head of the Holy Empire. 1525 Defeat of Pavia. The King of France François I prisoner in Spain. He will be released the following year. 1527 Coronation of Rome by Emperor Charles V. around 1528-1560 Granada Cathedral, by D. de Siloé. 1529 Treaty of Cambrai or Peace of the Ladies between Louise of Savoy, in the name of François I, and Marguerite of Austria, for the Emperor Charles V. 1534-1535 Tunis, occupied by Khayr al-Din Barbarossa, is taken over by Charles V. 1555 Peace of Augsburg, which consecrates the division of Germany between Catholic and Protestant principalities. 1556 Abdication of the Germanic Emperor Charles V, who transmits the imperial title to his brother Ferdinand. The story of Charles V is first and foremost the story of a legacy. His ancestry perhaps explains the quirks and contradictions of his character. The winner of the battle of Mühlberg proudly encamped on his battle horse as fixed for eternity by Titian's brush, he is the great-grandson of the terrible Charles the Bold, the Duke of Burgundy. The melancholic prince haunted by the afterlife who renounces before his death "the empire on which the sun does not set" to retire to a convent in Extremadura, he is the son of Joan the Mad, the youngest daughter of the Catholic Kings Ferdinant II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. A strong piety tinged with humanism If his youth and his education took place in a Flemish environment, it should be noted that it had already been strongly marked by the Spanish and Austrian spirit. His aunt Margaret of Austria, daughter of Emperor Maximilian I, had been his first teacher. If his natural language was French and if he always had difficulty speaking correct German, he was by no means a Burgundian prince. He had inherited from the Dukes of Burgundy neither their physical exuberance nor their taste for a sumptuous life. His tutors were Guillaume de Croy, lord of Chièvres, who will remain a trusted advisor, Charles de La Chaux and the dean of Louvain Adriaan Floriszoon, the future Pope Adrian VI. The latter, follower of the Devotio moderna, instilled in him a very lively faith, tinged with simplicity and a certain humanism. Many studies insist on Charles' religiosity, on his “providentialism” which made him see the direct action of God in all events, a characteristic mental trait of this period. Another remarkable trait was his strong will, which asserted itself from his marriage in 1526 to Isabella of Portugal (1503-1539). 1.2. The heir to seventeen crowns The legacy of Charles V, prepared by the skilful matrimonial policy of his paternal grandfather, Maximilian of Austria , these are also the possessions which, united, will form one of the greatest empires of modern times. Maximilian, having married Mary of Burgundy , has, in fact, prepared the transmission to Charles V of the dual Burgundian and Austrian heritage. From 1506, Charles, on the premature death of his father Philippe le Beau, became master of the Netherlands (from Flanders to Groningen) and of Franche-Comté (fiefdom of the Empire). In 1519, when Maximilian died, he incorporated into his domains the Austrian territories of the Habsburgs (archduchies of Upper and Lower Austria, duchies of Styria, Carniola and Carinthia, county of Tyrol, landgraviate of Upper Alsace). In the meantime, he was put in possession, on the death of his maternal grandfather Ferdinand II of Aragon (1516), and to the detriment of his mother Joan the Mad , kingdoms of Castile , of Aragon , Naples, Sicily, as well as the immense Spanish colonies in America. In addition, falls to him the New World, recently discovered by Christopher Colombus which gives it the name of "Western Indies", and soon entirely conquered. THE LAST KINGS OF FRANCE COMPARE WITH THE CAUCASIAN PHENOTYPE BELOW King of France Louis 18 (Year 1814) Observe this black phenotype: thick lips, large eyes, nose. Face looks bleached Can you have white skin with such negroid features King of France Louis 16 (Year 1792) Observe this black phenotype: thick lips, Big eyes, the nose. Louis 16, Louis 18, Charles 10 were brothers. 136bad5cf58d_The albinos have falsified all the portraits of the nobles to represent them bleached King of France Charles 10 Year 1830 Observe this black phenotype: thick lips, large eyes, Compare the Kings phenotype with this Caucasian phenotype True King of England Charles 1st: Black executed in 1649 after the 2nd English Civil War False King of England Charles 1st: Bleached Real Charlemagne: Black False Charlemagne: white. If the white story was true, they wouldn't have needed to make fakes. True Emperor Charles V: black. Heir to the House of Habsburg and the House of Burgundy False Charles V: bleached The Emperor of the Holy Germanic Kingdom Leopold 1st: black-1660 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ King of England Edward III Wife of Tsar Alexis of Russia (1625-1669) and mother of Tsars Feodor III and Ivan V of Russia _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Tsar Alexis of Russia 1629-1676 Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa (1100) of the Holy Roman Empire King of England Edward III and Henry Duke of Lancaster Order of the Garter King of Bulgaria Boris I - year 907 Portrait of Henry VIII at the age of 12: Mixed-race child with frizzy hair _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Mary Stuart Queen of Scotland 1542-1587 Description of the real black Charles Lenos Duke of Richmond Son of King Charles II: Complexion black like King Charles, not 30 years old False white portrait of the Black Duke Charles Lennox, Son of King Charles II of England Alexander de' Medici (1510-1537) Duke of Parma and Florence, Governor of Florence: Italy Archduchess Margaret of Austria (1480-1530) Princess of Asturias and Duchess of Savoy. Aunt and educator of Emperor Charles V. Her father was Emperor Maximilian of Austria. His features are negroid Duke Albert of Prussia husband of Princess Dorothea of Denmark _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ St germanic roman empire Another noble black knight. germanic roman empire noble black knight of the st germanic empire Highly tinted black statue holding the Habsburg coat of arms JYoung Noble Berlin Germany Holy Roman Empire coat of arms Coat of arms Emir Sultan King of England George III husband of the queen of England the mulatto Charlotte; They had 15 children 13 lived to adulthood. Observe his phenotype: eyes, nose, mouth This portrait identifies the painter Michel Ange as a black or mulatto. after 1654 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Sancho 1 King of Navarre _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Père by the writer Alexandre Dumas Dauphin of France Louis 15 Year 1720 Very visibly mixed race: eyes, hair True King of England James Francis STUART , black: last of the Stuarts before being overthrown by the whites who seized power Fake King of England James Francis Stuart: cleared The King of France Charles V gives Duguesclin the High Constable's sword: Blacks; year 1369 Emperor Constantine the Great, Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow -1670 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Tsar Peter the Great of Russia-1700 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Fake Tsar Peter the Great of Russia: Whitewashed Jeanne d'Albret Queen of Navarre, (visibly frizzy hair) mother of King Henry IV of France, 1st Bourbon _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Roi de Hongrie Stephen Ier Queen Marie Antoinette born in Austria, wife of King Louis 16 of France, beheaded in 1793. Visibly frizzy hair. Seems bleached portrait _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Tsar of Russia Peter III, 1762died in 1762 Peter 1st King of Bulgaria and son of Simeon 1st of Bulgaria The mulatto queen Charlotte (1744-1818) mestizo, wife of King George III of England, ancestor of the current Queen Elizabeth II of England Fake white portrait of Queen Charlotte (which bears no resemblance to the real one), with a totally racist caricature of a black page Description of true black Daniel Finch Earl of Nottingham: Tall, thin man, very black like the Spaniards or the Jews, about 50 years old. Albinos destroyed blackboards to put white ones in their place False portrait of black Daniel Flinch Earl of Nottingham. Albinos bleached the faces of blacks to put themselves in their shoes Princess Dorothea of Denmark and Duchess of Prussia (1504-1547). She was theredaughter of King Frederick I of Denmark and Anne of Brandenburg. She married Duke Albert of Prussia Berengaria of Navarre Queen of England, wife of Richard 1st Black Knight Noble Holy Roman Empire of Germany Black Knight, Noble, Holy Roman Empire Black Knight of the Holy Roman Empire Another black noble knight of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany. Note on the shield the insignia of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany Marie de Medici frizzy hair, bleached skin (fake) Agrippina mother of Emperor Nero, niece and 4th wife of Emperor Claudius, great-granddaughter of Emperor Augustus, great-niece of Emperor Tiberius, sister of Emperor Caligula born in Cologne Germany, Coat of arms Germanic Empire Coat of arms black noble family of England Germany noble family coat of arms _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Peter_I 1068-1104 king of Aragon and Navarre Roi Henri II du St germanic kingdom 973-1024 _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Charles II -848- King of the Franks -Carolingians Joseph Bologne, chevalier de St Georges, était un grand compositeur, chef d'orchestre, violoniste (1745-1799). Méconnu parce que noir

  • Les Américains n’ont pas marché sur la lune

    Americans didn't walk on the moon Voici à quoi ressemblaient les yamnayas : peau blanche, cheveux châtains foncés : signe de présence de mélanine donc ancêtres noirs Ecusson de famille noire noble en Europe Empereur Henry II du St Royaume germanique 973 à 1024 One of the main lies the US wants to keep alive for ego reasons is that man walked on the moon with the Apollo moon landings of the late sixties and early seventies. . It is one of the greatest deceptions in the history of the world. The white man NEVER walked on the moon or even approached it. There are many ways to prove to yourself that the moon landings were fraudulent. One of my favorite ways to discern this is the image of footprints left in the lunar soil. If you stop and think, how can that be? For there to be footprints in the ground, there must be moisture as a binder, and the moon is a vacuum with no atmosphere to hold the moisture; therefore, there could be no real footprints on the moon. Also, that American flag waving when there's no air on the moon, so no wind. On the other hand, the shadows of characters and machines that are projected in opposite directions prove that this is a film shot in a studio with artificial lighting. It is a known fact that when the sun shines the shadows all go in the same direction. Many people lack the necessary and even basic scientific knowledge to realize this and ignorantly accept whatever is provided to them by NASA and the United States government. Many conscious people come to the conclusion that it was all a fraud, but it is important to white people that everyone passionately believes in and defends this hoax because it is a means of national pride. In addition, the people who took part in the filming of the film were all allegedly murdered or mysteriously died. That's not to say there aren't structures on the moon. Various reliable sources speak of obelisk-like structures on the moon, as well as something resembling an ancient airstrip. Somebody's been there, but it wasn't today's white men. I don't think they were little green men from Mars either. The structures up there look like ancient Egyptian artifacts and as such it was a black civilization as good as Atlantis. It would be perfectly logical that it was BLACK AFRICA in the golden age that accomplished this feat. What golden age, you ask? When man has reached his zenith! The ancient Egyptians have a , which speaks of what is called the "Golden Age" at the time of Atlantis before its destruction. The Bible says there were many destructions of mankind and therefore there were to be many golden ages. Every time a major disaster occurs, we're back in the Stone Age to start over. We are still starting over after the destruction of Atlantis and we have yet to regain the Zenith of technology that the Atlanteans, Lemurians and Lemanians have long enjoyed. We have yet to follow the next golden age. One thing we can be reassured of, by the time we get there, the white people won't be there. Just as they did not exist in the context that we understand today, in the last golden age: Atlantis. Roi de France Louis XVIII 1814. Observez ses traits négroïdes Mary Stuart Reine d'Ecosse 1542/1587. Observez par vous même le fake et l'original ​ Tsar Alexis Mikalovich de Russie 1629 à1676. Noir Les noirs d’Europe se sont-ils défendus à travers les siècles, des attaques des leucodermes ? Quand vous regardez les portraits des derniers Rois de France : je cite Louis XVI, Louis XVIII, Charles X qui datent de 1792 à 1830, la reine d’Angleterre Charlotte épouse du Roi George III (même période), le Roi d’Angleterre George III lui même, ainsi que les personnalités de l’époque des 18è/19è siècle (ex : musiciens célèbres tels que Beethoven, Schubert......) vous retrouvez ce phénotype négroïde par les yeux dilatés, le nez épaté, les lèvres lippues, les cheveux crêpés. Les noirs et les mulâtres étaient donc très présents en Europe à ces époques ; cette présence n’est-elle pas une preuve de la résistance, la combativité, la résilience des noirs auxquels les blancs à travers les siècles depuis 1066 faisaient des guerres incessantes afin de les renverser et prendre le pouvoir de leurs mains (plus de 250 guerres recensées en Europe). Les plus connues de ces guerres étaient : les guerres de religion (1562 à1598) qui dans la réalité étaient des guerres de race qui avaient pour seul but : segmenter la population blanche et noire afin de concurrencer la religion officielle du catholicisme qui était celle de l'élite noire et du peuple (les papes de cette époque étaient noirs). A cet effet, en Grande-Bretagne, ils ont créé la religion anglicane ; en Allemagne, ils ont créé les religions protestantes dont les leaders étaient John Calvin et Martin Luther. Il y a eu aussi la guerre de 30 ans (1618 à1648) qui a déchiré toute l’Europe, les guerres civiles anglaises (1088 à 1685,) celle de 1649 eut lieu suite à la décapitation du roi d’Angleterre noir Charles 1er. Les noirs et les mulâtres dont l’élite était les royalistes et les nobles ne se laissaient pas faire et ont toujours combattu vaillamment dans tous les pays d’Europe jusqu’à la révolution industrielle européenne. La montée de l'Europe leucoderme était avant tout financée par la traite négrière transatlantique, qui à son tour finançait la révolution industrielle européenne. Avant la révolution industrielle en Europe, tous les progrès technologiques découlaient du croissant de la connaissance : l'Égypte, le Moyen-Orient, l'Asie du Sud-Est (principalement l'Inde) et la Chine. Ce sont les inventions et les technologies issues de ces anciennes cultures noires, que les leucodermes d'Europe ont été en mesure de copier, d'améliorer et d'utiliser pour poursuivre leur expansion. Les plus importantes de ces inventions et technologies pour les Européens leucodermes étaient : la poudre à canon (le salpêtre) inventée par les prêtres égyptiens qui l’utilisaient dans leurs rituels ; le fusil, le moteur à vapeur, le moulin à vent, à eau. (voir Chap: Invention des armes) Grâce aux revenus tirés du commerce des esclaves et de la révolution industrielle (de 1760 à 1840 environ), qui s’est construite sur les revenus de l’esclavage, les Européens leucodermes ont été en mesure de lancer une "course à l'armement" qui a permis de développer et de fabriquer des armes encore plus perfectionnées. Avec ces nouvelles et meilleures armes qu'ils ont développées, les leucodermes d'Europe ont été en mesure de conquérir la plus grande partie du monde, puis d'absorber et de concentrer toutes les connaissances du monde entre leurs mains. Je rappelle que les leucodermes n’ont pas d’histoire à part l’invasion, le meurtre, le pillage : exactions exercées grâce aux armes à feu et accompagnées d’insensibilité, d’agressivité, de barbarie, de violence la plus inouïe : traits caractéristiques d’une race dépourvue de l’élément civilisateur dans son cerveau qu’est la mélanine dont nous verrons l’explication dans ce site. Nous constatons que les 2 moteurs sur lesquels le monde occidental et sa soi-disant évolution reposent, sont la violence et l’argent ; l’argent lui-même s’est construit avec la violence tant physique que psychologique ; or la violence est le trait caractéristique des leucodermes exprimée à travers la barbarie, sentiment dominé par l’insensibilité et qui révèle chez le leucoderme la carence en neuromélanine, ce pigment présent dans le cerveau de l’homme noir et qui fait de lui un être civilisé. Grace à ce pigment, le noir a une boussole morale, ressent ses limites morales, vit dans le respect de la vie, de toute vie en général (humaine, animale, végétale, minérale) ; contrairement au leucoderme qui ne recule devant aucun moyen le plus amoral, le plus cruel, le plus inhumain soit-il pour parvenir à ses fins. Vierges noires dans différents pays d'Europe: Preuves de la présence passée des noirs en Europe Compositeur Van Beethoven 1770-1827. Observez son type noir ou mulatre Les 2 images représentent des personnes présentes en Asie : Pôle nord et Tibet depuis 70.000 ans avjc. Le froid ne les a pas blanchi

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